Bisness in Action II Intro

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Leadership and Team Building

David Markozashvili
Leadership Styles
Visionary Leader
Come with me


RESONANCE: High motivation
Moves people toward Flexible
shared dreams
IMPACT ON CLIMATE: When employees are more
Most strongly positive experienced than the leader,
it doesn’t work
When changes require a
new vision, or when a clear
direction is needed

Visionary leaders are able to see the bigger picture and set the overall goals for the team.

This type of leader inspires creativity and teamwork as team members are encouraged by the bigger end-goal of what they’re working on day-to-day.

Visionary leaders are good in transition situations. Think about a new CEO coming in and immediately laying out the long-term vision for a place after the disgraced exit
of his predecessor, the company and the employees benefit in this case.

A visionary leader, though, does need lieutenants who can take their vision and translate it into day-to-day work for the rest of the organization. If it’s all vision and
strategy with no tie to day-to-day execution, employees will get confused and ultimately leave.

Steve Jobs built a company that completely changed multiple industries, and he did so by singularly looking at possibilities no one had ever considered.

Of the six leadership styles, overall, this visionary approach is most effective. By continually reminding people of the larger purpose of their work, the visionary leader
lends a grand meaning to otherwise workaday, mundane tasks. Workers understand the shared objectives as being in synch with their own best interests. The result:
inspired work.
Affiliative Leader
People come first


PROS: Creates harmony by connecting
High motivation people to each other
High loyalty
CONS: Positive
Not effective, when
work quality is WHEN APPROPRIATE:
decreasing and strict To heal rifts in a team, motivate
remarks are needed during stressful times, or strengthen

Affiliative leaders show warmth and acceptance to members and create emotional bonds with them.

Because of the warmness provided, members feel safe and have a strong sense of belonging to the organization and perform better. Google has done studies of effective
managers and found the №1 thing they provide is “psychological safety.” Affiliative leaders do that.

Unfortunately, mediocre performances may be fostered under an affiliative leadership because it rarely puts team members under pressure. Some team members may
feel they can coast on certain work because their managers will always support them.

This leadership style works best in stressful situations or when team members’ morale is low. Typically, it’s used best together with other leading styles.

The Dalai Lama brings people along with him and into a bigger picture of contentment and safety.

ჯოუი ტორე - ნიუ იორკის იანკების კლუბის პრეზიდენტი კლასიკური მაგალითია ასეთი ლიდერის. თითოეულ მოთამაშესთან ინდივიდუალური
მიდგომით იგი აღწევს გუნდში ერთსულოვნების მიღწევას. ერთ-ერთი გადამწყვეტი თამაშის დაწყების წინ, როდესაც ერთ მოთამაშეს, პოლ ო’ნილს,
შეატყობინეს მამის გარდაცვალების ამბავი, მასში გუნდის ერთგულების ხარისხი იმდენად მაღალი იყო, რომ ითამაშა მთელი ძალით და
დამთავრებისთანავე ატირდა.

მისი თავდადება პრეზიდენტის მიერ ხაზგასმით აღინიშნა, რომელმაც მოთამაშეს “გმირი მებრძოლი” უწოდა

ასეთი ლიდერი მეტად გულახდილია თავის თანამშრომლებთან. დამყარებული სულიერი კავშირი პირდაპირი მიმართულებაა მეგობრობისკენ.
ასეთი შემთხვევების დროს კომპანიაში ყალიბდება კოლექტივის ერთიანობა და sense of belonging. თუმცა, პოზიტიური შეფასება, შექება აუცილებელია
იყოს მაქსიმალურად გულწრფელი, დაპირებები ყოველთვის უნდა შესრულდეს, რათა არ დაკარგოს ლიდერმა თანამშრომელთა თვალში

Democratic Leader
What do you think
Values people’s input and gets
commitment through


To build buy-in or consensus,
or to get valuable input from

Good for doing realistic plans
High loyalty
High satisfaction among employees

Making decision may take a while
Does not work when employees are not
competent enough

Democratic leaders make decisions together with the team members — regardless of rank — and closely work together with the team to achieve for the best results.

