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Tribhuwan University

Lamachaur, Pokhara/Lekhnath-16

Final Year Report on
Design of Rural Road Connecting
Agriculture Campus, Puraunchour to Kharka Gaau-3

Submitted by:
Sandesh Ojha (072BCE102)
Subarna Thapa (072BCE118)
Sudarshan Poudel (072BCE120)
Suman Kc (072BCE124)
Sunil Thapa Chhetri (072BCE128)

Submitted to:
Department of Civil & Geomatics Engineering

Supervisor: Er. Bikram Pandey

Sept. 2019
The author has agreed that the library, IOE Paschimanchal Campus, Pokhara may
make this report freely available for the inspection. Moreover, the author has
agreed the permission for the extensive copying of this project report for the
scholarly purpose may be granted by supervisor who supervised the project work
recorded herein or, in his absence the Head of The Department wherein the project
was done. It is understood that the recognition will be given to the author of the
report and to the Department of Civil and Geomatics Engineering, IOE
Paschimanchal Campus Pokhara in any use of the material of this project report.
Copying or publication or other use of this report for financial gain without
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for this permission to copy or to make any other use of material in this report in
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Head of Department
Department of Civil and Geomatics Engineering
IOE Paschimanchal Campus
Kaski, Nepal
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Department of Civil and
Geomatics Engineering of Institute of Engineering, Paschimanchal Campus for
constructing arena for exchange of knowledge and personal creativity
development. All the mentors and the resources provided by the Campus has been
crucial in our vision that we present today. Projects are at the heart of engineering
and development of the society. These projects will build necessary maturity to
handle real world projects in the future.

We would like to extend our gratitude to Head of Department Er. Dipak Thapa,
Supervisor ErBikram Pandey for providing us with all the necessary guidance and
help to come in this stage. We would never forget valuable suggestions and
instructions about working ideas in the field as well as theoretical knowledge
about the subject from Er. Narayan Prasad Timilsina.

We would also like to thank the president of local ward and local people of
Puranchour for their kind cooperation and assistance. Lastly, we would like to
share our regards to everyone who helped us directly or indirectly in the duration
of our field works and in the preparation of this report.


Sandesh Ojha (072BCE102)

Subarna Thapa (072BCE118)
Sudarshan Poudel (072BCE120)
Suman Kc (072BCE124)
Sunil Thapa Chhetri (072BCE128)

As prescribed by Tribhuvan University syllabus “Civil Engineering Project” in
final semester serves as an effective tool to get acquainted with practical problem
that one has to face as an application of various theoretical knowledge gained
during the four year course. In the concern subject’s viz. Survey Engineering,
Highway Engineering, Estimating and Costing, Engineering geology etc are
helpful in safe, economic and stable analysis of Roadway Design.

This report is the outcome of detailed engineering survey, design of road

geometrics and other design features such as pavement design, retaining structure,
drainage structure and slope protection works. Total 29 IP stations along with
benchmarks were fixed and carried out. Construction of road stretch connects
Agriculture Campus to Kharka Gaau-3, Puranchour. The total length of road
surveyed was 2.18 Km. The main problem we faced during alignment fixing was
maintaining the grade within the permissible limit of 12% and in few cases, where
the alternative alignment was difficult, grade relaxation proposed to be carried out
either cutting or filling the roadway or the combination of these two and
brought to the 12% limit. In some Cross Section, steep cut slope is
manually adjusted as per requirement of site condition where bioengineering
and retaining structures may be needed for stability of ground. We
had made software analysis through SmartRoad software and different
drawing through it.

After the completion of this project, the people of this locality will be highly
benefited. To get optimum good result more realistic approach has been
adopted taking in account and the various consequences that may arise during
the real practice. The design were made based on DoLIDAR norms and Nepal
Rural Road Standard (NRRS-2055, 2nd Revision 2071) and the designed surface
is blacktop.

List of Figures
Fig. 2.1 Horizontal Curve 7

Fig. 2.2 Analysis of Superelevation 10

Fig. 2.3 Typical Road side Drain 12

Fig. 3.1 Sequential Structure of Route location 16
Fig. 4.1 Set Back 22
Fig. 4.2 Superelevation in Highway Engineering 28
Fig. 4.3 Summit Curve 34
Fig. 4.4 Valley Curve 35
Fig. 5.1 Cross-Section of Design Pavement 41
Fig. 5.2 Pavement Thickness Design Chart 42
Fig. 5.3 Cross-Section of Triangular Drainage 45
Fig. 5.4 Typical Retaining Wall 48

List of Tables
Table 2.1 Extra Widening 9
Table 4.1 Design Speed 20
Table 4.2 Carriageway, Shoulder and Roadway Width 21
Table 4.3 Set Back Distance 23
Table 4.4 Safe Stopping Distance 24
Table 4.5 Minimum Radius for Horizontal Curve 26
Table 4.6 Computed Superelevation 30
Table 4.7 Minimum Widening for Single Lane Road 31

Table 4.8 Computed Extra Widening 32

Table 4.9 Recommended Gradient 33
Table 5.1 Vehicle Damage Factor 38
Table 5.2 Equivalent Standard Axle 40
Table 5.3 Pavement Design Catalogue 41
Table 5.4 Rainfall Data 43
Table 5.5 Force Calculation 50

Symbol Descriptions
AADT :Annual Average Daily Traffic
BC : Beginning of curve
B.M : Benchmark
Cum. : Cubic meter
DoR : Department of Roads
DoLIDAR : Department of Local Infrastructure
Development & Agricultural Roads
RC : Road Centre
ESAL : Equivalent Standard Axle Load
IP : Intersection point
ISD : Intermediate Sight Distance
Km : Kilometer
Kmph : Kilometer per hour
CR : Curve Road
m : Meter
OS : Ordinary Soil
OSD : Overtaking Sight Distance
RL : Reduced Level
R : Radius of Curvature
 : Deflection Angle
SSD : Stopping Sight Distance
Sqm : Square Meter
VDF : Vehicle Damage Factor

1. Name of the project: Design of Rural Road Connecting Agriculture Campus
to Kharka Gaau-3, Puranchour

2. Location: Puranchour, Kaski, Nepal

2.1 Geographic Location

a. Province: Gandaki
b. Zone: Gandaki
c. District: Kaski
2.2 Starting Point: Agriculture Campus, Puranchour
2.3 Ending Point: Kharka Gaau-3, Puranchour
2.4 Geographical Feature
a. Terrain: Hilly (Rolling)
b. Climate: Moderate (Sub-tropical)
c. Geology: Loose and boulder mix soil
d. Hydrology: Precipitation controlled by monsoon
e. Meteorology: Precipitation controlled by monsoon
f. Soil Type: Sandy, Silty and Clayey
3. Classification of road: Village road
4. Length of Road: 2.18 km
5. Geometric Design
5.1. Right of Way: 20 m (10 m on either side )
5.2. Formation Width:
5.3. Road Width: 8 m
5.4. Carriage Width: 7 m
5.5. Shoulder Width: 0.5 m on either side
5.6. Side Drain Shape and Size: Trapezoidal (0.5 m)
5.7. Design Speed: 15 kmph
5.8. Minimum Gradient: 0.5%
5.9. Maximum Gradient: 12%
5.10. Minimum Radius of Horizontal Curve: 10 m

5.11. Maximum Radius of Horizontal Curve: 100 m
6. Structures
6.1. Side Drains: Lined Drain
6.2. Pipe Culverts: Proposed as cross drainage structure across a small road
6.3. Retaining Structures:
6.4. Gabion Walls
7. Volume of construction
7.1. Earthwork
a. Cutting: 8499.739 m3
b. Filling: 1473.952 m3



Acknowledgement i.

Abstract ii.

List of Figures iii.

List of Tables iv.

Abbreviation v.

Salient Features of the Project vi.-vii

1. Introduction 1-6
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Objectives of The Project 2
1.2.1 General Objectives 2
1.2.2 Specific Objectives 2
1.3 Geology and Morphology 3
1.4 Hydrology and Meteorology 3
1.5 Socio-Economic Study 4-6
2. Literature Review 7-14
2.1 Geometric Design of Road 6
2.2 Horizontal Curves 7-10
2.3 Vertical Curves 10-11
2.4 Road Drainage 11
2.5 Side Drain 12
2.6 Retaining Structure 14
3. Road Alignment and Engineering Survey 15-19
3.1 Road Alignment 14
3.1.1 Factors Controlling Road Alignment 14-15
3.2 Engineering Survey and its Stages 15-19
4. Geometric Design Standards 20-38
4.1 Road Classification 20
4.2 Terrain Classification 21
4.3 Design speed 21
4.4 Cross-Section Elements 21
4.4.1 Carriageway Width 21
4.4.2 Shoulder Width 22
4.4.3 Roadway Width 22
4.4.4 Setback Distance 22-23
4.4.5 Lateral Clearance and Vertical Clearance 24
4.4.6 Right of Way 24
4.5 Sight Distance 24-25
4.6 Horizontal Alignment 25-32
4.6.1 Minimum Radius of Curvature 26-27
4.6.2 Superelevation 27-30
4.6.3 Extra Widening 31-32
4.7 Vertical Alignment 33-37
4.7.1 Gradient 33
4.7.2 Summit Curve 34
4.7.3 Valley Curve 35-36
4.8 Curve Setting 36-37
5. Design and Slope Protection 39-52
5.1 Pavement Design ( DoR Method) 39-42
5.2 Drainage Design 43-46
5.2.1 Side Drain 43-45
5.2.2 Cross Drainage 45-46
5.3 Retaining Structure 47-50
5.4 Slope Protection Works 51-52
5.5 Bio-Engineering Works 52
6. Conclusion and Recommendation 53
Limitations 54
Appendix-A Abstract of Cost

Appendix-B Horizontal Curve Details

Appendix-C Earthwork Calculation

Appendix-D Drawings



The entire physical infrastructure development of a nation is predominantly

associated with the appropriate Road Network Planning. The development of
the transport road network plays an important role in the economic development of
a country. The road network facilitates the movement of people allowing for social
interaction. A high quality road network is essential not only for connecting key
urban centers but for improving connectivity of more isolated local communities
for whom many public transport options are limited or not available. Roads connect
remote communities with the areas where employment options are more
concentrated and services and facilities more readily available.

