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Roster #16

Allison Kray

Professor Robert L. Shkorupa

Education 202

29 October 2018

Personal Education Philosophy

I grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada and only been in one school district for my public

education, Clark County School District. I have been pushed into magnets schools from

elementary, junior high and one year of high school. During these years in magnet schools, I did

not see the value of my education. I would always find an excuse to miss school, and only

viewed school as an intuition that measured and determined my capabilities with a letter grade. I

felt like an odd one in the family, not only because I was diagnosed with dyslexia, but because I

saw my older sisters getting good grades and my grandparents, who are college professors,

giving me unwanted words of encouragement. Not until I convinced my parents to let me finish

my high school education at a public school and drop my IEP, I started waking up to the value of

education. The new start of going to public school empowered me because I saw it as a chance of

redemption of bad grades and lack of motivation. I finally made decisions for myself where I

took on new things, got involved in extracurricular activities and it sparked something I felt was

repressed for so long. I realized that I had a choice and my choices matter. I no longer let a report

card, my disability, or my family define who I am or what my capabilities are. This shift in

thinking allowed a neverending discovery of the world around me and who I am. With many

uncertainties and unanswered questions, I know my truth is that I want to teach. I want to teach
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to share knowledge and add meaning to my students' lives by creating a positive experience for


In 5 years, I see myself being a high school English teacher. English interests me

because it is based on thoughts and ideas. English includes writing, reading, and communicating.

In english, there is no right or wrong with the exception of grammar and spelling, of course. As

long as there is evidence supporting a claim, an answer is valid. Once students know this, it will

allow them to think freely, and use logic and reason. As a high school english teacher, I want to

accomplish more than reading classic novels and writing essays; I want my students to evaluate,

question, and create change in the world through the subject. My vision is seeing students

reading classic novels that relate to the current world, understanding the content, analysing it,

formulating their own thoughts, discussing it and writing about it.

As a teacher, it is necessary to build a relationship with students. Ideally, I want to create

a dynamic with my students where we constantly challenge each other. Student-teacher

interactions are a learning process on both sides of the relationship. I will challenge my students

by giving them assignments that will require critical and creative thinking. Students will

challenge me by providing diverse thoughts, encouraging me to think more broadly, and

balancing the classroom based on the students’ needs. Throughout courses of my teaching, it is

my goal for myself and my students to help each other have deeper understanding and question

of the world around us.

My teaching philosophy is broad. I do not deny any teaching philosophy because

teaching styles differs based on the students needs and teacher’s background and beliefs.

Assessments confirm that my teaching can be based on many philosophies . Although, my top
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three philosophies are based on perennialism, progressivism, and social reconstructionism.

Social reconstructionism speaks to me the most because I am aware of problems in our society

and I believe I have things to offer to my students that will help them be problem solvers. For

example, I am a firm believer that a simple hug can come a long way and simple acts of kindness

will create a ripple effect in changing the community for the better. As a teacher, I will practice

acts of kindness, be patient and encourage students to be the best they came be because their

collective actions matter and will determine society. My hope is that my students will become

aware of issues and education will helps them be problem solvers. Progressivism also speaks to

me because it allows students to learn independently through their experiences. I believe it is

important for students to be active in their learning and teachers to provide them with tools to

help them formulate their own thinking. As a future english teacher, I also believe it is important

to value great works in history, and use perennialism. Students should read classic novels in

history because there is timeless relevance, meaning and value found in them.

Teaching is something I truly look forward to because it will shape the future.

Knowledge is power. The ability to embrace the unknown yet use all the opportunities to explore

and learn is where freedom is found. I want to help my students liberate themselves from

limiting thoughts and expectations. The only way to do this is by asking questions and leading by

example by being actively in my own discoveries. As Gandhi once said, “Be the change you

wish to see in the world”. It is my mission to change the world through the act of teacher in and

outside a classroom.
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