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1. Who is now spreading the Mission? / Who is now working for the Mission?

_____ Church
2. What human action causes the Ultimate Source to go for such a mission? _____ Sin
3. Who is guiding/accompanying the one working for the mission? _____ Holy Spirit
4. Who were the people whom the Ultimate source called to work for the mission? _____ _____
_____ Jesus, Apostles/ Disciples, Church
5.  Who is the ultimate source of the Mission? _____ God
6.  To whom was the Mission being passed to by the Ultimate source? _____ Jesus
7.  “Where” is the Church heading to? _____ World
8.  What was the Mission all about? _____ Salvation
9.  Where did the/our Church originate? _____ Jerusalem
10.  What trait/characteristic of God is being portrayed in the illustration? _____ Merciful

Quiz 1

1. What was the strategy shared among missionary groups in order to prepare the youth to
become evangelizers in their own way? _____ To establish schools
2. What particular book in the bible recounts the first name of the Church? _____ Acts 9:2
3. As the Church’s name continually evolves, what are the specific books that have helped Peter
come up with the Church’s official name?
Note: Specific books are taken as one answer where every word is derived. _____ _____ _____
John 17:21), Ephesians 1:4, 5:27, I Peter 2:9, Matthew 28: 18-20, Acts 1:8, Gen 12: 3, John 3: 16-
17, Ephesians 2:20

4. Who is the embodiment of the mission? _____ Jesus

5. If God is the source of mission, what has caused him to plan for the mission? _____ Sin
6. Describe the target place where missionaries desire to serve. _____ Remote places which
were not yet evangelize
7. Having served as a diocesan priest, where did Theophile Verbist realize his calling? _____
Scheut, Anderlecht, Brussels, Belgium.
8. Who are the people whom Jesus entrusted to pass down the mission? _____
9. Where does a diocesan priest usually assigned to serve? _____ in their local places
10. If salvation is tantamount to the kingdom of God, when are we going to experience the Kingdom
of God? _____ Now and Forever

1.  Witnessing the Gospel values taught and lived by Christ.

Christian Living
2.  Kim often saves little amount of money from his weekly allowance to donate for the mission.
Christian Living
3.  USL is flexible and solution-oriented.
Innovation, Creativity and Agility
4. Engaging ourselves in the promotion of justice, peace and integrity of creation.
Social Awareness
5.  Supporting the mission collection drive of the USL out of genuine love for God and the CICM’s
mission. Christian Living
6.  Committing oneself to efficiently and responsibly apply the learned principles from our school.
Professional Responsibility
7.  Louisians must internalize and witness the value of love and compassion in their daily living.
Christian Living
8.  Keeping ourselves responsive to the changing needs of our stakeholders.
Innovation, Creativity and Agility
9.  Louisian students are making names in the national as well as the international arena.
10.  USL is one of the best if not the best private school in Region 02 in terms of academic programs.

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