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Department of Food Technology

Government Polytechnic, Mandi Adampur,

Hisar, Haryana, India

Training Report / Project Report on

01.06.2016 to 15.07.2016



For the partial fulfillment of Diploma in Food Technology as part of

curriculum under Project Oriented professional Training after 4th

Presented By: Guidance Person:

Rajesh kumar Under the
guidance of
14006110029 Sh. Kulveer Ahlawat
Contact No. +919996914609 H.O.D. Food Deptt.
E-mail dhukiaraaz@gmail. com Government Polytechnic, Mandi Adampur
Contact no. +919416543836

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
Guide Certificate

This is to certify that Mr. Rajesh Kumar S/o Sh. Mahender Kumar Roll No.
14006110029 of Department of Food Technology, Government Polytechnic,
Mandi Adampur, Hisar, Haryana, India-125052 has completed this project
work as training in Vita Milk Plant Sirsa. This project work is genuine and
authentic work of this student guided by me. I wish him/ her all the best for his
future Endeavour’s.

(Kulveer Ahlawat)
M.Sc (Food Science & Technology)
H.O.D. Food Deptt.
Government Polytechnic, Mandi Adampur
Contact No. + 919416543836

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029

Address of Company: -
Vita milk plant, Begu Road
Sirsa, Haryana- 125055

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029

It is great pleasure for me to convey my grateful thanks to Mr. Kulveer Ahlawat (M.Sc)
lecturer in Food Technology for their immense support through the training.

I would like to thanks Mr. S.S Kohli (C.E.O), Vita Milk Plant Sirsa for providing me this
great opportunity to carry out this training.

I would specially like to thanks Mr. Y. P. Singh (Asstt. General Manager) and other who
sparing their tie and giving me valuable information on various aspects of this training.

Rajesh kumar

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
1. Introduction
1.1 History & Development of HDDCF
1.2 Organization
2. Production and quality control of Milk
2.1 Platform tests
2.2 Laboratory tests
2.2.1 Chemical tests
2.2.2 Adulterations test
3. Milk Processing
3.1 Flow Chart of Milk Processing
4. Processing & analysis of milk products
5. Paneer
5.1 Process flow chart
5.2 Manufacturing Process of Paneer
5.3 Analysis of Paneer
6. Butter
6.1 Process flow chart
6.2 Manufacturing process of Butter
7. Ghee
7.1 Process flow chart
7.2 Manufacturing Process of Butter
7.3 Analysis of Ghee
8. Dahi
8.1 Process flow chart
8.2 Manufacturing process of Dahi
8.3 Analysis of Dahi
9. Lassi
9.1 Process flow Chart
9.2 Manufacturing process of Lassi

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
10. SMP
10.1 Manufacturing process of SMP
10.2 Analysis of SMP
10.3 Machinery used in SMP Plant
11. Kaju Pinni
11.1 Process flow chart
11.2 Manufacturing process of Kaju pinni
12. Sainitzation of Equipements and Containers
13. Packaging labeling Distribution & marketing of products
14. Water Supplies and Disposal

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
Name of the unit –
The Sirsa Distt.Co-Op.
Milk Producer Union Ltd.,
Milk Plant Sirsa.
Brand Name – All the products are being sold under brand name “VITA’’ .The brand
name vita has gained popularity among public at large.

All has realized the importance of milk as an article of diet. It contains all essential
nutritive constituents.
The problem of hygienic production of milk is a very complex one in India as here
general public. Milk vendors and milkers etc. are all illiterate. Milk is open to willful
adulteration and contamination from time of milking to time of it reaching to customers.
I received my training at milk plant Sirsa a unit of Haryana Dairy development co-
operative federation limited. This training report is the presentation of my observation at the
milk Sirsa.

Milk products, which are prepared in this plant, are

a) Standard milk
b) Double toned milk
c) Full cream milk
d) Table butter
e) Ghee
f) Skim milk powder
g) Paneer
h) Dahi
i) Lassi
j) Kaju Pinni

1.1 History & development of Haryana Dairy Development Co-

Operative Federation Limited (HDDCF)

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
From ancient times, Haryana is known as home of milk as a famous saying "Deshon
mein desh Haryana Jit doodh dahi ka khana". Cattle of Haryana world famous for their
high yielding capacity for instance Haryana cows and murrah buffaloes are the best yielders
of milk in the country.

