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■liyBpB 'V flM T S F ’ THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1969

iWattfl|[gatgr S ttm ittg l| » r ^ A b m u k b IM DIf N t l P m m B a a

Ha #niplo^^
4- The Weather
caMtMj Janonit 9. M 9
m und. TAC Accepts Potter Plan Skating - Coasting Sheriff Cites CorwerBOtion CSmmt —hi 0(M ir Bawiighr IdOHP
Abum Foamd laclMe nvM MOB, FiBtar Mat-
i iHt*, Police jLog 1 5 ,3 6 5
• to 10I
i j mmof
InGAOPlrobe ttm at MuHhMtar, Joaaph Ukt-
Oat o( H uttoid. and M m MM-
On Apartnient Construction Confession Disclosure Mmnehetter A City o f VUtogo Charm
iB onnar
ttoa ot Kumm O ty, Kan.; tour A mood ot eautioua aeeapt- alloorad beooma pcograaatvely Stephen J. Berk, 17, of w
(C ratfi Om ) dauBbtara, IDv. Bva ot *nM ot naw ragidattona oon- amaUer, lalth lot alaaa In tlw Rocks T rial o f Darwin Hartford, was aryeated and FOIi. LXXXYm. NO. 86 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGB8—TWO SBCnONS) MANCHBOTBR, CONN., FIODAY, JANUARY 10, 1900 on Page . 81) PRICE TEN CENn
maonliig- K anchaatar, IDra. LoU Sauaraotf troMiig ooaatnictlan of gardan tbrao buaineaB aonea tba aama. oharged wMh receiving stolen
M panatoiMt amplovmant or Idma, Iba. Anna «La- oimrttaanta pravailed orer the The idea of limlUng the num< Tlmre____________
to no a tetk_« at Ontar (OonUmied fram Paga Om ) goods yeaterday and wW appear
------ ------ votorof Hartford, and Ifta. Mary lengthy meeting of the Tech- her of bedrooma per 30 8prf(«a Fork today. OoaaUng to *,,1^ h#,aHna cm * fln.iiv In IfanCheatar Clroult Court 13
addMenel tiaitong. ^ Ponnaylvama; four ideal Adrlaonr OomnUttee laat would equallae denalty in a l l a l^ t d on daTMll untU dark. on Jan. 37. POUoe gave no other
—laadagnata recora kept hy greeidclilldran, and eight gnat- night. lonea. NO dtocrimlnatlon omoag ______________ prompted him. details.
Darwin on Stand; Hartford Crime Rale

Huge New York Welcome

pnjaot apeaaoia on ooato ratan- grendchfldnn. At the oonduaion of the 8H- x>n«a would exlat. Potter aald. Swaaney aald oalmly, "No, I
bniaabla hy the fedMal govatn- beheld Set- h ^ oeaalon, the oommlttee, M o i t c h c S t C T A t BCL ***•* •*****^‘ ** w en
Up b j 6S Per Cent
gJdward a . Franklto, S3, of 93
urday at 8;M OLm. from t h e heeded by Atty. Leon Podiove, >'««>% opfwaed to the suggeation other confesalons offered." HARTVORP, Oonn. (A P )-
Ridge St., was arroatod and
^ .
~T°T” *^*****
■ ..

y °**” r * y
Olullano^togarlno F u n e r a l accepted the regulatlona drawn
hy Home, 347 WaaMngton Bt., Hart- up by BMc Potter, plamdng
• *»*wnn h%h Mhaa dtawotor, with aom» minor practicality.
unfamiliar with the new
«><* waa unaun about tta
M an H urt Shea, hie voice atlU at a high
iritch, reminded Sweeney that
charged with operating an un­
registered motor vahMa ysatir
day, when be was allegedly ob­
Denies Confession Haitfotd polite 01^ there
was an avenge of one mor
Jor Clime oommftted In their
M M M M oontMtntlona to the nqulem at Holy 'Mntty modlllcatkma Adler Dobkln, TPO dialrman he htul been In court much of r Roy Darwin took the wltneaa daughter, Kathy, a pretty bni- cHy evwy hour in 1998.
In T olland the time during the first trial served by a patrolman traveling

