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Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 137 (2004) 349 – 353

Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in the brain of the zebrafish

(Danio rerio) measured by radioligand binding techniques
Frederick E. Williams *, William S. Messer Jr.
Department of Medicinal Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, University of Toledo, 2801 W. Bancroft 2237, Toledo, OH 43606, USA
Department of Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy, University of Toledo, 2801 W. Bancroft 2237, Toledo, OH 43606, USA
Received 2 October 2003; received in revised form 18 February 2004; accepted 8 March 2004


Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) play a role in learning, memory and behavior in vertebrate animals. We measured the
muscarinic cholinergic receptor levels in extracts from zebrafish (Danio rerio) brain by radioligand binding techniques. Saturation binding
experiments with the radioligand [3H]-quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB) were used to determine receptor number and relative affinity for several
agonists and antagonists. Affinity at zebrafish brain receptors was relatively high with a Kd of 40 F 5 pM. The number of receptors,
represented by Bmax, was 63 F 16 fmol/mg protein. Oxotremorine and carbachol, agonists at muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, bound with
displacement curves indicating multiple binding sites. In addition, oxotremorine bound with a higher affinity than did carbachol. The
antagonist potency profile at zebrafish receptors in brain was determined to be atropineHpirenzipine>p-fluoro-hexahydro-sila-
difenidolHotenzepad. The results obtained with zebrafish brain compare favorably to those found in insect, fish and mammalian species.
Taken together, the binding results and favorable comparisons to mammalian systems indicate that zebrafish may provide a useful model
organism for evaluating the role of cholinergic systems in learning, memory and behavior.
D 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Brain; Zebrafish; Muscarinic; Cholinergic; Receptors; Radioligand; Binding; Agonist; Antagonist

1. Introduction The zebrafish (Danio rerio) represents a potentially

useful organism to be used in developing animal models
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) are known of many disorders, due to its size, ease of handling and
to be at least partially responsible for mediating many powerful system of genetics. In addition, zebrafish may be
functions in the brain regarding behavior, particularly learn- utilized to ascertain functional differences among animals
ing and memory (Thomas and Gash, 1986; Messer et al., using saturation genetics (Jiang et al., 1996; Schier et al.,
1990, 1991). The cholinergic system has been implicated as 1996) and reverse genetics (Linney et al., 1999). An assay
important in several medical disorders including Alzheim- system for muscarinic receptors and their function in zebra-
er’s disease (Levy et al., 2000; Mega, 2000) and autism fish brain would assist in identifying changes induced in the
(Perry et al., 2001), as well as disorders arising from cholinergic system of the zebrafish, and potentially, tie these
exposure to environmental toxins. Changes in the choliner- changes in the cholinergic system to potential neurological/
gic system were also noted in larval trout that were exposed behavioral problems in the zebrafish. Classic in situ staining
to carbaryl pesticides (Beauvais et al., 2001). These changes using antibodies could only be part of an analysis of such a
were positively correlated to behavioral changes in exposed system because an antibody will only show whether there is
animals. The cholinergic system would be a useful tool in the protein expressed and does not identify if the protein is
development of an animal model for looking at behavior and functional; therefore, a binding and functional assay of the
correlating this to receptor binding and activation. cholinergic receptors and their activity would be beneficial
for studies of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors.
While mAChRs have been well characterized in mam-
* Corresponding author. Department of Pharmacology, College of
Pharmacy, University of Toledo, 2801 West Bancroft 2237, Toledo, OH
malian tissues by pharmacological or molecular biological
43606, USA. Tel.: +1-419-530-1991; fax: +1-419-530-1909. means, few extensive studies exist regarding non-mamma-
E-mail address: (F.E. Williams). lian vertebrate species (Hulme et al., 1990). Besides the

