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Schedule at a Glance 3
Welcome Letters
From the Executive Director 5
From the Conference Host Committee 6
Greetings from Elected Officials 9
Two-Spirit Open Letter 15
Conference Information
Host Committee,Thank You’s 7
Creating Safe Space, Trans Etiquette 19
Spiritual Diversity Ethics Statement 20
A New Year, a New Opportunity:
Engaging Our Family at Creating Change 20
A Guide to Bisexual/Pansexual/Fluid Etiquette 21
Creating Accessibility 22
General Info:
First Timers’ Orientation, Childcare, Cyber Café 25
Spiritual Gatherings 25
Host Committee Services 27
Exhibitors 29
Conference Events
Plenary Programs 30
Award Honorees 33
Receptions, Meetings, Special Events 36
Film Screenings 39
Institutes, Academy, and Sessions
Day-Long Institutes 43
Sessions By Topic 51
Academy for Leadership and Action 61
Friday Sessions
Session 1 71
Session 2 75
Session 3 78
Session 4 82
Caucus 1 86
Saturday Sessions
Session 5 89
Session 6 93
Session 7 96
Session 8 100
Caucus/Networking 2 104
Sunday Sessions
Session 9 108
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Task Force Leadership Council 112
Task Force Board and Staff 114
In Memoriam 115
Conference Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Founding Sponsor Anderson Prize Foundation

State of the Movement Sponsor

Volunteer Operations Sponsor

General Sponsors

Families Programming Sponsor

Welcome Reception Sponsor MediA Sponsor

Youth Hospitality Suite Sponsor Aging Programming Sponsor Friend of the Host Committee

Task Force National Corporate Partners

2 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Schedule at a Glance

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

9:00am–6:30pm Day-Long Institutes

Thursday, February 3, 2011

9:00am–6:30pm Day-Long Institutes
7:00pm First Timer’s Orientation
7:00pm Welcome To Minneapolis Reception
Registration 8:00pm • Opening Plenary with Faisal Alam, Bishop Yvette Flunder,
Tuesday, February 1 Rabbi Joshua Lesser, Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson
Practice Spirit, Do Justice: Hard Work for Our Common Good •
6:00pm – 10:00pm
Wednesday, February 2
8:00am – 10:00pm Friday, February 4, 2011
Thursday, February 3 9:00am–10:30am Workshop Session 1 Academy for Leadership and Action
8:00am – 10:00pm 10:45am–12:15pm Workshop Session 2 9:00am–12:15pm • Session 1
Friday, February 4 12:15pm–1:30pm Lunch on your own
8:00am – 8:00pm 12:45pm Muslim Friday Prayer Salat-ul-Jumah
Saturday, February 5 1:30pm–2:45pm • Plenary Session with Rea Carey: State of the Movement •
8:00am – 6:00pm
3:00pm–4:30pm Workshop Session 3 Academy for Leadership and Action
Sunday, February 6 4:45pm– 6:15pm Workshop Session 4 3:00pm–6:15pm • Session 2
8:00am – 12:00 noon
6:30pm– 7:30pm Caucuses and Networking Sessions
7:30pm Shabbat Service
Cyber Café Hours 7:30pm Recovery Meeting
Thursday, February 3 8:00pm Stand UP for Change with Sandra Valls
through Sunday, February 6 8:30pm Receptions and Evening Events
Same as registration hours
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Exhibit Area
9:00am–10:30am Workshop Session 5 Academy for Leadership and Action
Thursday, February 3
10:45am–12:15pm Workshop Session 6 9:00am–12:15pm • Session 3
through Sunday, February 6
12:15pm–1:30pm Lunch on your own

Childcare Hours 1:30pm–2:45pm • Plenary Session with Chrystos: Indigenous Peoples of

the Americas: Towards Collective Sovereignty •
Friday, February 4 and
3:00pm– 4:30pm Workshop Session 7 Academy for Leadership and Action
Saturday, February 5
8:00am – 6:00pm 4:45pm–6:15pm Workshop Session 8 3:00pm–6:15pm • Session 4

Sunday, February 6 6:30pm– 7:30pm Caucuses and Networking Sessions

8:00am – 3:00pm 7:30pm Recovery Meeting
8:00pm The Second Annual MasQueerAde Ball
8:30pm Chrystos: Poetry Reading
10:00pm Sextravaganza

Sunday, February 6, 2011

9:30am–11:00am Workshop Session 9
9:30am–11:00am Engaging the Spirit: An Interfaith Gathering
11:30am–1:00pm • Brunch and Closing Plenary with God-Des and She •
2:00pm Conference Feedback Session

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 3

From the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Executive Director

Welcome to the 23rd National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change!

Thanks to our superstar Minneapolis Host Committee for working hard for so many months to roll out a rainbow
carpet of welcome to all of us - especially its leadership team of Alfonso Wenker, Kelly Lewis, Kevin Xiong, and Rev.
Dr. Robyn Provis. Thanks also to our own staff Russell Roybal, Sue Hyde and Marta Alvarado for their hard work to
produce Creating Change.

Results from mid-terms elections still reverberate in our communities, but let’s not forget to celebrate our important
accomplishments as a community. In April, we queered the census, with over 140,000 of us returning our forms
with a brilliant pink sticker demanding our relationships and our families are included in the picture of this country’s
diversity. This collective action to counter our invisibility prompted the right-wing group Americans for Truth About
Homosexuality to sputter, “Obama Queers the Census.” Yep!

Our collaborative work with other organizations on the New Beginning Initiative coalition that we head up has
produced tangible success in improving the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people through federal
agency policy change. Just to name a few, transgender people can now more easily change their passport gender
markers; increased funds flow to vital services for LGBT people; discrimination against same-sex couples in hospital
settings is banned; and school administrators must protect students from harassment on account of their sexual
orientation and gender identity.

Other good news: our colleagues in the great state of Illinois scored a major success with passage of their civil
unions law; our friends in Bowling Green, Ohio fought off attacks and passed two ordinances protecting people
from discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations and public education based on sexual
orientation and gender identity/expression; and Florida’s gay adoption ban was declared unconstitutional ending a
shameful chapter in that state.

Pro-LGBT faith leaders gather here at Creating Change, under the programming banner of Practice Spirit, Do
Justice. We welcome them and look forward to an ever-stronger base of people of faith who stand with us and for
us in years ahead.

And yet, mid-term election results present new challenges to us, but we are ready! We have faced down hostile leg-
islative initiatives many times before. We will continue to identify and work with fair-minded members of Congress
who support and defend equality for LGBT people. We will push for the administration and its agencies to make
additional tangible changes that benefit lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and our families. We will work
with local partners in communities across the country to secure equality. Political winds and players may shift, but
the fundamental needs of the people do not. We will hold this administration accountable, because no matter who
is in office, our community needs jobs, protection from discrimination, and a roof over our heads, a way to feed our
families. We won’t settle for less.

As we gather together, let us not forget the tragic losses we have faced this year – and in years past - in the sui-
cides caused by violent harassment faced by our community’s young people. Our nation is facing a serious epi-
demic that must be addressed by our schools and administrators. Our elected officials must act promptly on federal
legislation aimed to protect LGBT students from harassment.

We gather in Minneapolis, as we have gathered each year since 1988 in cities across this country, to strengthen our
movement by building our skills, planning our strategies, sharing much-needed information and perspectives, and
forging stronger bonds among us.

As we seek a transformed society, not one of us can sit on the sidelines. Thank you for your courage, your perse-
verance and your integrity. Now, more than ever, together, we will create change!

Rea Carey
Executive Director

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 5

From the Conference Host Committee

Welcome to Minneapolis, Minnesota in the land of 10,000 Lakes!

Thank you for joining us at the 23rd National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change. We invite you
to dive right in to as many of the over 250 workshops as you can manage while enjoying the beauty that is
Minneapolis. Many people, including over 100 Host Committee Members have worked tirelessly over the
past year toward making Creating Change 2011 a success.

We know its frigid outside, but the community you build, your conference take-aways and the sites of the city
will keep you warm!

Now, a bit about this winter wonderland: Minneapolis is a progressive city with a dynamic vibe and a
swirl of creative energy. It’s easy-to-navigate so we hope you’ll squeeze a lot into your visit. In the midst of
a bustling city environment, vast green spaces provide many opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. So don’t
be afraid of a little snow and a bit of wind . Get outside!!

Some Fun Minneapolis Facts include:

• The largest shopping complex in the country, The Mall of America- Bloomington, MN. Uffdah!
(You’ll learn what that means below.)
• Nearly 200 miles of recreational paths winding through the metro area.
• 22 city lakes and more than 170 parks means that no Minneapolis resident lives more than 6 blocks from a park.
• More theater seats per capita than any U.S. city outside of New York City.
• #1 Bike-Friendly city in the country.

Proud Minnesota (LGBTQA) Firsts include:

• The longest-serving openly Lesbian State Legislator in the U.S: Rep. Karen Clark (DFL 61A).
• First State to ban employment discrimination based on Gender Identity with the passage of the
Minnesota Human Rights Act of 1993.
• Shades of Yellow (SOY) – the first Hmong LGBT non-profit organization in the U.S (no other known
organization in the world).
• Philanthrofund Foundation’s (PFUND) Communities of Color Endowment is the first permanently endowed
fund serving LGBT people of color in the nation.
• Minneapolis the first home away from home for the Creating Change Conference when it first convened
outside Washington D.C in 1991. Welcome Back!
• The Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection of GLBT historical materials houses over 40,000 items, making it
one of the largest GLBT history collections in the United States.

One last thing, here is a little Minnesota Slang for your stay. Just in case you hear these words, you will
know what they mean.
“Uffdah!” =Anything from WOW to CRAP!
“Ya, you betcha!”= Yes certainly/ you are correct/sure thing .

We hope you get out of the hotel and see a bit of our city including eating, night-life, shopping, and perhaps
even theater. On Nicollet Avenue, Hennepin Avenue and First Avenue you’ll find bars, burgers, baristas, and
beaucoup to do! Good restaurants are plentiful! Check out the guide book that our Local Hospitality
Committee put together for your perusal and enjoyment!

Have a great conference. Enjoy yourself, learn, and meet new people!

Alfonso Wenker Kelly Lewis Kevin Xiong Rev. Dr. Robyn Provis
Creating Change 2011 Conference Co-Chairs

6 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Host Committee THANK YOU!
Co-Chairs Thanks and many appreciations for your help in making The 23rd
Alfonso Wenker Kevin Xiong National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change a great success!
Kelly Lewis Rev. Dr. Robyn Provis
Aaron Lauer Keri Beyer African American Working Group Mickey McIntyre and
Kevin Watson Steven Aggergaard realChange Partners
Adam Robbins
Al Oertwig Khang Xiang Faisal Alam Rev. Irene Monroe
Alie Tichenor Kim Langness All God’s Children, Morgan Stanley Waterbury Group
Amy Johnson Kris Lockhart Metropolitan Community Church National Center for Transgender Equality
Anna Meyer Lane McKiernan
Macky Alston NoMi Happy Hour Crew
Anne Hodson Lauren Beach
Anne Phibbs Laurie Crelly API Working Group Old Lesbians Organizing for Change
Arin MacNeese Leigh Combs Urooj Arshad (OLOC)
Bao Thao Leigh Smythe Arcus Foundation OpenSource Leadership Strategies Inc.
Barbara Friedman Lexi Schoenbauer Out & Equal
Coya Artichoker
Barry Lau Linda Her
Audre Lorde Project OutFront Minnesota
Becky Evan Liz Loeb
Becky Saltzman Loree Lindblom Ben & Jerry’s Lake Calhoun Out4Good
Becky Thao Loretta Worthington Black Tie Dinner Cara Page
Beng Chang Lou Hoffman Sung Park
Beth Zemsky Luciano Patino Lars Peterssen and RD Zimmerman
Bethany Snyder Lupe Castillo Campus Pride, Shane Windmeyer
Betsy Gardner Lyn Mitchell Campus Progress, Vincent Paolo Villano PFund Foundation
Brian Elliot Madson Nathan Mandy Carter Milo Pinkerton & Virgil Taus
Brett Bowman Maggie George Mike Cassidy Milo and Virgil’s Fabulous Fund of
Casey Lankow Marie Fromm The Minneapolis Foundation
Cassie Lang Matt Musel CenterLink, Terry Stone
Chris Pollum
Chao Yang Maureen Carlson COLOR CoordiNATION
Max Gries Pride Institute
Chong Moua Consortium of Higher Education
Cheryl Maloney Meg Riley LGBT Resource Professionals Queers for Economic Justice
Cheyenne Johnson Michael Grewe Ann Craig Queer Muslim Working Group
Chloe Billadew Michael Spivak Quorum: Twin Cities GLBTA
Sharon Day
Constance Hope Michele Steinwald Chamber of Commerce
Curt Prins Ming Lee Days Inn University
Rainbow Health Initiative
Daony Vang Miranda Foslien Francisco De León
David Coleman Monica Meyer Carolina Ramos
Orlando Espin
David Vang Monica Bryand Anita May Rosenstein Foundation
Faith in America
David Weiss Pada Lo SAGE, Michael Adams and
David Glick Peter Kim Family Equality Council, Jennifer Chrisler
Serena Worthington
Dejuar Gamble Philip Lowe Kenyon Farrow
Kevin Salzer
Devin Reynolds Qualley Neal Franklin Cafe
Donna Olsen Rabbi Jared H. Saks Allen Schuh and
Freedom to Marry, Evan Wolfson Anderson Prize Foundation
Donnia Moschkau Rabbi Melissa B. Simon
Doug Bright Rabbi Michael Latz Fresh Fruit Radio Rev. Mike Schuenemeyer
Earnest Simpkins Rabbi Sharon Steifel, Bishop Yvette Flunder Shades of Yellow
Elizabeth Scott Rachel Olson Rev. Elder Darlene Gardner Patrick Shuette & Dolores Dohm
Eric Meininger Remy Corso Gay and Lesbian Alliance
EG Nelson Rev. Paul Eknes-Tucker Southerners on New Ground
Against Defamation (GLAAD)
Fue Khang Richard LaFortune The Bishops and Elders Council
Galen Smith Richard Garnett Lisa Geduldig
The City of Minneapolis, Mayor R.T. Rybak
Greg Mastel Rick Stafford Gill Foundation
The and Andy Birkey
James Pennington Rob Yaege Gladius
Rochelle James The Disability Justice Collective
Janet Dahlem GLBT in Recovery
Jason King Roger Youngs The First Nations Collective
Ron Morris Gita Gulati-Partee
Jason Bucklin The National Religious Leadership
Jay Wilson Ross Murray Dr. Sharon Groves Roundtable
Harvey Zuckman Roxanne Anderson Ashley Harness The Saloon
J.B. Mayo Ryan Kroening Hilton Minneapolis, The Smitten Kitten
Jean Nikolaus Tretter Sara Olson Joe Grossi and Andy Paschke
Jeff Falk Sarah Turnbull Roberto Tijerna
Illusion Theater
Jeff Gundvaldson Scott Anderson Transgender Working Group
Jen Parshley Scott Mayer Imperial Court of Minnesota
Trevor Project, Charles Robbins
Jessi Tebben Shai Wise Institute for Welcoming Resources
Paul Tuchman
Jessica Rosenberg Sheila Lais International Imperial Court System
Jim Kelley Sheila Zemsky Twin Cities Black Pride
Jewish Movement Building Group
JJ Kahle Siobhan Brewer University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Joan Higinbotham Steve Lennis John Larsen & Mike Stewart
Dave Wait
Jodi Fritsche Steven Levy Lavender Magazine
Welcoming Church Program Leaders
Jodi Prichard Susanne Powers LGBT Therapists of Minnesota
John Brentnall Todd Park Lisa Weiner-Mahfuz
LouAnn’s Restaurant
Justin Jagoe Troy Bermel Miriam Weinstein
Kasey Miklik Willam Panzarella Mall of America
Erin Whitworth
Kate Nelson Willow Gallagher
Wilde Roast Café
Kathleen Remund Xay Yang Meet Minneapolis:
Kaye Fredensborg Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson
Friend of the Host Committee Convention & Visitors Bureau
Kayla Butler Beth Zemsky
Metropolitan State University
Kelly Abel Knochel
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 7
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 9
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 11
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 13
The First Nations Collective is honored to welcome you to the
23rd National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change.
We are an autonomous Collective organized around providing greater awareness of and access for Two Spirit people at Creating
Change. It is unfortunate but true that over the course of the next few days, we may become the voice for many. However, we can-
not speak for all. We are here as people committed to justice with an intersectional understanding. We are here to make space for
those who are not here yet, who are not ready, or who could not afford the journey. We accept this responsibility with humility and
honor while knowing that we cannot speak for the many facets of our community.

Our presence means that we have also come forward with requests to ensure that First Nations people will feel welcome, respected
and accepted at Creating Change. Our efforts are not meant to alienate any other community, but rather to recognize our unique
standing in the United States. We begin within the framework of the sovereign status of our nations. As the original peoples of this
land, we have a relationship with this land rooted in spiritual understanding dating back to the beginning of time. Our nations have
retained this spiritual connection, as well as our sovereignty, despite the attempts of colonialism to destroy both. Through treaties,
we have protected our government-to-government relationship with the United States. In the retention of these rights, our nations
continue to stand as distinct political units that have granted to the United States much of the land and resources it now enjoys.

LGBT history in this land known as America began long before Stonewall. LGBT First Nations people have celebrated multiple
gendered people for millennia, and since the European invasions, have struggled to keep this and other traditions alive. Two Spirit is
a contemporary term that references historical multiple-gender traditions in many First Nations cultures. Many First Nations people
who are LGBTIGNC identify as Two Spirit; in many nations, being Two Spirit carries both great respect and additional commitments
and responsibilities to one’s community. Two Spirit people also face discrimination in our communities due to the assimilation of
Christian beliefs and hundreds of years of targeted violence against our historical Two Spirit people.

In the spirit of building a movement in which respect is a core value, we ask that you refrain from using phrases like “circle the
wagons” or “hold down the fort,” as they are rooted in a colonial, racist and imperialistic lexicon. “Pow wow” is a cultural event,
not a meeting. By being conscious of language, you create an environment conducive to inclusivity where First Nations people are
equal partners in the overall LGBTIGNC movement for liberation.

Again, within our own communities, more often than not, we have held a place of honor and respect as Two Spirit people. We were
teachers, spiritual leaders, and family members. Our presence here is to offer this larger community a vision beyond tolerance or
equality. We offer a vision of acceptance and reverence that existed pre-colonization, that our communities remember, and from
this larger community may benefit. We invite all to attend our workshops: Immigration and Indigenous Borders on Friday at 3:00
PM, Land, Culture, and Desire: 2 Spirit People and LGBT Organizing on Saturday at 3:00 PM and Weaving the Nations Together,
a Two Spirit community caucus for those who identify as Two-Spirit and indigenous on Saturday at 6:30 PM. We are also excited
about the first ever plenary session on Saturday afternoon dedicated to indigenous issue and sovereignty. We are honored to bring
Chrystos to Creating Change and engage in historic discussions about the role of First Nations people within overall LGBTIGNC
movement for liberation.

As part of our core value, we align our organizing with all indigenous people’s struggles throughout the world, this year we are ex-
cited and proud to honor the work of our comrades working on behalf of justice and recognition of Palestine and Palestinian rights.
In that spirit of solidarity, we encourage you to also attend a workshop on Pinkwashing by the local chapter of the International Jew-
ish Anti-Zionist Network on Sunday morning. We also encourage people to be aware of a national tour of queer Palestinian activists
who will be traveling through the Twin Cities and presenting on their work and journey at Saturday at 3:00 PM in Palestinian/US
Queers: What Is Our Relationship? We view the issue of Palestine as one of an indigenous people’s struggle to retain their right to
their land and self-determination. In their struggle, we see our own and in doing so, we wish to provide any support we can to their
on-going struggle for sovereignty.

In the spirit of liberation and access, we welcome everyone with an open heart, handshake, and good intention. In the words of
Sitting Bull, “Let us put our heads together, and see what kind of future we can build for our children.”

Thank you,

The First Nations Collective

Coya Artichoker – Sicanu Lakota; Paulina Hernández - Chicana Mestiza; Melissa Hoskins – Cherokee: Robert John Hinojosa –
Pueblo / Zuni; Angel Fabian – Zapoteco Xicano; Mija – Aztec / Mestizo

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 15

Creating Safe Space for Everyone!

Creating Change is committed to being a safe and positive Transgender Etiquette

space for the LGBT community and its allies. We want Adapted from The 2002 Portland Creating Change Host Committee
everyone here to learn a lot, meet fabulous new people
from all over the country, and feel good about talking and There are many transgender people at Creating Change.
relaxing with each other as we build a stronger movement. To be inclusive and improve the quality of life for transgen-
Towards that end, we want to remind everyone of guiding der people here, please read and act upon the following.
principles that are essential to maintaining respectful and
safe space for each other, especially for our younger Please do not assume anyone’s gender, even people you
colleagues. may have met in the past. A person’s external appearance
may not match their internal gender identity. You can-
There are two fundamental principles to the Creating not know the gender or sex of someone by their physical
Change Conference: human rights and solidarity. Sexual body, voice, appearance or mannerisms. Pay attention to
harassment strikes at the heart of both. It creates feelings a person’s purposeful gender expression. We consider it
of uneasiness, humiliation and discomfort. It is an expression polite to ask: “What pronoun do you prefer?” or “How do
of perceived power and superiority by the harasser over you identify?” before using pronouns or gendered words
another person. for anyone. When you are unsure of a person’s gender
identity and you don’t have an opportunity to ask some-
Sexual Harassment is any unwanted attention of a sexual one what words they prefer, try using that person’s name
nature, such as remarks about appearance or personal life, or gender-neutral phrases like “the person in the red shirt,”
offensive written or visual actions like graffiti or degrading instead of “that woman or man.”
pictures, physical contact of any kind or sexual demands.
One way of acknowledging transgender people’s needs
Harassment may include, but is not limited to, unwelcome is to designate restrooms gender neutral. In bathrooms,
behavior of a sexual nature. For example: many transgender people face harassment that can lead
to anything from deep discomfort to arrest or death. Re-
• Touching someone without their permission gardless of what bathroom you are in, please let everyone
(grabbing, hugging, petting) pee in peace. Each of us can decide for ourselves in which
bathroom we belong.
• Sexual propositions
Please listen to transgender people’s needs and stories
• Sexually offensive pictures, magazines, notes, when they are volunteered; yet please respect people’s
calendars, cartoons, or jokes privacy and boundaries and do not ask unnecessary
questions. Educate yourself through books, web sites, and
• Unwanted flirtations or advances transgender workshops. Then please join the many hard-
working allies who are working to respond appropriately
• Graphic comments about an individual’s body to transphobic situations. Respectful allies, who learn from
or dress and with transgender people and then educate others, are
important for successful transgender liberation.
• Verbal abuse (including sexual insults and name-
calling) Thank you for your help and have a great conference!

• Repeated pressure or requests for sexual activities

• Rewards for granting sexual favors or the with-

holding of rewards for refusing to grant sexual

Creating Change is committed to creating an environment

where all participants feel safe and comfortable. If you
feel harassed or threatened, please ask to speak with
the Conference Director who can be contacted in the
registration area.

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 19

Creating Safe Space for Everyone!

Spiritual Diversity A New Year, a New Opportunity:

Ethics Statement Engaging Our Family at
Creating Change
In the course of the next five days of Creating Change 2011,
we acknowledge the rich diversity of many communities and The Planning Committee for this year’s “AAPI Focus: Building
identities that will be represented and experienced. Together a Queer AAPI Movement” is pleased to welcome participants
we welcome holding space with Jews, Christians, Muslims, to this year’s Creating Change. Creating Change kicks off on
Two Spirit people, Atheists, Wiccans, Pagans, Buddhists, February 3, which also marks the Lunar New Year for many
Agnostics as well as those who practice other spiritual or Asian Americans, South Asians, Southeast Asians, and Pacific
non-spiritual paths. Islanders (AAPI), and we take this opportunity for dialogue and
education about who we are in all our complexity.
We also acknowledge that we do not gather to form agree-
ments about right belief or faith, only the intersections that In the spirit of solidarity and understanding the diversity
continue to form our personal, spiritual, social, and cultural amongst the AAPI rubric, we affirm the following:
• Many AAPIs, including Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese
What we can affirm and agree on is: Americans, celebrate Lunar New Year with their families and
cannot be with us. We commit to making sure that their
• The inherent worth of every person; that every person is absence does not signify their erasure;
worthy of respect, support, caring and invitation
• The Twin Cities AAPI population, including the large Hmong
• The intention to work towards a culture free of discrimination American population and a significant number of Korean
and oppression based on any identity American adoptees who are LGBT, provides a unique oppor-
tunity to discuss what diversity means for all of us;
• The ethic that everyone is welcome to participate in this
conference without the need to become like us in order to • South Asian activists and organizations have actively en-
be acceptable gaged with the Task Force and continue to push the enve-
lope of the entire LGBT movement to make connections to
• That the way we behave towards one another is the truest constituents and issues that are complex and intersectional;
expression of we believe and

Lastly, it is our hope that the collaborations that take place will • Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islander queers have led a
contribute to the removal of barriers that separate us, while number of movements, from fighting for our own sovereignty
empowering us to bless and transform the world through our in solidarity with other indigenous peoples, to starting the
unique gifts together and individually. May it be so. fight for marriage equality a decade before the mainland.

We hope you enjoy the conference. We look forward to a large slate of activities, including a special
Lunar New Year presentation at the Thursday night Open-
The Spiritual Needs Subcommittee of the 2011 Host Committee ing Plenary. At some of these events, such as the Day-Long
Institute, “AAPI Focus: Building a Queer AAPI Movement,” we
appreciate our allies’ respect of the safe space we build for
ourselves as AAPIs. In lieu of attending those spaces, every-
one and our allies are welcome to our open events, such as a
Friday reception for the National Queer Asian Pacific Islander
Alliance (NQAPIA). These events, as well as an unprecedented
number of AAPI themed workshop sessions, provide a range
of spaces and places to engage the Creating Change family.

In partnership,
AAPI Institute Planning Committee

20 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Creating Safe Space for Everyone!

A Guide to Bisexual/
Pansexual/Fluid Etiquette
The bisexual identity speaks more to the existence of attrac- • Recognize that bisexual people often face similar discrimina-
tion to people of any gender, rather than merely a statement of tion and obstacles as gays and lesbians with regard to job
past or current relationships and/or sexual activities. Bisexual, security, healthcare, marriage, custody, visitation and adop-
pansexual, fluid and folks who choose to remain “unlabeled” tion of children.
are part of the LGBT community and need you as an ally just
as much as they remain your strong partner in the fight for • Recognize the way that specific relationships function is en-
equality. In hopes of creating a space at Creating Change in tirely independent of sexual orientation. Be positive about all
which all attendees can freely and safely be themselves, we relationships –monogamous, polyamorous, or anything else.
offer a few notes on bisexual/pansexual/fluid communities.
• Accept you might never fully understand someone else’s
Common misconceptions about bisexual/pansexual/fluid com- sexuality, and that it’s okay not to.
munities include: There’s no such thing as bisexuality; it’s just a
phase; bisexuality itself reinforces the gender binary; bi people Thank you for respecting all the ways we can love each other!
spread sexually transmitted diseases; and bisexuals face Enjoy the conference!
less discrimination than gay, lesbian and transgender people.
Bisexuality is NOT exclusively a transitional phase between Compiled by 2011 Creating Change Bisexual/Pansexual/Fluid
heterosexuality and homosexuality. No single pattern exists Organizing Institute Co-coordinators, Becky Saltzman and Faith
among bisexuals. Many people declare their bisexuality to Cheltenham. Thanks to The Bi Resource Center, UC Davis Bi
claim their personal history. They don’t want to erase previous Visibility Project, Human Rights Campaign, The National Gay and
loves or parts of themselves to buy acceptance. Lesbian Task Force, Sean Cahill, and Robyn Ochs for source material.

With that in mind, we offer a few ways to embrace bisexual/

pansexual/fluid communities:

• Use inclusive language, instead of “gay rights” or “gay mar-

riage” use phrases like “equal rights” and “marriage equality”.

• Question the negativity associated with bisexual stereotypes.

• Check in with someone about what term(s) they prefer –

Remember that no one person represents a community;
no two people are the same and definitions may vary. Please
respect each person’s power and ability to define themselves.

• Recognize that bisexuality is often invisibilized/ delegitimized,

so bi/pan/fluid people usually have to come out over and over.

• Respect people’s privacy and boundaries. Take a moment

before asking questions and look into the assumptions
behind them.

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 21

Creating Accessibility

The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, When you are speaking to someone using an
the Disability Justice Collective, and the Host interpreter, address the person you are speaking
Committee’s Accessibility Subcommittee have with, not the interpreter.
worked hard to make Creating Change 2011
welcoming and accessible for attendees with Many people here have disabilities that affect
disabilities. In the spirit of learning how our com- the ways that they learn, understand, and/or
munities can be inclusive of and accessible to all communicate. You can show respect for people
people, we have put together these guidelines by practicing patience with those who learn
for creating a community where people with dis- and/or communicate at a different pace or in
abilities are valued and respected. a different way than you do. Don’t make as-
sumptions based on atypical speech patterns,
Words like “cripple,” “defect,” “spastic,” “lame,” body language, or eye contact. If you are having
“retard,” “psychotic”, “paranoid” and “crazy” difficulty communicating with someone, try a
have been used to bully and oppress disabled different form of communication, like writing or
people for many decades. Don’t use these demonstration instead of talking.
words casually. You may hear disabled people
calling each other crip or gimp. This is “insider” Flashing lights can trigger seizures or other con-
language, akin to LGBT people calling each ditions. Avoid wearing or carrying decorative
other queer. It’s not appropriate language for flashing lights and don’t take photographs using
non-disabled people to use. the flash on your camera in public spaces.

Understand that the lives of disabled people are There are seats set aside for people with varying
neither inspirational nor pitiful by virtue of our disabilities, both up front and scattered through-
disabilities. Rather our disabilities are ordinary out in the plenary space and in the meeting
and familiar parts of who we are. rooms. Please be prepared to move chairs to
make room for people using wheelchairs, wher-
Ask and wait for an answer before you try to ever they may wish to sit at plenary sessions
help someone. What you assume is helpful may and workshops.
not be.
In order to make it easier for everyone to move
When you encounter someone using a service/ around the conference freely, please keep the
assistance or guide dog, do not pet, offer food aisles clear. Be aware of the people around you
to, or interact with the animal in any way. Do not when navigating tight, crowded public spaces,
comment on the dog’s presence i.e. “and who and leave plenty of room for people to pass
do we have here?” They are working hard; you safely; and please hold inaccessible doors open
are supporting the independence and autonomy for people.
they provide by not distracting them.
Becoming scent-free is an important step to-
In order to be understood by as many people ward access for people with disabilities and/or
as possible, speak at a moderate volume and chronic illnesses and is a skill you can practice
pace. Practice active listening by asking and everywhere. If you are not accustomed to going
responding to questions and giving both verbal scent-free, it is important to think carefully about
and non-verbal cues that you are still engaged all the products you use in your day. You can ei-
in the conversation. ther not use shampoo, soap, hair products, per-

22 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

From the Disability Justice Collective

fume, essential oils, skin lotion, shaving cream, Change. Then, please join the many hardwork-
makeup etc., or use fragrance-free alternatives ing allies who are working to respond appropri-
that are available in many drug stores. If you ately to ableist situations.
must use scented products please sit or stand
as far away as possible from areas designated Please stop by the accessibility table adjacent
“Scent Safer” areas. During plenary sessions, to the conference registration area outside the
scent-safer spaces are designated in the Min- Grand Ballroom for:
neapolis Grand Ballroom and in Grand Ballroom
E. If scents and chemicals present a barrier • Programs in large print.
for you, please know that Creating Change is
not yet a scent-free conference. If you need to • Electric scooters and wheelchairs.
find a scent-safer area while at the conference
please check with the accessibility table adja- • Viewing a large print grid schedule of events.
cent to the conference registration area outside
of the Grand Ballroom. • More information about communicating with
people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, or to
If you smoke (or hang around people while they pick up an Assisted Listening device.
smoke) please do so only in the designated
areas and away from entrances. When inside Conference attendees utilizing ASL interpreting
please sit or stand as far away as possible from services can meet interpreters at the accessibil-
those areas designated “Scent Safer” areas. ity table in the area outside the Grand Ballroom.

Challenge your assumptions. Some disabilities If you want or need a place to hang out with
are less visible than others. Everyone has a right disabled people, visit the Disability Hospitality
to use the accommodations they need without Suite. Check the conference grid schedule for
being criticized or questioned. exact room number.

Disability Access Coordinators will be on site The Disability Justice Collective has worked in
during the Creating Change Conference. If you partnership with the Task Force to create edu-
have questions, concerns or need assistance cational programming about disability justice,
regarding access, please stop by the Accessibil- ableism, and access at Creating Change and
ity Table adjacent to the conference registration to further integrate anti-ableism into the Task
area to contact an Access Coordinator. If the Force’s intersectional anti-oppression frame
Access Coordinator is not available, please seek work . In addition, the Disability Justice Col-
assistance at the conference registration area. lective has identified concrete ways in which
the Creating Change Conference can be more
Please listen to the needs and stories of dis- accessible to people with a range of disabilities.
abled people when they are volunteered; yet This work is ongoing.
please respect people’s privacy and boundaries
by not asking unnecessarily intrusive questions. Disability Justice Collective: Patricia Berne, Eli
Many disabled people deal with daily curiosity Clare, Sebastian Margaret, Mia Mingus
about our bodies and find it exhausting. Edu-
cate yourself through books, web sites, and
at the disability-related workshops at Creating

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 23

General Information

First Timers’ Child Care Cyber Cafe

Orientation Childcare services are provided by Par- Creating Change provides a cyber café
Thursday February 3, 7:00 pm ty Sitters, an experienced Minneapolis for your cyber chores! Cyber cafe hours
Please check the grid schedule for location. agency specializing in event childcare. coincide with hours of operation in the
First time at Creating Change? Feeling a Please check in at the conference reg- conference registration/office area. The
bit overwhelmed by the amount of infor- istration area in the hotel lobby for the cyber café is located on the third floor, ad-
mation that you need to quickly digest in exact room location of childcare. There jacent to the registration area. Come by
order to make good choices about how is no charge for on-site childcare, but to check your email. Please be aware that
to spend your time? Want some help? we ask that parents pick up children for the computers are a shared resource, so
Come to the First Timers’ Orientation ses- lunch from Noon to 1 PM. Some activi- limit your time if others are waiting. Wire-
sion with the Conference Director to get ties will be provided by Party Sitters. less access is available in other areas of
your questions answered by the expert! the hotel. Happy digitizing!
Childcare is available:
Friday 8:00 am– 6:00 pm
Saturday 8:00 am– 6:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am– 3:00 pm

Spiritual Gatherings

Meditation Space /Quiet Room The Calling of the Names:

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday We Remember
While attending Creating Change 2011, a meditation and Friday, February 4, Plenary Session 1:30 pm
contemplative space is being made available by the Spiritu- Who are the people you have lost that have marked your
al Needs Subcommittee of the Host Committee. Any prear- life? How do you remember them? Who were the people
ranged faith-specific activities will be posted on a schedule whose stories, whose presence, words, and deeds live on
outside the room. We invite you to stop by to relax, refresh after they have died? Who have you lost to AIDS, cancer,
and to share your response to reflective questions posted hate crimes, or other tragedies? The Calling of the Names
in the shared space. Thank you for helping us create safe is an opportunity to honor them in community and with oth-
and sacred space by respecting the faith or spiritual per- ers who can support and lift you up as you remember with
spective of all who may utilize the space. joy their impact on your life. During this plenary session join
us and celebrate the lives of those who have marked our
journeys by calling their names, loudly and proudly.
Muslim Friday Prayer
Friday, February 4, 12:45 pm Engaging the Spirit:
Meditation Space/Quiet Room An Interfaith Gathering
Sponsored by Al-Fatiha and dedicated to Muslims who are to Close Practice Spirit,
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, questioning, Do Justice
those exploring their sexual orientation or gender identity, Sunday, February 6, 9:00 am – 10:30 am
and their allies, families and friends. All welcome. Check the conference grid for exact location.
Just as we need to engage our mind and our heart, we
Shabbat Celebration must also engage our spirit. The Practice Spirit, Do Justice
Friday, February 4, 7:30 pm planning committee and the Spiritual Needs Subcommittee
Carvers have created a gathering that will include ritual, readings
and music from many different spiritual traditions to sym-
Please join Rabbis Michael Adam Latz, Jared H. Saks, Me- bolize our blessed particularity and radical connectedness.
lissa B. Simon, & Sharon Steifel, along with music leaders Join us for this important celebration of the power of Spirit
Steve Greenberg & Jane Newman, for Shabbat Services. and the call to do justice.
Let your soul soar as we welcome Shabbat together!”

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 25

Host Committee Services

Check the conference grid schedule for exact locations.

Recovery Meetings Disability Hospitality Suite

Friday and Saturday 7:30 pm Thursday, Friday, Saturday 8 am – 10 pm
Topic/discussion support meetings for “friends of Bill W” Disabled people and allies are welcome to join in disability
available under the local direction of GLBT in Recovery. For culture and community. In order to be accessible to people
more Twin Cities information, who need to be able to breathe, please keep this space
scent-free (stop at the access table if you need unscented
Transgender Hospitality personal care products or more information). We will have
a range of healthy food and low-allergenic food available. If
Thursday, Friday, Saturday 8 am – 10 pm your wheelchair breaks, you run out of test strips or need
Drop by for relaxation as well as informal socializing and
something from the grocery co-op, or your PCA needs a
networking with transgender folk and allies at Creating
break, we may be able to help find a replacement with re-
Change 2011. Hosted by the Transgender Subcommittee
spect and without hassle.
of the Host Committee.

Bi/Pan/Fluid Hospitality Suite Youth Hospitality Suite

Thursday, Friday, Saturday 8 am – 10 pm Thursday, Friday, Saturday 8 am – 9pm
The Youth Hospitality Suite is a place for youth and young
The Bisexual Organizing Project of Minneapolis/St. Paul
adults (ages 24 and below) to come relax, network, eat, and
welcomes all bi/pan/fluid people and our allies to our Hos-
recharge. The Suite will offer food, games, DVDs, comput-
pitality Suite! We’ll warm you up with delicious food, hot
ers, and resources to help youth/young adult attendees
drinks and great conversation. We’ll provide a place to meet
make the most of their time at CC 2011. The Youth Hos-
up or relax between events, to grab a quick light meal or
pitality Subcommittee, with Campus Progress, presents
snack or to continue that thought provoking conversation
a Saturday night event that features spoken word artists,
or flirtation. Stop in and say hi; we welcome EVERYONE!
young adult talents, a main performer, and dancing. The
Youth Hospitality Suite is sponsored by The Trevor Project.
People of Color
Hospitality Suite Elder Hospitality Suite
Thursday, Friday, Saturday 8 am – 10 pm Thursday, Friday, Saturday 8 am – 8pm
Please come and relax in the People of Color Hospitality The Elder Hospitality subcommittee honors and invites you
Suite, a safe space to meet other people of color, enjoy to stop by our suite for refreshment, relaxation, networking,
games, and try ethnic foods from local ethnic restaurants and sharing. Because your life journeys have been foun-
here in the Twin Cities. The suite will be open from 8am- dational to our movement, we hope you’ll take a moment
10pm for your leisure, so stop by and say hi. You’ll meet to mutually share your stories with the people you meet at
POC artists, musicians, organizational and community CC11. Board games and resources will also be available.
leaders, movement builders/implementers and volunteers
from all over the nation.

We Love Your Feedback

Our annual Creating Change Conference offers a rich and rigor- Each attendee at Creating Change will receive an email from the
ous program of workshops, trainings, film screenings, caucus- Task Force in the days following the conference that invites you
es and networking sessions, meetings and social and spiritual to complete an evaluation of the overall conference experience.
gatherings. By completing this form, you will help us design and present
a better and more relevant Creating Change Conference next
This year, our program includes 25 Day-Long Institutes on
year in Baltimore.
Wednesday and Thursday, 20 sessions in the Task Force
Academy for Leadership and Action, and over 200 workshop Finally, for those of you who prefer to participate in a face-to-
sessions and caucuses/networking sessions on Friday and face meeting, the Conference Director conducts a Feedback
Saturday. Special programming for faith community leaders is Session on Sunday following the closing plenary in the Grand
presented under the heading Practice Spirit Do Justice. Evalua- Ballroom.
tion forms for each of these sessions are distributed and collect-
ed by our conference volunteers. Please let us know what you
found useful and helpful at sessions by filling out the evaluation
forms and returning them to volunteers in the meeting rooms.
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 27

20% Theatre Company Twin Cities Minnesota NOW Foundation

Advocates for Youth National Center for Transgender Equality

AIDS/LifeCycle National Coalition for Sexual Freedom

AM 950 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

Americans United for Separation of No Limits Printing

Church and State
Out and Equal
Ameriprise Financial
OutFront Minnesota
Atticus Circle
PFund Foundation
Best Buy
Park Nicollet Melrose Institute
Campus Pride
Point Foundation
Campus Progress
Pride Institute
Religious Institute
Cornerstone/Day One
RLM Art Studio
EMD Serono
Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)
Equally Blessed
Sean’s Last Wish Foundation
Freedom to Marry
SEIU Lavender Caucus
Genderf•kation: A Gender Emancipation
Smitten Kitten
Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)
Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
Strength In Numbers Consulting
Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training (GIFT)
Human Rights Campaign
Tressies Hair Extensions LLC
Iliff School of Theology
Trevor Project
Integrity USA
True Colors Bookstore
Interweave Continental, Inc
Twin Cities Black Pride
Lambda Legal
UnitedHealth Group
Lavender Greens LGTBIQ Caucus of the GPUS
University of Minnesota Press
Lutherans Concerned/North America
White Privilege Conference
METRO / Centerlink

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 29

Plenary Programs

Opening Keynote Address

Practice Spirit, Do Justice:
Hard Work for Our Common Good
Mistress of
Ceremonies Thursday, February 3 • 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Kate Clinton Faisal Alam Bishop Yvette Flunder

Kate Clinton, the LGBT movement’s Faisal Alam is a queer-identified Muslim Bishop Yvette Flunder, Founder of
funniest and smartest political commen- activist of Pakistani descent. He is the City of Refuge Community Church
tator, returns to host each of the plenary founder of Al-Fatiha, an organization for UCC founded City of Refuge, a thriving
programs at Creating Change. She writes, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, inter- inner-city congregation in the south of
she vlogs, she blogs, and she slogs sex & questioning (LGBTIQ) Muslims and Market neighborhood of San Francisco
shoulder-to-shoulder with activists and their allies. that celebrates the radically inclusive love
organizers, all the while, moving us for- of Jesus Christ.
ward by keeping us laughing. Kate regales
with keen insights and hilarious observa-
tions. In addition to performing comedy all
across the U.S., Kate writes her award-
winning blog, CommuniKate, and posts
at the Bilerico Project, the Huffington Post,
NYC Up and Out, and The Progressive.
Get ready to roar!