Nepal being a landlocked and mountainous country road ways is the major means
of transport. There were almost no motor able road ways prior to 1950s [6], in the
past decade village road extension has been growing challenge due to low budget
and difficult terrain. Rural road has been part of life for people residing in remote
places. Kaski district lying in province no. 4 has about 1348.43km of road network
of which 60.9%(822.01 km) accounts as village road.[5] of the total village road
section only 3.5% is all weather road section. Such village roads are prone to
seasonal deterioration and lack of maintenance just worsens the situation.

The road section connecting Agriculture Campus,Puranchour to Kharka Gaau-3 is

an earthen road section which is not accessible throughout the year. Such problem
is hindering the area for its economic progress. This project being financed by
local community and local government will address such problem. The project
aims to blacktop the current road section with proper road drainage system to
tackle such problem.

S.No. Road Name Present Condition

Section 1 Agriculture 2.18 km At most of the section, earthen

Campus,Puranchour road is present with partially
to Kharka Gaau-3 gravel in some part.

Figure 1: Location map of project area


1.2.1 General objectives

• To improve access to potentially productive areas, social and administrative

• To significantly reduce road accidents and injuries.
• To reduce travel times.

• To reduce transportation cost.
• To develop a route that involves community and considers their interest.
• To provide a route that support economic development.
• To manage the upgrading of route in accordance to ecologically sustainable
development principles.
• Handover the finalized field data to local ward for the practical

1.2.2 Specific objectives

• To conduct detail engineering survey of road connecting Agriculture

Campus,Puranchour to Kharka Gaau-3.
• To design geometric elements of the road:

- Elements of the horizontal alignment

- Elements of vertical alignment

• To prepare plan, profile and cross-section of the road.

• To design flexible pavement of the road.
• To design the side drainage, cross drainage and slope protection structures.
• To perform quantity estimation (earthwork calculation).


The proposed project area lies on hilly region. The soil along the alignment is stable
and hard mainly consist of gravel mixed soil. No tectonic activity fault is found
around the zone by visual inspection. The overall geology is found to be very good,
some strip on alignment found minor landslide. It is recommended to provide
gabion wall, stone masonry wall and bio-engineering protection for landslidezone.

Almost every type of terrain has been encountered during field works viz. steep,
rolling and plain. The rocks of this area are occupied by low grade metamorphic
rocks. The geology of is also characterized by some large boulders or rocks. The
soil is almost uniform throughout the whole stretch of the road. The hard and dense
soil is best for the foundation of the road. We found soft clayey soil that was very
damp at some regions as well.

The road section stated by visual inspection has comparatively stable soil expect for
some landslide prone regions. The section is comprised of mild slope terrain to steep
vertical cliffs. The remedial measures should be taken around landslide prone areas.


The project area lies in the Northern side from Lamachour, Kaski. The project area
lies in the zone of sub-tropical climatic conditions. The rainfall is mainly due to
monsoon. Almost 80% of rainfall occurs during the monsoon, which starts around
the middle of June and continues until the end of August. Rainfall may also occur in
the pre monsoon (April - May), post monsoon (September - October), and in
winter. During monsoon rainfall, high surface runoff and considerable amount of
flood discharge take place. During winter, the rivulets area is normally dry. The
relative humidity of the area ranges from 60 to 80 percent. The temperature varies
from 5 degree Celsius to 35 degree Celsius. The temperature, rainfall, vegetation,
catchment and discharge characteristics have been considered in the design of the
Road structure.


Majority of people in this area are engaged in agriculture. They cultivate vegetables,
maize, millet and paddy crops. People are involved in different government and
private services. Thus, this road construction would help people in transporting their
goods to the nearby market. The area surrounding the road which changes in land
use pattern, price of factory inputs production, and accessibility to schooling,
medical and cultural facilities etc., occur in the influence area of the road.

Settlement pattern of the area

The settlement in most of the village is hilly. Houses built are of stone masonry and
use of timber and C.G.I sheet for roofing. Some of the houses are RCC as well.

Agricultural product

Maize, Paddy, Wheat, Millet, Mustard are the major crops grown in the area. Major
cash crops cultivated are potato, tomato etc. Orange, bananas are common fruits
planted in the area. Vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, onion, garlic and radish
are grown for home consumption.

Livestock and Livestock Production

Livestock keeping is very important for the households of the area. Livestock is the
major source of manure for cultivation. Livestock productivity in the area is very
low. Goat, cow, buffalos are the main livestock production of the area. However, in
recent years improved varieties are imported for good yield.


The main market of the project area is School Chowk.


There is one health post near the bazar area and people have to travel all the way to
Pokhara for hospital. Proper access of road will probably enhance and improvise
the quality of health of people.


Some government and private educational institutions provide the education up to

secondary level. There is no any college for higher study in this project area.


There is mobile service available to the project area.


There is electricity facility to the project area.


Kaski district is rich in natural beauties gifts, resources and wonders. There are
many places and things of cultural, historical and religious importance. Likewise,
Puranchour has many beautiful places and sceneries which may attract internal as
well as external tourist. For this reason, it has great potential for the development
of tourism industry.



Every project needs different references and guidelines for the successful
completion. For the knowledge and process for the support of project work, the
previous project detail reports of Road designs, Nepal Road Standard (NRS), Nepal
Rural Road Standard (NRRS), training manual for engineers were thoroughly
studied and discussed among the project members. Several Road related
publications, magazine, journals and document study gave us idea about the real
project scenario and guided us for proposed Road project.


The geometric design of Road deals with the dimensions and the layout of visible
features of roads such as alignment, sight distance and intersections. The geometry
of the Road should be designed to provide optimum efficiency in traffic operations
with maximum safety at reasonable cost. The safe efficient and economic operation
of a Road is government to large extent by the care with which the geometric design
has been worked out. Efficient and comfortable operation of traffic only if the
design elements have been meticulously considered. A well-designed Road has to
be consistent with economy. Too liberal standards may not fit with the available
resources, whereas if the standards are too low, the cost of operation may mount up.
Factors affecting the geometric design of road are:

Design speed
The design speed is the most important factor controlling the geometric design
elements of roads. The design speed is decided taking into account of the highway.
It directly affects sight distance, horizontal curve and the length of vertical curves.
Since the speed of vehicles vary with driver, terrain etc. and design speed is adopted
for all geometric design. Design speed is different from the legal speed limit
imposed to curb a common tendency of drivers. Different speed standards have been
assigned depending upon the importance or class of Road.


The topography or the terrain conditions influence the geometric design of highway.
The terrain is classified based on the general slope of the country across the
alignment, as plain, rolling, mountainous and steep terrains.

Traffic Factors

The factors associated with the traffic that affects geometric design of Roads are the
vehicular characteristics and human characteristics of the Road users.

Environmental and other factors

The environmental factors such as aesthetics, landscaping, air pollution, noise

pollution, and other local condition should be given due consideration in the design
on Road geometries.


Horizontal curves are provided to change the direction at the intersection of straight
alignments either in horizontal plane. The change in direction should be gradual to
secure safety together with comfort to the passengers. They are generally used on
the roads where it is necessary to change the direction of motion.

Figure No.2.1: Horizontal curve

Radius of the Horizontal curve

The radius of the horizontal curve is an important design aspect of the geometric
design. The maximum comfortable speed on a horizontal curve depends on the
radius of the curve. Although it is possible to design the curve with maximum super
elevation and coefficient of friction, it is not desirable because re-alignment would
be required if the design speed is increased in future. Therefore, a ruling minimum
radius Rruling can be derived by assuming maximum superelevation and coefficient
of friction.


Where, v = ruling design speed in m/s

e = rate of superelevation

f = coefficient of friction usually taken as 0.15

Ideally, the radius of the curve should be higher than Rruling. However, very large
curves are also not desirable. Setting out large curves in the field becomes difficult.
In addition, it also enhances driving strain.