Greets Apollo 8 Heroes

•******"’ esnm*, Haitford, at 9. Burial The Teclmtoal Ad^toory Oom- who attended the meeting with stand today ta hta murder trial -notte, who recalled that the Polite Chief Thomas J.
in the ^**'**f ddB be hi ^ Jamea’ Oemetory. mlttee (TAC) to a group ap- Truman Ckandall, a XIPC mem' and knew what waa going on re­ at a high rate of speed on .Can­ and denied that he hod ever ad­ night of the murder ohe waa
over and anoounting for fedenl ter 8L The patrolman stopped Vaughan arid Thursday Ihe
Frlanda may call at the fu- pointed by a former Thwn Plan- ber, m u^cld up the feeling of garding admissibility of confes­ mitted to the TiOUairt County awokMied by k telephone coll.
oontrlbuMona to the program. neral h m e tomorrow from 3 to tong and Zoning Oommtoalon the
The OAO nport apothghted 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.
TAC membera when 2-G ar Crash sions. Several confessions were hhn and then nofiead that the
lloansa platas had expired.
ahertff be klUsd H k^ RotfawelL Her father onowered.
rise In crime In the city over
the period was 98 per cent
ate orgMdiaihkam whfdi took
head, John Lamenao, to laaiat aald, "I think I like th e John Farrell Jr., 31, of Hart­ thrown out by the Judge presid­ Urider queatfonlng by hte do- The coll waa apparently from compared wMh 1997.
the TPC by examlng Mknchea- idea, but I’m not aun how U ford la repotted In aertoua con­ ing at the first trial. FrankUn’e court iqipearanoa to fenoe counoel, Darwin recollod ’11m only monlh during the
port durtog Omiel 1997, four In Jan. 30. M n. John Rothwell inquiring
ter'a aonlng regulatlona will work out. I have mixed dition ________at _________
Hartford ____ ____ __
Hbapital to- ’the defense oounM aaked Ma convonatlon with Sheriff about her daughter. l(n . Roth- year that showed any deoUna
the Out of School Porgnm. Fonerab recomnMndlng — reviahma In emotlona about It" day after he received head In- ^ a w ay If be had glvm .the In­ Sweeney in December of woU testified this week ttat she vras December, in which
them. Becauae (be TPC haa had juries tn a two-car accident In f<*matloii of the donveraatkm Elsa M. Potdos of 19 Walker S i 1999. (here was a six per cent de-
Frederick GoMor Later, the TAC concentrat- relaOvely Uttle trouble with the Tolland yesterday.
OOVBINTRY — Funeral serv­ ed on the Group Dwelling regu-
^ state’s attorney at the 1^ charged wMh operattog an
unrertstered motor vehlole yee-
Darwtn sold, “ I sold If I bod
ooUod Darwlii’a home twice
after midnight The first time, ereeae tai'fhe frequency of . Thousands
deneity regulation, and FarreU was first taken to ti«»« of the first trial. Sweeney klUed Hope Rothwell, I wortd she sold, there was no answer. Crimea over Ihe same month
Obituary ices for Frederick Qottier of _____
South St. were held yesterday ed ape<^
whitoi the TPC felt need- beoaune Dobkln aald be w a a Jolmson Memorial Hospital In <«*«* ho had not. Shea iixpUred
"very anxious” to see the new Stafford cuid then transferred to it be had "witheW’ It.
terday, after a patrobnan at ths
Parkade noticed her oar has ex-
teU my lawyer this so that my Shea asked if she heerd tlie in 1997.
The major crimes Included Mass Along
Paid Bweoney (unlly would not go through the tetephone ring eerller. She said
aftamoon at WatUns-West Fu- ■ni- ounm e of requirements get on the books, Hartford. Driver of the other Swoenqy repiled, "I Just pirsd platea Court data Is Jan. Thorne ot trial.” tile didn’t in the. report xre murder,
Brngamte Sodam neral Home, 143 E. Center St, m ee4»‘ ^J5ST^ ^ ^ a the oommlttee decided to diete oeir involved was Herbert OHd- didn’t see why I should any 30. ' Yooterday, Swoenoy tesUfiad rape, roUery, aggravated
Bantan 8 t, was dead on ar-
73, of 164 Polar- draft of the group
“ Owumbla’a Jehovah’s Wit- regulations oompUed by Potter
the 20 bedroom requirement and den, ___, 24, of 20 Oak___
_ ______ St,, Wsq>- anything
. _ about
____ tt." .
committee decided to delete pbig. ’The accident is being In- Atty. Shea, who had not yet girl’s body was sttbsequently
driven Into the area where die
MIehael J. Thiboudsau, 83, of
at tbt trial In ToUond County
She teetifted that ahe usueUy
drove the oar her father hod
assault, burglary, larceny of
m ore, than (80 and auto
Aiperior Court ta ROokviUe that the night of the murder, and
rtfvid at Manohester Memorial *??*?** officiated, fi/dney Mac- which inoomorated imnv ta o mining density for the present vestlgated by state police In calmed down, addressed the found. He ' used Us search 39 WinthroD Rd. was arrested Drtwln theft NEW YORK (AP) —
Hospital yasterday'aftor hs suf- ^ organist Burial was suggestions. Stafford. presiding Judge, William P. 'Ughts but did not see the body. awl oharged with violation of ^ t a. told
«_a him he
^ waa unsure sold that
MHM. when
drove it Murder was tiie only ma­
fared a heart attatoc at h is Cemetery, ktonclyater. Dobkln toW the TAC-that the A second accident In Tolland Barber and asked for a recess. Mardtall also tesUfled that (he roamtasr dog taw, after a *‘® •» <**• toMowIng day jor crime of the grotqi that
New York greeted the
M killed Mlae RottnveH. tlced nothing unusual. A state ApoUo 8 MtroDftuts todfty
home. He was the husband of “ “«**• night waa the change i n ^ new pl«>tong commission hopes to yesterday Involved a rtete truck “ You honor,’ ’ be said, "I when he called Darwin t h a t -------------------------------------------
patrolman allegedly caught hto •Shea asked Darwin directly: decHned ta tiie period. It
lb s . MSry Lucas Sutoam *«quffements In the formula for prepare the now regulatlona tor « » » » «<*ool bus. Driver of the tWnk the surprise and toiock same morning to Inquire about jo ’y runtonsr loqse a*>d hnpoimd-
toxleologtrt has testllled that he dronoed by 38 per cent R m)s wiGi martisl music, wtad-
7DW you klU Hope RothweUT” found blood stains on the seat whltiped flags, tens of tick­
Mk. Sustam waa bom Nov. oenneu ana PUiiy) Clnomella. aotermlnlng densUy P o t t e r P«“ lo hearing at Its next meet- >>«•. Robert Clouidi, 88, of New of this taatlmony Is evident to two cars on Reservoir Rd. to «d It. Several nelghbon had Inorsooed 10 per cent rob­
Darwin repUed, "I did not of the oar.
1, 1898 to TJthiianto, and had baaed density on the number of log “tot that he did ndt want to TV^and, was atrested on a all. It la obvloualy of crucial Vernon that Darwin had re- complained about the dog. Ooixt 1|1U Hope Rothwell.” bery 40 per cent aggravated er tape and the roar of de-
Hvad to Manchester for 48 Sirs. Martha BeU bedrooma allowcU per acie JeopaitUse chancea of paasing oberg* of making an improper Importance. It baa come as a ported seeing and pasring on (jgite la Jan. 27. The wttneoa sold she knew assault 86 per cent, loroeny UghtM ciowda ae they
yean. Before be retirad in 1961, Funeral services for Mrs. vdilch he set at 20 The present 'Ibem In any way. ' Shea asked, "Did you ever Mtaa Rothwell through 4-H ac­ of 860 er more Iqr 88" per
bim. He Is achedul'ed to complete shock to the defense to» way home from the 4-H _____ see bar again oftar tha mert- were paraded up ftmad-
he visa employed as a poliaher Martha Bell of 19 Eknerson St. regulations base denalty re- Potter agreed, eaylng the new Mtmrtieater OlrcuH and I ask adjournment to pre- meeting, Darwin said he didn’t ACCIDENTS tivities and hod given her a cent auto theft 49 per cent, way, unoffidaDy iddi-
at Fratt and \Hiitnsy MAohine were held this afternoon at St. inaltv ^ e a tio n a could be . pare for further examlnaUon of stop because he didn’t have a and burglary 96 per cent
’Pool Dtvlstoa of Colt IhdustrloB, Mary’s Eplaoopal Church. The
qulrementa on lot area per density suggeations
Driver of the truck was Law- this witness.’’
Mtahael D. Norman, 80, of 1 Darwin
Dl replied, "No, air." (Bee Page Twelve) namiod "ApoHowajr” for
Rev. Stephen Price officiated. dA^ing unit. held until after the completion flartillght. Clinton, lost control of hta car : The 17-year-old Bolton girl the ooeasioo.
West Hartford. He was a mem' In sonee A, B, and C, lot sizes of his apartment study. rence Luoay, 64, of Hazondvllle. Juctge Barber grartod the re­ More tertlmony about Dar- on 8. Main St yestaiday ofter^
iMT of the Utfauaqlan Catlaen’s dybiey MacAlptoe was organ­ Other area p<^oe activity: dtaappeared on Sept 18, 4968 .As (be gtaited the
cess at 12:16 p.m. Tlie trial was win’s account of passing t h e noon when it slid and then roll- ifter leaving a 4-H meeting in
Cfub, gsrtford. ist. Burial was in East Ceme­ VERNON pniadi, ItMy passid m m u f ot
to resume at 2 this afternoon. cars was taken from Sgt. Fran- ed over three times, e*4dlng up
Survivors, besides his wife, tery. Bolton Mrs. Evelyn UaUtls, 44 Elm Before Sweeney’s testimony eta Pisch who had taken a on its wheels. The accident oe-
IteokviUe that Darwin also at- cfaUdien wavftBg a pteoard
inoldle a son. Gene R. Sualam, Bearers were Donald Plank,
of Manchester; a brother and Gordon Plank, Frank Zlebarth,
JunicH* Women
Speechless St., RockvlEe, was oliarged the state presented a number statement from Darwin at Ms curred near the sixth tes abort
witti evading responrtMltty and
Some kind' of a record, du­ operating white her UcenM is of witnesses, Including Dr. home on Sept 21, 1963. Darwin 8:80, The windshield w u ahat-
«**>ded. Her body was found
(our days later In T h U ^ . B ill Anderson Dies, wMob sold, "W e tove you.'*
And that. Judging b o n tiw
slater to Lttlnxuiia, and several James Gordon, John Johneton Darwin, who ta 63 Uvea chesttog and — of mp-
nisoes and nephews. and George Hewitt bious to nature, waa estab- under suspension after die al­ Abraham Stolman, a toxicolo­ told Plsrti that the second oar tered, and the. car had to be (o Habron, was convicted of the pbuise, pretty wen siriiraoiiil
Cancel Meeting liahod at TuMday night’s legedly teft the scene of an ac­ gist with the state, who testi­ was black with parktog Ughta towed. Norman was treated at
The funoral will be bdd The Daughters of Liberty,
Satiaday at 8:18 a.m. from the No. 17 and No. 13S, conducted a Set for Tonight
Bocurt of Directory meeting.
Not one membor of the cident yesterday.
fied that he found blood stains on and wiring hanging f r o m Mancherter Memorial Hospital
on the seat of Darwin’s car. Ihe rear of the vehlcla tor a minor knee Injury.
murder In 1964. The oonvlotlon
^wa reveread lost year. Retired from Herald tiw mood of tiw otty lor tiw
tiiree man who othttsd ths moon
John F. Tierney Ftmerel Home, memoried service last night at ’The other, car Involved w a s ' A motkxt to Mmmimm iha Daf. VWtam Marie Anderoon, 98,
for 30 boura
819 W. Center St, with a Mass IPdmes Fhneral Home, 400 public spoke — not during Stolman said he also found Darwin had originally des­ OOMFLAINTg
The Junior Women’s Club puUlc hearings on three ap- driven by Edward Haistlllo Jr. A bnak and entry w u dls- win trial in tbs wako of jeotgi ot 40 .™ .—™
H em kA S t, rattred clr- Showers of strsasnssw m d
of requiem at Ck. J a m e s ’ Mato St., for Mrs. BeU, who seminal stains on Miss Roth- cribed the car as being brown,
Cburdi at 9. Burial wlU be to End embargoed matter meeting scheduled for tonight proprlaflons, not when the of East Wtodsor. There were well’s undergarments and on and according to testimony coversd at the American Fi­ outetam
otton m oiu w ^ ’of
moiiages’ I f a THer-
of Ths ^ tlokertape began ftoaUng doom
no injuries. Mrs. Uskltls la fimn tosrartbg effite wsMiiif
St Jamee^ Cemetery. has been canceled because of meeting was opened to those scheduled to appear In Rock- trousers Darwin ' said he wore from Det. William Hickey, Dar­ nance Oo. on ths second floor orgsniaer in
oldi and oegontaer
J r i g a ^ tbs dotenra opsne its ^
In 193S of Nut-
m ends may call at the fu­ James Sargent vdM wanted to speedc on any the night of the murder. of 936 Main St. ahodt 3 a.m. to­
win had told him the reason he day when a patrolman fbund meg F o n st ToU ftetem Oedons -of tiniiig ttw route bom tiw Bat­
the weather.
neral home tonight from 7 to 9 ROCKVILLE — Funeral serv- subject on the agendo, and vlUe Circuit Court 12 Jan. 21. Miss Rothwoll disappeared on thought the second car was the front door on the street - . .. ___ Lebanon, died ou ouddeitiy loa^ ' tery to OMy HoU, ttw mdttfoBial
The program, which waa to not when the meeting wae Emil' Prucha Jr., 19, of 21 wmeludod its prea- ^ |,|, hmwa ponds route known as (hs
and tomorrow from 3 to 4 andglc** for James Sargent ot 3 brown was because he had had open. •otottoo ysoterday 4titor two- "Ooayon of Heroes."
7 to 9 r " « Franklin Park, formeriy of Man- be a discussion on drug abuse opened to thoee who wanted Bart St., RockvUle. ’ was tawed llfl ^ “ ^’
J ***"*®
tog In Vernon Sept. 18, 1963. two cups of coffee and the cof­ U^pstelrs he noticed
Mtd-ahalf days with two eur- AadMson Joined ■nw H«w
_____ Chester, were held yesterday led by high school teacher to spesLk on any subject a written warning for failure found abandoned fee was brown.
American’s door forceU and the
prtae wttuBasse who tosttfled In 1938 as a type oompoaltor A stiff wtad aiiijqSMg III b m
n a iik E. Cooke morning at St. Mary’s Bpis- James Cahalan, will probably within the board’s Jurisdic­ to drive to proper lane after Ms on ^
hinges removed. A towel and a
that Darwin had privately ad- wortipd in ths olrorta- Lower New Ybtk Harbor caiBbt
bo offered next month, Mrs. tion. car went out of control on Rt. ~ - Rd. and the girl’s State Police Sgt. Robert hammer were found on a fire (he paper and eeat It saMbMr
Funeral services for Frank ^ body was found four days later mitted Ms g ^ to tiM»w tion dMiastnunt He was sp-
B. COefce of HuntoviUe, Ala., O eofje Nostrand offlclat- Alan Wledie, club president As a result, the meeting 83 and struck four guide posts. In ’Tolland. She had been P'emer testified that Darwin extinguisher in the hallway, and i One ot ttiase, Thllaad pointed ciroulatton nunager In tote the ciaatta
said. ended at 10 p.m., oariler COVENTRY told h<m he had not spoken to police expect they may have
formetly of Manobeetor wto^ «*• MaoAlplne was or- Fred Bberte, 64, of Rt. 44, .strangled . . and a sexual attack Miss Pothwell during the past been used to rentove the, hinges. flhactft Paul Sweenay pome ^***' ***® **®ld until hta Air Potva OoL Iteok Bomuw.
d t e d lt o l^ to Huntsville, orig- - Burial was to East The executive board wUl meet than any regular meeting in undw’ sharp ottartc friun Atty. Mtiremstti> at tbs end of Bap- Navy d ip t Jamas A, Lovril Jr.
many months. Coventry and Romaine W. Her- " „ , attempted, year but had nominated her for Some change am oun^g to
taally schedutad tor tfato monnh OeiMtory, Manchratw. _____ ’Tuesdey at Mrs. Wledle’s house bert, 84, of RFD 8, Coventry, “ arller In today’s proceed- an office on a 4-H committee abort |20 was taken from a cash 6bsa for wfthhoMli^ tiie btitx^ tember. ' t4P PbotofOx) said Air P o m Lt-Ool TltiWam
tog, wMl be bdd tomorrow at at 8 p.m. mstion frtxn the fln t trial tn Ha ouffoted a heart attack in Showered in ticker tape, the ApoHo 8 astronaute **mKrn, (he apaoanten, rode In
U aon. at Watktas-Weot Funeral /f " . OOP BoD ’nckets failed to provide these aocee- wero both charged with improp- overruled thethree-Judge panel the night of the murder.
defense counsel’s
dnfwer in a filing cabinet, but
(8M. M Ilia qimtiinning of Bwee- November and was raouperat- an open car beside Gov. NSteots
Home, 142 E. Center St. The B agle«»i Kenneth little, Rich- sorira, add your own tf W fo e l Poaolng by Coventry jx^ce. ™ oeionse Darwin also "Indicated he the safe vru untouched, accord­ r id e . in m otorcade parade up New York Oity’s A . RoofcsMIer and Mayor JbhB
Rev. C. Heaiy Anderson, porter
of Bhnanuel Luttieran Church, lEuiger.
All Republican Town Commit­ like It
tee members who have ticket
money tor the Inaugural Ball ’The shoes that you wear with
Both men are sdiediiled to ap- “ t’Jactlons on introduction by carried a lantern-tyne light In ing to police.
pear In Manchester C i r c u i t ^® "*®*®
Court 12 Jan. 27. od Illegally.
materials first selz- his wife’s car,’ ’ said Relmer.
My, flhaa hinted the dlreetten a tag when ba waa otilolDan laat
twasIWe appeal may taike.
Bhos asked If Sm snsy had
jgp. Anderson was a member
South Viets Claim .1
Broadway today, duhbed ‘ApoUoway’ fo r the occa­ V. Lindsay, the astronauls
waved and wnOed at ttw crowds
will officiate. Burial wlU be in Andrew Darico testified that teoinad Darwin of his r l ^ to of the fotenuBtlonal Ctroulattcoi sion. Prom le ft are Ckipt. James A . Lovell Jr., Gdl. nwsssd bafatad patios baitt.
to be held Jan. 18 at Fiano’s pants are necu’ly as Important SOITTH WINDSOR ^ Ottampt to get the state’s massed two cars traveling a Jaycees O ffer
Hlaat Cemetery.
’There wUl be no calling hours.
Enoch H. KostosU
The funeral of Enoch H. Ko-
sinskl of 83 N. Elm St was hold
their money
In to
to turn
as the length of the pants,” says Jrtm A. Hudak, 9 Main St., «vidence barred from the trial
the all-knowing Miss I^ainbert. South Windsor, was charged ^*"®® initiated yeaterday after- car’s length anart at 11 p.m.
The etioe that Roger Vlvler early this morning with failure m)on by Darwin’s lawyer. ’Ihe on Reservoir Rd. and another
Tot-Lpt Plan
remain tilenf before Darvrta Manager's Assortatteo
mode bis stetesnsiite. ftweenay ot the N «r Blnglaiid Obetia.
sold be dM not, but aald that
ggod Foe P o rin a R ^ l^ (k)l. W||liam A . A jiders. Mdss. and at poopte In wtasdbaa
•hove (hem. Bach wavs sMmd
& ttMT MhfO of ftpplAUM,
ine Peterson. tten Managers Association — Tbs Sorth Amortean haftla
Mtoe Emily M. Hoffman ^ The dance will be semi-for- made for St. Laurent’s famous dark car furth»r ahead. ’The sidewalk poUelao, a JAycee PoiM n had Initiated the oon- wMdi Wedneodoy anmiMtad Mm wiree, 4 qmbh
Funorol Homo, 400 Main St, to yield right of way at cm In- material was first removed In ^ in Svly
mal. Ladles may wear long or pantsuits has a heel rtightly tersectlon after he struck a D December
««n b e r 1963 from the inside three cars he passed were head- "Tot-Lot," a request tor a veraotiaR In the TbPond State Horawh, Marilyn Lotten ohd
o Maes of requiem at Bt. raise for the-Jury Committee, ja il effite In Deeambsr of 1961. a rstirsment sarvloe pin. ed today IftL lfc‘Vlek 06ng and" - *^“ 'P*** «*slm of heavy Voterle Anders, rodt In ttw ooe-
M. M, of 74 Pro^^ct Budget Church. short dresses._ Windsor p.^ ot 0 « car D a .^ used the night Mr. Andenon vras bom June Grand Thll Oedar of Nutmeg lopite suffered by Iha enemy,
Rockvuie Harold M<®rien
at somewhrt ^ce cruiser driven tor Officer ot the murder. The The only other testimony In- and tile resignation of Lawrence * The second witness was a Forert an d hwl « . u* VIetiiWMae trbcpe the govemment In a yeerend re­ ood ear. Thslr famUles, totaV
former prison inmate who recol­ 1, 1900 in Nantkxike, Pa,, son Forast and had served ae its
ICss Hrtfman was bom Oct
celebrant. Mrs. Raymond
narrowed. Jw fas IIn■■■11 — _ v .... WntUcofake, Water and Sewer
lected that Darwin had expreM-
to remorse.
of John and Ada Grabotet
denon, and hod Uved In Mon- i960.
An- traaourar tram 1989 through kUled in 1999, nearly six tlmee view eatimated total enemy
a t r e i^ at 800^100 Ifiet Oo(«,
N A SA Picks Team ing Id chUdrsn, wers in a IMid
car, protected from tiw wind by
a "brtbbletoif’ pteslle dome.
rtMoter staee 1911. He and Ms Norib Vtotnamete ,aod poUUoal
Survlvcra, besides Me wife, in­
in.RockvlUe with Mrs. Francis vice.
laney read the oommtttai ser- w> go out. ’The snow abated with (he spikey ones of the 1960s. day night,'
, A final surprise In the state wife, Mra. Esther Douglea An­
cose yesterday waa the decision derson, observed their 4901 wed­ clude a son, BM Sgt Doigtex
by the state not to put State ding annIveFsary April 13. Anderson atatfoned at Grand
But North Vtetnasn ooBed 1999
“the beat yoor 00 Cor In the Viet­
namese poopie'a s t r u g g l e
cadre. R dahned 1(1.000 North
Vietnamese troops had InONrat- For Lunar Landing Ticker tape and streamera be­
gan fluttering down from stofs-
soon after happy children, hear- Shea objected to its use as wore and on Mias RothweU’s ed the Soutii In 1998— an nnnru erapera about 30 mtautes befor*
E. Hardenbergh for the part 30 Bearers were friends of the Ing the annotmeement over the These are broader and shaped Hospital Notes evidence when ho Introduced a dress and panties. However, the
Wittkoteke, whose resignation
becomes rtXective Saturday will
Pollco Maj. Samuel Rome on Forin (NJ9.) ATO; a brottMr,
He was o8k>a member of Ora­ Oscar G. Anderson of Manches­
agotast U. S, oggrasrion.” ment vaatly dtfferent fbom unof- WASHINGTON (AP) —A cl- Roobte aatroBwut Pred Hoise the parade began. HuriOrads of
years. She was a member of the family. quite differenlfy, being set rath- the stand. Rome was a key wit- tor The Saigon govensnent put ta tiw third matt on tiw baoiBB persons who work in the finals-
radio, snuggled back Into bed er «ar ADMITTED YESTERDAY: motion toisupress It at a hear- ag-> of blood stains cannot be receive a letter of thanks from Oongregationol Church, ter; and two grandchildren. South Vtotnameee topees but
fid sl U. 8. eeUmatee of 236,000 ^
neto who have walked tn apaoe crew.
ApostoUc Cbilrtlan Church ot reliably determined, the court hess at the first trial. Manoheetor Lodge of Masons, (o 39ft000 men. clri district diowed iq> softy.
Ellington. or settled down to a morning tothe ^ r t O i e ^ . ^ S t i ! S r t *^***^5?“ the directors. SXaieral services wUl be held JMr at 17,999 ktiled. The U. 8. Space agency nftinitto did not corryiiv limebee.
Survivors Include a brother. of TV. Some, of course, went the full ctnwe at the top. ane Crtli'er,^'Canterbury; Cminie ®“ knowledge of the sweepings was told. Plane for a 100 by 100 f o o t
Today, Shea placed ^ the Manchester Grange, end t h e The U. a. command doee not
Oommsnd has not released offt- puhliahotticial estimates of one- ^
say why Andsra and Lovell Pour bonds, and four moroh-
Witness stand Darwin’s married Gciden Age dUb. He was a psst ^
Alfred Hoffman of Ellington,
and several nieces and nephews. McCarthy out to enjoy the snow.
Many designers show'ed with
their pants, a covered severe
Dalton, 161 Center St.; Reno direct result of the first
Ekiglebert, 2 Downey Dr.; Guy k®****™ and therefore Inadmlss-
” Tot-Lot” to be devaloped by
the Jayoees were announaed to
(See Page Twelve) otal flgur«o for'th e year, but my oteragtii, hut mUaUe Amer^
lean aouroea said the South'Vtot- on the toe moon-
to tond msn were not named to tiw ApoHo U
mtaolaii, but the NAflA prooUoe
tag ptetoons, rspreasnting tbs
Air Force, Army, Navy and
Funeral services wUl be held
Saturday at 1:30 p.m. at the
Manchester Evening Herald
Bolton correspondent, Cleme-
shoe 'W ith high-rising tongue.
Jodoto, 110 Greenwood Dr.; Jo-
soph Kowell, 107 Helaine Rd.; - , ^ then
LBJ Awards the board. The erty reaponalbll-
ity of the town 'would be to rec­ nomeoe eotlnwte was consid­ The olvUian estronart. Nett A. bos bean to s(SMd chotee oo-
Armstrong, wUl command tiw among Sion.
Coast CKierd, headed the prooeo-
But, says the rtx>e industry. ered “Mgh."
Aportrtlc Christian Church, El­
Gives Up weU Young, tel. 643-8981. “« » «ivw> I. McDowell. 92 Arnott Rd.; * " ‘® U * ^ motion saying that
M e d a ls to
ommend a siStable area for the
In addiUan to those kfttod in ttMoeeraft, tsntotivriy for qualified for them. The Air FOroe bagpiper bond
lington. The Rev. John Bahler
will ofttotate. Burtal will be in
Ellington Center Cemetery. Pants Are ‘In’ coming the sinsle most imnort-
Gwendolyn Mott. 22 Camp-
field Rd.; Esther Nkumec, M
Bll*m?ton Ave., Rockville; Don- ®“iy
o ^ n r t sqpressloo order did