Rev. Elder Rabbi Joshua Lesser

Nancy L. Wilson Rabbi Joshua Lesser leads the growing
Rev. Elder Nancy L. Wilson, Moderator, Congregation Bet Haverim in Atlanta as
Metropolitan Community Church be- a place dedicated to celebrating all as-
gan her leadership and ministry with the pects of Jewish life and creating a spiri-
Metropolitan Community Church in 1972 tual home that is accessible to those who
and has served many roles within the de- have not connected in other settings.
nomination ever since.

30 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Plenary Programs

State of the Indigenous Peoples of Closing Plenary

Movement Address the Americas: Towards with Brunch
Collective Sovereignty
Friday, February 4 Sunday, February 6
Saturday, February 5
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm

Rea Carey Chrystos Minneapolis

Executive Director, This plenary honors the Indigenous Loves You Better!
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Peoples of the Americas, raising visibility
of First Nations political organizing and
An annual and much-anticipated event at
Creating Change, Rea Carey presents movement building, including strategies God-Des and She
the annual State of the Movement Ad- towards sexual sovereignty. As part of A hip-hop/pop/soul duo from the Mid-
dress. Carey assesses opportunities for surviving occupation, colonialism and an west, God-Des and She play to packed
change, challenges that face our move- American History narrative that erodes venues all over the world from New York
ment and gives voice to an uncompro- our ways of life, it has been our ancestral to Sweden and at Pride events all over
mising call to action. Rea Carey is the ex- imperative to not only survive, but thrive. the LGBT U.S. God-Des and She rocked
ecutive director of the National Gay and One of our challenges is to preserve the Showtime’s hit series “The L Word” with
Lesbian Task Force, the oldest national spiritual practices that honor Two Spirit their cheeky tune “Lick It.” The pair held
organization working to secure equal people, a contemporary term recogniz- down the #1 spot on MTV LOGO with
rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans- ing historic multiple-gender customs. their song “Love You Better.” Their most
gender (LGBT) people. Prior to coming We want to share a more whole analysis recent and third album, Three, testifies
to the Task Force, she was a co-founder and strategies towards liberation for all that God-Des and She are about to blow
of Gay Men and Lesbians Opposing Vio- people who experience oppression. up—big. Produced by Brian Hardgroove
lence and founding executive director of of Public Enemy (Wu Tang Clan, Burn-
the National Youth Advocacy Coalition. In Chrystos speaks on the intersections ing Spear, Aerosmith), the new album
1999, The Advocate named Carey one of between First Nations Two Spirit people confirms their status as an underground
its “Best and Brightest” for individual con- and issues inherent in the colonization act about to hit the big time. Catch them
tributions to the LGBT rights movement. of Turtle Island. Beginning with a brief while you can for some better lovin’.
Follow her on Twitter @rea_carey. history of Gay American Indians (GAI),
she discusses the historic roles of Indian
State of the Movement Sponsor Queers in various nations, as well as cur-
rent work to reestablish these, despite
the christian church. Two Spirit people
fight for respect within tribal societies
and in colonizer society. Our struggle is
embedded in First Nation’s resistance
to colonizer control, since it is colonizer
law that debases queer sexuality, and in
some cases, continues to punish us.

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 31

Award Honorees

The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force has the great privilege to present awards recognizing the hard work and dedication of colleagues in our
LGBT movement. These awards are generously funded by the Paul Anderson Prize Foundation, administered by Allen Schuh; the International
Court System; and Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE). We thank these funders for lifting up activists who express their passionate
commitments to social justice in many important ways.

The Susan J. Hyde Activism Award for Longevity in the Movement

Kylar W. Broadus is a professor, attorney and activist, on the faculty at Lincoln University of Missouri, a historically black
college where he previously served as chair of the business department. Kylar maintains a general practice of law in Columbia,
Missouri. He served as chair of the Board of Directors of the National Black Justice Coalition from 2007 until 2010. He has served
on the Board of Directors of the National Stonewall Democrats since 1998. He wrote the essay “The Evolution of Employment
Discrimination Protections for Transgender People,” published in “Transgender Rights,” edited by Currah, Juang, Minter, 2006. He
is a founding board member of the Transgender Law and Policy Institute and speaks and lobbies on the national, state and local
levels in the areas of transgender and sexual orientation law and advocacy. Kylar founded the Trans People of Color Coalition,
the only national social justice organization serving transgender people of color. He served three terms on the City of Columbia
Human Rights Commission and two terms on the board of the statewide GLBT advocacy group, PROMO: For the Personal Rights
of Missourians. While on the Human Rights Commission, Kylar worked for passage of a transgender-inclusive nondiscrimination
ordinance. Kylar is featured in the film “Still Black: A Portrait of Black Transmen” and is a 2010 Rockwood Institute LGBTQ Fellow.

The Leather Leadership Award

Chuck Renslow, often called The Leatherman of the Century, has lived and loved in leather his entire adult life and created
leather community institutions to foster a leather cultural identity and to preserve its history. He launched the International Mr.
Leather (IML) contest in 1979 at Chicago’s first leather bar, the Gold Coast, which he opened in 1958. IML continues to be the
largest annual gathering of the leather tribe: a conference, a contest, and a celebration of immense proportions. Chuck was the
founder and photographer of Kris Studios in 1950, one of the earliest and most durable of the physique houses. He also was a
noted photographer of the ballet and his dance photography is in the Newberry Library dance collection. He was among the earli-
est members of several gay liberation organizations and has served on boards of directors of 14 different LGBT organizations,
including the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force twice, first 1978-1985 and later 2005-2007. Chuck founded the Prairie State
Democratic Club in 1980 and Chicago’s famous White Party. Chuck was inducted into the City of Chicago’s Lesbian and Gay Hall
of Fame in 1991 and has received numerous honors from the gay and leather communities. In 1991, Chuck and Tony DeBlase
created the Leather Archives & Museum, and he remains its president. In 2010, Chuck established a foundation to sustain the
Leather Archives and Museum, naming it the sole beneficiary of International Mr. Leather.

The Paul A. Anderson Award for Youth Leadership

Alyssa Veil, 17, graduates this spring from the Blake School, having expressed her leadership and pride for all to see and
hear. Each senior class member at the Blake School delivers a senior speech and Alyssa chose to tell her classmates about her
journey of coming out, to herself, her family, her school and to her world. Entitled The Ultimatum of GLBT Discrimination, Alyssa
addressed the Blake Upper School, talking about LGBT youth suicide and her own experience with suicide. Alyssa has flourished
and thrived in a supportive school environment and is a gifted hockey player and artist and a student leader of the school’s Gay
Straight Alliance and its Justice League. Alyssa aspires to become a justice-seeking attorney and will, later this year, lead the
workshop “Support and Advocacy for GLBT Students” at the 2011 Minnesota Independent Schools Association Conference.
Alyssa will attend Williams College in September 2011.

The SAGE Advocacy Award for Excellence in Leadership on Aging Issues

PFund Foundation, the only Minnesota foundation dedicated exclusively to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
issues, has worked to improve the quality of services and support offered to LGBT older adults since 1991, when it first funded
an LGBT aging project. In 2010, PFund released a first-of-its-kind report, Equality as we Age: a Report on LGBT Seniors in Min-
nesota. The report recommended changes to facilitate improved health and wellness, visibility, social interaction and services for
LGBT elders. Moving forward, PFund will convene LGBT older adults and community organizations to address the recommenda-
tions in the report. In the past year, PFund also collaborated on the release of the regional and national versions of the report,
Ready to Serve? The Aging Network and Older LGB and T People, which studied the national aging network’s readiness to meet
the specific needs of the growing numbers of LGBT older adults in this country. PFund’s ongoing support of regional LGBT aging
groups, including the creation of an endowed fund for LGBT aging issues, led to the establishment of Training to Serve (TTS),
whose mission is to train aging services providers to ensure that LGBT people are able to achieve a satisfying quality of life in later
years. This award is generously supported by SAGE.

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 33

Receptions • Meetings • Special Events

Wednesday, February 2 Thursday, February 3

The Consortium of Higher Education LGBT David Bohnett CyberCenter Reception
Resource Professionals Annual Business Meeting 6:00 pm–8:00 pm
7:00 pm–8:00 pm First-Timers Welcome Porter & Frye Restaurant, Lower Level, Ivy Hotel
8:00 pm–10:00 pm Annual Meeting
Join our fun and casual reception to chat about the David
Bohnett CyberCenters - there are over 60 at LGBT Cen-
The Consortium is a national organization of professionals ters from coast to coast. This event is for LGBT Community
who provide support and services to LGBTQA students, Center leaders who already host a David Bohnett Cyber-
staff and faculty at colleges and universities and who edu- Center or for LGBT Center leaders who want to learn more
cate campus communities about sexual orientation and about this innovative program.
gender identity issues. The Consortium’s Annual Business
Meeting is free and open to anyone interested in joining the Welcome to Minneapolis Welcome Reception Sponsor
Consortium and learning about LGBTA issues at colleges 7:00 pm
and universities. Exhibit Area, Third Floor
Mix and mingle in the conference
exhibit area adjacent to conference registration. Refresh-
ments and cash bar. Sponsored by General Mills.
“Fearless”: Photo Exhibit
Los Angeles based artist Jeff Sheng exhibits a portion of his
photography series “Fearless” which features “out” LGBT
athletes on high school and college sports teams, a collec-
tion of over 100 athletes taken since 2003. Sheng’s most re-
cent photo series “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was widely covered
Convening at Creating Change by the media this past year, and “Fearless” was exhibited
PFund Foundation is hosting a convening for invited grantee at Nike World Headquarters, the 2010 Vancouver Winter
partners in its region—Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Olympics, as well as over a dozen high school and colleges
South Dakota and Iowa. Participants will gather and en- last year. For more information, please visit www.jeffsheng.
gage in community-building and skills-building, helping to com or
foster community and promote collaborations in broader
social justice work. Made possible by a grant from the Otto Creating Change Opening Cruise
Bremer Foundation. After Opening Plenary Session
Grand Ballroom F
Welcome Reception with Appetizers and Cash Bar This session is open to any and all people who identify as “avail-
Wednesday, February 2, 6:45 pm able” and interested in meeting and/or hooking up with people at
Grand Ballroom F the conference. For folks who say: “I wish I had met you earlier
in the conference!” You now have no excuse; this is your oppor-
Regional Mapping/Visioning Meeting with refreshments tunity. The Opening Cruise is building on the Poly/Nonmonog-
Sunday, February 6, 1:45 pm amy Speed Greeting sessions of the past several years, which
Rochester have been enormously successful. This year, we are widening
the circle, inviting anyone who is “available” and still encourage
the strong Creating Change Poly/NM contingent to come out in
This Opening Cruise is an extravagant welcome to come and en-
joy the great diversity of available, brilliant, adventurous Creating
Change-goers. Small group settings and one on one conversa-
tion offer an opportunity to ask questions, share interests, swap
contact info, network, and organize across the room and across
the country. Participation is flexible and everyone is welcome to
attend inclusive of all identities and life experience. Depending
on attendees, more discussion groups based on identity, age,
region, and interest may be developed. Program hosts will also
be on hand to answer questions and help with resources.

36 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Receptions • Meetings • Special Events

Friday, February 4
The Obama Administration and the LGBT Community NYAC Reception: Roots & Fruits: A Gathering to
8:00 am Celebrate the National Youth Advocacy Coalition’s
Skywater Lounge, First Floor, Hilton Minneapolis Past, Present and Future
8:30 pm
Join the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force in a question- Check grid for location
and-answer session with Obama Administration appointees
to discuss the White House, Administrative Agencies and the Over the past 17 years, NYAC has held a special place in the
LGBT community. We will be joined by Brian Bond, Deputy LGBTQ movement, promoting the leadership and wellness
Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, of queer, trans and questioning youth across the country,
and agency appointees. Panelists will discuss changes in building community and supporting the organizations that
rules and regulations affecting the LGBT community, legisla- support these youth. Does NYAC hold a special place in
tive efforts and ongoing initiatives that impact LGBT people your heart? Are you invested in an LGBTQ movement that
and their families. A Q/A session follows the presentations. places the needs of our youth at its core? Do you believe in
celebrating the resilience of LGBTQ youth and advocating
Stand UP For Change @ The National Conference on for their vision for a better world? Are you a young person, a
LGBT Equality: Creating Change NYAC alum, a youth organizer, or a youth service provider?
Starring Smart and Sassy Comedian Sandra Valls, Then, come to this reception to celebrate NYAC’s past, be-
followed by the Karaoke Throw Down for Change!! come part of our present and learn about our commitments
Doors Open at 8:00 pm • Show Time 8:30 pm to LGBTQ youth in the future.
Grand Ballroom • Hilton Minneapolis Hotel
Faith in America Reception
Free Admission with Conference Badge 8:30 pm– 9:30 pm
$10/door for non-conference attendees Check grid for location
Show up and sing at the Karaoke Throw Down for Change!
Karaoke Throw Down organized by Asian Pacific American Join our entertaining reception for a lively conversation about
Labor Alliance the greatest impediment to equality in America today. We
have a special activity planned for attendees in which you
Sober Social can help us pinpoint the No. 1 justification for stigma and
8:30 pm – 10:30 pm hostility and how to most effectively address it. This is going
Check grid for location to be fun and informative. This event is for LGBT activists
and leaders who wonder how a minority voice working with
Are you in recovery or just looking for some fun without alco- a minority political party almost single-handedly defeated a
hol or drugs? Come to the Sober Social. Will there be kara- measure that was supported by a majority, both in the mili-
oke, a comedian, music or dancing? It is a surprise but fel- tary and general public.
lowship and fun is guaranteed! Snacks provided. Bring your
friends. Sponsored and organized by the PRIDE Institute, Rockwood Leadership Institute Reception
celebrating 25 years of creating healthy LGBT community. 8:30 pm
Check grid for location
Queers for Economic Justice and Authors of
Queer (In)Justice: The Criminalization of LGBT A space for Rockwood Leadership Institute graduates to re-
People in the United States connect or form new connections. We also welcome those
8:30 pm who want to learn more about Rockwood’s offerings, in-
Check grid for location cluding our 2011 Fellowship for LGBTQ Advocacy, and pro-
grams that serve leaders from different social change move-
Join QEJ for a reception to celebrate and honor those who ments, such as the National Yearlong Fellowship and our
have inspired us and filled us with possibility, resiliency and open Art of Leadership trainings. Refreshments provided.
vision and to recognize an important book about to be re-
leased. QEJ will honor three progressive LGBT leaders at Karaoke Pop-Star Reception
the reception. And in these hard times, we will also be cel- 8:30 pm
ebrating QEJ’s survival and spirit as a radical, economic Check grid for location
justice, queer organization. The reception will also celebrate
the launch of Queer (In)Justice: The Criminalization of LGBT Come join us for an evening of fun and frolic with your fa-
People in the United States (Beacon Press 2010). The co- vorite federation of Asian American/ South Asian/ Southeast
authors Kay Whitlock, Andrea Richie and Joey Mogul will be Asian/ Pacific Islander (AAPI) LGBTQ organizations. Queer
there to sign hot-off-the-press books. AAPIs and our friends and allies will share our talents and
continued on next page

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 37

Receptions • Meetings • Special Events

Friday, February 4 (continued) Saturday, February 5

pop-star ambitions on the mic- featuring the infamous Kit Minnesota Meet-Up
Yan, reigning Mr. Transman Competition Champion. Pro- 12:15 pm – 1:15 pm
ceeds for the event will support the National Queer Asian Rochester
Pacific Islander Alliance. Cash bar and appetizers.
As a result of the November elections, the political climate in
Minnesota has moved sharply to the right. Now more than
Integrity USA Reception & Sung Compline ever, your voice is crucial for holding back attacks against
8:30 pm– 10:00 pm
LGBT families, including a possible 2012 referendum to
Check grid for location
change the constitution to ban the freedom to marry. Join
Integrity USA invites you to fellowship with Episcopalians leaders from OutFront Minnesota, Project 515, and the Na-
attending Creating Change. Meet Executive Director Max tional Gay and Lesbian Task Force to find out how you can
Niedzwiecki, President David Norgard, Treasurer David help fight back and win in Minnesota.
Cupps, Director of Communications Louise Brooks, VP for
National & International Affairs Albert Ogle, VP for Local Af- Interweave Continental Annual Meeting
fairs Neil Houghton, Stakeholders Council Chair Susan Mc- 8:00 pm
Cann, and Province 6 Coordinator Scott Monson! The eve- Check grid for location
ning will conclude with Sung Compline with the choir of St.
Interweave is the national, member-based organization for
Paul’s on-the-Hill.
LGBT, queer & allied Unitarian Universalists. An annual re-
port of activities will be presented. Election of officers will be
Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC) Reception
held. Annual budget will be voted on. Meeting is open to all.
8:30 pm
Voting is limited to individual or chapter members.
Check grid for location
All Metropolitan Community Church members and leaders The Second Annual MasQueerAde Ball:
and all who are interested in learning more about MCC are An Event for Youth and Friends
invited to this reception. Hosted by the Minneapolis congre- 8:00 pm – Midnight
gation All God’s Children MCC. Grand Ballroom • Hilton Minneapolis
Join OUTMedia’s comedy sensation Ben Lerman and re-
Release of the National Transgender Discrimination nowned slam poet Kit Yan for humor and spoken word.
Survey Report Ben, simply brilliant with his ukulele and comedy, and Kit, a
8:30 pm
featured artist in “Asians Aloud,” headline this special youth
Check grid for location
event including local queer youth dancers, spoken word art-
Join the authors from the Task Force and the National Cen- ists and performers. An alcohol and drug free event for all
ter for Transgender Equality for the unveiling of the long- ages. A dance party for guests 24 and under will follow the
awaited key findings of “Injustice at Every Turn: A Report of show. Presented by Campus Progress and the Youth Hos-
the National Transgender Discrimination Survey.” Compel- pitality Subcommittee. Free to all.
ling national data on the breadth of the social and economic
marginalization of transgender and gender non-conforming Blowing in from the West
people is finally available. This data will change the LGBT 8:30 pm
movement. Come hear about it, and what to do about it. Rochester
A reading of old and new poems by Chrystos, Indigenous
Bilerico Project Blogger Reception Rights and Queer Equality Activist. If you have a favorite
8:30 pm
you’d like to hear, leave a message at sbirdstone@gmail.
Check grid for location
Come mix and mingle with some of your favorite bloggers,
social media mavens, and online personalities. Whether you Sextravaganza
have your own site or lurk on other blogs, you’re welcome 10:00 pm
to attend the blogger reception and meet the people behind Symphony III
your computer screen. Strong opinions encouraged. Cash
A cabaret-style evening of sexy, gender queer performance
bar available. Co-sponsored by the National Gay and Les-
art, music, and stand up with a few surprises. Featuring:
bian Task Force, AfterEllen, The New Gay, & Queerty.
AJ Head, Ignacio Rivera, M’Bwende Anderson, Cary Alan
Johnson, Dr. J and others. Free and open to all!

38 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Receptions • Meetings • Special Events

Sunday, February 6 Film Screenings

Breakfast and Conversation with Face Value Bullied: A Student, a School
8:30 AM Breakfast; Meeting 9 – 10:30 AM and a Case that Made History
Symphony IV Friday, February 4 • 4:45 pm
The Face Value team welcomes you to join us for break- Grand Ballroom E
fast and conversation. You’ll meet key members of our team Bullied: A Student, a School and a Case that Made
and we will share information about our recent grant from History chronicles the powerful story of a student
the Ford Foundation’s new initiative, “Sexuality, Health and who stood up to his anti-gay tormentors and filed
Rights Among Youth in the United States,” and discuss op- a federal lawsuit against his school district. The
portunities for collaboration. We invite you to be a part of suit led to a landmark federal court decision hold-
this exciting conversation. Founded in 2009, Face Value is ing that school officials could be held accountable
working to create a society where lesbian, gay, bisexual and for not stopping the harassment and abuse of gay
transgender (LGBT) people are fully accepted and integrat- students. Bullied tells the story of Jamie Nabozny
ed into the fabric of American life – quite literally taken at <>, who suffered relent-
face value. All are welcome. less verbal and physical abuse at the hands of his
classmates in Ashland, Wisconsin. School officials
failed to stop the attacks, despite pleas from Jamie
and his parents. Jamie Nabozny will speak at the
screening and there will be a Q&A led by two repre-
sentatives from Southern Poverty Law Center: Sam
Wolfe, a staff attorney, and Thom Ronk, a curricu-
lum specialist for Teaching Tolerance. (USA, 2010,
40 mins.)

Bad Blood: A Cautionary Tale

Saturday, February 5 • 4:45 pm
Grand Ballroom E
Bad Blood: A Cautionary Tale tells the tragic history
and facts surrounding the discovery of HIV in the U.S.
blood supply in the early days of the AIDS epidemic.
Through the eyes of survivors and family members,
the documentary film chronicles how a miracle treat-
ment for hemophilia became an agent of death for
10,000 Americans. Faced with evidence that phar-
maceutical companies and government regulators
knew the medicine was contaminated with deadly
viruses, they launched a powerful and inspiring fight
to right the system that failed them and to make it
safer for all. Both gay men and people with hemo-
philia have been disproportionately impacted by the
HIV epidemic. Critical advancements in HIV preven-
tion, treatment, and research can be linked directly
to the years of successful advocacy by both the
bleeding disorders and gay rights communities. On
the heels of the Health and Human Services (HHS)
Blood Committee’s vote last year to recommend re-
search and review of the FDA’s longstanding defer-
ral of all men who have had sex with another man
(MSM) from donating blood, the two communities
invested in reform find common ground through the
shared history featured in Bad Blood. Director: Mari-
lyn Ness. Necessary Films, (USA, 2010. 80 mins.)

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 39

DAY-Long Institutes

Creating Change proudly presents a full menu of Day-Long In- Access(ing) Our Liberated Bodies

DAY-Long Institutes
stitute programs that provide in-depth teaching and learning in This is an advanced session for seasoned anti-oppression or-
crucial topic areas. Topics range from anti-racism and people of ganizers and trainers. Session attendance will be by applica-
color organizing to youth leadership, board members’ training, tion only. Applications will be available in November/December
aging, health, community centers and campus programs, allies in 2010. This is a multi-racial, multi-gendered, cross-class, cross-
our movement, transgender organizing, training for youth-serving issue and disability justice session. This session will focus on the
adults, family advocacy, sexuality, faith, school advocacy, working question of how we organize for the liberation of our collective
with federal agencies, and media and messaging. and individual bodies in a culture where colonialism, classism,
Please check the grid schedule for room assignments. ableism, sexism and racism are daily lived realities. Bring your
organizing strategies, best thinking, new ideas and vision for
Wednesday, February 2 building a movement that is inclusive of our complex bodies.
Institute Sessions • 9:00 am–6:00 pm Each and every body welcome!

A series of simultaneous Day-Long Institutes offers skills to ad-

dress institutional racism, to integrate racial justice into LGBT or- Thursday, February 3
ganizations, and to learn with colleagues of color. The Task Force Institute Sessions • 9:00 am–6:00 pm
proudly partners with the First Nations Collective, the Disability
Justice Collective, Audre Lorde Project, Southerners on New
Ground and Queers for Economic Justice to develop content For Practice Spirit, Do Justice Attendees
and to facilitate these Institutes. We are grateful to our colleagues Practice Spirit, Do Justice–Opening Plenary
for their great work to present these important Institutes. 9:00-10:30am
We stand in an important moment in the history of
Challenging and Transforming White Supremacy our shared spiritual and religious movements— the reality of col-
in Our Work: Our Vision, Our Roles onization, brokenness and alienation from one another and the
This Institute will focus on white folks working to build liberation opportunity for solidarity and shared work across issues, identi-
movements. What are the systems and analysis we need to ties and communities. This frame-setting plenary will engage
do this work? How are we reflecting individually and collectively the question of both the intense brokenness and the places for
on or work with other white folks and with folks of color? How liberation and healing. Leadership for this session will include
are we creating and sharing tools to build anti-racist and anti- reflection, dialogue, music and prayer from Lisa Weiner-Mahfuz,
imperialist work as white LGBTQ activists across lines of ability, Sung Park, Rev. Rebecca Voelkel, Dr. Joel Kushner, Rev. Debra
race, class, culture, gender, sexuality, and all other identities? Haffner, Rev. Mike Schuenemeyer, Rev. Irene Monroe and many
Come engage with us for a day of learning. others who will speak to the sacredness of keeping our work
grounded in the experiences and vision held by the most com-
Finding Our Kin Folk: plex bodies in our communities.
People of Color Organizing for New Activists
Specifically for people of color who would like to explore their life Practice Spirit, Do Justice Institute
experiences as LGBT people of color. This Institute is for people Intersectional Movement Building
of color who want to name, share and strategize about the is- from a Faith Perspective
sues of identity and community that impact our lives. This is a Fundamentals Session
multi-racial people of color space and so issues facing people Do we dare build a faith-based movement around a bolder vi-
of color within and between communities will be discussed. sion for the social change we want? Are we too often caught in
This session will focus on skills for community building. an endless cycle of defensive fights, leaving little room to focus
on what we are really after – LGBT legal, physical, and spiritual
Building Bridges Across Our Communities: People of liberation within a broad context of social, racial, and economic
Color Organizing Institute for Intermediate Activists justice? How do we build a movement in which we get to show
This Day Long Institute is intended for People of Color who have up with all of our multiple identities that recognizes both the rich
considerable experience organizing in communities of color and commonalities and the complex differences in our experiences,
want to deepen their work in our own community (ies). This Insti- cultures, and needs? How do we build organizations and a faith
tute will focus heavily on both identity-based (e.g. Brown/Black; based movement in which we can practice spirit and do justice
light skinned/dark skinned) and issue-based (e.g. war; violence; in a way that recognizes the intersections of our identities, the
colonialism; gender binary) organizing strategies. We will also interconnection of issues, and the interdependence of our com-
be addressing issues of privilege and how all forms of oppres- munities? In this Institute, we will explore these questions by
sion connect. Intended to create a multi-racial people of color discussing principles of intersectional movement building and
space and, as a result, issues facing people of color within and exploring a developmental approach for building individual and
between communities will be discussed. Intended for people of organizational intercultural competency.
color who have 2-5 years of organizing experience. continued on next page

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 43

Thursday DAY-Long Institutes

Intended Audience: Those new to faith organizing and move- Thursday, February 3 continued
ment building; and people of faith who are aligned or unaligned For Creating Change Attendees
with an organization.
Community Center Institute
Faculty: Phyllis Braxton, President and Founder of PINK Con-
Building Our Community from the Center
sulting, LLC; Beth Zemsky MAEd, LICSW, a consultant special-
Fundraising, Fundraising, Fundraising…It’s always our most re-
izing in intercultural organizational development with organiza-
quested topic. Come join us for an interactive session for staff,
tions working towards social change and movement building.
board members and volunteers on a variety of fundraising sub-
jects from making personal asks to nonprofit entrepreneurship.
Practice Spirit, Do Justice Institute
You’ll leave with a tool belt of great, new ideas to take back to
Intersectional Movement Building for your center. Presented by CenterLink: The Community of LGBT
Faith-Based Organizational Leaders: Centers.
Living the Practice
Advanced Session
Transgender Focus
Many faith-based organizations are working hard to build a
Stronger Together:
broad-reaching and transformative progressive faith-based
A Trans Strategy/Skills Sharing Institute
movement that is committed to racial, economic, and social
We are all stronger when we are not one person, but part of
justice. Working in this context adds complexity to the organiza-
a thriving organization. And, we are stronger as a movement
tional development of these organizations because movements
when organizations share resources and strategies for smarter
(and the issues they address) are always in flux. Strengthening
transgender advocacy. So, let’s build strong organizations AND
a faith-based movement organization requires an understand-
share our lessons learned with each other! Join transgender
ing of the cultural and political context of its faith tradition, the
and allied leaders, some of whom founded the Trans Advocacy
national political context, the complexity of working across
Network in the past year, for a frank discussion of where we
race, class, and culture, and the historical trajectory of the so-
are, training on how we can build stronger organizations, and a
cial movement in which our organizations are situated. How
dynamic sharing session about best practices and strategies to
can we use these changing times to move beyond reactive
advance transgender rights.
politics toward more purposeful, transformational social change
that honors the culture, faith values and traditions of our faith
Youth Leadership
communities while recognizing the intersections of identities,
Queer It Up: Young Adult Leader Institute
the interconnectedness of issues, and the interdependence
Vision change. Dig deep. Take action. Young adult leaders from
of our work as we build our organizations and our movement
across the country will learn valuable strategies for empowering
together? In this Institute, we will build on intercultural com-
their voices and being advocates for social justice. This Day Long
petency skills and strategies for building long-term movement
Institute explores the skills and resources necessary for success-
power to explore organizational strategies that reflect and move
ful leadership, coalition building and tackling issues within your
us toward our transformational goals. We will explore what roles
college campus or your local community. Valuable information
organizations need to play in order to take advantage of this
will also be shared from Campus Pride’s 2010 State of Higher
movement moment and strengthen our organizations’ ability
Education for LGBT People and LGBT-friendly Campus Climate
to contribute to building an intersectional movement for social
Index. Presented by Campus Pride,
justice. This Institute is for those interested in linking their or-
ganization’s strategic work with the strategic development of Faculty: Matt Comer, Campus Pride; Shane Windmeyer, Campus
a faith-based movement for fundamental social transformation. Pride; Ted Lewis, Campus Pride & Campus Pride Peer Leaders
Intended Audience: Those in a leadership position in their
Youth Organizing
faith-based LGBTQ or progressive organization; Those who at-
NYAC Youth Summit: Uptight Gays and Out of Control
tended have attended previous sessions with this facilitator or
Queers - Youth building a full movement
those who attended the Communications track at the Believe
This Institute will be a full day for youth activists, organizers, and
Out Loud Power Summit, October 2010.
leaders to come together in the ongoing negotiation of the di-
Faculty: Beth Zemsky MAEd, LICSW, a consultant specializing rection of the LGBTQ movement. Who are we, and how do we
in intercultural organizational development with organizations bring our identities and issues to the table in a way that respects
working towards social change and movement building. our boundaries, our relationships, and the cause? We will hold
a space for young people to interact around bridging the politi-
cal rifts of LGBTQ, self-care, leadership growth, intersectionality
and overlapping identities, and making it all work for our real
lives. If you want to come to the table as a full and whole being,
let’s talk about how each one of us can do that, and help others
do the same. To learn more about the National Youth Advocacy
Coalition’s work, visit

44 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Thursday DAY-Long Institutes

Best Practices for Queer Youth Work: out, we invite you to join us in creating a supportive and safer

DAY-Long Institutes
Mobilize, Engage and Collaborate! environment from which to build on the bi activist movement.
This Day Long Institute will train adult leaders in youth-serving Allies are welcome!
organizations who want to increase their individual and/or orga- Throughout the day we will work on skill building to focus on the
nizational capacity to effectively mobilize, engage and collabo- work in your community; together we’ll develop strategies, set
rate with youth in movement building efforts. We will highlight goals and create avenues for resource sharing. We will offer and
research and initiatives related to LGBTQ youth, introduce tools model interactive activities that create community and spaces
to assess organizational readiness and consider approaches to where we can fully examine the work of being a bi activist. We
increasing organizational capacity to do long term movement will also examine the roots of biphobia, both internal and exter-
work that is inclusive of young people. nal, and their influence on us as activists. We will then discuss
Faculty: Jessica Flaherty, Director of Programs, BAGLY: The how to utilize intersectionality as a visibility tool while honoring
Boston Alliance of GLBT Youth: Sarath Suong, Mens Health the fact that we are more than just our bisexual/pansexual/fluid/
Coordinator, MAP for Health un-labeled identity. Further, we’ll talk about proactive/reactive
organizing tactics and the key elements and issues around
LGBT Campus Administrators which we can organize in the next year.
The Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Profes- Co-coordinators: Becky Saltzman, Minneapolis, MN, Faith
sionals (“the Consortium”) will host a day of professional devel- Cheltenham, West Hollywood, CA, Gary North, Los Angeles,
opment, skills building, and networking for those who have a CA, Ellyn Ruthstrom, Boston, MA
professional role supporting LGBTQ issues (and people wishing
to assume such positions) on college and university campuses. Facilitators: Lauren Beach, Minneapolis, MN, Bill Burleson,
Topics to be covered include: successful educational and devel- Minneapolis, MN, Faith Cheltenham, West Hollywood, CA, Angel
opmental programming, establishing supportive infrastructures Fabian, Oakland, CA, Sidney Gardner, Minneapolis, MN, Morgan
and administrations, meeting the needs of LGBTQ students of Goode, Brooklyn, NY, Loraine Hutchins, Takoma Park, MD,
color and other under-served communities by creating an in- Gary North, Los Angeles, CA Robyn Ochs, Boston, MA, Ellyn
clusive learning environment and working with student groups Ruthstrom, Boston, MA, Becky Saltzman, Minneapolis, MN,
as allies, advisors, and leadership developers. There will also Kyle Schickner, Los Angeles, CA, Lividia Violette, Dallas, TX
be time for administrators to network and meet with others
from their regions to discuss common concerns and specific Schools Focus
challenges. This session is intended for graduate students or Advocating for LGBT Issues in K-12 Schools:
campus administrator/faculty who engage in or plan to engage Current Challenges, Opportunities and Best Practices
in LGBT work on college campuses. This session is for Con- This day-long institute will bring Safe Schools advocates up to
sortium members with limited space for nonmembers who are speed on the latest issues in education policy, bullying preven-
interested in attending. To learn more about the Consortium, tion strategies and national education reform efforts and their
please visit our website at<http://www. implications for efforts to improve school climate and culture.> With a complex system including local control, state mandates,
and federal funding, U.S. schools can be incredibly difficult to
Ally Institute navigate. By demystifying the U.S. education system and pro-
The first-ever Ally Institute is designed specifically for both allies viding concrete tools to engage with the system, this interactive
of the LGBTQ movement and LGBTQ individuals to strengthen institute will help participants overcome roadblocks they may
their knowledge base, skills, and organizing savvy with LGBTQ face in their efforts to combat anti-LGBT bias in schools. Adult
communities through an inclusive, social justice frame. Partici- and youth participants will learn how to advocate for and imple-
pants will consider how allies to the work of gender and sexual ment effective evidence-based interventions at the state and
freedom can help create inclusive and accessible environments local level from experienced advocates from all regions of the
in the different positions, roles and communities where they live, country. Organized and presented by GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian
work, play and worship through a mix of facilitated activities, and Straight Education Network.
skill sharing, and small group work. Attendees will learn key
concepts for understanding and educating about LGBTQ com- AAPI Focus
munities within a social justice frame and will be given oppor- Building a Queer AAPI Movement
tunities to develop new advocacy tools, helping them become Asian Americans, South Asians, Southeast Asians, and Pacific
more effective change agents in all areas of their life. All allies Islanders (AAPIs) are among the fastest growing minority groups
and friends welcome! in the nation and constitute an emerging sector of the LGBT
community. More and more LGBT AAPIs are coming out of the
Bisexual/Pansexual/Fluid Organizing Institute closet, yet they still face invisibility, isolation, and stereotyping.
Spend a focused, fun and productive day with bisexual/pan- The needs and concerns of LGBT APIs are often overlooked
sexual/fluid activists and learn how to grow bi and bi-friendly in the LGBT community or marginalized in the Asian American
groups. Whether you are a seasoned activist or just starting continued on next page

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 45

Thursday DAY-Long Institutes

community. To counter this, the National Queer Asian Pacific Presenters: Bob Anderson, Associate Director, Metropolitan
Islander Alliance (NQAPIA) spearheaded a coalition of organiza- Area Agency on Aging;Natalie Chin, Staff Attorney, Lambda Le-
tions and individuals to plan a Pre Conference LGBT AAPI Insti- gal; Susan Cogger, Director of Development and Communica-
tute. It was conceived at the AAPI Caucus at the last Creating tions, Pfund; Loree Cook-Daniels, Transgender Aging Network,
Change conference, in 2010 in Dallas, TX. FORGE; Catherine Croghan, Training To Serve; Scott French,
Program Manager, SAGECAP; Ken Helander, Coordinator,
The Institute is open only to LGBT AAPIs. Sessions will include
SAGE of the Rockies; John Johnson, Director of Federal Rela-
a series of panels featuring experts in the field, proven activists
tions, SAGE;Alex Kent, Program Manager, SAGE; Hilary Meyer,
and organizers, and interactive group discussion. Participants
Director, National Resource Center on LGBT Aging; Rajean
are very much encouraged to offer their own perspectives and
Moone, Training to Serve; Dawn Simonson, Executive Director,
Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging, Inc.; Laurie Young, Direc-
We aim to create an API movement space. Below are what the tor of Public Policy and Government Affairs, National Gay and
organizers hope participants can walk away with after attending Lesbian Task Force; Sherrill Wayland, Executive Director, SAGE
the Institute. Metro St. Louis; Serena Worthington, Director of Community
Advocacy and Capacity Building, SAGE
• A network of fellow LGBT AAPI activists around the country
• Concrete ways to overcome barriers that frustrate LGBT AAPI Sexual Freedom
organizing Geographies of Sex: Mapping our Desire:
An Institute for Sexual Liberation
• Strategies on pressing public policy issues, how to increase
What are we doing in bed and why does it matter? How is the
the visibility of AAPIs, and ways to counter homophobia in the
pursuit of our personal desire relevant to our work for justice?
larger AAPI community.
The modern LGBT movement was founded on a belief that in
• An understanding of Asian American, South Asian, Southeast our sexual and gender persecution lay the seeds of a transfor-
Asian, and Pacific Islander queer histories in the U.S. with a mative sexuality that could create radical change across the re-
focus on immigration patterns pressed American social, political and cultural landscapes. But
the current political environment – shaped by pernicious ballot
• Skills building in local organizing, leadership development,
measures and a quest for the “moveable middle” – has all but
and capacity building.
erased sexuality from view in our movement conversations, or-
• A better understanding of the multiplicity of our communities ganizations and agendas. At the Task Force, we believe that an
across gender, nationality, religion, and other lines and how authentic, empowered sexuality is a tremendous asset to any
this affects our ability to build a national movement. movement for justice. This year’s Sexual Liberation Institute will
focus on our desires: how we have shaped them and how they
A strong historical/educational component needs to be part of
have shaped us. By moving through a process of discovering
the institute as well as the conference, both to educate our-
and reclaiming pivotal experiences that have forged our sexual
selves and the community.
paths, we will begin to map our desire and move toward a more
vibrant, empowered daily expression of our sexualities.
Aging Focus
Research to Policy and Practice: How to Improve Faculty: Jaime M. Grant, Francisco De León, Ignacio Rivera,
the Lives of LGBT Elders in Your Community Amelie Zurn, Jack Harrison, Monique Meadows, Caitlin Breed-
This Institute will demonstrate, through presentations, real-life love, Cary Alan Johnson, Angie Head, Asha Leong, Harper
examples and experiential exercises, the important links be- Jean Tobin, Cary Alan Johnson
tween research, policy and practice. With new research as a
base, LGBT older adults and aging advocates have recently Disability Justice
made historic strides in improving the lives of LGBT elders. The Familiar Made Strange:
Learn from constituents and professionals from around the Integrating Disability Justice Politics into Our Racial,
country about leveraging research to obtain funding, influence Economic and Multi-Issue Justice Work
policy, address health, legal and financial disparities and dis- The collision of disability, economic, and racial justice are
crimination and create stellar programs and services. We will inseparable in the lived experiences of poverty, the struggles
address the historic lack of systematic data collection on LGBT of First Nations peoples for sovereignty, work-related injuries,
older adults and current improvements at the local, state and homelessness, gentrification, sterilization, immigration, the
national levels. Research to Policy and Practice is sponsored closure of mental health support systems, and more. Come
by SAGE. Planning, presenting and organizing faculty include join disability justice activists from the Disability Justice Collec-
members of the National LGBT Aging Roundtable, The National tive as we explore the ways ableism and disability impact our
Resource Center on LGBT Aging, The National Gay and Les- various queer trans/gnc communities and our activism. The
bian Task Force and SAGENet, a network of SAGE Affiliates first half of this daylong Institute will focus on the fundamentals
from rural and urban communities across the country. of building a disability justice analysis, politics and knowledge
base. During the second half, we will explore the layered

