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Escherichia coli and ulcerative colitis

Denis Burke MD FRCP
J R Soc Med 1997;90:612-617

The clinical features of acute ulcerative colitis in relapse organisms. A more relevant approach is to examine
closely resemble those of infectious colitis. Moreover, the qualitative differences in isolates from patients and controls.
disease remains localized to the mucosa of the colon, which Interest in E. coli and ulcerative colitis followed the studies
is intimately associated with the faecal stream and its of Cooke2,67, who found an increased frequency of faecal E.
abundant microbial flora. Not surprisingly, therefore, much coli with 'pathogenic' 0 serotypes in ulcerative colitis. The
effort has gone into identifying microbial agents that might E. coli from patients with ulcerative colitis differed from
be an aetiological factor. To review an infective theory in control strains in being more likely to produce haemolysin
the Diamond Jubilee year of the British Society of and necrotoxin and to cause distension of rabbit ileal loops.
Gastroenterology is fitting, since one of the Society's Haemolysin producing strains were isolated more fre-
founders, Sir Arthur Hurst, suggested in 1921 that quently in patients in relapse than from those in remission.
ulcerative colitis might be caused by an infection closely Subsequent studies, however, suggested that these strains
related to Shigella dysenteriae, then known as Bacillus followed rather preceded relapse of colitis8.
dysenteriae. The intimate mucosal association of bacteria and cell
surfaces appears to be a prerequisite for colonization and
the initiation of disease for a wide range of intestinal
ESCHERICHIA COLI AND ULCERATIVE COLITIS pathogens including E. coli. Dickinson et al.9 were the first
Before the magnitude of the anaerobic faecal flora was to report an increased prevalence of faecal coliforms with in
recognized, the predominant faecal organism was thought vitro adhesive properties in patients with ulcerative colitis.
to be Escherichia coli. Although almost universally present as They examined the ability of E. coli to adhere to HeLa cells
a commensal in the bowel, E. coli is now seen to be a in tissue culture and found 35% of patients with active
minority constituent of the flora as a whole, and five distinct ulcerative colitis to be colonized by an adhesive E. coli,
groups can cause diarrhoea: compared with only 5% of controls.
It would be premature to ascribe a primary pathogenic
* Enterotoxigenic role on the basis of in vitro qualitative differences alone. The
* Enteropathogenic presence of adhesive E. coli in the faeces of patients with
* Enteroinvasive ulcerative colitis could be an incidental finding. The
* Enterohaemorrhagic inflammatory process within the colon may expose
* Enteroadherent receptors that would otherwise be masked. This 'unmask-
Quantitative studies of the faecal flora in ulcerative ing' effect has been demonstrated in the urinary tract where
colitis have produced confficting results. The proportion of treatment of the bladder mucosa with neuraminidase
coliforms to total viable bacteria in the stool of patients with increased the adhesion of E. coli. A similar effect could
ulcerative colitis was found by Seneca and Hendersonl to be operate in the colon of colitics secondary to the action of
more than 50-fold that of normal. However, others have host or bacterial enzymes. Pinder et al.10 found adhesive
seen no such quantitative differences in the flora24. Studies strains in patients presenting in their first attack and
of the mucosal associated flora or rectal biopsies in patients suggested, therefore, that acquisition was not secondary to
with active ulcerative colitis showed fewer E. coli than in chronic gut inflammation.
controls and the numbers increased with clinical improve- The recognized adhesins of pathogenic E. coli demon-
ment5. strate somatotropic localization via specific cell surface
The validity of this approach is open to question since receptors on the target organ. The Hela cells used by
diarrhoea from any cause may alter the relative proportions Dickinson may not have been the ideal model; they are a
of organisms in the faeces, and the presence of inflamed, neoplastic cell line derived from the genital tract, and
friable and bloody tissue may affect the recovery of viable enzymatic stripping methods used in the manipulation of the
cells may result in the expression of receptors irrelevant to
potential intestinal adherence. Pathogenic E. coli strains that
612 Cumberland Infirmary, Newtown Road, Carlisle CA2 7HY, UK cause diarrhoea demonstrate adhesion that is resistant to the
JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE Vo l u me 90 N ovem be r 1 99 7