Democratic leadership is good for boosting team morale and improving relationships between leaders and members. An open environment encourages a constant
stream of communication and idea exchange. For example, the idea of Gmail was brought to Google decision-makers by a lower-ranking staffer, as was the idea of
AdWords. AdWords is a huge revenue driver for Google and it didn’t necessarily begin at the absolute top ranks, but the top ranks weren’t threatened when a new idea
came about.

However, the authority of a democratic leader may be easily challenged and cause inefficiency in decision making. A collective decision-making process usually takes a
longer time.

Democratic leaders work best when team members are experienced and have strong knowledge in their functional area. Inexperienced members may be confused under
such leadership, or wondered why their voice was sought after despite their lack of experience.

მერი კათოლიკური სკოლის ხელმძღვანელი იყო. სკოლა წარმატებით ვეღარ ფუნქციონირებდა და მერის მოსთხოვეს მისი დახურვა. მერიმ კრება
მოიწვია და მისი უდიდესი ნაწილი მოსწავლეთა მშობლებისა და მასწავლებლების მოსმენაში გაატარა. ისმენდა მათ იდეებს, შეიძლებოდა თუ არა
სკოლის გადარჩენა და როგორ უნდა მოეხერხებინათ ეს. ორ თვიანი მცდელობის შემდეგ, გადაწყვეტილება აშკარა იყო - სკოლა უნდა დაეხურათ.
განცდა ბევრი იყო, მაგრამ საბოლოოდ, ყველაფერმა უმტკივნეულოდ ჩაიარა.

… განსხვავებით მეორე კათოლიკური სკოლისგან. როდესაც ხელმძღვანელ მღვდელს სკოლის დახურვის შესახებ ბრძანება ამცნეს, მან უყოყმანოდ და
ყოველგვარი სხვათა აზრის მოსმენის გარეშე დახურა. მასწავლებლები აღშფოთდნენ, მშობლებმა სასამართლოში იჩივლეს, მასმედია ერთსულოვნად
კიცხავდა სკოლას. სასამართლოში დავა წელზე მეტ ხანს გაგრძელდა.

Coaching Leader
Let me develop you
Connects what a person wants with
the organization’s goals

Highly positive

To help an employee improve
performance by building long-term

Individual approach makes the employees to
feel distinguished and maximizes their loyalty
and motivation

Needs a lot of time
Always using this style may lead to irritation

Ogilvy’s leadership included a large dose of the coaching style: having a deep conversation with an employee that goes beyond short-term concerns and instead
explores the person’s life, including dreams, life goals, and career hopes. Despite the commonly held belief that every leader needs to be a good coach, leaders tend to
exhibit this style least often. In these high-pressure, tense times, leaders say they “don’t have the time” for coaching. By ignoring this style, however, they pass up a
powerful tool.

Coaching works best with employees who show initiative and want more professional development. On the other hand, coaching will fail when the employee lacks
motivation or requires excessive personal direction and feedback—or when the leader lacks the expertise or sensitivity needed to help the employee along. When
executed poorly, the coaching approach looks more like micromanaging or excessive control of an employee.

როდესაც ჯეიმსმა გაიგო, რომ მის განყოფილებას ხურავდნენ, გადაწყვიტა კომპანიის პრეზიდენტთან მისულიყო და რეგიონალური მენეჯერის
გადაწყვეტილება გაესაჩივრებინა. რეგიონალურმა მენეჯერმა, გაიგო რა მისი გადაწყვეტილების შესახებ თავის კაბინეტში დაიბარა ჯეიმსი და
საყვედურის მაგიერ, დაუწყო დარიგება, თუ როგორ უნდა წარმოეჩინა თავი უკეთ პრეზიდენტთან, რომელსაც თავად უკეთ იცნობდა. რეგ. მენეჯერი
დაეხმარა ჯეიმსს პრეზენტაციის მომზადებაში და ხელი შეუწყო, რომ შეხვედრის წარმატებით ჩატარებაში.