46 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Thursday DAY-Long Institutes

connections between disability, class, race, queerness, and Family Focus

DAY-Long Institutes
necessity of embedding disability justice into our social justice Powerful Parenting: Engaging and Elevating the
politics. Participation of LGBT Families for Political Power
In the first half of this two-part Institute, participants will ex-
Health Issues amine how our history as a LGBT family movement has both
“Gaga” for Healthcare: Engaging a New Generation built and limited our political power. Looking through the lens
in a New Health Movement of those who have gone before us, we will identify opportuni-
A facilitated conversation on the intersection of advocacy for ties and challenges that still limit LGBT families’ participation
Queer, Transgender, Bi-sexual, Lesbian and Gay people estab- in our liberation. How do our notions of family and parenting
lishing a shared vision of healthy lifestyles. make us powerful? What self-imposed limits do we create for
ourselves as LGBT families? What is the political power of the
What does the new healthcare law mean and where do we go
family frame? What does it mean to truly engage LGBT families
from here? Some of the topics we will explore are the future of
in LGBT-equality campaigns? From these conversations, par-
new HIV prevention technologies, Healthy People 2020 and the
ticipants will develop a shared understanding of our history and
National HIV/AIDS Strategy. How do we address gender inclu-
develop an action plan for fully realizing the political power of
sivity and variance, sexual orientation and other differences that
this important part of the LGBT community.
make a difference in LGBT communities in culturally competent
ways within our healthcare system? How do we address stan- The second half of this Institute will focus on the ongoing chal-
dards of care as it pertains to sex and sexuality with our health lenges organizations face in engaging LGBT families meaning-
care professionals? Some of these standards of care would in- fully in their equality efforts. “Families don’t participate in equal-
clude: ity work” is a familiar refrain in the LGBT movement. In the
second part of the Institute we will examine the reasons why
• Transgender: Appropriate hormonal therapies and mental
LGBT parents are perceived as less participatory. Leveraging
health support, reproductive health.
the voices of experience in both political organizing and fam-
• Lesbian: Breast Cancer, HPV, reproductive health. ily organizing we will look at models of engagement that have
worked and explores new ideas for breaking the mold. Partici-
• Gay men: Colon care, hypertension, aging, heart disease,
pants will leave the Institute having developed concrete ways to
HPV, substance use.
more effectively engage LGBT families in their campaigns and
• Gender variant: Acquiring legal identification. to ensure the political power of this important and growing con-
stituency of the LGBT movement are fully involved at the local,
• Bi-sexual: Freedom to discuss varying sexual activities.
state and federal level.
• Younger people: Encouraging them to live long enough to tell
their stories. New Media Training Institute
At GLAAD’s New Media Training Institute (NMTI), you will spend
Federal Agencies a day with new media and LGBT movement experts, learning
The New Beginning Initiative: Creating Change with about the latest digital tools and online advocacy strategies that
the Obama Administration and Federal Agencies you can incorporate into your work. You will learn how to find
Historically our community has fought for rights through legisla- digital tools that are appropriate for your budget, how to stay
tion, courts, and the ballot box, sometimes with stalled prog- on top of the latest new media trends, and how to successfully
ress. The NBI has a different focus: working through federal implement them at your organization.
administrative agencies to substantively change government
policies that benefit people in our community every day. Con- Messaging
gress delegates to federal agencies the responsibility to imple- Using Social Science Research to
ment the laws they pass, which means there is still work to be Communicate with the Moveable Middle
done after a bill is signed into law. Learn to create change by Please join the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation
working in partnership with federal agencies. (GLAAD) and the Movement Advancement Project (MAP) for a
Day-Long Institute about communicating with moveable middle
During this Day-Long Institute, participants will hear from panel-
Americans about LGBT issues. The Institute will be rooted in
ists on:
research-based messages and will cover overall approaches to
• Historical Perspectives: Why Was 2008 A “New Beginning” for communicating on social issues in general and LGBT issues in
the LGBT Community? particular, and communicating to African Americans and Lati-
nos on LGBT issues and communicating on non-discrimination
• NBI Accomplishments in 2010
ordinances. This session is for communications professionals
• How the Administrative Agencies Work and policy advocates working within organizations with a goal
of changing the hearts and minds of the moveable middle.
• How to Communicate with the Agencies as an Activist
continued on next page
• How You Can Bring Federal Money to Your Local Cause

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 47

Thursday DAY-Long Institutes

Board Leadership
Be a Board Star – Learn what you need to
know to be the best darned board member
in the universe!
How on earth did my job get so hard? Don’t worry, we’ll explore
what you need to do (and what you don’t) to be a stellar board
member. We’ll build your confidence, sharpen your skills and
give you the tools to shine brightly. Our trajectory to get your
stars aligned:
Right Constellation of Board R&R:
That’s Roles & Responsibilities (not rest & relaxation)
• Why Boards Exist — it’s a charming story (some might say a
costume drama).
• What the Law Says — your three duties, the ones you have
to do, scouts honor.
• 3 Plus 1 Starring Roles— what the world really wants from you.
• Critical Condition or Constituent Compliant — different
organizations mean different leadership.
North Star: Set Policy and Ensure the Public Trust
• Planning for the future – your most important work, really.
• Hiring the right chief executive – it’s when your job really starts.
• Approving annual budget – your second most important
board service.
• Expanding Star: Ensure Resources for the Policy You Set
• Monitor the annual budget – can you read financial statements?
• Capitalize fundraising and development programs.
• Model fundraising and giving for volunteers and donors –
yes, you have to do it.
Rising Star: Building the Board — Getting Better Every Time
• Setting a simple board structure – less is more.
• Identify, recruit and mentor potential board members –
they’re all around you.
• Board accountability and evaluation – the key to succession
ONE EXTRA STAR: The Shining Star — Be the Ambassador
• Showing Up Isn’t Enough — You’ve got to achieve one of
the other Stars.
• Learning to C.A.R.E. — A system that focuses on them.
• Working a Room. How the pros make it seem effortless:
20 tips to being a great ambassador.
Powered by realChange Partners, presented by Mickey
MacIntyre, President & CEO, realChange Partners, LLC

48 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Sessions By Topic

Friday, February 4
Academy Session 1 • 9:00 am–12:15 pm
Workshop Session 1 • 9:00 am–10:30 am
Workshop Session 2 • 10:45 am–12:15 pm
Academy Session 2 • 3:00 pm–6:15 pm
Workshop Session 3 • 3:00 pm–4:30 pm What’s Culture Got to Do With It? Want a Bigger Piece of the Pie?
Workshop Session 4 • 4:45 pm–6:15 pm Making the Most of Organizational Create a Plan for a Diverse and
Culture Stable Funding Base
Caucuses 1 • 6:30 pm–7:30 pm Academy 1 & 2 • All Audiences Academy 3 • All Audiences
Inclusion and Intersectional Work Organization Building
Saturday, February 5 It’s Not You And It’s Not Me: To Plan or Not To Plan: There is No
Academy Session 3 • 9:00 am–12:15 pm It’s an Organizational Turning Point Question When It Comes to Effective

Sessions By Topic
Workshop Session 5 • 9:00 am–10:30 am Academy 1 • Fundamentals Communications
Organization Building Academy 3 • All Audiences
Workshop Session 6 • 10:45 am–12:15 pm Communications for You and Your Organization
Academy Session 4 • 3:00 pm–6:15 pm Let’s Talk About It: Values-Based
Messaging and Public Speaking Flexing Collective Power, Part 2:
Workshop Session 7 • 3:00 pm–4:30 pm Academy 1 • All Audiences Winning LGBT Equality At The
Workshop Session 8 • 4:45 pm–6:15 pm Communications for You and Your Organization Ballot Box
Caucuses 2 • 6:30 pm–7:30 pm Academy 3 • Fundamentals
Moving A Target To Win On Your Issue Organizing To Win
Academy 1 • All Audiences
Sunday, February 6 Organizing To Win Steering Ourselves Towards Racial
Workshop Session 9 • 9:00 am–10:30 am Justice: Making the LGBT and Racial
Walking Our Talk: Applying a Racial Justice Divide Obsolete through
Justice Lens in Our Organizations Intentional Organizing and Advocacy
Academy 1 • All Audiences Academy 3 & 4 • Advanced
Session Skill Levels Practice Spirit, Do Justice Inclusion and Intersectional Work
Fundamentals – Basic/entry level for new Don’t Do It Alone: Lead the Way to Building Faith-Based Partnerships:
staff, board members, volunteers and activ- Fundraising Success by Building a
ists, or existing staff, board, volunteers and
Global Justice or Queer Colonialism
Team of Experienced and Dedicated Academy 3 • Fundamentals
activists with new responsibilities. Typically 0-1
year of experience in the topic area. Content
Fundraisers Practice Spirit, Do Justice
Academy 2 • Intermediate
covers terminology, basic theory and building
Organization Building Set Your Compass for Managing
essential skills.
Leadership in Yourself and Others
Intermediate – 2-5 years experience. Con- Framing Advocacy Efforts with Vision Academy 4 • Intermediate
tent includes putting theory into practice, and Academy 2 • Fundamentals Organization Building
practical application. Sessions deal with seri- Communications for You and Your Organization
ous challenges or barriers to being effective. Social Media: How Facebook
Some time is devoted to problem solving. Flexing Collective Power Part 1: Can Help Win LGBT Equality
The Foundations of Effective Academy 4 • All Audiences
Advanced – 5+ years of experience. Ses- Organizational and Campaign Communications for You and Your Organization
sions tailored for lead volunteers and orga- Planning
nizers, board chairs, executive directors and Academy 2 • Intermediate More $, More Power: Asking for
senior managers, and experienced lobbyists. Organizing To Win What We Need and Getting It!
Content includes advanced theory, organi- Academy 4 • Intermediate
zational management, and best practices. In Intentional Leadership and Organizing To Win
addition, advanced sessions can include case
study examinations and high-level problem
Followership: Building a Base
solving. for Breakthrough Social Change Mercy + Justice = Winning LGBT
Academy 2 • Fundamentals Political Campaigns
All Audiences – Session is suitable for par- Practice Spirit, Do Justice Academy 4 • Fundamentals
Practice Spirit, Do Justice
ticipants at all skill levels

Workshop Sessions by Topic start on next page.

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 51

Sessions By Topic

Aging Getting it From All Sides: Rethinking Campus

Getting Smart about Aging HIV Advocacy and Prevention Outside Affecting Change on College Campuses:
Session 1 • All Audiences of the Condom Box A Gay/Straight Alliance Model
Caucus 2 Session 1 • Fundamentals
Finding Common Ground:
Collaboration between LGBT & Growing Older with the Epidemic: Creating Safe Space in Greek Life &
Older Adult Service Providers HIV and Aging Athletics: A Peer Education Program
Session 2 • Intermediate Caucus 2 Session 2 • Fundamentals

National LGBT Aging Roundtable Anti-Violence/ Creating Your Own Change

Member Caucus With GenEQ U
Caucus 1
Bias Reduction Session 2 • Intermediate
How to Start an Anti-Violence
Project: Lessons and Strategies Combining Leadership, GLBT Studies,
Helping Your Older Adult Populations:
from the National Coalition of Service Learning and Study Away:
Utilizing, and Contributing to, the Na-
Anti-Violence Programs Lessons from the GLBTA Leadership

Sessions By Topic
tional Resource Center on LGBT Aging Session 1 • All Audiences
Session 5 • All Audiences Year at the University of Minnesota
Session 3 • All Audiences
Queer (In)Justice: Policing,
Identifying and Resisting the
Prosecution & Punishment of Queering Student Organizing
Social Construction of Aging
LGBT People in the United States Session 3 • Advanced
and Embracing Old Pride Session 2 • Intermediate
Session 6 • All Audiences
Creating Student Initiated
Micro, Mezzo, and Responses Coalitions on Campus
Taking Care of Our Own: Our
to LGBTQ Hate Violence Session 4 • Fundamentals
Community’s Response to Caregiving Session 3 • All Audiences
Session 8 • All Audiences Serving LGBTQ Students
Hanging Out and Hooking Up: without an LGBT Center
Growing Older with the Epidemic: Session 4 • Fundamentals
Cruising, Safer Dating and
HIV and Aging
Caucus 2
Negotiating Sex
Session 5 • All Audiences An Erased Population:
Exploring Homophobia in Sport
SAGENet Affiliate Caucus Caucus 1
Caucus 2
National Reporting and Data-Driven
Advocacy: Ending Anti-LGBTQ
Violence By the Numbers College Student Caucus
OLOC Caucus Caucus 1
Session 6 • All Audiences
Session 9
Aging Programming Sponsor Empowering Members of
Art & Culture Campus Student Organization
Queer Arts and The City Session 5 • All Audiences
Session 2 • All Audiences
Interpersonal Violence and The LGBTQ
Art as Social Change Community: A Conversation about
Session 8 • All Audiences how we can prevent Homophobia and
Violence on College Campuses
Small Town LGBT Film (or Arts) Session 6 • All Audiences
AIDS/HIV Festival
YEAH! - Engaging LGBT Youth Caucus 2 The State of Higher Education
to be Empowered Against HIV! for LGBTQQ People
Session 3 • All Audiences Your Brilliant Queer Writing Career Session 7 • All Audiences
Caucus 2
Gay Men and HIV: Recent Trends, What Does It Mean Not to
Challenges, and Opportunities Discriminate Against
Caucus 1 Bisexual Community Transgender Students?
Bi Any Other Name: Session 8 • Intermediate
Latin@s: A 20 year Anniversary Dialogue
How is HIV/AIDS Affecting Us? Session 1 • All Audiences What responsibility does Higher
Caucus 1 Education have in the development
Beyond Binaries: of LGBTQA students of color?
How to put on an Identity and Sexuality Caucus 2
HIV prevention workshop Session 2 • All Audiences
Session 6 • Fundamentals Trans Survival Guide: Initiating
Bisexual/Pansexual/Fluid Caucus Transgender Activism at Our Schools
Caucus 1 Session 9 • All Audiences

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 53

Sessions By Topic

Communications, Community Elections,

Media and Messaging Organizing Ballot Measures
Did They Just Say That? Responding Responding to Hate: and Campaigns
to Myths about LGBT People Community Organizers Unite ElectEquality:
Session 1 • Fundamentals Session 1 • Intermediate Progress at the Ballot Box
Caucus 1
Making Media Work for You White Weddings or White Washing?
Session 1 • All Audiences The New HOMOnormative Agenda The Race For Equality Includes You!
[why it is scary] and Arguments Session 5 • Intermediate
Guerrilla Social Marketing For Health Against Equality
Promotion or Movement Building Session 2 • All Audiences
Session 2 • All Audiences Faith & Spirituality
Executive Directors Roundtable Join the Movement. Keep the Faith.
Lights, Camera, Action: Session 3 & 4 • All Audiences Session 2 • All Audiences
Intensive Real World Media Training
for Movement Leaders Hands Up: Community Actions on Changing Minds of Conservative/
Session 3 & 4 • Intermediate Police Accountability and Misconduct Evangelical Christians
Session 4 • All Audiences Session 3 • All Audiences
Own the Room: Boost Your
Facilitation and Presentation Skills Shouting over the Silence: “God Hates Fags”
Session 4 • All Audiences The Re-birth of Direct Action Session 4 • All Audiences
Session 4 • All Audiences
Creating a Progressive Media Atheist, Free Thinker,
Caucus 1 Radical Faerie Caucus Non-Believer Caucus
Caucus 1 Caucus 1
Breaking The Cycle of
Religion-Based Bigotry Youth Organizing 101 Of Faith and On-Line:
Session 6 • All Audiences Session 5 & 6 • Fundamentals Tools to Get Going
Session 5 • All Audiences
The Penis That Ruined Latin@ Pride:
Marriage Equality Beyond Circuit Parties and Parades Re-Emergence of Queer Paganism:
Session 6 • Fundamentals Session 7 • All Audiences An Awakening into Beauty, Balance
and Delight
The Sweet Spot: Case Studies of OurSafety OurSelves: LGBTSTGNC Session 6 • All Audiences
Successful Organization/Blogger/ Communities of Color Creating
Grassroots Collaboration Innovative Anti-Violence Strategies Uganda –
Session 8 • All Audiences Session 7 & 8 • All Audiences the Armageddon of the Culture Wars
Session 7 • All Audiences
Getting Media Attention for Your Issue Sassy in the South
Caucus 2 Caucus 2 Families
Bridging the Gap in U.S. Foster Care
Inclusive Curriculum and Messaging: Unid@s: Estamos Presente. and Adoption Restrictions: Ending
Making the Change We Want to See The Latino LGBT Caucus LGBT Parenting Restrictions
Session 9 • All Audiences Caucus 2 Session 1 • Intermediate

Keeping Committed Volunteers in the

Community Centers Era of the Facebook “Maybe”
Family Time:
UP UP and Away: Make Change, Make History!
Session 9 Session 1• All Audiences
Building a Community Center for
Supporting the LGBTQ Community
Session 4 • All Audiences Disability Bullied at the Ballot Box:
Audism Unveiled: An Examination Fighting Back With New Messages
From LA to Anchorage: of Discrimination & Prejudice About Kids and Families
The State of LGBT Community Centers Session 4 • All Audiences Session 3 • Fundamentals
Session 5 • All Audiences
Disabled and loving Creating Diverse Coalitions
Recruiting, Training, and Motivating Caucus 1 Around Family Definition
Volunteers in Your Organization Session 6 • Intermediate
Session 5 • All Audiences Disability and Racial Justice
Session 8 • All Audience Parenting Queerly
Caucus 2
Making Spaces/Taking Space Families Programming Sponsor
Session 9 • Intermediate

54 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Sessions By Topic

Fundraising Innovations in the Field: Positive Legislative/Legal

Health Project’s Model for Engaging
Fundraising for Free!
Transgender Women of Color
Reform and
Session 1 • All Audiences
Session 8 • Fundamentals Public Policy
Resource ®evolution: moving away American Indian Gender Policies:
from wealth-based fundraising to- Community Caucus: Healthy Spaces Restoration of Balance
Caucus 2 Session 2 • Fundamentals
wards community interdependence
Session 2 • All Audiences
Finally, Federal Action on Hate
Immigration Crimes: Implementing the Matthew
Gender Issues Ending anti-LGBT Discrimination in Shepard and James Byrd, Jr., Hate
Intersex 101 U.S. Immigration Law Crimes Prevention Act of 2009
Session 4 • All Audiences Session 1 • All Audiences
Session 3 • Intermediate

E. None of the Above Queer Immigrant Lives: Redemption Fair Housing and the LGBT
Caucus 1 and Reform in a Globalized Context Community: Initiatives and Strategies

Sessions By Topic
Session 4 • All Audiences
for Combating Housing Discrimination
Exploring the Intersections Between Based on Sexual Orientation and
Bisexual and Transgender Identities We’re Coming Out and Want the
Gender Identity
and Organizing World to Know: Intersections of Session 4 • All Audiences
Session 8 • Advanced LGBT & Immigrant Communities
Session 5 • All Audiences
The Status of LGBT Federal Legislation
Queer Identity & Intersectionality Under the 112th Congress
Session 8 • All Audiences International Session 5 • All Audiences

Queering Butch/Femme: Issues

What it Means to be an LGBT Asylee Meeting LGBT Health and Human
What does it mean in 2011? Services Needs: A Model for State
Caucus 2 & How You Can Help
Session 1 • Fundamentals Level Advocacy and Action
Session 6 • All Audiences
Cultivating Butch Pride
Session 9 • Intermediate Fighting Back Against a
Global Anti-Gay Agenda LGBT Youth and Federal Policy Issues
Session 2 • All Audiences Session 8 • All Audiences
LGBT Health as a Tool Global Campaign on Religions, Motivating Policy Change:
for Social Justice Homophobia, Transphobia: How to Talk to Your State
Caucus 1 How to Engage Your Organisation Representative and Senator
at the International Level Session 8 • Fundamentals
Creating Healthy Communities: Session 3 • Advanced
Obstacles and Opportunities Marriage
Session 6 • All Audiences Palestinian Queers/US Queers: Roadmap to Victory: How We’ll Win
What is our relationship? Freedom to Marry Nationwide
Federal LGBT Health Initiatives Session 7 • All Audiences Session 1 • All Audiences
Session 7 • Intermediate
Reina de mi Misma/Queen of Myself: Saying I Do: Marrying Racial Justice
LGBTQ Mental Health: A Priority Issue Las Krudas d’ Cuba and Marriage Equality
Session 7 • All Audiences Caucus 2 Session 1 & 2 • All Audiences

Queering Reproductive Justice:

The Intersection of Reproductive Labor Here’s How Marriage Matters:
Becoming Better Allies: Tools and Messaging Training
Health and LGBTQ Liberation for Marriage Education
Session 7 • All Audiences Supporting Labor Struggles
Session 6 • All Audiences Session 3 & 4 • All Audiences

The Creation and Development of a The Joys and Challenges of Polling

LGBT Health Center, PRIDE Clinic LGBT Labor 101 -
The Union Difference Session 5 & 6 • All Audiences
Session 7 • Intermediate
Session 7 • All Audiences
Moving Swing Voters on
When Health Care Isn’t Caring: Marriage Equality
Examining Health Care Discrimination LGBT Labor International Cooperation
Session 8 • All Audiences Session 7 • All Audiences
among LGBT and HIV Communities
Session 7 • All Audiences continued on next page
Labor Caucus
Caucus 2

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 55

Sessions By Topic

Military/ Going for the Gold: Transphobia, Social Justice Demands Good
Racism, and Why the Oppression Governance: How to Optimize Your
Veterans Issues Olympics are a Losing Game Group s Governance to Match Your
Telling: Katie Miller, Knights Out, Session 5 • Fundamentals Queer Mission
and DADT Session 9 • Intermediate
Session 4 • All Audiences
The Pink Elephant in the Room:
White Privilege and Racism within Keeping Committed Volunteers in
The Path Forward on
the Queer Community the Era of the Facebook “Maybe”
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repeal Session 6 • All Audiences Session 9
Session 7 • All Audiences
How to Become Gay for Pay –
Life After DADT: Military Service for
Inroads to a Queer Career
People of Color
LGBT Personnel in the Post-Ban Era Social Justice Sexuality Initiative:
Session 9 • Intermediate
Caucus 2 Preliminary Results from a Nation-
wide Survey of LGBT People of Color
Pennsylvania Caucus & Session 1 • Advanced
Movement Building Strategy Session
Saying I Do: Marrying Racial Justice Session 9
Ahora: Strengthening LGBT Latino
and Marriage Equality
Session 1 & 2 • All Audiences
Communities and Coalitions
Organizational Session 1 • All Audiences
Givin’ it to Ya Straight! Development
Session 2 • Fundamentals Art of the Schmooze Anti-Homophobia &
(Networking Tips) Transphobia Project
Session 2 • All Audiences Session 1 • All Audiences
Need a Fourth For Bridge:
Small town/rural organizing
Session 2 • Intermediate Strategic Planning: How to Best Black Lesbians Matter
Utilize Your Scarce Financial and Session 2 • All Audiences
Better Together – Human Resources
Session 3 • All Audiences Immigration and Indigenous Borders
Collaborations between Session 3 • All Audiences
Racial Justice and LGBT Groups
Session 3 • All Audiences Humor and Diversity
Session 4 • All Audiences Trans People of Color Organizing
and Advocacy
Why the Tea Party is Out to Get Session 4 • All Audiences
Queers and What to Do about It Strategic Alliances and Collaboration
Session 3 • All Audiences Session 5 • Intermediate
Caucus/Networking of LGBT Asian
Being a Leader without Being a Americans, South Asians, Southeast
Activists Together:
Victim: Personal Activist Strategies Asians and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs)
Resisting Anti-LGBT Politics Caucus 1
Session 4 • All Audiences Session 7 • Intermediate

Practical Research & Program Navigating the World as LGBT and

What’s Law Got to Do With It?:
Evaluation: Tools you Need to Secure Middle Eastern
Where Do Legal Rights Fit in the Caucus 1
LGBT Social Justice Movement? Funding and Build a Solid Foundation
Session 4 • All Audiences for Your Organization
Session 7 • Advanced Queer Activism in Spanish Caucus
Caucus 1
Southeastern U.S. Caucus
Caucus 1 Learning as We Build (Building as
We Learn): Creating a Guide for Land, Desire and Culture: Two Spirit
Sustaining Queer Womyn of Color People and the LGBT Movement
Ex-Gay Survivor Caucus Session 7 • All Audiences
Caucus 1 Organizations
Session 8 • Fundamentals
Latin@ Pride:
Fabulous & Empowered: A Presenta-
We CAN Create Fully Transgender Beyond Circuit Parties and Parades
tion of FIERCE’s Organizing Tool Kit Session 7 • All Audiences
and other Youth Organizing Models Inclusive Organizations!
Caucus 1 Session 8 • Fundamentals
Latino (LGBT) Community Outreach 101
Session 8 • All Audiences
¿Qué Dijeron?/What Did They Say? Extreme Transgender Inclusion:
Creating Multilingual Spaces Taking it to the Next Level
Session 9 • Fundamentals Learning as We Build (Building as We
Session 5 & 6 • All Audiences
Learn): Creating a Guide for Sustaining
Queer Womyn of Color Organizations
The 1964 Civil Rights Act: Session 8 • Fundamentals
Our Path to Dignity and Equality
Session 5 • All Audiences

56 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Sessions By Topic

We’re here! We’re queer! (LGBTQ) Justice, (LGBTQ) Justice Building the Response to HIV
We eat paneer! Mapping LGBTQ Shall You Pursue and AIDS Across Communities
AAPI Organizing for Social Change Session 3 • Intermediate Session 7 • All Audiences
Session 8 • All Audiences
Be a Board Star Basics: Humor, Hospitality, and Heliotropes
Unid@s: Estamos Presente. Understanding Roles & Responsibilities as Tools for Social Change
The Latino LGBT Caucus Session 3 • All Audiences Session 7 • All Audiences
Caucus 2
Media Savvy for Media Strategies Majority Minority - Case Studies in
Intercountry & Transracial Adoptees Session 3 • All Audiences Advancing Equality among People of
Caucus Color and People of Faith
Caucus 2 Ask for Money Face-to-Face... Session 7 • All Audiences
Have Faith!
Negotiating Queer Identities of Session 4 • All Audiences Strategic Storytelling
People of Color on the U.S./ Session 7 • All Audiences
Race and Power:

Sessions By Topic
Mexico Border
Caucus 2 An Examination of Intersectionality Building a Statewide Interfaith
Session 4 • All Audiences Network for Equality
Session 8 • All Audiences
Weaving the Nations Together:
First Nations Community Dialogue Working with Asian & Pacific Islander
Fighting Islamophobia and Homophobia:
Caucus 2 (A&PI) Congregations to Become
Building Solidarity in Oppressed
Engaging & Mobilizing Communities Session 4 • All Audiences
Session 8 • Intermediate
of Color on the LGBT Agenda
Session 9 • Fundamentals API Caucus @ Practice Spirit, Do Justice The Possibilities of Faith Work In
Caucus 1
An Aging LGBTQ Community
The Exploitation of Queers: Session 8 • All Audiences
Pinkwashing, Palestine and Homo-Interior:
Our Joint Struggles Religious Design for Your Queer Soul Building Bridges To Wholeness –
Session 9 • All Audiences Caucus 1
Next Strategies for LGBT Jewish
Movement Building
Telling Our Stories
Practice Spirit, Caucus 1
Caucus 2
Do Justice It’s All About Me: Queer Spirituality
Beyond Transgender Inclusion to Transgender: A Question of Faith Caucus 2
Transformation Caucus 1
Session 1 • Intermediate Pagan and Queer
Lifting As We Climb: An Exercise Caucus 2
Faith Based Models that further (therefore you might sweat) In
Self-determination, Sovereignty and Rethinking How We Do What We Do Queer Muslim Caucus
the Preservation of Sacred Sites So We Can Do It Better! Caucus 2
Session 1 • All Audiences Session 5 • All Audiences
Strength for the Journey:
Hidden Voices: Case Studies for A Reflective Workshop
The Lives of LGBT Muslims Denominational Engagement Caucus 2
Session 1 • All Audiences Session 5 • All Audiences

Making the Christian Case for

Racial Justice
Mobilizing Pro-Equality Catholics White Privilege in the Queer Community:
LGBT Equality: Message Training on LGBT Issues Holding Each Other Accountable
Session 1 • All Audiences Session 5 • Intermediate Caucus 1
Leader, Know Thyself It’s All About The Frame Creating Meaningful Change:
Session 2 • All Audiences Session 6 • All Audiences Addressing Poverty in the LGBT
Community Through Collaboration
Messology of the Black Church LGBT Synagogues and Organizations: Session 5 • All Audiences
Session 2 • All Audiences Surfacing Our Diversity and Fitting
the Mosaic Together Barriers to Access for LGBTQ Youth
Join the Movement. Keep the Faith. Session 6 • All Audiences Session 6 • Intermediate
Session 2 • All Audiences
Spirit and Desire: Framing a Discussion The Pink Elephant in the Room:
The Pulpit of the Press: Making the About Our Spiritual and Erotic Lives White Privilege and Racism
Religious Case for LGBT Equality Session 6 • Intermediate within the Queer Community
Session 2 • All Audiences Session 6 • All Audiences

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 57

Sessions By Topic

Research and Policy What responsibility does Higher Kink & Leather Caucus
Designing a Survey and Using Data to Education have in the development Caucus 2
Secure Protections for LGBT People of LGBTQA students of color
Session 2 • Intermediate Caucus 2 Polyamory/Nonmonogamy Caucus
Caucus 2
Emotional Congruence and Best Practices:
“Conflicted” Voters: Understanding Anti-Bullying & Harassment Work Sex Worker Caucus
in Rural Communities Caucus 2
Deeper Psychological Dynamics
Session 3 • Intermediate Session 9 • All Audiences
Gay Male Desire
Inclusive Curriculum and Messaging: Session 9 • All Audiences
Just-Released Results of the
National Trans Discrimination Survey Making the Change We Want to See
Session 7 • All Audiences Session 9 • All Audiences Our Bodies, Our Sex
Session 9 • All Audiences
Public Policies that Impact LGBTQ Sexual Freedom
Communities: The LGBTQ Policy Bi Any Other Name: Transgender
Journal of the Harvard Kennedy A 20 Year Anniversary Dialogue Community & Issues
School Session 1 • All Audiences New Information on Transgender
Caucus 2 Discrimination to Inform Workplace
Life After Lawrence v. Texas: Policies
School Issues Ongoing LGBT Issues in the Session 5 • Fundamentals
Why Wait to Stop Hate? Criminal Justice System
Convincing Ourselves and Winning Session 1 • All Audiences The Cutting Edge in Trans Rights:
Others to Crucial (and effective!) ID Documents, Restroom Access,
Anti-Bias Work with Children Going the Distance: and Prisons
Session 1 • All Audiences Longterm Commitments Session 5 • Intermediate
in all of their Glorious Forms
Trans Youth & Safe Schools: Session 2 • All Audiences Trailblazing for Transgender Health
Advocacy & Policy Session 6 • All Audiences
Session 2 • Intermediate Mapping Your Desire
Session 3 • All Audiences Advocating for Better Health Care
Go, Team, Go! Creating Safe and Access for Transgender Individuals
Inclusive High School Athletic “Movement Speak” – Session 7 • All Audiences
Programs for LGBT Students The Tower of Babel
Session 3 • All Audiences Session 4 • All Audiences Creating Our Destinies: Strategies for
Employment in Trans Communities
Sex Ed on the Federal, State and Femme Outside of Gender Session 7 • Fundamentals
Caucus 1
Local Level and how YOU can get
involved! Just-Released Results of the National
Session 3 • Intermediate Leather Leadership Roundtable Trans Discrimination Survey
Caucus 1 Session 7 • All Audiences
Research for Change:
Leveraging Data to Improve Sex-Positive Trans Caucus Livin’ to the T, Struggle, Issues
Caucus 1 and Triumphs as Young Adult
School Climate for LGBT Youth
Session 4 • All Audiences Transpersons
Trans/cending Trans- & Session 8 • Intermediate
Gay Straight Alliances Partner-Only Spaces
Caucus 1 Trans Feminism
Caucus 1
Session 8 • All Audiences
GLSEN’s Safe Space Kit Campaign: Doing Justice: A place for polyamorous/
You can help make schools safer for non-monogamous communities in Caucus for State/Local
LGBT students the LGBTIQA movement Transgender Advocacy
Session 5 • Intermediate Caucus 2
Session 5 • All Audiences

Making LGBT Students Count: Kink, Race, & Class The Joy of Authenticity –
Session 6 • All Audiences Voices from the Spectrum: Trans
Creating Change in the Youth Risk
Behavior Survey Adults, Children and Their Families
Session 5 • All Audiences
Building Sex Positive Space Caucus 2
Session 7 • Fundamentals
Anti-Racism Framework for Trans and Genderqueer Youth Caucus
Negotiating Consent Caucus 2
Safe Schools Organizing Session 8 • All Audiences
Session 6 • Advanced

58 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Sessions By Topic

Workplace Youth Youth Organizing 101

Economics and Equality: Supporting Harsh Realities: Addressing anti- Session 5 & 6 • Fundamentals
LGBT Business Communities LGBT bias and bullying faced by
Session 2 • Fundamentals black and Latino male youth Enabling Activism Among
Session 1 • Intermediate 18-24 Year Olds
Gender Transition in the Workplace: Session 5 • All Audiences
Transgender - How we do it in The Lifeguard Workshop
Minnesota and Nationally Session 1 • Fundamentals Building a Youth Run
Session 3 • Fundamentals Adult Supported Youth Group
From Inspiration to Action: Session 6 • Fundamentals
Making the Most of Recruiting How to Facilitate Transformative
Resources. When and How to Engage Youth-led Action Barriers to Access for LGBTQ Youth
Session 6 • Intermediate
a Search Consultant or When and Session 2 • Fundamentals
How to do it Yourself?
Session 6 • Advanced Show Some SAS: Assumptions, Tools, Risks and
Understanding: Safe Services

Sessions By Topic
LGBTQ Youth of Color Stand Up
Assumptions, Tools, Risks and Against Criminalization for Youth
Session 7 • All Audiences
Understanding: Safe Services Session 3 • All Audiences
for Youth
Session 7 • All Audiences Making it Better: Programs and Policy LGBTQ Youth of Color,
Interventions that Protect and Nurture Homelessness, and the Sex Trades:
Activating an Employee Resource LGBT Youth in America’s Schools LGBTQ responses to anti-trafficking
Group for Advocacy Session 3 • Intermediate initiatives, coercion, and harm
Session 8 • Fundamentals Session 8 • All Audiences
YEAH! - Engaging LGBT Youth to be
Best Practices on Corporate External Empowered Against HIV! LGBT Youth and Federal Policy Issues
Session 8 • All Audiences
Relations and current political Session 3 • All Audiences
landscape in Minnesota
Session 9 • All Audiences Fabulous & Empowered: A Presenta- Trans and Genderqueer Youth Caucus
Caucus 2
tion of FIERCE’s Organizing Tool Kit
and other Youth Organizing Models
Caucus 1 Promoting LGBTA Youth Leadership
through Social and Educational
Session 9 • Intermediate

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 59

Academy Sessions

The Academy for Leadership and Action is a premier leadership develop- Academy Session 1
ment opportunity for people working to create change at all levels in the LGBT Friday, February 4 • 9:00 am–12:15 pm
and progressive movements.
The Academy for Leadership and Action was developed by the National Gay and Organizational Best Practices
Lesbian Task Force in 2008 to meet the growing need for qualified candidates It’s Not You; And It’s Not Me —
for local, state and national positions of significant responsibility in the lesbian, It’s an Organizational Turning Point
gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) movement. The primary goal of the Acad- Level: Experienced
emy program track is to support a diverse pool of skilled leaders and activists As leaders we often blame ourselves or others for the challenges our organi-
in their work for LGBT equality by providing them with the tools needed to be zations experience (someone has to be at fault! or so we think). With over 30
effective. years of working with nonprofit social justice organizations, the Management
Each Academy session has been designed to: Assistance Group (MAG) has found that there are predictable turning points
where old ways of operating simply break down and intentional adjustments
• Provide practical, cutting edge, hands-on tools to help meet some of the are required. These turning points are a natural outgrowth of change and
most significant challenges to leading effectively within the LGBT movement. development. Learning to spot them enhances your ability to lead your orga-
• Put the learning needs of the participants at the heart of the curriculum. nization through inevitable challenges and change.
• Be interactive, engaging, and participatory in the method of training delivery. This workshop is based on the book, Seven Turning Points: Leading Through
Pivotal Transitions in Organizational Life, and the booklet Strategic Planning
Academy programming stems from the Task Force’s values of building a move- That Makes A Difference. Participants can expect an interactive learning en-
ment that is interdependent, interconnected, and where everyone can bring their vironment.
full selves to the work of creating a transformed society. The Task Force believes
that creating long lasting social change requires work in the following four areas: Participants will:
• Understand the seven key turning points of an organization
• Making immediate political change –electing progressive leaders, pass-
ing progressive laws and ballot initiatives, and changing the policies of • Explore two turning points selected by participants including:
society’s dominant institutions. • Characteristic patterns of problems that signal that an organization has

Academy Sessions
• Building organizational capacity and infrastructure – creating strong, reached that turning point and needs change, and
vibrant, and connected organizations that have the financial resources and • Recommendations for the main adjustments organizations need to make
base of supporters needed to endure. and how to anticipate the resistance that may arise.
• Transforming worldview – shifting prevailing public attitudes and values • Develop a framework that supports effective strategic planning.
towards a vision of a more just and progressive world.
The workshop is intended for executive directors, board members, and staff
• Authentic Inclusion – creating a diverse movement that invites everyone to leaders operating in nonprofit organizations.
bring their full selves to our organizations, campaigns, and movement work.

