Sentiero Del Viandante Varenna Bellano - ENG PDF

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On the Wayfarer’s Path, from Varenna to Bellano

Suddenly the path gets past a deep A LITHOLOGICAL The path,
and large man-made wall: it is what BOUNDARY always duly
remains of the funicular which, at marked with
Looking closely at the walls along
the beginning of the century, linked
the track, you will notice that at modest mo-
up the railway station to the
imposing hydrotherapic place, a certain point the stones numents to the
founded at Regoledo by Francesco become different from those seen popular faith,
Maglia in 1858. The Grand Hotel before. At first they are greyish
calcareous stones or purple red lowers toward
Regoledo, as was called in those the railway
times, had renowned guests among porphyries then there are very
which Arturo Toscanini, Ippolito clear granitic stones (gneiss and station, gets
Nievo, Amilcare Ponchielli, padre schist). The fact is that you have over a small
Agostino Gemelli, Massimo D’Azeglio, got past the partition line bridge on the
Antonio Stoppani, Cesare Cantù. between the sedimentary cover,
typical of the foothills of the Alps dell of Biosio
The strange building, very long and
and which was formed in the and goes down
narrow, is now a branch of the
Istituto Sacra Famiglia of Cesano Triassic period (250 - 210 millions in sight now of
Boscone and can be seen high up, of years ago), and that of the the Pioverna
dominating a wide green clearing. crystalline base that here
delta where
Bellano lies.
The quiet
Cappella della Madonna Addolo-
rata (Chapel of Our Lady of Sor-
rows) comes before the junction
with the provincial road 62. This
must be walked up for a few
dozen of metres on the right to
pick up the track again and to
cross the bridge of San Rocco
over the Pioverna stream that
just here under forms the Orrido
The path gets near Bellano.
di Bellano (Bellano Ravine) re-
Now and then some clea-
cently brought back to its origi-
rings arranged in terraces
nal beauty. This ravine, the pro-
open out with rows of
vostal Church dedicated to the
wines or thin strips of Saints Nazaro, Celso and Giorgio,
grass. the wooden statues of the small
church dedicated to Saint Marta,
the alleys and the narrow, shady
THE BOUNDARY Going on you will notice a set- yards of the old town centre will
STONES tlement crossed by the path and at last take up any wait for the
They are on the edge of the mule set on three levels along the train to come back to Varenna.
track. They are three and are slope. The higher up building
engraved with the date 1732 and Varenna, February 2009
has signs of a certain distinction
the initials of the municipalities
of Perledo and Bellano that with a decorated portal and a
border here. Further on you will nice small balcony. Known as Text by Albano Marcarini
and Paolo Ferrara
find again other stones because the Fabbrica it had different Photographs by Paolo Ferrara
the administrative limit ran along uses in the past: tavern, Translation by Maria Piera Malvezzi
the path. “bigattiera” (the place where
Near the stones there is a modest Grafica PIFERUS
silkworms were kept), farrier’s di P. Ferrara e P. Rusconi
chapel that has a precious
Crucifixion of the XV century. workshop and cellar – still used
today – for wine making. Stampa: Grafiche Rusconi Bellano

Extract of the KOMPASS map n. 91, license n. 82-1108-LAB
Time needed Suggested period
Half a day, considering the different stops Autumn, spring

