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FG Wilson

Technical Information
TIB 0065
04 Oct 2010

SUBJECT: Battery Maintenance.


1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………. 1

2. Safety Precautions……………………………………………………………………………. 2

a. Handling Batteries And Battery Acid………………………………………………. 2

b. Explosive Gases……………………………………………………………………….. 3

c. Charging…………………………………………………………………….…………... 3

d. Starting From An External Source………………………………………….……… 3

3 Recommended Operating Temperatures………………………………………………… 4

4. Recommended Cleaning……………………………………………………………………. 4

5 Recommended Specifications for the Battery Charger……………………….. 4

6. Battery Test Procedures…………………………………………………………………….. 5

7 Causes Of Battery Failure…………………………………………………………………... 9

8 Procedure For Using Battery Load Tester……………………………………………..… 12

9. Charging…………………………………………………………………………………...…… 13

10. Terms And Definitions……………………………………………………………………..... 14

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1. Introduction. This TIB provides the necessary information in order to maintain the
following battery types:

• A new battery.

• A battery that is in service.

Procedures and/or tests will specify the types of batteries and voltages. Refer to Genset/battery
manufacturers’ manual to identify the battery before you use any procedure or before you
perform any test. Ensure that the battery type and the battery voltage are known.

The following Service are recommended:

• Ammeter Tool Gp

• AC/DC Current Probe

• Battery Analyzer

• Battery Load Tester

• Digital Multimeter

2. Safety Precautions

a. Handling Batteries And Battery Acid

All lead-acid batteries contain sulfuric acid, which can burn the skin and clothing.

Always wear a face shield and protective clothing when working on or near batteries.

Note: When working with acid or when adding electrolyte to a battery, wear a face shield
and protective clothing to prevent contact with the battery electrolyte.

If an accident occurs use the following antidotes:

Eyes – If electrolyte is splashed into the eyes, proceed with the following steps:

(1) Force the eyes open. Flood the eyes with cool, clean water for at least 15

(2) Seek immediate medical attention.

Internal – If electrolyte is consumed, proceed with the following steps:

(1) Immediately drink large quantities of water or milk.

(2) After you drink the milk or the water, drink one of the following liquids:

• Milk of magnesia

• Beaten eggs

• Vegetable oil

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(3) Seek immediate medical attention.

External – If electrolyte burns the skin, proceed with the following steps:

(1) Immediately flush the burned area with water.

(2) Seek immediate medical attention.

b. Explosive Gases

Batteries generate explosive gases.

Always disconnect the circuit away from the battery; never towards the battery.
Always keep sparks, flames or any other ignition sources away from the battery.
Always wear a protective face shield and protective clothing when working on or
near batteries.

Batteries produce hydrogen and oxygen gases during normal operation. Gases escape
through the vent caps. An explosive atmosphere may collect around the battery, especially
if ventilation is poor. The explosive atmosphere may still be present for several hours after
the battery is charged.

Batteries can release explosive gasses when charging.

DO NOT under any circumstances remove the vent caps from a battery while the
battery is charging.
Charging the battery with the vent caps removed could result in an explosion and
personal injury.

The vent caps have a built-in flame arrestor. The vent caps reduce the possibility of
external sparks that could ignite gases that are inside of the battery. Caution is still
required. Internal sparks that are generated by an open connection may cause a battery to
explode. Sparks can also be generated when you connect and/or disconnect a battery from
an external circuit such as a battery charger or the battery cables.

c. Charging. Do not attempt to charge a battery until you are familiar with the
procedures for using the battery charger.

Do not attempt to charge a battery that has ice in any of the cells. Charging a battery
in this condition can cause an explosion that may result in personal injury or death.
Always let the ice melt before attempting to charge.

d. Starting From An External Source. For the correct procedures, refer to the
Operation and Maintenance Manual for the product.
Battery charging equipment must always be located in an area that provides proper safety
and proper ventilation.