Trainer: Robin Katcher, Senior Consultant and Deputy Director at the Man-
To ensure the needs of participants are appropriately met, Academy sessions agement Assistance Group
are designated as follows:
Introductory: Typically 0-1 year of experience in the topic area. Content covers Communications for You and Your Organization
terminology, basic theory, and building essential skills. Let’s Talk About It:
Values-Based Messaging and Public Speaking
Experienced: Typically 2-5 years experience in the topic area. Content in- Level: Introductory
cludes putting theory into practice and practical application. Sessions deal with
serious challenges or barriers to being effective. Some time is devoted to prob- In today’s political climate, strategists on both sides of the aisle are scrambling
lem solving and developing strategy. to make a claim on values. The truth is that values don’t solely belong to those
working on either side of the debate. Infusing our advocacy messaging with
Advanced: Typically 5+ years of experience in the topic area. Content includes our progressive values can help create greater resonance with political lead-
advanced theory, organizational management, and best practices. In addition, ers, with our base of supporters, and with the public at large.
advanced sessions can include case study examinations and high-level problem
solving. Sessions are tailored for lead volunteers and organizers, board chairs, In this session, participants will become more effective advocates by ground-
executive directors and senior managers, and experienced lobbyists. ing message development in progressive values that resonate with a broad
range of audiences. Participants will begin by identifying the fundamental
Note: We strongly encourage pre-registration for Academy sessions values that are the foundations of their work. Following this, participants will
because there is limited capacity for these popular sessions. You learn how to develop values-based messages that are targeted for specific
MUST be preregistered for the Authentic Inclusion and Intersectional audiences. After practicing message development, participants will learn how
Work sessions. to effectively disseminate their message by learning and practicing the finer
points of delivery through public speaking.
You may select Academy sessions at the Creating Change registra-
tion area. Participants will: continued on next page

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 61

Academy Sessions

• Increase their understanding of the role that values-based messaging when something happens - something especially good or troubling. A sick co-
plays in shaping the political arena worker gets two weeks of extra sick time donated by concerned colleagues, a
difficult interpersonal conflict takes over a planning process, or a celebration
• Learn how to identify the messaging needs of an audience
of a beloved leader moves us to tears. There are moments when we realize
• Develop the capacity to create compelling values-based messages for a that culture is what we make it!
broad range of audiences
In this session we will reflect on organizational culture and ask ourselves how
• Hone the ability to effectively disseminate a message to create more intentional and inclusive spaces – where privilege and power
are topics that become vital to workplace sustainability. By examining how
• Become more effective public speakers
people, practices and policies make up an organization’s culture; we will learn
Trainers: Kate Childs Graham, Communication Director, Choice USA and strategies to create inclusive, participatory climates that work for us rather
Trystan Reese, Field Organizer, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force than against us.
Participants will:
Organizing to Build Sustainable Power
• Deepen their understanding of teamwork and collaboration
Organizing: Moving A Target To Win On Your Issue
Level: Introductory • Explore race and gender as specific indicators of inclusion
Ever wonder how to move a decision maker to support your organization’s • Learn practical tools for building organizations that reflect our values
championed policy or advocacy issue? Often, progressives think that the de-
• Share ideas about potential structures for managing challenging times
cision makers who impact our lives will support our issues simply because
“it’s the right thing to do.” No matter how just the cause, most decision mak- Facilitator: Evangeline Weiss, Leadership Programs Director, National Gay
ers – whether they are legislators, agency appointees, or leaders of allied and Lesbian Task Force
non-profit organizations — root their actions in self-interest rather than moral
righteousness. Practice Spirit, Do Justice
Walking Our Talk – Applying a Racial
Advancing progressive issues in the public arena requires an understand-
Justice Lens in Our Organizations
ing of what it takes to appeal to the self-interest of those with the power to
Level: Advanced
support – or reject – policies we care about. This session will teach how to
Frame: Building Capacity and Infrastructure
understand and use the concept of self-interest to build the political power
needed to win. The study and application of the concept self-interest will As we commit ourselves to dismantling racism and other systems of privilege
include: finding common ground in building broad-based advocacy coalitions, and oppression, many of us are engaging in deep dialogue and education.
creating effective personal stories for advocacy campaigns, and conducting But when we try to apply that learning to our own organizations we can get
effective face-to-face visits with decision makers. stuck in our own analysis. How do we get from reflection to action, even as we
continue our learning? This session will provide concrete opportunities and
Learning objectives:
frameworks for applying a racial justice lens to the way we do business in our
• Learn to identify the self-interest of organizations in participating in
faith-based organizations – ultimately, allowing us to have greater impact on
advocacy coalitions
our missions and also to become models for the change we seek in the world.
• Develop individual stories that are effective in building support for an issue
This session is designed to be highly interactive and tap the wisdom and
• Learn how to conduct effective face-to-face meetings elected officials or experience of participants. We will work in small groups focused on specific
other institutional decision makers elements of organizational life such as board development, fundraising, and
staff/volunteer development. Each group will use an assessment tool to take
Trainers: Sarah Scanlon, Senior Labor Trainer, Wellstone Action; Cynthia
stock of the ways their organizations interrupt privilege and oppression as well
Campos Manager, Movement Building Project; Mattie Weiss, Deputy Director
as ways they perpetuate, perhaps unintentionally, racism and white privilege.
of Training / Senior Trainer and Camille Cyprian, Co-Director, Campus Camp
We’ll work together to explore ways to more intentionally integrate a racial
justice lens into the way we do business. We also will explore strategies for
influencing our congregational associations.
Authentic Inclusion and Intersectional Work
What’s Culture Got to Do With It? This session is intended for those who:
Making the Most of Organizational Culture • Have participated in Beth Zemsky’s Intercultural Development Training
Level: Experienced
• Are self-reflective, willing to take risks in order to build their own self-
Note: this session is 6 hours divided into 2 parts. awareness, and able to step back and support others’ learning in a group
Who does most of the talking at the staff meeting? Who keeps the break setting
room sparkly clean? What would you never dream of wearing to work? How
• Are experiential learners able to contribute to authentic dialogue and work
do race and gender play out in day to day interactions? These are just some
with tools offered by the facilitators in order to develop their own, custom-
of the questions new employees or volunteers might notice when they first
ized learnings
join an organization. Over time, we become part of an organization’s culture
and like fish, we stop noticing the water! In fact, many of us only pay attention Learning Objectives:

62 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Academy Sessions

• Leave with concrete ways to apply a racial justice lens to board develop- pro-actively toward framing liberation using Asian Communities for Reproduc-
ment, fundraising, and/or staff/volunteer development tive Justice’s Strong Families Initiative as a case study in progress.
• Learn a tool for discussing these issues with colleagues in your organization Participants will:
• Learn how to use storytelling as a tool to build resonate frames
• Develop strategies for advocating for change in the congregational systems
in which you operate • Understand examples of real life communications successes that model
pro-active framing at the intersection of race, class, gender and sexuality
Faculty: Gita Gulati-Partee, OpenSource Leadership Strategies, Inc., Durham,
NC and Lisa Weiner-Mahfuz, intersections/intersecciones consulting, Silver • Be able to apply tools to your advocacy work from our Strong Families
Spring, MD Communications Toolkit
Trainers: Moira Bowman, Movement Building Director and Diana Ip, Com-
Academy Session 2 munications Director, Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice
Friday, February 4 • 3:00 pm–6:15 pm
Organizing to Build Sustainable Power
Organizational Best Practices Flexing Collective Power Part 1: The Foundations of
Don’t Do It Alone: Lead the Way to Fundraising Effective Organizational and Campaign Planning
Success by Building a Team of Experienced and Level: Introductory – Experienced
Dedicated Fundraisers Winning improvements for our communities, electing people, and holding
Level: Experienced
powerful people accountable all require building people power. This challeng-
Are you in a position where raising money from individual gifts is seen as a ing and intense session will demystify effective planning, both for your organi-
one-person job? Do you struggle meeting your goals for raising money from zation and your issue campaign that is the basis for all successful organizing
individual gifts? Is your board “give/ get” more of a wish than a plan? Do you campaigns.
often call alone to ask potential donors for money? The good news is that
The first portion of the training will teach how to identify clear goals and ob-
there’s a way to make your work more effective and more fun: Build a team
jectives for your plan. The lens through which planning will be discussed is
of askers to raise money with you.
a S.W.O.T. (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) analysis; this analysis will

Academy Sessions
Time and time again we have found that everyone has the potential to be an subsequently inform how to develop a clear and concise message for your
effective asker. With the right training and support, nearly everyone can raise advocacy work; and how to prioritize campaign tasks on a timeline for suc-
individual gifts for organizations they care about. This workshop is designed cessful execution.
for people who already raise individual gifts on a regular basis and seek to
The second portion of the training will teach participants how to conduct a
build a team of askers to grow their fundraising ability.
power analysis, which examines the political strengths and vulnerabilities of a
Participants will: decision maker in considering support for an issue. Conducting an effective
• Learn how to identify potential fundraisers among volunteers, staff, power analysis can be critical in understanding what it takes to move a deci-
friends and family sion maker on your issue. Participants will spend the majority of time work-
ing through a case study of a specific issue and learn how to identify targets,
• Develop an understanding of how to train and support new fundraisers
map power relationships, develop a strategy and put together a grassroots
• Learn how to manage a team of fundraisers campaign plan.
• Understand how to manage the natural changes in your job as a Learning Objectives:
fundraiser in managing a team of askers • Planning a successful campaign strategy through SWOT analysis
Trainers: Trina Olson, Senior Training Manager and Kathleen Campisano, Se- • The role that Power Mapping plays in moving an issue and a target
nior Field Organizer, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
• How to incorporate a message, timeline and resource needs into your plan
Communications for You and Your Organization Trainers: Sarah Scanlon, Senior Labor Trainer, Wellstone Action; Cynthia
Framing Advocacy Efforts with Vision Campos, Manager, Movement Building Project, Wellstone Action; Mattie
Level: Experienced Weiss, Deputy Director of Training/ Senior Trainer, Wellstone Action; Camille
Cyprian, Co-Director, Campus Camp Wellstone; Sarah Reece, Deputy Director
Let’s be real – we have some communications challenges. It’s easier to
for the Academy for Leadership and Action, National Gay and Lesbian Task
name the ways our communities are hurt than the solutions we want to see.
Force; Bex Ahuja, Senior Field Organizer, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
We are better at 20 minute speeches about the complex nuances of gender,
and Dan Hawes, Director for the Academy for Leadership and Action, National
race, sexuality and class then we are at motivating people to take action for
Gay and Lesbian Task Force
liberation. We are constrained by the push-me-pull-you challenges of com-
municating to our current base while also changing the hearts and minds of
What’s Culture Got to Do With It?
broader communities.
Making the Most of Organizational Culture Continued
If you just said, “amen” to these challenges, this Academy session is for you. Note: this session is 6 hours divided into 2 parts.
Together we will explore ways to see these challenges with clarity and move See description from session 1 continued on next page

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 63

Academy Sessions

Practice Spirit, Do Justice Academy Session 3

Intentional Leadership and Followership: Saturday, February 5 • 9:00 am–12:15 pm
Building a Base for Breakthrough Social
Change Organizational Best Practices
Level: Advanced Want a Bigger Piece of the Pie?
Our culture worships leaders. We look to people in leadership roles for vision, Create a Plan for a Diverse and
direction, solutions, and support. And yet, most of us spend most of our time Stable Funding Base
following (a boss, a board, a constituency, a mission). This highly interactive Level: Experienced- Advanced
session aims to lift up and reclaim the practice of followership and, at the Social change costs money. You need a funding plan not just this year, but for
same time, to reframe leadership as a dynamic relationship, rather than a years to come! Join Mickey MacIntyre of realChange Partners for a speedy
fixed position, that encompasses leaders and followers. yet thorough overview of how to bake a diversified fundraising pie, which
How we follow informs how we lead, and vice versa. Participants will discover includes a round of “Name that Fundraising Method,” “Calculator Time Tri-
their strengths and shadows and how these manifest in both leadership and als” (you know, for developing budgets!), and “Cute Adorable Organization
followership styles. We will explore how to participate successfully both within Seeking. . .” (a little Case for Support fun). From direct mail to planned giving,
our faith communities and the broader LGBT movement as allies, advocates, from making the ask to making profitable events, apply the best practices
and activists to build more inclusive spaces and coalitions as well as more of a multitude of development methods to create a three-year plan to grow
dynamic forms of leadership – ultimately building a base for the movement. your organization’s fundraising pie. Whether you’re a new fundraising staff
needing a quick overview of the key components of a diverse development
Using a video prompt, a self-assessment tool, paired and group dialogue, program, or a board or staff member responsible for the fundraising program,
silence, and journaling, participants will reflect on their followership styles and this workshop is for you! Let them eat cake!
explore what makes them “exemplary followers” who can lead and follow
from wherever they are. Participants Will:
• Learn the key elements of a diverse fundraising program and the strategic
This session is intended for those who: impact on the development bottom line
• Are self-reflective, willing to take risks in order to build their own self-
awareness, and able to step back and support others’ learning in a • Know how to articulate a concise Case for Support for organizations
group setting • Learn to apply an understanding of the myriad of fundraising opportunities
• Are experiential learners able to contribute to authentic dialogue and to create a strong Development Plan that will fund the realization of your
work with tools offered by the facilitators in order to develop their own, mission
customized learnings Trainer: Mickey MacIntyre, President & CEO, realChange Partners, LLC
• Desire more intentional, inclusive, and effective forms of leadership in
their organizations, communities, and lives Communications for You and Your Organization
To Plan or Not To Plan: There is No Question
Learning Objectives: When It Comes to Effective Communications
• Leave with a new understanding of leadership as a dynamic relationship Level: Introductory
that encompasses leaders and followers
An organization could have the best staff, the greatest relationships with me-
• Build self-awareness about strengths and shadows and how these dia and enough clout to move an ocean, but, in the end, communications is
manifest in both leadership and followership styles nothing without a strategic and effective plan. Planning helps set clear and
• Develop strategies for leveraging natural styles and tendencies to build attainable goals. It takes into mind our capacity, our strengths and our niche in
more inclusive spaces and coalitions as well as more dynamic forms of order to catapult our message into the public arena. As the media landscape
leadership changes and online earned media gains speed, it is crucial that we have solid
plans to get our message out to a wide variety of audiences.
Faculty: Gita Gulati-Partee, OpenSource Leadership Strategies, Inc., Durham, NC
In this session, participants will learn the basic steps to create an effective
communications plan as well as the easiest and smartest ways to gain earned
media. Then, participants, given scenarios and examples, will work together to
create communications plans, and talk through the most effective strategies.
Participants will:
• Learn how to create a strategic and effective communications plan
• Learn how to gain earned media
• Learn how to capitalize on key moments to disseminate your message
effectively through media
• Learn how the Internet is changing earned media landscape

64 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Academy Sessions

Trainers: Kate Childs Graham, Communication Director, Choice USA and Ra- Authentic Inclusion and Intersectional Work
shad Robinson, Senior Director of Programs, Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Steering Ourselves Towards Racial Justice:
Defamation (GLAAD) Organizing for LGBT Rights AND Racial Justice
Level: Advanced
Organizing to Build Sustainable Power
Note: this session is 6 hours divided into 2 parts.
Flexing Collective Power, Part 2: Are you certain that you could be doing your work in more racially just ways,
Winning LGBT Equality At The Ballot Box from the way you choose campaigns, to how you do outreach, to how you
Level: Introductory- Experienced
message issues? Are you certain that you don’t have to choose between
In state legislatures and city councils around the country, LGBT activists con- working for LGBT equality and racial equity? If so, then you know that the
tinue to advance pro-LGBT laws and policies. In many cases, however, elected ones who have been active against LGBT people are also often perpetuators
officials are not the final decision makers on our issues – voters are. As the of racism and xenophobia. Thoughtful and successful engagement in racial
right wing continues to aggressively place local pro-LGBT laws on the ballot justice work requires cross-issue collaboration and the adoption of a racial
for a public vote, our community must be ready to prevail at the ballot box. justice lens. LGBT advocacy and racial justice work are not an either or bi-
nary – this Academy session will provide movement activists with the tools
For over eight years, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force has been part-
necessary for building an inclusive progressive movement that works for both
nering with local communities to build strong campaigns to defeat anti-LGBT
LGBT and racial justice. Some of these tools stem from choices we face in
initiatives or referenda. With the Task Force’s support, our community has
how we work for LGBT equality that include building multi-racial coalitions,
reversed a long-standing losing streak in preserving job and housing discrimi-
multi-racial grassroots support, diverse and inclusive leadership, and oppor-
nation protections at the ballot box. The Task Force has also been partner-
tunities for people to be their whole selves. In this session we will examine
ing with groups around the country to build new models of person-to-person
ways in which systemic racial inequality manifests itself and offer proposals,
campaigning capable of challenging homophobia amidst those who oppose
messages, and strategies for advancing racial equity. This is an opportunity to
LGBT equality, especially on hot button issues such as marriage equality.
learn practical tools and tips to sharpen your analysis, skills and strategies for
This session will examine successful strategies and tactics for person-to-per- addressing structural racism in issue and advocacy campaigns.
son voter engagement in LGBT initiative or referenda. Trainers will draw upon
Participants will:
case studies of past and current campaigns, from protecting non-discrimina-
• Learn how to effectively talk about and challenge racial inequality

Academy Sessions
tion protections in Kalamazoo, Michigan to regaining the freedom to marry
in California, to explain the fundamental concepts behind building majority • Be introduced to the approach of “Leading with Race”––addressing
support in the electorate for LGBT issues. racism explicitly, but not necessarily exclusively, when framing issues
Participants will: • Learn tips and lessons for effective multi-racial organizing for LGBT rights
• Develop an ability to calculate votes to win for any initiative or referendum and racial equity
Trainers: Terry Keleher, Director of the Midwest Office and Program Director
• Learn how to match appropriate campaign strategy and tactics to the of the Racial Justice Leadership Action Network, The Applied Research Cen-
external political environment ter; Donna Hernández, Special Events Coordinator and NY Operations Man-
ager, The Applied Research Center; Kalpana Krishnamurthy, Gender Justice
• Learn fundamental concepts of different modes of voter engagement,
Program and RACE Program Director of Western States Center and Kelley
including voter identification, voter persuasion, and get out the vote
Weigel, Executive Director, Western States Center
• Hone skills to be effective at motivating base supporters to vote
Practice Spirit, Do Justice
• Learn techniques for challenging homophobic thinking amidst moderate
Building Faith-Based Partnerships:
and anti-LGBT voters
Global Justice or Queer Colonialism
Trainers: Sarah Scanlon, Senior Labor Trainer, Wellstone Action; Cynthia Level: Advanced
Campos, Manager, Movement Building Project, Wellstone Action; Mattie
LGBTQI communities of faith and individuals are involved in efforts to lay the
Weiss, Deputy Director of Training / Senior Trainer, Wellstone Action; Camille
foundations for social change and promote equality in every country and con-
Cyprian, Co-Director, Campus Camp Wellstone; Sarah Reece, Deputy Director
text around the globe. Sometimes we encounter the structures and systems
for the Academy for Leadership and Action, National Gay and Lesbian Task
that our ancestors in faith established in well-meaning but developmentally
Force; Bex Ahuja, Senior Field Organizer, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
inhibiting ways. Sometimes we come face to face with our own racism, clas-
and Dan Hawes, Director for the Academy for Leadership and Action, National
sism, and contextually inappropriate desires to do good.
Gay and Lesbian Task Force
In this workshop, leaders of Metropolitan Community Churches, who are in-
volved in the work of global justice in many different contexts, will offer an
overview of post colonialism in faith-based work and liberation theologies and
present eight case studies of their work in specific contexts. There will be an
opportunity for questions and discussion, as well as the chance to connect
with other spiritual activists.
continued on next page

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 65

Academy Sessions

Criteria for Your Audience: This advanced 3-hour session is intended for those Academy Session 4
interested in exploring ways to combine the best in post-colonialist, libera- Saturday, February 5 • 3:00 pm–6:15 pm
tion and queer thought with active, on-the-ground partnerships in a variety of
global contexts. Participants should be involved in the work of global justice Organizational Best Practices
already and represent a faith-based organization or group or a particular pro- Set Your Compass for Managing
gram that is faith related in a justice-oriented organization. Leadership in Yourself and Others
Learning Objectives: Level: Experienced
• Participants will gain a succinct and applicable overview of post-colonialist and Despite popular belief, none of us are natural born leaders. In reality, folks we
liberation theologies, as well as a queer-based critique of thought and practice admire have just acquired the skills of leading and tend to exercise them more
• Case studies will enable interaction with spiritual activists who have often. The very best leaders know that the true leader never does it alone! In
established working partnerships across cultural, ethnic, class and this session, you’ll assess your individual leadership styles from the perspec-
faith diversities tive of the Leadership Compass; learn management systems to apply leader-
ship skills in settings with staff, volunteers, and clients; and practice personal
• Participants will learn both the pitfalls of seasoned activists and leadership in managing others in solving real world organizational challenges.
methodologies that have led to social change without repeating the Whether you’re leading from the top, the middle or the front line, come and
missional mishaps of the past im-prove your so-called “soft-skills” of leadership and management so you
• Participants will be invited to become part of a developing global network can motivate and inspire others to join, support and stay on your team.
of spiritual activists and to share future learning opportunities with MCC’s Participants will:
Global Justice Institute • Know more about their leadership and management style . . .
Faculty: The Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson, Moderator of Metropolitan Community and how others perceive and respond to their leadership style
Churches; The Rev. Pat Bumgardner, Chair, Global Justice Team, Metropolitan • Develop the skills and systems needed to engage and manage leaders
Community Churches; The Rev. Robert Griffin, Global Justice Team of MCC, (and teammates!) around them
Liaison to Jamaica and The Rev. Neil Thomas, Pastor MCC Los Angeles, Presi-
dent of California Faith for Equality • Apply leadership and management skills to solve real world challenges
facing their organizations.

66 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Academy Sessions
Academy Sessions

Trainers: Mickey MacIntyre, President & CEO, realChange Partners, LLC and Practice Spirit, Do Justice
Hope Wisneski, Deputy Director of The GLBT Community Center of Colorado Mercy + Justice =
Winning LGBT Political Campaigns
Communications for You and Your Organization Level: Introductory-Experienced
How Facebook Can help Win LGBT Equality For too long, right-wing people of faith have led and dominated secular cam-
Level: Introductory
paigns to make LGBT people second class citizens. Whether by taking to the
There’s far more to Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube than Farmville and videos airwaves to publically demonize LGBT people or turning out congregants to
of cats playing pianos. They are also powerful ways to share your message, vote or lobby against policy change, the right-wing has used the church as a
engage supporters, raise money, and put pressure on elected officials. base from which to organize against advances for LGBT people.
This session will give you practical and effective ways of integrating new me- Pro-LGBT people of faith and LGBT political advocates have struggled to unite
dia into your existing and future campaigns without breaking your budget. in collaborating effectively around secular or religious policy change. Conse-
Examples of innovative online campaigns from LGBT and other progressive quently, the LGBT community has ceded significant moral and political ground
groups will be used to show how you can leverage the power of online com- to the right wing in campaigns for changing churches, intra-denominational
munities to achieve your political and educational goals. polity, or secular policies to promote full inclusion and equal treatment of
LGBT people.
Participants will leave the workshop:
• Having learned how to integrate new media into offline campaigns For the past year, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force has been working
with its partners in the Welcoming Church Movement to build innovative new
• Having learned to use social media to engage supporters in effective action
models of organizing that better bridge the divide between communities of
• Having learned to use social media to communicate with elected officials faith and secular advocates of LGBT equality. In 2010, the Task Force’s Insti-
tute for Welcoming Resources launched a groundbreaking new training, the
Trainers: Michael Crawford, New Media Director, Freedom to Marry and
Believe Out Loud Power Summit, which brought together over 250 leaders of
Trystan Reese, Field Organizer, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
faith for skills building training to motivate more faith allies to speak out and
take action for LGBT equality in their churches, national denominational as-
Organizing to Build Sustainable Power
semblies, and their statehouses.
More $, More Power:

Academy Sessions
Asking for What We Need and Getting It! This session will examine successful strategies and tactics for building a
Level: Introductory- Experienced mass-movement of LGBT and allied people of faith to participate in collective
action that builds power for successful intra-faith and secular campaigns.
Ever feel like money is the thing holding your group back from achieving your
Additionally, this session will explore how to use biblical frames of mercy and
goals? Worry that you’ll turn people off by asking by fundraising? Feel like our
justice to motivate people of faith to fill specific leadership roles in secular
movement feeds into classist, racist and ageist assumptions about money?
and faith-based campaigns for LGBT equality. Trainers will draw upon case
You’re not alone. By raising money in a different way, we can reinvent the
studies of past and current campaigns as well as solicit input and ideas from
power structure of our movement.
attendees about how people of faith and faith leaders can play key roles in
Let’s break down the barriers of anxiety and assumptions about asking and strengthening these organizing efforts.
giving. No gimmicks—live conversations with real people work. We’ll arm you
Participants will:
with tried and true methods, examples and tools to make asking feel great
• Share stories from successful faith organizing in LGBT political campaigns
and the money roll in.
• Brainstorm new roles and organizing ideas for people of faith in LGBT
Participants Will:
political campaigns
• Learn to change WHO funds the LGBT movement (not just white, gay men)
• Learn key recruitment skills necessary to build big and effective teams of
• Tackle classism & discomfort around asking
• Move fundraising from scary to possible and empowering
• Role play barriers to empower people of faith to work for justice in the
• Help to re-invent the power structure by teaching EVERYONE to raise $ world
• Raise not just little, but big $ so organizations can be bigger, support more • Learn how to match appropriate campaign strategy and tactics to the
leaders, lift goals and buy and pay for needed things external political environment.
• Learn that direct asking puts $ in the bank NOW Trainers: Sarah Reece, Deputy Director for the Academy for Leadership and
Action, and Dan Hawes, Director for the Academy for Leadership and Action,
Trainers: Win Chesson, Development Manager, Immigration Equality and
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Rodrigo Lehtinen, Field Organizer, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

Steering Ourselves Towards Racial Justice: Organizing

for LGBT Rights AND Racial Justice Continued
Note: this session is 6 hours divided into 2 parts.
See description from session 3

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 67

Friday Sessions

Workshop Session 1 shop we name and critique our positions of multiple identities,
Friday, February 4 • 9:00 am – 10:30 am social locations, and use of privilege in an intersectional world.
Faith communities at their best look at welcome and inclusion
Affecting Change on College Campuses: as sourced in God’s wholeness, not our own tolerance. Using
A Gay/Straight Alliance Model ancient vocabularies of belief along with current vocabularies
Campus • Fundamentals of the dynamics of injustice, education about human gender
This workshop is designed to offer attendees a model for orga- diversity can be transformative for everyone. Objectives: partici-
nizing and integrating a Gay/Straight Alliance into a college cam- pants will be able to link terminology about gender diversity to
pus. Participants will collaborate to identify issues detrimental to anti-oppression concepts; participants will have scenarios for
educational success; specifically those of LGBTQ individuals, inclusion of gender diversity in their contexts; participants will
family, and friends on campuses without representation. Partici- have a theological vision for what broader equality would mean.
pants will study an organizational model for developing a series Presenters: Dee Ellen Dressler, Morris, MN; Malcolm Himschoot,
of campaigns designed to affect change and promote student Denver, CO; AnnMarie Kneebone, Elkhart, IN; Enzi Urimba
achievement. Attendees will leave with a model, practical ad- Odongo Tanner
vice, and strategies for building their own advocacy group.
Presenters: Dr. Whitney Elmore, Macon State College, Bonaire, Bi Any Other Name: A 20 Year Anniversary Dialogue
GA; Amanda Pfannkuche, Macon College, Bonaire, GA; Amy Sexual Freedom/Bisexual Community • All Audiences
Rehner, Macon State College, Bonaire, GA Twenty years ago, Bi movement pioneers Loraine Hutchins and
Lani Ka’ahumanu published their landmark anthology of bisexual
Ahora: politics and experience: Bi Any Other Name. In this workshop,
Strengthening LGBT Latino Communities and Coalitions Bi visionary Loraine Hutchins leads a discussion with movement
People of Color • All Audiences leaders on the impact of the book, its affect on the trajectory of
This workshop will focus on the current and potential role of the bi movement, and the state of bi organizing liberation today.
Latino communities in supporting LGBT rights and constituen- Presenters: Faith Cheltenham, BiNet USA, West Hollywood,
cies, work already underway across the country. Hispanics In CA; Loraine Hutchins, Professor of Inter-Disciplinary Sexualities,
Philanthropy and the Arcus Foundation will lead a discussion Montgomery College, & Towson University, Takoma Park, MD
about past and potential links between L/G/B/T and Latino so-
cial change movements. We will present findings from our as- Bridging the Gap in U.S. Foster Care and Adoption
sessment of LGBT Latino movement building, funded by the Restrictions: Promoting Permanency by Ending LGBT
Arcus Foundation. These findings will provide a springboard for Parenting Restrictions on the State and Federal Levels
a group discussion of strategies for strengthening LGBT-Latino Families • Intermediate
coalitions and efforts to promote LGBT rights in Latino com- Participants will take away strategies for how to defeat anti-
munities. LGBT parenting bills and putting forth pro-LGBT parenting
Presenters: Ben Francisco, Hispanics in Philanthropy; Roz Lee, legislation by learning what the polling says Americans think of
Arcus Foundation; Frances Negrón-Muntaner, Ph.D.; Antonio LGBT people as parents, the best messages and messengers
Pastrana Jr., Ph.D. for ending parenting restrictions and advancing child welfare,
and how to build strategic coalitions and partnerships to defeat

Friday Sessions
Anti-Homophobia & Transphobia Project state level bans and advance proactive legislation at both the
People of Color • All Audiences state and federal level.
Is there a program that you have always wanted to do, but just Presenters: Emily Hecht-McGowan, Family Equality Council,
haven’t been able to find funding? Do you want to redress ho- Washington, DC; Rhodes Perry, PFLAG National, Washington, DC
mophobia & transphobia in communities of color? If so, this
workshop is for you! Come learn about Advocates for Youth’s Did They Just Say That?
Anti-Homophobia & Transphobia project that provides small Responding to Myths about LGBT People
seed grants to organizations seeking to redress homophobia Communications, Media and Messaging • Fundamentals
and transphobia within communities of color. What do you do when someone says something totally false
Presenters: Durryle Brooks, Advocates for Youth, Washington, DC about the LGBT community? Learn how to neutralize myths
and stereotypes about LGBT people by using the best available
Beyond Transgender Inclusion research. This session will use actual materials and ads that
to Transformation make false or misleading statements. Participants will learn the
Practice Spirit, Do Justice • Intermediate skills to respond with current and accurate research.
“Justice, and only justice, shall you pursue.” Deu- Presenters: M.V. Lee Badgett, Research Director, The Williams
teronomy 16:20 Anti-oppression work can be the paradigm Institute, Amherst, MA; Gary Gates, Senior Research Fellow,
for gender education that transgender and gender-variant The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law, Los Angeles, CA;
people are asking our faith communities to do. In this work- Jody Herman, Williams Institute
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 71
Friday Sessions

Ending Anti-LGBT Discrimination in U.S. Immigration Law works, and the attitudes and preparation of providers of aging
Immigration • All Audiences services to serve our LGBTQ aging population. Work with other
Come to this dynamic workshop on advocating against LGBT participants to translate this understanding into plans for orga-
discrimination in US immigration law, focusing on how YOU nizing back home: let’s make aging services and housing safe
can take action to pass the Uniting American Families Act (H.R. and welcoming for the oldest members of our communities.
1024, S. 424). We will describe the obstacles bi-national and Presenters: Catherine Croghan, Training to Serve, Minneapolis,
immigrant LGBT families face under current law, offer legisla- MN; Kelly Abel Knochel, Training to Serve, Minneapolis, MN;
tive updates on UAFA and comprehensive immigration reform, Rajean Moone, Training to Serve, Minneapolis, MN; Jean Quam,
and provide you with the tools you need to take action in your Training to Serve, Minneapolis, MN
own community. We will encourage you to ask questions, take
action, and share models of success from your own grassroots Harsh Realities: Addressing Anti-LGBT Bias and
work. You will leave with a concrete plan to create change in Bullying Faced by Black and Latino Male Youth
your own community. Youth • Intermediate
Presenters: James A. Ferg-Cadima, Mexican American Legal With the rise of the rate of suicide among black and Latino males,
Defense and Educational Fund, Washington, DC; Ben de Guzman, sexual orientation and gender expression were the most com-
Co-Director for Programs, National Queer Asian Pacific Islander mon reasons LGBT students of color reported feeling unsafe
Alliance, Washington, DC; Jesse Garcia, President, LULAC in school and many also reported experiencing verbal harass-
4871 - The Dallas Rainbow Council, Dallas, TX; Gannon Long, ment in school based on their race and ethnicity. More emphasis
Immigration Equality, Washington, DC must be given to exploring the bullying, harassment, and other
conditions that lead young black and Latino adolescent boys to
Faith Based Models that further feel such despair that they decide to take their own lives. This
Self-determination, Sovereignty and discussion will give focus on exploring how bullying and harass-
the Preservation of Sacred Sites ment look when on the basis of race, class, gender expression,
Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences one’s perceived sexual orientation and appearance. What are the
This workshop will explore models created by Indigenous Min- specific words used to bully? Are there different forms of gen-
istries to further the sovereignty, self-determination and preser- der expression demanded of black and Latino boys? Do cur-
vation of sacred sites of Indigenous peoples. Since the 1970’s, rent general models for addressing anti-LGBT bullying in schools
many Native Americans across the nation have been working and for creating supportive environments reach this population
within church systems to advance an agenda that includes as- and address their needs? What is the intersectional approach to
sisting Native Americans to become influential leaders within creating supports? What can we do as individuals, educators,
national ecumenical organizations in order to achieve self-de- community organizers, counselors, parents, and allies to address
termination for Native Americans within their own churches and these issues and to provide supports? This session is open to all
larger communities. This workshop will give some history of that are committed to exploring this topic.
these models and allow for discussion as to what works, what Presenters: Monroe France, NYU, Office of LGBT Student
needs improvement and what more can be done. The discus- Services, New York, NY; Travis Gabriel, Resident Director, NYU,
sion will include the roles of LGBT Natives within the church and New York, NY
the Native community.
Presenters: Martha Allen, Director, First Nations Kitchen, Min- Hidden Voices: The Lives of LGBT Muslims
neapolis, MN; Rev. Marlene Helgemo; Rev. Michele Morgan, St. Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences
James on the Parkway Episcopal Church This panel discussion will aim to highlight the many
struggles and challenges facing lesbian, gay, bi-
Fundraising for Free! sexual and transgender (LGBT) Muslims. Panelists will discuss
Fundraising • All Audiences how they view their identity as LGBT Muslims; how and if they
Fundraising for Free! is an invigorating session that brings tried have reconciled their faith with their sexual orientation or gender
and true ideas to fundraisers from any setting. Through social identity, and what they believe Allies of LGBT Muslims can do to
media and working with small, local businesses, ideas can be fight against Islamophobia within mainstream gay and lesbian
put in place that cost your organization little or nothing and communities.
strengthen your fundraising plan. Presenters: Tynan; Beena; Raquel; Faisal Alam, Founder & Di-
Presenter: Dan Hanley, Boulder County AIDS Project, Boulder, CO rector, Al-Fatiha Foundation (LGBTIQ Muslims), Washington, DC

Getting Smart about Aging How to Start an Anti-Violence Project:

Aging • All Audiences Lessons and Strategies from the
This interactive workshop is intended for people with some National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs
understanding of LGBTQ aging issues. Build your understand- Anti-Violence/Bias Reduction • All Audiences
ing of how the aging services/aging policy administration world Presenters from the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Pro-

72 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Friday Sessions

grams will discuss models and strategies to build an Anti-Vi- of two years of media coverage. And we’ll invite participants to
olence Project at the local level. This workshop is designed to begin to create new values-based messages.
get participants thinking about the importance of understanding
Presenters: Macky Alston, Auburn Theological Seminary; Ross
the community need for an AVP. Deliberate planning of an AVP
Murray, Minneapolis, MN; Robert Perez, Vice President, Fenton
will ensure the sustainability and viability of the project because
Communications, San Francisco, CA; Amy Simon, Partner,
it will be accountable to the community which it comes from
Goodwin Simon Strategic Research, Inc., Oakland, CA
and serves. Through case studies, participatory exercises and
group dialogues, participants will explore the needs and possi-
Family Time: Make Change, Make History!
bilities for building an Anti-Violence Project in their communities.
Families • All Audiences
Presenters: Rachel Smith, Virginia Anti-Violence Project, Family Time is an online, social media project featuring a short-
Charlottesville, VA; Rebecca Waggoner, Outfront Minnesota, film and an interactive time line chronicling 20 years of LGBTQ
Minneapolis, MN family movement history, showcasing personal stories — from
outrageous talk show appearances to the impact of HIV/AIDS
Life After Lawrence v. Texas: on our community — as well as political milestone moments like
Ongoing LGBT Issues in the Criminal Justice System when judges overturned anti-gay adoption bans in Florida and
Sexual Freedom • All Audiences Arkansas in 2010. Come watch the film (14 min) and learn how
Lawrence v. Texas is widely hailed as a case that ended the you or your organization can use the accompanying social me-
criminalization of the LGBT community. But transgender individ- dia tools to contribute to the timeline and share it with your fam-
uals, LGBT youth of color, low-income women, and sex work- ily, friends, classmates, colleagues, religious leaders and policy
ers continue to be targeted and subjected to harsher treatment makers. Together we’ll become better advocates for ourselves
in the criminal justice system because of their sexual conduct. and our families. COLAGE is the only national network of people
This session will explore strategies to expand the LGBT legal with LGBTQ parents. All are encouraged to attend!
rights framework to better account for these issues and chal-
Presenters: Elizabeth Castellana, National Field and Chapter
lenge the ongoing criminalization of LGBT people.
Coordinator, COLAGE; Beth Teper, Executive Director, COLAGE;
Presenters: Alexis Agathocleous, Center for Constitutional Carlos Uribe, National Program Director, COLAGE
Rights, New York, NY; Kate Mogulescu, Legal AID Society, New
York, NY; Andrea Ritchie, Brooklyn, NY Responding to Hate: Community Organizers Unite
Community Organizing • Intermediate
Making Media Work for You Community service organizations are frequently understaffed
Communications, Media and Messaging • All Audiences and underprepared for mission critical activities. In this 90-min-
Are you waiting for the media to cover your organization or ute session, participants will participate in a mock community
event? Don’t wait any longer. Create your own media and get crisis (a local hate crime committed against a well-respected
the word out there. In today’s media landscape it’s important to lesbian couple). In this mock crisis, organizations must deal with
have various multimedia tools in your toolbox to promote your the following issues: Facebook-friend or foe? Approaching the
issues and get the message out. This session will give practical media. Information overload. Who’s on first?
tools to make your own radio programs, podcasts and simple
Presenters: Traci Haydu, Maryville College, Maryville, TX; Rebecca
videos that can amplify your message and highlight your work.
Lucas, Maryville College, Maryville, TN; Noah Lucas, Maryville

Friday Sessions
And we’ll demonstrate ways to get that content distributed
HIgh School, Maryville, TN
through blogs, e-mail and social media once the content is cre-
ated. The busy multimedia team at Free Press (
Roadmap to Victory:
has created hundreds of videos, maintains several blogs and
How We’ll Win Freedom to Marry Nationwide
produces a weekly 5-minute radio program, Media Minutes.
Marriage • All Audiences
Free Press works to increase media opportunities for everyone.
Evan Wolfson and Sean Eldridge will discuss the marriage land-
Presenters: Steve Converse, Free Press, Florence, MA; Lindsy scape, while national and state Executive Directors join us to
Embree, Free Press, Florence, MA explain what is needed to advance Freedom to Marry’s three-
pronged Roadmap to Victory.
Making the Christian Case for LGBT Equality: Presenters: Sean Eldridge, Freedom to Marry, New York, NY;
Message Training Evan Wolfson, Freedom to Marry, New York, NY
Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences
To secure equality, we must move the hearts and
Saying I Do:
minds of the 76% of Americans who identify as Christians. This
Marrying Racial Justice and Marriage Equality
workshop is focused on building a common, values-based
Movement Building/Marriage • All Audiences
framework in order to talk to Christians about LGBT people.
In this workshop, we’ll discuss how opponents of marriage
We’ll spotlight how pro- and anti-LGBT messengers currently
equality use race very effectively to divide supporters and how
frame issues of equality, morality and God, based on an analysis
the marriage movement has not succeeded in building allianc-
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 73
Friday Sessions

es, engaging communities of color or centralizing the leadership The Lifeguard Workshop
of LGBT people of color. We’ll discuss the work for marriage Youth • Fundamentals
equality in Oregon and beyond and what you can do in the fight FOR YOUTH AGES 24 AND UNDER ONLY.
for marriage equality and racial justice moving forward! Suicide among LGBTQ youth is a public health and social jus-
Presenters: Ellen Flenniken, Basic Rights Oregon; Jeana tice issue. Join The Trevor Project’s staff and Youth Advisory
Frazzini, Executive Director, Basic Rights Oregon; Jessica Lee, Council to learn about how you can be a lifeguard and save the
Youth Organizer, Basic Rights Oregon, Portland, OR lives of your LGBT and questioning friends who may be going
through an incredibly tough time because of the ways they are
Social Justice Sexuality Initiative: Preliminary Results treated in school, at home and in their various communities.
from a Nationwide Survey of LGBT People of Color Presenters: Kelli Peterman, Trevor Project, New York, NY;
People of Color • Advanced Dave Reynolds, The Trevor Project, Los Angeles, CA; Phoenix
This 90-minute session will unveil preliminary and major find- Schneider, Trevor Project, Los Angeles, CA; Michael Vacha Jr.,
ings from one of the largest-ever nation-wide surveys to target Trevor Project, Los Angeles, CA
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people of color.
Funded, in part, by the Arcus Foundation, this research project What it Means to be an LGBT Asylee & How You Can Help
seeks to assess how race, class and sexuality intersect to influ- International Issues • Fundamentals
ence, among other things: access to social services, civic en- This workshop will walk attendees through the LGBT asylum
gagement, family dynamics, and attitudes, as well as religious seeking process and give firsthand accounts of what it is like
experiences. for LGBT in countries where they are persecuted. Attendees will
Presenters: Colin Ashley; Juan Battle; Cassondra Kellam; have the chance to learn about the ways religion has often been
Antonio Pastrana Jr., Ph.D. the basis for oppression and the ways many churches are fight-
ing and taking a stance against that oppression. Participants will
leave with practical tools for supporting LGBT asylum seekers
around the country.
Presenters: Rev. Judith Hanlon, LGBT Asylum Support Task
Force, Holden, MA; Angela Knapton, LGBT Asylum Support
Task Force, Worcester, MA; Lisa Laurel Weinberg, Lutheran So-
cial Services, LGBT Human Rights Protection/Political Asylum
Representation Project, Worcester, MA

Why Wait to Stop Hate? Convincing ourselves and

winning others to crucial (and effective!) anti-bias
work with children
School Issues • All Audiences
Children need early and explicit guidance to help them reject
bias and we need to make it happen. Prejudice, bias-based
bullying, and discrimination can be reduced with proactive,
prevention work with young people. This workshop will explore
the critical importance and goals of anti-bias education. We will
practice ways to respond to common forms of opposition and
resistance to LGBT-inclusive, anti-bias work with kids and ways
to advocate for this work with parents, educators and others.
Presenters: Nancy Michael, Executive Director, aMaze, Min-
neapolis, MN; Lyn Mitchell, Program and Outreach, aMaze,
Minneapolis, MN; Meg Thomas

74 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Friday Sessions

Workshop Session 2 workshop will transform your thinking!