Extra Widening

Extra widening refers to the additional width of carriageway that is required on a

curved section of a road over and above that required on a straight alignment. This
widening is done due to two reasons: the first and most important is the additional
width required for a vehicle taking a horizontal curve and the second is due to the
tendency of the drivers to ply away from the edge of the carriageway as they drive
on a curve. The first is referred as the mechanical widening and the second is called
the psychological widening. In single lane roads the outer wheels of vehicles use
the shoulders whether on the straight or on a curve. Therefore, use of the mechanical

component of widening should be sufficient on its own. For single lane roads, only
mechanical widening is required for low traffic.

Here, extra widening (w) =

Where, n = number of traffic lanes

l = length of wheelbase of longest vehicle

R = radius of horizontal curve

Adopted extra widening

Curve Radius Up to 20 21 - 60 Above 60

Increase in width
(for 3m 1 0.6 Nil
carriageway), (m)
Source: NRRS (2055) 2nd Revision, 2071

Table No.2.1: Extra Widening


Superelevation banking is the transverse slope provided at horizontal curve to

counteract the centrifugal force, by raising the outer edge of the pavement with
respect to the inner edge, throughout the length of the horizontal curve. This is also
known as cant. The maximum of 0.12 values has been adopted for design purpose.
The minimum superelevation to be provided on horizontal curve may be limited to
the camber of the surface. There are two ways of attainment of superelevation which

(a) Elimination of crown of the cambered of section

(b) Rotation of pavement to attain full superelevation

Figure No.2.2: Analysis of Superelevation

Forces acting on a vehicle on horizontal curve of radius R m at a speed of v m/s are:

P - centrifugal force acting horizontally out-wards through the center of

W - weight of the vehicle acting down-wards through the center of gravity
F - Friction force between the wheels and the pavement, along the surface


When two different or contrary gradients meet, they are connected by a curve in
vertical plane which is known as vertical curve. This is provided to secure safety
and adequate visibility together with comfort to the passengers. The most common
practice has been to use parabolic curves in summit curves. This is because of the
ease of setting it out on the field and the comfortable transition from one gradient
to another. Furthermore, the use of parabolic curves gives excellent riding comfort.
In the case of valley curves, the use of cubic parabola is preferred as it closely
approximates the ideal transition requirements. Types of vertical curves are:

1. Summit curve
2. Valley curve
Summit curve
In the alignment, the summit curve is introduced when an ascending gradient meet
with descending gradient. The maximum permissible gradient taken as 12% and
maximum average gradient is 8% NRRS (2055) 2nd Revision, 2071. During design
sight distance is considered and according to NRRS (2055) 2nd Revision, 2071,
minimum value of stopping sight distance is 15m (for design speed l5km/hr). The
length of summit curves is governed by the choice of sight distance.

Valley curve
In the alignment, the valley curve is introduced when a descending gradient meet
with descending gradient or when ascending gradient meet with ascending gradient
or when ascending gradient meet with ascending gradient. The maximum value of
N adopted is in longitudinal profile 12% and minimum value of N is 2%. During
design, sight distance is considered and according to NRRS (2055) 2nd Revision,
2071, the headlight beam distance is equal to the stopping distance.


Road drainage is the process of removing and controlling excess surface and soil
water with in the right of way. This includes interception and diversion of water
from the Road surface and subgrade. Road drainage is achieved by two methods as
given below:

1. Surface drainage
• Collection of Surface water
• Design of Surface Drainage System
2. Sub surface drainage
• Lowering of water table.
• Control of seepage
• Control of capillary rise
• Drainage of infiltration water


Side drains are for the drainage of the surface water these are provided on the both
side of the Road to drain off the surface water from the carriageway. The
longitudinal slope of drain made parallel to the longitudinal slope of the alignment.
A side drain must satisfy two main criteria if it is to be effective throughout its
design life:

• It must allow for a minimum of disturbance of the natural drainage pattern.

• It must drain surface and subsurface water away from the roadway and
dissipate it in a way that prevents excessive collection of water in unstable
areas and subsequent downstream erosion.

Figure No 2.3: Typical Road side drain


Retaining structure is that type of wall, which is used to resist the vertical mass of
the soil. The primary function of which is to resist the lateral thrust of a mass of
earth on one side and sometime the pressure of sub soil, water and in many cases
the wall may also be required to support vertical loads from the structure above
called sub charge.

Active Earth Pressure: Lateral pressure, which tends to move or overturn the. wall
at all, times and this result of the earth wedge being retained together w1th any
hydrostatic pressure caused by the pressure of ground water.

Passive Earth Pressure: Reactionary pressure that builds up to resist any forward
movement will compromise the soil in front and relation to counteract this

Angle of repose: It is the natural slope taken by any soil and it is given in terms of
the angle to horizontal base line. Angle of repose varies from 45 to 0 degree for wet
clay but for most of soil angle is nearly about 30 degrees.

Wedge of Soil: It is the mass of soil resting on the upper plane of the angle of

Surcharge load: A uniform vertical pressure applied to the ground surface in the
vicinity of a retaining wall is called a surcharge load. This surcharge load will result
in an additional horizontal pressure on the wall.




The Road alignment may be defined as the position or layout on the ground surface
by the center line of the highway. The Road alignment includes the straight path,
the horizontal deviations and curves. Changes in the gradient and vertical curves
are covered under vertical alignments of Road. To determine the precise position of
the layout of the Road centerline from the design and drawing on the ground during
construction, it is essential to determine three coordinates of all points of the center
line. Thus, Road alignment is located on the ground with the help of two
components. A new Road should be assigned carefully, as improper alignment
results following disadvantages:

• Increase in construction cost.

• Increase in vehicle operation cost.
• Increase in maintenance cost.
• Increase in accident rates.

When Road is constructed, it will be uneconomical to realign and redesign the

existing Road. The basic requirement of an ideal alignment between two terminal
stations should be:

• Short
• Easy
• Safe
• Economical

3.1.1 Factors Controlling Road Alignment

While designing the Road alignment, the distance between the two terminals should
be straight and short as far as possible. Road is often deviated from the shortest

route in order to fulfill the demand of Road as per the obligatory points. A Road,
which is economical in the initial construction cost, need not necessarily be the most
economical in the maintenance or in the cost of vehicle operation. It is possible the
shortest route may be the costliest route; thus, it is seen that an alignment can
seldom fulfill the entire requirement simultaneously. Hence a judicial choice has to
be made considering all the factors. The various factors, which control the Road
alignment, may be listed as:

• Obligatory points
• Traffic
• Geometric design
• Economics
• Other considerations


Survey Procedure
For the detail survey, we the team of 5 member from Paschimanchal Campus of
fourth year Civil has conducted 6 days survey. The survey team was divided into
two groups to carry out the survey. The first group carried out the fixing of the base
line stations and taking horizontal angles, the second group carried out the Co-
ordinate readings in 20m interval & road edge, road center of every cross-section

The survey works included survey of road alignment, hydrological study,

geological study, sociological environmental study as well as structure to be
destroyed during the construction within the road alignment and source of basic
road construction materials. The fourth stage is meant for the detailed survey of the
selected alignment. The four stages of the engineering surveys are:

1)Map study


3)Preliminary survey

4) Final location and detailed surve

Map study

If the topographical map of area is available, it will be easier to find the alternative
path pathway of the highway. In Nepal, topographical maps are available from the
department of survey, Government of Nepal. Then, it is possible to suggest the
likely routes of the Road. The maps are available in 1:25,000 to 1:50,000 scales.
The main features like rivers, hills, and valleys are carefully shown in these maps.
By the study of maps, several alternative routes are found. The probable alignment
can be located on the map from the details available on the maps.

• Alignment avoiding valleys, pounds or lakes.

• When Road has to cross a row of hills, possibility of crossing through a
mountain pass.
• Approximate location of crossing the bridge site for crossing rivers,
avoiding bend of the rivers, if any. 0 When one Road is at the top and other
on bottom of the hill, then alternate routes can be suggested keeping in view
the permissible gradient; say the ruling gradient. Hence, from the map study
alternate routes can also be suggested and it gives the rough guidance of the
routes necessary for the survey.


It is the second stage of the surveys for the Road alignment. A field survey inspects
a Road stretch of land along the proposed alternative routes of map in the field using
simple instruments like abney level. All the relevant data not available in the maps
are collected and noted down. Some of the relevant details collected during recci
are mentioned below:

• Valleys, ridge ponds, lakes, marshy lands, hills, permanent structures

and other not mentioned along the route, which are not available in the
• Approximate value of the gradient, length of gradient and radius of the
curvature of alternative alignments.

• Number and types of cross drainage structures, maximum flood level
and natural ground Water level along the probable routes.
• Soil types along the routes from the field identification tests and
observation of geological features.
• Sources of construction materials, water and location of stone quarries.
• When the road passes through hilly or mountainous terrain, additional
data regarding the geological formation, types of rock, dip of strata,
seepage flow etc. may be observed so as to decide the stable and unstable
sides of the hill for the road alignment.

As the result of reconnaissance a few alternate alignments may be chosen for further

Preliminary survey

The main objectives of the preliminary surveys are given below:

• To survey the various alternative alignments proposed after the

reconnaissance and to collect all necessary details of topography, drainage
and soil.
• To compare the different proposals in view of the requirements of good
• To finalize the best alignment from all considerations.

Final Location and Detailed survey

The alignment finalized after the preliminary surveys is to be first located on the
field by establishing the centerline. Then, detailed survey should be carried out for
collecting the necessary data for the preparation of plans and construction details
for the Road project.