sugar mannose. Type 1 pilus adhesion which is inhibited by 27% of E. coli isolates from the infective group were
mannose is expressed by many E. coli and does not seem to adhesion positive (as defined by an adhesion index > 25%)
be associated with intestinal pathogenicity in man. compared with 86% in the inflammatory bowel disease
To address these issues, other workers have continued group. These findings indicate that inflammation per se, in
Dickinson's experiments using different cell substrates. the short term, does not lead to acquisition of adhesive E.
With a buccal epithelial cell assay, patients with ulcerative coil14. Previous treatment (including sulphasalazine, which
colitis were shown to harbour E. coli that express mannose- has a sulphonamide component) does not appear to select
resistant adhesion more commonly than controls11 13. This for adhesive E. coli. 'Sticky' strains are found in those
method has several advantages. It is quantitative and, since patients having their first attack, including those who have
buccal epithelial cells can be obtained from patients, it received no treatment, and their presence is unaffected by a
allows assessment of host factors that may influence history of exposure to sulphasalazine or sulphonamide
adhesion. Buccal epithelial cells express receptors similar resistance in the faecal E. coli isolates15.
to those of the intestine. Pathogenic E. coli can be cultured When the rectal mucosal associated flora was studied5,
from the oropharynx of children with E. coli diarrhoea, and there was no significant difference between the different
adhesive E. coli adhere both to buccal cells and to fetal patient groups in the distribution of E. coli showing
enterocytes. mannose-resistant adhesion to Hep-2 cells. If bacterial
When buccal epithelial cells from differing sources were adhesion is relevant to pathogenesis, one might expect
studied, the E. coli isolates from colitic patients had no adhesive E. coli to be represented more frequently in
greater affinity for cells derived from their host than for ulcerative colitis mucosa. This implies that the organism
cells from other colitic patients or controlsl 1. Furthermore, does not adhere to the cell surface in vivo. It was, however,
adhesive strains were found in colitics in remission and in noticed that Enterobacteriaceae, usually E. coli, were
patients with Crohn's disease (Figure 1). In a group of isolated less frequently and in lower numbers from patients
patients with infective diarrhoea due to organisms with active colitis than controls. The rectal biopsy samples
recognized as causing colonic inflammation, the median had been processed to remove mucus, and I have already
adhesion index was only 14% compared with 43% for E. referred to concerns about the recovery of viable bacteria
coli from patients with a relapse of ulcerative colitis. Only from inflamed bloody tissue. Mucus may indeed play an

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UCrease UCrmiso i
S05. is
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Crohns Infectious Controls Figure 1 Buccal epithelial cell adhesion
disease diarrhoea indices of Escherichia coli obtained
from various sources. UC=ulcerative
oli source colitis 613

important part in trapping bacteria. There the mucin colitic colon, particularly when blood and serum exude
produced by colitics differs qualitatively from normal from the mucosal surface of the bowel during relapse. We
mucus, and abnormal mucin might express receptors not know that there are no quantitative deficiencies of the
usuallv exposed, leading to the selective colonization by E. complement system involved in bacterial killing in colitis.
coli with adhesive properties. The functional bactericidal competence of serum from
A subepithelial connective tissue protein binding patients with ulcerative colitis is intact and the proportion
property in colitic faecal E. coli has been demonstrated by of faecal E. coli showing serum resistance is not higher than
the agglutination of latex particles coated with fibronectin, normal2 1.
collagen type II, or fibrinogen. The authors of this study In the search for pathogenic hacteria in ulcerative colitis
suggested that this property could confer a selective some workers have detected an in vitro cytopathic effect in
advantage on E. coli, enabling the bacteria to dwell in faeces or E. coli isolates from patients. The numbers have,
colonic lesions and hence retard the healing process 1 6 . however, been small and the toxins were not identified
What of attempts to demonstrate adhesion of colitic E. further13

