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G articles: a/ an, the, no a 'V collocation: verbs / adjectives + prepositions P ‘a, sentence stress, a! or iis? Stereotypes - or are they? 1 READING & SPEAKING a In pairs, answer the questions. 1 Are youa talkative ora quiet person? 2 Whois... the most talkative person in your family bb the most talkative person you know 3 Do you think that, generally speaking, women are more talkative than men? 4 What topics do a) men talk about more than women? bb) women talk about more than men? 1b Look at the definition of stereotype. Then A read the article Men talk just as much as women and B read the article A gossip with the gir? Find answers to questions 1-4. stereotype !scistaip! nouma fixed ides about particular type ‘fpersom or thing, whichis often noc ee in reality stereotype verb Inadvertements, women are often serotype ashouswives 1 What was the stereotype that the researchers wanted toinvestigate? 2. Where was the research done? 3 How was the research done? 4 Whar did the research show? © Inpairs,tell each other about your article, using questions 1-4 to help you. 4. Now read both articles again and look a the highlighted ‘words and phrases, which are commonly used in articles about research. Match them with definitions 1-10. 1 Infact adverb really 2 verb make less 3 usually doit 4 adverb a little bit 5 linking word used to connect or contrast ~wo frets 6 verb say that sth is true 7 as said or shown by sb 8 verb include several different things in addition to the ones mentioned 9 adverb neatly 10 not completely believed, doubted € Which of the two pieces of research do you think is...? 1 more credible 3. more surprising 2. more important Do you think women talk more than men? Yes, in general I think they probably do. Men talk just as much as women - can it really be true? R= by psychologists at the University of Arizona has shown that the stereotype that men talk more than men may not be true. In the study, hundreds of university students were fitted with recorders and the total number of words they used during the day was then counted, ‘The results, published in the New Scientist, showed that ‘women speak about 16,000 words a day and men speak ‘only slightly fewer. Infact, the four most talkative people in the study were all men. Professor Matthias Mehl, who was in charge of the research, said that he and his colleagues had expected to find that women were more talkative. A GOSSIP WITH THE GIRLS? JUST PICK ANY ONE OF FORTY SUBJECTS We are experts at gossiping — and they often talk about trivial things, or atleast that's what ‘men have always thought. However according to research carried out by Professor Petra Boynton, psychologist at University College London, when women talk to women their conversations are not trivial at all, and cover many more topics (up to 40) ‘than when men talk to other men. Women’s conversations range from health to their houses, from to fashion, from films to famil education to relationship problems. ‘Almost everything, in fact, except football. Men tend to talk about fewer subjects, the most popular being work, sport, jokes, cars, and women. Adeptosrom theiow Senet ‘Agta fom the Dy Ma webte However, they had been sceptical of the. ‘common belief that women use three times as many words as men, This idea became popular alter the publication of a book called The Female Brain (2006) whose author, Louann izendine, claimed that ‘a woman uses about 20,000 words per day, whereas a man uses, ‘about 7,000. Professor Mehl accepts that many people find the results difficult to believe. However, he. thinks that this research is important because the stereotype, that women talk too much and men keep quiet, s bad not only for women but also for men. ‘It says that to be a good male, it's better not to talk - that silence is golden.’ Professor Boynton interviewed over 1,000 women for her study. She also found that women ‘move quickly from one subject to another in conversation, whereas men usually stick to one subject for longer periods of time. Professor Boynton also says that men and women chat for different reasons. In social situations ‘women use conversation to solve problems and ‘educe stress, while men chat with each other to havea laugh or to swap opinions 2 GRAMMAR articles: a / an, the, no article a Complete 1-4.with a an, the, or (no article). 1 ‘Have you heard this joke? bar. __mansaysto whisky for my dog...2"" 2 ‘Tvejust read __articleon_ internet about how eating strawberries makes you look younger man with dog walks into barman, “Can Ihave beer and 3 ‘I'm sure there's something wrong between us because we never goourto dinner oro cinema any more. ‘match last night? I can't believe that penalty 4 "Did you watch referee didn't see that it was b According to the article A gossip with the girls?, who do you think would probably say 1-4, a man ora woman? © > p.137 Grammar Bank 3B. Learn more about articles and practise them. 3 PRONUNCIATION /o/, sentence stress, /d9/ or /dix/? a (@20)) Listen and repeat the sound and words. 