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In the Phillippines, Pakikisama is one of the famous filipino culture that can be

commonly identified and observed. It is also described as the engrained characteristic in the

filipino psyche and value system. Also, it defines how filipino related with and support one

another. It actually implies the concept of companion or companionship.

As a Filipino, “pakikisama” or getting along with others is deeply engraved in my

characteristic and behavior as a person. This trait reflects how I care and help other people to

build better foundation with them. As said by the people around me, they define me as jolly, easy

going and easy to mingle person. It let me understand and recognize one’s identity and culture.

Through this kind of trait, every individual’s culture practices can be united despite of its

differences. For example, as I went to Tacloban, which their culture language and practice are

way more different than our culture, the taclobanon people treated me with respect and as one of

them that allows myself to be more comfortable around the said foreign environment. It builds

the individual to grow socially, feel security and belongingess in the said group.

In that case, the filipino trait “Pakikisama” promotes unity among the people with

different cultural backgrounds. The said trait serves as a medium to promote peace, equality and

unity. In summary, regardless of the culture differences, “pakikisama” allows the people in the

society despite of their dissimilarity can live in one harmony.



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