coli to rectal or colonic mucosal? Despite the use of various There have been reports of cases with presumed or
staining techniques including autoradiography and immu- known ulcerative colitis where verocytotoxin producing E.
nostaining17'18, these have met with no success with intact coli (VTEC) have been isolated16'22'23. In studies looking at
mucosa. Adhesion of organisms was sometimes seen in larger numbers of colitics VTEC were not identified13 and
association with cut or disrupted surfaces, but this finding antibodies to verocytoxin are not present in their sera
suggests that their role, if any, is as secondary invaders of (Burke D, et ai., unpublished).
diseased tissue. In theory, the profuse mucin production by In the HeLa cell studies reported by Dickinson, the
mucosal explants could impair contact with the mucosal invasive E. coli strains were not of a recognized
surface. Efforts to overcome this by increasing the bacterial enteroinvasive serotype. When the standard Sereny test
load or inhibiting mucin production vvith N acetylcysteine for enteroinvasion was used no invasive strains were
impaired the viability of the mucosal sample17'19. identified in patients with ulcerative colitis and no disease-
Routine histological examination of the colonic mucosa in related plasmid was identified17.
patients with ulcerative colitis does not normally demonstrate Serotyping alone is insufficient to indicate pathogenicity.
mucosal associated bacteria. This, however, does not exclude The genetic determinants controlling the virulence of an
their presence in vivo. Indeed they are not normally looked for organism are not always chromosomally mediated or
and there is the problem of seeing only 'what we know'. Even restricted to one serotype and may be transmissible (via
those organisms known to be pathogenic and to adhere to or plasmids or bacteriophages). Plasmids are small extra-
invade the intestinal mucosa (e.g. Campylobacter and Shigella chromosomal pieces of double-stranded DNA that are not
species or enteropathogenic E. coli) are seldom seen with normally essential to the cell's survival. They may carry
standard histological techniques. Alternative methods of information that controls not only their own replication but
fixation, sectioning or staining may be necessary. For example, also many of the bacterium's 'acquired' properties
Campylobacter species may require immunostaining to be notably, virulence factors such as toxin production,
identified adequately in tissue sections. Attempts to show adhesion and enteroinvasion. Because such acquired
colitic E. coli adhering in vivo have not been convincing despite properties are transferable between bacteria of different
use of a range of staining techniques including specific species, the qualitative differences seen in colitic E. coli
immunostaining against adhesive strains isolated from the might in theory represent acquisition by the patient's
faeces17. Again bacteria were seen on occasion in association resident E. coli of 'virulence' markers from a previous, but
with damaged areas or within the surface mucus. An transient, infective agent. This phenomenon could explain
electronmicroscopic study of colitic mucosa showed, in a the reports of ulcerative colitis developing after a
proportion of cases, rod-like structures of a similar size to E. coli recognized gastrointestinal infection without persistence of
in close association with the mucosa17. Ohkusa et a].20, using an the organism.
acridine-orange stain, showed rods (and cocci) invading the
mucosa. In these studies, however, the organisms were not
positively identified as E. coli. IMMUNE RESPONSE AND ESCHERICHIA COLI
Haemagglutination studies of colitic E. coli have not Patients with ulcerative colitis possess agglutinating
identified any of the recognized mannose-resistant adhesins antibodies in their sera to a greater number of E. coli 0
(i.e. CFA 1/ 1); however, 42% of isolates expressed at antigens and in higher titres than controls24. In patients with
least one mannose-resistant haemagglutinin 7. ulcerative colitis, antibodies to a lipopolysaccharide extract
The ability to resist the lethal effect of human serum of E. coli 014 cross-reacted with an antigen present in the
614 might confer a survival advantage to bacteria inhabiting the goblet cells of the colonic epithelium 2S The Kunin antigen,