search or seizure.
lot and to provide a dutinAlitic
fence to surrotmd the play­
ground. Wedse conunended Ihe
Signs o f Zodiac Fashion Trend aetton, (be Saigon govensnent launehtag ta Jrty, the Notional ’Ihe Apollo U laimdi date le wore Scottirit feUts. Spectatora,
said ttw enemy lost 21,000 men Aeronautics and 4>ace Admtata- July 16, but when It goes de­ bundled in heavy coate and muf­
taken oapUvs and 17JWT who de­ tration said Thursday, in an­ pends tqion tiw results of the flers, nturauited “ Br-r-r" os
Friends may caU at the Ladd
Funeral Home, 19 Ellington SFRC Seat designers Say
a n t * ^ k <^?^the lands^pe!
■n>ere Is a whole healthy ^ d
Saftord, 32 Norwood St.; c q n ^ * i^ ^ ’on Jayoees for the project a n d
said the town wortd be very By BHBA 8TBWABT
Hersid FooMon Witter
fected under tiw “Open Ahim ” nouncing the selection of (be Apollo 9 and 10 mlwlnitt.
paagram. This aobountod for a crew.
they peseed. One man oom-
ApoHo 9, now set for kuxich mento^ "Pretty cod custom­
Ave., tomorrow from 2 to 4 and growing category cailkd' a ty *•: Sapula, Bart Hart- X ' * * “'® happy to cooperate. .Armstrong and Ool. Eldwm E.
(Oontinned from Page One) The ’ "Tot-Lot” Is scheduled to total snfmy.manpower lose of ers.’’
7 to 9 p.m. ■ NEW YORK—The Mg mnna (See Page Twelve)
Continned from Page One) Sandals. At firsts these were the WilHom Schweitzer, 95 to s tr e s s He ®P“ ® forbids the be completed by Jrty 1. 9,9M tasM; yser, the govem- AMrta Jr. are to descend to (be Golden sunshine flooded Uown
tee size marked a victory for broad strapped shoes that were Sovtii tit-, Rockville; Mrs. Flora We *** stationing of nuclear weapons In kt the Poric-Bernet Galleitos, dioon ta a Lunar Module ftom
A jequest for a rotae hy the where all sorts of fabulous
sold. on the parade. The temperature
Donald L. Spender 1___ _____
iw.,_ bore. NowjiMmih
oi* Uo'r4/nn>i. cin.u4aim siUing here o .............
Chairman J. W. Fulbrlght. D- centuries In
. this sort- of
. . - hat more covered than Hartford; Wmiam ADoeaiB However, It rtrinMd that oU tiw main spacecraft. The main wae in tiw mid-do’s but the otiS
turned KMngs ha-ve been auettoned off
Dcmald Louis Spender, 61, of . , , .j. __ wmie wearing pants, and those they can be uncovered every- Tltona, Stafford Springs; Mrs '
down by the dtrectora. n ie re­ Inrtudlng that (1,800,000 Rem­ but 30,000 of these men were re- spaceoreft will remain In hswr winds mads it seem murti cold­
Keystone Heights Fla., broth- ' pressures p ea sa ^ have an eye tor line where, tore, middle or oft, can Jeanette T’refethen, Portsmouth, DrtecoU?’’ overrule Judge of astronauts who are stranded plseed -by the enemy oommsnd. ortXt. piloted by U . Ool. Mi­ er.
er of Mrs. Frederick Sweet of to flU all five vacancies that “ !_-?_^?® “ ®«y even be a thong as long as the N. H.; Donald White, 219 School or who land on fo r e ^ soil.
quest was for $100 .per year for
the chairman and (76 yearly ttfr
brandt that the Metropolitan
bought, m crowded with peo­ But Ihe report sold toe aver­ chael OoHlns. New W ave Secret Service agents wriksd
42 N. School St., died Monday opened as a result of the 1068 signer’s.) sole Is sturdy and the heel is St.; Unda Whltford, 277 High­ Shea contended the situation The United States, Russia and age heltslirnn of Oommuntet Arnwtnkq’, who has survived unohstrutively beside the Umoo-
to Florida after a long iUnesa. political development*. Adolfo, the mllUner and de- had changed since the Decem­ several other nations have regular membera. The'Commit­ ple having cocktails. And
broad.” land St. troops now is operating at half- two near disasters since becom­ staes and ta the crowds around
Survlvors Include hta wife, Fulbrlght argued that, at 19- rflmt* *'rvir^vMadresses mAm a#
_•• • for And you liad better start BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son
ber decision. The ooutt ad­ signed the treaties. tee now lecelvea (86 and (16.
Director David- Odegord pro­
around the write are hung, ndt
expensive paintings, but th e otrength and "their fighting ca­ ing sn satronaut in 1998, W a O f Strikes CHy HaU.
hta mother, two sons, another members, the panel was too un­ tholr moments of fantasy” (his thinking about accessories for to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Peroz- journed after briefs were locat­ Johnson used the occasion to e l ^ of the Zodiac, anti In one pability ta now very limited former test pilot for toe X16 The park oeroos the street
own expression) combines a ed for the Judges to review. posed a special meeting ot (he
stater and several nephews. wrieldy for proper exploration of hin/.v 1.^ .... ji. pants, which are now a ilufluon
fashion zieiio,
zlello, zi
21 Florence St.; a son lo
r iorence tn.; to r «„H tuo pl;ad tor further international companid with tiwt of tiMlr bat- rocket plane and was a Navy was packed with spectators,
Funeral services were held to- major international issues, blMk ^ e y Jumpsuit with a
hat of the type usually descrlb-
item and no longer just the ear- Mr and Mra Glenn Merrer
ment vou wea? ™ u
testimony that was cooneratlon in space. directors to dtaouoa aldewetk bi- corner a lady Is oonaultiig; a
large boob called "Sun Slgne’’ tallone In 1997." combat Slw during tiw Korean Hits I t a l y some rt whom climbed Into the
day In Flmida. ----------------------- nd an on ^ meni you wear to the Super- Warehouse Point; a son to Mr. no mn<*h In the first __trial took ” We also have^mother gift for assessment
by Linda Goodman who is ^ven ’Ihe North Vtetnaanese news War. lower branches rt the trees to
ea as an upturned peach bas- market on Saturdav s«va iir™. ot the afternoon yee- you. Mr. President, a picture of t<> »>® h®W “ ®o<« » TR-.riv-” 'TNA raid inoonqileto In choosing the three 88-yeer- _
ROME (AP)-iMucfa of Italy 5ct a better view.
ket” , from which a wlde-mesh- George Stuart of Mr^ Pants Heaiy, Old terday. (Police officers indlcat- your ranch.” poseible. [credit for the aatrologlori data
Mrs. Fred E. Oerber Suspect Caugfht H ® .“ .®"k®“ ®® J?® on fasMons. figuraa (or 1999 ebaw that'Viet d d H>«oe veterana for the mie- waa strllteboimd today. Urtmis ’Ihe astronaute and tiwir (am-
Lovell presented Johnswi with Odegard sold, ‘ "rhe meeting dong foroea "wiped out" 980,000 den, NAfiA passed up the Ap<rio called tons of thousands off tiles, followed by New York dig-
ELUNG’TON — Mrs. Florlne YESTER a wide area w f s ' The fashion editoni of the na­
iSodel looks as if she were go- kinds except th e ^ e -le g__ g e d day T Mrs. ^ ^Helen - ’Tomm, 226 f®“
<no* ?»>®d
<Kr\ duri»«
A a the
a early ——
mom- M should provide a needed deol- aUled troopa, ktdudtag more 8 astronauts who made ttw first textile mfUs, metal-
Buchanan Oerber, 68, of Maple In FBI Slayings Ing to do something with bees,” a -w
x^avra ^cture W
of the hirar
bil«3 -M hort-
Al.t&r 91011"
aion on the asaeasmento tor the tion, meeting to see spring nitariSB entered^ tha City Hall
St., wife of Fred E. Gerber, jtiyiM under the auiglces of toe than 38b,000 “ UJS. and satetLte tanar orbital fllghte laat montii. ahops and other Indus- through a rear'”'door. Several
murminred an editor. Spring St. sidewalks, and go one But two of these, Navy Oapt. mtautoe passed before they ap­
died this morning at Rock'vllle (Continued from Page One) At the Millinery Institute of 318 Birch St.; Mrs. Edith Mc­ Offtcer John Marshall a brilliant marble American Designer Series, are tries from Venice to Bari. A 24-
General Hospital. h a d quarter-million miles away. step further; that step betaig the lit arid the Viet Ooog Shot Jamse A. Lovell Jr. and Air hour pUbtic transport strike peared in the poftioo and faced
’The 6-foot-2, 170-p o u n d America showing, toe series of Carthy, 68 BtaseU St.; Mrs. Ida the determination of an overall [about to witness what Is prob­ Force U . Ool. WUliam A. An­
Mrs. Gerbw waa bom June Slater, Glastonbury; Eric Bur­ ably America’s first fashion down, destroyed or dsnwjyd crippled Rome. toe crowds gstoered tn square
12, 1900 In RockvlUe, daughter Bryant, a skUled auto repair- Parents Meeting gess,
hats for pants was derlvod, like
the pants themselves, from the 120 Robert Dr., Waoplng;
policy, a policy that wortd allow
'riMW to have ah offtoiri astrol- 9,000 U. S- alrcreft, danwged ders, have been named to the ’Ihe new wav* rt Strikes come below.
of Robert and Sophie Bishop man ond a native of Mt. Olive, the town to better provide new 18,900 mlUtary vsfalrtes, eenk or Apote 11 backup crew. The eth­ Just a day after lawyers and Undaay noted he hod heard
Buchanan, and had lived in the N.C., had lived ’’for at least two Slated at ECHS Nicholas
male of the species. ’The news­ Lata, South Windsor;
John Krinjak, 216 Fern St.; Nine Members Proposed sldewalka and repairs to old ^ {ft’s a trend, which ta what set ablate 1,000 boats and de­ er, Air Poroe Ool. BVank Bor- Judges demanding a major re­ one rt toe astronaute say, “Oer-
RockviUe-Ellington area all of or three years” at the aiiart- boy’s cap, greatly oversized and At 8 o ’clock tonight In the Mrs. Jenny Little, East Hart-
sidewalks where pubUc safety'' ;fashlon is all about. The hippie stroyed more than 1,100 artil­ nwn, ta being assigned to vamping rt tiw country’s creaky tsUnly not a very Inviting place
softened as to fabric, with a warranto them and otill ba Coir lery pleoes. grouiid work at ^ own request.
her life. ’
ment where the agents were printed
Survivors, besides her hus­ slain, its manager, Harry Ooh- style.
school■ - auditorium, a -get-ac- fo*d; Horen Nicholas,■ 67
...... . scarf trailing, was waa one
Anoth»r was that s-anehn
jualnted meeting will be held Ave., Rockville; Linda Hale, 69
----------- For CDAP Under Harkins to the individual property own­
•muatori, "H rir,” Msto Its aatral-
ioger in the program. And the (See Page Twelve) rt ^
court syMem staged a near-rwt
« - “ ® «>« o( ju rtite
to live or woriL..grey-brown,
dirty... looked as though it’s
band, Include 2 sa.-is. Nelson F. en, said. . . ... “ -
for narents of next w nr’a TCaiif tw t A nlne-member CDAP Agen- said the program is all-encom- er.” been bomhparded a kX." "
hat which we have seen'everv ^ n®** Benedlrt Dr., Wapplng; Linda [bouvenir given to each of the ’Ihe widespread labor., unrest,
Gerber of 'Vernon and Fred E. The M a^ r said he retorted,
Robert Roes, who lives In the where at every economic levrt
Gerber Jr. of South Windsor; 2 building where Bryant was oap- S ^ l Jreslmen. Johnson, Hartford; Mrs. Bllza- cy, under the direction at Town passing, designed to take Into isditoni by Hystron, t)i6 hoet coupiqd with cotUlnued student
The Rev. Charles E. Shaw, beth Hoyt,, l^rdsor ______ _____ Development Coordinator John account all phases o f ' future
Locks; ,‘pdinpany, Is the edttor'a own demcnstratlcna- and oecupa- "If you take (Me way about City
^ughters, M ^ Wilkins of tured, said his wife beard nols^ to which the Millinery Institute
Mancherter and Mrs. Raymond m the attic shortly after nocm. has given the designation ” ata-
- _ ^ wlU speak. ----------
Richard Maloney, Madison’; has been proposeU town development Lebanon Has •horoecope oast by a computer. tfons, posed a serious choUenge Hall, you’re
__ , . . ,'not' going to gst
Derr of Glastonbury; 2 brothers, After they persisted into the tua hat,” saying that It is now
» on® 18, from Clarenoe Tracy, Glen Dr., TV>1-
8:30 a.m. to 12:80 p.m. the en- larxl; aarenoe Hazen, Andover;
Robert Weiss, town manag- After -the study is completed,
Manchester wUl be eligible to
!i This may be also the ftas^ To Try Soft Landing to the newly seated center-left *®®wi***).*
“ ® spacemen, rt
Edward L. Buchanan of Rock­ evening, he called police.
ville and Robert L. Buchanan of
a clas.slc. Some turbans appear­
ed with pants.
trance examinrton €md prelim- Mra. Paula Wilcox and dauxh- GDAP rtands for Community partlclpate........................
In state attd federal New Prem ier Uorition toow In which the de­
ars were tdentUted by Ifaair of Premlw Marl-
ano Runwr.