1. Milk plant (Located in Sirsa district at Begu road

covering 15 acre area) was installed in 1883 as a chilling
center by Haryana dairy Development co-operating later
it came out as a composite milk plant in the year 1886
with handing capacity of 1 lakh liters per day.
2. Haryana Dairy corporation is converted into federation in
1878 under operation flood –I.
3. In Nov. 1882, the responsibility of milk procurement
through societies and tip was handed over to milk unions
under operation flood 2. Before Nov. 1882 milk was
collected directly from collection centers and system was
not forl proof.
4. In 1881 ten milk unions were converted into 5 milk
unions by amelioration to increase the area of operation
behind each milk plant for capacity folding.

In April 1882, milk plants were leased out to milk unions to remove the confrontation
between milk unions and plants to make the system similar to NDDB Anand pattern, which
has been applicable in whole India in dairying field. This step stopped commission system
applicable to unions. Autonomy of milk purchase price was also given which was withdrawn
later on the Nov. 1882.

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
1.2 Organization Structure
The head of HDDCF limited is situated at Chandigarh, which looks after the
functioning of all the five milk plants and chilling centers. At the top level there is board of
directors to manage the activities of federation. Chairman heads the board, chairman of co-
operative unions of different districts and registrar, co-operative societies is member of the
board of directors. The chairman's post is held by person nominated by Haryana Govt.
Managing director is head of the institution in the top executive position.
General manager subject to control and supervision of managing manages the
business of plant Director, HDDFC Ltd. General Manager of all five milk plants come
directly under the control of managing director general manager takes care of all the milk
functional departments at the plants except the milk procurement department. This is directly
controlled by head office through district milk unions.

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
2. Production & Quality Control of Milk

Milk may be defined as the whole, fresh clean, lacteal secretion obtained from
complete milking of healthy milk animals, including that obtained within 15 days before or
after calving or much periods as may be necessary to render the milk practically colostrums
free and containing the minimum the prescribed percentage of milk fatty and milk solid non
Sweet in taste, specific gravity 1.032, boiling point 101 0C, freezing point 0.50C,
viscous than water and white to golden yellow in color.
Composition of Milk:

Contents Percentage
Fat 3.75
Water 81.34
Albumin 0.40
Casein 3.00
Lactose 4.70
Ash .75
Other Contents 0.06

Milk Production
Milk Reception:

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
Sirsa co-operative milk producer’s union limited, Sirsa, handles milk plant, Sirsa.
Milk is collected from the village through MCS (milk performance co-operative society) milk
docks are used for entry of milk from trucks. A sample is taken from each container for
testing and sample giving positive test rejected and left of the milk is put into tub from which
through pipes milk goes for the further processing. Payment is made to milk producer by
weighing and measuring fat percentage. After reception two types of tests are done to judge
the quality of milk.
a) Platform test/organoleptic test
b) Laboratory test

2.1 Platform Test/ Organoleptic Tests

At reception site different test known as platform test are performed including all
those tests done to rejection/acceptation milk at receiving platform. These are performed on
each can or tanker of milk with objective of detecting milk with inferior quality. Tests usually
include organoleptic tests.
Remove the lid from the container or can, smell immediately and observe color of milk.
 Color and flavor of milk should be acceptable and taster palatable.
 Milk having any foul odor or any abnormal colour should be rejected immediately.
 Test is done at reception of milk at dock.

2.2 Laboratory Tests

Milk is received in the plant at the reception dock and weighed and samples are sent
to quality control lab for further checking. Quality control employees prescribed standards of
a product and then correcting these deviations so that the required standards are maintained.
Milk is highly perishable commodity so necessary to test quality at various steps till final
product is attained. A separate quality control department has been set up in organization.
Various test are carried out:
1. Organoleptic tests
2. Chemical tests

2.2.1 Chemical Tests:

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
1. MBRT test
2. COB test
3. Alcohol test
4. Acidity
5. Fat
6. SNF

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
2.2.2 Adulterants-
A- Sugar
B- Salt
C- Urea
D- Starch
E- Maltose
F- Ammonium Compound
G- Neutralizer
H- Formalin
I- Glucose test
J- Hydrogenperoxide test