• Location: The center line of the road finalized in drawing is to be first

translated on the ground during location survey. Major and minor control
points are established on the ground and central pegs are driven, checking
the geometric design requirements. However, modification in the final
location may be made in the field if found essential.

• Detailed Survey: Temporary benchmarks are fixed at all drainage and
under pass structures. The location of BM and traverse points was fixed in
the corridor. The detail cross section of the road corridor was carried out up
to 4 m each side from the center line of the alignment. In addition, the
cross-section of the curve features (RE, RC, CR) were taken.

All topographical details are noted down and also plotted using conventional signs.
Adequate hydrological details are details are also collected and recorded.



The geometric design of Road deals with the dimensions and the layout of visible
features of roads such as alignment, sight distance and intersections. The geometry
of the Road should be designed to provide optimum efficiency in traffic operations
with maximum safety at reasonable cost. The safe efficient and economic operation
of a Road is government to large extent by the care with which the geometric design
has been worked out. Geometric design of highway deals with following elements:

• Cross section elements

• Sight distance considerations
• Horizontal alignment details
• Vertical alignment details
• Intersection elements


According to Nepal Rural Road Standard (2055) second revision 2071, Roads in
Nepal are classified as follows:
District Road (Core Network) - An important road joining a VDC HQ’s office or
nearest economic center to the district headquarters, via either a neighboring district
headquarters or strategic Road network.

Village Road - Smaller roads not falling under District Road (Core Network)
category are Village Roads, including other Agriculture Road.

According to Nepal Rural Road Standard (2055) second revision, the designed road
in this project falls under Village Road category.


A simple classification of Terrain into ‘Terai’ and ‘Hill’ is adopted based on the
topography of country. While classifying terrain, short isolated stretches of varying
terrain should not be taken into consideration. Generally, ‘Terai’ covers the plain

and rolling terrain and varies from 0 to 25 percent cross slope, ‘Hills’ covers
mountainous and steep terrain and varies from 25 to 60 percent and more.

Following the classification according to NRRS our terrain is Hilly characterizing

mountainous and steep pattern with cross slope varying from 25 percent to 60
percent and more.


Design speed is one of the basic parameters that determine geometric design
features. The choice of design speeds is linked to terrain and road function and is
shown in the table below. Normally ruling design speed should be the guiding
criterion for the purpose of geometric design. Minimum design speed may,
however, be adopted where the site condition and cost does not permit a design
based on ‘Ruling Design Speed’.

Hills Terai
Road Categories

Ruling Minimum Ruling Minimum

District Road (Core

25 20 50 40
Village Road 15 30

Source: NRRS (2055) 2nd Revision, 2071

Table No.4.1: Design Speed

The design speed adopted according to table no.2 is 15 km/hr.


4.4.1 Carriage Way Width:

The width of the carriageway depends on: The dimensions of vehicles using the
road, Speed of travel, Traffic volume, Width of shoulder. If a village Road carries
a traffic volume of more than 100 motorized vehicles per day, the carriageway

width will be 3.75 m and affect other design parameters accordingly. Due to
different circumstance and cost ineffectiveness basic width of 3.0 m will normally

4.4.2 Shoulder Width

Shoulder width is measured from the edge of the carriageway to the edge of the
usable formation. Non-motorized vehicles in hills are smaller than Terai, hence
shoulder width in hills are relatively smaller.

4.4.3 Road way width

If the available existing road way width is more than that stated below and the
carriageway is to be paved, the partial remaining road way width between side
drain/ditch and pavement edge can be maintained as hard shoulder and earthen

The different cross-section elements of the roads are carriageway width, shoulder
width according to NRRS (2055) 2nd Revision, 2071 is shown in the table below:

Shoulder Roadway
Carriageway Width (m)
width (m) width (m)

5.5 ( if traffic > 400 vpd 0.75 7.0

Hill 3.75 ( if traffic > 100

0.75 5.25
District 3 (if traffic < 100 vpd 0.75 4.5
(core 5.5 ( if traffic > 400 vpd 1 7.5
Terai 3.75 ( if traffic > 100
1.5 6.5
3 (if traffic < 100 vpd 1.5 6
Road Hill 3 0.5 4

Terai 3 0.75 4.5

Source: NRRS (2055) 2nd Revision 2071

Table No.4.2: Carriageway, Shoulder and Roadway width

4.4.4 Setback Distance
Setback distance or the clearance distance is the distance required from the
centerline of a horizontal curve to an obstruction on the inner side of the curve to
provide adequate sight distance at a horizontal curve. The setback distance depends

1. Sight distance (SSD, ISD, OSD)

2. Radius of the curve, R
3. Length of the curve which may be greater or less than S.

Figure No.4.1: Set Back

For a single lane Road,

m = R - Rcos( )

= 180 2

m = minimum set-back distance to sight obstruction in meters (measured from the
centre line of the road)
R = radius at the centre line of the road in meters n-distance between the centre line
of the road and the centre line of the inside lane in meters
S = sight distance in meters (measured along the centre line of the road)
We have,

S = 15m

For radius, R = 10m

m = R - Rcos( ) = m = 10 - 10cos( )
2 2 ∗10

Therefore, m = 2.68 meters

Similarly, the setback distances for all the radius can be calculated as:

Radius Setback Distance

10 2.68
15 1.84
20 1.39
25 1.12
30 0.93
35 0.80
40 0.70
45 0.62
50 0.56
55 0.51
60 0.47
65 0.43
70 0.40
200 0.14
Table No.4.3: Setback distance

4.4.5 Lateral Clearance & Vertical Clearance

For culverts, the full roadway width shall be carried through including the width of
the shoulders. Normally 1.0 m lateral clearance shall be provided.
Minimum vertical clearance for through structures shall be 5.00 meters. However,
in the case of overhead wires, poles etc. clearance shall be at least 7.0 meters above
the road surface.

4.4.6 Right of Way

Right of way is the area of land acquired for the road along its alignment. For
Village Road, the minimum right of way and distance between building lines will
be 15 m (7.5 m on both sides of the centerline of the road).


Visibility is an important requirement for the safety of travel on the roads. For this
it is necessary that sight distance of adequate length should be available in different
situations to permit drivers enough time and distance to control their vehicles.

The stopping sight distance is the clear distance ahead needed by a driver to bring
his vehicle to a stop before collision with a stationary object in his path and is
calculated as the sum of braking distance required at a particular speed plus the
distance travelled by the vehicle during perception and brake reaction time (lag

Perception &
Coefficient of Safe Stopping
Speed km/hr brake reaction
Longitudinal Sight Distance, m
time, t(sec)

15 2.5 0.4 15

Source: NRRS (2055) 2nd Revision 2071

Table No.4.4: Safe Stopping Sight Distance

Design Calculation:

Designed speed (V) = 15 km/hr

Perception time (t) = 2.5 sec

Height of driver’s eye (h2) =1m

Height of object (h1) = 0.15 m

Distance for perception (d1) = 0.278*V*t


=10.425 m

Coefficient of Longitudinal Friction (f) = 0.35

Braking Distance (d2) = V2/(254*f)

= 152/ (254*0.4)

= 2.21m

Stopping Sight Distance (d) = d1+d2 = 12.63 m <15 m (OK)

For Design,

Taking Stopping Sight Distance, S = 15m

Intermediate Sight Distance:

ISD= 2*Stopping Sight Distance = 30 m.


Horizontal alignment should be as directional, fluent and match the surrounding

topography to avoid abrupt changes. On new roads the curve should be designed to
have the largest practical radius generally not less than the ruling value. Where the
direction of alignment changes, horizontal curves are provided. As far as possible
curve has been followed considering the topography of that designed area.

4.6.1 Minimum Radius of Curvature

On a horizontal curve, the centrifugal force is balanced by the effects of super

elevation and side friction. The following formula fulfills the condition of

e + f=
127 Rmin

R =
127(e + f)

v = Vehicle Design Speed, km/hr

Rmin= Radius, m

e = Super elevation ratio, meter per meter.

f = Coefficient of side (lateral) friction between the vehicle tyres
and pavement. A constant value of coefficient of side friction (0.15)

Source: NRRS (2055) 2nd Revision 2071

Table No.4.5: Minimum Radius for Horizontal Curve

Design Calculation:

The minimum radius of horizontal curve has been adopted for the road section is
according to the formula as given follows:

Rmin =

Where, v = Designed speed = 15 km/hr

f = coefficient of lateral friction = 0.15

e = super elevation = 0.1


Rmin =
= 7.086 m

Adopting minimum radius of horizontal curve = 10 m.

4.6.2 Superelevation

To counter-act the effect of centrifugal force and reduce the tendency of vehicle to
overturn and to skid laterally outwards, the outer edge of the pavement is raised
with respect to inner edge. Thus, providing a transverse slope is known as Super
elevation. It is represented by “e”. In plain terrain, non-motorized vehicles travel
with high center of gravity, so the maximum value of super elevation shall be
limited to the following values;

• Terai 7%
• Hill 10%

The designer should aim at providing flatter super elevation but it should not be less
than the camber.