course, were deecribtag ttw dla-
Inary admissions preparations ter, 88 Prospect St Rockville Govelopment Action Plan, dhd programs administered by the Oontinned from Page One) The Rumor government, mri surface rt Uw moon.
Costa Mesa, Calif.; and 11
Funeral services will be held Citation Won
But If you don’t ha /e a hat
to go with your pants, Just tie
TOe Our®"!® Savldakls
son. la a program sponsored ly the State Department of Commun­
new state depeutment of Com­ ity Affolrs. service and adhererwe by Leba­
non to Arab poUoles.
aigns os weH as by
Iheir oostomes mode of fabrtos
toot included toe new mimole
‘Tandem ’ Xenus Shot formed Dec. 12 and certified by
confidence votes In both houses
’The Apollo filgbt, Undaay
said, "definitely confirmed tiiat
a scarf around your head. there la no life on the moon,
Saturday at 11 a.m. at Whlte- That’s what all the models are »>e a and son, 18 Ridge St.; Mrs. munity Affairs. A CDAP pro- Harkins was unable to eoU-
[Jlber, Trarvirs. The ontval of rt ParUament Just before
adding within our retdm rt
Olbson Funeral Home, 66 Elm
St.. Rockville. The Rev. Donald
By Rin^stone Science Research Associates Arma Kitv a » l mn ss
doing, and It’s a requirement
(SRA) standardized
»-uu__ o f threeRockvlUe;
test til' m
and Sr^ A isra^Mrs. Rita
^am represents, a ccord l^ to mate how long the rtudy"w^"d
Weiss, a ’’long range goals set- take. He said It wortd depend
rartl ^
Tbwvira In the world must have
'jwtnetiilng to do wito the Aquar-
Launched by Soviets Christmas, has pledged to push
(or full employment across the
knowledge, only the earth ap­
pears to sustain advanced Hte.”
IngUs, pastor of Ellington Con­ George Rlngstone of 31 Cole­ tor being ” ln.” Take a long
Parts-readlng. arithmetic,
sons, 43 TTum-
ting process for the town Involv­ upon what aspects of t o w n ^
vAira-imAnr were A*i„iiA.t a ...dA praoemalcep. Addresting ■ion age toat we entered in Feb- land, better oondlUons for work-
rectangle of a scarf, prefei*ably
l^nghegB arts, as St., RockvlUe. ing physical, social and econo­ velopment ivama rtudled an
u o a o a w (AP)—’nw soviet tentpcaatures at the metri-melt- «n«l reforms for universttles - koui,| ,*^35
gregational Church, will offl- man Rd., work coordinator in printed, or told a square scarf mic development.” conference of world Jewry, Esh- hiary 1983, when a lot of people
how deeply (he CDAP program Union launched an < tmsw 1
tag a«»s«1 z
level h# K
of Qil degreee Fahren-
538 T2*— fonrt
and h%h schools, ^ ttUB
^ **®*>®*^e'’ Highway De- on the diagonal to make a strip T» The nine-raemher agency researched the matters. kol aald Prerident CSiarlsa do In India gathered on a moun­ a better plaoe to live. "Itt es­
space probe toward Venw today hett. Italy’s Oommuntat ptuXy and
Partment, to one of 20 puWlc about four Inches wide, and F A T e W e ^ ll P a r t y Job Rqte Rises which Is subject to the approval ’Town manager Wetas said Gaulle’s embargo on arms ship- tain top to see the world end. sence," Undaay said, '"the (aiii-
mente to Isrart “ damagw Uw to attempt a soft landtag cib tiw Surit astronomers as Sir Ber- Hs sHy, the Profotertan SoctaHst
- . y at the fu- worlui nAt*aA«vTu.i ,, place this Amim/t VAI1I. hanH
I 'o r i:* ran • i of the Board of Directors con- of the CDAP plan, ‘ "The town This all oonMo from Miss Good­ tag contrinutioa rt the flttght is
neral home tomorrow from 2 to works personnel from 11 state P*ace this around your head at man and that computer at Time
dark aide of tii6 planet. It wUl nard Lovell rt Britain doubted Psriy, were fanning the new that we really have to leein to
4 and 7 to 9 p.m. communities who received laf*head level. Just as if you r o r 1 l l i r c i J l l o i l t l l ***‘® ot R. Bmoe W&tUtts, Dr. ta at a crucial r t i^ in Its de- ot poooo^fn ths Mldrte operate with another sririHte toe report rt any landtag ra toe flames rt unrest. Both paurUes
certificates from the University '"’**■* bahdaglng a concussion,Manchester Water Superin­ Sedrick J. Rawlins, • Mfs. velopment, a ^ preparations ______________ Pritem Reeeoroh Institute. launched toward Venus ftv* live with each other a Uttle bet­
(Ooatlnued tram Page One) surface if ttw atmo<q>heiic tern- had sought to prevent the cen- ter."
tendent Lawrence Wittkofske, Jerome Nathan, Atty. Eugene ' Our Aquarian Age, wMob will
Ppter J. Mattioe of Connecticut recently. Knot It on one aide and let the tlM department said, the em- T. kelly, William B. ’Thornton, must be made now for Us ds- lost anipoximately 2,000 yean,
days' a m perature was as high om report- ter-l»^reaHgnment, urging an The mayor then introduced
He and the 19 others complet- ends dangle. To keep up thewho leaves town employ to- rtoyiiert gain amounted to velopment. ReaUoihg this, the An ofiiclri annauncenwnt said
' Peter John (fottloe of Hart­
ford, formerly of Manchester, ed a 18-week, in-servloe training medical motif, you can tie a
morrow after more than 26 475,000 with gains In construe- MSgr. Edward J. Reardon, Fred Importance of the ODAP pro- W ire G uild |s expected to mark a renewri Venus 9 and Venua 6 win work
ed. They said melvheat would
burn up both „ electroaic
__ and
'"ritefnatlve" government that
ttiey left undefined.
the astronauts, their wives, end
their children.
years of service, was given a lUon, state and local govenv E. Thrall, Lyman B. Hoops and gram becomes evident. of Intttvst In the occult, and
died this morning at a Hartford coim e on warte disposal. It was aecohd scarf like a tourniquet r^'n^/vn
ca nton mE. O’Brien. nv-f___ s^ a In oonJunctiOR. Venus 6 wlU U f landtag^rices rt Vraus 4. The proOxnmuntat Rome Rockefeller said the astro-
convalescent home. He' w a s
offered by UConn’s Institute of around an upper arm.
farewell dinner last night at the ment,
Manchester (Country Club.
And don’t think tliat. Just l)e-
manufacturing, and Wetas said state funds would
The purpose of the agency is cover 76 per cent of the ooet Strikes A P state tola III a predlotion from
the ootrologera theimaelves, it
a landtag on another part rt the In any case, the Venus 4 tivas
planet. new^wper Paese Sera pleeided nauts’ achievement "has given
tha husband of Mrs.'' Mlory Sher­ >®“^ ‘ ® -erv^ aT so of the program with much of (OoatbiiMd frem Pate One) nisy be oonaldarad In the oiue- Donald Bnxrica floats yellow and orange lilies on the evening jum psuit fo r a pioneer in Interplanetary con- '<* large headlines for aH Ro- the world a lift at a moment
ry Mattioe. Tne course included inrtruc- cause you are in pants, y o u It was attended by more than The probe wlH follow toe
ot citlzeiu which will 'work wHh tile town contribution comUig In gory of a self-fuUIUtag proph­ t a ^ It sent back much data on mans to leav* their ctus at w( mbk iwlleve me, we raatiy
Jir bom June 18 Avi}^°® collection have to foregoJewelry. Sling on
persons, who presented him "I have received oalta from spring 1969. Helene Curtis copies the private lives effect, sleeks the crwwn and course rt Venue 4, which
In the pro- the form of eervloes rattier than ecy. ttw planet which was largely home today and walk to work or needed it.’’
19W ’"f** ^®1 •y»l**n». UndfUI operations, all you you have.^’Ihs
hara.^TIva chain
with a
with chain belt
a cash belt
cash purse.
purse. In J S lL lirrtrtfa te l toL fiS S ? P®"®"'®^ pubUtiiere and dthers offering reached the planet O ct 1ft 1997.
cash oqtlay. Sooiplo Is the sign Oar fashion foam s cur|s around the ears. A ccording to astrologers, the vivid colors and confirmed by the U. S. Mariner to tixq>. Otherwise, the piqwr “The tumultuous wetoome
help. At tile present time, we do Tom news agenqr sold at that J
in. MrtichSuir^tor 36 years £ m e n t . ^ .®® ®’?‘ *L^® ®"*- ?™ "® «t..w « due to the ra ti^ '^Hai not need outelde aaetatasioe. We thla yosr;‘ at least that’s what time the arielUte reached the 4 when tt passed toy', Venus at warned, Uw city woidd again New York has Just given is sym-
nwnt. and the duties of Incfo- does a scarf, to be tted 1i k e Ploy of the Griswold Engineer- to payrolls^ s t i t t d ^ ^ Y ^ ^ meeting of the Board of Dl- water Ifly m otif are ideally suited to those born under the sign o f Leo with about toe same time. beconte a seat rt unmtavtag aw- boUo rt ttw feeUng In ths haaite
fora roovliig to Hartfoixl In 1943. are doing ft aH with our own surMce rt Venus on ths dark
erator peixonnel. the headband. If the designer tag Co. of Manchester. OW
Olty teachen. ^ (Soe Page Thlrieen) -
heading CDAP In MSnehestor, dtaouss the CDAP program, staff,” he Scorpio rising. side, recording atmaepberio (See Page Six) (See Page Itx ) (See Page Ska)

M ANCH ESTER E V E N IN G H E R A L D , M ANCH ESTER . CONN., P R ro A Y , J A N U A R Y 10, 1909
M AN C H E STER E V E N IN G H E R A LD . M AN C H ESTER , C O N N ., F R ID A Y , J A N U A R Y 10,1909
Sonth W indsor Andover MOVIE AUDIENCE
Sheinwold on Bridge H W H O N I t l E C O L L E O E ■‘M U S T S B U S T *
» . . . . « « g u i d e *******
Houge Appoints Donnelly Dr. Diskan A SERVICE OF FILM-MAKERS
• AND THEATERS. lA v x TOCJB m niJiai

To Serve on Three Panels

Thsts rttinos spply to films
Plans Talfc rstosss< sftsf Nov 1.1908 By AUnUED R^EINWOLD
O Q73,
P lE IE R S B iB B

O AI976
Free Beer ft Fretnis
THIS SEAL When you U d a mahabla slam
RfliMlaor poHea oflloart are at-
tanUnf a mandatory flve-waek On H O PE in ade biiNcates the filmwas with only 81 potarts In Ugh cards
Free Beer and Pretale
tralatog oounM at tba Itm tcipal
PoUoa Tyainliic Academy *in Dr. A. Elmer Diskan of Man­
submHtod and approved under
the Motion Picture Code
you bav« good reason to oon-
gratulato yourself, but d o n ’ t A J 10954
A 7 632 IN “I LOUE VOU. 9 JUNL te 12 Midnitht
SenSi WiDdHr te Sm State Lef-
MMam, toSay wnoaioad that
•'OfOoera J. Patrick Haber,
chester wHl talk about his ex-
perlaneea on tbe S.S. HOPE
of Self-Rsgulation.
Suggeeled for GENERAL
sprain your wrist patting your­
self on the back until you’ve
<:> 64
0 82
A Q1076
^ IlOS
0 KQ10S3
A 4 Alice 8.TOKI0S” Sorfei T a a /
9 AM. to 12 Midnight
l>a Itea baan appotiSart to aarva when he appears as the guest brought the slam o a f^ home. Soda Tool
Bruno L. OhiUni and Frank D. SOUTH
a * Om PoMle imstiaa ObmiiBt' If you save your smiles until
OoUlna are attandbiff the qieaker at next Monday’s meet­ A AS
tea a f tta Oananl Aabambly aa academy AiB41ma tiwciivh Fab. ing of the Andover Junior Wo­ Suggeslad for MATURE the aomw has been entered you * J o V a n F le e t
Wonft have to eat crow vary, (7 A K 9 8 2
vn O aa aa toa Ooqpoiatlan Coin- 7. men’s Club. TTm nneetbng is audiancee (parental diecre-
often. 0 4
tha Ooutltiittataa Toga at TWOA scheduled for 8 p.m. at the ele­ Hon advieed). 4 19532 S fihewa u
North dealer.
The South Windsor YWCA baa mentary aohool. RESTRICTED — Pereone Norih EaX Saato Wm 4
Dr. Diskan returned a few Both sldea vulnerable. at 7m6-0fo0
la bis anaouncemaat Rap. announced that itaere Is apace under 18 not admitted, un- 10 Pass 1 ' Pass A /#J" ' f.vt i.‘. T h;.' r^c"'
weeks ago from a tour of duty Opening lead —Jack of spades
OamaSy aald, " I am pctvllagod HIU available for women wiah- 2 NT Pass 3A Pass Sea. ftetn 0
with tbe HOPE In Oentiml and leee accompanied by parent DeUarer took toe queen of fREt. PflRKIHC
to ba able to Berra on these com- iiig to ettend the second seadon 3 Z> Pass 3 4 Pass
or adult guardian. spades, drew three rounds of
SDSMsaa and a a parUoulaiiy of yoga leeBom which began last trumps and Chen led out the 4* Pass 4 <P Pass

plaaaad and gratiOad O at my Tuesday at the Hain S t Oom- Pereone under 16 not ad­ ace and king of clubs. T h i s 6 tP All Pass V 1
tesoaat to ait on tha PnbUe Utll- munUy Halt mitted This age reetriction play woUd work if toe dubs
Mtea Oonarittee has been grant-