2 b @2ii) Listen and repeat the sentences. Then practise saying them with the ja] sound 1 What ore we going to have forlunch today? 2 rolike to See a good film tonight. 3 weneed to go inthe other direction, 4 Could you aSk the woman over there? 5 There's a Cinema and there are Lots of shops. ‘@ about anniversary cinema problem relationship spider usually woman © (@22)) Listen and underline five phrases where theis pronounced [dis] (not (da)). Why does the pronunciation change? thecinema theend theotherday theworld the sun theintermet thekitchen the answer the Earth 4 SPEAKING Prove that the research in A gossip with the girls? is wrong! Work in pairs or small groups. Ifyou're a woman, try to talk for ewo minutes about football cars computers Ifyou're a man, try to talk fortwo minutes about: fashion shopping your family sm DE 5 READING & LISTENING 4d @23)) Listen to two men talking in the park about the book and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false) a Doyou thinkiis stereotype that women are better than men at looking after small children? Do you know any men who stay at home and look after their children? How do they manage? b_Lookat anillustration from a new book about looking after young children. Can you name some of the things in the picture? 1 Miranda is older than Stephen. 2. Miranda's father slept badly the night before. 3 Stephen's father recommends sleeping tablets. 4 5 Stephen's father hasn't read Commando Dad. He likes the website hecause he enjoys reading about other men's experiences. 6 Stephen's father really likes the book because it helps him and makes him laugh, 7 In Commando Dad, BT means Baby Trooper’ and “Base Camp’ means the kitchen. 8 The author of Commando Daa thinks that women are © Read the beginning of an article about the book. Why oly better than men when the baby is small did Neil Sinclair write it? In what way is ie different i g information. from other books about bringing up children? © Listen again and correct the wrong inf f Doyou think it'sa good idea to have a book anda website on childcare especially for men? Why (not)? JIMMANDO bea CHRO. eens Cee ON eee a cere Pretutes ered Rete ss ebro ea ttc) Deetgttr irae ttre Cosa Cece take key SOLE cC erst tc tg SO Chet Chane ‘When he left the army, Sinclair and his wife agreed ‘that somebody needed to write such a manual, that he would stay at home and look after the baby, and who better to write it than me? I hed been @ ‘while his wife went back to wark. ‘commando, but I was now a stay-at-home dad. I was ‘Thave done a lot of crazy things, but when I put the man for the job.’ ‘that baby down I thought: Ihave a tiny baby and he is His book, Commando Dad: Baste Training, is a set crying. What does he want? What does he need? Idid of instructions that explains with military precision not know. It was one of the most difficult. days of my and diagrams how new fathers should approach the life? first three years of thelr child's life to become a It was at that moment that Sinclair had an idea. ‘finet-rate father’ ‘Ifound myself thinking how much easier life would Maeda be if [had a basic training manual for my baby, like z the manual you get when you join the army. I realized Slssary, 7 a soma ‘commando noun one of «group of woldirs who are trained sa make (Quckattacks in enemy areas Stay-athome dad noun a man whostaysathomeand looks afer she hike while his wife goes ot to work 6 SPEAKING + @249 Liem cmenn angen MEN&? WOMEN naam Serecn peer tie? ‘Generally, | think women worry more about their appearance than men * Women worry more about their appearance than men: They spend hours choosing * Women spend more time than men on social networking what to wear, doing theic hair, and putting sites ‘on make-up. omen ar@also oes ‘Men talk more about things; women talk more about people. better at making themselves look more . Men are more interested than women in gadgets like attractive, But | think that in=====, men iphones and tablets, are more worried than women about their body image. They feel more insecure about ‘* Women are better at multitasking than men. their har for instance, especially when ‘© Men find it more difficult than women to talk to their theyre going bald friends or family if they have a problem. * Women spend more time than men talking about b_ Insmall groups discuss ifthe statements celebrities and their lifestyles. opposite about men and women are * Men are more interested than women in power. stereotypes or true. Try to use the ‘* Women are less interested in sport than men ee ercesiee for generalizing * Men worry more about their health than women. froma 7 VOCABULARY collocation: verbs / adjectives + prepositions a Cover the statements above, Can you remember the missing prepositions? 