Friday, February 4 • 10:45 am – 12:15 pm Presenter: Robyn Ochs, Bisexual Resource Center / BiNet USA,
Jamaica Plain, MA
From Inspiration to Action:
How to Facilitate Transformative Youth-led Action Black Lesbians Matter
Youth • Fundamentals People of Color • All Audiences
This workshop will empower participants to work with youth This workshop will introduce the Black Lesbians Matter report,
to create lasting and transformative change in their own com- a first of its kind examination of the unique experiences, per-
munities. We will discuss how service-learning principles and spectives and priorities of black lesbians in the U.S. Key study
practices can guide youth-led activism and LGBTQ advocacy. areas include health, family, identity, aging and visibility. We will
Participants will gain practical skills in action project planning discuss key findings from this needs assessment, conducted
and practice these skills in the session so that they are prepared by the Zuna Institute, and offer insights to policy advocates, al-
to bring them back to passionate youth in their communities! lies, funders and service providers working with black lesbian
Presenter: Carolyn DeChants, Great Lakes PeaceJam, Kal- communities.
amazoo, MI Presenters: Stephanie Daniels, Zuna Institute; Francine Ramsey,
Zuna Institute
American Indian Gender Policies:
Restoration of Balance Creating Safe Space in Greek Life & Athletics:
Legislative/Legal Reform and Public Policy • Fundamentals A Peer Education Program
As Tribal Governments in North American follow the state’s lead Campus • Fundamentals
in the passage of DOMA legislation, it’s imperative that Native This workshop will demonstrate the vital role peer educators
Americans, both Two Spirit and allies, educate tribal commu- can play in changing the campus climate at a university or col-
nities/leadership regarding historical values of respect, honor, lege. Participants will view a simple power point presentation
generosity, and courage in order to overturn such legislation; used to educate traditionally hard to reach populations (Greek
create new ordinances that protect and support healthy gen- Life and Athletics) and will interact with the presenters about
der identity and behaviors. Two Spirit/Native LGBT people must the program’s evolution. Participants will learn how the program
create effective tribal strategies to improve our standings within has grown, what speaks to these hard to reach populations and
our own tribes. We can do this by creating legislation to include exactly how we reach out to campus constituencies to hook
Native LGBT folks in the civil rights ordinances of our tribes/na- them.
tions. This workshop will provide a framework for this work to
be done, including model policies. Presenters: Fran McDaniel, Bucknell University, Lewisburg,
PA; Kristin Vallis, Peer Educator, Office of LGBT Awareness,
Presenter: Sharon Day, Indigenous Peoples Task Force, Min- Bucknell University; Spencer Whalen, Peer Educator, Office of
neapolis, MN LGBT Awareness, Bucknell University

Art of the Schmooze (Networking Tips) Creating Your Own Change With GenEQ U
Organizational Development • All Audiences Campus • Intermediate
Do you feel awkward at networking events and uncomfortable Creating Your Own Change with GenEQ U offers a compre-

Friday Sessions
making new connections? In these times, it is more important hensive guide on small- scale, local queer conference planning,
than ever to effectively build relationships with prospective highlighting a series of suggested steps to successfully plan and
funders, board members, staff and volunteers. At this highly in- execute a gender and sexuality diversity- themed conference
teractive workshop participants will learn the basics of how to with intersections around progressive movements to engage al-
work a room, how body language creates welcoming commu- lies and create sustained relationships between the host institu-
nity spaces, and how to end conversations to keep circulating. tion and its surrounding community.
Practice at the session and throughout the rest of the conference.
Presenters: Steve Silva, Yale University, Brooklyn, NY; Kati
Presenter: Robbie Samuels, MSW, Somerville, MA Moug, Yale University, Brooklyn, NY; Amalia Skilton, Yale Uni-
versity, Brooklyn, NY
Beyond Binaries: Identity and Sexuality
Bisexual Community • All Audiences Designing a Survey and Using Data
How do we assign labels to our complicated and unique experi- to Secure Protections for LGBT People
ences? We will discuss uses and limitations of the Kinsey scale Research and Policy • Intermediate
and other measures of sexual orientation, with attention to fac- Policymakers and the public often want to know just how com-
tors such as sex, gender, time, culture, and more. We will con- mon our needs and problems are, but community groups aren’t
duct a short, anonymous study, and examine the data. Finally, always able to produce data. This session will give you the tools
we will consider the implications for our activism. This engaging you need to conduct a community-based survey and an oppor-

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 75

Friday Sessions

tunity to strategize with experts and advocates on how best to Givin’ it to Ya Straight!
use survey data to accomplish your legislative and policy goals. Movement Building • Fundamentals
Presenters: Masen Davis, Executive Director, Transgender Law What are straight allies? What do they look like? How do they
Center, San Francisco, CA; Jody Herman, Williams Institute; act? And more importantly, how many are out there? It’s one
Christy Mallory, The Williams Institute thing to be a supportive individual for gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender rights (LGBT), and it’s a whole other thing to be a
Economics and Equality: straight activist who fights for equality alongside LGBT peers.
Supporting LGBT Business Communities Come to this session to learn how to be a better straight ally or
Workplace • Fundamentals how to engage straight allies in the fight for equality.
Economic development is a critical component of the LGBT Presenters: Matthew LeBlanc, Georgetown University Wash-
movement. By directly supporting LGBT businesses with our ington, Washington, DC; Nicholas Poch; Julie Thibodaux, ACLU
dollars and by supporting supply chain inclusion, business certi- of Louisiana, New Orleans, LA
fication and access to federal, state and municipal procurement
we assist in moving equality forward. While we continue to push Going the Distance:
for important protections against discrimination in the work- Longterm Commitments in all of their Glorious Forms
place we also strengthen the LGBT community by strengthen- Sexual Freedom • All Audiences
ing the LGBT business community. This session will discuss Monogamy, open monogamy, marriage, polyfidelity, committed
the various ways to advance LGBT equality through economic friendships and kinship cohorts. What does it take to sustain
development. longterm, committed relationships? LGBT people creatively
Presenters: Irwin Drucker, Program Director, GLBT and Interna- and doggedly sustain our relationships and families in the var-
tional Supplier, IBM; Victoria Fulkerson, NGLCC; Sam McClure, ied forms they take, despite hostile political, social and legal
Quorum, Minneapolis; Frantz Tiffeau Jr., Senior Manager, Supply environments. Come witness and celebrate longterm commit-
Chain Diversity, Office Depot ments.
Presenters: John D’Emilio; Francisco De León; Suzanne Pharr,
Fighting Back Against a Global Anti-Gay Agenda Founding Member, The Women’s Project of Little Rock, Arkansas
International Issues • All Audiences
This session will provide an overview of the challenges faced Guerrilla Social Marketing for
by LGBTQ persons in Uganda and elsewhere in Africa and ex- Health Promotion or Movement Building
plore ways of working in solidarity that take into account the Communications, Media and Messaging • All Audiences
involvement of U.S.-based actors and evangelicals in these and Save the world on a shoe string with this street-smart work-
other anti-gay initiatives around the world. Panel participants will shop. Social marketing combines marketing strategy with psy-
include LGBT advocates who work on the ground as well as chological change theory. It’s been used to promote public
at the international level from advocacy and legal perspectives. health and everything from seat belts to condom use. This pop-
Presenters: Cary Alan Johnson, International Gay and Lesbi- ular and entertaining workshop will build your capacity to cre-
an Human Rights Commission, New York, NY; Frank Mugisha, ate and assess effective interventions and campaigns, stretch
Sexual Minorities Uganda; Jeremy Rye, New York, NY; Pamela funding, and develop amazing marketing messages. Use it for
Spees, Center for Constitutional Rights, New York, NY movement building, public health, and behavioral interventions.
Laugh while you learn guaranteed.
Finding Common Ground: Collaboration between Presenter: Rev. Robyn Provis,, Min-
LGBT & Older Adult Service Providers neapolis, MN
Aging • Intermediate
Our common ground is providing supports and services for Join the Movement. Keep the Faith.
ALL older adults to age with dignity and respect. It is from this Faith & Spirituality/Practice Spirit, Do Justice
common ground that SAGE Metro St. Louis has built the LGBT • All Audiences
Older Adult Referral Network by forming lasting relationships Join us as we celebrate the involvement of trans-
with over 60 Older Adult Service providers. Join this session to gender people of faith and our allies as an integrated part of
discuss how your community can start building a referral net- transgender organizing and movement building! Participants
work of LGBT welcoming older adult service providers through from Creating Change and Practice Spirit, Do Justice are invited
community engagement, outreach and purposeful strategic come together to network, resource one another, and share ex-
partnership building. periences about how people of all faiths are impacting transgen-
Presenter: Sherrill Wayland, Sage, St Louis, MO der health and wellness around the world. Leaders from a variety
of religious and secular transgender organizations will be present.
Presenters: Kylar Broadus, Attorney, Trans People of Color
Coalition, Columbia, MO; Minister Louis J. Mitchell, Recovering
the Promise Ministries, Chicopee, MA; Chris Paige
76 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011
Friday Sessions

Leader, Know Thyself Presenters: Joey Mogul, member, People Law Office, Chi-
Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences cago, IL; Andrea Ritchie, Brooklyn, NY; Kay Whitlock, National
Leadership isn’t a place on an organizational chart; Representative, LGBT Issues, American Friends Service Com-
it’s something we carry inside. Find your inner leader! mittee, Missoula, MT
Join us in taking an honest look at our soft skills inventory, using
leadership skills in real world situations and thinking about your Queer Arts and The City
next steps in building your leadership portfolio. Art & Culture • All Audiences
Queer Arts and the City is a workshop that will use the four step
Presenter: Mickey MacIntyre, realChange Partners, Celebration, FL model of a community cultural plan (Research, Input, Strategize,
Implement) to take stock of existing cultural resources for LGBT
Messology of the Black Church people in their city and show how they can be maintained, en-
Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences hanced, or new ones developed to continue to improve the lives
Why can’t we as an African American community and the vitality, livability, and success of the community.
tell the truth about our sexuality? What price do we
pay in telling the truth? And what role does the church play in Presenter: Harold Steward, Fahari Arts Institute, Dallas, TX
perpetuating unsafe sexual behavior? Homophobia in the Afri-
can American community has become more than merely a spir- Resource Revolution:
itual crisis. It is now a public health crisis. But what happens in Moving Away from Wealth-Based Fundraising
churches, communities, and families where people lose touch towards Community Interdependence
with their bodies and sexualities? Our silence, shame, and stig- Fundraising • All Audiences
ma around issues of sexual identities, gender expressions, and This workshop brings together community organizing tools,
sexual practices have allowed for behaviors of denial, neglect, somatics or body-based tools, and broadening definition of re-
and abuse. And the lack of pastoral care to people deemed sources to move away from wealth-based fundraising models
“outsiders” is also a factor contributing to high-risk sexual be- towards those that support community interdependence.
haviors and the transmission of HIV/AIDS in the African Ameri- Presenters: Kate Eubank, Executive Director, PFund Foun-
can community. Right now, the state of black America is in a dation, Minneapolis, MN; David Nicholson, Program Manag-
crisis. And the church institutionally has contributed the culture er, Headwaters Foundation; Susan Raffo, Executive Director,
of the politic of silence because it not only lacks the language PFund Foundation, Minneapolis, MN
to talk about sex but it also sees sex as private and personal
matters and not about the business of the black Christian com- Saying I Do: Marrying Racial Justice and
munity as a way of loving God and ourselves. But the black Marriage Equality (Continued)
church is also uniquely positioned to significantly affect knowl- Movement Building/Marriage • All Audiences
edge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors within congregations and
by extension the entire African American community. The Pulpit of the Press: Making the
Presenters: Mandy Carter, Mandy Carter Consulting, Durham, Religious Case for LGBT Equality
NC; Rev. Irene Monroe Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences
Media is the pulpit of the twenty-first century; yet
Need a Fourth For Bridge: Small Town/Rural Organizing inspired and prophetic leaders representing pro-LGBT perspec-

Friday Sessions
Movement Building •Intermediate tives are often nowhere to be heard or seen in the news. This
Wanted: A Fourth For Bridge Building, promoting, sustaining workshop will help you cultivate your unique voice as a move-
and integrating a LGBT support network in small town and rural ment spokesperson for the platform of TV, radio, print and web
America. media.
Presenter: R L Pete Housman, The Middle Voice /The Green Presenters: Macky Alston, Auburn Theological Seminary;
Heart Group, Jonesboro, IL Ross Murray, Minneapolis, MN

Queer (In)Justice: Policing, Prosecution & Trans Youth & Safe Schools: Advocacy & Policy
Punishment of LGBT People in the United States School Issues • Intermediate
Anti-Violence/Bias Reduction • Intermediate Through fun, immersive, and engaging exercises this workshop
This workshop will help participants gain a common under- will help participants to identify the key barriers and challenges
standing of the many ways in which the criminal legal system is that transgender and gender non-conforming youth face in
a site of oppression for LGBTQ people, delineating how LGBT schools. We will discuss administrative, physical, and mental
folks are policed and punished in the streets, in courtrooms, health aspects of transitioning in schools. We will then shift our
and in prisons. Participants will share and develop skills to ex- attention to examining school policies and finding innovative ad-
pose and challenge these injustices through organizing and leg- vocacy and policy solutions to meet those challenges head on.
islative/policy advocacy, while simultaneously building account- Participants will leave with a solid game plan for helping trans-
ability and safety outside of the criminal legal system. gender and gender non-conforming youth in schools.

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 77

Friday Sessions

Presenters: Danielle Askini, GSA Network, San Francisco, CA; Workshop Session 3
T. Aaron Hans, Consultant/Activist, RISE Consulting, Marina, Friday, February 4 • 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
CA; Tim Michael, GSA for Safe Schools, Madison, WI
(LGBTQ) Justice, (LGBTQ) Justice Shall
White weddings or white washing? You Pursue
The new HOMOnormative agenda [why it is scary] Practice Spirit, Do Justice • Intermediate
and arguments against equality The Torah teaches us to pursue justice, but does
Community Organizing • All Audiences that include justice for LBGTQ folks? If so, what are our options
Homonormativity. No, it’s not a typo. If you have never heard to pursue it? In this session, we will explore what Jewish tradi-
this term or want to make your activist work more inclusive, then tions teach us about LGBTQ justice and how to incorporate
this workshop is for you. This session will draw upon theoretical those lessons into our own work. We will also explore the insti-
definitions of homonormativity and manifestations of this con- tutional landscape as it provides challenges and opportunities
cept in our activism and everyday lives to demonstrate its role in for doing this work in a Jewish and interfaith context.
impacting the mainstream LGBT political agenda. Upon exam-
ining current political endeavors, we will gain an understanding Presenters: Idit Klein, Executive Director, Keshet, Boston’s GLBT
of whose concerns are addressed in “our” movement, whose Jewish Advocacy & Education, Jamaica Plain, MA; Joel Kushner,
concerns are not receiving enough attention, and how we can The Institute for Judaism & Sexual Orientation, Los Angeles, CA
incorporate academic theory into our activism to diversify the
LGBT political agenda. Be a Board Star Basics:
Understanding Roles & Responsibilities
Presenters: Jesus Estrada-Perez, Minneapolis, MN; E.G Nelson, Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences
Minneapolis, MN; Eli Vitulli, Minneapolis, MN Are you a new board member (or work with some)?
Are you a seasoned leadership volunteer who needs a little re-
fresher? Either way, Be a Board Star Basics is the workshop for
you. What’s my job description? What does fiduciary respon-
sibility really mean? Seriously, we’re supposed to do that? Big
board, small board, new organization or been around for years,
this introductory session will guide you through understanding
what you need to know to build a board that makes the grade!
Presenter: Mickey MacIntyre, realChange Partners, Celebration, FL

Better Together - Collaborations between

Racial Justice and LGBT Groups
Movement Building • All Audiences
This interactive workshop will present the Applied Research
Center’s new research on the relationship between racial jus-
tice groups and LGBT constituencies, and reveal models for
engaging communities of color in fighting heterosexism. We
will explore trends in organizing among LGBT people of color,
and involve workshop attendees in small group discussion and
problem-solving via hypothetical scenarios based on actual
events. We can build authentic, strategic and long- term link-
ages with smart, forward-looking work.
Presenters: Dom Apollo; Roz Lee, Arcus Foundation; Aimee
Santos-Lyon, Western States Center

Bullied at the Ballot Box: Fighting Back

with New Messages About Kids and Families
Families • Fundamentals
Join us to develop key messages about children, LGBT-headed
families, race, and class. We will look at how our communi-
ty was characterized during the Prop 8 campaign (and again
since), analyze videos with “Queer people threaten children”
messages that were used in Prop 8, watch and listen to the
voices of queer youth and youth with LGBT parents, and de-

78 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Friday Sessions

velop messages that can be used to counteract and protect LGBT or AIDS realms. Although they can be key to our survival,
against “threat” messaging. opportunities rarely exist to interact with, help and learn from
colleagues in similar positions. This two-part series of work-
Presenter: Laura Matanah, Rainbow Rumpus, Minneapolis, MN
shops will provide current E.D.’s with an opportunity to do just
that. Led by a group of seasoned E.D.’s/CEO’s at a variety of
Changing Minds of Conservative/Evangelical Christians organizations (larger, smaller, national, local), and comprised
Faith & Spirituality • All Audiences
of large and small group interactive discussions as attendees
Conservative, evangelical, and fundamentalist Christians pro-
prefer, this Roundtable will give participants an opportunity to
duce the lion’s share of religion-based homophobia in America.
address specific issues with a wide variety of colleagues from
But what if we could change their minds? In this workshop,
around the country. Come prepared to share your own best and
you’ll learn to reach evangelicals (and others!) with a pro-LG-
worst practices stories! Covered subjects may include manag-
BTQ message...and actually get results. Discover why most ap-
ing through difficult economic times, fund raising, board recruit-
proaches fail, how and when to engage on the Bible, and what
ment, staff morale, effective relationships between an E.D. and
the most effective arguments are for different situations. No ad-
his/her board, CEO contracts, time management, stress man-
vance knowledge required; you’ll come out an expert!
agement, etc. The series concludes with a reception to provide
Presenter: Justin Lee, The Gay Christian Network, Raleigh, NC an opportunity for attendees to network with their colleagues
and share ideas and best practices. This session is for nonprofit
Combining Leadership, GLBT Studies, Service Learning Executive Directors/CEO’s only.
and Study Away: Lessons from the GLBTA Leadership
Presenters: Kendall Clawson, Executive Director, Portland Q
Year at the University of Minnesota
Center, Portland, OR; Lorri L. Jean, Chief Executive Officer, L.A.
Campus • All Audiences
Gay & Lesbian Center, Los Angeles, CA; Kate Kendell, Esq.,
The GLBTA Leadership Year at the University of Minnesota is
Executive Director, National Center for Lesbian Rights, San
one of the few programs which combines leadership theory,
Francisco, CA; Lance Toma, Executive Director, Asian & Pacific
GLBT studies, service learning and study away in a year-long
Islander Wellness Center
student experience. This workshop will examine the compo-
nents of the program, its successes and failures, and how it
Finally, Federal Action on Hate Crimes:
could easily be modified for use by other colleges, universities,
Implementing the Matthew Shepard and
and high schools.
James Byrd, Jr., Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009
Presenters: Ben Falter, University of Minnesota; Anne Phibbs, Legislative/Legal Reform and Public Policy • Intermediate
Systemwide Director, GLBT Programs Office, University of Min- Reported hate crimes against LGBT people have risen dramati-
nesota, Minneapolis, MN; Xay Yang, University of Minnesota cally over the last decade. After more than a decade of advoca-
cy, Congress passed the Shepard-Byrd Act which extends hate
Emotional Congruence and “Conflicted” Voters: crimes coverage to persons who are, or perceived to be, LGBT,
Understanding Deeper Psychological Dynamics among other categories. Federal prosecutors and investigators
Research and Policy • Intermediate now have a duty to form stronger liaisons with the LGBT com-
Why do so many people who view themselves as fair-mind- munity so that law enforcement can better identify and prose-
ed end up voting against LGBTQ equality? Join this in-depth cute these crimes. Join the LGBT liaison of the U.S. Department
interactive presentation to deepen your understanding of the of Justice, a federal prosecutor, a representative from the Com-

Friday Sessions
psychological dynamics underlying people’s attitudes toward munity Relations Service, and community advocates for a lively
LGBTQ people. We’ll draw upon findings from extensive and discussion of how the federal government has implemented the
innovative research (30+ focus groups/roundtables employing law so far, what else needs to be done, and how advocates can
psychodynamic analysis) and explore how to develop empathi- better ensure that hate crimes against LGBT people are fully ad-
cally attuned and emotionally congruent messaging on LGBTQ dressed by state and federal government authorities.
issues, along with specific strategies for communicating to in-
Presenters: Mark Kappelhoff, U.S. Department of Justice,
crease support for equality.
Washington, DC; Becky Monroe, U.S. Department of Justice;
Presenters: David Binder, Principal, David Binder Research, Matt Nosanchuk, U.S. Department of Justice
San Francisco, CA; Amy Simon, Partner, Goodwin Simon Stra-
tegic Research, Inc., Oakland, CA; Phyllis Watts PhD, Wild Gender Transition in the Workplace:
Swan Resources, Sacramento, CA Transgender - How we do it in Minnesota and Nationally
Workplace • Fundamentals
Executive Directors Roundtable It can be one of the most unexpected, sensitive and puzzling is-
Community Organizing • All Audiences sues an employer ever confronts. An employee wants to change
If you are the staff leader (Executive Director, CEO, etc.) of a his or her gender in the workplace. Now, what to do? This dy-
nonprofit organization this is the session for you! Being a non- namic, interactive presentation will provide information on gen-
profit CEO can be a lonely job, especially if you’re working in the der identity and expression (transgender) and how it relates to

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 79

Friday Sessions

the workplace, employers, employees and the concept of re- tion of our histories, shared legacies and strategies in an effort
spectful workplace environments for all employees. The session to transcend borders for an inclusive movement for liberation.
will provide a place to ask questions, challenge assumptions, This is an open session for First Nations/Two Sprit/Indigenous
examine myths and stereotypes, and learn what these labels folks and allies.
and words mean. A “how to successfully do it” manual.
Presenters: Coya Artichoker; Trishala Deb, Brooklyn, CA; Lucia
Presenter: Debra Davis, Gender Education Center, Maple Grove, MN Leandro Gimeno, Audre Lorde Project, Brooklyn, NY; Paulina
Hernandez, Co-Director, Southerners on New Ground, New
Global campaign on Religions, homophobia, transphobia - Market, TN; Melissa Hoskins
How to engage your organisation at the international level
International Issues • Advanced Lights, Camera, Action: Intensive Real World
Through the experience of the global initiative on “Religions, Media Training for Movement Leaders
Homophobia, Transphobia” developed for the International Day Communications, Media and Messaging • Intermediate
Against Homophobia and Transphobia, the focus of this session Simulation of real crisis communication scenarios that leaders
will be to explore the connections between local actions and a may face in their role as an Executive or Communications Di-
global campaign and how US activists can meaningfully engage rector will be created. Participants working in groups will de-
in it. The session aims at developing both the strategic vision for velop an action plan, learn how to conduct interviews and com-
engagement and the creativity for developing activities. municate their messages for high-profile television, print, radio
and online outlets by being videotaped on camera. Targeted
Presenter: Joel Bedos, International Day Against Homophobia
feedback from the trainer and other participants will be given
and Transphobia Committee, Paris, France
and participants will leave with winning tools to enhance their
advocacy goals.
Go, Team, Go! Creating Safe and Inclusive
High School Athletic Programs for LGBT Students Presenters: Darryl Hannah, GLAAD, New York, NY; Dannie
School Issues • All Audiences Tillman, GLAAD, Los Angeles, CA
Taking into account the unique role and characteristics of ath-
letics in high schools, participants will plan training sessions Making it Better: Programs and Policy Interventions that
specifically for working with high school athletic staff, parents Protect and Nurture LGBT Youth in America’s Schools
of athletes or student-athletes. Participants will learn about the Youth • Intermediate
GLSEN Sports Project, a new GLSEN initiative, and the re- Anti-LGBT harassment and violence in schools is receiving un-
sources available from the Sports project. precedented national attention. What can be done to make it
better at school for youth at risk of suicide and other effects of
Presenter: Pat Griffin, Coordinator of Changing the Game: The
bullying and harassment? From Gay Straight Alliances to anti-
GLSEN Sports Project, Belchertown, MA
bullying laws, this workshop will review research and analysis of
programs and policies that have made schools safer, equipping
Here’s How Marriage Matters: participants with the knowledge necessary to make a difference
Tools and Messaging Training for Marriage Education in their local school districts.
Marriage • All Audiences
Training on the tools you can use to launch a public education Presenter: Jason Cianciotto, Tucson, AZ
campaign in your state, while also supporting the national effort
to win marriage. We will also highlight research being done on Mapping Your Desire
messages to use during an actual marriage campaign and mes- Sexual Freedom • All Audiences
saging tools for targeting specific communities such as com- Desire matters. Claiming and acting on our desires creates a
munities of color, faith communities, youth, or other progressive more healthy, sustainable life path for all of us. Fully embodying
communities. our desire gives us an integrity and fierceness that we take into
our families, our communities, and our work for social change.
Presenter: Thalia Zepatos, Freedom to Marry, Portland OR
Creating the sexual life you deserve requires an understanding
of your desire, which can be found by mapping your sexual path
Immigration and Indigenous Borders to date. The key treasure trove of information concerning what
People of Color • All Audiences
turns you on, what keeps you interested, and what touches you
Some immigration activists call for the dissolution of all na-
most deeply lies in your unique sexual story. In any person’s
tional borders. But what does this mean for current sovereignty
life, 5 or 10 key points on our sexual map or biography jump
struggles of Indigenous nations? How do First Nation peoples
out at us these are the moments when we learned something
who have been colonized by immigrants and some who have
crucial about ourselves, or when we felt most vulnerable, most
had their nations divided by colonial borders (e.g. US-Mexico)
excited, or most true to our desires. Points on our Desire Map
view the current forces of imperialism that have created a global
are important guideposts for our lives; ignoring them saps us of
population of migrant workers? Join us as we take a collective
our sexual vibrancy and our creative resistance. This workshop
journey to identify common ground that respects the intersec-
will provide an introduction to Desire Mapping, and a tool for

80 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Friday Sessions

your life-long journey toward sexual empowerment and a more Presenters: Daniel Britt, Francis Marion University GLBTSA,
just world. Florence, SC; Jake Finney, LA Gay and Lesbian Center, Los
Angeles, CA; Jared Ringer, New York City Anti-Violence Project,
Presenters: Jaime M. Grant, Arcus Center for Social Justice
New York, NY
Leadership, Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI; AJ Head;
Amelie Zurn, Lesbian Health Activist and Therapist, Washing-
Queering Student Organizing
ton, DC
Campus • Advanced
By rethinking how students relate to each other and the popula-
Media Savvy for Media Strategies tion at large, how students can make their lives and their work
Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences
responsive to the public and the public responsive to them, and
Have you ever been “wowed” by an event or dem-
how students can fight for their rights without assimilating to
onstration and asked, “Where is the media to cover
existing social roles, we will talk about ways student activism
this?” If you have ever said, “Someone should say something
can have an impact that is both more intense and more trans-
about this injustice,” the Media Savvy for Media Strategies work-
shop can help. Getting your voice into the news is not luck, it
is media savvy and it can be learned. Effective media strategies Presenters: Cedric Lawson, Development Director, United
are more important than ever as we move toward full equality States Student Association, Washington DC; Sam Menefee-
and face powerful backlash. Well-funded groups like the National Libey, Campus Progress, Washington, DC; Angela Peoples,
Organization for Marriage and the American Family Association Campus Progress, Washington, DC
still claim to speak for religion. The good news is that pro-LGBT
denominations and people of faith are ramping up their skills and Sex Ed on the Federal, State and Local Level
media outreach through mainstream and digital media to tell our and how YOU can get involved!
stories. More of us need to engage television, newspaper and School Issues • Intermediate
radio journalists to cover our stories. Simple planning can make Sex education is important to all young people, and especially
it happen. Connect with the blogosphere and on-line media out- GLBTQ youth. What is taught (or not) can be a reflection of how
lets. Let your own web sites become part of the media scene. Go accepting a community is (or is not) of GLBTQ youth. Our youth
for the buzz and become the “go to” people for journalists in your are at higher risk for HIV and unintended pregnancy and too
area. Come learn about effective media engagement for LGBT often navigate through unhealthy relationships. Come learn how
faith groups through clear messages and the ability do interviews, you can fight for comprehensive sex education on the federal,
write letters to the editor, and build relationships with media. For state and local levels to impact the lives of young people!
twenty-five years, GLAAD has trained grassroots advocates and
Presenters: Sarah Audelo, Advocates for Youth, Washington,
national spokespersons while working directly with top media to
DC; Kurt Mitchell, Texas Freedom Network; Abby Rosenstein,
implement policies and practices that support fair and balanced
Advocates for Youth, Washington DC
media coverage. GLAAD will bring that experience and exper-
tise to the workshop so you can walk out with increased “Media
Show Some SAS:
Savvy for Media Strategies.”
LGBTQ Youth of Color Stand Up Against Criminalization
Presenter: Ann Craig Youth • All Audiences
Streetwise & Safe (SAS) aims to build knowledge, leadership
Micro, Mezzo, and Responses to LGBTQ Hate Violence

Friday Sessions
and power among LGBTQQ youth of color who experience
Anti-Violence/Bias Reduction • All Audiences policing, violence, and criminalization in the context of “qual-
With recent changes in hate crime laws and prosecution, in- ity of life” policing and the policing of prostitution. In this work-
cluding enactment of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, shop, SAS youth will share their unique youth-led “know your
Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, plus heightened media atten- rights” curriculum tailored to the experiences of LGBTQ youth.
tion on anti-LGBTQ hate violence, local service providers and Participants will gain critical information about their legal rights,
communities are in need of best practices when responding to learn and practice basic skills, and brainstorm possibilities for
hate violence at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels and need change.
information to advocate for survivors of hate violence. The pre-
Presenters: Tree Alexander, Urban Justice Center, New York,
sentation and exercise will use actual examples of how LGBTQ
NY; Ileana Gonzalez, Urban Justice Center, New York, NY
communities have successfully responded to hate violence,
and cover the following objectives: 1) learning and practicing
effective victim advocacy skills; 2) understanding the prevalence
Strategic Planning: How to Best Utilize
and psychological impact of hate violence; 3) working with me-
Your Scarce Financial and Human Resources
Organizational Development • All Audiences
dia; 4)legislators/elected officials; 5) engaging law enforcement
This session illuminates the key to maximizing those two things
and criminal legal system; 6) concepts of transformative justice
all organizations have too little of: money and people’s time. We
and 7) developing strategies for community response to hate
will review the strategic planning process and how it ensures
violence by utilizing the NYC Anti-Violence Project’s Community
organizations are focused on those things that are truly achiev-
Rapid Incident Response Guide.
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 81
Friday Sessions

able and most impactful. Attendees will leave with revised mis- Workshop Session 4
sion statement, an analysis of the organization’s strengths and Friday, February 4 • 4:45 pm – 6:15 pm
weaknesses, and an understanding of how to set goals further-
ing their mission. “God Hates Fags”
Presenters: James Larsen, CPA, Strategic Planning Consultant, Faith & Spirituality • All Audiences
Bisexual Organizing Project, Prairie, MN More than three quarters of teens report that their peers who
are gay (or even thought to be gay) are harassed and bullied in
Why the Tea Party is Out to Get Queers their schools and communities. Often this harassment is based
and What to Do about It on, and justified by, misguided religious beliefs. This seminar will
Movement Building • All Audiences present an overview of spiritual violence against young people,
What do you really know about the Tea Party’s agenda con- based on their perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or
cerning LGBTQI people? How successful will they be? Through gender expression, as well as offer guidelines for addressing
interactive exercises, we will learn together about the ideas, the problem.
campaigns and people behind the Tea Party and other aspects Presenters: J.T. Bacon, Interweave Continental, Baton Rouge,
of the Right at this moment. We will then review some current LA; Allyson Diane Hamm, Interweave Continental, Allentown,
and potential strategies for LGBT freedom and equality in light PA; Don Hoppe, Interweave Continental, Baton Rouge, LA; Sue
of a clearer understanding of the opposition, its goals, and its Principe, Interweave Continental, Phoenix, AZ
possible level of success.
Presenters: Pam Chamberlain, Senior Researcher, Political “Movement Speak” - The Tower of Babel
Research Associates; Kenyon Farrow Sexual Freedom • All Audiences
One of the most useful tools in the movement to expand rec-
YEAH! - Engaging LGBT Youth ognition of our fundamental human right to sexual freedom is
to be Empowered Against HIV! conversation. We recognize that conversations about sexuality
AIDS/HIV • All Audiences and human rights are often fraught with unintended moments
YEAH! (Youth Empowered Against HIV!) is a locally developed of hurt and misunderstanding and we recognize, too, that if we
intervention designed to reduce the number of new HIV infec- can’t talk among ourselves, we will almost certainly be heavily
tions in Columbia, South Carolina by training and supporting challenged in talking to the people whose minds and hearts
peer educators who facilitate HIV risk reduction education with we want to engage in our fight for human rights. This work-
young men who have sex with men (YMSM). By age, persons shop will explore the challenges and opportunities involved in
between 25 and 44 years accounted for the largest proportion creating safe and productive spaces for talking about sexuality
of new HIV infections in 2006 in the US, and nearly one-third and sexual freedom. Participants will leave with new tools for
of all new HIV infections diagnosed in SC in 2007 were in per- conversations and advocacy that they can take back to their
sons under 29 years. Clearly, young men who have sex with personal and/or professional communities.
men remain at high risk for HIV infection. By targeting HIV pre- Presenters: Ricci Levy, Executive Director, The Woodhull Free-
vention programs directly to gay, bisexual, and queer identified dom Foundation, Washington, DC; Dr. Elizabeth Wood
men ages 18-25, we have seen successful changes in dialogue
among a population which has grown up in a world where HIV Activists Together: Resisting Anti-LGBT Politics
is not a scary unknown and where treatments have become Movement Building • All Audiences
more manageable, leading to complacency toward the disease. This workshop offers concrete information for surviving anti-
Our goal with this session is to create a forum for discussion of LGBT politics. It will help you make sense of the psychologi-
issues and trends relating to HIV/AIDS in YMSM in America in cal toll of such campaigns. Information from this workshop has
2011, explore current YMSM targeted programs, and share our helped people who have been impacted by anti-gay rhetoric,
best-practice recommendations for creating similar programs in and it offers others new skills to protect themselves in the face
LGBT communities throughout the US and beyond. of current or future campaigns. Not only can we survive these
Presenters: Jason Coleman, PhD, University of Nebraska; campaigns, we can use them to become stronger as people
Shehan Welihindha M.Ed., University of Arkansas; Ryan Wilson, and as activists.
M.Ed., Harriet Hancock Community Center, Columbia, SC Presenter: Glenda Russell, Senior Research Associate, Institute
for Gay & Lesbian Strategic Studies, Ypsilanti, MI

82 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Friday Sessions

Ask for Money Face-to-Face . . . Have Faith! ment, Washington, DC; Maya Rupert, National Center for Les-
Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences bian Rights, Washington, DC
Whether you work with faith communities or focus
on the secular, as a board member, staff member Hands Up: Community Actions
or volunteer you can ensure your organization’s financial suc- on Police Accountability and Misconduct
cess. Come see just how easy it is. Nothing can replace asking Community Organizing • All Audiences
for money face-to-face for efficiency, effectiveness, and pure fun. Based off of the 2009 raid of the Atlanta Eagle gay bar this
interactive workshop will examine police misconduct in both
Presenter: Mickey MacIntyre, realChange Partners, Celebration, FL communities of color and LGBT communities. We will review
the community work that is being done to hold law enforcement
Audism Unveiled: accountable for their actions in Atlanta, GA and beyond. Par-
An Examination of Discrimination & Prejudice ticipants will envision strategies to address police accountability
Disability • All Audiences and to create alternative models for safe space.
Participants will view a documentary defining audism through
a series of interviews with deaf and hard-of-hearing people re- Presenters: Chelsea Johnson-Long, Safe OUTside the System
counting their experiences with job discrimination, attempts to Collective (A project of the Audre Lorde Project), Brooklyn, NY;
“cure” deafness, and miscommunication with other individuals. Holiday Simmons, Lambda Legal, Atlanta, GA
A panel discussion among Deaf LGBT Minnesotans will follow
the film, with time for questions. Participants are invited to ex- Here’s How Marriage Matters: Tools and Messaging
amine their own hearing privilege and how they intentionally or Training for Marriage Education (Continued)
unintentionally contribute to audist oppression, and address the Marriage • All Audiences
challenges and rewards of social justice organizing and what
ally behavior amounts to in practice. Humor and Diversity
Organizational Development • All Audiences
Presenters: CM Hall, BLeGIT (LGBT Member Section of Registry This workshop is designed to explore some of the barriers im-
of Interpreters for the Deaf), Portland, OR; Raymond Luczak posed by race, gender, class, sexual orientation, ability, and
cultural differences. Discussions will focus on the use of appro-
Creating Student Initiated Coalitions on Campus priate humor to raise sensitivity, and to generate creative and
Campus • Fundamentals positive action in our daily lives. With its accent on leadership
We must build coalitions on college campuses if students desire training, this session will empower participants to appreciate dif-
to rewrite policy and influence institutional structures to increase ferences, embrace similarities, and promote harmony and em-
access for the LGBTQ community. As an organizer for gender powerment in our respective environments and communities.
neutral housing on the University of Michigan’s campus, I will Learning Objectives: 1. To develop awareness and sensitivity
discuss the process of building a coalition that engages student about differences. 2. To learn ways to utilize humor for trans-
governments, organizations, and administrators in large policy formation and healing. 3. To improve communication skills with
changes. We will also cover the method and process of self- others using humor.
reflexivity and personal development in groups.
Presenter: Karen Williams, M.Ed., Comic, Founder/CEO, HaHA
Presenter: Allison Horky, University of Michigan Spectrum Center, Institute, Cleveland, OH
Ann Arbor, MI

Friday Sessions
Intersex 101
Executive Directors Roundtable (Continued) Gender Issues • All Audiences
Community Organizing • All Audiences Intersex 101 will provide attendees an opportunity to learn
about specific intersex conditions and the historical, social and
Fair Housing and the LGBT Community: Initiatives political ways that medical and broader communities respond
and Strategies for Combating Housing Discrimination to individuals who identify as intersex and/or who have inter-
Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity sex conditions. Participants will be encouraged to think critically
Legislative/Legal Reform and Public Policy • All Audiences around deconstructing traditional notions of sex characteris-
The purpose of this workshop is to provide an overview of cur- tics and identities and will leave with the knowledge, tools, and
rent efforts and pending developments in the area of fair hous- resources around being allies and advocates to people of all
ing for the LGBT community at the federal and local levels. This sexes.
workshop will familiarize you with current federal policy efforts to
increase protections against housing discrimination in the LGBT Presenters: Michael Grewe, Augsburg College, Minneapolis, MN;
community, advocacy efforts by local and national organiza- Kim Jorgensen
tions, and the status of HUD s groundbreaking national LGBT
housing discrimination study. Lights, Camera, Action: Intensive Real World Media
Training for Movement Leaders (Continued)
Presenters: Kenneth Carroll, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Communications, Media and Messaging • Intermediate
Opportunity U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Develop-
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 83
Friday Sessions

Own the Room: Presenters: Ben de Guzman, Co-Director for Programs, Na-
Boost Your Facilitation and Presentation Skills tional Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance, Washington, DC;
Communications, Media and Messaging • All Audiences Trishala Deb, Brooklyn, CA; Gannon Long, Immigration Equality,
While each person brings their own unique experiences, per- Washington, DC; Lisbeth Melendez Rivera, Principal, Intersec-
sonality and talents to a presentation, this highly interactive tions Consulting, Washington, DC
workshop will help us approach leading trainings in an orga-
nized and effective way, alleviating some of the anxiety of public Race and Power:
speaking. Participants will gain tools and strategies to improve An Examination of Intersectionality
planning and facilitation skills as well as identify some of their Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences
strengths in providing trainings. Activists at all levels interested This past summer at the Human Rights Campaign
in improving presentation skills will benefit from this workshop. Summer Institute for Theological and Religious Studies an in-
tense and animated discussion took place between scholars
Presenter: Samuel Lurie, Transgender Training and Advocacy, and students about the value and challenges of intersectionality
Hinesburg, VT as a working concept. While intersectionality is a concept of the
multiple identities within all of us, distinguishing it from coali-
Queer Immigrant Lives: tion work across different interest areas and justice work, the
Redemption and Reform in a Globalized Context concept carries profound different practical implications when
Immigration • All Audiences approached from the position of queer people of color. What
This session provides a more holistic analysis of immigration becomes clear in this articulation is the fluidity of sexuality and
and comprehensive immigration reform in the United States. race and how they mutually inform one another. What such ar-
Panelists present a comprehensive analysis of comprehensive ticulation also brings to the surface are the subtle ways that we
immigration reform, including: 1) grounding the debate within perpetuate oppressive structures even in progressive organiz-
a global context of migration, 2) an analysis of intersectional ing. The question remains, however, how do we do organizing
movements at work, and 3) strategies for participants to orga- from a truly intersectional as opposed to simply a coalition mod-
nize in their own communities. We foreground the lives and ex- el? In dialogue, these scholars are leading the ways of thinking
periences of LGBTQ immigrants and provide meaningful ways about these issues. I can guarantee that this would be a panel
for allies to engage. that would truly enliven the conference and perhaps as it did the
summer institute and the American Academy of Religion annual
conference most recently.
Presenters: Sharon Groves, Deputy Director Religion and
Faith Program, HRC, Washington, DC; Sara Rosenau, Drew
University; Thelathia Young, Emory University; Ellen Armour, E.
Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Chair in Feminist Theology, Di-
rector of the Carpenter Program in Religion, Gender, and Sexu-
ality, Vanderbilt University School of Divinity, Nashville, TN

Research for Change: Leveraging Data

to Improve School Climate for LGBT Youth
School Issues • All Audiences
This workshop will provide information about the experiences
of LGBT youth in U.S. schools, using findings from GLSEN’s
2009 National School Climate Survey. Presenters will share
research about the diverse educational experiences of LGBT
youth, including exposure to bias-based behaviors, access to
institutional supports, and changes in school climate over the
last decade. GLSEN’s Local School Climate Survey, a research
tool for organizing in local communities, and strategies for using
research will also be discussed.
Presenters: Mark Bartkiewicz, GLSEN, New York, NY; Elizabeth
Diaz, GLSEN, New York, NY; Joseph Kosciw, GLSEN

Serving LGBTQ students without an LGBT Center

Campus • Fundamentals
The goal of this session is to share how one of the most “LGBT
friendly” schools in the county is able to create a welcoming and
celebratory climate without the presence of centralized services
Friday Sessions

in the form of a center. This session will provide attendees with nity in the Midwest. Within seven months of being incorporated
tangible ideas to bring back to their campuses in order to have as a nonprofit, The Center had developed twelve educational,
an impact on the quality of life for LGBTQ members of their support, and social programs, hosted the community’s first or-
campus community. This session will also explore how to pro- ganized Pride Festival, and connected to over 20 local resourc-
vide student services at campuses that have political or religious es in order to serve the LGBT community needs better. This
limitations on doing so. workshop provides attendees with the challenges we faced and
shares some the successes we had in developing our center in
Presenters: Ryan Prosser, Macalester College, St. Paul, MN;
order to help others wanting to develop similar initiatives. Come
Finn Schneider, Macalester College, St. Paul, MN
learn and share ideas for incorporating and structuring a com-
munity center, utilizing the Internet and social networking tools
Shouting over the Silence: The re-birth of Direct Action
to promote your organization, and strategies for raising money.
Community Organizing • All Audiences
We’re tired of being bypassed by politicians who are more inter- Presenters: Kevin Johnson, President, The UP Center of
ested in protecting their jobs than ours. And we’re tired of waiting Champaign County, Ann Arbor, MI; Megan Pacely, Treasurer,
on others to articulate mechanisms for change — we’re creating The UP Center of Champaign County, Urbana, IL
our own! Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and fight back for
your equality? We want to help you create state-based “strike What’s Law Got to Do With It? Where Do Legal Rights
force” groups interested in campaigning locally on LGBT and Fit in the LGBT Social Justice Movement?
inter-sectional issues. By the end of this session, you’ll have tan- Movement Building • All Audiences
gible ways to implement direct actions in your own community! Come examine the role of legal advocacy and litigation in the
LGBT movement. Together we will discuss the following ques-
Presenters: Heather Cronk, GetEqual, Washington, DC; Robin
tions: Does the emphasis on winning equal rights support or
McGeehee, GetEqual, Fresno, CA; Michelle Wright, GetEqual,
hinder our larger efforts to achieve social justice? How do we
Fresno, CA
build greater communication, collaboration and accountability
between legal advocates, organizers and activists to make our
Telling: Katie Miller, Knights Out, and DADT movement stronger? Ultimately, how can litigation and legal ad-
Military/Veterans Issues • All Audiences
vocacy be a part of building an activist movement for social
Former Cadet Katherine Miller and Communications Director
Sue Fulton of Knights Out, both also members of the public
board of OutServe, the underground network of active-duty Presenters: M. Dru Levasseur, Transgender Rights Attorney,
LGBT servicemembers, will talk about messaging and media Lambda Legal, New York, NY; Beverly Tillery, Director of Com-
strategies behind their work to allow gays and lesbians to serve munity Education and Advocacy, Lambda Legal, New York, NY
openly in the military. We will illustrate the importance of tell-
ing personal stories in changing attitudes; and why “don’t ask, Working with Asian & Pacific Islander
don’t tell” started to crumble when people started “telling.” (A&PI) Congregations to Become Welcoming
Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences
Presenters: Sue Fulton, Communications Director, Knights
This workshop will be conducted by members of
Out; Katherine Miller
Network on Religion and Justice for Asian & Pacific Islander
LGBT Equality (NRJ). The aim of this workshop is to present and
Trans People of Color Organizing and Advocacy