" I expect tbait this appoiat-

TIm T amphasiBes that yoga
exerotoes are for all agee and
physical condUtooe with the
may be higher in certain
araaa. Cheek theater or
broke normally. It either play­
er had tbe s i^ e ta n ten or
South would take dummy’ s king
of dubs and return the low 9 PayiMil


advortieing. queen, or if ElasC had four dubs.
B M t niS ambte me to carry concentration on stretching, dub toward the Jack In toe
Unfortunately, West had toe
forward my campaign idedpe to
pranoto lha legitimate and
eqattable m tfger of ceriaia op-
breathing, relaxing and recon-
dittoning the entire body. A gen­
tle beginning is promised by the
Printed •• • public •trvict
by this newipeper.
club length, and hla two c l u b
tricks defeated tbe slam.
South was right for toe first
South hand. This would thnlt
East to one dub ttlek.
Ih short, the proper safety W H u d m S q n tF F Until 3
eraMona and tedHtlea c i t b e tastnictor, Hra. Ruth Bender. four tricks, but then be played play in dubs would i»oteot de­
OomacUcut Water Oo. with clarer against any 8-2 or 4-1 ' ^ R E S T A U R A N T
< ^ a see meet each Tuesday T H E A T E R T IM E the dubs badly. He A o d d take
tboaa of tite lEetoopoiitaa Die- break of the five mtoelng duba. FINE FOODS AND OOCKTAHA MARCH
trtct fVmnntodon tn ttiaae areas
of Sotdb and Baat Windsor
moRdng from 0 to 10 a,m. at
the Hein St. Community Hall.
Tlte registration fee Is $12 dol-
SCH ED ULE toe ace of dubs and then get
to hla hand with toe ace of
spades to lead tbe next c l u b
Daily Oneatlon
Partner opens wtto one dia­
Y rs .
wbare taipc«xvement to the qual­ lars for the eigtat-we^ sesdon. Burnside —I Love You AUce from tbe South hand. mond, and toe next player
ity of water oOarad the towns- 6 . Toklas, 7:06, 9:00.
Safety Play paasea. Too holdt Spadea, 7-6- ___ S p A c io b : T u b s . - W A d . - Th u rt.
peopte and increased <q>- School Menu East Windsor Drtve-In —
Neodt week’s school lundi If West plays a low oltib, de­ 8-2; Hearta, J-16-6; DUunonda, e g m U N O SIRLOIN STEAK, ONION RINGS ........$8.28
enitlng etOteancy of tba water Bullitt, 0:20. A Fine Madness K-q-16-6-S; dube^ 4.
menus ar as foIkiwB: Monday, 7:80. clarer tries a finesse w i t h e ONE nAtSF GHIOKEN, Deep Fried or CharbroUed $2.66
company is needed,” ba ooo- What do you ooyT


orange Juloe (elem entiliy), U.A. Theater — Impoeaibto dummyto eight of dubs. South
taambinger in a roU, FTendi Years, 7:00, 8:46. doesn’t mind losing this finesse Answer: Bid two diamonds.
Rap. DoonaUy alao annouaced For RMBrvorion Coll 872>0269

fried potatnee, buttered peas siitce to o l tbe dubs v d l break In spite of your magnificent

bia piana for oanying cut bin State Theater —West S i d e
(U gh sdiool), fruit and cookie^ Story, 6:30, 9:00. normally, and dummy’s Utig trump siqipoit for dtamonds, , Entertainment Friday and Saturday Evenings
cfcliipatgn protntee •' of boUteE tola is a woefuHy weak h a n d
milk; Tuesday, old fashioned will later dear the suit.
r a g ite otOoa beam to the dia- Manytoester Drtve-In —KlUen
tr^ beef pie with f reeh vegeteblee, Dr. A. th a n Diekas 8, 9:00, Riot On Sunset Strip, As the oarda lie, the eight of and you cannot afford to moke BANQUET FACIU TIE6 CLOSED MONDAY
chooolato brownie, milk; d iA s wins; and South then has a stronger bid.
Ropreeentative DonneBy said 10:80. Thunder Alley, 7:06. Your Hosti **o*>*rt **• EJUMtton, Conn.
that be will be available on al- Wednesday, orange Juloe (Ue- South American countries. This an easy time. If West put up Oojfyright use

was toe emoond tim e Dr. Dis­ Oeneral Features Oorp.
twnate wweks at the town bells m entaiy), meat and cheese tbe ten o f dubs, dedarer would
plBsa. cabbage and carrot aalad, kan has served on the Niip win with dummy’s king a n d
of South WfcMbnr and E a s t
Windsor, on Saturday mora- fruit Jello with topping, bread whlidi I brings American medtoal County PoKtics lead the eight of dubs to force
and butter, milk; Thursday, or- treatment and training to ooun- out the queen.
insBfrom 10 cum. to noon. Dur-

titos around the world which
k * January Dcamdiy wUl be at
the South Windsor Town HaU
emge Juice (eiementary), g ^ d -
ers wMh naeat, dteese, lettuce badly lack health facUUiee and Houley Finds South would be equaUy safe
if East hod started with ()-10-x-
i f f B B a B B M i l i l l i l 'l i l f i l i l ’I i l a l l f f l SATU RDAY
tomorrow and Jan. 25, and la
HlaA Windsor on Jan. 16 from
Mid tomatnes, potato ctaipe,
pickte dilps, buttered g reen
He win show slides of various
His 1st Day
X of clubs. In that case West
would discard when South led “ WEST SIDE STORY” 6:80-0:00 r n m n iK E
7 to 5 p.m.
DoenNly also empfaaaiBed hte
stedlsblllty to the townspeople
at any olber time at bis borne
beaiu (H. S.), peach crisp,
milk; PViday, baked macaroni
and cheese, buttered beets, toe
cream bar, com bread and buU
oountrtes he vlMted. H ie public
is Invited to come cuid hear Dr.
Dtokan and to leam of the
volunteer work being done by
the seoend dub toward dum­
my. On seeing West’s disoard
SAT., SUN. 1:20 - 8:46 - 8:16 - 8:48
U n lik e other classics
'Ufesf Side S t o jy ’g ro ivs yo u n g e r! 9 a .m . T I L A PRIZE
F r it B iir and REASONABLE
or ofBee. ter, m ^ for the dem eotery the HOPE. Club members will Tolland County’s freshman
State Senator Robert Houley of
P ritzili and WE W ILL BE
sdtools' and ItwBan epeghetti hold a brief busineae meeting at
Rep. DonneUy added that the Lunch Here! Soda for tha
drerittne for filing legldatlve
bills is Jan. 23 and atoed that
with tomato sauce and cbeese,
tosaed green salad with Russian
dresdng, French bread with
7:80 p.m.
BloodmobUe Visit
A number of Andover people
Vernon was sworn in along with
84 otoer elate seneitors Wednes-
day. D RIVE-IN Busineesmen and BuhI-
A A ID N IG H T Chlldrtn
any constituents interested in Deoqrtbtog U s first day tm- itesswomen find our place
butter, ice crecun and milk at helped as part of tiie staff when '*> -'J' ■ • Ideal—so w ill you . . .
apeoUto legtalatloo contact him toe Red Cross bloodmobUe was preaslone of the legislature as
prior to Jan. 18. He alao offer­ the high sdiooL A salad plate Starto 7KM>—Feature 8:86
"dlaorganlsod,” he nonetoeleea
ed to provide copies of any bills is oerved daily at ‘nmothy Ed­
wards and the Ugh adiool.
at the Columbia Oongregaitional
Oiurch on Monday. They were looks forward to hla first tour ‘TADY IN CGMENT" G ASLIG H T
teat any individual may be tai- of duty as a state senator. His Frank Sinatra RESTAURANT
terested in seeing. all hlgUy pleased with the re­
only complaint is toe lack of plna "Tile.Secret L ife of 80 OAK STREET

Fence at Sobool Msncheetec Evening Herald cord collection for toe chaq>ter
available coffee, which he is An Amerloan W ife”

D o You Dare To W ait

of 113 pints.
PoUoe Cbief John J. Kerrigan Sooth Windsor ooereqiondeBt,
has annoixiped that tfaree South Osrol Blonlton, toL 644-8714.
Mrs. Paul Brambail was cap­
tain o f the day. Mrs. Richard
conaldeiing bringing with Wm.
Houley was appointed chair­
man of the Senate Agriculture
Osborne, MTs. Windton Abbott,
Mrs. Edward Hopkl:w and Mrs.
Andrew Gasper served as donor
aides. Staff aides were Mtes
Committee and wlH serve on
the newly formed Human Rights
Committee, tbe Education Cbm-
mittee and committees on >011-
New Opening Hours DOWN
Oorotoea Raymond end lOss TUESDAY FRIDAY, 4 - 1 : 0 0 A.M.
Vera SUinley. tary Affairs^ Welfare and Hu­
mans InsUtuttonn and on
1,000 B A R G A IN S
A n d ow peoplb who received SATURDAY. 9:00 - 1:00 A.M. 1,000 R A R G A IN S

iqiecial recogniUon as donors
Area Appointments
were Francis Haines, toree-gal- « SUNDAY, 12:00 - 9:00 P.M.
lon pin; Mrs. Philip Denonoourt,
The 62nd Dtetrlot State Re­
publican William O^NdU o ft
. L IV IN G R O O M S - ' ON '
’ F n e STORES DF FASHlOt^ two-gallon pin, and Mrs. Wil­
liam Kralovtoh, a ons-gallon pin.
Nineteen of toe 118 donors were
Bast Hampton, a Democrat,
has been appointed chairman PIANO'S RESTAURANT C H A IR S - B ED R O O M S D IN IN G cgO O M S— D IN ET T ES
first time donora
of the House Oommittee on M il­ Route 6 and 44A BoHoii, Conn. B E D D IN G -^ RUGS.
Taxes Due
itary and Veteran Affairs. T A B L E S -C O N V E R T IB L E S
Tax Collector Mrs. Leona 8.
Oommittee appointments in H U N D R ED S M O RE!
Dressel wishes to remind towns­
the House have not been com­
pleted at this time.
people that third quarter taxes, iSUN., JA N . 2 6 - 7 P.M.|
based on the assessment of Oct.
Vincent H. Sheehen of Ver­
non registered os a lobbyist for “U S I PKTnurWIiintr of WMeadtmykmidt!- 8-Pc. COLONIAL SOFA Concord House 6-Pe, Miea Top Fxmon Ncrthoni Hal#
1, 1M7, are due toe first of Jan­ Vlnceirt at>d TTMiyer Advertis­ Convertible AND CHAIR 3-Pe. Maple LAM PS ' 3-Piete So fa & Chair
uary and are payable during the
month. If payment is not made
within one month of the due
ing at the opening day session.
Lt. Gov. Attilio Frassinelll of
Stafford has named DaMel Sd-
RoUeTi BOMBEflSI * ROBERT WISE rsoouetua
s id e STORY"
LIVINQ ROOM W in g Back, Foam BEDROOM D IN EH ES PICTU RES A SE C T IO N A L Lovely H igh Back wHh
YS. Cushions Wing,.; Decorator
date the entire tax beooilbes due llvan, also of Stafford, as an RICHARD BEYMER •RUSS TAMBLYN C H O IC E O F F A B R IC S PLAQ U ES rag. 299.95 Fabrics
immediately with interest at aide during the legislative ses­ RITA MORENO •GEORGE CHAKIRIS
“ "* 1 1 5 NOW * 3 6 “
148 228
one-haM per cent from the due i»if cm 1. ROBERT WISE m JEROME ROSBINS
m u — n ERNEST LEHMAN 9<
$• S
date. Donnelly on 8 Panda AMOCMti raeoucis ism ommm

’The Tax OoUectCH'’s regidar

office hours are on Monday eve­
Forty-six District Rep. Thom­
as J. DonneUy Jr. a Republican,
has been named to serve on toe
West Springfield, Miuw.
0MIOusonYMiitsai n
saooucis0T 0O M a ii eaKriTMANOHaaotgi r a s K i
Pftntl Bad, Drotstr, Mirror, In
M«pi« Fintth. Antique br«is
Formipa fop table and 4
sturdy chairs.
50'/< 0 OFF
W a t $469.95
nings from 7 to 9 and on Fri­ $3J10 - $3.00 - $2.80 ■$2.00 — A ll Reserved or ARTHUR LAURENTS
day afternoon from "2 :80 to 4 PubUo Utilities Oommittee, as ORDER B Y M AIL MtenOANO CMcatoakAAMoa* J
o’clock. ’Toward the end of the well as the Corporation a n d
Constitutional Ammidment Com­
Send a check er nioney order to:
taM O M ssnsviMM* f riCMMcmcas
muktio It MUMKnncYuetv sc. HOLLYWOOD TV 3 Rooms of Itellee er 2-Pleee
M MMCMtAN WitH U vt a ASte M ocucnoAl JXfr
month in which taxes ere due
mittees of the legislature. Freech er
PX>. Box 511 West Springfield, Mass. 01080 REDS ~
Rt-ntHMft thru
extra hours are announced.
HU appointment to the Pub­ Watch Roller Derby In Color United Artists
Manchester Evening Herald
lic Utilities Oommittee, which
U headed by Vernon State Rep. iSat. Ch. 30 1 P J d ^ h . 6 2 PJd.1
Cemplate wHh
headboard, Innarsprlng
Andover correspondent, Law­
rence Moe, td . 742-6786.
Gerald Allen, piaoes two area
legislators on toe committee
< maHrest, box spring
on lags.
Fully Adjuftobla
OF DRAWERS Foam Cushion
from Medal Home
Modern 'or Colonial
Su it e s
whldi may be called on to con­ Choice o f C olon
sider d e a li^ with the Rock­
Hospital Notes
ville Aquaduot-Oonnectlcut Wa­
ter Company prtyblems. Includ­
ed in -these problems may be
the consideration of the pur­
PIZZA KWe; * 4 8
Man-sized teclinar chairs. ONLY * 2 9 •99 S 3 9 9 ’1 9 5
’1 4 4
visiting hours are 12:80 to 8 chase of the water company by 423 M A I N S T ., M A N C H E S T E R Modorn, Contomporary, Spanishi
p.m. tn all areoa except mater­ the towns served, turning it in­ Below Friendly’s and Other Top Name Brands
Sootlonoli, Colonial and Provinolol
Modern, Contomporary, Spanish,
Provinolol, Colonial and Danish Stylo
' Gont4mporary and Danish Stylo

nity where they are 2 to 4 and to a municipal facility as pro­
get buzzin 6:30 to 8 p.m. During the cur­ posed by CRPA chairman Sey­
rent flu epidemic visits are re­ mour Lavltt.
stricted to 16 minutes and to
NOW npn-m NOW mto 126
members of the Immediate NEW M ANAGEM ENT!
NOW 72 to 144

if lla n r liP H t p r JACK PARSO NS, Owner and Manager
Admitted Wednesday: Alfred
B^kofen, WEuti St.; Kenneth
B^court, Bette Circle; Joaeph-
PubUshad Dally Bundayi
uxl HoUday. at IS BUi.ll 8tr«K.
I Ine Orlowski, West St.;, Prank ManohaM.r, Conn. (06049)
Specializing In
Fun, Soma Twin, Soma Laea Tufted, Smooth
744 *276-»385 NOW. . . M44 to nSS