1532-0456/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
350 F.E. Williams, W.S. Messer Jr. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 137 (2004) 349–353

extensive mammalian work done, mAChRs have been 2.3. Binding assays
identified and studied in brain preparations of birds (Kohler
et al., 1995) and invertebrates such as the fruit fly, housefly, The binding assay for mAChRs was performed as
cockroach and bee (Shapiro et al., 1989; Abdallah et al., previously described (Huang et al., 1998) with some mod-
1991; Orr et al., 1991). Brain mAChRs have been studied in ifications. Briefly, approximately 200 Al of partially purified
different fish such as rainbow trout, other trout species, brain-derived membranes (equivalent to approximately 70
catfish, minnows, skate and the Torpedo using radiolabelled Ag of protein) were mixed with buffer (50 mM Tris –HCl,
binding techniques (Green and Dowdall, 1992; Hyashi and pH 8) and increasing concentrations of [3H]QNB to measure
Fuji, 1993; Nicholson et al., 1994; Jones and King, 1995; total binding. Binding reactions were carried out for 2 h at
Beauvais et al., 2001). The aim of this work is to charac- RT. Termination of binding occurred with rapid filtration
terize muscarinic cholinergic receptor binding in the zebra- through Brandel GF/B fired glass fiber filters using a
fish brain so that the receptors may be used along with other Brandel M24-R cell harvester. Filters were rinsed three
tests in developing the zebrafish as an animal model times with 5 ml of ice-cold Tris – HCl buffer. Filters con-
addressing the cholinergic system. taining membranes and bound [3H]QNB were transferred to
vials containing 6 ml Universol scintillation fluid. Vials
were counted using a TM-Analytic BetaTrac counter. Non-
2. Materials and methods specific binding was defined as binding of [3H]QNB in the
presence of a 1000-fold excess of unlabeled QNB. Specific
2.1. Materials binding was estimated as the difference between total and
non-specific binding.
Adult zebrafish (D. rerio) were purchased from Ken’s Inhibition binding experiments were carried out using 0.1
Pets (Toledo, OH). Buffers, Lowry reagents and other nM [3H]QNB and increasing concentrations from 1 pM to 1
miscellaneous chemicals were obtained from Fisher Scien- mM of each competing drug. All other incubation, filtration
tific. Tricaine methanesulfonate (MS222) for anesthesia was and scintillation procedures were as above.
obtained from Sigma. Universol ES scintillant and [3H]- Data were analyzed and graphed using Deltagraph ver-
quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB) were purchased from ICN. sion 5.0.1 for Windows. 3H-QNB saturation binding data
Oxotremorine and p-fluoro-hexahydro-sila-difenidol were were fitted to a one site-binding model in order to determine
from RBI. Pirenzipine and atropine were obtained from Bmax and Kd values. Inhibition binding data were fit into one-
Sigma, while the agonist carbachol was purchased from or two-site binding models. Statistics were carried out with
Aldrich. The M2 antagonist, otenzepad, was courtesy of Dr. an F-test with P set at 0.05. Ki values were calculated from
Karl Thomae, GMBH. Fired GF/B filters for filtration of IC50 values using the methods of Cheng and Prusoff (1973).
final binding products were purchased from Brandel.

2.2. Tissue preparation 3. Results

Zebrafish were euthanized by an overdose of the anes- 3.1. Saturation binding experiments
thetic tricaine methanesulfonate (MS 222). Zebrafish brains
were removed, snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at Saturation binding of [3H]QNB to brain membranes (Fig.
80 jC. Membranes were prepared as in Jones and King 1) indicated a Bmax of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptors
(1995) with some modifications. Approximately 200 mg of
tissue (about 5 –10 adult frozen brains) was thawed in a tube
on ice with 5 ml ice-cold 50 mM Tris –HCl buffer at pH 8.
The tissue was homogenized in three 30-s bursts on a
Brinkmann polytron tissue homogenizer on setting 6. Ice-
cold Tris – HCl pH 8 was added to 25 ml and tissue
homogenates were centrifuged at 1500  g for 10 min.
The supernatant was resuspended in 25 ml ice-cold Tris –
HCl buffer (pH 8) and centrifuged at 33,000  g for 30 min.
The resulting pellet was resuspended in 2 ml of ice-cold
sterile dH2O and samples were removed for a protein
determination. Protein levels of brain membrane extracts
were determined by a modified Lowry method. Briefly, 10
and 20 Al of brain membrane extract homogenate was used
Fig. 1. Saturation binding curve of [3H]-QNB binding to brain membranes
to determine approximate protein concentrations as mea- from zebrafish (D. rerio). Points represent an average specific binding at
sured by Lowry et al. (1951) using a bovine serum albumin various concentrations (in pM) of [3H]-QNB determined for three separate
standard curve. experiments. Error bars represent S.E.M.
F.E. Williams, W.S. Messer Jr. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 137 (2004) 349–353 351