Chemical Tests

1 MBRT test (Microbiological):

General: -
This test is based on the principle that ethylene blue dye that is blue in colour in its
anodized state is reduced to a colorless compound as a result of metabolic activities of
bacteria in milk this test is useful in judging the hygienic quality of milk and grading raw
milk and for detecting post pasteurized contamination of milk.
a) Sterilize test tubes with marking at 10ml.
b) Sterilize rubber bungs to fit in to test tube.
c) Graduate pipette (10ml and 1mt) and incubator.
a) Take 10ml of well mixed milk sample into test tubes
b) Add 1ml of methylene blue solution to the milk in the test tube and replace the cotton
plug with sterilized rubber bungs using sterilized screw.
c) Mix the methylene blue solution and milk by inverting the test tube twice and then
kept in incubator.
d) Observe the test tube after every 30 min.
e) When the reduction of colour takes place, note the time of reduction of colour.

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
In the time reduction of colour is more, then amount of bacteria is less and vice versa.

2 COB test (Clot on Boiling Test)

Principle: - COB test should be Negative for good milk.
Procedure: -
a) Take about 5ml of well-mixed sample in a test tube.
b) Boil it and allow cooling.
c) Pour it into Petri dish.

Clots of milk in the Petri dish indicates poor keeping quality of milk.

3. Alcohol test:
This test is done for detecting abnormal milk such as colostrums milk (Milk from
animals in late lactation period milk, from animals suffering from mastitis and milk in which
the mineral balance has been disturbed.)
a. Take 5ml milk in a test tube.
b. Add equal amount of 60%alcohol.
c. Mix it and watch out for clots on walls of tube.
A negative test indicates good quality and good heat stability of the milk sample milk
showing +ve test is not good for manufacture of evaporated milk which has to be sterilizing
to ensure its keeping quality.

4. Fat Test (By Gerber Method)

Dr. Gerber devises this test. In this method the milk fat is separated from milk by
strongly acidifying and rotating the milk in butyrometer tubes in centrifuge.

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
(i) Sulfuric acid (H2SO4)
(ii) Amyl alcohol

a) Take 10ml of Gerber sulfuric acid.
b) Pipette out 10.75ml of well-mixed milk sample and transfer it to butyrometer gently.
c) Transfer 1ml of amyl alcohol from tilt measure into same butyrometer.
d) Tighten the stopper and mix the contents.
e) Put the butyrometer in the centrifuge machine and allow the machine to run for 5min
at 1100 rpm.
f) Take out butyrometer and read columns.

Standards: - Acc to PFA

Sr. NO. Type of Milk Fat%

1 Cow Milk 3.5
2 Buffalo Milk 6.0
3 Standardized 4.5

5. SNF test by lactometer Method: -

(i) Adjust the milk samples at 290C
(ii) Mix the milk gently and pour sufficient quality of milk in a lactometer jar and
allow lactometer to float freely.
(iii) Allow the lactometer to come into stationery position.
(iv) Read the lactometer scale and note the temp. of milk.
SNF= CLR/4+0.21F+0.66
Where CLR -Correct lactometer Reading
F -Fat% in the milk sample.
SNF Value comes near about 8.34. This value is different states.
Payment is done on the bases of SNF value.
6. Acidity:

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
The quality of acid in milk is measured by the amount of standard alkali needed to
neutralize it using phenolphthalein indicator. It is assumed that the acid is lactic acid, but
actually acidity of milk is due to normal constituents of milk, which are normally equivalent
to lactic acid like albumin citrates and casein. This type of acidity is known as original acidity
or apparent acidity.

1. Take 10ml of thoroughly mixed sample in a beaker or glass & add 1ml.
phenolphthalein indicator solution.
2. Mix it & titrate with 0.IN NaOH, while adding NaOH stir the mixture
till the first colour change to a pink colour persist for 10 to 15 second.
3 Note the vol. of N/10 NaOH used.
4 This of mild varies bet+. 10 to 0.17% as lactic acid.
5 This test is used for both raw & processed milk.
Use freshly prepared standardized 0.1N NaOH solution.