Improper jumper cable connections can cause an explosion resulting in personal


3 Recommended Operating Temperatures. The maximum temperatures of operation for

batteries is 52 °C (125 °F). The ideal operating temperature range for batteries is 20° to 25°C (68
° to 77 °F). Battery life is cut in half for every 9.4 °C (48.9 °F) of ambient temperature that is
above 25 °C (77 °F). This equation is valid for any of the following types of batteries that are lead
acid: sealed, accessible, gelled, and industrial. The temperature of the battery should not exceed

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52 °C(125 °F) during normal operation. When the battery is exposed to extreme heat, electrolyte
is converted into hydrogen and oxygen gases. The result is a loss in performance, shorter service
life, and the potential for an explosion. Batteries that are used in cool or moderate conditions can
last between two and three times longer than batteries used in hot climates. In colder climates,
the duration of battery life is between 48 and 54 months. In warmer locations, the duration of
standard battery life is 18 to 23 months. This data is based on normal usage. Normal usage
includes a good charge and a good condition of discharge.

4. Recommended Cleaning

a. Cleaning the Battery. To prevent a leakage path (a type of short circuit), clean the
top surface of the battery and the terminal posts of the battery. A leakage path can cause
electrical components and systems to appear as functioning even though the disconnect
switch (if equipped) is in the OFF position. The electrical system can also include the
Engine Monitoring System (EMS).
A battery can be slippery and difficult to maneuver if an acid film exists. An acid film can
corrode the battery posts and the cable connections. Batteries can be cleaned with one of
the following solutions:

Baking Soda – Combine 0.1 kg (0.2 lb) of baking soda with 1 L (1.1 qt) of clean water.

Ammonia – Combine 0.1 kg (0.2 lb) of ammonia soda with 1 L (1.1 qt) of clean water.


Rapid air movement from compressed air combined with dust, dirt, or other forms of debris
can create static electricity. Static electricity may lead to an explosion when in the vicinity of
a battery, resulting in personal injury or death. Never use compressed air for cleaning in the
vicinity of a battery.

Remove the cleaning solution from the battery and neutralize the battery by rinsing the
battery with clean water.

b. Cleaning the Battery Terminal Post. The battery terminal posts may be corroded.
If a corroded terminal post has a nonconductive coating, you cannot clean the terminal with
a cleaning solution or with a cleaning brush. Use a fine grit sandpaper to remove the
nonconductive coating if the terminal posts are corroded.


Clean the battery terminal posts surface until the surface has a bright, shiny appearance.
DO NOT remove any more material than necessary, or the cable terminal may not fit

5 Recommended Specifications for the Battery Charger. The following specifications

and/or features can be used as guidelines when you charge a battery:

• Use a battery charger with a rugged design.

• Use a battery charger that is rated for heavy-duty commercial use.

• The REQUIRED AC power source must match the AVAILABLE AC power source.

• For 12 V batteries, use a charger that is rated at 70A.

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• Continuous shorting (touching) of the charger output lead wiring should not damage
the battery charger.

• Use a charger that has a relay for polarity protection. The polarity protection will
prevent damage to the charger if the battery is connected in reverse.

• Charging overloads into the RED charging zone on the output meter should not
damage the battery charger.

6. Battery Test Procedures. Use the recommended tools or the equivalent tools when you
are testing a battery.

a. Visual Inspection For Damage. If there are any visible indications of leaks, find the
cause of the failure before you install a new battery. Failure to do so could result in damage
to the replacement battery.

Refer to Section 7- Causes Of Battery Failure.

b. Electrolyte Level Above Plates In All Cells

Note: If the battery is sealed, then this test cannot be done.

The electrolyte level must be above the plates in each cell before continuing. The
electrolyte level does not need to be up to the bottom of the filler neck. The electrolyte level
only needs to be above the plates. The battery may still be serviceable after the battery is
filled and after the battery is properly charged. The battery service life and cranking
performance will be reduced if the electrolyte level is below the top of the plates.