Table 1
Inhibition of [3H]QNB binding by agonists and antagonists of muscarinic
receptors in brain-derived membranes from zebrafish (D. rerio)
Drug used Ki (nM)
Carbachol 390 F 32 (43) 33,000 F 1120
Oxotremorine 140 F 11 (30) 8500 F 800

Atropine 1.02 F 0.36
Pirenzipine 31.0 F 7.2
PfHS-difenidol 70 F 10.1
Otenzepad 850 F 103.2
Figures enclosed by ( ) indicate percent receptors in high affinity binding
Fig. 2. Agonist inhibition binding curve of [3H]-QNB binding using form. Data represent mean F S.E.M. Each experiment was performed in
zebrafish (D. rerio) brain. (.) Oxotremorine, (5) carbachol. Points triplicate.
represent an average of three experiments. Error bars represent S.E.M.

Four antagonists were examined for inhibition of the

of 63 F 16 fmol/mg protein. The zebrafish brain-derived binding of [3H]QNB to zebrafish brain membranes (Fig. 3).
membranes bound [3H]QNB with a relatively high affinity, Atropine, pirenzipine, otenzepad and p-fluoro-hexahydro-
having a Kd of 40 F 5 pM. sila-difenidol inhibited the binding of [3H]QNB to zebrafish
brain-derived membranes in a dose dependent manner. The
3.2. Inhibition binding experiments order of potency of the antagonists was atropineHpirenzi-
pine>p-fluoro-hexahydro-sila-difenidolHotenzepad. The
Inhibition of the binding of [3H]QNB to brain-derived average Kis of the antagonists, shown in Table 1, were
membranes was assessed with the two agonists, carbachol averages of three separate experiments. The Kis found for
and oxotremorine (Fig. 2) and four antagonists (Fig. 3). All zebrafish membranes in this work are comparable to those
data are summarized in Table 1. The data from experiments found for other animals in the literature.
involving each of the agonists were fit to a two-site curve.
The order of potency of the agonists was oxotremorine>
carbachol. Oxotremorine data showed that 43% of the total 4. Discussion
binding sites were of high affinity compared to only 30%
with carbachol. Binding affinities with oxotremorine indi- In this study, we used the radioligand [3H]QNB, a non-
cated a high binding affinity Ki of 140 F 11 nM as com- selective muscarinic antagonist, to characterize the mAChRs
pared with a low binding affinity Ki of 8.5 F 0.8 AM. in the brain of the zebrafish (D. rerio). The [3H]QNB bound
Carbachol displaced [3H]QNB with Ki values of 390 F 32 with a high affinity to membranes derived from zebrafish
nM and 33 F 1.1 AM, respectively. brain. The Kd of 40 pM achieved from saturation binding
experiments with zebrafish brain membranes agrees well
with the Kd of 47 pM found in carp (Szabo et al., 1989), and
is comparable to the Kd of 96 pM found in brook trout
(Jones and King, 1995), as shown in Table 2. The closeness
of the Kd values of zebrafish and carp could be expected
since Danio and Cyprinus are genera in the same family of
bony fish. The comparison of the Kd values of Danio and
Salvelinus still indicate closeness to each other compared to
other non-related species (Fig. 1), although Salvelinus and
Danio are in different orders. The muscarinic acetylcholine
receptor density in Danio was found to be 63 fmol/mg
protein as compared to 166 fmol/mg in brook trout, 470
fmol/mg in goldfish (Francis and Schechter, 1980) and 630
fmol/mg in carp. The observed Bmax value was comparable
to that in brook trout; however, it was considerably less
dense than those reported for goldfish and carp, showing
Fig. 3. Antagonist inhibition binding curve of [3H]-QNB binding using
zebrafish (D. rerio) brain. (n) Atropine, (.) pirenzipine, (E) pfHS-
differences within the Cyprinus order of minnows. Goldfish
difenidol, (y) otenzepad. Points represent an average of three experiments. and carp are considered bottom feeders, whereas brook trout
Error bars represent S.E.M. and zebrafish could be considered mid-water fish. This may
352 F.E. Williams, W.S. Messer Jr. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 137 (2004) 349–353

