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J Neurosurg 114:663–669, 2011

Cadherin-dependent adhesion of human U373MG

glioblastoma cells promotes neurite outgrowth
and increases migratory capacity

Laboratory investigation
Christopher P. Cifarelli, M.D., Ph.D., Brian Titus, M.D., Ph.D.,
and Hian Kwang Yeoh, M.B.Ch.B.

Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia

Object. The current management of primary CNS tumors involves a multimodal approach, incorporating cytore-
ductive techniques including resection, radiotherapy, and antiproliferative chemotherapeutic agents. Despite these
attempts, the majority of patients with a diagnosis of a high-grade glioma have a dismal prognosis, with the leading
cause of treatment failure and tumor recurrence attributable to local invasion of adjacent brain parenchyma. The cur-
rent study examines the capacity of glioma tumor cells to undergo neurite outgrowth and local migration, specifically
focusing on the role of the cadherin cell adhesion system.
Methods. Using a recombinant cadherin ectodomain protein, U373MG human glioblastoma cells were assessed
for their ability to adhere and migrate in a cadherin-dependent manner in culture. Adhesion was evaluated via growth
assessment and neurite length at 72 hours growth on an immobilized cadherin substrate and compared with other
matrix adhesion proteins, such as Type IV collagen and vitronectin. Migratory capacity was measured via modified
transwell assays, also using recombinant cadherin ectodomain in comparison with collagen and vitronectin.
Results. Cadherin adherent cells adopt a fasciculated morphology, with a significant increase in neurite exten-
sion, measuring 104 ± 13.3 μm in length, compared with background adhesion on bovine serum albumin and non-
functional cadherin ectodomain controls measuring 55 ± 4.4 and 47 ± 3.84 μm, respectively (p = 0.029). Significant
increases in neurite length compared with controls were also observed in the vitronectin (81 ± 4.69 μm) and Type IV
collagen (91 ± 7.7 μm) groups (p = 0.017 and 0.025, respectively). With respect to migration, U373 cells demonstrate
increased invasion in response to cadherin ectodomain exposure, whereas vitronectin and Type IV collagen were not
potent initiators of migration through the transwell barrier. Both adhesion and migration outcomes were noted in the
absence of any relative changes in cell proliferation, indicating a primary role for the cadherin-based adhesion system
in tumor invasion.
Conclusions. Cadherin-based adhesion promotes increased adhesion, neurite outgrowth, and migration in hu-
man U373MG glioblastoma cells, providing a novel area of research for the development of therapeutic targets ad-
dressing local tumor invasion. (DOI: 10.3171/2010.3.JNS091451)

Key Words      •      cadherin      •      migration      •      adhesion      •      glioblastoma      •

neurite      •      U373MG cell

rimary tumors of the CNS account for approximate- leading cause of treatment failure and tumor recurrence
ly 2% of all adult cancer diagnoses, with approxi- attributable to local invasion of adjacent brain parenchy-
mately 20,500 new cases of malignant CNS cancer ma.12 Currently, adjuvant chemobiological therapy for
diagnosed annually.2 Of these, approximately 30% are gliomas does not directly target the ability of tumor cells
found to be invasive high-grade tumors (WHO Grade III/ to migrate and seed surrounding tissues, despite mount-
IV) at the time of diagnosis.7 The current treatment para- ing evidence that increased expression of neural migra-
digm for a newly diagnosed high-grade glioma involves tory markers in subsets of patients with glioblastoma pre-
a patient-specific combination of biopsy and/or resection dict more rapid disease progression.22,36
followed by postoperative chemoradiotherapy.31 Despite A substantial body of evidence exists demonstrating
this intervention, the prognosis remains dismal, with the the importance of several cell adhesion molecules as well
as extracellular matrix proteins in the mediation of cell
migration during neural development, as well as in onco-
Abbreviations used in this paper: BSA = bovine serum albumin; genic transformation and CNS tumor invasion.9,34 Among
DMEM = Dulbecco modified eagle medium; PBS = phosphate- the most widely studied cell adhesion molecules, cad-
buffered saline herins exist as single-pass transmembrane glycoproteins