Figure No.4.2: Superelevation in Highway Engineering

Superelevation can be calculated using the formula:

Rmin =


e = rate of super elevation

f = lateral friction factor = 0.15

V = velocity of vehicle in km/hr

R = radius of horizontal curve

Design Steps:

• STEP 1: Calculate the super elevation necessary for 75% design speed and
assume No lateral friction is developed:

(0.75 ) 2
i.e. 1 = 127

Therefore, 1 = 225

• STEP 2: If ≤ 0.1, then e = 2

= (0.75 ) ,else > 0.1, take = 0.1and
1 1 127 1 1

go to step 3

• STEP 3: From the above step we have the value of e. so, check for lateral
friction factor is applied in this step for the known value of e.
0.1 + f =

– 0.1

If fcal < fmax (0.15)

Then e = 0.1 is safe.

But if fcal > 0.15

Then restrict the values to f = 0.15, e = 0.07

And go to last step.

• STEP 4: Find the allowable speed for the maximum e = 0.1 and f = 0.15,

= √127 ∗ 0.25

If ≥ V then the design is adequate, otherwise look for speed control


Design calculation:
Radius = 10m
Design speed (V) = 15 kmph


= 0.1
= 10% ≤
Hence, ok.
Similarly, the Superelevation for all the radius is calculated. It is presented in the
table below:

Radius, m Superelevation (%)

10 10

15 6.667

20 5

25 4

30 3.33

35 2.85

40 2.25

45 2.22

50 2

55 1.82

60 1.67

65 1.54

70 1.43

200 0.5

Table No.4.6: Computed Superelevation

4.6.3 Extra Widening
At sharp horizontal curves, it is necessary to widen the carriageway to provide safe
passage of vehicles. Widening is dependent on curve radius, width of carriageway
and type of vehicle (length and width). Widening has two components: (I)
mechanical widening to compensate for the extra width occupied by the vehicle on
the curve due to tracing of the rear wheels, and (II) psychological widening vehicles
in a lane tend to wander more on a curve than on a straight reach.

In single lane roads the outer wheels of vehicles use the shoulders whether on the
straight or on a curve. Therefore, use of the mechanical component of widening
should be sufficient on its own.

For single lane roads, only mechanical widening is required for low traffic speed.


W = Widening, m

L = length of wheel base of longest vehicle (m) = 6.1m

R = Radius of horizontal curve, m

Up to
Curve Radius (m) 20 Above 60

Increase in width (for 3 m

carriageway), (m)
1.5 Nil

Source: NRRS (2055) 2nd Revision 2071

Table No.4.7: Minimum Widening for Single Lane Road

Design Calculation


Radius Widening

10 1.861

15 1.240

20 0.930

25 0.744

30 0.620

35 0.532

40 0.465

45 0.413

50 0.372

55 0.338

60 0.310

65 0.286

70 0.266

200 0.093

Table No 4.8: Computed Extra Widening

Minimum extra widening as recommended by NRRS = 1.5 m


4.7.1 Gradient

Gradient is the rate of rise or fall along the length of the road with respect to the
horizontal. While aligning a highway, the gradient is decided for designing the
vertical curve. Before finalizing the gradients, the construction cost, vehicular
operation cost and the practical problems in the site also have to be considered. It
is expressed as a ratio of 1 in x. Sometimes it is expressed as a percentage, n i.e. n
in 100.

Design Standard District Road Village Road

S. No. Hill Terai Hill Terai

1 Ruling gradient (%) 7 5* 7 5*

2 Limiting gradient (%) 10 6 10 6

Exceptional gradient
3 (%) 12 7 12 7

Limitation of maximum
4 gradient length (m) 300 - 300 -
above average gradient
of 7%

Source: NRRS (2055) 2nd Revision 2071

Table No 4.9: Recommended gradients

Whatever gradient used the pavement must have sufficient camber to drain storm
water laterally. However, in cut sections or where the pavement is provided with

Krebs, it is necessary that the road should have some gradient for efficient
drainage. Desirable minimum gradient is 0.5 % if the side drains are lined and 1%
if unlined. Exceptional gradients should be adopted only in very difficult places
and unstable locations in short length in hill.

4.7.2 Summit Curve:

Summit curves are usually designed to provide adequate stopping sight distance.
The radius of curve is calculated on the basis of formula. Stopping sight distance
(SSD) is considered for design of vertical curves.

Figure No.4.3: Summit Curve

The minimum radius of summit curve is = . The length of summit curves

is governed by the choice of sight distance. The length is calculated on the basis
of the following formulae:

L = (N S2) / (4.4), when S < L

And, L = 2S – (4.4)/N, when S > L


L = Length of curve in m

S = Sight distance in m

N = Algebraic difference of approach grades in percent

4.7.3 Valley Curve:

At valley curve, the radius of vertical curve is designed considering the night
visibility condition. The maximum value of N adopted is in longitudinal profile
12% and minimum value of N is 2%.

Figure No.4.4: Valley Curve

Length of vertical curve considering night visibility condition is as given below:

1.5+0.035* S


N = deviation angle, i.e. the algebraic difference between the two grades

L = Length of parabolic vertical curve (m)

S = stopping sight distance (m)

The above formula has been derived based on following assumption:

Head light height = 0.75 m

The beam angle = 10

Design Calculation

Curve no – 1 (Valley Curve)

For, I1 = -7.60% and I2 = -2.78%

Algebraic difference between the gradients (N) = I1 - I2 = -4.82%

Adopting R = 1000 m, we get,

4.82 1000
Tangent length (T) = ∗ = ∗ = 24.1
2 100 2

At distance X = ℎ ℎ
X= 24.1 = 12.05 Y = =0.073
2 2


Horizontal Curves

We have adopted only circular curves in this proposed road. The setting out of
simple circular curves has explained below:

Tangent Length (T) = R*Tan

Length of Curve (L) = ∗ ∗


Apex Distance (e) = ∗ ( − 1


Difference between Tangent length and Length of curve = 2T - L

Where, R=Radius of the curve

= Deflection angle

e = Apex distance

Vertical Curves

Algebraic difference between the gradients (N) = I1 - I2

Length of vertical curve = N/r

Where, N = Total change in grade

r = rate of change of grade

I1 and I2 = Gradient of first line and second line.

Since the parabolic curve is considered, minimum radius of vertical curve may be
calculated as:

R = L* 100/N





Pavement is most important component of highway section. Therefore, the overall

functioning of highway system is greatly relying on performance of its pavement.
Pavement distress, life cycle, and overall functioning are determined by the design
procedure. The design of flexible pavement involves the interplay of several
variables, such as the wheel loads, traffic, climate, terrain and sub-grade conditions.
Depending upon specific regional or countrywide characteristics, most of them
have their own method of design for pavements. For this road, we have used the
DOR method of pavement design as this method is widely followed all around the
country for all types of road. The design is done in using the following formula.

N = 365 * (1+ −1


N = the cumulative number of standard axles to be catered for the design (msa)

A = Initial traffic in the year of completion of construction in terms of number of

commercial vehicles per day

D = Lane distribution factor

F = Vehicle damage factor which can be obtained using the following table:

Vehicle Type VDF Remarks

Heavy truck (three axles 6.5
or more)
Heavy two axle 4.75 Hilly terrain 3.5
Mini truck/tractor 1.0
Large Bus 0.5
Bus 0.35
Table No.5.1: Vehicle Damage Factor

n = Design life in year

r = annual growth rate of commercial vehicle (in the absence of detail traffic study
r can be taken as 7% i.e 0.07)

The traffic in the year of completion is estimated using the following formula:

A = P (1 + r) x


P is the number of commercial vehicles as per the last traffic count

x is the number of years between the last traffic count and the year of completion
of construction.

Design Calculation:

• Type of road = Single lane

• Initial traffic in the year of completion of construction = 130 CVPD (sum of
both directions) as mentioned below:
· Heavy truck two axle = 15
· Mini truck = 25
· Tractor = 40
· Large bus = 20
· Bus = 30
• Traffic growth rate = 7.0%
• Design life = 15 years
• Design CBR of subgrade soil = 5%


Traffic growth rate (r) = 7.0%

= 0.07

Lane distribution factor (D) = 1 (for single lane road)

Design life (n) = 15 years

We know,

N = 365 * (1+ −1 *A*D*F


standard axle, per
Vehicle type Numbers VDF day

Heavy truck two axle 15 3.5 52.5

Mini truck 25 1.0 25

Tractor 40 1.0 40

Large bus 20 0.50 10

Bus 30 0.35 10.5

Table No.5.2: ESA

Initial standard number of axles= A*F = 138 esa

Cumulative Number of standard axles for design period:

N = 365 * (1+ −1 *A*D*F

N = 365 * *138*1

N = 1.27 msa

From figure 1 given below,

Total pavement thickness with CBR of 5% and 1.27msa = 450mm

Pavement composition from (Annex I):

PC (20 mm)

BM (50 mm)

Granular Base course (150 mm)

Granular sub-base (230 mm)

Sub-grade (5% CBR)

Figure No.5.1: Cross section of the designed pavement

Pavement Design Catalogue

Annex I - Recommended Design for Traffic Range 1 - 10 msa

Cumulativ Total Pavement composition
e pavemen Bituminous surfacing Granula Granula
traffic t r r
(msa) Thicknes Wearing Binder base subbase
s course(mm course(mm (mm) (mm)
(mm) ) )
1 430 20 PC 225 205

2 490 20 PC 50 BM 225 215

3 530 20 PC 50 BM 250 230

5 580 25 SDBC 55 DBM 250 250

10 660 40 BC 70 DBM 250 300

Table No.5.3

Figure No.5.2: Pavement Thickness Design Chart 1-10 msa

5.2.1 Side Drain
Generally different typical cross section of drain is used in highway. Among them
trapezoidal, triangular and rectangular cross section are widely used. Different
hydrological data are required for drain design. Economical drain section should be
design as per discharge of rain water at that area. For our project we choose
economical triangular section with rounded bottom is used.

