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Describe globalization
Globalization, or globalisation, is the process of interaction and integration among
people, companies, and governments worldwide.
Globalization is a phenomenon. (borderless world)
No person is particularly in charge of it.
Your experience of it might not be exactly the same as mine.
Globalization is experienced by an economists, political scientists, and culture
From political science expert
- globalization is a challenge to the nation-state.
-strength of regional blocs
-emergence of global political norms
-multilateral and bilateral relations among nation-states
-emergence of corporations
-international laws
-World governance
From economic experts
globalization means
-fast speed of trade
-global economic organizations
-multinational and transnational corporations
-trade blocs
-free trade
-Less tariffs
From culture experts
Globalization means
-establishment of “global village”
-”shrinking world”
-Cultural imperialism
-borderless world
-adoption of other cultures
Based on scholarly works from the experts of the topic on globalization, there are
different conceptions of globalization.
Some would say it is a process.
Others say it is state.
Academic definition of Globalization
“the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world
time and world space.”
Steger, 2014.
2. Explain what multi-literacy is.
A concept calling for a broader view of literacy, also referred to as 'new literacies' or
'multiliteracies'. The concept is based on the assumption that individuals 'read' the
world and make sense of information by means other than traditional reading and
writing. These multiliteracies include linguistic, visual, audio, spatial, and gestural
ways of meaning-making. Central to the concept of multiple literacies is the belief
that individuals in a modern society need to learn how to construct knowledge from
multiple sources and modes of representation.
3. How can you teach multi-literacy in the classroom.
Traditionally, to teach literacy has meant teaching and learning to read and write
in page bound standard forms of the national language but the world is changing;
before how we define literacy is changing.
Now to be fully functional it requires to use new literacy to navigate digital,
social and multicultural era.
Multiliteracies represents the dynamic form of literacy that aims to create a
meaning for all regardless of culture, social, learning differences.
As an educator, teaching multimodal literacy is very important because we are
now preparing students for a complex world and it is our responsibility to evolve and
embrace the new literacy of the future.
Multimodal literacy support instruction by modes where linguistic modes
combining oral, visual, audio, gestures, tactile and spatial to convey meaning.
In summary, students may comfortable in using one mode but it is also important
if the students engage and learn how to use other modes. Multiliteracies in the 21 st
century reflects social worlds, cultural linguistic, technology and multimodal ways of
teaching in order to create meaning and to develop critical thinkers.

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