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C. P. Cifarelli, B. Titus, and H. K. Yeoh

that mediate Ca2+-dependent cell adhesion as well as cell with the XC-cadherin-Fc/pEE14 vector were cultured in
signaling events through the Wnt pathway.29,33 Of specific complete Glasgow minimum essential medium (Sigma-
interest with respect to the CNS is neural (N-) cadherin, Aldrich) and selected for the presence of glutamine syn-
which has been shown to be integral in the process of thetase on pEE14 in 25-µM methionine sulfoximine (Sig-
neurite outgrowth and neural development.6,27,37,38 With ma-Aldrich) until confluent. The conditioned media was
respect to neurooncology, the role of cadherins has been then centrifuged and purified on an affinity column using
enigmatic. Several investigative groups have attempted to Protein A Sepharose (Repligen Corp.). The EC1–5-Fc fu-
correlate a direct relationship between cadherin expres- sion protein was eluted with 150-mM glycine (pH 2.0)
sion and degree of tumor invasion with limited success.3,30 in 1-ml fractions. Each tube was immediately neutralized
This finding is further supported by Perego et al.24 who with 1.5 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.8). Absorbance at 280 nm was
demonstrated that qualitative disruption of the cadherin- determined in each elution fraction and aliquots contain-
catenin complex in glioblastoma cell lines is responsible ing protein were pooled and desalted on a G-25 Sephadex
for increased tumor invasion rather than quantitative dif- column (J.T. Baker, Inc.). Final protein concentration was
ferences in expression levels. determined by A280 on a NanoDrop 1000 spectrophotom-
In the present study, the role of cadherin-mediated eter (Thermo Scientific). The EC1–5-Fc Trp mutant con-
adhesion is explored using the U373 glioma cell line to struct was prepared according to the same protocol.
examine neurite extension and cell invasion. Using a re-
combinant cadherin ectodomain in an in vitro system, the Cadherin-Dependent Adhesion Assay
data indicate that exposure of U373 cells to the cadherin
binding ectodomain is sufficient to promote adhesion and A solution of nitrocellulose (0.5 cm2/ml methanol)
a relative increase in cell invasion in comparison with was pipetted onto a sterile 100-mm untreated culture dish
other extracellular matrix adhesive substrates. Moreover, and allowed to air dry as modified from the technique de-
this occurs independent of a change in the proliferation scribed by Lagenaur and Lemmon.18 The 10-µg aliquots
index of the cells with respect to the various adhesive of EC1–5-Fc, EC1–5-Fc Trp mutant, Type IV collagen
substrates. (Cohesion), and vitronectin (Sigma-Aldrich) were applied
in spots to the nitrocellulose-coated dish. After 3 minutes
at room temperature, the dishes were rinsed 2 times with
Methods 5 ml of Hank’s buffered saline solution (Sigma-Aldrich).
To block nonspecific binding, 5 ml of a solution of 1%
Cell Culture and Cadherin Expression BSA in PBS (pH 7.4) was applied to each plate and incu-
The U373MG and U87MG cells were acquired from bated for 1 hour at 37°C in 5% CO2. The dishes were then
the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) and rinsed 2 times with Hank’s buffered saline solution and
maintained in culture using DMEM (Sigma) containing once with DMEM. One hundred million (108) cells were
10% fetal bovine serum, and 1% penicillin, streptomycin, applied to each dish in 5-ml DMEM containing 1% peni-
and amphotericin B (GibcoBRL) at 37°C in 5% CO2. Ex- cillin/streptomycin/amphotericin B and incubated at 37°C
pression of cadherins in U373MG and U87MG cells was in 5% CO2. At 24 hours, media was exchanged and non-
determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide adherent cells were removed from culture. Adhesion was
gel electrophoresis and immunoblot. Briefly, confluent documented via light microscopy using a Zeiss Axiovert
U373MG and U87MG cells were treated with radioim- 40 light microscope (Carl Zeiss). Morphological analysis
munoprecipitation assay extraction buffer at 4°C for 1 was performed using Image J Image Processing (NIH).1
hour. Soluble protein was prepared by centrifugation at Statistical analyses, including the 2-tailed Student t-test,
13,000 G with retention of the supernatant. Protein con- were performed using S-Plus 8.0 for Windows (Insightful
centration was determined according to the bicinchoninic Corporation). A probability value < 0.05 was considered
acid protein determination assay (Pierce Chemical Co.). statistically significant.
The 50-µg samples were resolved using sodium dodecyl
sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis on a 7.5% Cadherin-Mediated Invasion Assay
acrylamide gel and transferred to nitrocellulose for im- The 10-µg aliquots of each adhesion substrate (EC1–
munoblotting. Western blot analysis was performed using 5-Fc, EC1–5-Fc-Trp mutant, Type IV collagen, vitronec-
the pancadherin rabbit polyclonal antibody (1:5000; Neo- tin, and BSA) were sterile pipetted onto the undersurface
markers) in 5% dry milk in Tris-buffered saline as a pri- of 25-mm diameter (8.0-µm pore size) Transwell inserts
mary antibody and a horseradish peroxidase-conjugated (NalgeNunc) and allowed to air dry over 2 hours. The
goat antirabbit immunoglobulin G (Sigma-Aldrich) sec- inserts were then placed in 6-well culture dishes (Costar,
ondary antibody (1:10,000) in PBS. Blots were developed Corning). Two milliliters of DMEM with 10% fetal bo-
with the WestDura SuperSignal reagent (Pierce Chemical vine serum and 1% penicillin/streptomycin/amphotericin
Co.) on Biomax MR film (Kodak). B was placed in the lower chamber and 2 ml of serum-
free DMEM with 1% penicillin/streptomycin/amphoteri-
Cadherin-Fusion Protein Preparation cin B was pipetted into the upper chamber. Aliquots of
Recombinant C-cadherin-Fc fusion protein consist- 3 × 104 U373MG astrocytoma cells in DMEM with 1%
ing of the complete extracellular adhesive EC1 to EC5 penicillin/streptomycin/amphotericin B were placed into
domains was prepared according to Chappuis-Flament et the each upper chamber and incubated at 37°C in 5% CO2
al.8 Briefly, Chinese hamster ovary cells stably transfected and maintained for 96 hours. Each invasion assay was