which is common to the Enterobacteriaceae, is present in the development of colitis in these models. Metronidazole
high concentration in E. coli 014 and antibodies to this has immunosuppressive properties and these rather than its
antigen cross react with a goblet cell antigen, but attempts antibiotic properties might partly explain its efficacy in
to demonstrate antibodies to goblet cells at the tissue level preventing colitis.
in vivo have been unsuccessful26. The possibility that the immune system is involved in
The relevance of these antibodies to pathogenesis is the development of ulcerative colitis provided a stimulus for
unclear; they are not cytotoxic to colon cells (even in the further experimental investigation. Animals sensitized
presence of complement) and no correlation has been found systemically to ovalbumin or bacterial lvsates develop
between the presence of antibody and clinical severity, haemorrhagic lesions after injection of the same antigen into
extent, or duration of disease. Cellular cytotoxicity to intestinal tissue, resulting in a local Arthus or Schwartzman
colonic epithelial cells can be detected in patients with type reaction. Utilizing the Auer reaction, whereby an area
ulcerative colitis and this effect can be blocked by of inflammation can localize a systemic antigen-antibody
incubating the patient's lymphocytes with a lipopolysac- response, Kraft et a]. first sensitized rabbits to ovalbumin
charide extract of E. coli 019. Conversely, cytotoxicity for and a mild inflammation was then induced in the rectum
colonic epithelium can be induced in normal lymphocytes with dilute formalin3l. This inflammation was transient
by incubation with this antigen27. unless the rabbits were rechallenged with ovalbumin,
following which a more severe colitis-like lesion developed.
Although morphologically similar to ulcerative colitis, it
ANIMAL STUDIES was not self-sustaining, resolving rapidly if the local irritant
To gain some understanding of the mechanisms involved in and antigen were not constantly applied. A chronic colitis in
ulcerative colitis, many researchers have turned to animal rabbits not dependent on the re-exposure to antigen or
models. This approach has limitations, in particular the irritant was achieved by a modification of the Auer
questionable validity of extrapolating the findings to human procedure whereby the animal was first immunized against
beings. Many models show similarities to the human an E. coli antigen32. A chronic colitis in rats was induced by
disease, though the pathology often differs in localization injection of live or dead E. coli incorporated in Freund's
and lack of chronicity. One interpretation is that the adjuvant33. Interestingly, not all strains of E. coli were
inflammatory changes seen in ulcerative colitis present a effective in inducing a colitis; thus, specific antigens are
final common pathway in response to various stimuli. necessary to induce the disease. Cooke34 was unable to
The cotton-top tamarin (Sanguinus oedipus oedipus) can produce colitis in any rabbit by immunizing with E. coli
develop a chronic colitis closely resembling that of humans; antigens alone.
it responds to sulphasalazine and there is a high incidence of These phenomena may not be limited to E. coli.
colonic carcinoma. Mucin abnormalities similar to those in Enhancement of experimental colitis has also been achieved
human ulcerative colitis are seen but, as in man, the by immunization with Bacteroides vulgatus before carrageenan
aetiology remains obscure. There are difficulties with this treatment; florid colitis develops when the animal is
model not least that these animals are an endangered subsequently fed the organism. This effect is transferable
species. to non-immune animals by transplantation of splenic tissue,
Guinea pigs that are fed degraded carrageenan, a an indication that cell-mediated mechanisms are involved35.
substance derived from the red seaweed Eucheuma spinosum, More recently, rodents with genetically engineered
acquire lesions morphologically comparable to those seen in cytokine deficiencies have provided models of spontaneous
ulcerative colitis. This colitis can not be induced in germ- and chronic intestinal inflammation. While these latter
free animals28, but the relevant component of the faecal models support a role for an immunological abnormality in
flora is uncertain. Pretreatment with metronidazole, active ulcerative colitis, again luminal bacteria seem to be a
against anaerobic bacteria, prevents development of colitis prerequisite to its development; inflammatory response was
but this agent has no effect on established disease. prevented or muted in animals reared in a germ-free
Pretreatment wvith gentamicin, sulphamethoxazole, or environment36.
trimethoprim all active against aerobes does not pre- The fulfilment of Koch's postulates requires transmis-
vent the development of ulceration but fewer and less sion of the disease to a suitable animal, but inoculation
severe lesions were seen in guinea pigs rendered studies of faecal filtrates into monkeys, suckling mice, and
Enterobacteriaceae-free by administration of sulphamethox- rabbits have all been negative. The only positive results
azole/trimethoprim29. Carrageenan-induced colitis can also reported were the development of a granulomatous
be prevented by pretreatment with steroids and azathiopr- response after the inoculation of ulcerative colitis tissue
ine30. These findings suggest that some component of the into rabbits37. But other workers failed to confirm this
faecal flora and an intact immune system are necessary for finding or found a similar response with control tissue38. 615