კითხვაზე, თუ რატომ დაეხმარა ჯეიმსს, რეგ. მენეჯერმა აღნიშნა: “ჯეიმსი ნიჭიერი თანამშრომელია, პერსპექტიული, მე ველი მისგან კარგ შედეგებს.
მოუმზადებლად და აღელვებულზე ასეთი შეხვედრიდან იგი კარგ შედეგს ვერ მიიღებდა. მე კი არ მინდოდა პერსპექტიული ადამიანისთვის წინსვლის
შანსები გამენადგურებინა.”

ეს სტილი ყველაზე ეფექტურია, როცა თანამშრომლები ამჟღავნებენ სურვილს წინსვლისა და მეტის სწავლის. მუდმივად და დიდი დოზით ამ სტილის
გამოყენება საბოლოო ჯამში გაღიზიანებას იწვევს.

ეს სტილი ყველაზე იშვიათად გამოიყენება. როგორც აღნიშნავენ ლიდერები: “არავის აქვს დრო, რომ ამდენი დრო დაუთმონ თანამშრომლის აღზრდა
Pacesetting Leader
Do as I do

Meets challenging and exciting
High responsibility rate
Because too frequently poorly
Low morale among employees
executed, often highly negative
Low motivation among employees
Not flexible
To get high-quality results from a
motivated and competent team

A pace-setting leader focuses on targets and the speed with which said targets are being achieved. They set performance standards and schedules for the team to
achieve goals and get the best results.

Pace-setting leaders typically ensure the work is on schedule and reaches the goals quickly.

The biggest drawback of pace-setting leadership is that many pace-setting leaders overwhelm team members with deadlines, and harm their creativity as they rush to
finish their work.

As a result, this style works best when employees are highly motivated and already competent workers. This is also good if a clear schedule needs to be set for a specific
set of tasks.

The leader holds and exemplifies high standards for performance. He is obsessive about doing things better and faster, and asks the same of everyone. He quickly
pinpoints poor performers, demands more from them, and if they don’t rise to the occasion, rescues the situation himself. But if applied poorly or excessively, or in the
wrong setting, the pacesetting approach can leave employees feeling pushed too hard by the leader’s relentless demands.”

The classic signs of a pacesetter: exceptionally high standards of excellence, impatience with poor performance, an eagerness to roll up his sleeves to get the job done,
and a readiness to take over for people when they get into difficulties.

Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, is a successful example of a pace-setter. Welch despised micro-managing and thought leaders needed to focus more on
setting examples and deadlines. That’s the essence of a pace-setting leader.

სემი ბიოქიმიკოსი იყო დიდ ფარმაცევტულ კომპანიაში. იგი გამოირჩეოდა საუკეთესო პროფესიონალიზმით, ენერგიითა და ნიჭით. ერთ-ერთი
Commanding Leader
Do what I say
Good style for crisis

Lack of new ideas or initiatives within
Low motivation among employees
Low work efficiency

Soothes fears by giving clear
direction in an emergency

Because so often misused, highly

In a crisis, to kick-start a
turnaround, or with problem

A commanding leader makes decisions alone and gives orders to members to achieve goals.

A commanding leader can make decisions quickly. They don’t need to go through any discussions to come up with a decision most of the time. This saves time and is
helpful especially during a crisis. Commanding leaders are often respected and are rarely challenged by the team.

Unfortunately, commanding leaders often inhibit critical thinking and demoralize employees’ team spirit as their opinions are not valued under such leadership. Team
members are there for execution; they do what they’re told, and only the commanding leader gets to drive a decision forward.

Commanding leaders work best when quick decisions are to be made in a crisis or situation with inexperienced team members. As a result, many famed generals and
politicians operating in times of strife fall into this category.

Winston Churchill is an example of a commanding leader. Churchill was especially known as a powerful orator and man overall, and often was able to inspire others to
action simply via his commanding speeches and viewpoint.

კომპიუტერული კომპანია კრიზისში იყო - მისი გაყიდვები შემცირდა, აქციების ფასი უწყვეტად ეცემოდა, აქციონერები ნერვიულობდნენ. სიტუაციის
გამოსწორების იმედით, კომპანიამ დაიქირავა ახალი CEO, რომელიც ასეთი შემთხვევების ოსტატად იყო ცნობილი.