7. PAI Test for Protein Estimation of Milk: -

1. 10 ml milk in beaker= 0.5 ml phenolphthalein indicator + 0.4 ml potassium oxlate
(saturated)--- keep for two minutes.
2. Titrate with N/10 NaOH until pink colour reach.
3. add 2 ml formalin (neutralizes) and titrate with N/10 NaOH until pink colour reach.
4. Note the volume of NaOH consumed.
Protein% = V* 1.7
V = volume of NaOH consumed.

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029

A. Sugar
Principal: Sugar is added to increase the density to prevent detecting of added water
a) Take 5 ml of milk in a test tube
b) Add 1ml of cone HCL & mix
c) Add some traces resorcinol & mix
d) Place the tube in boiling water both for 5 min. & observe the color.

Dark brick red color indicates adulteration.
(-ve) (+ve)

B. Salt
a) Take 5ml silver Nitrate (AgNo3) + 1 to 2 drops K2 Cr2O4 (potassium promade)
b) Add 1ml. milk & mix well & observe the color.

Yellow colure indicates presence of salt.
(-ve) (+ve)

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
C. Urea:
a) Take 2ml of milk in a test tube.
b) Add 2ml DMAB (Diethyl Amino Benzalbihyde)
Yellow colure indicates the presence of urea.
(-ve) (+ve)

D. Starch:
Principle: Starch is added to musk adulteration of milk with water to increase viscosity &
lactometer reading.
a) Take about 5ml of milk in test tube
b) Boil the milk and then cool it.
c) Add 1 to 2 drops of iodine solution & observe the clr.

Blue colure indicates the presence of starch.
(-ve) (+ve)

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
E. Maltose:
a) Take 20ml milk in a beaker.
b) Add 1ml of 10% lactic acid solution.
c) Add10 drops (1ml) of enzyme solution.
d) Place the beaker in a water bath holding temp. 620C for 5min.
e) Cool it for few min.

Dip the diastix strip & compare the colure with given std. chart on diastix bottle within 30
sec. and note the ratio of maltose/ glucose.
(-ve) (+ve)

F. Ammonium Compound

a) Take 1 ml milk in a test tube.
b) Add 2 ml of nesslar reagent.


Dark brown colour indicates adulteration of ammonium salt in milk.

(-ve) (+ve)

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
G. Neutralizers

a) Take 5 ml milk & 5 ml 90% ethyl alcohol.
b) Add 1-2 drops of rosalic acid.

Pink colure indicates presence of neutralizer in milk.
(-ve) (+ve)

H. Formalin

a) Take 10 ml milk in a test tube.
b) Add 5 ml concentrated H2So4.
c) Along with side test tube.


Formation of violet ring at the junction of 2 liquids confirms formally test positive.
(-ve) (+ve)

I. Glucose Test:-

a) Take 1 ml milk + 1 ml barfards reagent.
b) Mix and heat for 5 minutes and cool.
c) Add 1 ml of phosphor mplyhdic acid.

Dark blue colour indicates presence of glucose in milk.

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
J. Hydrogen peroxide Test:-

a) Take 1 ml milk in a test tube.
b) Add 1 to 2 Drops of hydrogen peroxide agent and mix well.


Orange Colour indicates hydrogen peroxide in milk.

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
Protein Test for Milk & all Milk products by Kjeldahl Method:-
Standardization of 0.1 N HCI:-
 Dilute 9 ml of concentrated HCI to 1 1 ltr. With distilled water. Standardize this
approx. 0.1 NHCI saolution as follows-
 Dissolve exactly 0.53 g of the sodium carbonate reagent in 20 ml of distilled water.
 Dilute to 100 ml. Transfer 10 ml of this 0.1 sodium carbonate solution to a 125 ml
Erlenmeyer flask.
 Add two drops of methyl orange indicator.
 Titrate the approx 0.1 N HCI solution into the 0.1 N sodium carbonate until the
methyl orange indicator turns reddish orange.
 Boil the solution gently for 1 min. & then cool to room temp. by running tap water
over the outside of the flask. If the colour change back to orange, titrate more HCI
until the first faint but permanent reddish orange colour appears in the solution.

