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Focus Questions

Thinking to learning thoroughly…

Discuss your answers on the following questions: (41pts)

1. From what you have processed from the lecture on this module, write 5 phrases that you can
associate to “Learner-Centered Psychological Principles”. ( 3pts.)
 Intended to apply to all learners
 Learning process varies depending on the nature of learner.
 Teachers and learning environment has a big contribution to the learning process of the learners.
 It is a must that the teacher considers the learner’s level of prior knowledge to apply the learnings
 With proper assistance and continuous support from the educators can help the learner create and
successfully achieve its meaningful goals.

2. What particular principles are in support to the Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors in learning?
 Nature of the learning process
 Goals of the learning process
 Construction of knowledge
 Strategic Thinking
 Thinking about Thinking
 Context of Learning

3. How does successful learners contribute to their own learning? ( 3pts.)

 The successful learner can link new information with existing knowledge in meaningful ways.
 Can create and use a repertoire of thinking and reasoning strategies to achieve complex learning
 Can develop higher order strategies for selecting and monitoring mental operations, facilitate
creative and critical thinking.

4. How does successful learners create knowledge? ( 3pts.)

 Learning scan expand and deepens as students continue to create connections between new
information and experiences and their current knowledge base. The nature of this links can take a
variety of forms, such as adding to, modifying, or reorganizing existing knowledge or skills. How
these links are made or developed may vary in different subject areas, and among students with
varying talents, interests, and abilities. However, unless new knowledge becomes integrated with he
learner’s prior knowledge and understanding, this new knowledge remains isolated, cannot be used
most effectively in new tasks, and does not transfer readily to new situations.
5. What is a personally-relevant goal? How can educators assist students become goal-directed? ( 3pts.)
 Personally-relevant goal is the desired personal objective of a learner that he/she wants to
accomplish, is either short term or long term with a definite time frame and ways in achieving it.
Teachers can assist learners in creating meaningful learning goals that are consistent with both
personal and educational aspirations and interests.

6. When can we say that the learner is a strategic thinker? ( 3pts.)

 We can say that a learner is thinking strategically when he uses strategic thinking in their approach
to learning, reasoning, problem solving and concept learning;
 when they understand and can use a variety of strategies to help them reach learning and
performance goals, and to apply their knowledge in novel situations;
 when they also continue to expand their repertoire of strategies by reflecting on the methods they
use to see which work well for them, by receiving guided instruction and feedback, and by observing
or interacting with appropriate models.

7. What other term is used that refers to higher order strategies? ( 3pts.)
 The other term for higher order strategies is Metacognitive.

8. What learning competence do successful learners demonstrate? ( 3pts.)

 Successful learners can reflect on how they reflect on how they think and learn, set reasonable
learning or performance goals, select potentially appropriate learning strategies or methods, and
monitor their progress toward these goals.
 Knows what to do if a problem occurs or if they are not making sufficient or timely progress toward
a goal. They can generate alternative methods to reach their goal

9. In the context of learning how does the following factors affect learning? (5pts)
a. Environment
 The environment plays a significant impact in learning process of every learners particularly the
degree to which it is nurturing or not because there should be a comfortable and quiet place for the
students to concentrate in learning.

b. Culture
 Can impact many educationally relevant variables, such as motivation, orientation toward learning
and ways of thinking.
c. Technology
 Teachers must provide appropriate technology for learner’s level of prior knowledge, cognitive
abilities and their learning and thinking strategies.
d. Instructional practices
 Teacher must provide appropriate instructional practices in order for the student’s to easily absorb
new learnings.
10. How do you understand “overemphasis in learning”? Is it an indication of effective learning? Why?
( 3pts.)
 May preclude learner from demonstrating that they are more capable in other areas of
performance. Overemphasis in learning is an indication to an effective learning because it focuses on
the value of learnings that the student will acquire while giving them more time to express ideas,
interact and get feedback from their peers.

11. As a teacher will you consider differential development in planning for instruction? How? ( 3pts.)
 Yes, because differential development can give an effective opportunity in learning if it is applied
within and across physical, intellectual, emotional, and social domains. Learners learn best when
material is appropriate to their developmental level and is presented in an enjoyable and interesting

12. As an educator what is your role to converting student’s diversity as a key factor to optimum level of
learning? ( 3pts.)
 When teacher’s accounted the students’ diversity, there is a higher probability that learners will
have an optimum level of learning because careful attention to language, ethnicity, race, beliefs and
socio-economic status has a big impact in learning.

13. When can we say that the standard for learning is appropriately high and challenging? ( 3pts.)
 Standard of learning is appropriately high and challenging when the integral parts of learning
process is applied. Assessing the learner as well as learning progress, including diagnostic process,
and outcome assessments.

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