Final Research Topic Statement I. Research Problem

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Dionisio, Kyle Adam T.

March 1, 2017
Espeso, Dominique Anne M.
Estrella, Maxine Astrid P.

Final Research Topic Statement

I. Research Problem

What is the perception and attitude of the De La Salle University (DLSU) Senior
High School Students toward the K-to-12 implementation and its underlying
effects on the students?

II. Research Objective

1. To know the stand of students towards the implementation of the K-12 program.
2. To determine whether the modification of the curriculum had an emotional impact
on the students.
3. To identify the students’ perceived benefits and drawbacks of the K-12 program.
4. To discern if the K-12 affects the way students plan their career path.
5. To recognize the influence of K-12 on students’ perspective towards the
significance of pursuing college education.

III. Research Method/s

This study is qualitative in design and exploratory in purpose. It specifically

seeks to understand the perception and attitude of the DLSU senior high school
students toward K-to-12 implementation and its underlying effects to the
students. In addition, because it is a qualitative study, in depth interview will be
conducted to gather data and an interview guide will be the instrument.

The rationale behind the study’s qualitative nature is to get to know and
probe on the individual’s perceptions and sentiments. Quantitative studies do not
allow this since its main concern is to examine association or relationship
between study variables and to make generalizations. Also, as mentioned before,
only parents and teachers are given much attention on the negative effects of
this program. This study’s exploratory approach would allow the researchers to
focus on the different ways on how the senior high students approach and handle
the changes brought about by the effects of the K -12 program implemented in
the current curriculum. Moreover, since it has not been done before, a qualitative
study would produce more meaningful data and results in line with the study’s

Additionally, the study will make use of convenience and snowball non-
probability sampling. The first method allows the researchers to make
arrangements prior to the facilitation of the face to face interviews. Furthermore,
snowball sampling would be helpful in finding more informants as previous
informants could refer others. Convenience sampling will be optimal for the study
as the DLSU senior high students can be found around campus premises and
will be easily available to participate in contributing information for the study.

IV. Significance of the Study

The Implementation of K-to-12 has brought about several changes –

affecting not only the education system but also the lives of the primary group of
individuals involved to such modification. Whenever K-to-12 is discussed in the
public, the common concern would be the additional burden to be endured by
parents due to additional years of sending their children to schools. Another
concern would be the impending problems and risks towards the career of
teachers brought about by the shift in the curriculum. However it can be observed
that little importance is dedicated to assess the impact of such transition to the
students, for it is always viewed as a beneficial change. Nonetheless, a change –
regardless of its intended result - would always bring a sense of fear, confusion,
anger, excitement, and other sentiments to individuals that will be affected of it.
Hence, similar to the situation of parents and teachers, students should also be
considered because they are undergoing the same process of adjustment and
adaptation to the new system.

Through this study, the attitude and perception of the students towards the
implementation of K-to-12 will be explored to have a more profound
understanding of their situation and to be aware of the imperceptible effects to
them by this transition. The knowledge and information that will be gained from
the study would be beneficial to the education sector to facilitate them in creating
an effective and suitable interventions that would help the students to
understand, appreciate, adjust, and hopefully embrace the transition that is going
on. The mutual understanding between the education sector and the students
could aid to an efficient delivery of the service – quality education, as well as
positive reception of the benefits. Additionally, the study will also benefit the
parents by providing them insights about the troubles, puzzlement, uncertainty,
and other emotions faced by the students brought by the curriculum shift.
Equipped with such understanding, it could help them in attending to the needs
of their children rationally and considerately and be an effective support system.
Lastly, the study is also valuable to the students because it could give them the
avenue to voice out their sentiments and stance about the change in the
curriculum. As a result, the education sector and other people concerned and
involved in the issue might realize the importance of their input and involvement
to make implementation of K-to-12 a success as well as a favorable move to

Interview Questions:

1. What was your initial reaction when K-12 was proposed when it was finally
2. Did you resist the change? If so, explain how.
3. How did you cope with the change? (concrete examples)
4. Now that it is already implemented and you are currently a senior high
student, was there any change in your perception and standpoint about
the program? What are the insights that remain the same?
5. How did you choose your track? Are you satisfied with it? Why or why
6. Did choosing a track make it easier for you to decide about the career you
want to pursue? How so? (concrete examples)
7. In your own view, did the program change in the curriculum bring about
more benefits than disadvantages? How so?
8. In the new program, you have a choice of no longer proceeding to college.
As such, are you still planning to take up an undergraduate course or work
soon after graduating? Why did you choose the option you identified?
9. Do you have any suggestions on how to improve the program so students
like yourself can better appreciate it? If so, what are your

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