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Case Study on Digital Divide Data

MGT 368
Section: 7

Submitted to

Faisal Wali
Senior Lecturer

Department of Management

School of Business, North South University

Submitted By
Md. Asif Jahangir
ID: 1320 647 630
Question 1: What has made DDD successful so far?

Answer: Mainly the youth workers has made DDD successful. The workers are really very
hardworking and enthusiastic. They give their 100% to DDD because of the support it provided
them in their bad time. DDD trains young poor people and gives them job so that they can get a
better life. And if the workers or employees get a better opportunity, DDD also will allow them
to leave the job. These things made the workers more loyal and dedicated and grab the attention
of people. This way DDT also became very popular among the potential consumers.

Question 2: What are its constraints?

Answer: The main constrains are given below.

1. Financial: DDD is not that much financially strong. This is a huge constrain in term of
2. Lack of potential youth: The youth are not enthusiast and eager to learn in all the places.
It is a problem for DDD for expansion because it needs young and courageous people to
expand according to its policy.

Question 3: Which strategy or strategies should DDD pursue?

Answer: DDD can do few things to recover these constrains.

1. It can introduce shares to collect money from market.

2. It can take loan for expansion.
3. It can transfer employees from its previous offices to such places where the youth are not
enthusiast, and the educational background of the youth is not sufficient.

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