ME331-QUIZ NO. 4 - Part 2 - PROBLEMS

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ME331 – Fluid Mechanics

QUIZ NO. 4 – Part 2 - Problem Solving

Any two or more students proven to have the same structure/flow of a solution of any problem
will NOT EARN any credit on that problem, regardless of who the sourceis.

1. Water exits a pipe as a free jet 5. The water level in a tank is 20 m 8. A hydraulic turbine has 50 m of
and flows to a height h abovethe above the ground.A hose is head available at aflow rate of
exit plane as shown in the figure. connected to the bottom of the 1.30 m3/s, and its overall turbine–
The flow is steady, tank, and thenozzleat the end of generator efficiencyis 78 percent.
incompressible,and frictionless. (a) the hose is pointed straight up. Determine the electric power
Determine the height h. (b) Thetank cover is airtight, and the output ofthis turbine. 497.367 kw
Determine the velocity and air pressure above the
pressure at section (1). 11.165 watersurface is 2 atm gage. The 9. Water enters a hydraulic turbine
psi;3.9752 ft; 36 ft/s system is at sea level. through a30-cm-diameter pipe at
Determinethe maximum height to a rate of 0.6 m3/s and exits
which the water stream could rise. througha 25-cm-diameter pipe.
40.657 m The pressure drop in the turbine
ismeasured by a mercury
manometer to be 1.2 m. For a
combinedturbine– generator
efficiency of 83 %, determinethe
net electric power output.
Disregard the effect of thekinetic
energy correction factors. 54.37

2. The air velocity in the duct of a

heating system is tobe measured
by a Pitot-static probe inserted
into the duct parallelto the flow. If 6. A fireboat is to fight fires at coastal
the differential height between the areas by drawing seawater with a
watercolumns connected to the density of 1030 kg/m3 through a
two outlets of the probe is 3.2 10-cm-diameter pipe at a rate of
cm,determine (a) the flow velocity 0.04 m3/s and discharging it
and (b) the pressure rise atthe tip through a hose nozzle with an 10. Water atroom temperature flows
of the probe. The air temperature exit diameter of 5 cm. The total with a volume flow rate of 0.0250
and pressure in theduct are 45°C irreversible head loss of the m3/s through a horizontal diffuser
and 98 kPa, respectively. 313.92 system is 3 m, and the position of in which the diameter increases
Pa; 1.0733 kg/m3 ;24.186 m/s the nozzle is 3 m above sea level. gradually from D1 = 6.00 to D2 =
For a pump efficiency of 70 %, 11.00 cm. The irreversible head
3. A 15-hp (shaft) pump is used to determine the required shaft loss through the diffuser is
raise water to a 45-mhigher power input to the pump and the estimated to be 0.450 m. The
elevation. If the mechanical water discharge velocity. kinetic energy correctionfactors at
efficiency of the pumpis 82 %, 20.372 m/s both the inlet and outlet of the
determine the maximum volume diffuser areassumed to be 1.05.
flow rate of water. 0.02078 m3/s (a) Calculate the pressure
difference (P2 – P1) in kPausing
4. What is the minimum diameter at the energy equation. (b) Draw
section (1) to avoid cavitation at approximately the EGL and HGL
that point? Take D2 = 15 cm. in this diffuser. 33kpa
0.126 m
7. Water is being pumped from a
large lake to a reservoir25 m
above at a rate of 25 L/s by a
10kW pump. If theirreversible
head loss of the piping system is
5 m, determine the mechanical
efficiency of the pump. 73.58%

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