Table 2 Table 4
Comparison of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor binding in brain tissues in Antagonist inhibition of binding at brain-derived muscarinic acetylcholine
non-mammalian species receptors across various species
Species Kd (nM) Bmax Reference Antagonist Species Ki (nM) for brain Radioligand
Protein Radioligand Atropine Carp 0.55a QNB
(fmol/mg) Goldfish 6.4b,c QNB
Carp 0.047 627 QNB Szabo et al. (1989) Brook trout 0.07d NMS
Brook trout 0.096 166 NMS Jones and King (1995) Zebrafish 1.02e QNB
Cockroach 1.7f QNB
Zebrafish 0.04 63 QNB This study
Honeybee 0.47 108 QNB Abdallah et al. (1991) Housefly 1.0f QNB
Housefly 0.17 65 QNB Abdallah et al. (1991) Honeybee 5.1f QNB
Cockroach 0.13 108 QNB Abdallah et al. (1991) Mouse, neonate 0.26g QNB
Mouse, adult 0.2g QNB
Human, fetal 2.2b,h NMS
explain the difference in densities of muscarinic acetylcho- Human, adult 0.5i QNB
line receptors among these animals. More work on other Pirenzipine Carp 61a QNB
Brook trout 9d NMS
animals in these two categories would be required to Zebrafish 31e QNB
validate this hypothesis. Cockroach 900e, 220j QNB
The pharmacological profile of zebrafish receptors de- Housefly 484f QNB
rived from brain tissue fits very well with profiles from Honeybee 675f QNB
mammalian and other non-mammalian sources. The ago- Mouse, neonate 34g QNB
Mouse, adult 5.7g QNB
nists, oxotremorine and carbachol, were used in inhibition Bovine 18k QNB
binding assays and oxotremorine showed higher affinity for Human, fetal 310b,h NMS
the receptor than did carbachol (see Table 1). This is a trait a
Szabo et al. (1989).
that is seen in brain muscarinic receptors from brook trout as b
well (see Table 3), indicating that oxotremorine is more Francis and Schechter (1980).
potent than carbachol at zebrafish muscarinic receptors as it Jones and King (1995).
This study.
has been reported in other species. The antagonist data f
Abdallah et al. (1991).
shows an inhibition profile of atropineHpirenzipine>p- g
Evans et al. (1985).
fluoro-hexahydro-sila-difenidolHotenzepad. This profile h
Aguilar and Lunt (1985).
is consistent with the predominance of muscarinic acetyl- Larson et al. (1991).
choline receptors in the zebrafish brain being of the M1 Orr et al. (1991).
Katz and Marquis (1989).
receptor subtype. Inhibition binding assay data using the
antagonists atropine and pirenzipine are consistent with
other studies and are shown in Table 4. The Ki value of
atropine at receptor proteins derived from zebrafish brain is properties of the muscarinic receptors of the brain may be
1.02 nM, quite close to numbers generated at similar quite similar from fish to mammals. Pirenzipine binding
receptors in both vertebrates and invertebrates. This Ki value data indicate that the Ki at zebrafish brain receptors is 31
for atropine agrees very well with those of carp (0.55 nM) nM. This is in good agreement with carp (61 nM), brook
and goldfish (IC50 = 6.4 nM), indicating that the receptor trout (9 nM), mouse (5.7 nM), mouse neonate (34 nM) and
properties appear similar in all of these fish. However, the bovine (18 nM) studies. The comparison of muscarinic
zebrafish Ki of 1.02 nM for atropine also relates quite well receptors across these different species suggest that zebra-
with numbers generated for mouse (0.2 nM), mouse fetus fish could be useful as a model organism for studying
(0.26 nM), human (0.5 nM) and human fetal tissue muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in the brain and perhaps
(IC50 = 2.2 nM). This may indicate that the pharmacological disease states or syndromes associated with changes in
muscarinic receptors and/or cholinergic activity.

Table 3
Agonist inhibition of binding at brain-derived muscarinic acetylcholine
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