Friday Sessions
discuss various strategies and means to engage Asian & Pacific
People of Color • All Audiences
Islander churches in becoming a welcoming worship place for
Trans People of Color will come together to build networks and
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals. The
form alliances for us to be better advocates. We have many
A&PI communities hold many complexities in their breadth of
more similarities, particularly in relation to the greater LGBT
ethnicities, languages, and generational layers (both in age and
movement. Working together makes us much stronger! We will
immigration status). Thus, working with A&PI congregations
discuss ways to share our resources and form strong alliances
around issues of LGBT welcoming can be challenging and re-
across our races, classes, religions and the many other ways in
warding. Topics will cover how to start the welcoming process
which our communities are unique. This is designed for the indi-
in a culturally competent and respectful manner in navigating
vidual or a group. The intent is to provide resources and learn to
the welcoming process, and how to continue the engagement.
collaborate to become more effective self advocates.
Specific case studies will be shared of A&PI welcoming congre-
Presenter: Kylar Broadus, Attorney, Trans People of Color gations and their journey. Short clips from the documentary film,
Coalition, Columbia, MO In God’s House, will also be shown as part of the workshop.
Presenter: Sharon Hwang Colligan, Network on Religion and
UP UP and Away: Building a Community Center Justice for Asian & Pacific Islander LGBT Equality
for Supporting the LGBTQ Community continued on next page
Community Centers • All Audiences
The UP Center of Champaign County is a new community cen-
ter for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, questioning, and ally commu-
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 85
Friday Sessions

Caucus 1 We will look to the participants to decide the exact flow of the
Friday, February 4 • 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm caucus. We hope also to give attendees a chance to think and
chat about the space for Bisexual/Pansexual/Fluid identified
An Erased Population: Exploring Homophobia in Sport folks at Creating Change 2011 and to explore how to apply a
Campus Bi/Pan/Fluid lens to the workshops participants will attend dur-
Homophobia has been a consistent albeit often silent issue in ing the rest of the conference. Learning Objectives: Participants
sport. From restricted career advancement to a greater inci- will leave with a sense of community and national connections.
dence of depression, the negative effects of homophobia are Participants will also leave with ideas on how to frame their work
profound and can be exacerbated by the sexist culture of sport. and the confidence and ability to speak from Bi/Pan/Fluid iden-
We will explore research and initiatives related to homophobia tities throughout the rest of Creating Change 2011.
and heterosexism in sport settings. Our aim is to create aware- Presenters: Robyn Ochs, Bisexual Resource Center/BiNet
ness, promote research, encourage advocacy and involvement, USA, Jamaica Plain, MA; Becky Saltzman, Minneapolis, MN
and brainstorm ideas for changing the homophobic sport envi-
ronment. Caucus/Networking of LGBT Asian Americans, South
Presenters: Austin Calhoun, Tucker Center for Research on Asians, Southeast Asians and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs)
Girls and Women in Sport at the University of Minnesota, Min- People of Color
neapolis, MN; Alyssa Norris, Tucker Center for Research on Join other LGBT Asian Americans, South Asians, Southeast
Girls and Women in Sport at the University of Minnesota, Min- Asians and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) to tell about your organi-
neapolis, MN zations, share strategies, and plan for a National Queer Asian
Pacific Islander Alliance.
API Caucus @ Practice Spirit, Do Justice Presenters: Ben de Guzman, Co-Director for Programs, Na-
Practice Spirit, Do Justice tional Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance, Washington, DC;
This space will be open only to those who identify Asha Leong, Outreach Associate, Lambda Legal Defense and
as Asian & Pacific Islander and also as Lesbian, Education Fund, Atlanta, GA; Glenn D. Magpantay, Co-Director,
Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning. The purpose National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance, New York, NY
of the gathering will be to create meaningful relationships across
our diverse ethnic, gender, class, and faith communities. We will College Student Caucus
seek to build a new community or expand upon our already ex- Campus
isting ties and communities to better support and build a basis Student leaders on college campuses rarely have a chance to
for growth and collaboration. We will have time to introduce one breath, let alone work with, support, and learn from student on
another, get to know each other better, share histories, stories, other college campuses. This is disappointing given the fact
and resources. that these students are involved in such amazing work on their
Presenters: Ben de Guzman, Co-Director for Programs, Na- home campuses. This caucus will bring together student lead-
tional Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance, Washington, DC; ers from campuses across the country to identify common is-
Asha Leong, Outreach Associate, Lambda Legal Defense and sues; learn new program strategies and program practices; and
Education Fund, Atlanta, GA create collaborative relationships with other students.
Presenters: Michael Shutt, Emory Office of LGBT Life, Atlanta,
Atheist, Free Thinker, Non-Believer Caucus GA; Danielle Steele, Office of LGBT Life Emory University, At-
Faith & Spirituality lanta, GA
Atheists are still considered the least-trusted minority group in
the US. This caucus will be an opportunity to discuss the chal- Creating a Progressive Media
lenge of carrying both a non-believing and LGBT identity and Communications, Media and Messaging
to strategize how better to recruit allies from the non-believing This workshop will help participants gain a real world under-
community and confront religious bias. Anyone who is curious standing of how the media has been captured by conservative
about these worldviews is welcome to join the discussion. activists to undermine progress for the GLBT community. Par-
Presenter: Zack Ford,, Newport, PA ticipates will learn the power of progressive talk radio to influ-
ence public dialogue and elections; and how they can launch
Bisexual/Pansexual/Fluid Caucus progressive media throughout the country.
Bisexual Community Presenter: Janet Robert, AM950 The Voice of Minnesota, Eden
This interactive caucus will help participants create connections Prairie, MN
across the nation with other bisexual individuals. As an often
invisible identity, it’s important to have spaces where we can
gather to see that our community exists and that there is sup-
port for Bisexual/Pansexual/Fluid identities across the nation.

86 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Friday Sessions

Disabled and Loving Fabulous & Empowered: A Presentation of FIERCE’s

Disability Organizing Tool Kit and other Youth Organizing Models
You walk by a person with a significant disability. Do you find Movement Building
them attractive or repulsive? Discuss issues played out in the FIERCE is proud to release our organizer’s toolkit this year. The
media based on disability. Can you open your heart to someone toolkit is a guide we hope will serve to support organizations
or is it purely pity party? Let’s discuss it as a group. that either already follow a youth-led organizing model or are
looking to implement one. In our current climate, youth-led or-
Presenter: Francisco Vaca, Potterville, MI
ganizing as a tool for empowerment and change is an undeni-
able necessity. Come dialogue with us about successful youth-
E. None of the Above led organizing models, how to implement them, and the lessons
Gender Issues
learned along the way.
Gender Queer, Genderfuct, Gender Non-Conforming, Androgy-
nous... There are many words that describe where an individual Presenter: Emerson Brisbon, FIERCE, NY, NY
may fall on the gender spectrum. For the many people fall under
these titles, it seems like being rainbow in a black and white Femme Outside of Gender
world. This seminar is designed to explore living on the gen- Sexual Freedom
der spectrum in a gender binary world in a discussion exploring Femme Outside of Gender is a workshop that asks how a
topics and asking questions such as: “What do you do when femme identity is understood and lived in differently queer bod-
forced to choose between male and female?” “Do you iden- ies and spaces. What makes being a femme so compelling to
tify solely as ‘gender queer’ or do you identify with more than some of us and why is it often seen as problematic and suspi-
one gender identity?” “Gender Non-conforming Pronouns” and ciously unqueer. Join femme identified Amber Hollibaugh, Ken-
“Gender Queer and Transitioning.” yon Farrow and other panelists in this conversation.
Presenter: Ripley Iwen, BAGLY, Metheun, MA Presenters: Kenyon Farrow; Amber Hollibaugh, Interim Ex-
ecutive Director, Queers for Economic Justice, New York, NY
ElectEquality: Progress at the Ballot Box
Elections, Ballot Measures and Campaigns Gay Men and HIV:
For decades, LGBT Americans have relied almost exclusively Recent Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities
on the Democratic Party to promote, enact and defend legisla- AIDS/HIV
tion aimed at guaranteeing our equal rights under the law. But Gay and bisexual men and other men who have sex with men
if there is anything that we’ve learned since the 2008 elections, (MSM) have been particularly hard hit since the onset of the HIV
it’s that having Democratic majorities in Congress and a Demo- crisis, and they continue to experience disproportionate rates of
cratic President does not guarantee us rights we deserve - ac- HIV infection when compared to other populations. However,
cess to equal rights. ElectEquality, a program conceived and the health needs of these men have been historically ignored.
implemented by the National Stonewall Democrats, is a stra- The CDC recently released new data indicating a 17% increase
tegic campaign initiative aimed at harnessing the power of les- in new HIV infections among gay men from 2005 to 2008. This
bian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans to influence the session will address how MSM are prioritized in the National
outcome of the electoral process across the country. In 2010 for HIV/AIDS Strategy and the new opportunities to proactively ad-
the inaugural launch for the ElectEquality program, NSD sent 11 dress some of the barriers and challenges in HIV prevention

Friday Sessions
grassroots organizers (these organizers make up the freshman with MSM.
class of the Equaliteam), across the country working to elect
Presenters: David Purcell, CDC, Atlanta, GA; Robert Valadez,
pro-equality Democratic candidates to Congress. In 3 months,
GMHC, New York, NY
these 11 organizers were able to knock on 59,353 doors, call
105,231 voters, and generate over 5,625 volunteer hours.
Gay Straight Alliances
Presenters: Jerame Davis, National Stonewall Democrats; Mi- School Issues
chael Mitchell, National Stonewall Democrats, New York, NY; This Caucus will focus on Gay-Straight Alliances in High
Linsey Pecikonis, National Stonewall Democrats, Washington, Schools. This will be an opportunity for youth who are in Gay
DC; Daniel Ramos, Broomsfield, CO Straight Alliances and organizations working to build the Gay
Straight Alliance movement to come together to share experi-
Ex-Gay Survivor Caucus ences, network, and build community.
Movement Building
Presenters: Danielle Askini, GSA Network, San Francisco, CA;
The Ex-Gay Survivor’s Caucus will be meeting to share with oth-
T. Aaron Hans, Consultant/Activist, RISE Consulting, Marina,
er ex-gay survivors our stories and learn how to create change
CA; Tim Michael, GSA for Safe School, Madison, WI
from our experiences.
continued on next page
Presenter: Philip Lowe, Richfield, MN

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 87

Friday Sessions

Homo-Interior: Presenters: John Johnson, SAGE, Washington, DC; Serena

Religious Design for Your Queer Soul Worthington, Director of Community Advocacy and Capacity
Practice Spirit, Do Justice Building, SAGE, Chicago, IL
Tired of being asked how you “reconcile your
sexuality with your faith”? Let your inner designer respond! A Navigating the World as LGBT and Middle Eastern
mandala is a form of sacred art used in various religious tradi- People of Color
tions to focus the attention of spiritual seekers in establishing a This session will address the unique status of Arab-American
sacred space. We will adapt this ancient technique to give voice (and other Middle Eastern) LGBT people in our society. Partici-
and visibility to the content of our fabulous queer souls. Par- pants will hear about cultural and social reasons that contribute
ticipants will design their own mandalas, and will discuss their to the oppression and extreme sense of isolation that is often
spiritual and political significance. experienced by people who are at the intersection of Middle
Eastern cultures and the LGBT community. Participants will en-
Presenters: Rev. Liz Edman, New York, NY; Kelby Harrison, gage in interactive discussions of shared experiences, support
Post-doctoral Fellow in Social Ethics, Union Theological Semi- systems and possible long-term programs that could positively
nary, New York, NY impact the community.
Latin@s: How is HIV/AIDS Affecting Us? Presenter: Robert Salem, Attorney, University of Toledo Col-
AIDS/HIV lege of Law, Toledo, OH
This Latino HIV/AIDS caucus Latin@s: How is HIV/AIDS Affect-
ing Us? will allow activists from around the country to connect, Queer Activism in Spanish Caucus
network, hear and share the status of how HIV/AIDS is affecting People of Color
the Latino LGBT community the U.S.A. and Puerto Rico. Join In most Queer Latino activist efforts English is the default lan-
us to discuss how HIV/AIDS affects our community and what guage that is used. However, many Latino community members
can we do to positively impact the prevention and intervention are Spanish-dominant and prefer to engage civic and cultural is-
efforts. sues in Spanish. This caucus is designed as a Spanish-language
LGBT activist gathering. We hope to share resources, best prac-
Presenters: Juan Calderon, Chicago, IL; Jorge Cestou, Unid@s, tices and confer around the needs of LGBT activism in Spanish.
Chicago, IL
Presenters: Francisco Dueñas, Proyecto Igualdad Coordina-
Leather Leadership Roundtable tor, Lambda Legal, Los Angeles, CA
Sexual Freedom
Join leather leaders to strategize and advance our goal to Radical Faerie Caucus
decriminalize BDSM through “Consent Counts,” a project Community Organizing
launched at the 2006 Creating Change Conference. Discrimi- The Radical Faerie Caucus will focus on radical faeries with
nation and persecution of consensual BDSM practitioners is on space to discuss history, sanctuaries, spirituality and radical fa-
the rise and consensual BDSM is frequently prosecuted as as- erie culture(s) and community(ies).
sault. This project is well under way and needs your input. Presenters: Eric Eldritch, Circle Keeper, DC Radical Faeries,
Presenters: Richard Cunningham; Leigh Fleming College Park, MD; Timothy Gardner, Northwoods Radical Faer-
ies, Bethlehem, PA; Brett Tallgrass-Pearson, Minneapolis, MN;
LGBT Health as a Tool for Social Justice Ralph Wyman, Minneapolis, MN
Blending policy and advocacy by using a social justice ap- Sex-Positive Trans Caucus
proach, we will tackle LGBT health disparities. Health is not just Sexual Freedom
a personal issue; it reflects the structures that shape society. Presenters: Yoseñio V. Lewis, Woodhull Freedom Foundation,
Factors such as race, gender, class, gender identify, and sexual San Francisco, CA; Harper Jean Tobin, Policy Council, National
orientation affect the ability of individuals to enjoy healthy lives. Center for Transgender Equality, Washington, DC
Presenter: Matthew Rose, National Coalition for LGBT Health, Southeastern U.S. Caucus
Washington, DC Movement Building
As queer and allied organizers and leaders in the South/South-
National LGBT Aging Roundtable Member Caucus east United States, we face unique challenges in working for
Aging social change affected by the dynamics of race, religion, socio-
In this caucus session, members of the National Roundtable on economic status and many other historical factors. Join us at
LGBT Aging will report on advocacy and service initiatives oc- this caucus to dialogue and strategize with fellow activists and
curring throughout the country. Everyone in the room will have organizers in the South to build community and enhance our
the opportunity to participate by sharing their knowledge, ask- social change work.
ing questions and networking.

88 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

Friday & Saturday Sessions

Presenters: Ryan Miller, University of North Florida, Jackson- Workshop Session 5

ville, FL; Natalie Nguyen Saturday, February 5 • 9:00 am – 10:30 am
Telling Our Stories Lifting As We Climb: An Exercise (therefore
Practice Spirit, Do Justice you might sweat) In Rethinking How We Do
The most effective means for LGBTQI folk to What We Do So We Can Do It Better!
change hearts and minds is by telling our stories Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences
and letting people get to know us. Recently we saw where Eliz- We will explore what it means to reshape a movement. We will
abeth Hasselback, a host on TV’s The View changed her mind engage in a redefining of/direct discussion of purpose and in-
about gay marriage because she got to know Melissa Ether- tent. We so frequently engage in the work of our movement
idge. This session will resource even the most shy of folk how without a game plan. We rarely have a clearly articulated plan
to effectively communicate their stories to change hearts and around what are we here to do, what have we brought to the
minds. table, what are we working with and what may be helping
Presenters: Louise Brooks, Altadena, CA or hurting our intended outcomes. We will reflect upon what
it means to own, accept and think about the proper use(s) of
Trans/cending Trans- & Partner-Only Spaces privilege, which can keep us stuck in a habit of disavowing our
Sexual Freedom privilege and therefore never seeing the responsibilities implicit
This caucus will provide an opportunity for trans-identified and in having privilege. We focus on five major questions that can
gender non-conforming persons in current or previous romantic lay the foundation for inclusive and thoughtful movement build-
relationships with other trans and gender non-conforming per- ing work. Safety: Am I mindful of the physical and emotional
sons to meet and discuss how we navigate the uniqueness of safety of others? Empowerment: Am I fostering an environment
our relationships in typically binary-oriented spaces. We will ex- where each individual’s strengths, experiences and uniqueness
plore the diversity of our identities and discuss how trans- and can be highlighted and built upon? Trustworthiness: Am I being
partner-only spaces have affected our participation in the trans clear and consistent with my expectations of and in my inter-
and overall LGBTQ communities. ALL genders welcome! actions with others? Am I maintaining appropriate boundaries?
Am I creating an atmosphere of respect and acceptance free of
Presenters: Mel Goodwin, The Gay & Lesbian Community judgment? Choice: Am I providing those I interact with experi-
Center of Southern Nevada, Las Vegas, NV; Phoenix Schneider, ences of choice and control? Collaboration: Am I allowing an
Trevor Project, Los Angeles, CA approach of collaboration and sharing to be at the center of my
interactions? Join us for this thought provoking discussion!
Transgender: A Question of Faith
Practice Spirit, Do Justice Presenter: Minister Louis J. Mitchell, Recovering the Promise
This workshop will answer the question, “Why did Ministries, Chicopee, MA
God make me a man, if God wanted me to be a
woman?” In a series of interactive discussions, participants will ¿Qué Dijeron?/What Did They Say?
move beyond the limits of religion and reach into the true mean- Creating Multilingual Spaces
ing of faith, and learn how to find, embrace and develop faith Movement Building • All Audiences
beyond previously held limits and beliefs. Organizing and movement building are based on relationships.

Saturday Sessions
Neither can happen if we can’t talk to one another. Language
Presenter: Stephanie Mott, Kansas Statewide Transgender is a powerful tool that can be used to silence communities or
Education Project, Topeka, KS to create spaces for new voices to emerge in ways that trans-
form race relationships and empower marginalized groups. This
White Privilege in the Queer Community: workshop focuses on creating social justice spaces where lan-
Holding each other accountable guage is used democratically to strengthen cross-cultural alli-
Racial Justice ances by providing the tools and resources necessary for bridg-
The caucus will allow participants to identify and discuss ways ing communication across language.
in which White privilege manifests in LGBT/Queer organiza-
tions. Using consciousness raising questioning participants will Presenter: Roberto Tijerina, Popular Educator/Trainer, Durham, NC
develop and consider ways oppressed sexual identities mask
racial privilege within the LGBTQA community. People of all Case Studies For
races, ethnicities, and nationalities are encouraged to attend. Denominational Engagement
Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences
Presenters: Jeffrey Carroll, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY; This workshop will focus on recent campaigns for
Lauren Hannahs, Graduate Assistant, LGBT Resource Center, full inclusion waged within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY America and the Episcopal Church USA as case studies. We’ll
examine long-term strategies used by Lutherans Concerned/
North America and Integrity USA. Key learnings include the

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 89

saturday Sessions

strength of one-on-one visits and long-term relationship build- targeted in outreach efforts by the LGBTQ community. However
ing, graceful engagement from within, leveraging catalyzing those who are not involved in or do not have access to the un-
events, and the ministry of presence. dergraduate education system have been historically silent within
the LGBTQ movement. This workshop will focus on how to cre-
Presenters: Kathleen Campisano, Senior Field Organizer,
ate spaces for these individuals and empower them to share their
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Los Angeles, CA; Ross
stories and become involved with the larger community.
Murray, Minneapolis, MN; Max Niedzwiecki; Trystan Reese, Na-
tional Gay and Lesbian Task Force Presenters: Amanda Lee Genero; Lindsey Van Clief, Advo-
cates for Youth, CT
Creating Meaningful Change: Addressing Poverty
in the LGBT Community Through Collaboration From LA to Anchorage:
Racial Justice • All Audiences The State of LGBT Community Centers
LGBT people are more likely to live in poverty than the general Community Centers • All Audiences
population, but there are few LGBT services and advocacy fo- There are more than 200 known LGBT community centers lo-
cused specifically on the most urgent issues that low-income cated in 46 states and the District of Columbia serving thou-
LGBT people face. This workshop will highlight these issues, sands of LGBT people each week. Have you ever been to an
discuss successful collaborative efforts to address poverty in LGBT Community Center? Are you a staff member at a center?
the LGBT community, and discuss how activists can be in- Are you interested in learning about some of the largest orga-
volved in addressing the needs of low-income LGBT people. nizations in the LGBT movement? Come to this collaborative
session to talk about the changing role of LGBT community
Presenters: Natalie Chin, Lambda Legal, New York, NY; Cathy
centers, as we present results from the 2010 Community Cen-
Sakimura, Equal Justice Works Fellow, National Center for Les-
ter Survey Report, authored by the Movement Advancement
bian Rights, San Francisco, CA; Terra Slavin, Lead Staff Attor-
Project and CenterLink.
ney Legal Services, L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center, Los Angeles,
CA; Dan Torres, California Rural Legal Assistance, Stockton, CA Presenters: Naomi Goldberg, Movement Advancement Project,
Chicago, IL; Terry Stone, Executive Director, CenterLink
Doing Justice: A place for polyamorous/non-
monogamous communities in the LGBTIQA movement GLSEN’s Safe Space Kit Campaign:
Sexual Freedom • Intermediate You can help make schools safer for LGBT students
As LGBTIQA movements strive for society to recognize and School Issues • All Audiences
embrace a spectrum of gender and sexual identities, the poly- This workshop will briefly lead participants through GLSEN’s
amorous/non-monogamous (poly/NM) communities are work- Safe Space Kit: Guide to Being an Ally to LGBT Students with
ing to gain recognition and equity within these movements. This interactive activities and discussions. The kit will show partici-
workshop is aimed at people who are interested in having a pants how they can create safe spaces in schools by support-
dialogue regarding poly/NM issues in broader LGBTIQA move- ing LGBT students, educating about anti-LGBT bias and advo-
ments. We will examine issues of “outness”, inclusion in LGB- cating for changes in schools. Participants will also learn about
TIQA movements, and strategies for raising poly/NM concerns GLSEN’s Safe Space Campaign, which aims to send a Safe
within your own work. Space Kit to every High School in America. All participants will
receive a free kit along with campaign material.
Presenters: Timothy Gardner, Northwoods Radical Faeries,
Bethlehem, PA; Robin Nussbaum, Coordinator, Oneonta Gender Presenters: Jenny Betz, President, GALA-St.Mary’s College,
& Sexuality Resource Center, Oneonta, NY Moraga, CA; Justin Rosado, GLSEN, New York, NY

Empowering Members of Campus Student Organizations Going for the Gold: Transphobia, Racism,
Campus • All Audiences and Why the Oppression Olympics are a Losing Game
Oftentimes, students can end up creating a culture in their cam- Movement Building • Fundamentals
pus organization that only involves their executive board. But It’s no secret that trans people face discrimination both inside
that isn’t a sustainable organization, and when the entire board and outside of LGBT communities. But when we focus on
graduates from college the organization breaks down. This transphobic oppression alone, conversations about racism are
workshop will teach participants how to empower their mem- left behind. In this workshop we’ll discuss some of the ways
bers in their organization and create a sustainable organization. in which racism operates and how the far right systemically
launches attacks that impact trans communities and communi-
Presenters: Laura Graving, Dayton, OH; David Topping, OUT-
ties of color. Participants will explore a case study and learn how
spoken, Kalamazoo, MI
to avoid the “oppression Olympics.”
Enabling Activism Among 18-24 Year Olds Presenters: Maceo Persson; Tash Shatz, Basic Rights Oregon,
Youth • All Audiences Portland, OR
Currently both college students and high school students are

90 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

saturday Sessions

Hanging Out and Hooking Up: Mobilizing Pro-Equality Catholics

Cruising, Safer Dating and Negotiating Sex on LGBT Issues
Anti-Violence/Bias Reduction • All Audiences Practice Spirit, Do Justice • Intermediate
With a rise in reports of pick-up violence in LGBTQ commu- Catholicism is the largest religious denomination
nities, NCAVP offers this workshop to equip LGBTQ commu- in the US, representing more than 26% of all adults, and 28%
nities, especially youth, with safety strategies for hanging out of voters. The Catholic hierarchy has consistently led the fight
and hooking up. This workshop will focus on safer dating and against LGBT equality. However, a strong majority of Catholics
through exercises, role-plays, and discussion, will provide skills support equality for our community in both civil and religious
and tools for asserting boundaries, detecting bad behavior, un- matters. This session will provide tools on reaching both pro-
derstanding consent (both asking for and giving), understand- equality and “moveable middle” Catholics and motivating them
ing the distinctions between BDSM and abuse, and addressing to take positive actions.
and dealing with triggers. This workshop will rely and expand
Presenter: Marianne Duddy-Burke, Executive Director, Dignity
upon NCAVP’s safer dating tips. In support of healthy commu-
USA, Washington, DC
nities and healthy movements, we’ll provide participants with
support to develop awareness of their own needs, wants, and
New Information on Transgender Discrimination
boundaries, as well as those of potential partners.
to Inform Workplace Policies
Presenters: LaDawn Best, L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center, Los An- Transgender Community & Issues • Fundamentals
geles, CA; Jessica Farmer, Kansas City Anti-Violence Project, With the completion in 2009 by the National Gay and Lesbian
Kansas City, MO; Crystal Middlestadt, Colorado Anti-Violence Task Force of the first-ever National Survey of Transgender Dis-
Program, Denver, CO; Rachel Smith, Virginia Anti-Violence Proj- crimination, there now exists new data on the discrimination
ect, Charlottesville, VA faced by the transgender community. This session is aimed for
HR professionals, employees and anyone interested in under-
Helping Your Older Adult Populations: standing more about the challenges faced by the transgender
Utilizing, and Contributing to, community and how this data can effectively be utilized and
the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging transferred to greater workplace policies and acceptance.
Aging • All Audiences
Presenters: David Alexander, National Gay and Lesbian Task
Are you aware of the specific concerns, needs and resources
Force, New York, NY; Ron Falcon MD, Co-Chair for Johnson &
available to your community’s older population? SAGE (Ser-
Johnson GLOBAL Affinity Group; Jack Harrison, National Gay
vices and Advocacy for GLBT Elders), in partnership with ten
and Lesbian Task Force, Washington, DC; Jennifer Martin, Chair,
organizations, has launched an ambitious and much-needed
PRIDE Employee Resource Group, Best Buy, Minneapolis, MN
National Resource Center on LGBT Aging, with the overall goal
of improving services for LGBT older people. This workshop will
Of Faith and On-Line: Tools to Get Going
both empower you to direct older people in your community to
Faith & Spirituality • All Audiences
the resources that they need, and will also provide a medium for
Over the past fifteen years the media landscape has changed
you to contribute to the ongoing development of the National
drastically. It can be a whirlwind to keep up with the latest tech-
Resource Center.
nologies, not to mention discerning which methods will help us,
Presenter: Hillary Meyer, SAGE, New York, NY as LGBTQ people of faith, to change hearts and minds. This ses-

saturday Sessions
sion brings together prominent online LGBTQ and allied voices
Making LGBT Students Count: to share best practices and practical tools that help broaden and
Creating Change in the Youth Risk Behavior Survey deepen conversations about faith, religion and values online.
School Issues • All Audiences
Presenter: Rev Janet Edwards, Pittsburgh, PA
This skills building workshop will examine the ongoing state and
federal administrative advocacy efforts to incorporate LGBT
Recruiting, Training, and Motivating Volunteers
students into the federal Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)
in Your Organization
and discuss the importance of data collection to facilitate LGBT
Community Centers • All Audiences
advocacy. Panelists will provide background regarding YRBS
This session will help your organization fully utilize supporters
advocacy efforts at the state and federal level, discuss how sta-
as volunteers in a variety of positions. Motivation techniques
tistics and data can be used to further advocacy efforts, and
and recruitment tools will be shared. Volunteers can provide
provide tools and resources to facilitate engagement in YRBS
an invaluable resource to your organization. These volunteers
or other administrative advocacy.
not only provide much needed services, but also become more
Presenters: Durryle Brooks, Advocates for Youth, Washing- vested in the organization’s mission. Attendees will leave with a
ton, DC; Alison Gill, Policy Associate, GLSEN, Washington, DC; greater understanding of the tools needed to recruit, train, and
Carolyn Laub, Executive Director, Gay-Straight Alliance Net- motivate volunteers.
work, San Francisco, CA; Dave Reynolds, The Trevor Project,
Presenters: Paul Allen, Oklahomans for Equality, Tulsa, OK;
Los Angeles, CA
Toby Jenkins, Oklahomans for Equality, Tulsa, OK
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 91
saturday Sessions

Strategic Alliances and Collaboration The Race For Equality Includes You!
Organizational Development • Intermediate Elections, Ballot Measures and Campaigns • Intermediate
With government, foundation and individual donor funds in short This session is meant to raise awareness and increase excite-
supply for service and advocacy organizations, inter-agency ment about the opportunities and challenges of running as an
collaboration is no longer a luxury but an imperative. This work- openly GLBT candidate of color for every level of elected and
shop will provide participants with a framework to consider po- appointed office. We will set a framework for asking important
tential collaborations, explore best practices, and help staff and questions as you decide whether or not running for office is right
board members discern what to look for in partner agencies as for you.
well as what they offer to them.
Presenters: Martin Garcia, Gay & Lesbian Leadership Institute,
Presenter: John Magisano, Brooklyn, NY Washington, DC; Shawn Werner, Director of Campaign Servic-
es, Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund and Leadership Institute
The 1964 Civil Rights Act:
Our Path to Dignity and Equality The Status of LGBT Federal Legislation
Movement Building • All Audiences Under the 112th Congress
Want Equal Civil Rights? For starters, they’re called “Human Legislative/Legal Reform and Public Policy • All Audiences
Rights” because you are born with them and it is every gov- Join national advocates for a frank discussion of the status and
ernment’s primary responsibility to protect them! Come find out expectations for several bills.
how the 1964 Civil Rights Act works to fulfill this duty by outlaw-
Presenter: Stacey Long, Federal Legislative Director, National
ing discrimination based on “race, color, sex, national origin, and
Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Washington, DC
religion” and how it could include “sexual orientation and gender
identity.” Offered by and The American
We’re coming out and want the world to know:
Equality Bill (AEB) Project (, organizers of the
Intersections of LGBT & Immigrant Communities
NYC Grand Central ‘Homophobia Kills Die-In.’
Immigration • All Audiences
Presenters: Gregory Brooker, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Civil Amidst rising hate rhetoric towards immigrants and gays in
Division; J. Todd Fernandez, The American Equality Bill (AEB) America, undocumented students have become street artists,
Project, New York, NY organized coordinated actions around the country, and made
their voices heard in Congress and the White House. Experi-
The Cutting Edge in Trans Rights: ence, explore, and discuss the intersectionality between the
ID Documents, Restroom Access, and Prisons LGBT and the immigrant youth movements.
Transgender Community & Issues • Intermediate
Presenters: Andrea Cahuantzi; Yahaira Carrillo, Kansas & Mis-
Transgender rights are rapidly evolving. There have been great
souri DREAM Alliance; Gregory Cendana, Asian Pacific Ameri-
victories in some states and localities and some losses in oth-
can Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO, Washington, DC; Matias Ramos,
ers. Whether fighting for better jail/prison treatment, for accu-
United We Dream
rate IDs, or against smear campaigns about restrooms, there is
plenty of cutting edge advocacy going on. Come hear about ef-
forts in various states and localities, and even the national level,
Youth Organizing 101
Community Organizing/Youth • Fundamentals
and what you can do where you are to make a difference.
Are you an LGBTQ youth of color looking to gain some knowl-
Presenters: Sadie Ryanne Baker; Sean Lund, National News edge on organizing? Then this workshop is for you! Join FIERCE,
Media Coordinator, Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation; a NYC-based youth-led organization dedicated to building the
Lisa Mottet, Transgender Civil Rights Project Director, National power and leadership of LGBTQ youth of color, for a workshop
Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Washington, DC; Harper Jean To- on base building and youth-led campaign strategy. Through this
bin, Policy Council, National Center for Transgender Equality, interactive workshop, we hope to provide you with the skills you
Washington, DC need to start to make the change you want to see in your own
communities. This workshop is open to LGBTQ youth of color
The Joys and Challenges of Polling between the ages of 13-24 years old.
Marriage • All Audiences
Presenter: Emerson Brisbon, FIERCE, NY, NY
Join key leaders and pollsters to learn more about the best way
to get what you want when performing research. We will walk
through everything from how to find the right pollster for you,
when to use the different methods of research (focus groups,
polls, etc.), how to work with your pollster to make sure you get
the information you need, and the overall strengths and weak-
nesses of polling. We will also discuss how to target specific
communities when doing research.
Presenter: Thalia Zepatos, Freedom to Marry, Portland, OR
92 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011
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Workshop Session 6 effectively counter anti-gay religious attitudes and messaging.

Saturday, February 5 • 10:45 am – 12:15 pm This workshop will present participants with messaging that has
been proven effective through four years of field- testing and
¿Qué Dijeron?/What Did They Say? how you can use it in your community.
Creating Multilingual Spaces (Continued) Presenters: Brent Childers, Faith In America, Hudson, NC;
Movement Building • All Audiences Mitchell Gold, Faith In America, Hudson, NC; Steve Hildebrand,
Sioux, SD
Anti-Racism Framework for Safe Schools Organizing
School Issues • Advanced Building a Youth Run Adult Supported Youth Group
This workshop will present the anti-racist framework for safe Youth • Fundamentals
schools organizing drafted by the National Safe Schools Growing up isn’t easy. Growing up queer can be impossible.
Roundtable. The framework highlights best practices in to com- Unfortunately there aren’t a lot of good ways to deal with it.
bat racism in schools, as well as confronting racism within the Youth groups are a good way to keep youth out of trouble in
safe schools movement. Participants will leave with a deeper the most troubling of times. Youth led, adult supported social
understanding of race and sexual orientation/gender identity in- groups are successful, because the group is represented and
tersections and practice in schools. policed by the membership and their peers. This seminar will
Presenters: Danielle Askini, GSA Network, San Francisco, CA; outline how to create a successful youth led adult supported
Ashley Johnson, Mississippi Safe Schools Coalition; Cathy Sa- social support group, and guide attendees in creating their own
kimura, Equal Justice Works Fellow, National Center for Lesbian group.
Rights, San Francisco, CA Presenter: Ripley Iwen, BAGLY, Metheun, MA

Barriers to Access for LGBTQ Youth Creating Diverse Coalitions Around Family Definition
Racial Justice/Youth • Intermediate Families • Intermediate
This workshop is designed to provide participants with an anti- This workshop will help participants understand the ways in
oppression and harm reduction framework for addressing is- which LGBT advocates can find common ground around fam-
sues and needs facing LGBTQ youth, particularly transgender ily definition issues with immigrant rights, women of color, eco-
youth and youth of color, in accessing housing, healthcare, nomic justice, and other social justice advocates and organiza-
education, and employment. We will focus on one local com- tions. Participants will leave this workshop with concrete tools
munity response - the GLBT Host Home Program, a grassroots they can use to create model coalitions based on a broad defi-
effort where adults from the community volunteer to open their nition of family.
homes to queer youth who need safe and stable housing.
Presenters: Heron Greenesmith, Legislative Counsel, Family
Presenters: Ryan Li Dahlstrom, Training and Network Coordi- Equality Council; Rhodes Perry, PFLAG National, Washington,
nator, GIFT (Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training); Rocki DC
Simeos, formerly of Youthlink, Minneapolis, MN
Creating Healthy Communities:
Becoming Better Allies: Supporting Labor Struggles Obstacles and Opportunities

saturday Sessions
Labor • All Audiences Health • All Audiences
If you want to learn the skills and tools to become a more ef- Research has repeatedly shown that there are significant health
fective ally with your labor union coalition partners, this is your disparities between LGBTQ and heterosexual individuals. Those
session. We will discuss the principles of “buying union” and us- disparities are then increased because of other aspects of our
ing union facilities and services; help participants deepen your identities (e.g., race, age, ability, class, citizenship). Participants
understanding of strikes, boycotts and other labor actions, and will be invited to identify obstacles to accessing appropriate and
provide training for LGBTQ nonprofits on best practices. If you competent healthcare for themselves and members of their
have specific questions or challenges you are facing in your or- communities, as well as to explore obstacles within our own
ganizing work, please bring them for discussion. communities and identify opportunities for change.
Presenters: Donna Cartwright, Director, Pride at Work, AFL- Presenters: Dr. Alex Iantaffi, University of Minnesota School
CIO, Cliffside Park, NJ; Leslie Gabel-Brett, Lambda Legal; Cleve of Public Health, Minneapolis, MN; Ani Koch, Rainbow Health
Jones, UNITE-HERE; Peggy Shorey Initiative, Minneapolis, MN; Keith Pederson, Division of Epide-
miology and Community Health School of Public Health, Min-
Breaking The Cycle of Religion-based Bigotry neapolis, MN
Communications, Media and Messaging • All Audiences
Equality measures, from marriage to repealing DADT, are op- How to put on an HIV prevention workshop
posed by those who play to anti-gay sentiment held in place by AIDS/HIV • Fundamentals
church teaching. Full equality will come sooner rather later when Do you work with MSM and have wanted to put on a sexual
the entire community, not just our faith allies, is equipped to health workshop with your organization but just didn’t know
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 93
saturday Sessions

where to get started? This workshop is designed to give you the Kink, Race, & Class
tools you will need to be able to go home and put on a sexual Sexual Freedom • All Audiences
health workshop in your community. You will learn how to lead How does race/racism/classism play into our kink? As a person
two activities: Hands, Mouth, Dick, and Ass which will give par- of color in the kink world, can we leave some of our identities at
ticipants the fundamentals of HIV/STD transmission and Move the door? Are queer play parties and kink worlds accessible to
with Your Feet which will get your participants thinking about poor people? Why? Why not? Do kinksters operate in a political
how they engage with sexual health issues in relationship to vacuum? Is it possible to be kinky and political? How can we
their peers. respect one another and continue to navigate within the kink
Presenters: Aaron Brosier, Minnesota Aids Project, Minneapolis, sphere? (Kink may encompass bondage and discipline, domi-
MN; Rob Graham, Minnesota AIDS Project, Minneapolis, MN nation and submission, sadism and masochism, power ex-
change play, fetishes, multi-partner encounters or relationship
Identifying and Resisting the Social Construction configurations, etc.)
of Aging and Embracing Old Pride Presenters: Kenyon Farrow; Asha Leong, Outreach Associate,
Aging • All Audiences Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Atlanta, GA; Ignacio
Participants will learn the structure of oppression especially as Rivera, Consultant, Brooklyn, NY
it applies to old LGBT people. They will develop strategies for
resistance and practice forms of resistance and learn how best LGBT Synagogues and Organizations:
to embrace aging and demonstrate “old pride.” This workshop Surfacing Our Diversity and Fitting the
will be interactive and all people are welcome. Mosaic Together
Presenters: Mandy Carter, Durham, NC; Ruth Debra, OLOC; Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences
Rev. Jan Griesinger, Co-Director - Old Lesbians Organizing for This is a facilitated discussion and an open dialogue to explore
Change, Athens, OH two developments in our LGBT Jewish Movement: the historical
role of LGBT synagogues and its evolution to the present and
Interpersonal Violence and The LGBTQ Community: future and the emergence of advocacy/educational/grassroots
A Conversation about how we can prevent queer Jewish organizations and their contribution and purpose.
Homophobia and Violence on College Campuses With that information as a foundation, the session will explore
Campus • All Audiences the relationship between the two entities to understand the pri-
The need for safe spaces on college campuses for our com- orities of the synagogues and organizations respectively and to
munity is a source of constant discussion. What is often over- have an open discussion around what happens if or when those
looked however is the need to address the violence that creates priorities diverge. This section will also include differentiating the
the need for safe spaces in the first place. In this interactive skills and offerings of each entity. In the final part of the session,
workshop, we will talk about ways in which we can address participants will identify areas for partnership and ways to sup-
the interpersonal violence and homophobia occurring on col- port one another, articulating a model by which the strengthen-
lege campuses around the United States then we will discuss ing and growth of each institution is viewed and experienced as
ways in which we could work towards preventing it, making strengthening for overall community.
every college campus a safer space for LGBTQ individuals and Presenter: Joel Kushner, The Institute for Judaism & Sexual
their allies. Orientation, Los Angeles, CA
Presenter: Joanna Storey, The Phoenix Center at Auraria, Au-
rora, CO Making the Most of Recruiting Resources.
When and How to Engage a Search Consultant
It’s All About The Frame or When and How to do it Yourself?
Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences Workplace • Advanced
When engaging Christians, it is vital that we present This workshop will provide information and decision making
our issues in ways that deeply resonate with their data for determining when to use a professional search consul-
core values and faith. We must start our conversations with tant for a CEO or Board search. The session will feature a panel
something in which they already deeply believe. We’ll also talk of recruiting experts and recent users of executive search in a
about moving people of faith to think not just about showing moderated discussion. Participants will pose questions specific
mercy, but showing mercy and creating justice. Faith organiza- to their organizations, gain exposure to market-leading thinking,
tions are great at cleaning up after a mess, but how often do and engage in a robust exchange of practical experience with
we think about why the mess happened in the first place? Does peers in the movement.
Christian Scripture in fact call us to do work that challenges the Presenters: Emilie Carr, William Way Community Center; Darrel
systems in place that create oppression and inequalities? Cummings, Chief Operating Officer, L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center,
Presenters: Ross Murray, Minneapolis, MN; Trystan Reese, Los Angeles, CA; Joe McCormack, McCormack & Associates,
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; Vicki Wunsch, Institute Toluca Lake, CA; Glennda Testone, NY GLBT Center
for Welcoming Resources
94 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011
saturday Sessions

