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What is a matrix? Ever wondered what do the elements in a matrix

mean? Why is it represented in a particular form? Why do we study a
matrix? Does it really have any real-life application? I would say yes,
matrices are the most important and are a basic part of maths which
are used in higher studies and real-life problems.

Matrices are one of the most powerful tools in mathematics. The

evolution of the concept of matrices is the result of an attempt to
obtain compact and simple methods of solving the system of linear
equations. Let’s find what is a matrix and its applications.

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Introduction to Matrices

Inverse of a Matrix

Special Matrices

Definition of a Matrix
Matrix is an ordered rectangular arrangement of numbers (real or
complex) or functions which may be represented as
Matrix is enclosed by [ ] or ( )

What is a Matrix?
Suppose we wish to express the information that Ram has 20 pens.
We may express it as [20] with the understanding that the number
inside [ ] is the number of pens that Ram has. Now, if we have to
express that Ram has 20 pens and 7  pencils. We may express it as
[20 7] with the understanding that first number inside [ ] is the
number of pens while the other one is the number of pencils.

Let us now suppose that we wish to express the information of

possession of pens and pencils by Ram and his two friends Rohan
and Yash which is as follows:

Ram       has      20     pens       and       7       pencils,

Rohan    has      15     pens       and       5       pencils,
Yash       has      12     pens       and       3       pencils.

Now, this could be arranged in tabular form as follows,

                               Pens              Pencils

Ram                 20                    7

Rohan              15                    5

Yash                 12                    3
and this can be expressed as, 

In the above arrangement, the entries in the first column represent the
number of pens possessed by Ram, Rohan, and Yash, respectively
and the entries in the second column represents the number of pencils
possessed by Ram, Rohan, and Yash, respectively.

Order of a Matrix
A matrix having m rows and n columns is called a matrix of order m
× n or simply m × n matrix (read as an m by n matrix). In general, an
m × n matrix has the following rectangular array;


Application of Matrices
Most Scientific Fields have Applications of Matrices in some or the
other form. Almost every branch of physics, including classical
mechanics, optics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and
quantum electrodynamics, matrices are used to study physical
phenomena, such as the motion of rigid bodies.

In computer graphics, they are used to project a 3-dimensional image

onto a 2-dimensional screen. In probability theory and statistics,
stochastic matrices are used to describe sets of probabilities; for
instance, they are used within the Page Rank algorithm that ranks the
pages in a Google search.

Matrix calculus generalizes classical analytical notions such as

derivatives and exponentials to higher dimensions. The graphics
software uses the concept of a matrix to process linear
transformations to render images.
Solved Examples For You
Question: If A = [1  2  3], then order is

A. 3 × 2
B. 3 × 1
C. 2×2
D. 1 × 3
Solution: An m×n matrix has m row and n columns. The given
matrix A = [1  2  3] has 1 row and 3 columns. Thus, the order
of A is 1 × 3. Hence, option D is correct.


A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. -1
Solution: We know that two matrices are equal iff their
corresponding elements are equal. Thus comparing corresponding
elements we get, for the first entry of the given matrices r + 4 = 5.
Therefore r = 1. Hence, option A is correct.

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