• Use distilled water or clean water that is safe for drinking.

• Fill the cells to the bottom of the filler neck.

• Test the battery.

c. Procedures for Battery Charging

(1) Preparing The Battery. Clean the battery case and the battery terminal posts.
Refer to Section 4 Recommended Cleaning in this publication.

(2) Preparing The Battery Charger. Some battery chargers are equipped with a
polarity protection relay. The relay protects the battery charger from damage if the
charger is connected in a series circuit to the battery.

A battery can be in a low state of charge and will NOT have sufficient voltage to
activate the relay. Connect a charged battery in parallel, positive-to-positive, and
negative-to-negative, to the discharged battery for JUST enough time to activate the

DO NOT attempt to charge more than one battery at a time.

Before you connect the charger to the battery, the following tasks must be performed:

• Ensure that the charger is in the OFF position.

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• The voltage of the battery charger and the rated voltage of the battery
should be equal.

d. Battery Charging and the Effects of Temperature. The voltage of the charge
should be compensated for the temperature of the battery in high ambient temperatures or
extreme ambient temperatures. The following items are reasons for the compensation of

• Prevent the thermal runaway of the batteries when the batteries are used
in high temperature conditions.

• Prevent excessive loss of water and shortenings of the battery life.

Thermal runaway – When heat of the battery is created faster than the dissipation of
battery heat. If this condition continues, permanent battery damage will occur.

A battery will emit hydrogen and oxygen gases when the battery is being charged.
The gases are emitted due to the decomposition of water. A battery emits gases
because the battery is being charged at a rate that is higher than the acceptable rate
for the battery.

Generally, a battery will emit gas when the battery reaches a full state of charge. A
charger automatically reduces the charge rate as the battery reaches the fully
charged state in order to eliminate most of the gases from being emitted.

It is important not to charge maintenance free batteries for extended periods of time
at rates that will cause the batteries to emit gases. Also, the gases can cause the
pressure in the battery to increase. No battery should be charged for a long period of

When a battery has reached a full state of charge any additional charging will result in
heat that is wasted and the loss of water. The excess heat is damaging to the plates
and the separators. The loss of water lowers the electrolyte level. The loss of water
increases the specific gravity of the electrolyte. The factors that are previously
mentioned decrease the service life of the battery. The previous factors also increase
the potential for an explosion. Temperature compensation of the charging voltage can
prolong the life of the battery.

• 5 percent compensation at 86 °C (186 °F).

• 10 percent compensation at 95 °C (203 °F).

• 15 percent compensation at 104 °C (219 °F).

e. Machine Charging System Recommendations. In order to limit the alternator

voltage to a safe value, a voltage regulator is included in the charging circuit. The primary
function of the voltage regulator is to control of the output voltage in order to maintain the
battery at a proper state of charge.

Many voltage regulators are compensated for temperature. The system voltage is
decreased as the temperature increases. Normal settings are adjusted for 25 °C (77 °F).
The voltage adjustment is used in order to compensate for the acceptance of the charge by
the battery.

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The setting of the voltage regulator can influence the service life and performance of the
battery. Settings that are too high result in overcharging and reducing the life of the battery.
Settings that are too low result in the following conditions: undercharging, reduced
performance, and a discharged battery.

The voltage regulator must be checked in 2000 hour intervals or during normal oil change
intervals. The voltage regulator should be checked immediately if the battery is hot to the
touch or if the electrolyte is frothing from the vents.

Optimum charging voltage for a 12 V battery versus temperature that is using an alternator
Temperature MF CA/CA Low Antimony Hybrid AGM GEL

52 °C (126 °F) 12.94 12.64 12.64 12.64 12.64

41° to 52°C
13.32 13.02 13.02 12.90 12.80
(106° to 126°F)

26° to 40°C
13.80 13.50 13.50 13.02 13.02
(79° to 104°F)

20° to 25°C
14.10 14.10 14.10 13.50 13.50
(68° to 77°F)

0° to 19°C
14.46 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16
(32° to 66°F)

0 °C (32 °F) 15.90 15.60 15.60 15.60 15.60

Table 1.