Meeting LGBT Health and Human Services Needs: Spirit and Desire: Framing a Discussion
A Model for State Level Advocacy and Action About Our Spiritual and Erotic Lives
Legislative/Legal Reform and Public Policy • All Audiences Practice Spirit, Do Justice • Intermediate
This presentation will review A Blueprint for Meeting LGBT As LGBTQ people, our sexual and erotic identities
Health and Human Services Needs in New York State, a new are a critical dimension of all that we are, all that we believe, all
groundbreaking recommendations report produced as collab- that we do. Yet our sexual selves are often not understood or
oration between Hunter College, Empire State Pride Agenda valued within a faith setting or spiritual framework, as they re-
Foundation, the NYS LGBT Health and Human Services Net- main controversial, repressed or denigrated by the larger culture
work, LGBT health experts and statewide stakeholders. The around us. This workshop will examine and exalt the capacity
statewide collaboration process, the report contents and the for us to be sexual people and discuss the importance of that
subsequent dissemination plan can serve as a model for other recognition in faith settings and in places where LGBTQ people
state and local LGBT health advocates, providers and allies. gather to build community. We will discuss the fear of sexuality
that LGBTQ erotic identities often inspire and discuss the critical
Presenters: Jonathan Lang, Empire State Pride Agenda, NY;
importance of creating an explicitly sex positive and sex affirm-
Carmen Vazquez, Coordinator of LGBT Health and Human Ser-
ing message within our spiritual and faith focused work.
vices Unit, AIDS Institute, New York, NY; Barbara Warren, Cen-
ter for LGBT Social Science and Public Policy, Hunter College, Presenters: Rev. Alicia Heath-Toby, Unity Fellowship Church;
CUNY, New York, NY Amber Hollibaugh, Interim Executive Director, Queers for Eco-
nomic Justice, New York, NY; Rev. Rebecca Voelkel, IWR and
National Reporting and Data-Driven Advocacy: Faith Work Director, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Min-
Ending Anti-LGBTQ Violence By the Numbers neapolis, MN
Anti-Violence/Bias Reduction • All Audiences
This interactive workshop addresses the state of violence The Joys and Challenges of Polling (Continued)
against and within LGBTQ communities by providing partici- Marriage • All Audiences
pants with the latest data and policy initiatives on anti-LGBTQ
hate violence and LGBTQ intimate partner violence. The work- The Penis That Ruined Marriage Equality
shop will specifically look at the following NCAVP reports: (1) Communications, Media and Messaging • Fundamentals
Hate Violence Against LGBTQ People in the United States in By examining how queer blogs and media outlets have used
2009; (2) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Do- sexually provocative stories, advertisements and images to ad-
mestic Violence in the United States in 2009; and (3) a policy vocate and report on queer rights, we’ll examine how LGBT
paper prepared jointly by NCVC and NCAVP, Why It Matters: sex-positive messaging can help the cause and how much of
Rethinking Victim Assistance for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans- our sex lives should be kept behind bedroom doors. What’s the
gender and Queer Crime Victims. Participants will examine difference between promotion and pornography when it comes
ways they can use the information contained in the reports to to politics and when is a little skin too much? And how can one
address violence in their own communities as well as to advo- penis ruin the entire marriage equality movement?
cate for policy change.
Presenters: Bil Browning, Bilerico Project; Zack Rosen, Bile-
Presenters: Loree Cooke-Daniels, FORGE Transgender Sex- rico Project; Daniel Villareal, Queerty
ual Violence Project, Milwaukee, WI; Lisa Gilmore, Center on

saturday Sessions
Halsted Anti-Violence Project, Chicago, IL; Terra Slavin, Lead The Pink Elephant in the room: White Privilege and
Staff Attorney Legal Services, L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center, Los Racism within the Queer Community
Angeles, CA Movement Building • All Audiences
This workshop explores racism, white privilege, and barriers to
Re-Emergence of Queer Paganism: cross cultural coalition building. Participants will examine how
An Awakening into Beauty, Balance and Delight white privilege and racism impedes the work of their organiza-
Faith & Spirituality • All Audiences tions and the movement at large. Guided by the belief that white
Queer Pagans have been an active part of GLBTQ communities privilege/anti racist work must start with the individual, partici-
since the heady street actions of the 1970’s right into the cur- pants will learn how to examine their own actions and simple
rent cutting edge gender explorations of today. We invite you to steps to address inconsistency in their work/organizations. At-
join us in exploring this way of life rooted in justice and pleasure tendees will leave with tools for cross cultural queer community
that embraces and nurtures the basic understanding, “There building.
are many ways of living a life of beauty, balance and delight on
Presenters: Breianna Hasenzahl-Reeder; Sheltreese McCoy
the Good Green Earth.”
continued on next page
Presenters: Donald Engstrom-Reese, Minneapolis, MN; Mark
Engstrom-Reese, Minneapolis, MN

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 95

saturday Sessions

Trailblazing for Transgender Health Workshop Session 7

Transgender Community & Issues • All Audiences Saturday, February 5 • 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Ensuring good health care for transgender people takes en-
gaged community members, health care providers, allies, and Advocating for Better Health Care Access
advocates. Project HEALTH: Harnessing Education, Advocacy, for Transgender Individuals
and Leadership in Transgender Healthcare, a collaborative pro- Transgender Community & Issues • All Audiences
gram of Lyon-Martin Health Services, Transgender Law Center In this workshop, the presenters will discuss how LGBT ad-
and Equality California, aims to expand access to healthcare vocates can remove barriers to healthcare access for trans-
for transgender communities. Come learn how to bridge gaps gender people. A significant amount of time will be spent on
between community and providers, engage people in advocacy health insurance coverage for transition-related care- i.e., what
efforts, support clinics, and educate providers. transgender people’s rights are regard health insurance cover-
Presenters: Kara Desiderio, Lyon-Martin Health Services; age and how to get employers to obtain health insurance that
Michelle Enfield; Kristina Wertz, San Francisco, CA covers transition-related care.
Presenters: Stacey Jackson-Roberts, American University
Youth Organizing 101 (Continued) Washington College of Law, Washington, DC; Masen Davis,
Community Organizing/Youth • Fundamentals Executive Director, Transgender Law Center, San Francisco; M.
Dru Levasseur, Transgender Rights Attorney, Lambda Legal,
New York, NY

Assumptions, Tools, Risks and Understanding:

Safe Services for Youth
Workplace/Youth • All Audiences
The purpose of this workshop is to equip service providers with
basic tools needed in order to ensure Lesbian Gay Bisexual
transgender queer questioning and intersex (LGBTQQI) youth
have a safe atmosphere when accessing homeless youth shel-
saturday Sessions

ters and crisis intervention services. In the process of this work- and underemployment. In order to build a strong, vibrant move-
shop we will address the assumptions that we as providers ment, basic needs like employment must be met. San Francisco
make when working with LGBTQQI youth and work on strate- has created a groundbreaking model for economic empower-
gies for dismantling those assumptions. This workshop will also ment in trans communities. In this workshop, community lead-
address the risk factors that LGBTQQI youth face. Participants ers, organizers, advocates and service providers will discuss
will be given tools to incorporate into their case management employment needs in transgender communities and will plan
practices and into their work environment to improve service strategies to implement solutions to address those needs.
provisions for LGBTQQI youth.
Presenters: Claire Farley, San Francisco LGBT Community Cen-
Presenters: Nicole Mills, Lutheran Social Services, Saint Paul, ter; Maceo Persson, Transgender Law Center; David Shlasko,
MN; Enzi Urimba Odongo Tanner Jewish Vocational Services; Kristina Wertz, Transgender Law
Center, San Francisco, CA
Being a Leader without Being a Victim:
Personal Activist Strategies Federal LGBT Health Initiatives
Organizational Development • Intermediate Health • Intermediate
Columnist Molly Ivins said to activists, “Above all have fun.” But A look at federal initiatives that have the potential to positively
being an activist and leader is often tedious, exhausting, thank- impact LGBT health and health disparities in ways that have not
less, lonely, and personally destructive. It raises personal issues been seen in almost a decade. Starting with a discussion of the
and faces criticism and even division. This workshop, for ac- foundation that is being built by advocacy organizations and
tivists at all levels, analyzes these events and our reactions to community advocates working with the Obama Administration,
become more effective while we take care of ourselves. Partici- Congress, and the federal agencies in order to effectively ad-
pants receive a copy of Dr. Minor’s booklet, “Burnout, Blowout dress a broad range of LGBT disparities.
and Breaking Up.”
Presenter: Matthew Rose, National Coalition for LGBT Health,
Presenter: Robert N. Minor, Professor, University of Kansas, Washington, DC
Lawrence, KS
Humor, Hospitality, and Heliotropes
Building Sex Positive Space as Tools for Social Change
Sexual Freedom • Fundamentals Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences
This workshop will look at why and how a space like a feminist In this workshop we address the nature vs. nurture
sex toy store can be so important to the sex positive movement debate: Are queers born with a more highly developed sense of
and how this kind of community based business can create dis- humor, or is it an acquired characteristic? Since the anti-equality
cursive change, queering sexual stereotypes and sex negative activists have co-opted tactics of fear, anger and smoldering
conversations. Participants will hopefully leave with a broader resentment, we’ll focus on the leftovers: joy, love and hospitality.
sex positive vocabulary but a desire to engage in more sex posi- We’ll share tactics for creative social change: instant theater,
tive conversations with their communities. flash mobs, well-placed “mocktivism,” guerilla acts of hospital-
ity, and other stuff we haven’t thought of yet!
Presenter: Clare Jacky, The Smitten Kitten, Minneapolis, MN
Presenter: Lisa Larges, That All May Freely Serve, Rochester, NY

saturday Sessions
Building the Response to HIV
and AIDS Across Communities Just-Released Results of the
Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences National Trans Discrimination Survey
The US HIV & AIDS epidemic is far from over. Par- Research and Policy • All Audiences
ticipants will engage with panelist in a process to explore effective Every day, transgender and gender non-conforming people
strategies for working at the intersections and across communi- bear the brunt of social and economic marginalization due to
ties in response to HIV. Who’s already engaged and what is hap- their gender identity and expression. The struggle for fairness
pening? How might participants, our communities and networks has too often been held up because of the lack of hard data
better respond (religious and secular LGBT-SGL organizations, on the scope of discrimination they face. Two years ago, the
men who have sex with men, women, people of color communities)? National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay
and Lesbian Task Force formed a ground-breaking research
Presenters: Rev. Michael Schuenemeyer, Executive for Health
partnership to address this problem by launching the first com-
and Wholeness Advocacy, Wider Church Ministries, United
prehensive national transgender discrimination study! From em-
Church of Christ, Cleveland, OH
ployment and education, to ID documents, to family life, come
here the compelling results with a focus on how to integrate this
Creating Our Destinies: data into your advocacy.
Strategies for Employment in Trans Communities
Transgender Community & Issues • Fundamentals Presenters: Jaime M. Grant, Arcus Center for Social Justice
Transgender communities experience staggering rates of un- Leadership Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI; Mara Keisling,

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 97

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Executive Director, National Center for Transgender Equality, at the national or community level. Emphasis will be placed on
Washington, DC; Lisa Mottet, Transgender Civil Rights Project identifying specific strategies for advancing a focus on LGBTQ
Director, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Washington, mental health that can be applied in local communities, includ-
DC; Justin Tanis, Program Manager, National Center for Trans- ing educational and awareness activities, improving clinical ser-
gender Equality, Woodbridge, VA vices, and advocacy.
Presenters: Anne Haas, American Foundation for Suicide Pre-
Land, Desire and Culture: vention, Camden, ME; Andrew Lane, Johnson Family Founda-
Two Spirit People and the LGBT Movement
tion, New York, NY; Anand Pandya, Cedars-Sinai Medical Cen-
People of Color • All Audiences
ter, Los Angeles, CA
Join us in a session geared for collective learning about sover-
eignty, Two Spirit people, and our shared legacy, as well as our
Majority Minority -
expanding analysis and identities. Some of our discussion will
Case Studies in Advancing Equality
revolve around what Two Spirit people’s inclusion in the LG-
among People of Color and People of Faith
BTIGNC movement has to offer, how the larger movement can
Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences
align itself to issues of sovereignty, and how a movement in-
We are a convergence of identities and values. Much of today’s
clusive of Two Spirit leadership, issues and their intersections
communication strategies treat their audiences as single-issue
would contribute to the liberation of us all. This is an open ses-
or primarily one-dimensional. During this session, we will share
sion for First Nations / Two Sprit/Indigenous folks & allies.
what we have learned from two unique organizing projects in
Presenters: Coya Artichoker; Paulina Hernandez, Co-Director, CA - one within African American Protestants and the other La-
Southerners on New Ground, New Market, TN; Melissa Hoskins; tino/Latina Catholics. There will also be an opportunity for you
Melissa Pope to develop working ideas based on your local knowledge and
Latin@ Pride: Beyond Circuit Parties and Parades
Presenters: Samuel Chu, California Faith for Equality, Los Ange-
Community Organizing/People of Color • All Audiences
les, CA; Lisa Powell, California Faith for Equality, Los Angeles, CA
This workshop will provide a framework for utilizing self-actual-
ized and self-organized spaces as an integral tool and funda-
Moving Swing Voters on Marriage Equality
mental ethic of planning a successful Latin@ Pride. We will dis-
Marriage • All Audiences
cuss how women, gender queer and trans folks, artists, people
This workshop is designed for state leaders, field organizers,
living with HIV/AIDS, and other segments of the queer Latin@
and anyone working to win marriage equality in their state.
community first build power and organize themselves, through
Whether you’re planning to go through the legislature or will be
events specific to Latin@ Pride, as a best practice and power
faced with a ballot measure campaign, this workshop is an im-
building strategy in organizing Latin@ Pride.
portant step in reaching your goal. California, Oregon and Maine
Presenters: Keri Aulita, Boston Pride, MA; Brandon Lacy Campos, will share their lessons learned from the work they’re currently
Center for Media Justice, Oakland, CA; Noris Chavarria, Unid@s, doing to build support for marriage equality by teaching volun-
NY, NY; Wilfred Labiosa, Somos Latinos, Medford, MA teers to talk with middle voters face-to-face.
Presenters: Milton Davis, Equality California; Betsy Smith, Ex-
LGBT Labor 101 - The Union Difference ecutive Director, Equality Maine, Portland, ME; Ali Vander Zan-
Labor • All Audiences
den, Equality Maine; Thomas Wheatley, Basic Rights Oregon,
What is the union difference for LGBTQ workers? Whether you
are a union member yourself or an ally of labor, this introduc-
OurSafety OurSelves: LGBTSTGNC Communities of
tory session will help you understand how and why workers
Color Creating Innovative Anti-Violence Strategies
form unions, how building power and solidarity helps LGBTQ
Community Organizing • All Audiences
workers fight poverty, racism, homophobia and transphobia in
LGBTSTGNC (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Two-Spirit, and
the workplace. We will discuss both case study examples and
Gender Non Conforming) people of color face bias violence and
policy initiatives in support of workers’ rights.
police violence on a daily basis, but often are unable to rely on
Presenters: Tom Barbera, SEIU Lavender Caucus; Cleve Jones, police or the criminal justice system for protection. In this inter-
UNITE-HERE; Stan Kiino, Pride at Work Association of Flight active, hands-on workshop the Safe OUTside the system Col-
Attendants; Peggy Shorey lective will guide participants through a process of creating inno-
vative community based strategies on preventing, intervening,
LGBTQ Mental Health: A Priority Issue and repairing the harm from anti-LGBTSTGNC hate violence.
Health • All Audiences
Presenter: Chelsea Johnson-Long, Safe OUTside the System
This interactive workshop seeks to increase the priority placed
Collective (A project of the Audre Lorde Project), Brooklyn, NY
on mental health issues within the LGBTQ change agenda. It
will help participants better understand LGBTQ mental health
problems, and improve their ability to address these problems

98 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011

saturday Sessions

Palestinian Queers/US Queers: What is our relationship? all. When we tell our stories to even one other person, the Holy
International Issues • All Audiences Spirit is most certainly present. When we inspire that person to
Town Meeting on the question of the relationship between the tell two or three others, justice begins to roll.
US LGBT Community and the emerging activist Palestinian Presenters: Kathleen Campisano, Senior Field Organizer, Na-
LGBT movement. Queer Palestinians in Israel and the West tional Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Los Angeles, CA; Ross Mur-
Bank have been creating autonomous Lesbian and LGBT orga- ray, Minneapolis, MN; Trystan Reese, National Gay and Lesbian
nizations for the last few years, yet US queers have little knowl- Task Force; Vicki Wunsch, Institute for Welcoming Resources
edge or understanding of what the needs, real experiences and
goals of these activists are. Join us for an open Town Meeting The Creation and Development of
conversation about growing up and coming out Palestinian and a LGBT Health Center, PRIDE Clinic
the specific challenges and strengths of these new movements. Health • Intermediate
Presenters: Sarah Schulman, Author and Activist, New York, LGBT patients face challenges in obtaining culturally appropri-
NY; Abeer Mansour, Resource Development and Networking ate health care services. The majority of LGBT people obtain
Coordinator, Aswat, Haifa; Haneen Maikey, Director, alQaws, care outside of LGBT Health centers. There are 12 LGBT Health
Jerusalem/Ramallah Centers in the United States. This session will discuss the pro-
cess of developing and implementing the newest of those clin-
Practical Research & Program Evaluation: ics, the PRIDE Clinic at MetroHealth Medical Center. The PRIDE
Tools you Need to Secure Funding and Build Clinic at MetroHealth Medical Center is the only LGBT health
a Solid Foundation for Your Organization center in the state of Ohio.
Organizational Development • Advanced Presenter: Henry Ng, MetroHealth Medical Center, Cleveland, OH
The recession has made securing funding for our organizations
even more competitive. Most funders require evidenced- based The Path Forward on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repeal
proposals that incorporate program evaluation. Additionally, Military/Veterans Issues • All Audiences
evaluation helps us better understand the reach and impact of This discussion will enable attendees to learn more about re-
our programs. We will review fundamental methods of conduct- cent developments on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal, as well
ing research and program evaluation. Through discussion and as the path forward. Participants will exchange perspectives on
real-world case studies, participants will assess their organiza- the legislative and legal fights and discuss how the LGBT com-
tional needs and capacity to conduct research and evaluation munity can remain involved with repeal efforts and implementa-
and how it can help achieve strategic plan objectives. tion in the future.
Presenter: Jason Cianciotto, Tucson, AZ Presenter: Jeremy Wilson-Simerman, Legislative Manager,
SLDN, Washington, DC
Queering Reproductive Justice: The Intersection of
Reproductive Health and LGBTQ Liberation The State of Higher Education for LGBTQQ People
Health • All Audiences Campus • All Audiences
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people have In a 2003 study the climate on college campuses was found to
been a part of movements for reproductive justice and sexual be less than welcoming for LGBT people (e.g., 42% were the
liberation for as long as these movements have existed. This

saturday Sessions
target of harassment). In 2009, a follow-up study re-examines
workshop will help participants understand the connections be- the campus climate for LGBT people. Given the increase in
tween the movement for reproductive justice and LGBTQ lib- LGBT inclusive policies, curricular and co-curricular programs,
eration and identify advocacy areas. and services, has the climate changed? This program will en-
Presenters: Veronica Bayetti Flores, National Latina Institute gage participants in a review of the results of the project and
for Reproductive Health, NY; Jessica Gonzalez-Flores, National offer recommendations to address the challenges unearthed in
Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, New York, NY the report.
Presenter: Sue Rankin, Assistant Professor of Education, The
Strategic Storytelling Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences
Storytelling happens wherever two or more are Uganda-the Armageddon of the Culture Wars
gathered. Strategic storytelling is one of the most Faith & Spirituality • All Audiences
powerful tools we as faith-based community organizers have The Culture Wars have found a “proxy” nation (Uganda) to play
to get the “movable middle” moving toward full inclusion. This out a very dangerous scenario -a world without LGBT people
workshop will train you to tell your own stories strategically, and their allies. This workshop is designed to show the ben-
compellingly, and efficiently, honing stories into powerful, two- efits of successful coalition-building within countries, secular
minute instruments for persuasion. We will focus on integrating and religious resources and the vital importance of international
your own stories with talking points and positive frames for en- awareness and collaborative efforts to win global equality. Is
gaging the church to achieve the full welcome and inclusion of

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 99

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Uganda a reflection of a reactive past or a wake-up call for ev- Workshop Session 8
eryone’s future? Saturday, February 5 • 4:45 pm – 6:15 pm
Presenters: Frank Mugisha, Sexual Minorities Uganda - SMUG;
Rev. Canon Albert Ogle, St. Paul’s Foundation for International “We’re here! We’re queer! We eat paneer!”
Reconciliation; Pastor Joseph Tolton, Rehobeth Church Mapping LGBTQ AAPI Organizing for Social Change
People of Color • All Audiences
When Health Care Isn’t Caring: Examining Health Care Asian American, South Asian, Southeast Asian and Pacific Is-
Discrimination among LGBT and HIV Communities lander (AAPI) LGBTQs are organizing like never before. This
Health • All Audiences workshop will give an overview of the nation’s LGBTQ AAPI
This workshop will highlight key findings from Lambda Legal’s groups, and will provide comparative information about their
unprecedented survey on health care disparities and discrimina- infrastructure, capacity, and challenges. Presenters will show-
tion faced by LGBT people and people with HIV. By chronicling case local multilingual education campaigns to counter anti-gay
the barriers faced by our communities, this session will explore bias and organizing campaigns for immigrants rights and mar-
the connections between the health care reform movement and riage equality. Representatives of some of the nation’s leading
the rights of LGBT and HIV affected communities, and identify LGBTQ AAPI organizations will provide current information and
key recommendations for health care institutions; federal, state, on-the-ground analysis of their work.
and local governments; and individuals and communities to act Presenters: Jonipher Kwong, API Equality LA, Los Angeles,
upon. CA; Glenn D. Magpantay, Co-Director, National Queer Asian
Presenter: Beverly Tillery, Director of Community Education and Pacific Islander Alliance, New York, NY; Chong Moua, Shades
Advocacy, Lambda Legal, New York, NY of Yellow, Minneapolis, MN; Laurent Widjaya, QPA and Hotpot,
Philadelphia, PA

Activating an Employee Resource Group for Advocacy

Workplace • Fundamentals
ERGs of many corporations are not nearly as active as they
could be. This session aims to inform and empower members
of ERGs about how they can become more directly involved in
their communities, in their own corporations, and build greater
participation and enthusiasm in their ERG. Community mem-
bers are also encouraged to attend this session to learn about
utilizing potential teams of volunteers from ERGs for local proj-
ects. Part of this discussion will also be on best practices of
self-identification in the workplace.
Presenters: Pat Baillie, Associate Director of Training, Out &
Equal Workplace Advocates, San Francisco, CA; Dee Diego,
Marketing Manager, Segment Marketing, Ameriprise Financial
Inc; Jani Lopez, US Business Affairs, Shell Oil Company; Angele
“Q” Wilson, Senior Program Associate, Out & Equal Workplace
Advocates, San Francisco, CA

Art as Social Change

Art & Culture • All Audiences
Art as social change. Every major social change push incor-
porates art to reach the masses. Using art to inform, connect
community and move change impacts people on multiple lev-
els. Learn how to use social change principles to incorporate
actual change.
Presenters: roxanne anderson, Rare Productions, Minneapo-
lis, MN; Rochelle James, RARE Productions, Minneapolis, MN;
Yoseñio V. Lewis, Woodhull Freedom Foundation, San Fran-
cisco, CA

100 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011
saturday Sessions

Building a Statewide Interfaith and organizing. The presenters will offer some working defini-
Network for Equality tions, but participants are expected to have knowledge/experi-
Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences ence of B and T identities and communities. This workshop’s
Interested in organizing a statewide religious coali- objective is to offer a safe space to build our capacity for more
tion for LGBT equality? Already in the process and have ques- inclusive transgender and bisexual communities, including chal-
tions? Searching for ideas and tools on how to launch and lenging the binary assumptions upon which much of current
sustain such an effort? California Faith for Equality, one of the queer social justice organizing rests.
nation’s largest efforts of its kind, will share stories and lessons Presenters: Lauren Beach, Bisexual Organizing Project, Min-
about the “why” and “how” of building an effective organization. neapolis, MN; Dr. Alex Iantaffi, University of Minnesota School of
Presenter: Samuel Chu, California Faith for Equality, Los Angeles, CA Public Health, Minneapolis, MN

Disability and Racial Justice Fighting Islamophobia and Homophobia:

Disability • All Audiences Building Solidarity in Oppressed
Join the Disability Justice Collective for a pair of conversations: Communities
one for disabled people of color (DPOC), the other for white Practice Spirit, Do Justice • Intermediate
disabled people. The conversation for DPOC will create inten- As a social activist of change, you obviously are concerned
tional DPOC space to connect and talk about our concerns as about the blatant xenophobia and bigotry surrounding the Mus-
people who are often left out of racial justice and disability rights lim community in the US. Yet, as an LGBTIQ person, you may
movements, agendas and communities. What would we like not have access or opportunity to approach this community.
racial justice and disability rights movements to know; what are This session will discuss barriers of communication, ways to
our priorities? How do we build better together as DPOC and build solidarity, provide tools to organize, and outreach to the
work to support each other as POC from many different back- Muslim community effectively and strategically. Prerequisite: if
grounds, histories and cultures who experience racism in differ- you are unfamiliar with Islam, review website: http://www.islam-
ent ways? How do we support each other as disabled people
with different disabilities? And how do we work to hold our Presenter: Farheen Harkeem, Minneapolis, MN
complexities around class, immigration, parenting, age, gender,
sexuality, histories of violence, and more? How do white su- Innovations in the Field: Positive Health Project’s
premacy, ableism, and other forms of power and privilege play Model for Engaging Transgender Women of Color
out in our worlds? What do our communities need to be whole Health • Fundamentals
and thrive? The conversation for white disabled people will be- This workshop will draw out existing data on transgender health
gin with the knowledge that the disability rights movement has and corresponding risk factors to contextualize Positive Health
rallied for decades against shame, isolation, and the grinding Project’s peer-led model and provide strategies for other agen-
realities of ableism. And at the same time, we have evolved as cies seeking to shape or improve methodology for working with
a predominately single-issue movement that is informed by a transgender women of color in a public health/harm reduction
white, middle-class agenda. Lacking the analysis, tools, or the framework.
access to acquire them, racism persists in our struggle as white
disabled people to have ableism recognized as a core social Presenters: Rev. Moshay Moses, Positive Health Project, New

saturday Sessions
justice issue and impacts our capacity to build collective strat- York, NY; Amu Ptah, Positive Health Project, New York, NY
egy with other liberation movements. Within a facilitated, cross-
disability-positive, and non-judgmental space, we will examine Latino (LGBT) Community Outreach 101
how white privilege and white supremacy play out in disability People of Color • All Audiences
communities across all our differences. What do we need to In the past ten years, the US Latino population has both grown,
prioritize white anti-racism work and learn to be aware of and as well as migrated to states that had not previously seen Latino
dismantle white privilege? How do we support and challenge communities. This workshop is designed to help LGBT activists
each other and white disability communities? This conversation and organizations begin and/or strengthen their Latino outreach
will focus on skill sharing, reflection, challenge, and change. efforts. Let’s increase your capacity to both meet the needs of
LGBT Latinos and to collaborate and build relationships with
Presenters: Eli Clare, Author, Exile and Pride: Disability, Queer- your larger Latino communities. Note: Workshop not intended
ness, and Liberation; Sebastian Margaret, Community Activist; for Latino/a LGBT activists.
Mia Mingus, Atlanta, GA
Presenters: Francisco Dueñas, Proyecto Igualdad Coordinator,
Exploring the Intersections Between Bisexual and Lambda Legal, Los Angeles, CA; Arleen Fernandez, Marketing
Transgender Identities and Organizing and Community Education Assistant, Lambda Legal
Gender Issues • Advanced continued on next page
This workshop will invite participants to engage with the edges
of intersections between transgender and bisexual identities

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 101
saturday Sessions

Learning as We Build (Building as We Learn): LGBTQ Youth of Color, Homelessness,

Creating a Guide for Sustaining Queer Womyn of Color and the Sex Trades: LGBTQ Responses to
Organizations Anti-Trafficking Initiatives, Coercion, and Harm
Organizational Development/People of Color • Fundamentals Youth • All Audiences
There is a rich herstory of collective grassroots organizing that What effects are anti-trafficking initiatives focused on youth in-
speaks to the resiliency and survival within communities of queer volvement in the sex trades having on the significant numbers
womyn of color. As a community that embodies the struggles of LGBTQ youth who are homeless, many of whom trade sex
of being silenced, invisible, and marginalized, the healing work for money, shelter, food, clothing and other survival needs, or
of grassroots organizing and organizational building has left are profiled as sex workers? Join anti-violence projects and LG-
imprints of strength and resistance for generations of queer BTQ community organizations from across the country as we
womyn of color to carry on. This workshop aims to examine this discuss and develop responses to these initiatives which truly
herstory and the present day examples of healthy and sustain- meet the needs of LGBTQ youth and adults.
able collective organizing in an effort to build a resource of tools
Presenters: Shira Hassan, Young Women’s Empowerment
and strategies for our survival and fight! The main objective is
Project, Chicago, IL; Roz Lee, Arcus Foundation, New York, NY;
to create a communal dialogue around organizations and local
Maryse Mitchell-Brody, National Coalition of Anti-Violence Pro-
collective efforts that address: Invisibility; Board development
grams/NYC AVP, New York, NY; Andrea Ritchie, Brooklyn, NY
and structure; Finding your political voice; and Building healthy
alliances. The overall aim of the workshop is to create a guide
Livin’ to the T, Struggle, Issues and Triumphs
for building and sustaining healthy grassroots organizations and
as Young Adult Transpersons
collectives that heal.
Transgender Community & Issues • Intermediate
Presenters: Ladi’Sasha Jones, Elements Organization, New This session focuses on issues involving the young adult popu-
York, NY; Kimberley Watson, Philadelphia, PA lation of the transgender community. Conversations will cover
access issues (healthcare, education, employment etc.), social
LGBT Labor International Cooperation support, the LGBT community and language. Participate in a
Labor • All Audiences session that will leave you with a greater insight on young adult
This workshop will help attendees define how LGBT issues and transgender struggles, battles, and triumphs and discover how
labor issues are international. Participants will discuss LGBT or- to help the vision for more successful transgender living.
ganizational relations to labor unions in an international context
Presenters: Lexi Absit, San Francisco, CA; K.D Miller, Cincinnati,
and then share examples of LGBT labor’s participation on inter-
OH; Tylar Thompson, Cincinnati, OH
national LGBT, non-LGBT and labor organizational issues. At-
tendees will leave with a sense of how to increase international
Motivating Policy Change:
focus of existing organizations and options for new organiza-
How to Talk to Your State Representative and Senator
tional entities and increased LGBT member-level participation.
Legislative/Legal Reform and Public Policy • Fundamentals
Presenter: Michael Roskey, SEIU Lavender Caucus This workshop will teach attendees how to make in-district and
capitol lobby visits to their state representative and senator. At-
LGBT Youth and Federal Policy Issues tendees will learn the importance of establishing relationships
Legislative/Legal Reform and Public Policy • All Audiences with their elected officials and why their stories must be shared.
This workshop will provide an overview of the many federal pol- It is these conversations about real people’s lives that will ul-
icy issues currently affecting LGBT youth. Panelists will briefly timately motivate policy changes to eliminate discrimination
discuss the policy issues affecting LGBT youth including safe based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression.
schools, comprehensive sexuality education, housing/out-of-
Presenters: Lindsey Marsh, Equality Texas, Austin, TX; Paul Tran
home care, federal data collection, and transgender youth is-
sues. Participants will then develop and share effective advo-
Negotiating Consent
cacy messages and actions related to these issues.
Sexual Freedom • All Audiences
Presenters: Brad Jacklin, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Negotiating consent is a phrase often left out of our conversa-
Washington, DC; Eric Masten, GLSEN, Silver Spring, MD; Dave tions about sexual liberation. When we think of love, romance,
Reynolds, The Trevor Project, Los Angeles, CA; Harper Jean relationships, sex and fucking, other thoughts and frameworks
Tobin, Policy Council, National Center for Transgender Equality, come to mind. Fireworks, cruising, a dozen roses, and unspo-
Washington, DC ken chemistry are the cornerstones of navigating sex and in-
timacy. But in the real world, we know that getting what we
desire and working to make a just and vibrant exchange within
sexual dynamics doesn’t just happen. We have to talk, discuss,
negotiate and be held accountable for our all of our desires
both spoken and unspoken. This of course is easier said than
done in a world where love has many languages; where race,

102 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011
saturday Sessions

gender and class oppression abound and where many of us ties, faith traditions, and geographic and demographic settings.
are recovering from trauma. Join us for a workshop on how to While the demographic of aging explodes in the United States,
navigate the complex world of consent, safety and getting what older LGBTQ people remain an often invisible or unwelcome
you desire. issue in LGBT communities. These dynamics are exacerbated
in communities of faith that are sometimes hostile, frequently
Presenters: Jack Harrison, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force,
ambiguous, and often uninformed about the experiences, chal-
Washington, DC; Ignacio Rivera, Consultant, Brooklyn, NY; Amelie
lenges and gifts of LGBTQ elders. This workshop will examine
Zurn, Lesbian Health Activist and Therapist, Washington, DC
the impact of these intersectional issues upon a queer spiritual-
OurSafety OurSelves: LGBTSTGNC Communities of Color ity, as well as the work that needs to happen in welcoming and
LGBT faith settings.
Creating Innovative Anti-Violence Strategies (Continued)
Community Organizing • All Audiences Presenters: Amber Hollibaugh, Interim Executive Director,
Queers for Economic Justice, New York, NY; Rev. Roland
Queer Identity & Intersectionality Stringfellow, Multi-Racial/Multi-Cultural Institute with Black and
Gender Issues • All Audiences White Men Together, Berkeley, CA; Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson,
Through fun, immersive, and engaging exercises this workshop Metropolitan Community Church, Sarasota, FL; Carol Wise,
will offer participants the opportunity to explore and investigate Brethren Mennonite Council
the concept of queer identity as a tool for social change. Par-
ticipants will gain a deeper understanding of the role identity The Sweet Spot: Case studies of Successful
plays in creating allyship, and will leave with skills to engage in Organization/Blogger/Grassroots Collaboration
conversations about queer identity and intersectionality through Communications, Media and Messaging • All Audiences
the framework of social justice education. This workshop will teach the tricks of the trade for achieving
positive organization/blog/grassroots activist collaboration. It
Presenters: Justin Adkins, Williams College, Williamstown, MA;
will focus on case studies of smart, effective activism that hit
Maru Gonzalez, University of Massachusetts Amherst; C. Anders
the “sweet spot” of (a) advancing LGBT equality (b) highlighting
Minter, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Daniel O’Donoghue,
an organization’s or activist’s work, and (c) supporting LGBT
Amherst, MA
blog media, often at little or no cost to anyone. Participants will
also learn best practices for other effective ways of interacting
Taking Care of Our Own: with blogs, such as working directly with blog readers, grabbing
Our Community’s Response to Caregiving bloggers’ interest in a story, understanding blog business mod-
Aging • All Audiences
els and how to take advantage of them, and more. This work-
As LGBT baby boomers confront their own aging futures (as well
shop is intended for both those just starting out in collaborative
as taking care of family members and loved ones), communities
work as well as those with experience who’d like to see some
across the country have responded by developing innovative
good case studies.
models of caring for our biological and logical families. Through
recent research, anecdotal evidence and interactive discussion Presenter: Adam Bink,, Washington, DC
this workshop will highlight the unique needs of LGBT caregiv-
ers and the inequity of current federal policy as well as provide Trans Feminism
successful caregiving strategies to incorporate in our lives and Transgender Community & Issues • All Audiences

saturday Sessions
communities This workshop explores the links between transgender, queer,
and feminist activism and organizing, with a focus on the impor-
Presenters: Scott French, Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders
tance of making women’s and all-genders queer spaces trans
(SAGE), New York, NY; Sherrill Wayland, SAGE, St Louis, MO
women-inclusive and supportive. The facilitators will address
transmisogyny, ally work, and the role of gender and gender
The Possibilities of Faith Work justice in the feminist and queer justice movements.
In An Aging LGBTQ Community
Practice Spirit, Do Justice • All Audiences Presenters: Gina DeVries; Rachel Zall, Project Manager, Mas-
Two questions are at the heart of this workshop sachusetts Transgender Political Coalition, Boston, MA
about LGBTQ faith and aging. The first explores the unique role
that spirituality may play for aging or elder community mem- We CAN Create Fully
bers. The second question examines the distinctive role that Transgender Inclusive Organizations!
LGBTQ welcoming and LGBT faith communities can play as Organizational Development • Fundamentals
baby boomers age and we confront the fact that our communi- Most LGB(T) groups have embraced transgender people and
ty has always had many elder members. Within these questions issues, but many groups have done so with incomplete results.
this workshop will explore the ways that our aging is shaped Whether your LGB(T) organization is an advocacy, faith-based,
and impacted by the intersection of the multiple identities that support, or direct services organization, there are common prin-
we bring to it: our race, class, genders, physical and mental ciples that can help you fully integrate transgender people into
abilities and challenges, HIV status, erotic identities, spirituali- your organizations mission, power structure, and work. Join the

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 103
saturday Sessions

authors of “Opening the Door to the Inclusion of Transgender Caucus 2

People: The Nine Keys to Making LGBT Organizations Fully-In- Saturday, February 5 • 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
clusive” for a lively presentation and discussion of how to make
our organizations fully inclusive. Building Bridges To Wholeness -
Presenters: Lisa Mottet, Transgender Civil Rights Project Di- Next Strategies for LGBT Jewish
rector, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Washington, DC; Movement Building
Justin Tanis, Program Manager, National Center for Transgen- Practice Spirit, Do Justice
der Equality, Woodbridge, VA The LGBT Jewish Movement Building Convening brought to-
gether 100 activists representing 40 LGBT Jewish groups and
What Does It Mean Not to Discriminate programs. Eight months later, what’s next for LGBT Jewish
Against Transgender Students? activism and community? How can we concretely work on
Campus • Intermediate movement building strategies together that best leverage the
A rapidly growing number of colleges and universities have add- expertise and energy of our diverse communities? Join this
ed “gender identity/expression” to their nondiscrimination poli- open conversation and strategy caucus with attendees of the
cies, but the effects of this change on the institutions and their Berkeley convening and new voices invested in LGBT Jewish
transgender students have not been examined. This program organizing and movement building.
will present the findings of the first large-scale study of the ex- Presenter: Gregg Drinkwater, Co-Director, Mosaic: The National
tent to which a campus transgender-inclusive nondiscrimination Jewish Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity, Denver, CO
policy has led to other transgender-supportive policy changes,
such as providing gender-neutral facilities, health insurance Caucus for State/Local Transgender Advocacy
coverage for transitioning students, and transgender-related Transgender Community & Issues
programming. This caucus is for transgender and allied activists working on
Presenter: Genny Beemyn, Director, Stonewall Center, Univer- the state/local level advancing transgender equality. Facilitated
sity of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA by members of the Trans Advocacy Network, which works to
bring together state and/or city-based transgender advocacy,
legal, and/or political organizations for networking, organizing,
and resource sharing. Activities include: capturing a snapshot
of the transgender advocacy work and small group discussions
based on policy areas in order to share strategies, resources,
and skills with fellow participants.
Presenters: Masen Davis, Executive Director, Transgender Law
Center, San Francisco, CA; Lisa Scheps, Transgender Advo-
cates of Central Texas, Austin, TX; Gunner Scott, Director, Mas-
sachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC), Boston, MA;
Jaan Williams, National Center for Lesbian Rights, San Fran-
cisco, CA

Community Caucus: Healthy Spaces

Community connectedness is directly connected to health and
happiness for all people. Attend the caucus to engage in mean-
ingful and productive conversation, networking, and action plan
creation on the topic of community space. Share insights and
strategies on how to improve the health of all our LGBTQ com-
munities by examining existing spaces, resources, and starting
an envisioning process.
Presenters: Dr. Alex Iantaffi, University of Minnesota School
of Public Health, Minneapolis, MN; Ani Koch, Rainbow Health
Initiative, Minneapolis, MN; Keith Pederson, Division of Epide-
miology and Community Health School of Public Health, Min-
neapolis, MN