T This walk is a short, but attractive part of a much

longer excursion route, fitted out in 1989 and called
“Wayfarer path”. It runs from Varenna to Bellano
along a thin mule track that winds along the side of the
mountain among chestnut woods and mild cultivated slopes.
In a few hours time it collects the best of the landscape
characters in this part of Lombardy: majestic landscapes,
botanical and geological peculiarities, tokens of faith, places
of the popular imagination, scraps of fields, rustic houses,
vineyards and olive groves which create a frame that has been
From Piazzetta Belvedere in Vezio, where
sung by poets and writers at length and
And now it is time to start the signposts can clearly be seen, the path THE
for a long time. Not least there are the
our walk. gets down with cobbled steps (on the sides BLACK MARBLE
very works of the route – that is the The path goes on
wide patches of allium ursinum which
pavement, the large steps, the bridges QUERRIES OF VARENNA and soon it beco-
The lake has the power to smell fills the air in spring) and it crosses
– that show a building science that The abbot Amoretti, in 1824, mes a mule track
mitigate the climate and the valley of the Esino stream. Opposite
has never been codified in rules, but stated to be “that hard and pretty climbing a short
often, also in full winter, an industrial area, the Wayfarer’s Path
has been shared owing to the daily marble that we call occhiadino, slope on the right,
an excursion in these goes immediately uphill to the charming because it by many eyes seems
practical use much before the inven- after an old house,
places reveals in advance small church of Madonna di Campallo, formed and it is composed of
tion of the piston engine. To stop for and then it joins
the first warmth of spring. passing under its porch adorned with two blackish marble and white spar,
a while on the meaning of these routes the road of Rego-
cypresses. that now and then fills the
in history will help to enjoy better the The path is well marked ledo near the rustic
Then it reaches Regolo (320 m.), a lovely openings left by the sea bodies
zest of the route. Through the centuries with orange metal arrows intermingled ”. Cappella Maglia
and plates and this saves village that in its centre hides a medieval
Lake Como has been a favourable na- Divide Bertolotti, in 1821, noted (XVIIIcentury) that
many boring descriptions. house-tower and the baroque church de-
tural link for the trade from Milan ning scheme always facing down in his Journey on Lake has been recently
At Olivedo, behind a hotel, just next dicated to Saint John the Baptist. Como: “Then we walked by the
towards the regions beyond the Alps. the water, with narrow restored.
to an old marble plate of CAI, signpo- Going along Vicolo Stretto it gets out on querries of marble which layers,
We must remember, in fact, that before allies and steps which The thick chestnut
sting the Capanna Monza, we take a sharp turn of the carriage road which overwhelming the lake in a nearly
the advance of the Adda delta (XV steeply went down to the
must be followed downward nearly as far perpendicular line, make the work wood towering THE DRY STONE WALLS
century) in the lower part of the Val- landing places. Among the Via della Croce. So the stepped rise above is called
as the next turn of the road where it takes of extraction hard and risky; so Up to now, walking along the path,
tellina and of the drainage of the villages they mostly toward Vezio begins and it will be that you often see workers, tied Bosco delle Streghe you will certainly have had the chance
followed as far as the small settlement Via alla Cava Bassa. to notice the beauty of the walls that
Chiavenna Plain, the Lario extended communicated sailing in the air with ropes, hitting with (Witch-wood); if
lying on a saddle at about 150 metres Not far away, wonderful views straight to the tools on the hard stone, delimit it. They are mighty manufac-
itself much more to the north then along the coast. However during the day it
the lake can be savoured, in spite of the hanging on the precipice.” tured works that sometimes are ne-
now. So Como, or Brivio (according not all the wayfarers could above the lake level. In Vezio it is has really nothing
building intervention that has badly upset arly two metres hight. The stones
to the preference for one or the other afford a boat, or were in advisable a short diversion towards disquieting, at the keep and balance themselves simply The track goes always at
the castle, before walking along the what a few years ago was a place full of by compression without the need of
of the two branches of the lake) could a position to pay a tran- sunset the dark branches of the very old a certain height above
Wayfarer’s Path. charm and of history. mortar or of other binder. Where
be linked with a certain rapidity, by sfer and in those turbulent chestnut trees suddenly seem to become the lake: looking
they do not fit exactly thinner stones
waterway, with the port of Riva di times there was also the skinny hands of witches outstretched toward are inserted so to make the wall solid backward one can see the
Chiavenna and from there, by land, frequent need to move troops and animals the sky… The road gets down to a junction, and compact. In fact it is exposed to Punta di Morcate, where
to Coira crossing the Spluga Pass or that were obliged to follow a land route. THE VEZIO CASTLE where the mule track starts again on the left: very strong pressures and you can the seasonal presence of
that of Settimo. At least up to the For these reasons, along the eastern shore verify this where, by fault or by ne- some pairs of mountain
It is set in a splendid position, dominant among the trees one can perceive, far away, glet, the walls are belly-flopped, that
second half of the XIX century, when of the lake, from Lecco to Colico, it was the Centro Lago, of which it was one of the wide deltaic plain of Dervio and, beyond is where the soil succeeds in expan- swallows (Hirundoru-
the great postal road from Milan to outlined a track that had each time the the most important signaling points. It is the lake, the mountains of Alto Lario. ding them until they “explode”. In pestris) has been observed.
the Stelvio was built by the Austrians, most different names to testify its indefi- a castle-enclosure dating back to the the cracks small plants
The almost flat route now edges the valley
XII - XIII century, with a square tower grow; they are varied and
on the shores of the lake there were nite identity: “horse route”, “Ducal route” of Rio Masna, dotted with small settlements
surrounded by a pentagonal circle of walls among them the tancy (Ta-
only difficult mule tracks. Only on the “Napoleonic route”, “wayfarer route”. with towers at the corners. In ancient hidden in the vegetation among which Gittana nacetum parthenium), the
western shore of the lake it seems to All these names have been found by histo- times a second wall wrapped up the whole (322 m.), with the parish church dedicated stonecrop (Sedum acre), the
have been verified the existence of an rians on old cadastral maps which have and went down to include and guard the to the Holy Borning Virgin that can clearly red valerian (Centranthus
ancient road, called Regina, from Co- been used to reconstruct that ancient built-up area of Varenna. Even today one ruber) and the crane’s bill
can find traces of this in the cadastral be seen above the built up area and Cestaglia (Geranium robertianum).
mo as far as Chiavenna. The costal track calling it with its most charming maps. Vezio is hamlet of Perledo while the (392 m.) that is just touched by the path.
villages themselves had a town plan- name: precisely “the Wayfarer’s Path”. Castle is under the town council of Varenna.

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