Optimum Charging Voltage for 12 V Batteries versus Temperature that are using a Charger
MF CA/CA Low Antimony Hybrid AGM GEL
Temp Float Equalize Float Equalize Float Equalize Float Equalize Float Equalize
volts volts volts volts volts volts volts volts volts volts
80 °C
12.90 14.70 12.60 13.20 12.60 13.80 12.90 13.50 12.80 12.90
(176 °F)
60 °C
12.94 14.74 12.64 13.24 12.64 13.84 13.54 13.54 12.80 12.94
(140 °F)
40 °C
13.32 15.12 13.02 13.62 13.02 14.22 13.02 13.92 13.02 13.32
(104 °F)
20 °C
13.80 15.60 13.50 14.10 13.50 14.70 13.50 14.40 13.50 13.80
(68 °F)
0 °C
14.46 16.26 14.16 14.76 14.16 15.36 14.16 15.06 14.16 14.46
(32 °F)
-30 °C
15.90 17.70 15.60 16.20 15.60 16.80 15.60 16.50 15.60 15.90
(-22 °F)

Table 2.

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f. Battery Composition and Battery Charging. There are several battery
compositions are currently available on the market.

Maintenance Free – The battery uses lead calcium grids for the positive plates and the
negative plates. The battery has a lower acceptance of charge than the other batteries. The
battery tolerates overcharging better than the other batteries.

Low Antimony – The battery uses grids of lead antimony for the positive plates and the
negative plates. The battery has a higher acceptance of charge. The battery is prone to

Hybrid – The battery uses a lead antimony for the positive grid. The battery uses lead
calcium for the negative grid. The capacity of the charge is between the maintenance free
battery and the low antimony battery. The battery is prone to overcharging.

Lead antimony and some of the hybrid batteries require the addition of water. Lead calcium
batteries do not require the addition of water. Battery types should never be mixed on a
machine. If the battery types are mixed, some batteries may be overcharged and some
batteries may not be charged completely. If one battery needs to be replaced, all of the
batteries should be replaced.

g. Charging The Battery. Follow these guidelines for charging the battery:

(1) DO NOT charge in the RED zone.

(2) DO NOT touch the charger leads or disconnect the charger leads while the
charger is turned ON.

Note: For a 12 V battery, do not exceed a terminal voltage of 16 V. However, the terminal
voltage may exceed 16 V ONLY for the first 15 minutes while the battery is beginning in
order to accept a charge.

Overcharging may occur even if the charging voltage is under 16 V. Overcharging is

indicated by the following symptoms:

(1) The battery becomes warm.

(2) A smell of acid is present.

(3) The battery emits smoke or the battery emits a dense vapor.

If any of these symptoms occur, reduce the charging rate in order to eliminate the
overcharging. Complete the charging at the LOWER charging rate.

Use the charging voltage that is recommended. Refer to Section 9 - Charging in this
publication. If the recommended current is NOT exceeded, the initial charging voltage can
be equal to the capacity of the charger. Use the following procedure to charge the battery:

(1). Connect the charger RED positive (+) lead to the battery's positive (+) terminal
post and connect the charger BLACK negative (-) lead to the battery's negative (-)
terminal post.

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(2). Adjust the battery charger to the correct voltage.

(3). Turn the battery charger ON. If the charger is set at the highest voltage and the
battery does not begin to accept the recommended 50% minimum charging current
within the first 15 minutes, replace the battery.

7 Causes Of Battery Failure.


Find the cause of the failure before you install a new battery or return the original battery to
service. Failure to do so could result in a repeat failure.

Use the following topics as guidelines to determine the cause of the failure.

a. No Apparent Failure Mode

The battery does not show any signs of failure. Inspect the battery for the following

• Poor connections and/or an open circuit.