Normality of HCI = 0.1 * 10/ml of HCI titrated

Procedure: - Take 2 ml of milk digestion tubes. Add 2 spatula of digestion mixture to the
sample. To the content of the tube, add 10 ml of conc. Sulphuric acid. Shake the contents
& load on to the digestion system. Digest the sample at 4200C for 1 hour (the digestion
time may vary slightly depending upon the sample). The sample will become clear green
colour at the end of the digestion. Allow the sample to cool. Switch on the distillation
system & wait for the ready indication. Keep 25 ml of 4% boric acid on the receiver end
& immerse the silicon hose into the distillation system. On getting ready indication load
the digested sample into the distillation system. Add 40 ml of 40% alkali to the digested
sample. Pass steam & dissolve the ammonia in the boric acid.

Titrate against 0.1 NHCI & note the reading.

%Protein= 14.01*0.1* TV* 100* 6.38/wt. of sample* 1000

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
3. Milk Processing
Taste and Flavor:
After receiving and grading of milk, the taste and flavor is checked. There should
be no off flavor.
Weighing and Sampling:
After organolaptic test, weighing and sampling is done.
Dumping in dump tank:
After weighing, the milk is stored into dump tank which has the capacity of 2000
ltr. and from dump tank it is pumped to plate chiller.
Milk is filtered to remove the foreign matter.
Milk chilling: -
The milk coming from dump tank is passed from the narrow capillaries having water
at 3-40F milk chilling preserve it by inactivating the bacteria, which spoil the milk.

Pasteurization: -
Pasteurization refers to the process of heating each & every particle of milk at least
for 630C for 30min or for 720C for 15 sec. In approved & proper equipment, immediately
cool it to 50 C or below.

(a) To render milk for human consumption by destruction of percent pathogenic
(b) To improve the quality of milk by destruction of almost all spoilage organism.

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
Separation of milk:
The milk after pasteurization and chilling goes to the cream separator where cream is
separated from the milk by centrifugation. This separates the milk in two parts i.e. cream &
skim milk.
Now cream is more centrifuged for separation of butter & lassi.

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
3.1 Whole Milk Processing
Raw milk
Taste & flavor after grading

Weighing & sampling

Dumping in dump tank


Chilling (below 50C)

Store in tank

Pasteurization (720C for 15 sec)

Separation ¬ ¯ ® Store

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
4. Processing and Analysis of Milk Products

1. Panner
2. Butter
3. Ghee
4. Dahi
5. Lassi
6. SMP
7. Kaju Pinni

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
5. Manufacturing of Paneer
Paneer refers to indigenous variety of rennet – coagulated; small sized soft cheese.
Paneer is the product obtained from cow or buffalo milk or a combination there of by
precipitation with sour milk, lactic acid or citric acid. Milk is heated with starter culture.
During boiling precipitates are formed. After complete precipitation, mixture is cooled at
room temp. After that filtration take place. Paneer and whey separate out through cloth. After
pressing cooling take place in cold water. Then cutting & storage of paneer take place at 5-
100C Temp.

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
5.1 Process chart Of Paneer


Heating (85 C)

Cooling (80C)

Addition of citric acid (200L- 450g)

Pressing ® Whey ® Raw Milk

Cooling for two hours below 50 C


Storage (5-10 dg. C)

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
5.2 Analysis of Paneer
a. Fat
b. Acidity
e. TS
Fat: -
Take 1g of grated paneer in a milk butyrometer. Add 10ml sulphuric acid add 1ml amyl
alcohol put the lock stopper mix well centrifuge 3 to 4 min in not the butyrometer reading- fat
% of paneer= BR×11.25.

Acidity: -
Take 4 to 5g paneer in a flask add 4ml of N/10 NaOH +1ml of indicator then titrate with
N/10 Hcl. Note the volume of consume N/10 HCL 10ml distilled water.
Acidity = 4-V
Wt. of sample
TS: -
Take 3-4g of paneer sample in a pre-weighted dish and put this into a hot oven-
containing temp. 100 C for 2h. Then put the dish into desiccators for cooling for 30min. Then
weigh the dish and not the difference of the dish after evaporation.

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
6. Manufacturing of Butter

Butter means the product obtained from cow or buffalo milk or a combination there
of, with or without addition of common salt and annatto or carotene as coloring matter. It
should not contain not less that 80% milk fat, not more than 16% moisture,2.5% common salt
max and 1.5% curd. No preservative is permissible in butter.