Brunette, Kanter Dr.; Aline ralxdMio. 645-3711 C A L L 633-5225 FOR R ESE R V AT IO N S or Quilfod TopsI
Chafiiberlaln, Weat WUllngton; BaoonJ C i^ Poataaa Paid ai Eat Here
Mary Lou Savage, Maple Rd.; Hancheitar, Conn or Tqko-Out » G LA ST O N B U R Y BUNK BED OUTFITS


» Blrtha Wednesday: A aon to
SUBSCRIPTION RATES All Sfaadard 39’’ wida, all Salam Mapla on lalact hardwood. Chooio from Capo
Mr. and Idrs. Skirl Savage, PayaUa In Advanca
Maple Rd., Euid a daughter to
Mr. and Mrs. Brian O’Neil, Vir­
Ona T a a r .............. $30 00
SU UoaUis .............. U .K
Hours: Tues; thru Set. IIKIO eau. llKMl p.m.
Sunday 4KH) p.m. to 10:00 p.m --€loaed Mon.
Specializing In:
Cod, Splndta and Wagon Whaal daiigni Bunk, can ba uiad at twin bads. You
E iL j-S ij!L ,l-!!!!lj]L *E !ji*O !iJ *jj*L *!lj_ 0 y *I*!-’*|L_V.!g*llY 1117,95 to $149.95,
Rtg. $429

ANilljAL SAli ^ ginia Lane.

D i s c h a r g e d Wednesday:
Ih r a a llo n U w ...........
O aa M a M i) ...............
42" Extanslon Tablo 4 Cholrc

f t

Saturday, January 1 1 /Saturday, JanuBiy 18

Avery Andrews, Rt. 2, Rock­
ville; Morton Schwebel, Hoyt
St., Stamford; Rita B r o o k s ,
Skungmaug Rd., Tolland; Shliv
FR L — SAT. — SON.
Haor SampiGo Rag. $159.95 100 DANISH WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE
Rag. $198

WaUdii* SbM r.............. 1.60 1.30

Re*. SA LE 3 Pr.
ley Bleleckl, School St.; Darlsnc
Spak, Stone St.; Mrs. Rose Lu-
glnbuhl Euid son. Union St.

M issing H u n ters’
m s tm :
k il l e r s
n L T IL
Reinforoed, hed and toe . .1.60 1.3Q 3.90 M otorboat F o u n d .
SOUTHOLD. U I. (A P ) — An
empty outboard .motorboat was
AlKER'DiteVlUfilKXc jmericxnintirnatiowu.4 646-2331 BUY OUT SALE AT OLD SITE OF 646-2331
.........................1.60 lU iO 3 .0 0 M IS IN B S S M E N 'S L U N C H M O N . - F M .
found overturned along the
Shear had, deml toe......1.76 IJMI 4J60 shore here Thursday and auth­ Waleoma tfoto
orities traced it to two young
Support Sheer ............. 8.95 3.50 10J90 Milford duck hunters who were O PEN SU N D A Y S FURNITURE
Hanes annual sale gives you seven lucky days
to save <m amaahlng, dashing hosiery. Your
lE is t seen New Year’s Day.
'Southold police said the .boat
was badly battered. Its identi­
fication WEIS confirm ed through
Added Attraction
ST A R T IN G JA N . 19

O P O N 11 A M ^ 1 A .M .
favorite styles in groovy colors: South Pacific,
Bali Rose, Gentle Brown, Barely Black, Town
its Ooiuiecttcut registrEdion num-
at the Movtoa”
Blan. tiiru F ii. 7KMX-8:45
C ORNER sTRRm ,7 5 p ||^ 5 5 7 ^ MANCHESTER
Taupe. Sizes 8 ^ -1 0 short, 9-11 avg., 91/2 -I I Thomas Ulrldi, 10, and TTieo- SaL-Sun. 2:00-8:86-6:26-
dore Lakbert, 24, were last seen 7:16-0:06 BANQUET FA0HJI1ES AVAILABLE JUST SAY
by two fellow hunters New O om liv Soon
John Wayne
( D A L H o s i e r y — a l l a to re s) Years Day. Authorities suppose
they were blown Into the rough ‘*n ie HeUflghten”
-sMiiiiiisiflriacoum NOW O FC N 7 DAYS A W «
waters of Long Iriemd Sound.

Vooi- board expects to recetwe the MANCHBaTER EVENING HERALD. MANCiHEgTER. (X)NN.. FRTOAY, JAN U ARY 10; 1909
n Ck<Mtwood Dr.; X n . Stolen Car Coventry letter tram the state board to- Nab Alleged Coeta Nostra H ead PAGE FIVE
MMtnAf, MO Tajilor S t; day. Coliimbl!a
iU ty A m lod e*. UO For-
S eized in School Board to Appeal Chairman Ruth Bem lt called
N .Y . State R a id Neta 29 ^ Business M irror
Ptigtim niiusf
Mr S t; Mki«M IM U k y , U Bl- a q ied al meeting of the board
taa L m m ; Jamm WvUm, m
Bank Case
immediately tqxm learning the Reddents Make P ro p o m h * By
Wkme TMA
_ A w rjr S t, W lflpMe; H u e Itor-
vOKWmif MnmXI B|inil(B| NOIMKT
R uling in Busing Case decision, snd town attomsy
David Rappe came in to dis­
In (ram bling Crackdown UBA CRONIN
A P BaBlaeaa Wetter
Ihem oamptog; sometimss
StarMNTBat JDut RUttovd: Dm ii NORWAUC, CONN. (A P )—Po­ The Bosid o f Education wlU tws could not turn around at cuss the matter.
BYRAOUn^ N.Y. (A P ) — A which grossed between $10 mil- O n Correction of Curve wound up to bun^r-to-bumpsr
n e w YCHUC (A P ) - Amerl- traffic going tfa r a ^ the wide
H m M7 , W «M W aM B(taa; Xra. lice faUay eeised a stolen car appeal a ndlng by the State the baby slttM 's home, b u t After about a half hour of Uon and $16 tefflkm ■ yaar, open spiMtes. But ahnoet every
man reputed to be the unofflclsl Many tewragwoiAe attended a bolli devaluate and demxiU their oaiis never have had much of a major V . B. attraetton—with the
M n m LaBMae, 1ST N. Xain S t; Board of Education regarding would have to continue beyond dtscusslon with Rappe, the “ was, tor tbs most patt, oan-
which they believe might have head o f the Coax Noatra in cen­ ■alecfmen’e meeting tids week pwpertlee.
I t n i r nii BMm DMIn m , M Aron- a tranapoctatten situation, in tor some distance. board madied Its imanimous terad wlIMn the confines o f the reputation for attUiR: stUl, but possible exception of Washing­
dM« Rd.; acn. J « i y littM ,
■ H t Hartlonl; FredatM i Dam-
been used In the getaway of
three robbera who held up a
wtaldi ihe state board haa oc^ While the, board did not dedalan to appeal the ruling,
whlc* w ill be heard tai Circuit
tral New York and SB other per­ oMy of Syracuse as weU as other
to dlKUM tile rapeal of a tdU
psaeed to leglalatose to 1987 al-
faouM on tiw oHier aide
* * between tw o
now they’re traveling more of­ ton vdilcfa was hard U t by o fife r s S E W i^ M U C H !
dered the Coventry board to deny the fact that Casaiity HUl sons w «e « arrested ' Thumday areas of Onondaga Obunty.” ten and farther than ever to a •pring riots— to reporting a
art Jr., 8M Parher S t; M ra
t M a Riohard, M TVaIn HUM
baidi hem Thursday for $106,-
81AW—a record-high bank rob­
provide busing for a Uadetgar-
ten cbih} to the home o f the
Hd. Is a typloal country road,
not very safe for walking. It
Court In Rockville. Rappe %as
kistnieted to perform the neoes-
night in what police described
as a oraekdQPwh on a $16 mBHnn
He added, however, that It
also involved “ the tranamlasloo
kAliig money to atmlghten the
oueve at tiie dam m nr av
'*Tiwb m-trim-L__
ravine area would be
. travel boom that to cratnging the record year.
nature of tourtom. In Europe, last year, iast FABRICS
AWieugh tile ORmased wrecked, eltiier If the beautiful
Dr., Oorantry; Jaaaaa Oora^aky,
Sooth WbidBor; Mra. Ann Loard
bery haul for Connecticut
A t the same time, a 18-state
diBd’a baby sitter.
The case came b^ora the Cov­
nevertbtoeas denied flie Bren­
nan’s request, pointing out that
aary proceedings to prepare the
iqipeal, end asked that specific
a year gambling operattoo.
A state poUoe major de-
of gambltog tofonnatlsn and
wagers interstate as well as be­
' No longer the provlnoe of the year’s planes o ff the beaten
rich and letonred. travel today path quIcMy disappear as the
at least two veam Vn teidged, or if the ravine to put
P m <. Staitnn RV-
and dausMor, 43 WatiMral S t;
Xra. R h i^ Pam and daushtar,
alarm was put out in an effort
to apprehend the robbem.
entry board for the fln t dine
last fan, adMn the child’a father
the diild ’ was already being
dropped not at his home, but a
elements of the appeal not he
revealed a t this time so as not
scribed the raid as ” ons of the
largest eraokdowni on gambUag
tween many olties throughout
tha atata.”
ttie ama ciraulated a iWwitoa ^
to nmes rather than elasa, and paths become pretty weU beaten
tourtot spots that aren’t so chlo by an onslaught of Yankee wan­
ahaliinnn oC tha anthro- South ^Whidaor; lira . IfarHyn
Bull and aon, 3M South St,
The captured car, with New
York state license plates, was
William Brennai^ requested the
accommodation, pointing o u t
fifth of a mile further tsk at
the com er of Goose Lane and
to pmjudloe the case. He said
he has bad sMne time to re­
In Onondaga County and oantral
NSW Yotk.”
Syracuse M to e Chief John
ecqilaiiation as foltowa;
"Realdente o f the iwrth end «
modem speoifioa-
any more are happy. derers. But new attractions
The Oarlbbeah^ for exsimple, spring up overnight.
search the case, but must dig O’Cannor said ha hsd no idra of Of Rt. 87. THBitiey Rd.. L ^ ^
;wMhaithao- RockMOa. located a few hlooks from the that his w ife is an employe of Cassidy Rd. Total walking Thme persons swept up to the how many cintomem were In­ was invaded by about 8 millioR “T em i^ Fielding, autiita of HARTFORD RD.
more deeply in preparing the wiMts
view Park o»«sie asid w mt—
Woodland .
Ter. aian proNMit one but It
bank. the board, and had been ape- distanoe to ihe baby sitter’s oomblned atat»«Sty poUee effort doUar-drapptog tourtote last the florid but frank guidebook, Open 10 AJM. to 9
appeal. volved In the operattota but that ntay be very dlreotiy affected wouM mmain« the premnt width
The men fled tn a oar after clfloally requested by s c h o o l home from that point Is pbout warn tderitified as havtiqr deft- ttie number was “aUabla.’’ year. In the 1800’s it was the promtoea that Mykonos, a "das-
M tiayrianM S H U Se e k robbtog tha Post Road braiKh administration to mtum to by the praMem preeented here: f N y ^ u i^ ’ and Ly- « >
playground o f EngUsh aristocra­ allng white tolet” to the Agean
Com m uniM t Eecapeea of the Fairfield County Trust teaohtng.
two-flftbs of a mile.
The board also apparently
alto oonneetloas with Ihs Oosa
Each of the men was arr
reigned on charges o f promot­
----- --------
"A fter a totality at tiie aiiari; sp4edtogIntoIt iruest Speaker cy. w ill be a future “ to” spot.
Oa. Mm. Brennan’s employment felt, when it denied the request, E ldeiiy H ousing A state poHce spoheaman said
curve 6n Rt. 87. 87, south of the ^ I,„_u zr unawknaa. Later the "riglit people” (Xhera include Lajdand, “ a
- - KUALA LUMPUR (A P ) — ing gambling, second dagres, a <lam, our legUlator Uie would rdlsudn State Atty. Gen. Robert K.
During the quickie holdup apparently created a problem that tt was atUl fulflHing Its P rogru n Proposed that one of the thme, Anthony misdemeanor. Bail to each case Cfune to include the moneyed tourtot lodeatone of fairy tale
Malayalah audboaitlaa ata atlU for the younger Brennan <dxUd, transportation obligation under srieotmen what he could do for “ ** curve coh-, KlHan wiU be the guest speak- American todustrialtote and tooctoatlon,” and ItoUorca, an
ttisy forced two tdlera to He De Stetano, 67, of Fulton, “ is was $6,000 to ptoperty or $8,600 u®® tor local traffic, ra at the Mhnohester Jayceea’
tha anhatanoa aeefelnc 06 nUUtant OwnniunMt a fcindeigarten boy, but th e the state statutes, which states HARTFORD (A F )—A $88 mU- the town and he was asked to **"“ *” « ____ ^who built rococco vll- Island near Spain.
film stars
face down on the floor while they the unofficial head man of the Ip cash. try to
any mnnhar of "nnatdaaaa Madera who aaoapad a fioUoa M» arrange
lUTBiige a atraigtiterdng
acraigmening of tocludtog Bcnooi school buses
ouses going to lO A annual Distinguished
i^ '^ ieer ^ nlacid
InehiiBnf tidhaanoe ot crm Mam ti that netted 140 aoa- lootod the vault and ' oaA
Brennans were able to work out
a'babyslttlng arrangement with
that tranqxntatlan sbould be
provided where “ neoeeeary and
Uon program In hoiudiv tor the
elderiy has been proposed by
Oosa Nostra to central New
llle GlirVA. There
fhe curve. THdWto was ttma no money Woodland woodland TArranra
Terrace and onsO If it would Awards Banquet Monday, Jan. _____ ^ . . ' . , raoe
But Americans who "see” Eu­
rope atat the
the rote nr of roughly a
- ^
aflaota In ait, and oan peota laat Novemhar, Deputy a neighbor in the area, so that deeirable.” It was also felt that the state Commission on Serv­ available tor such a project have to be malntataed by the at Cavkyjs ReMauraiit. The ^ o ^ a vL T ^
ohaaply at moat Prtma Mlnlatar Tun AbdiU Rar The loot otogtanBy was esti­ Tile other two, idedttfled by
during afternoon school hours, such an accommodation might ices for Elderly Persona. totetey not at needed by VJ OAft/Uier
another town ----- probably .O'^UU'UIK requiring pur- event, which to <g>en to the pub- S
mated at about ttoiOOO; but the Dtst. Atty. Frank A. Gualteri,
aaktold Parttamant today. ttw «£Sd was cared for. set a precedent, and one board A ll but $8 million would be MfiE* turned liock and was ®haa© by the town of snow re-
FB I announced the h%er sum ware Ambrose Mesatesta, 69, mode available to Columbia to moval equipment.
**R haa haan paad by' priml- Raaak aaid the SS'wanted man tater. TTie Brennans Mve on Goose member later potmted out that earmarked for low mnt bousing. and Lawrence P. Stirpe, Jr., 86, he served ’ ®to*ier lands, the Oarlbbecut was begin- Harold Weston, manager of
ttra people all over the worfd raay hava croaaed the narrow Lane which Is a regular school by using public funds to supply The smaller sum would be used both of Byiaouas. a t M A N C H B S ra R - ^ .0 0 0 .. ..T^ere would be three toter- JudraTtor “ ** R«®tost boom to Ita foreign tours for Thos. Cook A
Mom tMM InunamotMl. Oor aw- causeway at the aouthem tip of bus route. The baby sitter Uvea this request, the board would in developing mobile homes and MaJ. RaymoBS M. Rasmus- T h e f ^ that itbe amount secUtma with the old Rt. 87, all to eivm htetoiy, and the Caribbean Sona, said the Pacifle to the
tram eat<tmm»hg pot- West IfaM yaU Into Slnsapore, on Casatdy HIU Rd., off Goose be assisting a private individual, hotel-style living accomodations iH S s m was pisatiy In excess of what of "*®"‘ them »>a*ardous
hazardous for tor local
local “
T o Sta y w U h N A T O aen, commander of the state po­ ‘H Z Z a j w B n f Tourist Association to now bid- tourtot areas most UkeW to
Mry to patoiBnir their daces to cod added: "W a have obtained Lane, wbkdi is not on the noon the baby sitter, in a profitable for the elderiy. lice unit based to auhurban Liv­ Mm b It *"®®* hucktog the speedsters community for out- uiiw .for more American tour- boom next,
Mnyhil thair d a ^ * ’ be aaid. <!>« cooperation o f the Slnyapore- BRUSSELS (A P ) — Haitsn bus run, when morning Under- venture. Other proposals put forward erpool, said that "m oat of the the ^ u e e t iqiparentiy reeulted from out of town T h T ^ h e r ■‘ “ 'Itog service, are Mayor 'After an Amertoon has cov­
**Rb uas yoao »!■<* 00,000 scvwnmant in traoidi^ them Cleveland wUl stay on aa am­ geutnera are left o ff and af- Following the board’s de- Thursday are a revlsioa in the persons arrested on various D^airtment’a half of toe plan to 2^ c a S d ” If we counted on the rich to ered lito own country, the Is­
yaara auid It to aUD in baa In down.” bassador to the North Atlantlo temnon children picked tip. dalaa, the Brennans appealed tax stueture, extention of the charges am .diraatly amplosred Pton* that gyt In the more distant future n?**" ^ ***** ^®tos, and Thomas travel, we’d starve to death,” lands and MSxloo, he generally
WBUoma said, He aaid the 06 wane mambers Treaty Organtaatton ladil May 1 The total out-of-the-way mile­ to the state board, which held food stamp program, and use by or report to central New would n e ^ that « to to t t r w Z l « " 1»‘*'toher of The Heib B t o S ^ . editor ot looks to Europe,” Weston said.
I want to aanphaaiae of either the left-adny Labor a t the request of IV eetdent-elecit age for the noon bus to make a hearing on the matter tasT by the dderly of school luooh- Y oik membem of the Oosa Noa­ money, although their ntana “He goea to Europe a couple of
Mb uaa to bortal ittaa la not tote- P u ty of Malaya or the Patty Nixon. He fans held the post the trip up Cassidy IftU Rd. month. The decision was teamed rooms and buses when not be­ tra.’ • « » » to ua. ^ m ecea sa rv^ n - - - - - - U»e " Town Director David O. secretary takes aa nice tatrlp aa times and then he’s likely to
aM totoanyplaoacrtim s.” alnoe September, 1966. woidd be about 1.2 miles. TTie sr M M H l W tod«l Nyqutot’a across Whlt- Odegard. - .her'boas.”
yesterday by telephone, end the ing used by school chUdren. He aaid the gambling ring, think of the Orient.’
wnuams aaM ha agreod wMfa uee of tax money. ” ®y a **** meet the A Hartford native and resi­ The affluent young and ISie^ The rest of the Westtm travri
I that the sUbstanoe ’’■nie raiiv ibtev . present road where the lake dent, the guest speaker to a for­
leisured older Americans are 'j*ttern sees the Yankee tourist
I ham bean used as a color-
a# N t by W as Brittoto who
s “ ”r “• "»■ mer aastotont corporatton coun­ the two ^ groups m akhy
sel. He has served os State at­ abroad, p ie ^ d d le aged
^ South America after
the Orient, then Africa and fl-
I aaa amataur paintar. torney, general since A 1967, and aw too tied down w iw family
MD#* tuia ^ ftouth Pacific—Auatm-
BaUoa ■ k*'* i tUUm Ha datao- enlng the road, such as was tlon would create a dangerous to a member of the Hartford and Job responelbllitleE to afford :8ealand
Oar Oaata to Jtonas H. Bonn- done on Rt. 6 at Jehovah’s crossing in a heavily populated _ _ firm
tow __ _ of Gould. KUUan, and the time or the money tor ex- w «jton even mhdlcta tourism
phrtoa, 07, a boy Mend of the Witnesses property. area and the intersection near Kreriieveky. tended travel. - - - -
to malnland'Chlna; “-As soon as
wlotlm, and Mr. and Mrs. Don “ At the senw time the deep the lake would be another dan­ _________________ Increasing numlieTs of Amerl- China opens, you can bank on
Mltrtiril, both SB, olose Mends tup over tbs broiA might be gerous <Hie.---
------------- A crossing of Whlt- M__ ........ <»ito *“ '® exploring their own peoide heading for Shaghal
I o f MMa Britton. yovH upuraded. There wouM then be "®^ ~ ‘ ’
ane Improved
a a a ^ a v T w q A vlalbUlty
r i W U U l V ^ «tui
a i K l , w l u l Hinckley’s
^® Vicinity of ■.a„ ■ said
would mean that
___ toreo
- ^ building
T c o u per-
n country,
u y , partly as
poruy as aa rem
result of
ia wi and Peldiig.”