Drainage design example:

Rain fall data Source: Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Pokhara

Rainfall Month

94.7 October

0 November

0 December

5.5 January

9.9 February

46.8 March

12.6 April

424.8 May

579.3 Jun

1006.6 July

309.4 August

541.2 September

Table No.5.4: Rainfall data (2015)

Design Calculation:

Catchment area(A)=0.13km2(Source: ArcGIS Software)

Minimum and maximum annual average rainfall of Syangja district is 0 and

1006.6mm respectively.

Mean rainfall intensity(i) = (0+1006.60)/2

= 503.3mm/day = 20.97mm/hr

Using rational formula (Q) = CIA/3.6

= 0.8*20.97*13/3.6

= 0.60m3/s

Now from hydraulic formula, Q = A*V

Where, A=cross-sectional area of channel (assuming trapezoidal section)

V= average velocity of flow, m/s = 1/n*R2/3*S0.5


N=manning’s roughness coefficient

R= Hydraulic radius S=longitudinal

slope of cannel

Side slope(S) = 1:0.5

Area of drainage section (A) = BD+1/2*RD0.5

Perimeter (P) = B+ D+D(1+R2)0.5

Take, S=1/1500


We have R=A/P

Now we have Q=A*V

= (BD+D2) *(1/N*R2/3*S^0.5)

0r, 0.6 = (0.45*D+D2) *(1/.04*(.45*D+D2)/0.45+D+1.22D)

= 0.496 = 0.5cm

Figure No.5.3: X-section of Triangular Drainage

5.2.2 Cross Drainage

Cross drainage works is a structure constructed when there is a crossing of canal

and natural drain, to prevent the drain water from mixing into canal water. This type
of structure is costlier one and needs to be avoided as much as possible. Cross
drainage works can be avoided in two ways:

• By changing the alignment of canal water way.

• By mixing two or three streams into one and only one cross drainage work
to be constructed, making the structure economical.

Culvert is a tunnel structure constructed under roadways or railways to provide
cross drainage or to take electrical or other cables from one side to other. The culvert
system is totally enclosed by soil or ground.

Pipe Culvert
Pipe culverts are widely used culverts and rounded in shape. The culverts may be
of single in number or multiple. If single pipe culvert is used then larger diameter
culvert is installed. If the width of channel is greater than we will go for multiple
pipe culverts. They are suitable for larger flows very well. The diameter of pipe
culverts ranges from 1 meter to 6m. These are made of concrete or steel etc.

Design Calculation (Pipe Culvert)

Chainage: 0+880 m

Let us take the size/diameter of pipe culvert as 60 cm.

Design Discharge Q= 0.582 m3/sec

S= 7%

Manning’s Coefficient n= 0.002

For maximum discharge through a circular channel, the depth of flow = 0.95 D

= 0.95* 0.6

= 0.57 m

For maximum discharge through a circular channel, the hydraulic radius = 0.29 D

= 0.174

Now, Discharge = Area * velocity


0.582= (π*D2)/4 *1/0.002 * (0.29 D)2/3 *(5 *10-3)1/2

So, D=0.319 m = 31.9 cm

Hence, the size of pipe culvert chosen which is 60 cm is ok.


Retaining walls are structures to support backfill and surcharge load from the fill
section of the road. Normally, it is constructed on the valley side along hill roads.
Breast walls are similar structures constructed along the hillside.

Retaining and breast walls are not normally intended to stabilize slope failures but
are meant to support active or passive earth pressure from the assumed failure
wedge above the base of the wall. Retaining and breast walls are constructed for the
following purposes:

• To minimize the volume of excavation and to achieve cut and fill balanced
• To support the road completely or partially in fill
• To stabilize fill slopes (e.g. tipping areas) and cut slopes
• To support the toe of a weak slope
• To prevent erosion on steep sloping cut faces as revetments

Dry Masonry Walls

Dry stone masonry walls are the economic earth retaining structures. However, they
do have limitations. For effective functioning, the height of the retaining wall
should be limited to 3.5 m. However, the same is not recommended where there is
scope for continuous flow of water, such as areas where causeways are proposed
and at river/stream banks.

The backfill on the rear side of a dry masonry wall needs to be of selected material
that is pervious in nature. Appropriate compaction in layers is essential to backfill
the material. Dry masonry walls are favored under the following conditions:

• Availability of sound stones in proximity of the site

• Foundation conditions are uniform and geo-technically favorable i.e. fairly
dry and stable slopes, low earth pressure
• Availability of pervious backfill and low seepage pressure

• Dry masonry walls should not be used in drainage outlets, high water flow,
moist and areas with high groundwater.

Figure No.5.4: Typical Retaining Wall

Design Calculation:

h =5 m

β =70

δ =24

angle of surcharge (i)=0
safe bearing capacity=600
unit weight of soil (γ) =19 KN/m3
unit weight of concrete(γ') =24 KN/m3
angle of shearing resistance (Ф)=36
depth of foundation (Df) =1
total height (H) =6 m
thickness of base slab =0.5 m
width of base slab (b) =3.6 m
toe projection (tp) =1 m
stem top width =0.5 m
active earth pressure coefficient (Ka)= 0.42
Total active earth pressure (Pa) = 143.64 KN/m2
The total pressure force acts at an angle (δ+(90°-β)) with horizontal
at height H/3 from base = 44 KN/m2
Stability Analysis:
Factor of saftey against sliding (fs)=µ∑V/∑H > 1.5

Factor of saftey against overturning ( fo) =∑MR/∑MO ≥ 2

Factor of saftey against beraing Fb=Qa/Pmax ≥ 3

Pmax=∑V/B(1+6 )

∑ ∑
= −
∑ ∑

Forces (KN) Moments about
Lever toe (KN-m)
S.N. Description Vertical Horizontal arm
(KN) (KN)
Clockwise Anticlockwise
1 (w1=1/2*γ’*fg*gd) 11.88 1.12 13.3056
2 (w2=γ’*stem top
width*gd) 66 1.43 94.38
3 Weight
(w3=γ’*1/2*eh*gd 132 2.35 598
4 43.2 1.8 123.48
of base slab *width
of base slab)
5 Vertical
component of P
(Pav) 99.78 3.19 586.7
6 Horizontal
component of P 103 2.5 257.5
total sum 570.8184 103 814 257.5
Net moment 556.5
if the Net moment value is +ve then clockwise else anticlockwise

Resultant force(R)
367.59 Pressure distribution (kN/m2)
Distance from toe where Pmax 134
R strikes base (x bar) Pmin 62.08
Eccentricity (e) 0.22
if e comes -ve, means R acts at toe side from the center of base

Table No.5.5: Force Calculation

Stability Result:
Factor of Safety against Sliding = 1.54 > 1.5 (Safe)
Factor of Safety against Overturning = 3.16 ≥ 2 (Safe)
Factor of Safety against Tension = 0.37 (no tension)
Factor of Safety against Bearing = 4.48 ≥ 3 (Safe)

Slope protection is the process of protecting the slope of roadside to avoid slope
failure. Road construction is the development work but it also had its own
drawbacks. We disturb natural ground condition which make natural ground
condition unstable and under the action of different types of promoting agent like
rain, wind etc. it would detach from natural ground. The road slope disaster is due
to the following several reasons:

• Landslide - Tends to occur on gentle slopes and is related mainly to weak geology,
stratification, faulting and ground water. Rainfall and earthquakes are the main
triggers. The movement mass generally starts at the weakest layer and involves a
very wide area.
• Slope Failure - Occurs mostly on steep slopes deteriorated by extensive surface
water infiltration. Rainfall and earthquakes usually trigger the falling or crumbling,
which characterize slope failures.
• Rock Fall
• Debris Flow/Sedimentation
• Embankment Erosion

Proper procedure of slope protection should be applied for planning and designing
slope protection methods. In general, following points are to be considered while
planning a slope protection work.

• Suitable countermeasures for road slope failures should be based on a better

understanding of the characteristics of road slope failures. Field
investigations should start with a comprehensive evaluation of general
conditions (Topography, Geology, Vegetation, Failure Type and its
Mechanism, Scale of Failure, etc.).
• Water management is an essential factor in controlling slope stability.
Suitable drainage system is the most important factor for the safety of both
natural and artificial slopes. Quick and effective drainage of surface and
spring water and lowering of ground water table are basic methods for
stabilizing slopes.
• In most of the cases Earthwork comprising of Cutting unstable portion of a
slope at top and Embankment in the toe part of the landslide can stabilize
the slope.

