Mainboard LCD Post Card Instruction (PTI8) : Ntroduction

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7/17/2019 Mainboard lcd Post Card Instruction

Mainboard lcd Post Card Instruction(PTI8)

PC LCD post test card Professional Version PTI8 is the computer repair tool developed by Waychan Technologies. The professional version
has all the advantages of ccurate PTI!" #hile it has upgraded the chip solution" adapting three$level menu operation" adding hundreds of 
diagnostic codes %from authoritative institution&. PTI8 could offer real$time monitoring on the voltage" and the professional function li'e 'ey

signal monitoring. With uni(ue )utiPost technology" PCi8 is able to monitor most P*+T interface of most main board" and it is compatible #ith
most of the popular main boards. +pecially PCi8 has )I,IPCI-" )I,IPCI" LPC these three interfaces of noteboo' PC" #hich ma'es it ne#
generation )ainboard LCD Post Card that is compatible #ith both des'top and noteboo' PC. PTi has t#o screens design" as #e had
eedbac's from customers that one screen is not convenient enough. PTI8 is a indispensable tool for computer repair personals.
+tructure Diagram of PTI8

PTI8 is fully compatible #ith PCI slots of all types of main board" it has being tested #ith many of the popular main boards %including brand PC
and 'ludge PC&" #hich involves mainstream products li'e I,T-L and )D %Lenovo" sus" D-LL" Toshiba " P" etc&. lso it has passed main
board test #ith I,T-L 8/0" I,T-L 810" I,T-L 8!0" I,T-L 2/0" I,T-L 210" I,T-L 2!0" TI +3!44" TI 5press 644" TI 5press //44" and
)D 1845 chipset.

/. sus P7P00D tested #ith Core i7" Core i0 processor" Intel P00 chipset series.
6. P DC7/44 2/09 main board L9 770 Celeron D integrated card.
:. sus P!T tested #ith I,T-L L9 //0! series and Core i7 processor" and Intel 508 chipset.
1. Lenovo 7!49 motherboard ):7!4) dual$core support ): #ith D)I DD;:.
0. sus P0< tested #ith Core6 Duo" Celeron D processors" Intel P10 series of chipsets.
!. Dell D-LL *pti= 95684 770$pin I2/09 > IC!.
7. )aster )6,?+LI tested #ith )D )6 214 series processors" nVIDI 0!4 series chipsets"
8. +@+ +T;IA-; tested #ith I,T-L L9 7704 series processors" ,VIDI78i +eries Chipset.
2. +@+ P0,7 tested #ith I,T-L L9 770Celeron D processor" nVIDI +eries Chipset.
/4. sus P!T test platform I,T-L L9 //0! +eries Core i0 processors" ntel 508 Chipset.
Function Menu
/" The appearance of PTI8 is sho#n in the picture" and the four 'eys are )-,@" -,T-;" @P" D*W,. 3efore entering the menu" the 'ey
)-,@B function as menu 'ey" #hile it is used as bac' 'ey after entering the menu -,T-; 'ey is for entering the ne=t menu or choose some
of the functions @P is the page 'ey" and could be used to chec' the previous diagnostic code D*W, is the page 'ey" and could be used to
chec' the ne=t diagnostic code.
6" The si= L-D lights are :.:V" CLA" ;-+-T" ;)-" I;DE" +E+CLA. :.:V is the po#er indicator light for PCI slot positive :.:V voltage CLA
s the time output indicator light of PCI slot" and it sho#s micro light during normal condition ;-+-T is the reset indicator light of PCI slot" and
t shines #hile resetting ;)- is the ;)- indicator light of the PCI slot I;DE is the I;DE indicator light for the PCI slot +E+CLA is the
system indicator light of this professional version" and it shines during normal condition.
:" While doing test for the des'top PC" pls ma'e sure the card is in the des'top mode" if not" pls choose Bdes'top diagnosticB in the Bbasic
choicesB of the menu" then turn on the po#er and continue the test. The L-D screen #ould sho# Bcurrent codeB and Bprevious codeB #hile the
CP@ and the 'ey signal is #or'ing normally" and finally it #ill sho# the malfunction e=planation and repair suggestions. *ur )ainboard LCD
Post Card can store five pieces of testing record" #hich could be chec'ed by pressing B@PB and BD*W,B. If CP@ is not #or'ing or the 'ey
signal is invalid" the )ainboard LCD Post Card #ill sho# three 'ey signal of ;+T" I;DE" ;)-" and suggest Bmista'e in 'ey signal" pls chec'
he circuit related to CP@ and the po#er source of host machine B. If having noteboo' PC mode for the des'top PC" the )ainboard LCD Post 1/3
7/17/2019 Mainboard lcd Post Card Instruction
Card #ill suggestB mista'e in diagnostic of des'top PC" pls chec' the circuit related to CP@ and the po#er source of host machine B. %do
choose the right mode for diagnostic" and our card could save the diagnostic type after po#er off" the user need not to choose the diagnostic
ype #hile start the card ne=t time&
1" While doing test for the noteboo' PC" ma'e sure the card is in the noteboo' mode" if not" pls choose Bnoteboo' PC diagnosticB in the Bbasic
choicesB of the menu" then turn on the po#er and continue the test. The L-D screen #ould sho# Bcurrent codeB and Bprevious codeB #hile the
CP@ and the 'ey signal is #or'ing normally" and finally it #ill sho# the malfunction e=planation and repair suggestions. *ur )ainboard LCD
Post Card can store five pieces of testing record" #hich could be chec'ed by pressing B@PB and BD*W,B. If CP@ is not #or'ing or the 'ey
signal is invalid" the )ainboard LCD Post Card #ill sho# three 'ey signal of ;+T" I;DE" ;)-" and suggest Bmista'e in 'ey signal" pls chec'

