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ME331 – Fluid Mechanics


1. Define and distinguish between the following:

a. specific weight and mass density;
b. specific gravity and relative density;
c. cohesion and adhesion;
d. surface tension and capillary; and
e. dynamics viscosity and kinematic viscosity
2. Define compressibility. How is it related to bulk modulus of elasticity?
3. Mention one example where compressibility of water is taken into account.
4. What is meant by viscosity of a liquid? How does it manifest, and in what units it is measured?
5. Does the viscosity of liquids and gases increase or decrease with temperature increase? Suggest
reasons for the difference in behavior.
6. Explain how the surface tension accounts for a) formation of a droplet, b) rise of liquid in a
7. Why should the meniscus of mercury column in a capillary tube depressed while a water column
be lifted up?
8. What is vapor pressure? How can water boil at room temperature? Discuss the significance of
vapor pressure in problems related to liquids in motion.
9. How would you make distinction between Newtonian and non-newtonian fluids? Illustrate your
answer with suitable example.
10. Explain the characteristics of fluid properties to which the following fluid phenomenon are
a. Formation of bubbles and discontinuity in flow systems;
b. Water hammer in pipe flow;
c. Petrol evaporation more readily than water at ordinary temperature.

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