• Combination of Water Management and Earthworks shall be considered as
primary control measures.
• Restrain measures such as retaining wall and structures like gabion wall and
stone masonry can stabilize the slope when failure scale is small and or
when the movement of landslide is low.
• Bioengineering shall be considered in every case of slope failures. Proper
application of bioengineering contributes to basic stabilization of the slope
and reduction of negative environmental impact.
In large-scale slope failures, monitoring and control measures should be planned
and applied prior to implementation of restrain measures.


Bio engineering works has to be done in order to protect the roadside from the
shallow seated failure and stabilization of road for the long-term work. It can be
done by stone pitching, grass plantation, vegetation, wire meshing etc. Even for the
case of deep seated failure we prefer retaining structure along with bio-engineering
work. Retaining structure like retaining work masonry wall got weaken after
prolonged effect at that time plantation get their strength and handover the
protection work.

Bio engineering is a community based vegetative technique in which local can use
these plans for their economic development. For this purpose, also, they grow and
preserve these plants, which ultimately work as bio-engineering. Locally available
plant, grass like Amriso, Nigalo, Napier etc. are used.



The construction of Agriculture Campus to Kharka Gau-3, Puranchour (Ch 0+000

to 2+180) has been a major necessity for better services to the road users in that
region. Our team has carried out this detailed engineering survey and design of the
segments of road.

The alignment selected for this road, in general is successful as it considers

topographic conditions, engineering and geological features and road design
parameters passes through stable terrain. The environmental protection measures
are also considered.

The selected alignment does not possess major hydrological problems. Designed
drainage can resist scouring and erosion problems. There are no other problems and
this road alignment seems as one of the most economical and stable routes.

Transportation projects can have major impacts upon the economic, biological,
physical and social environment. Road construction in hills of our country has
become serious from bio-engineering point of view. Therefore, special attention
should be given for slope stability, soil erosion and siltation problems.

The following recommendations are proposed to minimize the adverse

environmental impacts in the vicinity of road:

• Effective maintenance program to minimize the clay runoff from the road

• Periodical reforestation on off the road side for soil conversation.


For the surveying and designing of road different types of difficulties and
challenges are occurred. We have tried to minimize the error as much as possible
but some limitation constraints occurred which forced us take consideration on
certain field of work. Though these limitations are not huge enough to affect on the
overall performance of road but its our responsibility to mention the limitation for
the project work listed as below:

• Area calculation and drainage design for all catchment area is difficult and
could yield very large side drain which might be tedious to design and
uneconomical to implement so we suggest catch drain of suitable type above
150m uphill.
• The discharge calculation for the cross-drainage structures was based on the
relevant literature review and information from local people as hydrological
study to perform was little unsuited for the time constraints.
• The structural analysis of the retaining structure was not performed. The
selection of the suitable retaining structure was based on expert opinion and
standard design.
• The data of the soil composition of the field was taken from eye
• The traffic survey of the road was not carried out.
• Not any geological study were performed.


1. Nepal Road Standards (2070). 2070. Nepal: Ministry of Roads and Transport, Department
of Roads.
2. Rao, G. V. 1996. Highway Engineering. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. OFlaherty, Coleman A., and Coleman A OFlaherty. 2007. Transport Planning and Traffic
Engineering. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.
4. Nepal Rural Road Standards (2055). 2071. Nepal: Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local
Development, Department of Local Infrastructure.
5. Statics of Local Road Network (2016). 2016. Nepal: Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local
Development Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Engineering
Paschimanchal Campus

Abstract of Quantity
Description Quantity (m3)
Ordinary Fill Volume 1473.952
Ordinary Cut Volume 8499.739
Structure Cut Volume 547.546
BackFill Volume 322.067
Drain Cut Volume 1949.100
Left Drain Volume 1011.882
Right Drain Volume 1024.398
Gabion Retaining Wall (Left) Volume 147.803
Gabion Retaining Wall (Right) Volume 421.247
Dry Retaining Wall (Left) Volume 2.795
Dry Retaining Wall (Right) Volume 28.380
Trbhuvan University
Institute of Engineering
Paschimanchal Campus
Lamachour, Pokhara,

IP Easting Northing WCB Distance
Angle Radius Design Speed Superelevation TL LC
(no.) (m) (m) (Deg) (Deg) (m) (m) (km/hr) (%) (m) (m)
IP-0 1000.000 1000.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 15.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
IP-1 937.453 1065.317 196.229 316.241 90.435 20.000 15.000 7.000 2.852 5.665
IP-2 894.086 1148.519 177.583 332.470 93.826 100.000 15.000 3.000 2.110 4.219
IP-3 854.640 1216.988 180.497 330.053 79.019 20.000 15.000 7.000 0.087 0.174
IP-4 816.730 1284.132 174.765 330.551 77.107 20.000 15.000 7.000 0.914 1.827
IP-5 748.839 1382.236 223.634 325.316 119.305 50.000 15.000 5.000 20.016 38.078
IP-6 755.604 1425.191 93.863 8.950 43.484 25.000 15.000 6.000 23.369 37.584
IP-7 657.277 1447.553 163.130 282.813 100.838 100.000 15.000 3.000 14.829 29.444
IP-8 606.681 1443.964 244.022 265.943 50.723 20.000 15.000 7.000 12.503 22.348
IP-9 587.109 1477.815 131.256 329.964 39.102 20.000 15.000 7.000 9.061 17.015
IP-10 527.623 1489.616 193.367 281.221 60.645 100.000 15.000 3.000 11.718 23.330
IP-11 485.221 1509.018 80.343 294.588 46.630 20.000 15.000 7.000 23.691 34.787
IP-12 474.852 1470.132 248.549 194.931 40.245 20.000 15.000 7.000 13.630 23.928
IP-13 389.292 1460.354 150.953 263.480 86.117 100.000 15.000 3.000 25.905 50.696
IP-14 322.310 1412.459 275.361 234.434 82.344 20.000 15.000 7.000 21.965 33.287
IP-15 292.828 1463.103 120.457 329.794 58.600 20.000 15.000 7.000 11.441 20.785
IP-16 112.190 1463.895 181.421 270.251 180.640 1000.000 15.000 3.000 12.399 24.797
IP-17 20.444 1466.573 232.105 271.672 91.785 20.000 15.000 7.000 9.777 18.188
IP-18 4.966 1487.703 233.407 323.777 26.192 20.000 15.000 7.000 10.061 18.643
IP-19 54.383 1647.503 182.094 17.184 167.266 1000.000 15.000 3.000 18.276 36.549
IP-20 89.006 1746.493 179.693 19.278 104.870 1000.000 15.000 3.000 2.681 5.362
IP-21 100.363 1779.531 163.261 18.971 34.936 100.000 15.000 3.000 14.712 29.215
IP-22 101.902 1819.021 231.493 2.232 39.520 30.000 15.000 6.000 14.468 26.961
IP-23 182.753 1878.359 139.243 53.724 100.289 100.000 15.000 3.000 37.147 71.135
IP-24 203.347 1967.796 221.036 12.967 91.777 100.000 15.000 3.000 37.425 71.622
IP-25 283.840 2026.270 196.318 54.004 99.490 100.000 15.000 3.000 14.338 28.481
IP-26 330.809 2043.067 156.694 70.322 49.882 50.000 15.000 5.000 10.312 20.339
IP-27 344.942 2056.239 197.722 47.016 19.320 30.000 15.000 6.000 4.677 9.279
IP-28 389.116 2077.085 317.524 64.737 48.845 15.000 15.000 7.000 38.597 36.004
IP-29 363.350 2014.141 0.000 202.262 68.013 0.000 15.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Trbhuvan University
Institute of Engineering
Paschimanchal Campus
Lamachour, Pokhara,


