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Description No. L B D Qty. Remarks Rate per Amount
1 Earthwork Excavation

a Main Wall Footing 1 p/4x38.25)^2 2.2 2526.709 cum 34+2*0.3+2*0.725+2*0.1+2*1

NGL -3.8-1.5-0.1
1 p/4x30.35)^2 2.2 -1590.78 cum 34-2*0.725-2*0.1-2*1

b Central Feed Well Footing 1 p/4x4.95)^2 1.05 20.19619 cum 2.75+0.1+0.1+1+1=4.95


c Sludge Collection Pit portion at centre 1 p/4x(6.4)^2 0.05 1.60768 cum 1.2+0.25+0.25+1+1+0.35+0.35+1+1
Total Earthwork excavation on clayey soil considering 3.8m as NGL 957.7342 cum

2 Plain cement concrete 1:4:8 (One cement,

four sand and eight HBG metal) using 40 mm
size hard broken stone for jelly for foundation
etc. complete complying with standard

a Main Wall Footing 1 p/4x36.25)^2 0.1 103.1539 cum 34+2*0.3+2*0.725+2*0.1

1 p/4x32.35)^2 0.1 -82.152 cum 34-2*0.725-2*0.1

b Central Feed Well Footing 1 p/4x2.95)^2 0.1 0.683146 cum 2.95=2.75+0.1+0.1

C Grade Slab at 5.85m Lvl., 1 p/4x34)^2 0.1 90.746 cum

1 p/4x4.4)^2 0.1 -1.51976 cum 4.4=(1.2+0.25+0.25+1+1+0.35+0.35)

Grade Slab Central Collection Pit at 5.85m Lvl., 1 p/4x4.4)^2 0.1 1.51976 cum 4.4=1.2+0.25+0.25+1+1+0.35+0.35
1 p/4x1.9)^2 0.1 -0.28339 cum 1.9=1.2+0.35+0.35

Grade Slab Central Collection Pit at 5.85m Lvl., 1 0.7044845 13.816 9.733158 cum 4.4=1.2+0.25+0.25+1+1+0.35+0.35
(Triangular Portion)

Total Plain cement concrete Confirming 1:4:8 ratio 121.8808 cum

Description No. L B D Qty. Remarks Rate per Amount
3 Reinforced Cement Concrete confirming
M35 grade
a Main Wall Footing 1 p/4x36.05)^2 0.3 306.0564 cum 36.05

1 p/4x32.55)^2 0.3 -249.513 cum 32.55

b Central Feed Well Footing 1 p/4x2.75)^2 0.3 1.780969 cum 2.75=2.75

C Grade Slab at 5.85m Lvl., 1 p/4x34)^2 0.2 181.492 cum

1 p/4x4.4)^2 0.2 -3.03952 cum 4.4=(1.2+0.25+0.25+1+1+0.35+0.35)

Grade Slab Central Collection Pit at 5.85m Lvl., 1 p/4x4.4)^2 0.35 5.31916 cum 4.4=1.2+0.25+0.25+1+1+0.35+0.35
1 p/4x1.9)^2 0.35 -0.99185 cum 1.9=1.2+0.35+0.35

Grade Slab Central Collection Pit at 5.85m Lvl., 1 p/4x4.4)^2 1.07 16.26143 cum 4.4=1.2+0.25+0.25+1+1+0.35+0.35
1 p/4x3.7)^2 1.07 -3.03222 cum 3.7=1.2+0.25+0.25+1+1

d Wall (9.85 to 1.80) 1 p/4x34.6)^2 8.05 7565.153 cum

1 p/4x34)^2 8.05 -7305.05 cum
Deduction 1000mm inlet Pipe 1 p/4x1.2)^2 0.3 -0.33912 cum

e Launder Wall 1 p/4x32.5)^2 0.9 746.2406 cum 32.5=34-0.75-0.75

p/4x32.1)^2 0.9 -727.985 cum 32.1=34-0.75-0.75-0.2-0.2

f Launder Base Slab 1 p/4x34)^2 0.2 181.492 cum 34

p/4x32.5)^2 0.2 -165.831 cum 32.5=34-0.75-0.75

g Central Feed Well (3.48-1.60) 1 p/4x1.90)^2 1.88 5.327638 cum 1.9=1.2+0.35+0.35

p/4x1.20)^2 1.88 -2.12515 cum 1.2

h Central Feed Well (9.85-3.48) 1 p/4x1.70)^2 6.37 14.4513 cum 1.7=1.2+0.25+0.25

p/4x1.20)^2 6.37 -7.20065 cum 1.2

Deduction 1000mm inlet Pipe 1 p/4x1.2)^2 0.3 -0.33912 cum

Deduction 1000mm inlet Pipe 6 0.35 1.2 0.25 -0.2826 cum

i Equipment Slab 1 p/4x1.70)^2 0.325 0.737311 cum 1.7=1.2+0.25+0.25

Total Reinforced Cement Concrete confirming M35 grade 558.5802 cum

Description No. L B D Qty. Remarks Rate per Amount

4 Shuttering

a Main Wall Footing 1 2*3.14*x36.25/2 0.1 11.3825 Sqm 2*3.14*36.25/2

1 2*3.14x32.35/2 0.1 10.1579 Sqm 2*3.14*32.35/2

b Central Feed Well Footing 1 2*3.14*2.95 0.1 1.8526 Sqm 2.95=2.75+0.1+0.1

c Main Wall Footing 1 2*3.14*x36.25/2 0.3 34.1475 Sqm 2*3.14*36.25/2

1 2*3.14x32.35/2 0.3 30.4737 Sqm 2*3.14*32.35/2

d Central Feed Well Footing 1 2*3.14*2.95 0.3 5.5578 Sqm 2.95=2.75+0.1+0.1

e Wall (9.85 to 1.80) 1 2*3.14*x34.6/2 8.05 874.5842 Sqm

1 2*3.14*x34/2 8.05 859.418 Sqm
Deduction 1000mm inlet Pipe 1 p/4x1.2)^2 1 -1.1304 Sqm

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