• Corroded, loose, and damaged connections in the cranking circuit.

• Corroded battery terminal posts.

Note: Refer to Section 4 Recommended Cleaning, if these conditions are present.

b. Leaking Battery Case. A cracked case or a broken case can be caused by the
following occurrences:

• A defect in the quality or in the manufacturing.

• Foreign material that is trapped under the battery at the time of installation.

• Abuse.

• Allowing a discharged cell or a dead cell to freeze.

• The battery hold-downs are too tight.

• The battery hold-downs are too loose. Inspect the battery for eroded areas at
the point of contact with the battery hold-downs.

• The battery case will appear to be leaking. The battery vent plugholes may be
partially blocked.

c. Overcharging. Some of the causes and resulting effects of overcharging are

dependent on the type of battery.

A faulty voltage regulator can cause an above normal charging rate to any battery type.

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Effects of Overcharging Batteries
Type Of Battery Effect
All of the battery cells have a low level of
When the plates of the battery are inspected
General Service Batteries through the filler holes, the plates may appear
to be warped. Excessive temperature can
cause plate warpage.

The battery may not pass a load test.

The battery may not accept a charging current.
Maintenance Free Batteries
The battery may not pass a load test.

Table 3

d. Accessible Batteries. Accessible batteries are batteries with caps that can be
removed in order to allow access to check the electrolyte levels. Use deionized water or
mineral free water to change the level in the battery cells.

Accessible batteries are recommended in all generator set applications. Generator set
applications commonly use a constant charge such as a float charge during operation and
the use of this type of constant charge shortens the life of the battery if the
battery is not maintained properly. Using accessible batteries allows proper maintenance
and service to the batteries. Proper maintenance and service will maximize the life of the

If an accessible design is not available, a design that is not accessible can be used. A
battery that is not accessible must be replaced after 3 years of service. For warmer regions
of the world, replace the battery that is not accessible within 2 years.

e. Maintaining Accessible Batteries. Accessible batteries require periodic checks for

proper electrolyte level. The electrolyte level should be covering the grids 13 mm (0.50
inch) within the battery in order to maximize the transfer of the full charge. If the liquid level
is below the grids, only add deionized water or mineral free water. Never add battery acid to
top off the volume, as the addition of
extra acid will destroy the grids.

Check the level of the electrolyte in accessible batteries every 1000 service hours. In
warmer climates, check more frequently, such as every 500hours in order to make sure that
the electrolyte level is 13 mm (0.50 inch) above the top of the separators.

f. Undercharging. The following examples are causes of undercharging:

• An alternator that is not matched to the load demands.

• A faulty alternator

• Loose alternator drive belts.

• Broken alternator drive belts.

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• Insufficient time between engine start and engine stop.

• A Genset that is operated with the disconnect switch in the OFF position.

• Extended storage of a Genset with the disconnect switch in the ON position.

• The alternator voltage regulator is set too low.

• Moisture and/or debris can cause the battery to self-discharge.

Undercharging on a battery can be caused by connecting batteries of different types in a

series circuit.

g. Contaminated Electrolyte. Contaminated electrolyte can be caused by adding

contaminated water to a battery during the service life of the battery. Adding contaminated
water to a battery can shorten the life of the battery.

h. Vibration. Internal damage and external damage to any battery type can be caused
by vibration. The effects of vibration may vary according to the type of battery. A
Maintenance Free Battery cannot be inspected internally because of the sealed design.

The following situations are effects of vibration:

• Short circuiting within the battery cell.

• Dark electrolyte.

• Plate material that appears to be peeling, corroding, separating, or splitting.

• An exploded battery due to an open circuit inside one cell.

• A shorted cell in the battery may be due to the following conditions: an increase
in the charging current, overheating, and excessive gassing.

• A cracked battery case.

• Loose battery terminal posts.

• Poor cranking speed.

i. Sulfation. Microcrystalline particles on the surface of the battery plates can be

caused by the following situations:

• Using a battery with the electrolyte level below the top of the plates.

