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22 January 2020

Bavuria Overscas Brcrveries ll. V.

l)car Sir/Madam.

Our auditors' MSE Auditors' Partnership. are at present canying out an examination of our
accounts tbr the year ended 3l December 2019. We shall be obtiged if you could kindly send
directly to them the corrÍinnation askcd for in the form below.

Please may you give the contïrmation to the bearer or email it to providence.moÍ
and hai lcnr ichael.derccha{iAet-mse.coru.

Authorized Signatory


MSf, Auditor's Partnership

Chartered Certified Accountants
P.(1. Box I 162, Telephonc 251(0)ll 552 40 85
Fax No: 00 230 4547295
Dear Sir,

This is to confirm that the amounÍs owed by Hrbesha Brewery Share Company to Bavarir
Overscas Brewcries B. V. were as follows as at 3l December 2019:

Loan principal amount and accrued interest: \,tsr> Bsls-3Bo

Other related paíy balances: F.t "tu ,{ rex bo2
Name of au(horized signatory



22 Januwy 2A2Q

Holland Malt B. V

Dear Sir/Madam,

Our auditors, MSE Auditors' Parhership, aÍe at present carrying out an examination of our
accounts for the year ended 3l December 2019. We shall be obliged if you could kindly send
directly to them the confirmation asked for in the form below.

Please may you give the confirmation to the bearer or email it to

Authorized Signatory


MSE Auditor's ParÍnership

Chartered CertiÍied Accou ntants
P.0. Box 1162, Telephone 251(0)ll 552 40 85
FaxNo: 002304547295
Dear Sir,

This is to confirm that the amounts owed by Habesha Breweries Share Company to Holland
Malt B.V. were as follows as at 3l December 2Ol9:

Loan principal amount and accrued interest:

Otherrelated parfy balances: _

Name of authorized signatory




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