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Kristine Y.

Coscolluela SS10 –A7

The power of the President of the Philippines emanates from the people who authored the
Constitution, wherein his duties as head of the government and state are found. His position,
therefore, is of public trust and he should serve promoting the interests of the people.
An ideal President of the Philippines should, therefore, be someone who will uphold the
spirit of the Constitution, without of course, committing GADALEJ or grave abuse of discretion.
The executive branch of the government is tasked to implement the laws of the land and should
do so for the benefit of the people.
A President should be one that promotes the rule of peace, fairness, integrity, freedom,
cooperation, and goodwill with all nations. 1 As mentioned in the constitution, the President
should uphold the peace and order of the democratic state as well as protect the life, the right and
the property of the people.2 The President should also follow an independent foreign policy,
without the influence of foreign powers. The President as the representative of the Philippines in
foreign affairs should forward the interests of his people, not letting foreign countries to step
on its interests, domestic laws and rights.3 The head of the State, ideally, must help foster
social justice; that is, the police as well as the legal profession and judiciary who are honest,
brave and impartial should enforced fairly and justifiably an intelligible system of law. 4 Creation
of jobs, equal opportunities for public offices, and rising standard of living are important as well
and should be given priority. The President is also expected to empower women and the youth to
take part in public and civic affairs through providing and helping them receive equal rights and
quality and affordable education. There should be accessible health services, promotion of
science and technology, arts, culture and sports through balanced expenses and allotting the
necessary funds for these areas to keep up with the needs of the society. Finally, a President
should be honest and implement a policy of transparency.
Currently, I can’t identify the person who I think should be the president because, from
the past leaders and presidents of the Republic of the Philippines, they keep on doing the very
opposite. Corruption is one of the main reasons why many individuals suffer from grief. Not all
individuals were given equal rights and affordable education. Many were not satisfied of our
public services due to lack of government finances or funds. Health services are poor and are not
even functioning. Casualties during calamities and disaster were ignored, the city proper were
not even secured due to low number of reinforcements. The necessary funds were not equally
distributed for the areas to keep up with their needs.
The leader should not identify the areas to be prioritized first. He/she should prioritize
the whole nation, equally give services, necessary funds and guidance, with honesty and

Emphasis supplied.
Jose Diokno, A nation for our children (Quezon City: Claretian: Jose W. Diokno Foundation,
1987), 17-31.

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