104 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011
saturday Sessions

Getting it From All Sides: Rethinking HIV Advocacy It’s All About Me: Queer Spirituality
and Prevention Outside of the Condom Box Practice Spirit, Do Justice
AIDS/HIV Join Debra Davis, a two spirited woman, as she
How has HIV prevention and advocacy in the twenty first cen- facilitates a dialogue focusing on spirituality as a
tury changed? With HIV infections rising among young gay and piece of our lives. When it comes to your spirituality, “It IS, all
bi men, it is time to re-evaluate how HIV prevention is working about you!” Your beliefs and how you feel about those are only
or not working. The Minnesota AIDS Project (MAP) public policy about you and this discussion will center around who we are as
department strives to address HIV prevention in the policy arena good and wonderful people. Many times our contact with orga-
by looking beyond the condom message. This session is an nized religion is very negative and we are led to feel like there
opportunity to share our policy objectives and hear from the is something wrong with us. We are ALL good people. Let’s
Creating Change community. talk together and share. This session is NOT about Religion. It’s
about you and your spirituality. Come, share and experience on
Presenters: Amy Brugh, Minnesota AIDS Project, Minneapo-
a spiritual and “love based” level.
lis, MN; Kate Nelson, Minnesota AIDS Project, Minneapolis, MN
Presenter: Debra Davis, Gender Education Center, Maple Grove, MN
Getting Media Attention for Your Issue
Communications, Media and Messaging Kink & Leather Caucus
The dream of any activist is to get the media to pay attention Sexual Freedom
to their issue. We can provide strategies and tactics on how to Whatever your kink, come meet your peers, fetishists of every
accomplish this. stripe, the tippity tops, the brash bottoms, the doms and dom-
mes, the bois, the high femmes, the givers and takers, the lov-
Presenters: Joe Bodell, MN Progressive Project; Eric Pusey,
ers of pain and pleasure. We’ll all be here, queer and fabulous.
MN Progressive Project
Presenters: Francisco De León; Ignacio Rivera, Consultant,
Growing older with the Epidemic: HIV and Aging Brooklyn, NY
As we approach the fourth decade of the HIV epidemic, about Labor Caucus
one-third of all people living with HIV/AIDS in the United States Labor
are 50 years of age or older, a figure that will grow to one-half All LGBTQ and allied union members are invited to join us to
by 2015. Aging with HIV brings a set of complex issues to table. meet your brothers and sisters in the labor movement, discuss
Some are common to those faced by the management of any strategic campaigns and how we can work in greater solidarity.
chronic condition or late-in-life illness, which present a growing
Presenters: Donna Cartwright, Director, Pride at Work, AFL-
challenge to the health and human services system across all
CIO, Cliffside Park, NJ; Cleve Jones, UNITE-HERE ; Stan Kiino,
sectors, at all levels. Participants will learn: what we know about
Pride at Work Association of Flight Attendants; Peggy Shorey
the biological impact of HIV on aging bodies (including mortality,
drug interactions, and impacts on the heart, brain and liver) and
co-morbidities; the context in which older adults with HIV live,
Life After DADT: Military Service
including the multi-faceted impact of HIV and sexuality-related
for LGBT Personnel in the Post-Ban Era
Military/Veterans Issues
stigma; social service and healthcare programs designed to

saturday Sessions
The ban against truthful service in the United States military by
care for older adults and people living with HIV; how the health
LGBT service members will soon end, but that does not mean
care reform act will impact people with HIV; and policy rec-
there will not be many difficult issues faced by LGB service
ommendations to better prepare the country to care for older
members, and the Transgender issue has not been addressed
adults with HIV.
at all. This discussion will focus on areas of challenge yet to be
Presenters: John Johnson, SAGE, Washington, DC; Robert faced by LGBT personnel and look at some of the ways that
Valadez, GMHC, New York, NY other nations have allowed transgender personnel to serve in
the military.
Intercountry & Transracial Adoptees Caucus Presenter: Danny Ingram, American Veterans for Equal Rights,
People of Color
Decatur, GA
An informal discussion and networking session for all transracial
and intercountry adoptees and people of color raised in foster care.
Negotiating Queer Identities of People of Color
Presenters: Shawyn Lee, Assistant Director, University of on the U.S./Mexico Border
Minnesota GLBTA Programs Office, Minneapolis, MN; Pauline People of Color
Park, Co-chair, New York Association For Gender Rights Advo- Located on the El Paso, Juarez border, El Paso is a multicultural
cacy, New York, NY city that is predominantly Hispanic. Steps away from the most
violent city in the world where femicides are an everyday oc-
currence, the drug war contributes to the rising toll in murders,

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 105
saturday Sessions

and where human trafficking takes place, queers must con- Public Policies that Impact LGBTQ Communities: The
front these issues and homophobia. This caucus will engage LGBTQ Policy Journal of the Harvard Kennedy School
students in intellectual conversations about issues concerning Research and Policy
queer people of color, with an emphasis on the borderlands. This caucus is an opportunity for policy directors and policy
Presenters: Ambar Calvillo, Queer Student Alliance, El Paso, professionals to come together and discuss public policies
TX; Cristina Rivera, Queer Student Alliance, El Paso, TX; Jesus that impact LGBTQ communities. It will also be an opportu-
Smith, Queer Student Alliance, El Paso, TX; Jeanie Tran, Queer nity for attendees to learn about the inaugural issue and one of
Student Alliance, El Paso, TX a kind LGBTQ Policy Journal of the Harvard Kennedy School.
The journal is a forum which will explore the impact of public
Pagan and Queer policy decisions on LGBTQ communities, individuals and allies
Practice Spirit, Do Justice and aims to provide new insight into policy dilemmas and solu-
Our spiritual lives affect our actions in all parts of tions from a uniquely LGBTQ perspective. While this caucus is
our lives. I’d like to provide a time and place for geared towards policy directors, all are encouraged and wel-
LGBT people who follow Pagan and Wiccan spiritualities to come to join the discussion about how policy affects all of us!
network, share ideas and goals, inform each other about new Presenter: Sorbrique Grant, LGBTQ Policy Journal of the Har-
issues and projects and identify other people who share their vard Kennedy School, Cambridge, MA
orientations. Pagans and Witches are sometimes isolated, even
in their home communities, and especially if they are LGBT. Be- Queer Muslim Caucus
ing part of two minorities can be very stressful. While the Pa- Practice Spirit, Do Justice
gan communities tend to be less homophobic and more open Whether you’re culturally, religiously or politically
to sexual and gender differences than the culture as a whole, “Muslim,” we invite you to attend this caucus to
there are still issues to be resolved and problems to be dealt meet other LGBT Muslims attending Creating Change. We’ll
with. Meeting with others who share the same situation can be discuss the challenges facing our community, share individual
good for both morale and creating realistic solutions. I see this experiences of being queer and Muslim, and strategize on how
as a time when we can find other people to help us feel more to build progressive and inclusive Muslim communities.
supported in our paths, and by sharing ideas, resolve difficulties
that we might not be able to with our current resources. I see Presenter: Faisal Alam, Founder & Director, Al-Fatiha Foundation
myself as a facilitator in this process, rather than a presenter of (LGBTIQ Muslims), Washington, DC
new information.
Queering Butch/Femme: What does it mean in 2011?
Presenter: Magenta Griffith Gender Issues
The conversation on Butch/Femme and their associations with
Parenting Queerly particular kinds of gender identities and expressions contrib-
Families utes to the foundational place that Butch and Femme hold in
Families come in all different shapes and sizes and experiences! the queer vernacular. This caucus will offer an opportunity to
This caucus will be a space for people who are raising children discuss the ways in which these identities have evolved over
(of all ages) to come together for support and community. It the years alongside the course of increased visibility and self-
will be a self directed space where participants determine the awareness for our LGBTQA communities. Specifically, what
conversation, although there will be a facilitator to support the does it mean to be butch and/or femme in 2011?
process. Come share your experiences and learn from others
who are also parenting. What are our common struggles and Presenters: Lauren Adamski, Program Coordinator, LGBT
challenges? And how do we integrate our family life in to activ- Resource Center @ Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY; Lauren
ism or community work? Hannahs, Graduate Assistant, LGBT Resource Center @ Syra-
cuse University, Syracuse, NY
Presenters: Andrea Giron, Texas Council on Family Violence,
Austin, TX; Carter Klenk, NY Reina de mi Misma/Queen of Myself:
Las Krudas d’ Cuba
Polyamory/Nonmonogamy Caucus International Issues
Sexual Freedom Whether you are a university administrator, a student or an
The Polyamory/Nonmonogamy Caucus provides an important advocate who is passionate about gender/sexuality, racial dis-
affinity group for those who aren’t monogamous. The session courses and international issues, this is a must-watch docu-
provides a safe, non-judgmental space for folks to meet, net-
mentary! The film explores the queer work of Las Krudas, an
work with others, ask questions, and share ideas. all-women hip hop trio from Cuba currently living in the United
Presenters: Timothy Gardner, Northwoods Radical Faeries, States. They exemplify the intricate ways in which Caribbean
Bethlehem, PA; Robin Nussbaum, Coordinator, Oneonta Gender women embody the everyday sociopolitical, economic and cul-
& Sexuality Resource Center, Oneonta, NY tural negotiations that occur within and in between nations. A
good chance to become more familiar with stories and experi-

106 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011
saturday Sessions

ences of artists who are not often given attention in the main- change in our lives. This reflective workshop will involve small group
stream LGBT community, in communities of color, and certainly discussion, meditation, and writing. Blank journals will be provided
not in larger society. as a workbook to guide us in the work of feeling solid on our path.
Presenter: Ceilany Rivera, Office of LGBT Student Services, NY, NY Presenter: Samuel Lurie, Transgender Training and Advocacy,
Hinesburg, VT
SAGENet Affiliate Caucus
Aging The Joy of Authenticity - Voices from the Spectrum:
In this caucus session, LGBT older adults and providers will work Trans Adults, Children and Their Families
together with SAGENet Affiliate members to create a snapshot Transgender Community & Issues
of important LGBT older adult advocacy and service initiatives This session aims to educate participants about the diversity
occurring throughout the country. Everyone in the room will of transgender experience for individuals of all ages, and sen-
have the opportunity to participate by sharing their knowledge sitize them to identify myths and false stereotypes about trans
of new and established programs and advocacy initiatives. people. Participants will name and examine these myths, watch
PFLAG’s 22-minute film looking at the joy of authenticity in the
Presenters: Sherrill Wayland, Sage, St Louis, MO; Serena
trans path, then deconstruct how false perceptions and as-
Worthington, Director of Community Advocacy and Capacity
sumptions impact their LGBT activism and trans inclusivity; then
Building, SAGE, Chicago, IL
learn how to create new, positive outcomes!
Sassy in the South Presenters: Jean Hodges, Chairperson, SAFE Schools Coali-
Community Organizing tion, community member, PFLAG, Boulder, CO; Gus Spheeris,
Raised in the South? Do you continue to work, live, love, and Filmmaker, Boulder, CO
organize in the South? Fed up with people’s misconceptions
of the South, while being frustrated by the obstacles of being Trans and Genderqueer Youth Caucus
a queer organizer there? If you answered yes to any of these Transgender Community & Issues
questions, this is the place for you. We invite Southern organiz- Come to a fun interactive caucus facilitated by the Trans Youth
ers to join us as we discuss the particular gifts and challenges Support Network (TYSN) to discuss the challenges and experi-
of the queer organizing in the American South. ences of being young, trans, and/or genderqueer for people
between the ages of 13- 25. Come meet other fierce and fun
Presenters: Laci Adams, MoSAIC (Methodist Students for an
young trans and genderqueer folks, make new friends, and find
All Inclusive Church), Atlanta, GA; Caleb Bishop White, MoSAIC
others to enjoy the rest of the conference with!
(Methodist Students for an All Inclusive Church), Atlanta, GA;
Joey Lopez, MoSAIC (Methodist Students for an All Inclusive Presenters: Aria Ayers, Trans Youth Support Network, Minne-
Church) apolis, MN; NeeCee Taylor, District 202, Minneapolis, MN

Sex Worker Caucus Unid@s: Estamos Presente. The Latino LGBT Caucus
Sexual Freedom Community Organizing/People of Color
Presenter: Gina de Vries, San Francisco, CA This Latino LGBT caucus, Unid@s: Estamos Presente, will allow
activists from around the country to connect, network, hear and

saturday Sessions
Small Town LGBT Film (or Arts) Festival share the status of the Latino LGBT movement in the U.S.A.
Art & Culture and Puerto Rico. Join us to discuss the state of the Latino
This caucus is designed mostly for those who are running and or- LGBT movement and where it’s headed.
ganizing LGBT-Centered Arts (Film/Music/Art/Theater) Festivals,
Presenter: Jorge Cestou, Unid@s, Chicago, IL
as a site where we can meet, support each other, and exchange
practical tools towards arts organizing. Those interested in start-
Weaving the Nations Together:
ing a new arts festival are also welcome but the caucus is de-
First Nations Community Dialogue
signed at the intermediate level to enable a methods exchange.
People of Color
Presenter: Raymond Rea, Fargo-Moorhead LGBT Film Fest, This is an internal dialogue for self-identified First Nations folk to
Fargo, ND build community and connect Two Spirit organizing occurring
across North and South America. As part of this dialogue, we
Strength for the Journey: will share the ongoing work of the First Nations Collective and
A Reflective Workshop discuss the next steps as we struggle for inclusion in the overall
Practice Spirit, Do Justice movement for LGBT equality. This is a closed session for First
Many of us come to this gathering hungry for an Nations/Two Sprit/Indigenous - identified people only.
opportunity for reflective work. This workshop will provide a space
Presenters: Coya Artichoker; Paulina Hernandez, Co-Direc-
for safe, supportive exploration. Breaking down our fears and
tor, Southerners on New Ground, New Market, TN; Melissa
acknowledging our strengths will help give us the tools to make
Hoskins; Melissa Pope

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 107
saturday & Sunday Sessions

What Responsibility Does Higher Education Have Workshop Session 9

In The Development Of LGBTQA Students Of Color? Sunday, February 6 • 9:00 am – 10:30 am
School Issues/Campus
Higher education has historically ignored the needs of LGBTQA Best Practices on Corporate External Relations
students, and more often LGBTQA students of color. This ses- and Current Political Landscape in Minnesota
sion will address the how and why and what environments of Workplace • All Audiences
higher learning can do to include LGBTQA student of color. This session will address best practices of corporate external
Presenters: Debra Daniels, Womens Resource Center, Uni- relations with the LGBT community. Representatives from Best
versity of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; Cathy Martinez, LGBT Re- Buy, Target and General Mills will discuss corporate policies re-
source Center, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT garding external relations with the LGBT community and what
each company has done to better engage the community. The
Your Brilliant Queer Writing Career second portion of this discussion will focus on the current po-
Art & Culture litical landscape in Minnesota and how individuals can become
An investigation of how a front-and-center queer identity in lit- more directly involved in their community and within their com-
erature can be both a hindrance and a boon to both writing and panies for greater LGBT advocacy.
writing careers. Presenters: Lee Anderson, State & Local Government Relations,
Presenter: Michelle Tea, RADAR Productions, San Francisco, CA General Mills, Minneapolis, MN; Daniel Duty, Director, Enterprise
Strategy, Target Corporation, Minneapolis, MN; Monica Meyer,
Executive Director, OutFront Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; Julie
Owen, SVP Connected World Strategies/Executive Sponsor,
Best Buy Pride Employee Business Network, Minneapolis, MN

Best Practices: Anti-Bullying & Harassment Work

in Rural Communities
School Issues • All Audiences
Reaching out to and connecting with schools in rural communi-
ties around providing safe spaces for LGBTQQ youth can pres-
ent challenges that differ from more urban-based communities.
In this session, participants will identify new strategies for build-
ing collaborative relationships with schools and organizations
in their state; discuss best practices in safe schools work in
rural communities; and create a national network of like minded
Presenters: Saben Littlefield, Outright Vermont, Burlington, VT;
Melissa Murray, Outright Vermont, Burlington, VT

Cultivating Butch Pride

Gender Issues • Intermediate
Everyone has their own gender paths, and butches are no dif-
ferent. Some butches feel they have a decreased visibility in re-
cent years. This workshop will focus on reclaiming butch pride,
strengthening our community, and creating allies.
Presenter: Emily Heath, West Dover, VT

Engaging & Mobilizing Communities of Color

on the LGBT Agenda
People of Color • Fundamentals
This workshop will explore the relationship between communi-
ties of color and the mainstream LGBT community. Emphasis
will be placed on the recent successes and failures of the LGBT
community to rally and incorporate communities of color into
the movement for same sex equality. Reasons why commu-
nities of colors generally don’t embrace the LGBT movement
will be explored and best practices for engaging and mobilizing

108 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011
Sunday Sessions

a unique demographic will be shared. This workshop will also Inclusive Curriculum and Messaging:
focus on what one organization is doing to help eliminate ho- Making the Change We Want to See
mophobia and racism simultaneously. Communications, Media and Messaging • All Audiences
Presenters: Uriah Bell, Board Member, Hispanic Black Gay It is no coincidence that conservative activists jump on LGBT-
Coalition, Boston, MA; Corey Yarbrough, Hispanic Black Gay inclusive school curriculum as a way to rally the troops and fight
Coalition (HBGC), Boston, MA marriage, workplace or other equality movements. It is easy to
misrepresent family diversity or anti-bullying curriculum, and many
Extreme Transgender Inclusion: Taking it to the Next Level parents and administrators are uncomfortable even considering
Organizational Development • Fundamentals the subject. In the past, we watched as the successes of educa-
Are you ready to really fix your LGBT organization’s failings on tional training and policy work were road blocked by small groups
trans-inclusion? Are you tired of trans issues and needs being of conservative activists who know the combination of the words
pushed to the side? This workshop is neither for the faint of “gay” and “your children” would strike fear in the hearts of many
heart nor for those who just want to complain—it is for people parents. Through several recent initiatives, we have been able to
who really want to tackle the lack of true trans-inclusion in their refine our messaging about school issues and develop tested
organization and realize that they must be part of the solution. strategies to help educators stand their ground when faced with
Join the authors of “Opening the Door to the Inclusion of Trans- public opposition over LGBT-inclusive curriculum or policies. This
gender People: The Nine Keys to Making LGBT Organizations workshop will present these new insights in the context of help-
Fully-Inclusive” who will help you get off your @$$ and help you ing participants advocate for curriculum that has been proven to
identify the necessary fixes for your LGBT organization. decrease anti- gay bullying and increase positive perceptions of
LGBT people. Participants will develop an advanced understand-
Presenters: Lisa Mottet, Transgender Civil Rights Project Di- ing of successful messages and organizing strategies to reframe
rector, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Washington, DC; the debate about LGBT issues and schools. The lessons learned
Justin Tanis, Program Manager, National Center for Transgen- will help participants minimize and respond to pushback, no mat-
der Equality, Woodbridge, VA ter what they are fighting for.

Gay Male Desire Presenters: Carolyn Laub, Executive Director, Gay-Straight Al-
Sexual Freedom • All Audiences liance Network, San Francisco, CA; Ryan Schwartz, Humming-
This workshop is intended to open up dialogue about gay male bird Inc. TX; Amy Simon, Goodwin Simon Research Strategies;
sexuality today across race and class. We will consider our Jessi Tebben, Minneapolis Public Schools
relationship as men to the larger sexual liberation movement
and the relationship of our sexuality to the greater LGBT rights Keeping Committed Volunteers
movement. This session is open to all who identify as gay men. in the Era of the Facebook “Maybe”
Community Organizing • All Audiences
Presenters: Francisco De León; Kenyon Farrow; Jack Harrison, As social media is increasingly integral to communication, this
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Washington, DC session will discuss best practices volunteer managers use to
best engage and retain volunteers. Keeping volunteers commit-
How to Become “Gay for Pay” - ted when Facebook gives you an option of responding “maybe.”
Inroads to a Queer Career Focusing volunteers’ attention when there are so many “sparkly
Movement Building • Intermediate distractions” in today’s vibrantly interconnected world. Instilling

Sunday Sessions
Whether you’re a young person just beginning your career, or a pride in your volunteers via successful social media messages.
working professional looking to shift your work to a new arena, This session will help participants who manage volunteers ex-
if you’ve ever contemplated a career in the LGBT movement amine their retention efforts and how to refine tools for retention
this workshop is for you! Through practical information and tips including successful social media messages.
as well as personal stories of how some of us working in the
movement now have gotten here, we’ll help you to recognize Presenters: Tim Marburger, The Aliveness Project, Minneapolis,
your options, decide whether a “queer career” is right for you, MN; Monica Travis, The Aliveness Project, Minneapolis, MN
and begin to develop a personal action plan for reaching your
goals. Bring your questions and your resumes! Making Spaces/Taking Space
Disability • Intermediate
Presenters: Tom Bourdon, LGBT Center Bolles House Tufts Making spaces inclusive, welcoming and usable to all requires
University, Medford, MA; Andy Garcia, The Pipeline Project, a great deal more thoughtfulness and planning than many peo-
New York, NY; Alex Kent, SAGE: Services & Advocacy for GLBT ple realize. Using a Social Ecology model to frame the discus-
Elders, New York, NY sion, we’ll discuss and problem-solve ways to create inclusiv-
ity and build your organizational capacity by making your literal
space—rooms, buildings, meetings and events—usable to the
constituencies you hope to take space (and take their places) in
your organization.
continued on next page

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 109
Sunday Sessions

Presenters: S. Bear Bergman, Theater Artist, Author, Activist, Social Justice Demands Good Governance:
Toronto, CA; Steve Nail, Portland, OR How to Optimize Your Group’s Governance
to Match Your Queer Mission
OLOC Caucus Organizational Development • Intermediate
Aging • All Audiences This workshop will provide an overview of best governance
Lesbians 60 and over caucus: an opportunity for old lesbians practices and required documentation for student groups, for-
to meet, share activism experiences, and share experiences profit corporations, non-profit corporations, 501(c)(3) and 501(c)
with ageism and resistance to it in a safe environment with their (4) organizations from a social justice viewpoint. Participants
peers. The hour will be spent with each attendee spending 3-4 will engage in individual and group discussions to determine if
minutes sharing followed by group conversation. their group’s governance structure matches their organization’s
Presenter: Rev. Jan Griesinger, Co-Director - Old Lesbians purpose. Afterwards, participants will create a strategic gover-
Organizing for Change, Athens, OH nance plan to optimize their organization’s structure to fit their
group’s mission, goals, and values.
Pennsylvania Caucus & Strategy Session Presenters: Lauren Beach, Bisexual Organizing Project, Min-
Movement Building neapolis, MN; James Larsen, CPA, Strategic Planning Consul-
Pennsylvanians are invited to join Equality Pennsylvania, Penn- tant, Bisexual Organizing Project, Prairie, MN
sylvania Diversity Network, and the Equality Partners of Western
Pennsylvania for a caucus and strategy session to explore and The Exploitation of Queers:
identify advocacy needed on a regional and statewide basis. Pinkwashing, Palestine and our Joint Struggles
Whether you are a seasoned community leader or a first time People of Color • All Audiences
activist, we need your voice to help steer Pennsylvania in the The language and ideology of LGBT equality and rights is cur-
direction of equality. rently being used by the U.S. and Israeli governments to mask
Presenters: Jason Crighton, Equality Partners of Western racism, colonialism, and the oppression of Palestinian people,
Pennsylvania; Ted Martin, Equality PA; Adrian Shanker, Penn- while furthering Islamophobia. In this workshop we will learn
sylvania Diversity Network Commissioner; Brian Sims, Equality the history of this tactic, known as Pinkwashing. We will look
PA, Philadelphia, PA at campaigns that challenge Pinkwashing, further Palestinian
liberation and support indigenous sovereignty. We will explore
Promoting LGBTA Youth Leadership methods of integrating international solidarity into our work for
through Social and Educational Programming queer liberation.
Youth • Intermediate Presenters: Dunya Alwan, Director, Birthright Unplugged, San
This workshop will help participants prepare for including youth- Francisco, CA; Celia Kutz, International Anti-Zionist Jewish Net-
orientated programming and promote youth leadership within work, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN; Jessica Rosenberg, Inter-
their organizations. Attendees will be oriented to salient issues national Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Twin Cities, Minneapolis,
LGBT youth often face and given the opportunity to develop MN; K. Flo Razowsky
ideas for social and educational youth-directed events. Re-
sources and troubleshooting tips will also be provided. Activities Trans Survival Guide:
include planning a “youth night” and “youth leadership work- Initiating Transgender Activism at our Schools

Sunday Sessions
shop.” Current youth leaders will be present to discuss their Campus • All Audiences
experiences planning and participating in these events. LGB and T, but how exactly can you include that T in your col-
Presenters: Eric Anderson, Boise State University, Boise, ID; lege campus activist group? Initiating transgender activism on
Alejandra Ayon, Boise State University, Boise, ID; Gary Bell, Boise college campuses can be hard, but this workshop will arm you
State University, Boise, ID; Marisol Cervantes, Boise State Uni- with all that you need to provide resources for transgender stu-
versity, Boise, ID; Amy Garver, Boise State University, Boise, ID dents and work for policy changes to make your college cam-
pus more transgender inclusive. Learn the basics of gender and
Our Bodies, Our Sex sexuality terminology, identify areas of concern for transgender
Sexual Freedom • All Audiences students on college campus and make a Trans Survival Guide
How we experience our bodies has everything to do with how for your school.
we experience pleasure and envision a just world where true lib- Presenters: Jamie Royce, Loveland, OH; Kimmins Southard,
eration is possible. Whose bodies are seen as sexy and “wor- Cincinnati, OH
thy” of sexual pleasure? Whose bodies are seen as “unworthy”
or oversexed and thus policed? Whose are commercialized?
How do we claim our bodies and our sexual desire in a world so
bent on us hating our queerness and hating our embodiment of
queer desire? Come join this lively exchange.
Presenter: Caitlin Breedlove, Monique Meadows, Roberto Tijerna
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 111
We extend a heartfelt thanks to our Leadership Council members for their continued support of the Task Force Foundation and the Delegate’s Circle
$1,500 to $2,499
Task Force Action Fund. Leadership Council members make an annual gift of $1,500 or more and give the Task Force the flexibility
American Federation of State,
to build grassroots lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender political power across the nation. The donors listed below reflect gifts or County and Municipal Employees
pledges from January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010. If we have inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed your name, please Anonymous
contact Sue Lee Troutman, director of individual giving, at 646.358.1477. Bank of the West
Robin Bergen & Janine Hackett
President’s Circle James Tyrrell, Jay Richard DiBiaso & Sara Lee Coffee & Tea Foodservice
$100,000 and up Roger Thomson David A. Bjork & Jeff Bengtson
Joan Schaeffer
Anonymous UnitedHealth Group Tim Bone & Floyd Weldon
Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders
Pride Foundation Sara Whitman (SAGE) Marsha C. Botzer
Howard Solomon and Andrew I. Shore Anthony H. Broadus
Andrew W. Solomon Director’s Circle Amity P. Buxton
Edward W. Snowdon, Jr.
$5,000 to $9,999
The Shore Club Cargill Incorporated
Vice President’s Circle Akerman
$50,000 to $99,999 Rosemary B. Wilder & Karen Costello Vincent Carrafiello
Mika Albright
Brinker International Williamson Cadillac Buick GMC David da Silva Cornell
Ralph Alpert
Showtime Networks Inc. Peg Yorkin Steven Deggendorf & Dennis McClellan
Ameriprise Financial, Inc.
Jon L. Stryker Chris DiAngelo & Lindsay Baker
Susan E. Anderson & Jo Ziemet
Wells Fargo/Wachovia Advocate’s Circle John R. Dreyer & Jonathan D. Cutler
Anonymous $2,500 to $4,999
Brian K. Esser & Kevin O’Leary
Alberto A. Arias & Wood Kinnard John M. Allen & Stephen P. Orlando
Executive Circle Dwight Foley
$25,000 to $49,999 Alan Bernstein American Federation of Teachers AFL-CIO
Kevin F. Foley & Stephen Littell
American Airlines Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP Anson-Stoner Inc
Jason S. Forman & Brett A. Snyder
AT&T Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida Alvin H. Baum, Jr.
Barbara Frank & Veronica McCaffrey
Eric von Kuersteiner & Margaret A. Burd & Rebecca Brinkman C. David Bedford
Anthony M. Roncalli / Jonas Giesen
Robert Meza Frank Benedetti & Gary Trowbridge
Fund In The Sun Foundation Sandi Greene
Rea Carey & Margaret Conway Bruce Berger
Steven Holley Ed G. Guedes & Ric Ryan
City Of Miami Beach Gregory N. Brown & Linton Stables
Miami Beach Visitor & David Haack
Convention Authority Pamela H. David & Cheryl Lazar Denis Cagna & Carlos Medina
Rev. Tom Harshman & Mr. Stan Gwyn
The Miami Foundation Robert P. Denny David W. Carlson
Laura Hart
Stanley Newman & Brian Rosenthal Dorsey Whitney LLP Crunch LLC
Jason Heffner & John Davis
Charles “Skip” Paul & Van Fletcher Equality California Terrence Dalton
Ernest C. Hopkins
Service Employees International Union Matt Foreman & Francisco De León Ruth Eisenberg/Harmon, Curran,
Spielberg & Eisenberg, LLP Sue Hyde & Jade McGleughlin
Mark M. Sexton & W. Kirk Wallace Phyllis Friedman
Vicky Haw International Brotherhood of
The Sheinberg Family Trust Greenberg Traurig, P.A. Electrical Workers
Stephen E. Herbits Allan D. Gilmour & Eric Jirgens
Southwest Airlines Michael Isbell
Hilton Worldwide Michael E. Koetting & Stephen Saletan
Harold L. Ivey
Ambassador’s Circle Tim Hosking & Audrey Sokoloff John T. Lillis
Lorri L. Jean & Gina Calvelli
$10,000 to $24,999
J.P. Morgan Hermes Mallea & Carey Maloney
Donald W. Johnson
Anonymous David Kane Carol Master & Sherry Mayrent
Hans Johnson & Luis Lopez
Diane Bernard Jeremiah F. Kelly, M.D. & Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber
of Commerce Kent Johnson & Cody Blomberg
Bacardi Limited Paul G. Oostenbrug
National Association of Letter Carriers Arthur L. Johnston & Jose Pena
Best Buy Co., Inc. Kraft Food Service
Anne Norris & Lisa Corrin Timothy Kasunic & Paul Jednak
Burger King Corporation Jody Laine & Shad Reinstein
Stephen Peck & John M. Messer Mark T. King & Jonathan D. Lubin
EMD Serono, Inc. Meet Minneapolis Convention and
Visitors Bureau Nancy D. Polikoff & Cheryl Swannack Rick L. Kramer
William Forrest & Mark Smithe
Miami-Dade County Department of Jeffrey S. Roth M.D. Robert W. Kuhn & Steven Geyer
Liebe & Seth Gadinsky
Cultural Affairs Russell David Roybal Thomas A. Lehrer
Gaydar UK
National Education Association Sanford & Doris Slavin Foundation, Inc John T. Lillis
General Mills, Inc.
Northern Trust, NA Robert J. Smolin Michael Lloyd & William Scott, Jr.
Brook Glaefke
Office and Professional Employees Michelle Stecker & Carol Bresnahan Richard Lynch
Jeff & Kate Haas International Union
Frank Stiriti Mickey Macintyre
Craig Hoffman, Jr. & Albert G. Lauber, Jr. Office Depot, Inc.
Samuel Thoron & Julia Thoron Donna Marburger
James C. Hormel Loren S. Ostrow & Brian Newkirk
James T. Timmons James D. Marks & Mark Scott
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Out in Events, LLC
The Trevor Project, Inc. Steven Melov & James A. Goddard
Weston F. Milliken James G. Pepper
United Food & Commercial Workers Charles R. Middleton Ph.D. &
Michael H. Morris & Richard Blinkal David J. Price & Juan C. Rodriguez John S. Geary
Daniel Renberg & Eugene Kapaloski Urvashi Vaid & Kate Clinton
Daniel Rabinowitz & Ann Thomas Scott Moster
Emily Rosenberg & Darlene Demanicor Leonie Walker & Katherine A. O’Hanlan
Lee Rubin & Jim Walker Thomas D. Murdock
Scott Russell Dr. Myron Wojtowycz
Ryder Charitable Foundation Robert Newton & John Brackett
Rex O’Neal & Steve Lee

112 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011
Darlene Nipper BEQUEST CIRCLE Legacy Circle NATIONAL
Avi Pemper & Mark Rabiner In Fond Memory of Bequest Circle Donors The following individuals have named CORPORATE
the Task Force in their estate planning: PARTNERS
David Phillips
$1 Million and Up We extend our thanks to the
Michael J. Piore & Rodney Yoder David Abramson
following companies for their
Dr. Hope Prados-Wine & Estate of Ric Weiland Michael Bath
generous support:
Mary Prados-Wine Estate of Clarence E. Anderson David A. Bjork & Jeff Bengtson
Sarah E. Reece & Kathleen Campisano Thomas Boyd
Christopher A. Russell & Mario Acosta, Jr. $150,000 to $999,999 Jennifer M. Buchwald
Safe Schools South Florida Estate of LeClair Bissell Margaret A. Burd & Rebecca Brinkman
Robert Salem & Mark Mochensturm Estate of Lawrence J. Messenger Ross Draegert
Elizabeth F. Schwartz Estate of Harry R. Rowe, M.D. Richard Fremont-Smith
Marianne G. C. Seggerman Estate of William Zilko Stephen A. Glassman
Elliott R. Sernel John Hubschmitt
Lorraine Sheinberg & Sid Sheinberg $25,000 to $149,999
Rachel Hurst
Erin Stacey Visslailli Estate of Bertram H. Behrens
Dr. Ronald Kendall & Harold Kendall
Reverend Rebecca Voelkel & Estate of Robert L. Kehoe
Marilyn Lamkay
Maggie S. George Estate of Craig H. Lindhurst
Lester H. London
Richard Wall & William Wilson Estate of John R. O’Leary
Sean Melton
David M. Wertheimer & Paul Beaudet Estate of Lee S. Ross
John H. Moe
Vince Wong Estate of Donald E. Watson
Nancy Palmer
Xcel Energy Inc. John Perez
Beth Zemsky $5,000 to $24,999
Charles W. Robbins, CFRE &
Dr. Jennifer Zoll Estate of William T. Bebermeyer Damon Romine
Harvey Zuckman & Philip Oxman Estate of Stephen D. Clover Anthony Rominske
Estate of James A. Davidson Russell David Roybal
FOUNDATIONS Estate of Luke Farrell William Ryan
Estate of John R. Hoffman Fred B. Schaefer
$1,000,000 and above
Estate of Kenneth E. Kesselring Julie Smith
Estate of George Nemeth Robert J. Starshak M.D.
Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
Estate of Julia L. Pell David J. Thomas
$500,000 to $999,999 Estate of Harry Seagal Loet VanDerveen
Arcus Foundation Estate of Marc A. Triebwasser Douglas Wingo
Estate of Josef Van Der Kar
$100,000 to $499,999 Estate of Jaroslav E. Zivney
Board of Directors of
the Calamus Foundation $4,999 and under
Ford Foundation Estate of Winefred Cottrel
Gill Foundation Estate of Earle R. Hopkins Many Thanks to
Open Society Institute
Estate of Dale Norris Shaw
Estate of Craig J. Witt All Our Donors
$50,000 to $99,999
E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Estate of Roy G. Wood
Foundation Estate of Morgan Young
Gill Action Fund
Wells Fargo Foundation

$25,000 to $49,999
David Bohnett Foundation
Liberty Hill Foundation
Southern California Edison If you intend to name the Task Force in your estate plans, or would like to learn more about planned giving
The Unitarian Universalist Veatch options, please contact Cynde Horne at or 646.358.1473.
Program at Shelter Rock
Every effort has been made to ensure that the above lists are accurate.
$10,000 to $24,999
Anderson Prize Foundation
To report an inaccuracy, please contact Cynde Horne at or at 646.358.1473
Johnson Family Foundation
Kicking Assets Fund of the
Tides Foundation

$5,000 to $9,999
B.W. Bastian Foundation
PFund Foundation

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 113
Board of Directors
Build Power Officers
Take Action Pam David • Marsha Botzer • Shilpen Patel, MD
Create Change Co-Chair Member at Large Seattle, WA
San Francisco, CA Seattle, WA
David J. Price Lee Rubin • Jeff Adler Miami Beach, FL
Co-Chair New York, NY
Mark Sexton••
Los Angeles, CA Tamarac, MD
Margaret A. Burd • New York, NY
Washington, DC
Hans Johnson Thornton, CO
Andrew Solomon
Cambridge, MA Vice Co-Chair David da Silva Cornell New York, NY
New York, NY Los Angeles, CA
Miami Beach, FL
Miami, FL Ken Thompson
Alan J. Bernstein • Mario Guerrero Seattle, WA
Minneapolis, MN Vice Co-Chair Sacramento, CA
West Hollywood, CA R. Peter Wharton
Craig Hoffman •• Miami Beach, FL
The mission of the National Gay Robert Salem Washington, DC
and Lesbian Task Force is to build Secretary Hope Wine, Psy.D.
Duane C. Ingram • Miami Beach, FL
the grassroots power of the lesbian, Toledo, OH
Philadelphia, PA
gay,bisexualandtransgender(LGBT) William Forrest Vince Wong
community. We do this by training Kierra Johnson Los Angeles, CA
activists, equipping state and local Chicago, IL Washington, DC
organizations with the skills needed • Serves on the National Gay
to organize broad-based campaigns Liebe Gadinsky Jeff Kerzman (aka Sydney Andrews) and Lesbian Task Force and the
Denver, Colorado Task Force Action Fund boards
to defeat anti-LGBT referenda and Member at Large
Miami Beach, FL Eric von Kuersteiner •
advance pro-LGBT legislation, and •• Serves on the Task Force Action
New York, NY
building the organizational capacity Michelle Stecker Fund board only
of our movement. Our Policy Institute, Member at Large Sandra Nathan
the movement’s premier think tank, Ewing, NJ Washington, DC
provides research and policy analysis
to support the struggle for complete Staff
equality and to counter right-wing
lies. As part of a broader social jus- Academy for Administration & Development
tice movement, we work to create Leadership and Action Finance David Alexander
a nation that respects the diversity Dan Hawes Brian Johnson Director of Institutional Giving
of human expression and identity Director Chief Financial Officer
Michael Bath
and creates opportunity for all.
Sarah E. Reece Sandi Greene Special Events Manager
Deputy Director Director of Human Resources
Alex Breitman
Rebecca Ahuja Mike Lloyd Special Events Manager
Staff Senior Field Organizer Accounting Manager
Dave Cook
Executive Office Kathleen Campisano Charles E. Matiella Development Coordinator
Senior Field Organizer Senior Technology Manager
Rea Carey Matthew Dalton
Executive Director Rodrigo Lehtinen Rick Mohn Development Intern
Field Organizer Senior Finance &
Darlene Nipper Administrative Services Manager Anabel Evora
Deputy Executive Director David Lohman Major Gifts Officer
IWR and Faith Work Coordinator Barney Thomas Jr.
Russell Roybal Finance Associate Cynde Horne
Deputy Executive Director Moof Mayeda Assistant Director of Major Gifts
of External Relations Senior Field Organizer Policy Institute Colin Lovell
Cliffie Bailey Trina Olson Jack Harrison Database Administrator
Executive Assistant Senior Training Manager Vaid Fellow
Lisa Mercado
Julie Childs Trystan Reese Public Policy & Special Events Coordinator
Executive Assistant Field Organizer
Government Affairs Mardell (Mardi) Moore
Scott Skywalker Frost Barbara Satin Laurie Young Membership Manager
Executive Office Board Liaison IWR and Faith Work Associate Director Janice Thom
Daniel Pino Rev. Rebecca Voelkel Director of Operations
Executive Assistant Program Director, Stacey R. Long
Institute for Welcoming Resources Federal Legislative Director Sue Lee Troutman
Director of Individual Giving
Evangeline Weiss Brad Jacklin
Leadership Programs Director Program Manager, Dorrit Tulane Walsh
New Beginning Initiative Senior Web Manager
Causten Wollerman
Field Organizer Vanessa Macoy
Program Associate,
Creating Change New Beginning Initiative
Sue Hyde
Director Lisa Mottet
Transgender Civil Rights Project Director
Marta Alvarado
Conference and Meetings Manager

114 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011
In Memoriam

The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force remembers and

honors colleagues and leaders whom we have lost in the past year.

Flo McGarrell Jill Johnston

January 2010 in the Haitian Earthquake September 2010
Director of Fanal Otenik Sant D’A Jakmel (FOSAJ) Social cultural critic, author of
and artist Lesbian Nation: The Feminist Solution

Midge Costanza Martin Kazu Hiraga

March 2010 September 2010
Public Liaison, Carter Administration; organized historic Staff member of National Gay and Lesbian Task Force,
White House meeting with LGBT activists, March 1977 1992 – 1994; ASL interpreter and advocate for
the deaf and hard of hearing
Rev. Robert Carter
March 2010 Raymond Castro
Roman Catholic priest who came out in 1970s; October 2010
a founder of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Veteran of the 1969 Stonewall Rebellion in New York City

Dorothy Height Fred Goldhaber

April 2010 November 2010
President, National Council of Negro Women; First teacher at the Harvey Milk School in Manhattan,
civil rights leader; pioneer; inspiration to all a haven for LGBT students

Harry Wieder Laura Hershey

April 2010 November 2010
Advocate for LGBT rights and disabled people; Beloved champion of rights for the disabled,
ACT UP member writer and poet

Marc Berkley David Becker

April 2010 November 2010
Nightlife impresario; co-founder of the gay magazine HX Social Justice Philanthropist; Art Scholar and Curator

Renae Ogletree Shelly Bauman

April 2010 November 2010
Visionary, bridge builder, loved and Founder of legendary gay bar Shelly’s Leg, Seattle
listened to young people
Michael Portantino
Michael Collins December 2010
June 2010 Publisher of San Diego Gay and Lesbian Times
Radio broadcaster; leader of the
National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association Adele Starr
December 2010
Durand Robinson Founder of the Los Angeles chapter of
August 2010 Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays;
Organizer of Atlanta’s annual Black Gay Pride; PFLAG’s first national president
co-owner of Traxx
The Task Force family grieves with and for our loved ones who
suffered attacks, some resulting in loss of life, motivated by hatred
Terry Kuseske and bigotry. We are especially mindful this year of friends and
September 2010 loved ones who took their own lives after suffering abuse and
Openly gay city commissioner and LGBT rights leader, harassment. Those of us who are young, gender non-conforming,
Kalamazoo, Michigan and people of color are especially vulnerable in a society that
devalues our lives. We commit to building a world where all of
us can thrive and be who we are, fully, without fear.

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2011 115

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