664 J Neurosurg / Volume 114 / March 2011

Cadherin-dependent migration of glioblastoma cells

performed in triplicate. At the end of 96 hours, the inferi- suggesting either an increased expression level in U373
or surface of the transwell membrane was rinsed with the cells or relatively increased proteolysis of cadherins in
lower chamber media to form the pooled lower chamber the U87 cell line. Regardless, the constitutive expression
as described by Kleinman and Jacob.17 Cell counts were of cadherin subtypes on the cell surface of the U373 cells
performed via 0.4% trypan blue exclusion assay using the throughout the culture period made the cell line suitable
lens with a magnification of 10 on a Nikon light micro- for examining cadherin-mediated neurite growth and cell
scope. Statistical analyses, including the 2-tailed Student migration.
t-test, were performed using S-Plus 8.0 for Windows.
Cadherin Adherent Cells Adopt Fasciculated Morphology
Results The U373 adhesion cultures were continued for 14
U373MG Cells Express Cadherins in Culture days, with documentation of neurite outgrowth and cell
morphology on Day 3. The U373 cells bind to an EC1–
As previously described,30 our U373MG cells consis- 5-coated culture dish, with interface between cadherin-
tently expressed cadherins based on immunoblotting for mediated and nonspecific BSA adhesion demarcated by
the cadherin cytoplasmic domain (Fig. 1A). Moreover, the a concentric border (Fig. 1B). Here, the EC1–5 recom-
expression of cadherin-reactive bands was substantially binant protein serves to mimic the extracellular binding
greater in the U373MG cells when compared with equal- domain of the classic cadherin subtype, providing a sys-
ly confluent U87MG positive control cultures at Day 14, tem of purely cadherin-dependent adhesion. Morphologi-