he circuit related to CP@ and the po#er source of host machine B. If having des'top PC mode for the noteboo' PC" the )ainboard LCD Post
Card #ill suggestB mista'e in diagnostic of noteboo' PC" pls chec' the circuit related to CP@ and the po#er source of host machine B. %do
choose the right mode for diagnostic" and our card could save the diagnostic type after po#er off" the user need not to choose the diagnostic
ype #hile start the card ne=t time&
0" *ne diagnostic code could relate to different malfunction for different 3I*+. This )ainboard LCD Post Card professional version has all the
diagnostic code of )I WI, 3I*+ version" and all the codes of W;D !.4 version" and all the codes of Phoeni= !.4" besides all these " this
professional version added hundreds of diagnostic codes. The user should choose proper type according to related 3I*+. There is B3I*+
*ptionsB on the main menu" after pressing -,T-;" there #ill be choices of )I" W;D" P*-,I5" choose the right 'ind of 3I*+" and the
screen #ould suggest that the 3I*+ has been chosen. The choice of 3I*+ #ould be saved #hen po#er is cut off.
!" This professional version can chec' the validity of PCI 'ey signal. There is Bbasic choiceB on the main menu" choose Bsignal chec'B" then the
user can chec' the validity of the three signal ;+T" I;DE" ;)-.
7" The real$time voltage monitoring function ma'e sit possible to have a full understanding of ho# every group of 'ey po#er supply. There is
voltage monitoringB option on the main menu" offering the real$time monitoring results of :.:V" 0V " and /6V" these three group of voltage.
8, The professional version offers two screen design, which makes it much more user-friendly. Try not to touch the welding spots while the two screens are
working, to avoid white screen situation. If touch the welding spots by mistake and white screen appears , pls cut off the power supply and restart the card,
hen it will work normally again,.
The interface function of notebook PC (Optional)
The professional version of notebook Mainboard L! "ost ard had four-level "# design, which makes the signal more stable, and makes it able to work
ong time in a severe environment. the types of notebook " main board interfaces$ %&' Mini"Ie %(' Mini"I %)' L"