^aaAA^Wt—— ■ Av . . . aAVVAVw,t W..
•• w vaM va a it w c u i UAM cember nHH,****”f-*i^***^15 ^ promotlona by the non-prof-
suitable signs, the ooimer would *®'^*'®1 houses would bo sacrl-
Oswald’s Mother be far lass haaordous than ttie
proposed intorseotion.
^ i*® as It continues wiUon**^ w
down, all tho houses from S r
government agencies. President
“ Mmeon’s s^ech last January
uuuty Abed, and two to Man- frairAaii
Files Libdl Suits, “ The {dan for the use of $600,- Braguo’s to Shumway’a would cheater UuAber Co f o r ^ WE GABBY ALL
StockupNowon P la s tlc H ou sew ares!!.
to cirtaU
000 to only about half of the ^® threatened, if not aotually houses on Pine St.w , lor iwo travel abroad may also have THE TOP UNEB
$5 MilliOii Each Highway D^taitment’s l o o k ®Hmlnated.
Into the future. “ The proposed road would
kept many home.
Amerloa’s boom area this ARTNim nmie
T O W WORTH, Tex. (A P ) -
Ptra IflM aulta for |6 mmuwi
your “ Oomlng up from Rt. 87 from Rive a speedway to out-of-town- Columbia correspondent, Vir­
Rt.^ G the plan calls for elimina- ®** who haul tiielr boats to the ginia Carlson, tel. 238-9334.
Manchester Evening Herald year was the Rocky Mountain
states as families, many of
a m iR -lM B uthel a 295 • Giant vegetable and
aanb wars fitod Thursday by the tton o f the curve near the town Sound and to truck traffic and
mother o f aoouaad prssldadlal choice Laundry Basket extra
heavy duty.
fruit bin - super linear
• Piggy back stackable Nne, going ttralght through the these drivers would continue
State Bank Chief
aauaaain Lae HOrvay Oswald
acatast a onmraaaman and aev-
a 1114- Spout Pail 14-qt. ke cube tray site where tb^oM Benton Houiw their too-fast course on the old
In Andover is, proceeds behind narrower road through the most
' heavy duty unbreakable s 510 - Round wute basket Names Deputy R E A D IN G fM r a O V B M E N T C EN TE R. IN C .
aral w ilten and pUbllahars. P** Bdraarda and Greenway heavily populated section of
polyethylene with ribbed with hot stamp design STAMFORD (A P ) — A three-
Ih the federal court suits Mar- design for extra strength iwtoea and croseaa the Rt. 87 town.” FRED L. KAPROVE, Director
fuartta Oauald cialma the tM> with bottom grip for easy a 450 • Super linev 6 eoutt of Ramm’s, continuing to Actually, the road widening, Oommtosioner Philip Howes an­ Claasee for Elem en^ry and Secondary Btudento and Adults
fandanta^mada false and mis- compartment silverwire and b « » of the rest of the bouaes or straightening, according with nounced TTniraday the appoint­ Next Oourae Begins Jon. 13,1969
pouring ment of a former state senator
toadhif atatamants about her cutlery tray A ETiontos 4r Vocabulary Development it Oomprehenalon
a 1033R - Deluxe 24-qL ®*®*“ **M ^ **- whom you dtocusa the matter, ia aa his deputy. A Speed A Study Skllla A Ccdlege Board Test Preparation
and her acn, who was named by a 555 • Super linear 5 p o feet east of the present a few years away and nowhere
the Warren Oommlaalcn as the wute basket compartment perforated 'Maurtoe J. Ferland, a Demo­ A Oextifled Reading Oonaultants A Small (iroupe Only
then curving book onto near a firm decision on how It crat who represented the COMPLETE DIAGNOSTIC TESTTNO PROGRAM
ria«n an who shot Praaldeat
John F. Kennedy.
for • 1037R - Royolware
wute basket 10 qt.
silverware tray
s 225 - Super litieu round
me present _ road at — the — — south• will
...•. be o.uwiiii/uaiiou.
aocompllahed Another Senatorial District for vmuh
A Afternoon
a Evening Clasaee A Sumnner Programs
One petition names Rap. Oer- dish pin Jw M ^ 'J?** m®etlng will be held in the near will assume hto d u tle a ^ ^ y . ’ '
Values up to $ f.1 9 each * 6S1R- 12qt. Dish pan 68 EAST CENTER ST. TEL. 848-8947
aid R. Ihrd, R-MMb., along size ISxl2xS • 200 - Rectangular basin MANCHESTER, CXINN. for FtiU BiGDmiatlon
ma E dw v^’a and Gnenway BuHdlng Permits Relnhard J. Boideck,
, wttb John R. Stflaa and Simon A homea between two made and C. Preeoott Zoning UreA ^ Free Parking In Rear
Sdmatar, Iho. Ford was a mam-
bar of the Warren Oommisalon
and arrota a book about its 1969 Caprice Coupe / ' . —u
probe of the Kennedy aaaaadna-
tlon Now. S3,1366, In Dallas. -r,
The other four libel suits am
against these persona and
grot^e aaaociated with books or 'I
magaslne aitMlea about the as-
—Jim BUbop and PXmk A
WagnaU Oo.
—Btepben White, the Mc-
Biman PubUaUng Oo. and Oo-
hnnhU BroaUcastlng ^rstem.
—Jimmy Breelln and the New Regina
York Magaslne Oo.
—WOHam Mandteater. Har­ fii
per A Row, PUbUsberx Inc.,
and Ocwlaa OomnumioaliOns,
Electrikbroom or
MM. Oswald’s aulta assart
■nrmf. of the puhiicattCfiB ex­
Floor Polisher
posed her “ to hatred, contempt
and raheUto."