Fig. 1.  Cadherin expression, neurite extension, and morphological analysis of U373 cells.  A: Western blot showing cadherin
expression in U87 and U373 cell lines. A 120–130 kDa pancadherin reactive band (arrow) is present in both U87 and U373 ra-
dioimmunoprecipitation assay extracted fractions, with significantly higher reactivity for the full-length protein in the U373 cell ex-
tract. The relative increased proportion of the 60–80 kDa fragment in the U87 cells may represent increased baseline proteolysis
compared with the U373 cells.  B: Phase-contrast microscopic image showing immobilized cadherin-dependent adhesion and
neurite extension. The U373 cells cultured for 3 days on nitrocellulose bound recombinant EC1–5 cadherin fusion protein (right)
demonstrate qualitative increases in cell spreading and neurite length compared with cells grown on BSA-coated surface (left)
as demarcated by the dashed line.  C: Cell morphology analysis of cadherin-based adhesion compared with controls. The U373
cells grown in adhesion culture on either recombinant EC1–5 or BSA were categorized based on growth patterns as cell clusters
(≥ 2 cells) versus single cells, with a significant (*p = 0.0005) increase in single cell growth in the cadherin-adherent cells.  D:
Proliferation of cadherin-adherent cells. The U373 cells grown on immobilized cadherin ectodomain do not demonstrate a signifi-
cant increase in cell proliferation compared with controls grown on BSA-coated culture dishes (p = 0.118).

J Neurosurg / Volume 114 / March 2011 665

C. P. Cifarelli, B. Titus, and H. K. Yeoh

cal comparison between background and EC1–5-bound

cells demonstrates a significant (p = 0.0005) increase in
single cell growth in the cadherin fields, with 81 ± 1.8%
(mean ± SEM) of cadherin adherent cells growing as sin-
gle cells (Fig. 1C). Conversely, 82 ± 2.8% of BSA-bound
U373 cells remain in clusters (Fig. 1D). This increased
proportion of single cells spreading on the cadherin ecto­
domain does not appear to be due to any relative change
in proliferation between control (116 ± 6.92 cells/hpf) and
cadherin adherent cells (136 ± 14.3 cells/hpf; p = 0.118;
Fig. 1D.) After 14 days in culture, the U373 cells remain
adherent to the recombinant cadherin ectodomain and de-
velop a tightly packed fasciculated appearance with neu-
ritic processes aligned in parallel, in distinct comparison
with BSA-bound cells with retained clusters and radially
oriented neurite projections (Fig. 2). Fig. 2.  Microscopic image showing U373 cells grown on cadherin
ectodomain substrate adopt a fasciculated appearance. At 14 days in
Immobilized Recombinant Cadherin Ectodomain Promotes culture, the U373 cells grown on the recombinant ectodomain fragment
Neurite Extension in Vitro appear densely packed with parallel alignment, compared with the BSA
adherent controls than maintain a loosely defasciculated growth pat-
At Day 3 of adhesion culture using nitrocellulose- tern. Original magnification × 40.
bound 10-µg aliquots of either recombinant cadherin
ectodomain, vitronectin, Type IV collagen, BSA, or
the nonadhesive recombinant EC1–5 Trp mutant (nega- (Fig. 4B), but served as a substrate with significant cell
tive control for the Fc-fusion protein fragment), neurite proliferation (Fig. 4C). Conversely, the EC1–5 substrate
extensions were measured by stereological analysis, as did not produce an increase in cell number in comparison
described by Rønn et al.28 The EC1–5 Trp mutant con- with BSA controls (Fig. 4C).
trol, previously described by Boggon et al., 5 serves as the
most precise means of delineating the role of cadherin Discussion
adhesion in our model system, as the protein fragment
is identical to the EC1–5 cadherin ectodomain with the Significant improvements are still needed in the
exception of a single mutation, rendering the adhesive multimodal treatment of glioblastoma. With respect to
properties nonfunctional. Background adhesion, as noted using tumor cell migration as a potential therapeutic tar-
in BSA and nonfunctional cadherin ectodomain (EC1–5 get, several studies have demonstrated that the majority
mut), demonstrated neurites measuring 55 ± 4.4 µm and of disease progression in glioblastoma treated with the
47 ± 3.84 µm, respectively (Fig. 3). Significant increas- standard doses of concurrent radiotherapy and temozolo-
es in neurite length over controls were observed in all mide tends to be local, usually within 2 cm of the initial
groups, including vitronectin (81 ± 4.69 µm; p = 0.017), tumor rather than at distant sites.13,32 Local therapies, such
Type IV collagen (91 ± 7.7 µm; p = 0.025), and recombi- as interstitial carmustine, have attempted to use this find-
nant cadherin EC1–5 (104 ± 13.3 µm; p = 0.029), with the ing by providing increased antiproliferative effects at the
greatest increase in EC1–5 and Type IV collagen adher- site of the resection margin with only a subtle increase
in survival and no change in local recurrence pattern.13
ent cells (Fig. 3).
Specific adjuvant biological agents aimed at inhibiting
U373 Cells Demonstrate Increased Invasion in Response to migration of tumor cells have yet to be tested within the
Cadherin Ectodomain Exposure current treatment paradigm, but provide promising tar-
gets based on expression profiles and clinical progression
The ability of U373 cells to traverse an artificial analysis.10,19,36
membrane coated with recombinant cadherin ectodo- Cadherin expression, including classic members of
main, vitronectin, Type IV collagen, BSA, or the non- the cadherin superfamily such as E-, N-, and P-cadherin
adhesive recombinant EC1–5 Trp mutant was assessed. has been shown in various glioma cell lines.3,24,30 In the
Noncoated control membranes were treated with PBS current study, we employ the technique of providing a
only. Cell counts of the lower chamber, including those cadherin-specific extracellular adhesive domain to ana-
cells able to be gently rinsed from the inferior surface of lyze both adhesion and migration via incorporation of
the membrane, demonstrated a significant increase in the the recombinant EC1–5 protein as a binding substrate.
relative invasion in cadherin ectodomain exposure cells Our negative control, the recombinant EC1–5 Trp mutant
(Fig. 4). At 96 hours incubation, 528 ± 24.7 cells (p = protein, is identical to the EC1–5 protein, with the ex-
0.00023) in the EC1–5 wells had migrated through the ception of a single mutation within the primary cadherin
coated membrane, compared with 155 ± 30 cells in the adhesion domain, thereby creating a specific negative
BSA controls and 100 ± 17.4 in the EC1–5 mutant nega- control for our system. As the cadherin adhesion com-
tive controls. Surprisingly, Type IV collagen served as an plex includes several distinct adapter proteins linking the
impediment to invasion of the U373 cells, with only 67 ± cadherin molecule to the actin cytoskeleton, controlled
7.5 lower chamber cells noted at the end point of the assay expression of various cadherin molecules into a cadher-