ERADICATION THERAPY Cooke7 studied the effect of altering the E. coli

population in patients with ulcerative colitis by feeding
If a microbial agent is involved in the pathogenesis of them selected 'benign' strains in an attempt to replace the
ulcerative colitis, whether primary or secondary, anti- patients' resident E. coil. She was successful in implanting a
microbial therapy should be of benefit. In 1942 antitoxic 'non-pathogenic' strain into the colon of all of the patients
Bacillus coli (E. coli) serum was reported beneficial in studied. 10 of 14 patients treated this way were said to have
ulcerative colitis39. This finding might seem to support a benefited. Some patients in this uncontrolled study had been
role for E. coli in ulcerative colitis, but the study was pretreated with neomycin to help establish the new strain
uncontrolled and the observations could represent a non- and others were receiving corticosteroids. Nevertheless, if
specific response (antidysenteric serum, Bargen-Logan changing the strains of E. coli present in the faeces of patients
serum, a vaccine against Bargen's streptococcus, and with ulcerative colitis is feasible and of benefit48, the likely
typhoid vaccine have all been reported to achieve the same explanation is that a 'pathogenic' strain has been displaced.
therapeutic result). In an anecdotal report, a patient with chronic ulcerative
What of antimicrobial treatments? In controlled trials colitis unresponsive to standard medical treatment im-
metronidazole, active against anaerobes, was not found to proved after implantation of a 'normal' faecal flora by faecal
be beneficial in ulcerative colitis40'41 nor was any overall enemas49. This approach is helpful in patients with relapsing
benefit apparent with vancomycin, active against many Clostridium dfficile associated diarrhoea, but we do not know
Gram positive organisms. There appeared to be a reduction which components in the faeces are important to 'normal-
in the operation rate in those patients who had received ize' the faecal ecology.
vancomycin, and this advantage was not attributable to its
activity against Clostridium difficile, since this organism was CONCLUSION
never found42. Qualitative differences between the faecal E. coli in patients
If one contemplates antimicrobial therapy in colonic with ulcerative colitis and controls have been identified.
disease one needs to think of the concentration of the drug While these differences may be secondary to the disease
that can be achieved in the colon (which may be suboptimal process, it remains possible that these organisms play a
for agents readily absorbed from the bowel) and the activity primary aetiological role. This latter view needs serious
of the drug under anaerobic conditions. In an uncontrolled consideration particularly since the properties identified
study the poorly absorbed sulphonamide succinyl sulpha- include some that are recognized in pathogenic bacteria.
thiazole was reported beneficial in the management of Koch's postulates have not been fulfilled for these organisms
ulcerative colitis43. It seemed most effective when in colitis. However, the notion of 'infection' and the part
administered topically by enema to patients with distal played by bacteria in gastrointestinal disease continue to
disease. The only controlled studies of sulphonamides in evolve. One needs only to look at the radical change in our
ulcerative colitis are those of sulphasalazine. The active understanding and treatment of peptic ulcer disease that
component of this agent, however, is the aminosalicyclic came from work on Helicobacter pylori. Here we have a
acid moiety, the sulphonamide component merely acting as relapsing remitting disorder where there is an immune
a carrier to the colon. In ulcerative colitis this agent has response to an organism without its elimination and where
little lasting effect on the bacterial flora44'45 eradication therapy is beneficial-characteristics with some
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