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TIB – Technical Information Bulletin.

TIB number – Unique number assigned for that particular bulletin

A TIB is a newsletter type of publication for news and tips. It is a
quick and easy way to alert Dealers to new and better procedures,
parts, ideas, etc.

A TIB provides information on –

• Self-training for Dealer service personnel.
• Helpful tips for operators and Dealer personnel.
• New or improved parts or products.
• New literature.
• New tooling.
• New or improved service procedures and information is
provided prior to service manual updates.
• Small corrections made to other publications.
• New for old part replacements that don’t require a step-bystep
• Instructions about making improvements or installing
improved parts.

TIB’s are for information only and do not authorise warranty

SB – Service Bulletin

SB number – Unique number assigned for that particular bulletin

There are two types of Service Bulletin –

• ICA (Interim Containment Action) – Temporary action that

will be replaced by a PCA.

• PCA (Permanent Containment Action) – Final solution to

an issue that may supersede an ICA.

Date – Release date of bulletin.

Subject – Descriptive title of the bulletin.

Termination Date – The duration in which the bulletin is live and

warranty can be claimed against the bulletin.

Problem – A problem statement explaining the issue.

Affected Serial Numbers – If a specific Genset or Genset’s are

identified to be affected a table containing the Genset serial
number, sales order number and item number will be listed.
If the issue affects every unit in a product family or families a table
containing the Genset serial number prefix(s) will be listed. The
Genset serial number prefix is the 10th, 11th and 12th figures in
the Genset serial number.

Parts needed – A list of parts and quantities required to be

ordered to address the issue.
Action required – A section of the bulletin that includes safety,
equipment required and procedure information.
• Safety – Follow all Safety recommendations in the Safety
Sections of the relevant manuals.
• Equipment required – A prediction of the necessary tools and
equipment required to address the bulletin issue.
• Procedure – A step-by-step instruction containing the actions
to be taken.

Warranty Allowance – A table containing the percentage of parts

cost that will be covered and labour hours that can be claimed.
Travel allowance is also defined.

Action MUST be taken on Safety related Service Bulletins


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