1 Men worry more __ their health than women. 2 Women are better __ multitasking than men, 3 Men are more interested than women _ power. b> p.156 Vocabulary Bank Dependent prepositions. PP Wien ae prepositions stressed? Prepositions are nomaly ony stressed when they ae thelant word eg me question Compare We need to talk about our holiday. What are you talking about? COMMANDO Freddie s afraid of flying a. = Fe ain © Complete the questions with a preposition. 1 When you're with friends of the same sex, what do you usually lk? Are there any sports or games that you're good Isthere anything you'ee really looking forward _? cea Who in your family are you closest? What kind of films are youkeen__? Are there an animals or insects that you're afraid? What's your town famous? Are there any superstitions that you believe __? 4 @271) Listen and check. Then ask and answer the questions with 3B articles: a/ an, the, no article a/an 1 [saw an old man with a dog. @17) 2 Wsanice house. Shea lawyer. 3 Whatan awful day! 44 Thave lasses three times a week. + Weuse a | anwith singular countable nouns: 1 the first time you mention a thing person. 2 when you say what something isor what somebody does. 3 inexclamations with What...! 4 inexpressions of frequency. the 1 Lsawanold man witha dog @) "The dogwas baking 2 Myfathe opened the "The children are at school 43 The moon gocsround the Earth 4 Tea pag Os en coe 5 Wnthebostresaurantiatown, a Gircle) the correct answers. Hove @eddiige} the weddings! 1 Jessisnurse fa nurseina hospital. A hospital | The hospital isa long way from her house. 2. Whata horrible day | horrible day! We'll have to eat our picnicin the car / car. 3. My wife likes love stories the love tories, but I prefer the war films| war films: 4 We go to theatre | the theatre about ‘once month | once the month. 5 V'mhaving dinner | the dinner with some friends the next Friday | next Friday. 6 My boyfriend is chef] a chef. Lthink he's the best cook | best cook inthe world. 7 Vmnotsure if closed the windows) windowsbefore [left the home { home this morning 8 In general, [like dogs the dogs, but [don't like dogs [the dogs that live next door to me. 9. Igotto the school | school late every day the last week | last week. 10 [think happiness | the happiness is more important than success | the success Complete with a an, the, 0 GRAMMAR BANK + Weuse the: 1 when we ralk about something we've already mentioned. 2 when it's clear what you're referring to. 3 when there's only one of something. 4 with places in atown, e.g. cinemaand theatre. 5 with superlatives no article Women usually alk more than men, @1) Loveis more important than money. She's not athome today: Igetback from work at 5.30. Innever have breakfast See you next Friday. + Wedon'tuseanarticle: 1 when weare speaking in general (with plural and uncountable nouns). Compares oveflowers. (= flowers in general) ove the flowers in my garden. (=the specific flowersin my garden) 2 with some nouns, (eg. home, work, shoo, church afterat to from. 3-efore meals, days, and months. 4 before nest / last + day, week, ete A Wee lost, Let’s stop and buy a map. B Noneed. 'l put the address in the satnav 1 A How oftendo you goto _ gym? B About three times _week, Bur never goon Fridays. 2A What time does B Inten minutes. Can you give me _liftto_station? 3 A What lovely dress! B Thanks, [bought itin___sales 4 A What's most interesting place to visit in your town? B Probably __castle. I’s_oldestbuildingin town. 5 A What shall wedo next weekend? B Ler’sinvite some friends for train leave? last month. Junch. We could eat outside in___garden. 6 A Doyoulike __dogs? B Not really. I prefer___cats. Ithink they're __best pets. 7 Alsyourmum housewife? B No,she's___teacher, She's always tired when she finishes work 8 A Have you ever had __problem in your relationship? B Yes, bur wegot over__problemand we got married —_ last year, 9 A When is meeting? B They'vechanged _ date. t’s_next Tuesday now Dependent prepositions 1 AFTER VERBS: a Complete the Preposition column withaword 1 from the list. 2 about at between for in of on to with 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 u He apologized to the policeman for crving fast. 2 b @253) Listen and check. 3 4 © Cover the Preposition column. Say the sentences with the correct preposition is 2 AFTER ADJECTIVES a Complete the Preposition column withaword from thelist. 2 about at for from in of on to with 8 4 5 6 7 8 i] : 9 My brothers afraid oF bats 10 “alo scared of and tightened of 7 1 b @26)) Listenand check. © Cover the Preposition column. Say the 3 sentences with the correct preposition 14 Gerunds after prepositions as Remember that after prepositionweuseaverb | 16 in the gerund & ing). Were realy excited about going to Brazil v {im tired of walking. 18

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