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Samantha Jane F.

De la Cruz BSN-3 RE 107

Based from your real-life experiences, make a two paragraph essay citing
concrete ways of integrating prayer and worship in your daily life both in your
home and small community.

Prayer is our way to communicate with God. It is raising your heart and mind to
Him. Prayer is nothing but Love. Through prayer, we connect our relationship with God,
and to be in the presence of God is to be aware of His holiness, which leads to worship.
Acknowledging the holiness of God through worship is essential in all prayers. There
are many ways of showing worship to God and by showing them, prayer is the tool to do
the ways of worship such as worship of petition, worship of intercession and worship of
In my daily life, I have already experienced many concrete ways of integrating
prayer and worship. In fact, I do it everyday because I always pray. Through prayers I
can worship Him by offering a thanksgiving message so that I can express how grateful
I am in my everyday living that I live with a purpose and to determine that purpose, I
constantly and continuously ask petition to God with thanksgiving. I also worship God
through confessing my sins and that I am guilty of it. I surrender myself to God because
I know He is always there to listen and forgive me. Lastly, I pray and worship by
acknowledging Jesus Christ as the way of our relationship with God. Through Jesus
Christ, He gives us salvation and our prayers are answered.

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