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Problems are inevitable.

We encounter them anywhere and the only thing we can do about

those is to find solutions and apply such solutions. As a matter of fact, scientific method is a
great key to unlock things from the unknown. How is it that scientists discover that some things
work and other things don’t? They use what is called a scientific method. This means applying a
structured procedure to carry out systematic investigation. This is done to either confirm or
disprove some piece of knowledge. It sounds complicated but it’s really about trying out
different things to see what reactions you get and making sure you always record what you’re
Now, by who and when is the scientific method used? Scientists apply the scientific procedure
when doing project or research work. It is also used in medical research to develop new
medicines treatments. Industrial engineers use it to develop new materials technologies that
makes production more efficient. Even farmers use the scientific method to investigate why
crops fail or why they grow well under certain conditions. From these, scientific method is
undoubtedly one of the greatest discoveries of mankind as it has led to countless other
discoveries being made.
As individuals, not only scientists, generate hypotheses and conduct experiments, they add to
our growing body of knowledge. The more experiments that are done, the more we increase
our understanding of the way things work. What we call facts are actually the products of
scientific method. They are admittedly hypotheses that have been scientifically proven.
Truthfully, some hypotheses turn out to be not true or cannot be confirmed in experiments but
this is an important part of the scientific process as it eliminate things so we don’t have to try it
Yes, people can accept something is true based on intuition or belief. Is such a belief a good
basis of knowledge? Well, no. simply believing something doesn’t make it so. Things we believe
in strongly can turn out to be false. Also, what if someone else holds an opposing belief?
There’s no way to settle who is right by our beliefs. Just because most people accept something
is true doesn’t mean it is true. What we need is fact which could be attained through scientific
method. We cannot depend on subjective and unverifiable sources. We need systematic
observation, free from any bias combined with consistency. In other words, we need scientific
Our world is full of curious phenomena and our present generation owes its wonderful progress
to the method of scientific investigation. To feed our curiosity about matters, we need not to
just stand still but clearly, we would need to take the steps of the scientific method and be
mush more careful of doing it because of the numerous variables that could affect the
conclusion. The scientific method is good as it based on fact. However, as an evaluation, we
could say that science cannot be from error because nothing has full knowledge of the world.

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