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Name: Mukesh Upreti

Chapter no:1
Session: 3
Chapter: Introduction to culture
Subject: TBS
Date: 15th Aug, 2020

Post - Assignment
Topic: Culture & its Characteristics


1. The form of culture which support human life, and includes creation, usage and trade of
objects is known as:
 Material culture

2. The form of culture that includes tradition, custom, beliefs and values is called:
 Non material culture

3. The culture that tourists bring on vacation is known as:

 Host culture

4. The culture of the country with which tourists are in contact is called:
 Tourist culture

5. Which of the following is characteristic of culture?

 All of these

Short question:

1. Explain the aim of tourism marketing.

 The aim of tourism marketing are:
 Increase brand advocacy and awareness
 Growing the number of people that know about your tourism business.
 Enhance market penetration selling more to existing customers.
 Increase lead acquisition capturing details so you can remarket.
 Market development selling to new target markets.

2. Why is understanding the cultural background of tourists important for marketing?

 It is important because:
 It has a positive economic and social impact
 It establishes and reinforces identity
 It helps build image

Name: Mukesh Upreti
Chapter no:1
Session: 3
Chapter: Introduction to culture
Subject: TBS
Date: 15th Aug, 2020

 It helps preserve the cultural and historical heritage, with culture as an

 It facilitates harmony and understanding among people
 It supports culture

3. List and explain the various characteristics of culture.

 The various characteristics of culture are:
 Functional
 Social Phenomenon
 Prescriptive
 Learned
 Arbitrary
 value laden
 Facilitates communication
 Adaptive
 Long term
 Satisfies needs

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