• A discharged battery that is being stored for more than 1 month.

• While the machine is in storage, the disconnect switch is left in the ON position.

You cannot reverse the effects of sulfation that is produced over long periods of time.

The battery will permanently lose some of the ability to store electricity and the ability to
deliver electricity if some sulfation occurs. The ability to store electricity and the ability to
deliver electricity at the full capacity depends on the duration of the sulfated condition.

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The sulfation has the following effects on a battery:

• The battery cannot pass a load test.

• The battery cannot accept a normal charging current.

8 Procedure For Using Battery Load Tester. Visually inspect the battery for damage and
check the electrolyte levels in the battery cells.

a. Open Circuit Voltage.

Using a Digital Multimeter.

Set the multimeter to 20 V on the “DC” scale.

Touch the meter probes to the battery terminals (RED probe to POSITIVE terminal and
BLACK probe to NEGATIVE terminal). If the battery voltage is low, refer to Section 9 -
Charging in this publication. Replace the battery if the battery voltage is below 11.5V and
the battery will NOT accept a charging current within 15 minutes of starting the test.

b. Removing The Surface Charge. If a battery has recently been charged, a false
charge or a surface charge may exist. This surface charge MUST be removed.

Note: This procedure is necessary to ensure an accurate voltage reading.

Note: The surface charge can be removed with the battery in the machine or with the
battery out of the machine.

(1) Removing Surface Charge When The Battery Is Not Installed. Use a
battery load tester in order to test the battery. Set the battery load tester at one half
of the battery rating (CCA). Use the battery load tester for 15seconds. Wait for 5
minutes and then measure the open circuit voltage. Refer to Section 8a - Open Circuit
Voltage. To find the battery rating (CCA), see the label on the battery.

A rating below 12.40 V indicates that the battery needs to be charged.

To determine the charging time, refer to Table 7 in this publication.

(2) Remove The Surface Charge From a Battery While Installed.

Note: The fuel shutoff valve (if equipped) and/or the governor control (if equipped)
MUST be in the OFF position before starting the engine.

i) Crank the engine for approximately 5 seconds.

ii) Stabilize the battery for 5 minutes.

iii) Remove the battery terminal cables and the battery terminal wires from
the battery.

iv) Refer to Section 8a - Open Circuit Voltage in order to measure the


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v) For a 12 V battery, a rating (CCA) that is BELOW 12.40 V indicates that
the battery needs to be charged.

9. Charging. Charging the battery with the recommendations from the tables will NOT obtain
a full charge. Charge the battery to the required charge level. Use the following tables:

Battery Charging Ampere Rate

Battery rating
15-34 35-49 50-69 70-99 100-129 130-164 165-199 200-249
(ampere hour)

Setting for the

battery charger 5.0 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Table 5
A setting of one-half of the amperes may be used. However, the time for charging must be
DOUBLED. The minimum charge is 50 percent of the amperes.

Optimum Charging Voltage for 12 V Batteries versus Temperature that are using a Charger
MF CA/CA Low Antimony Hybrid AGM GEL
Temp Float Equalize Float Equalize Float Equalize Float Equalize Float Equalize
Volts Volts Volts Volts Volts Volts Volts Volts Volts Volts
80 °C
12.90 14.70 12.60 13.20 12.60 13.80 12.90 13.50 12.80 12.90
(176 °F)
60 °C
12.94 14.74 12.64 13.24 12.64 13.84 13.54 13.54 12.80 12.94
(140 °F)
40 °C
13.32 15.12 13.02 13.62 13.02 14.22 13.02 13.92 13.02 13.32
(104 °F)
20 °C
13.80 15.60 13.50 14.10 13.50 14.70 13.50 14.40 13.50 13.80
(68 °F)
0 °C
14.46 16.26 14.16 14.76 14.16 15.36 14.16 15.06 14.16 14.46
(32 °F)
-30 °C
15.90 17.70 15.60 16.20 15.60 16.80 15.60 16.50 15.60 15.90
(-22 °F)