666 J Neurosurg / Volume 114 / March 2011

Cadherin-dependent migration of glioblastoma cells

Fig. 3.  Graph showing immobilized recombinant cadherin ectodo-

main promotes neurite extension. The U373 cells grown for 3 days on
immobilized EC1–5, as well as the nonadhesive EC1–5 mutant control,
were analyzed for neurite growth in comparison with Type IV collagen,
vitronectin, and BSA controls. Significant increases in neurite length
were observed in Type IV collagen, vitronectin, and EC1–5 (cadherin)
based adhesion (p < 0.05 in all groups) in comparison with BSA and the
EC1–5 negative control. *p = 0.017, **p = 0.029, ***p = 0.025.

in-free cell system creates the obstacle of controlling for

the appropriate coexpression of these other proteins, in-
cluding β-catenin, whose role as a potent mediator of the
Wnt signaling cascade would severely hinder the techni-
cal feasibility of the study. Moreover, to study cadherin
function in a model system devoid of cadherins, or where
cadherin expression levels were natively low, would limit
any conclusions that could be drawn with respect to the
identity of therapeutic targets.
Unlike other prominent biomarkers of disease, such
as p53 mutations or mitotic index as determined by
MIB-1 staining, cadherin expression is not as easily cor-
related with disease progression. Currently, only breast
carcinoma and bladder cancer employ cadherin expres-
sion, or the presence of cadherin proteolysis fragments,
in prognostication, and even in these situations no causal
relationships exist.4,11,16,21 The expression of cadherin cell
adhesion molecules in tumors of the CNS is not a novel
concept, but the precise role that cadherins play in the
pathogenesis of CNS lesions is still the subject of consid-
erable debate. The examination of expression profiles of
cadherins in tissue sections from invasive tumors has led Fig. 4.  Analysis of the ability of U373 cells to traverse an artificial
several investigators to conclude that N-cadherin expres- membrane.  A: Transwell invasion assay. The U373 cells appearance
sion is correlated with increased invasion, while others as grown on cadherin-coated transwell membranes with an 8.0-µm
have noted the converse to be true.3,14 Similarly, loss of E- pore size display similar growth patterns to those grown on cadherin-
coated culture dishes at 3 days of culture.  Crystal violet, original mag-
cadherin cell surface expression is believed to be a central nification × 40.  B: Graph of U373 cell migration. The cadherin ect-
event in the epithelial-mesenchyme transformations asso- odomain coated transwell membranes promote a significant increase
ciated with tumor invasion in several cancers.15,25 Aside in migratory capacity as measured by the number of cells passing
from tissue- and organ-specific differences accounting through into the lower chamber. Cadherin-adherent cells demonstrate
for such incongruities, the conceptualization of cadherins nearly a 3-fold increase in migration through the transwell membrane
as static adhesion proteins in these studies is likely to be compared with both the controls and the Type IV collagen substrate (*p
the greatest obstacle in delineating the role of cadherins = 0.00023).  C: Transwell migration is not a function of cell prolifera-
in tumor pathogenesis. tion in U373 cells. Analysis of the number of cells remaining bound to
the transwell membrane following 3 days of culture does demonstrate
Our data support the concept that cadherin binding a significant relationship between migratory capacity and proliferation
promotes both adhesion and migration as defined by the with respect to cadherin-based adhesion (p = 0.088), but did reveal a
ability of the U373 cells to spread as large fascicles and significant increase in Type IV collagen-mediated proliferation (**p =
traverse a cadherin-coated membrane. Earlier work uti- 0.002). *p = 0.02.

