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Cartoon Analysis #2

Allison Kray
School Sponsored Activities
What is it? -Any activity, event, fundraiser that the school organizes, but is not
mandatory for students. Although, these events are still regulated and have to follow
certain guidelines/laws, such as students following good conduct policy, transportation
policies, ect. This also includes the teachers that run the activity.


Other resource:

Praying in School
Students are free to pray alone or in groups, as long as such prayers are not disruptive
and do not infringe upon the rights of others. But this right “to engage in voluntary
prayer does not include the right to have a captive audience listen or to compel other
students to participate.” The same applies to teachers.

Engel v Vitale
This is the supreme court case that banned school-sponsored prayer in public schools
in 1962. There is a common misunderstanding of what this court case established.
Some people believe this means schools can not be a place for religious worship,
activity, or use of language. Although, this only means students can not be forced to
pray, listen to prayers or be disrupted by it in schools.
The driver ed teacher can not be exempt from this supreme court decision. Although,
the decision still allows the teacher to hold religious beliefs and pray silently/privately.
The Driver ed course is established as a school sponsored activity. Students hold the
rights granted by the 1st amendment and participate in the class without religious

The driver ed teacher’s rights are not violated because he can still pray under certain
conditions and circumstances.
My opinion
The driver ed teacher has options on when and where he can pray, even with the
restriction of the ban on prayer in sponsored school activities. He can pray in his office
alone before going in the car with a student. He can pray silently in the car.

Although, praying will not change the outcome of his situation. When he agreed to
teaching this class, he also agreed to the risks, liabilities and the school laws that come
with his role.

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