Table 6

Open Circuit Voltage Charging time in hours

Load test
12.4V or more
Charging is not required

12.39 - 12.20V 2.0

12.19 - 12.00V 3.0

less than 12.00V 4.0

Table 7

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The above charging rates and charging times will bring a battery to approximately 70 percent of a
full charge. If a 100 percent state of charge is required to return the battery to service, use the
following procedure:

a. Charge the battery at the rate from the table in order to bring the battery to
approximately 70 percent of a full charge.

b. Charge the battery at half of the same rate. Use the same amount of time that was
used to bring the battery to approximately 70 percent of a full charge.

For example, charging is needed for a battery with a rating of 100-ampere hours. The battery has
a voltage that is less than 12 V.

a. To reach 70 percent of the full charge, charge the battery at 20 A for 4 hours.

Alternatively, charge the battery at 10 A for 8 hours.

b. To reach a charge of 100 percent, charge the battery at 10 A for an additional four
Alternatively, charge the battery at 5 A for an additional 8 hours.

Note: Since the amperes that are needed for charging will usually change with time, periodically
check the amperage. Adjust the amperage, if necessary. Stay near the recommended rate. If
the battery becomes warm or a smell of acid becomes noticeable, reduce the charging rate.


Do not attempt to charge a battery with the vent caps missing. These vent caps have
built-in (internal) flame arrestors that reduce the possibility of external sparks igniting
inside of the battery. Caution is still required.

a. Charging Time. The battery should be charged according to the voltage. Refer to
Tables 2 and 5.

b. Charging Voltage. Charge the battery according to the specified voltage. Refer to
Tables 5 and 6.

Using the Tables for the Battery Charging Rate

• Use a digital voltmeter to measure the open circuit voltage.

• Select a rate of amperage and a rate of charge of voltage. Select the charging time.
Refer to Table5, 6 and 7.

10. Terms And Definitions

Ampere (Amp) (A) – The amount of current flow through a circuit.

Amp Hour Rating – The Amp hour rating is determined by testing a fully charged battery at a
temperature of 26.7 °C (80 °F). A constant low drain for 20 hours is required. At the end of that
time, the voltage of each battery cell must be 1.75V or more.

Battery – A device for generating an electric current by chemical reaction

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Battery Cell – A battery cell is used for converting chemical energy into electric energy.

Battery Charger – A device for replacing electricity in a battery that was removed during the
discharge cycle

Battery Load Test – A procedure to check the ability of a battery. The procedure determines if
the battery can carry a charge, and if the battery can sustain a charge.

Battery Load Tester – Equipment used to perform a battery load test. The battery load tester will
measure the battery terminal voltage at the end of a specified time while the battery is under a
specified load current.

Charging – The process of replacing electricity in a battery that was removed during the
discharge cycle.

Circuit – A closed path followed by an electrical current. Described as a complete path for a
closed circuit and a disconnected path for an open circuit

Cold Cranking Amp (CCA) – A measure of the battery ability to deliver a current under cold
conditions must be maintained by the battery at −17.8 °C (0 °F) for 30 seconds. At the end of the
30 seconds, each battery cell must have a minimum of 1.2 V.

Corrosion – An accumulation of solid sulfates of iron, copper, or other metals. Corrosion usually
accumulates around the battery terminals. The accumulation can cause poor electrical contact
between the battery cables and the battery terminals. Poor contact between the battery cables
and the terminals can reduce the flow of voltage to the starter.
Poor electrical contact can also STOP the flow of voltage to the starter.

Cycle – The discharge and corresponding recharge of a battery (lead acid).

Direct Current (DC) – An electrical current that flows in one direction only.
A fully charged battery (lead acid) has a direct current (DC). When the battery is discharged,
direct current must be used to recharge the battery.

