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Jose Marie Jesus A.

Managerial Marketing

The Signs of the Four

In the consumer market there are four types of consumer; the proletarians, poseur, parvenus

and patricians. They are classified depending on their social or economic class together with

their behavior as consumers. The proletarians and poseur do not usually buy luxury goods

according to their behavior and status however, poseur buy cheaper alternatives to in order to

uplift their status. Only parvenus usually buy legitimate luxury brands to maintain their status

while patricians only consume luxury brands that are only acknowledged by most patricians.

The signs of four discusses the behavior of consumers and their inner intentions in buying

mainly to look good in front of others.

Why Luxury Brands on the Decline

Luxury Brands are now on the decline in terms of its statement being a signal of wealth. This is

because of the never-ending demand of high-class consumer who wants to separate

themselves from others. These luxury brands are also repositioning themselves to

accommodate markets from the lower social strata which added to the decline. While the

current luxury brands are declining in the eyes of the high-class consumers, the demands are

increasing for those who just want to look rich.

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