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Content and Contextual Analysis: Customs of the Tagalogs

Author’s Background •Fray Juan was Born to illustrious family of the

Portocarreros in Plasencia in the region of
Extremadura, Spain in the early 16th century.
•His father Don Pedro Portocarrero , was a
captain of Spanish schooner , who died in
Naples,Italy in 1574 Juan de Plasencia died in
Liliw,Laguna in 1590
•He is believed to have arrived to the Philippines
in 1578, after a stopover in Mexico.
•During the following years they are also credited
with the foundation of a large number of towns
in the provinces of Bulacan,Laguna, and Rizal.
•He was also known to be a defender of the
native population , looking after the poor , ill or
neglected and standing up for their rights on
numerous occasions.
Historical Background of the Document •It was written on the year 1589 during the
Spanish Colonial Period . After receiving the
Lorship’s Letter. Plasencia wished to reply
immediately; but he postponed his answer in
order that he might first thoroughly inform
himself in regard to people’s request and to avoid
discussing the conflicting reports of the Indians.
•Customs of the Tagalogs is part of longer
monographs written by the chroniclers of the
Spanish expeditions to the Philippines during the
early 16th and 17th centuries .
•Therefore, he collected Indians from different
districts old men, and those of most capacity; and
from them he gave obtained the simple truth,
after weeding out much foolishness , in regard to
their government administration of justice.
Content Analysis: Understanding the historical  Datos- the chief who governed the
information. people and were captains in their wars
who they obey and reverence
Identify and describe the customs and traditions  Barangay- a family of parents and
of the Tagalogs mentioned in the document childrens , relations and slaves.
 The Three Castles- (Nobles, Commoners,
Maharlicas could not, after marriage , move from
one village to another
without paying a certain fee in gold (ranging from
one to three tales and a banquet to the entire
barangay) as arranged among them
•Worship of the Tagalogs- (No temples,
Simbahan, Pandot, Sibi, Sorihile, Nagaanitos,
•Idols- (Bathala, Lic-ha, Dian masalanta, Lacapati
and Idianale , Tala, Seven Lilttle Goats, Mapolon,
Balatic, Buaya, Tigmamanuguin, Bird, No
established division of years , months and
days,Catolonan, Offerings and sacrifices, Belief on
bearing child, Manganguay, Manyisalat,
Mancocolam, Hocloban, Silagan, Magtatangal,
Osuang, Mangagayoma, Sonat, Pangatajohan,
Contextual Analysis: •Juan de Plasencia wrote the customs of tagalogs
to promote the understanding of both the
What are the factors that could have influenced Spanish language among the natives, and the
Juan de Plasencia in the writing of the local languages among the missionaries, to
document? Explain. facilitate the task of spreading Christianity
•Said to have been inspired to be a Franciscan
because of his upbringing spent during a spiritual
and religious resurgence affected by Spain's siglo
de oro.
•He acknowledged at an early stage the need of
mastering the language of the natives in order to
facilitate evangelization, and in a letter to the
King of Spain, dated June 18, 1585, he mentioned
some of his works to that effect.
What is the relevance / contribution of the •Many of the 16th century beliefs and practices
document in Philippine history? are still present today
•It affirms that during the pre-Hespanic period,
Filipinos already have a government as well as set
of beliefs and practices
•It has continued to serve as a basis for historical
reconstructions of Tagalog Society.
What are the author's main arguments? •Plasencia, the author of the Customs of
Tagalogs was tasked by the King of Spain during
the Spanish colonial period to document the
customs and traditions of the natives.
•Customs of the Tagalogs was written to provide
a description of what the customs and traditions
of the Tagalogs.
•It would be a big advantage to the Spanish
Colonizer during the Age of Dicovery to have
knowledge about the natives to enhance their
superiority over them.
Your own overall observation and insights on The Customs of the Tagalogs written by Fray Juan
the primary source de Plasencia is one of the most important
primary sources of the Philippine History . It
tackles about the everyday living of then acient
Filipinos , their system of governemt, their social
statuses, and their customs ,traditions,beliefs .
This document is important for determining how
the Spaniards will govern the Filipinos during the
Spanish era. Although it has lesser value in the
modern world right now, it is still important for
us to trace the roots of who we are in the past.

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