Pasteurized Milk passes through the cream separator and then cream and skimmed
milk are separated from whole milk. The cream is stored in tank & pasteurization of cream is
done. The cream from storage tank is transferred to butter churner. The capacity of butter
churner is 3000kg cream. It separates butter from buttermilk after continuously 3 ½ -4 yrs. Of
Then the buttermilk is separated from the butter through a sieve. Then the butter is
washed with pasteurized water to remove all lose butter milk and to decrease intensity of off-
flavor if present. The salt is added at the rate of 2% Annett color is added. Then these are
mixed well. Then the quality tests are done and if tests are positive then marketing and
packaging of butter are done.

Composition of butter:
S. No. Constituent Percentage (Max.)
1 Milk Fat 80
2 Moisture 16
3 Salt 2.5
4 Curd 1.5

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
7. Manufacturing of Ghee
Ghee means the pure clarified fat derived slowly from milk or curd desk butter or
cream to which no coloring mater and preservative has been added. Ghee is manufactured by
prestratification method. Raising the temp at 110-1200C. When the product with mild flavor
is obtained.
Butter is passed through boiling vat at about 100 0C i.e. heated by steam.The moisture from
ghee is completely removed then the ghee is pumped into setting tank in which any impurity
remained in ghee is settled down. Now the ghee is transferred to another tank in which it
cools down to 350C to 400C Cooling is important process for granulation of ghee. Ghee is
packed in poly pack and tine.

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
7.1 Process Chart of Ghee

Boiling (110-1200C)

Settling tank (2hrs. Impurities settle down)

Clarifier (Residue separate)

Cooling and granulation (350C-450C)

Packing and storage

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
7.2 Analysis of Ghee
A Taste and flavor
B Acidity
C Bounding test (furfural)
D BR (Butyric-Refractor meter Reading)

a. Acidity:
Take 50ml ethyl alcohol in a flask. Neutralize it by N/10 NaOH with indicator. Add 10g of
melted ghee. Heat the flask on a hot plate at 88 C and then cool to 40-50 C. Titrate with N/10
NaoH and note the volume of consumed NaoH. Heating its on a hot plate at 880C cooled up
to 40-500C and titrate with N/10 No. 17 note volume of consume N/10
Acidity = V×0.282/wt of sample

B. BR- (Butyric-Refractor meter Reading):-

Warm up the ghee sample for melting place 1 to 2 drops of melted ghee on the refractor
meter forism and switch on the water pump of the water bath for maintain the temp. Add
400C the apparatus. Note the reading of the butyric Refractor meter (BR) and scale. BR of the
ghee (The range of should be 40 to 430 at 400 C.)

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
8. Manufacturing of Dahi
Dahi or curd is the product obtained from pasteurized or boiled milk by souring,
natural or otherwise, by a harmless lactic acid or other bacterial culture.
i. Milk is heated to 850C and cooled at 400C.
ii. Then it is inoculated with 1.3% of specific culture and filled in
suitable plastic cups of the required capacity.
iii. Incubate it at 35-400C for 3 hrs.
After incubation dahi is stored at storage temperature around 5-100C.

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
8.1 Process Chart of Dahi


Boiling (850C) ilk

Cooling (400C)

Culture (1.3%L.A.)

Filling in Plastic Cups

Incubate (35-400C for 2-3 hrs)


Storage (50C)

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
8.2 Analysis of Dahi
a) Acidity
b) Fat
c) TS (Total Solid)
a. Acidity: -
Take 10g of dahi sample in a beaker, 1ml P. Indicator and 10ml-distilled water. Titrate it with
N/10 NaoH until the persisting of pink color. Note the Consumed volume of NaoH.
Acidity of dahi = V.09
Example = 8.1. 0.9 = .729%
b. Fat: -
Take 20g of dahi sample in a beaker and 2ml Ammonia buffer solution. Mixed with pipette.
Take out 10.75ml sample from it and pour into milk butyrometer containing H2SO4. Pour
Amyl alcohol in butyrometer and note the factual volume after centrifuge.
c. TS- (Total Solid): -
Take 3-4g of dahi sample in a pre-weighted dish and put this into a hot oven-containing temp.
100 C for 2h. Then put the dish into desiccate for cooling for 30min. Then weigh the dish and
not the difference of the dish after evaporation.
Wt of empty dish= wl
Weight of dish sample = w2
Weight of sample = w3 , w3= w2 - w1
Weight of dish after evaporation= w4
Weight of dry matter= w5 ,w5= w3 –w4
Total solid = w5×100 /wt of sample

Moisture = 100-TS

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
9. Manufacturing Process of Lassi
Lassi is the product obtained from pasterurized or boiled milk by souring,natural or
otherwise,by a harmless lactic acid or other bacterial culture.