პირველივე დღიდანვე ახალმა CEO-მ იწყო შიშის თესვა თანამშრომლებში. კომპანიაში ძრწოლამ დაისადგურა. შედეგი მართლაც მიღწეულ იქნა _
კომპანია გადარჩა … თუმცა ძლიერ მოკლე ვადით. გარკვეული პერიოდის შემდგომ საქმე უკუღმა წავიდა. თანამშრომლებმა იწყეს გადინება,
სამუშაოს ეფექტურობამ მნიშვნლოვნად იკლო. CEO დაითხოვეს.

Team Building
9 Team-Roles



Highly creative and good Analyzes and evaluates ideas Takes team-leader role,
at solving problems in that other people come up guides the team to the Is usually extroverted.
unconventional ways with. Is objective and objectives, draws out team Develops contacts, and
carefully weighs the pros and members and delegates work negotiates on behalf of the
cons of all the options appropriately team. Works with external


Gets things done, turns the team's ideas and concepts into practical actions and plans. Is
typically conservative and disciplined who works systematically and efficiently
9 Team-Roles (continued)



Provides support and Is usually extroverted, who Helps team with in-depth
Polishes and scrutinizes the makes sure that people enjoys stimulating others and knowledge of a key area,
work for errors, subjecting within the team are finds approaches for solving commits herself fully to
it to the highest standards of working together problems. Provides drive to her field of expertise
quality control effectively. Is flexible, ensure that the team kept
diplomatic, and perceptive moving

Action Oriented Roles: Shaper, Implementer, Completer-Finisher

People Oriented Roles: Coordinator, Team Worker, Resource Investigator

Thought Oriented Roles: Plant, Monitor-Evaluator, Specialist

Weaknesses of the Roles
• Plants could be unorthodox or forgetful or poor communicators

• Resource Investigators might lose optimism quickly, or be overly optimistic

• Monitor Evaluators could be overly critical and slow moving

• Coordinators might over delegate, leaving themselves little work to do

• Implementers might be inflexible with their plans when changes are needed

• Completer Finishers might take their perfectionism to the extremes and waste the time

• Teamworkers might be indecisive and maintain uncommitted positions during discussion

• Shapers could risk becoming aggressive and bad-humoured in their attempts to get things

• Specialist may have a tendency to focus narrowly on their own subject of choice
Stranded on a Mountain
Chocolate bars (one Air map made of
A ball of steel wool A small axe
per person) plastic

20 x 20 ft. piece of
A compass Can of vegetable oil A loaded pistol
heavy-duty canvas

Extra shirt and pants Cigarette lighter

Some whiskey Newspapers
for each survivor (without fluid)

You and a small group of people are flying in a small plane to Winnipeg, Canada, leaving Chicago at 10:30 PM on a cold night in mid January. Two hours into the
three hour flight, the plane hits bad turbulence. The pilot announces: “Folks, we’re in a bad storm. The radio’s out, so I haven’t been able to call for help or let anyone
know where we are. I’ve gone off course to try to get around it, but we’re out fuel and we’re going down in a remote wilderness preserve. Looks like we’re about
70-80km west of a small town, but there’s nothing else nearby.”

A few minutes later, the plane crash lands into small ice-covered lake, killing the pilot and co-pilot. You and the other passengers are bruised and cut up, but no one is
seriously injured. Shortly after you scramble out of the plane, it sinks completely into the lake with the pilot and co-pilot’s bodies inside.

Your mostly dry group of survivors makes its way across the ice to shore. It is 1:00AM and you are in a wilderness area made up of many lakes and rivers. In some
places the snow is only ankle deep, but you can see that most of the drifts are knee-deep or more. The last weather report said it was supposed to get down to -25
degrees tonight, with a high of only -5 degrees (C) tomorrow. There is plenty of dead wood and twigs in the area around the lake.

You and the other surviving passengers are dressed in light winter clothing: jeans, sweat shirts, street shoes, hats and overcoats, but no serious winter gear. You have
agreed to stay together and pool the items you managed to salvage from the plane.

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