Chainage Ordinary Ordinary Ordinary Ordinary

Cut Fill Cut Fill
(m) (m2) (m2) (m3) (m3)
0+000.00 0.000 0.010 0.000 0.000
0+020.00 2.380 0.070 23.800 0.800
0+040.00 2.530 0.290 49.100 3.600
0+060.00 2.160 0.030 46.900 3.200
0+080.00 0.560 2.350 27.200 23.800
0+087.58 1.180 0.520 6.595 10.877
0+090.42 1.020 0.290 3.124 1.150
0+093.25 1.140 0.220 3.056 0.722
0+100.00 1.140 0.280 7.695 1.688
0+120.00 1.900 1.900 30.400 21.800
0+140.00 1.420 1.210 33.200 31.100
0+160.00 3.410 0.980 48.300 21.900
0+180.00 0.710 0.950 41.200 19.300
0+182.11 0.590 0.720 1.371 1.762
0+184.22 0.730 0.550 1.393 1.340
0+186.33 1.000 0.380 1.825 0.981
0+200.00 1.550 0.350 17.429 4.990
0+220.00 0.980 0.520 25.300 8.700
0+240.00 1.350 0.230 23.300 7.500
0+260.00 6.640 0.090 79.900 3.200
0+263.15 1.990 0.060 13.592 0.236
0+263.24 1.960 0.780 0.178 0.038
0+263.33 2.000 0.050 0.178 0.037
0+280.00 0.380 2.170 19.837 18.504
0+300.00 2.460 0.240 28.400 24.100
0+320.00 1.390 0.060 38.500 3.000
0+339.43 0.510 0.210 18.459 2.623
0+340.00 0.640 0.150 0.328 0.103
0+340.35 0.500 0.170 0.199 0.056
0+341.26 0.940 0.120 0.655 0.132
0+360.00 1.070 0.150 18.834 2.530
0+380.00 1.220 0.120 22.900 2.700
0+400.00 1.290 1.540 25.100 16.600
0+420.00 0.520 1.910 18.100 34.500
0+440.00 3.530 1.650 40.500 35.600
0+451.62 3.500 0.670 40.844 13.479
0+459.26 0.330 2.530 14.631 12.224
0+460.00 0.470 1.830 0.296 1.613
0+466.90 6.150 0.000 22.839 6.313
0+480.00 20.670 0.000 175.671 0.000
0+483.71 24.520 0.000 83.827 0.000
0+498.79 41.210 0.000 495.604 0.000
0+500.00 62.330 0.000 62.642 0.000
0+513.86 43.470 0.000 733.194 0.000
0+520.00 27.680 0.000 218.431 0.000
0+540.00 11.600 0.000 392.800 0.000
0+560.00 10.720 0.180 223.200 1.800
0+580.00 7.030 0.000 177.500 1.800
0+593.08 5.950 0.000 84.889 0.000
0+596.01 5.690 0.000 17.053 0.000
0+598.94 5.300 0.000 16.100 0.000
0+600.00 5.190 0.000 5.560 0.000
0+620.00 2.620 0.420 78.100 4.200
0+634.21 0.740 2.340 23.873 19.610
0+640.00 1.000 2.230 5.037 13.230
0+645.38 1.390 1.740 6.429 10.679
0+656.56 0.690 0.810 11.627 14.254
0+660.00 0.520 0.450 2.081 2.167
0+674.10 1.890 0.790 16.991 8.742
0+680.00 0.460 0.890 6.933 4.956
0+682.60 0.020 2.470 0.624 4.368
0+691.11 0.000 3.070 0.085 23.573
0+700.00 0.220 2.020 0.978 22.625
0+720.00 1.030 0.850 12.500 28.700
0+740.00 0.000 3.180 10.300 40.300
0+740.35 0.000 3.130 0.000 1.104
0+742.68 0.000 3.140 0.000 7.305
0+745.02 0.000 2.780 0.000 6.926
0+760.00 0.000 1.320 0.000 30.709
0+765.61 1.800 2.830 5.049 11.641
0+780.00 0.090 0.880 13.599 26.693
0+783.01 0.360 0.220 0.677 1.656
0+800.00 2.190 0.040 21.662 2.209
0+800.40 2.090 0.050 0.856 0.018
0+803.32 1.440 0.140 5.154 0.277
0+815.29 0.590 1.400 12.150 9.217
0+820.00 0.720 2.100 3.085 8.243
0+827.25 0.420 1.230 4.133 12.071
0+840.00 0.640 0.520 6.757 11.156
0+860.00 2.010 0.030 26.500 5.500
0+880.00 0.050 1.260 20.600 12.900
0+894.56 0.000 1.000 0.364 16.453
0+899.63 0.010 1.020 0.025 5.121
0+900.00 0.010 0.990 0.004 0.372
0+904.70 0.030 0.980 0.094 4.629
0+920.00 0.530 0.180 4.284 8.874
0+940.00 1.170 0.150 17.000 3.300
0+959.90 0.890 0.470 20.497 6.169
0+960.00 0.890 0.480 0.089 0.047
0+976.54 0.590 1.090 12.240 12.984
0+980.00 0.390 1.060 1.695 3.719
0+993.18 1.000 0.270 9.160 8.765
1+000.00 1.340 0.200 7.979 1.603
1+018.38 1.460 1.030 25.732 11.304
1+020.00 1.400 1.050 2.317 1.685
1+028.77 1.340 0.860 12.015 8.375
1+039.16 1.110 0.190 12.728 5.455
1+040.00 1.130 0.150 0.941 0.143
1+060.00 4.710 0.050 58.400 2.000
1+080.00 5.270 0.080 99.800 1.300
1+100.00 3.350 0.030 86.200 1.100
1+120.00 1.410 0.130 47.600 1.600
1+140.00 1.180 0.180 25.900 3.100
1+160.00 1.060 0.190 22.400 3.700
1+180.00 0.120 0.660 11.800 8.500
1+200.00 0.160 1.130 2.800 17.900
1+208.11 0.570 0.590 2.960 6.975
1+208.36 0.560 0.590 0.141 0.147
1+208.61 0.590 0.800 0.144 0.174
1+220.00 1.590 0.170 12.415 5.524
1+240.00 1.800 0.020 33.900 1.900
1+260.00 0.560 0.320 23.600 3.400
1+280.00 1.050 0.380 16.100 7.000
1+290.37 1.460 0.250 13.014 3.267
1+299.46 1.610 0.120 13.953 1.682
1+300.00 1.620 0.090 0.872 0.057
1+308.56 0.920 0.060 10.871 0.642
1+314.91 1.300 0.520 7.049 1.841
1+320.00 1.140 0.680 6.210 3.054
1+324.23 0.780 1.090 4.061 3.744
1+333.55 0.590 0.730 6.384 8.481
1+340.00 0.710 1.440 4.192 6.998
1+360.00 0.000 0.030 7.100 14.700
1+380.00 4.380 0.000 43.800 0.300
1+400.00 3.700 0.570 80.800 5.700
1+420.00 8.140 0.000 118.400 5.700
1+440.00 4.290 0.530 124.300 5.300
1+460.00 6.110 0.000 104.000 5.300
1+480.00 7.830 0.040 139.400 0.400
1+490.40 6.040 0.000 72.124 0.208
1+490.76 11.640 0.000 3.182 0.000
1+491.13 5.380 0.690 3.149 0.128
1+500.00 10.350 0.000 69.763 3.060
1+520.00 8.420 0.250 187.700 2.500
1+540.00 7.070 0.090 154.900 3.400
1+560.00 6.250 0.020 133.200 1.100
1+580.00 6.920 0.000 131.700 0.200
1+595.58 4.890 0.000 92.000 0.000
1+595.63 4.540 0.000 0.236 0.000
1+595.68 4.440 0.000 0.224 0.000
1+600.00 5.790 0.000 22.097 0.000
1+620.00 9.620 0.000 154.100 0.000
1+627.62 7.270 0.140 64.351 0.533
1+630.54 5.730 0.020 18.980 0.234
1+633.47 0.000 0.010 8.394 0.044
1+640.00 4.350 0.000 14.203 0.033
1+660.00 4.570 0.030 89.200 0.300
1+660.40 4.490 0.040 1.812 0.014
1+669.39 3.210 0.010 34.611 0.225
1+678.37 2.530 0.560 25.773 2.559
1+680.00 2.730 0.460 4.287 0.831
1+700.00 3.710 0.310 64.400 7.700
1+720.00 4.530 0.020 82.400 3.300
1+740.00 1.140 0.340 56.700 3.600
1+760.00 2.510 0.350 36.500 6.900
1+761.59 2.520 0.380 3.999 0.580
1+768.70 2.140 0.260 16.566 2.275
1+775.81 2.920 0.030 17.988 1.031
1+780.00 3.170 0.040 12.759 0.147
1+800.00 1.980 0.150 51.500 1.900
1+820.00 4.970 0.650 69.500 8.000
1+840.00 7.070 0.000 120.400 6.500
1+852.68 4.460 0.010 73.100 0.063
1+859.84 3.550 0.010 28.676 0.072
1+860.00 3.640 0.010 0.575 0.002
1+867.00 1.610 0.000 18.375 0.035
1+880.00 0.640 0.930 14.625 6.045
1+900.00 0.850 0.500 14.900 14.300
1+920.00 0.000 0.160 8.500 6.600
1+940.00 4.490 0.200 44.900 3.600
1+956.14 9.260 0.540 110.963 5.972
1+958.99 8.500 2.590 25.308 4.460
1+960.00 8.670 2.720 8.671 2.682
1+961.84 8.790 3.160 16.063 5.410
1+980.00 15.720 1.710 222.551 44.220
2+000.00 0.760 5.390 164.800 71.000
2+004.73 0.180 6.240 2.223 27.505
2+008.79 3.220 1.180 6.902 15.063
2+012.86 5.250 0.990 17.236 4.416
2+020.00 8.180 2.410 47.945 12.138
2+024.94 9.250 0.740 43.052 7.781
2+028.03 11.520 0.240 32.090 1.514
2+031.12 2.330 8.960 21.398 14.214
2+040.00 18.720 0.000 93.462 39.782
2+051.12 20.120 4.180 215.950 23.241
2+060.00 14.000 3.100 151.493 32.323
2+063.12 8.700 3.360 35.412 10.078
2+075.12 0.000 0.000 52.200 20.160
2+080.00 0.000 0.260 0.000 0.634
2+100.00 7.490 0.010 74.900 2.700
2+117.41 1.740 1.030 80.347 9.053
2+120.00 1.260 1.270 3.885 2.978
2+140.00 0.220 2.130 14.800 34.000
2+160.00 0.000 0.890 2.200 30.200
2+180.00 0.010 3.360 0.100 42.500
8499.739 1473.952


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