Milk is boiled at 80*c and cooled at 40*c and insulted with 1.3% of specific culture.It is
incubated at 35-45*c for 2-3 houres in cans to make dahi. 50% water is added in the dehi to
provide it in liquid shape.( Add 40 lt. water in I can of 40 lt. dahi) 50 gm jeera and 500 gm
salt is added in it. Now it is mixed it well. Finally lassi is packed in pouches and store at the
temperature of 5-10*c.

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
9.1 Flow chart of Lassi






(35-40*C for 2-3 hrs.)

Add water

(40 lt. dahi+ 40 lt. water)

Add jeera & salt

(80 gm+500 gm.)


Packaging in pouches


, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
10. Manufacturing of Milk Powder

Milk Powder means the product obtained from cow or buffalo milk or a combination
there of or from standardized milk by removal of water.

After pasteurization milk is homogenized, milk is passed from condensers again and again till
they concentrate milk and reduce moisture level up to 55% in milk. This concentrated milk is
then sprayed into drying chamber with hot air blast. This temp of air is 180 0C and sterilized
air is used for this process. Here, the milk thorns into small particles of milk powder and is
passed through cylinders where extra moisture dries and milk powder cools down to room
temp. Milk Powder is tested by QC lab and if found correct then it is packed and marketed.

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
10.1 Testing of SMP
1. Moisture (TS)
2. Acidity
3. Fat Content
4. Ash Content
5. Scorched particles
6. Bulky density
Moisture: -
Wt. the pre dry dish. Wt of empty dish. Take the well-mixed power sample (approximately 2
to 3g.). Place the dish into a hot air oven-holding temp of +100 for 2h. Then put the dish into
a dessicator for 20 to 30min for cooling. Weight the dish after evaporation weight of dish
after evaporation.

Calculation: -
Weight of the empty dish = w1g
Weight of sample + dish = w2g
Weight of sample = w2-w1=w3
Weight of dish after evaporation= w4
Weight of moisture = w4-w2=w5
%age of SMP Moisture = w5 × 100
TS=100-Moisture % age
Acidity- (ISI Method)
Take 5g of SMP sample in a conical flask + 50 ml distilled water +1ml. Indicator (1%
solution) Mix well and titrate with N/10 NOH. Note the volume of consume N/10

Take 10g of SMP sample in a flask + 100ml distilled water mixed well and pipette 10.75ml
and pour into a milk butyrometer containing 10ml of H2So4 +1ml Amyl alcohol and lock

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
stopper mix well and centrifuge for 3 min. Note the butyrometer reading. SMP Ft %=
Take 2g of SMP in a china dish or crucible put the dish into a muffle furnace holding temp at
500 to 5500C for 2h. Then align and dish into a dasidator for 20min. For coaling and weight
the dish.
Weight. of the empty dish =w1g
Weight. of dish + powder=w2g
Weight. of sample=w2-w1=w3g
Weight. of the dish after evaporation=w4g
weight. of dry matter=w4-w1g=w5g
SMP Ash% = w5 × 100
S.P. (Scorched Particles)
Take 10g. SMP in a flask +100 ml of distilled water mixed well and passed. This
reconstituted milk through a cotton disc with the help of sediment tester.
Bulk density:-
Take 10g of SMP sample in a 100ml measuring cylinder and settled by beating of the
cylinder bottom on a rubber pad.
Not the cylinder reading
B.D.= _______100______
Cylinder Reading

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
Machinery Used In Milk Powder Plant
Homogenization is formation of a stable emulsion of milk fat and milk serum. The
instrument used for homogenization is called homogenizer.
Milk contains fat globules of size between 0.1 to 10 microns. When the milk is passed
through the homogenizer there is fixed reduction in size of fat globules. No cream line is
formed on milk after homogenization nor will churning it will form butter granules. Further
more there is increase in viscosity of milk.
Condensing Unit:
The evaporation capacity of this unit is 3000 kgs. of skim milk concentrates up to
45% of skim after condensing.
Drying Chamber:
It is big round chamber in which concentrated skim milk is sprayed by atomizer with blast of
hot air. Here skim milk turns into small particles of skim milk.

