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Size Separation &Particle size analysis

 after size reduction → particles of varying

 To control the particle size distribution, the
size-reduced material must be sifted to get
fractions of narrow size ranges.
 size separation is usually an integral part
of size reduction in industrial pharmacy.
Size Separation &Particle size analysis
 classify a powder
 Two important methods:

by Sedimentation and
Sieving Fluid classification :
Sieving :The ability employs a drag forces on
of particle to pass a particle moving through
through an aperture. a fluid.

 Sieving or sifting is a process

by which different grades of
powders are separated from
each other
 It is most widely used method
for particle size analysis
because it is inexpensive,
simple and rapid with little
variation between operators..
Wire Mesh Sieves
 square apertures
 No. of the sieve indicating the number of
meshes included in 1 inch in each direction
(square inch)
 ↑ sieve No. → ↑ the number of meshes →
pd size (e.g., very fine pd pass through sieve No. 120 )
 British Pharrnaconoeia (BP) →
standardization of powders by means of
 The BP specifies five grades of powder
grades of powder
Sieve No.

Coarse 10/44
Moderately Coarse 22/60
Moderately fine 44/85
fine 85/ns
very fine 120/ns
Mechanical Sieving Methods

 Agitate the sieve

 Brushing Methods

 Centrifugal force

 Wet sieving
Agitation Methods:

 Oscillation
o Sieve oscillates back and forth
o simple
o The material may roll on the surface of the
sieve, and fibrous materials in particular tend
to ‘ball’. (Disadv)
 Vibration using electric AC current
o the particles are less likely to ‘blind’ the mesh.
 Gyration
o the sieve is given a rotary movement of small
amplitude, but of considerable intensity, giving a
spinning motion to the particles.
o This increases the chances of a particle becoming
suitably oriented to pass through the mesh,
o The efficiency is usually considerably greater
than that obtained with oscillating or vibratory
o Gyration > Vibratory > Oscillating
 Brushing Methods
A brush can be used to move the
particles on the surface of the sieve and
to keep the meshes clear.
 Centrifugal Methods
o Vertical cylindrical sieve
o with a high-speed rotor
o particles are thrown outwards by
centrifugal force.
o The current of air created by the movement
assists sieving also, and is especially
useful with very fine powders.
 Wet sieving:
wet sieving is more efficient than the
equivalent dry process, however the
process has obvious limitations.
Materials used for Sieves

 1. Metals such as iron, coated iron, copper,

alloys of copper, stainless steel.
 2. Non-Metals:
o To avoid the risk of metallic contamination
o e.g, Nylon and Terylene,
Size separation by Sedimentation
and Elutriation (Fluid classification)
It depends on the differences in the rates
of settling of particles of different sizes.
Large scale Fluid classification methods:

Sedimentation Elutriation
Continuous Sedimentation methods
 A shallow tank is arranged with
inlet and outlet pipes
 The settling rates of particles
depend both on their size and

their shapes.

 particles are subjected to force

that is divided into 2 component:
 horizontal component due to the
flow of the fluid that carries the
particle forward,
 vertical component due to gravity, faster settling particle
which causes the particle to fall slower settling particle
towards the bottom of the tank.
V sed= d 2 (ρ s -ρ o) g (stokes law)
18 η o
 V sed = sedimentation velocity in cm / sec
 d = Diameter of particle
 ρ s =density of disperse phase
 ρ o =density of disperse media
 g = acceleration due to gravity
 η o = viscosity of disperse medium in poise
Product can be collected
 In some tanks,
partitions are
arranged on the
floor, enabling
particular size
fractions to be
Elutriation Methods:

Elutriation depends on
the movement of a fluid
against the direction of
sedimentation of the
Multistage Elutriator

 three tubes of
area of cross-
section can be
connected in series inlet

→ separation into
more than one
fraction V1 >V2 >V3
Coarse Moderately fine fine

a) The process is continuous.

b) As many stages can be used as
c) The separation is quicker than with
Cyclone Separator

 The cyclone separator

consists of a
cylindrical vessel
with a conical base.
 Cyclones is most
common used with
suspensions of a solid
in a gas.
 The suspension is introduced tangentially
at fairly high velocity, so that movement
takes place within the vessel.
 The rotary flow within the cyclone causes
the particles to be acted on by centrifugal
force, solids being thrown out to the walls,
hence coarse powders fall to the conical
base and out through the solids discharge.
Fine pd.are carried with fluid to top and out
through fluid outlet

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