J Neurosurg / Volume 114 / March 2011 667

C. P. Cifarelli, B. Titus, and H. K. Yeoh

lizing immobilized cadherin ectodomain has also shown the disruption of tumor cell invasion via manipulation of
similar neurite outgrowth patterns in developing nervous cadherin-dependent cell adhesion and migration will be a
tissue, including embryonic avian retina,23 but this is the viable avenue for future preclinical trials.
first study to demonstrate these findings in glioma cell
populations. Moreover, the ability of the recombinant
cadherin ectodomain to promote migratory capacity Conclusions
without significant changes in cell proliferation implies Based on our findings, we conclude that cadherin-
that a phenotypic change is responsible for the increased mediated cell adhesion promotes increased cell-surface
mobility. The precise mechanism underlying this find- binding, neurite outgrowth, and migration in human
ing remains unknown. The varied nature of cadherin U373MG glioblastoma cells. Moreover, we believe that
function within the cell during development, in adult tis- these data provide a novel area of research for the de-
sue, and, by extension, in pathological states such as tu- velopment of therapeutic targets to address mechanisms
mor cell migration, make it difficult to identify a single of local tumor invasion in the treatment of high-grade
mechanism whereby cadherin-mediated adhesion could gliomas.
significantly affect migratory capacity in an oncogenic
population. As a mediator of homophilic cell-cell bind- Disclosure
ing, its role as an adhesion molecule can certainly explain
the substrate binding via the immobilized recombinant The authors report no conflict of interest concerning the mate-
rials or methods used in this study or the findings specified in this
ectodomain, but the ability of the U373 cells exposed to paper.
cadherin-binding sites to migrate through the transwell Author contributions to the study and manuscript preparation
membrane and, thus, past the binding substrate implies include the following. Conception and design: Cifarelli. Acquisition
that cadherin exposure in this glioma cell model mediates of data: Cifarelli, Titus, Yeoh. Analysis and interpretation of data:
a more significant change in cell behavior. In comparison Cifarelli. Drafting the article: Cifarelli. Critically revising the article:
with known adhesive substrates, such as vitronectin and Cifarelli, Titus. Reviewed final version of the manuscript and
collagen, where integrin heterodimers effectively bind approved it for submission: Cifarelli, Titus, Yeoh. Statistical analy-
sis: Cifarelli. Study supervision: Cifarelli.
the cell to the extracellular matrix protein and promote
significant neurite growth, cadherin adhesion binds and
promotes neurite growth as well as invasion. Acknowledgments
The dynamic nature of cadherin adhesion at the de- The authors wish to thank Dr. Barry M. Gumbiner and Mar­
veloping growth cone and, in the current study, at the site tha­joy Spano for the reagents and technical advice and Drs. Jason P.
of neurite extension in migrating CNS tumor cell popula- Sheehan and Gregory A. Helm for their continued support.
tions is underscored by recent studies that have focused
on mediators of cadherin proteolysis. Membrane-bound
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