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
11. Manufacturing Process of Kaju Pinni
Kaju pinni is the most popular product of Vita milk plant Sirsa. It is made by the mixing of
many food materials. Many type of good & nutritive food material are used to make this
sweet food product.
Recipe of Kaju Pinni:
Atta(wheat Flour) 7.5kg
Gund 1.050kg
Sugar 7kg
Ghee 6+1 kg
Khoa 500gm
Pista 50gm
Kaju 500gm
First of all dry gund in a pan in pure ghee. Now in other pan roast the flout till it became light
brown. During the process of roasting add khoa in the flour. Mix it well. Now add sugar &
kaju in the mixter. Finally give shape to this mixter. Put half piece of kaju on shaped to make
it attractive. After giving shape it is ready to eat in 2-3 hrs.

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
11.1 Flow Chart of Kaju Pinni

Take all ingredients

Fry gund in ghee

Fry Flour

Add koha

(During frying)


Add sugar & Kaju


Cooling & Packaging

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
12. Sanitization of Equipments and Containers

Improperly cleaned and sanitized, equipment and containers constitute major sources
of contamination of milk & milk products. Therefore, routine cleaning and sanitization of
plant should receive proper and careful attention. Surfaces of equipments, which come in
contact with, should be tested for sterility from time to time. Following methods are
1. Rinse method – For cans.
2. Swab method – For tanks, plates of pasteurizes and pipe lines.

Caustic solution – 0.5% sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate is used.

Acidic solution – 0.3% phosphoric acid,

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
13. Packaging, Labeling, Storage, Distribution and Marketing of
Brand Name:
All the products produced by all five plants of HDDFC Ltd. Are being sold under
brand name “VITA”. The brand name “VITA” has gained popularity among public at large.
Products and Packaging:
Milk plant is producing paneer, ghee, skimmed milk powder (SMP), whole milk
powder (WMP). Ghee Powder (SMP), whole milk powder (WMP), Ghee is packed in 1Kg,
2Kg, 5Kg, and 15Kg Packs. All are meant for domestic use. SMP is packed in ½ kg and 1 Kg
for domestic used and in 25Kg bag for bakeries etc. WMP is packed in ½ kg tins for domestic
use and into bags for military. Paneer packed in polythene bag (250kg) label on paneer
polythene is safal.
Distribution of Goods or Products:
There are twelve registered distributors at least one of each district of its operational
region registered under head office. The goods for domestic use are supplied to dealers,
retailers to Ultimate consumers through registered distributors. Besides these their sales
office of plant in Chandigarh and Delhi. Which receive orders and supply goods.
Channels of Distributions:
Following Pattern has been adopted by the Plant for transferring goods to ultimate
(a) Direct selling to consumer.
(b) To consumers through distributors.
(c) To consumers through retailers.

Store Department:
The main function of store department one receipt of goods, stores and issue of
materials when need and keeping proper record of all incoming and outgoing materials.
The stores department has two main branches.
(i) General Stores.
(ii) Finished Go

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029
14.Water Supply and Disposal

A regular supply of water is must in the plant because of the nature of products and
production process. The two tube wells in the plant serve this purpose. There is plant which
converts hard water into soft water on the basis of ion exchange principal. Soft water is used
for all-purpose in plant.

Water is cleaned by E.T.P. (Effluent Treatment Plant) and then moves to disposal tank
and from here it is disposed off in the field with the help of two disposal pumps of 30 and 40
H.P. respectively. This treated water is good for crops and at present supplied free of cost to
the farmers.

pH of ETP water
Take 10 ml ETP water. Add 1 ml universal indicator. Compare
the colour with given comparative colour chart on the universal indicator and note the
pH. Citric or nitric acids are used.

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029

1. NDRI Dairy Manual, Karnal.

2. NDRI Dairy Microbiology, Karnal.
3. ISI Handbook of Food Analysis (Part 11).
4. BIS (Bureau of Indian Standard).
5. PFA (Prevention of Food Adulteration Act).

, Rajesh Kumar, Food Technology 4th Sem -14006110029

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