Mini PCI-E interface of Mainboard LCD Post Card

Mini "I-* is the interface that getting more and more popular among notebook ". The Mini "I-* interface is taking less space than the Mini "I. +ur
Mainboard L! "ost ard use following pins of Mini "I-* interface$ "I-8, "I -&, "I-&(, "I-&, "I-&/, "I-&0, "I-&1. urrently not all the
notebook producers support such pin definition standard, so not all the notebook main board would support such interface. 2fter series of test, we confirm
hat following notebook brands would support this interface. 2nd they are 3", Lenovo, 324**, 5I4, 2cer, 6u7itsu, Inventec, etc. The interface can not
work with the notebook main boards that are not supporting such interface. 6ollowing are some for the testing result for reference$ 3"$ / series,
ncluding T/ and other models9 1 series, including 2T8, 2T1, and other models. Lenovo$ :), :, L*, L*;, and other models 324**$ )&,)(
and other models 5I4$ 4<M"3+</., 0. and other models 2cer$ Most models 6u7itsu$ "=+TL2!& other models Inventec$ most models +*M by
Toshiba and 3"
The LPC interfaces of Mainboard LCD Post Card
from left to right, the definition of our Mainboard L! "ost ard got this interface are$ "I&-L6=2M* >, "I(-L2!), "I)-L2!(, "I-L2!&, "I;-
L2!, "I/-?!, "I0-L=*4*T >, "I8-LL@, "I1-).). The interface needs fly line. Most models of the Lenovo Think"ad series has fly line
nterface on their main board. L" is the popular interface for different main boards.
6or main board of I#M A/, the L" interface is on the slot with number 5)1. The definitions are$ 2(-B L=*4*T >, 2)-B L6=2M* >, 2;-B LL@, 21-B
L2!), 2&-B L2!(, 2&& -B L2!&, 2&(-B L2!. 6or I#M T/ =/ main board, the L" interface in on the pin o. C(/. The definitions are$ 2&-B LL@,
2)-B L6=2M* >, #(-B L=*4*T >, #0-B L2!), 20-B L2!(, #/ -B L2!&, 2/-B L2! 6or notebook " without fly line interface, the user need to
connect the fly line with chip pin of the main board, which would reDuire very good 7ointing skill from the user. 6ollowing are the ways of fly line for
popular chips, such as "10;;&, "80;&, "80;1&, 384E(&1, :8)L1;!, T"2, ect. 2/3
7/17/2019 Mainboard lcd Post Card Instruction

he power supply and address havenFt been listed above, ?! and ).) power supply are optional for the users. %2ttention$ do not
connect the card with "I1-).) power supply, or else the Mainboard L! "ost ard would be permanently damaged' 2lso the user
could link the Mainboard L! "ost ard to the L" interface #I+4 ofthemainboardwith fly line, if the main board has #I+4 of
"L)( with L" interface.
The pin definitions of L" #I+4 are$ "I(-=4T >,

PI,6:$L;)- F"


&. This professional version has Table Look-up function and the diagnostic result will show on the screen. There would appear some
"+4T code while there are malfunction codes on the main board, so the 7udgment of whether the malefaction has been rightly
diognoticed could only be sure with the last Mainboard L! "ost ard %that is why some (-digit or  - digit card can not make proper
diagnostic'. :e suggest the users to press 5" and !+: to check the neGt and previous codes, and find out the reasons for
malfunction in the main board.
(. The interpretation for the codes F FandF 66 F
%&' F ForF 66 Fappearing after a series of codes means #I+4 self-check completed.
⑵ The #I+4 self-check would continue if the #I+4 circuit on the main board is functioning. F F2ndF 66 Fwould appear at last,
showing the user that self check has been completed, and will start guiding the system.
⑶ The F F,F 66 Fappearing right after the computer started means the main board is not working, pls check "5 or power supply.
). There are three kinds of conventional #I+4$ 2MI, 2ward, "hoeniG. The same code could be showing different kinds of meaning, so
he user of our Mainboard L! "ost ard must choose relative kind of #I+4 in the menu. 4ave the data after changing the setting.
. The type of #I+4 could be identified by main board menu or by the mark on the chip of main board #I+4, or check directly on the
screen if the main board could show that. +r plug out the =2M card, the #I+4 is 2MI type if it stops at F!&F, F!)F, or F!*F9 the #I+4 is
2:2=! type if it stops at F&F, F(F, F)F9 it is "hoeniG type if it stops at F 2 F , F # F, or F F.
;. 4ome of the "I slots would show only part of the codes, so we suggest changing the slot when failing in obtaining diagnostic
codes. Many of the Mainboard L! "ost ards on the market could show F( # Fcodes while using with high-end main boards , but our
card is able to obtain all the codes.
/. The diagnostic code would be F Fwhile =4T signal light and the L@ signal light of notebook " is off, so the test could not
continue, itFs possible that the main board of notebook " does not support the MII"I-* interface, pls use other interface to
continue the test.
0. If on the screen reads Funknown diagnostic code, pls check the parameters of main boardF, pls check the #I+4 setting first, try to
change the #I+4 setting. If ot 4olved the problem is after this, pls check the website http$ E E for more support,
or <ou can contact us directly.
8, "ls check the appendiG& for the parameters of our latest version.
1, ontact information of :aychan Technologies 3/3

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