Discharge – When the electrical power is drained from a battery, the battery has been

Dry Charged – A battery that is shipped and stored with out electrolyte has been dry charged.
The battery is activated by adding the correct amount of electrolyte.

Electrolyte (Acid) – The liquid that is in a battery. The liquid is a mixture of sulfuric acid and
water. In a battery, electrolyte is used as a conductor of electricity during the charge and
discharge cycle of a battery. The battery will store electricity when electrolyte is added to the
battery and the electrolyte touches the active material on the plates.

Grid – An electrically conductive framework that is made from a lead alloy. The grid supports the
active material of a battery plate.

Hybrid (Dual-Alloy) Battery – This is a battery that uses low levels of antimony in the positive
grid and calcium in the negative grid.

Low Antimony Battery – The grids in this battery are made up of a lead alloy. This lead alloy
contains no less than 1.5 percent antimony and no more than 3 percent antimony.

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Maintenance Free Battery – This battery does not require a periodic check. A maintenance free
battery is normally sealed in order to prevent access to the electrolyte. However, some
Maintenance Free Batteries are accessible.

Maintenance Possible Battery – This battery is maintenance free and accessible. Calcium is
used on both the negative grids and the positive grids. The removable caps allow you to check
the water levels and the specific gravity.

Negative – This negative magnetic field has a polarity which is opposite to the polarity of the
positive magnetic field.

OHM – A unit of measure that is used for measuring electrical resistance.

Open Circuit Voltage (OCV) – The voltage of a battery when a battery is not delivering electricity
or receiving electricity. The voltage of a fully charged battery cell is 2.11 V.

Parallel Circuit – A circuit which provides more than one path for current flow. A parallel
arrangement of batteries is a configuration of two or more two-terminal components connected
between two points. The parallel circuit has one negative terminal and one positive terminal
connected to the two points. When two or more batteries are connected in a parallel circuit, the
following situations may occur:

• Each battery has the same system voltage.

• The sum of each battery's capacity is the CCA and the RC of the system.

Positive – This positive magnetic field has a polarity which is opposite to the polarity of the
negative magnetic field.

Reserve Capacity (RC) – The ability of a battery to sustain a minimum electrical load during a
charging system failure.

Reserve Capacity Rating – The amount of time that is required for a battery to deliver 25 A at a
temperature of 26.7 °C (80 °F). This rating is important in case the alternator or the generator
fails. The Reserve Capacity Rating is the duration of battery power for essential accessories.

Resistance – The opposition to the free flow of current in a circuit. The resistance is measured in

Series Circuit – A circuit that has only one path for current flow Batteries that are arranged in
series are connected with the NEG post of the first battery to the POS post of the second battery.
When two 12 V batteries are connected in series the circuit voltage will be equal to the sum (total)
of the two battery voltages (24 V).

Short Circuit – An unwanted path for electricity. An internal short circuit causes a reduction of
voltage in the cell and specific gravity in the shorted cell.

Specific Gravity – The strength or percentage of sulfuric acid in the electrolyte Specific Gravity
is determined by using a hydrometer to compare the weight of the electrolyte to an equal amount
of pure water, which has a specific gravity value of 1.0. A specific gravity value of 1.265 ± 0.005
is used to activate a battery in a normal environment. In humid areas, a specific gravity value of
1.225 ± 0.005 is used.

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State of Charge – The amount of electrical energy that is stored in a battery. The state of charge
is expressed as a percentage of the energy in comparison to a fully charged battery. The
stabilized open circuit voltage determines the state of charge. The stabilized open circuit voltage
is measured after the surface charge has been removed.

Surface Charge – A false voltage reading on the battery plates. The surface charge on a battery
happens during the charging cycle. The surface charge must be removed before the open circuit
voltage (state of charge) can be determined.

Volt (V) – The unit of measure for electrical potential.

Wet Charged Battery – This type of battery is already filled with electrolyte and fully charged.
Wet charged batteries are ready to use.

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