Hospital Notes
choice each
Vlettora am being limited to
Immediate members of the fam­
ily who am free of flu or flO" E le c t r ik b r o o m - T w o -s p e e d h ea vy d u ty
like eymplams. No children am electrikbroom is vacuum, dustmop, broom, uphol­
being allowed to visit patlentti
or to wait In the lobby while
parento vlatt.
stery brush. Dial adjusts to rugs and bare floors.
Only 6% lbs., handy dirt cup empties like ashtray.
bask in'
Patiento Today: 374
ADMITTED YEFI'ERD AY: Polishet^Shampooer - Heavy duty 400 watt motor; Gregg
Robert Adams, Irene Dr., Ver­ all-metal die cast construction. Double insulated
inside, modem styling outside. With scrubbing and
non; Madeline Baldwin, 166
Waranoke Rd.; Mrs. Rosetta waxing brushes, shampoo brushes, buffing pads, Draddy’s ^
Bottom, 41 Falknor Dr.; Sean and pad holders. # P 102 2
Bradley, 6S Mark Dr., Coven­
try; Mrs. Elta Craig, E ast
HartfoiVl; Edward Darby, 233
Oak St.; William Dennis, WU-
Hnumtic; Eldward Friedrich, 167
Union to., Rockville; Susan
Take An Extra resort collectiqnl
Ctardlner, 47 Hale Ext.,
RockvlUe; Mrs. Osse Bar-
low, 60 luring to.; Artiiur Hol- Brigrht, beautiful and brand new
gerson, 280 Kelly Rd., Vernon;
Mrs. Kathleen King, Wareltouse . . snazzy papts shifts ro go
Point; Raymond Krlatoff, 814
Bobool St.; James Land,
Strickland St.; Laurie
O FF N o clowns. N o hoopla. N o funny hats.
This is an event for the serious car buyer.
The man who has X number of dollars to
a big V8 and automatic transmission for less
than you could last year.
Come in and spend some time. Dig, probe,
to Astro Ventilation. Feel the kick of the big­
gest standard V8 in our field.
south now, north later. I t ’s the
freshest, youngest, most flatterin g
Oorlnne Dr., Tolland; M rf. Vl Then go down the street or across town
spend and is determined to get his money's ask questions, take notes. You owe it to
Mary Lemim, 16 Tower Rd.;
Mm. Sharon Lisk, Vernon; Oer-
our r^ular low prices on all worth and maybe more. yourself to be thorough.
and see how we stack up against Those Other
look this season 1A ll completely
ard MoNamar, East Hartford; Come to a Chevrolet Showroom during Go for a drive. lined. Sizes 6 to 14.
our Value Showdown. W e think you’ll wind up with a Chevy.
David Mantling, 816 Hartford Get a free sample of Chevrolet’s luxurious M ore people do, you know.
Rd.; Robert Monaco, Hickory
Dr., Hebron; Mra. Themsa Rif- Metal Giftware General Electric Aak the man to show you, on paper, how
you can order most any 1969 Chevrolet with
full-coil, cushioned ride. Shut the windows
and see how fresh the interior stays, thanks
flnl, 187 Birch to.; Niuicy Blef- Fatting you first, keeps us first.
fert, 60 Kenneth Rd.; M rs. Copper, chrome, pewter, brass, wrought iron, stsinless, etc.
Included sre: ChaOng dishes, fondues, bookends, candle-
Portable Color T.V. a. lime cotton flow er print.
BateU Bimpaon, 72 Beboe^ to.;
Dobra Smith, Bast Hartford; holders, lea kettles, bread trays, bowls, pitchers and more.
Mra. Edith Trumak, 21 Sunset
Tar., Wapping; Mrs. Mary b. w hite cotton pique, daisy
* 3 4 9 9 5

The Chevrolet
WaUmto, 86 Neill Rd., Rock-
viUe; LaaHe WIBlama, 43 Amott
Stainless Flatware trim. S30

Rd. Including: Steak knife sets, carving sets, serving pieces, etc. e. cotton and rayon apple
Features; 180 sq. in. picture, beautiful Walnut
BOtTHB YBBTERDAY: A Woodgrain finish (V in yl Clad Metal), color keyed print. DSe
■datBbtor to Mr. and Mrs. Gary in o u r in v e n to ry tuning, 6 " x 4 " front mounted speaker.
^ Hofftnan, Old Farm Rd., 'Ml-

Ualue Showdown
land; a aon to Mr. and Mra.
Joffrwy Arnold, GMaatonbury. *^ 'IV E STORES OF EASHIOH—
Mra. Mauds Kloppenburg, B3
Ban BL; Raymond Blardt, 36
AR D&L stores open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday till 9 P M

Norman I t ; M n . BtoUa Tour-

Tuesday and Saturday tUl 6 PJM. Downtown New Britain open flaily 10
toldtta, ThoropaontoHa; Mra. We tcwtve the right to limit quantities. EXIT 9 3 , W ILBUR CROSS PAR K W AY OPEN LATE EVERY NIGHT A J L till 5;30 PJd. TtMirsdays till 8:45 P JL

Flora M iw a, East Hattoord;
Thtonaa Boobs, Brookline Dr.,
OowMtey; Paid HaM, 373 Hil-

Read H erald Advertisements

Welcome New Wave 12tli Q tv n it Stock Market F la Deatha Rate Wilson Seeks G>mpromise
G reets Apoll6 8 Heroes Of Strikes G>iirt Casei$ Holds RaUy, T riple E xpeetatioiis
Over Rhodesian Issue

AT1.ANTA, Oa. (AP) —
Deaths from influenat imd
Boials mapped this srted u le tol-
n d n iiid i at «n now T o rim n ,” lowhig the ttoker tape parade;
Trade Active pneumonia ineraasod sharply
again for the week endliig
By ABTHUB L. OAVBHON oould never b e wdon% f t r no
one In Am worid would have the
right to Intervene.
Lawrence O airstt, 10, of 162 Jon. 4, almoM tripling the LONDON (AP)—Prim e Minis­ « Like a te a d ia r Iscturiity a
U-A6 — R ^ l v e fron\ Oonttaiwed traai P age One) Eldridge St., charged with theft By JAMES F . H IU .
Dr. T tem M O. M w , aodaK M ayor John V. Lindsay the CMd num ber eiqMCted, too Nation­ te r Hortod WUsoQ (ought today ctaas of studrots; the schoSIriy
AP BiMliMas W riter al CommunloaUe Diseose
•a m W rtrrto r at ttw M atknal Medal of the O ty of New Tofto too, ns happened during a trans­ of a motor vehicle and risk NEW TORK (AP)—The stock for a policy of compromise with Roman Catholic African leader
id w w mtlM and Spao* Admlaia- 1:10 — Ouesta of honor a t an port strike Dee. 28. injury to a chSd to Jidy had Center said Thursdity.
both those charged noUed lit Cir­ m artlet kept T hursday's tectanl- A NCDC sp rtesm en said rebM RhodesU’s white rulers told WUoon to a t np new anMH(T|_
IrattOB, warn a mcsn/ber c ( ttoa of- ottloial city luncheon in the New Unions sponsoring the trans­ cuit Court 12 yeatorday. In
flew party. Dr. Paln» said, Tork State n e a t e r in Lincoln port BtrUto were demanding
cal rally working through noon 1,668 persons died from flu against the overwhelming hoe- don approved by B ritain eould
nolletog the diarges, th e prose­ F riday . on moderately active and pneumonia during the be put to Am te st a t white and
“DHliapa the samaaga to tiwt Oenter. Authorities said some tlUty of Britain’s 27 Common- black Rhodesian opliilan, while


higher pay tor their members. cution aaid th a t federal au ­ trading. week In 122 oitiee tar which
wa totmdd dream no 700 guests had been invited. The Dow Didustrial A venge ivsaUh partnais. Smith’s a n n s d tonoes had th eir
SdO —E nter the WaMorf-As- But Other labor strikes which thorities have taken JuiisdlctiMi it keeps mortality staUstlcs.
w as up 8.28 to 980.89 a t noon, But on the fourth day of Oom- guns a t the ready.
U ndeay preauitad each aatro- toria hotel. the Communiats claimed hit 17 to the m atter. The ca r was down tootn the 4.17 goto i t hrid
Only 628 deaths had been
momitealth sum m it ta lk s there One by one the leaders o< oAi-
aant wMt ttw lia d a l o< th e city 4;M —VlsU the Unltod Na- Italian oMes today were aimed found to N eb rarta. a t 11 a.m . Dow rails 'were iq>
expected in these eltiee, leav­
seemed to be little ebanoe of e r African, Asian and even
at New Tork, aajpinc, “OenUa- ti(HIS. prlttuudy a t eliminating the Other cases disposed of in­ ing 996 to be attributed to
.02, uUUttra 'were up .22, and agreem ent on an issue that has some white states tndorsed
mait, wa aalnte y o a ” 7 — Official reception and ’’salary acne” system in Italy. cluded toe following: Mocks w ere up .68 at midday.
toe oonilnulng epidemic of
become toe powder-keg of Nyerero’s argum ents in th e de­
Harold R. Hagenow, 28, of 22 Hong Kong flu.
Borman a t e p ^ forward 'to state dinner given by Oov. Nel­ Under th is system workers in
reply: "Wa all lova New T o rt. son A. Rockefdler. The gover­ mfd-Italy and father south earn Fiower S t, fined $100 for Imeach Brokers 'viewed toe emtton os It was the third consecu­ southern Africa. bate that <q>ened 'Thursday; YOUR EASTERN C O NN. HEADQUARIERS FOR THE HNEST IN HI-HDELITY
Wa aU lova aU of you. Thank nor's office said, some 5,000 invi­ leas per hour doing the sam e of peace. Charges of breaking continued technical recovery, tive week in which deaths ^ I to Ms back to the wall, WU- “ We are fearful of the F e a r­
you very nrodi." tations had been s e n t w w k as toborers in th e more and entering with crim inal to-
t« it, larceny and resisting a r­
fMlowtng Thursday's gain of toe
more 8 unintR in toe induetrial
more th an doubled toe num­
ber expected, according to
son hoped to appease some df less,” saU P rim e Mlniater
Britain’s critics by m setlng two Forbee Burnham of Guyana.
ICoca than 5,000 poUoa and Accompanying the astronauts pro^MTOus north.
of th e ir dem ands: "Its rie a r the Feerieaa agroe-
pWnelottMaman w e n on ataUan are Borman’s wife Susan and The Oommuntets said the cit­ rests were noHed. avereagn. The Dow indlcail'or had NCDC figures. The center’s
to handle dta crowds. TIm tum- their sons Frederick, 17, and ies affected were Bergamo, F er­ Franklin L. Jordan, 88, of TAmuneted about -h) 'noints in weekly mottalHy report, —To reaffirm a two-yeax-oM ment is not aooeptahle,” oald
oot reoaBad the salute aooordad Edwin, 15; Lovell’s wife Mari­ rara, Padua, Sondrio, Treviso, Lakeview D r., Vernon, disre- the first three rtavs of the week. however, said Indications arc promise to 'witoliald Indepmd- Caneda’a P ierre ElUott .T ru­
anoa Ikom Rhodesia until its deau. But be etreeaed be did not
Dirhion O f Ellington Electronics
anofliar htotorto " f ln t” In aaio- lyn, and their diildren B arbara, Blelia, Ravenna, UdkH^ Aresio, gardlng th e signals of an of­ O onnen were stroeer, tollow- that toe epidemic is declin­
naiittoa-Ohariaa A. lindbargh’s 16, Jam as, IS, and Susan, 10; Trlerto, P sn n a , Vlcenaa Ven­ ficer, $25, and bond se t a t flOO ing in m any states. four mlilidn Atrioans take over neceaaorlly think m ajority rule'

Inrr orice boosts to r the metal.
raoeptton a lta r his aolo fujdit Anders’ wife Valerie, and three ice, Bari, R eg ^o Calabria, Cro- for appeaL
aeroaa r t a AganUc in ISOT. of their five children, Alan, 11, tone, and Ancona. Afl these
As the motoroada procadad, Olen, 10, and O a^e, 8.
Edw ard D. Leary, 18, c f New
Haven, arrested to Vernon, $66
TT»ern«ttonal Nickel galnsd H
to 5flK, and Anamnda added 1 ^
a t 68%. OoirsMr Range. Ptwtps
In an, 48 states have re­
ported widespread o r region­
al Influensa activity over toe
poww. But WHaon plsnned to' was all t f n t fine, to Aie UMted
add the modlfler that if Prim e S&tea, he said, Nagroea still arc
Minister Ion Smith’s regime oppieesed despite m ajority rule.
PHONE 875-8456 ‘
strikes were set to last 24 b o m . fine refanposed. Even John Gorton of AuMrto
okisten of people waited a t van- Dr. Thomas O. Paine, acting On Thursday, Mantua, Paler­ Cases ocotlnued included th e Dodee and Tasplration Consolt- paM four numths, too NCDC changes Its policy of white su-
ptem acy B riteht irill ask to he Ua, ueuaHy one., of Britain’s
ta (a points to oatefa a glimpoe of adm inistrator of the National mo and a few other cMles were
the aattoiwuls. One group of Aeronautics and Space AUminis- beset by strikes. foUowlng:
dated fdso gained.
Sunbeam w as uo % to 42% on
nrieased from tliHt' pledgre. stauncheM frlende, aaid hie gov­ 1/2 MILE EAST OF VERNON CIRCLE ON ROUTE 30
schooMiMdreo left a school bus tration, also is in the official
to watch.
The astranatda vdvas’, Susan
Jeffrey W. Beunett, 18, of
WUUe’s M o t e l Center S t ,
charged w ith ustiig a m otor
news it is considering m enrer
wiih Hamilton Watch, un-
manned satellite. M ariner. 6,
paM Venus in October, iw t.
M ariner passed wiliiin 2,600
—To oonthnie and even ernm ent could not ouppoit the
strengthen the Inteniational Feoriese propoeals.
campaign of sonollons against So BVson fecee a near-unani­
T here’s M usic in th e Air.., ^Sptieas
In addition to the tons of con­ Contracts Let rhaneed a t 21%. AIBa Ohelmers
the breakway cNony which mous dem and to eonty the
Bormaiv MkiUyn “DovaH and fetti and ticker tape waiting
Valeria Anders rode wMh them al<nig the lengthy route to be
in the c a n , along wiflt their taken by the astronauts. New For Rem odeling license is under suspension, and
vtolcle w ithout permission, op-
erattog a m otor vehicle while added a fraction after diaolosing
It Tilans new areas.
miles at the planet and con­
firm ed findings by Venus 4 that
the planM h as a torrid atm os­
seised independenoe 88 months “F eariess plan.” The Brttiah
ago. leader Is unlikely to do eo, and it's yours for the tap in g ■with a S o n y OPEN
attem pted larceny, Jon. 28. Moet-acfive w as Houston though, on grounds Brttaln mtiM
children. Tork radio station WABC said it
Bright sunshine bathed the would distrtoute thousands of
d ty but chilly winds were blow­ American flags for the specta­
O f Homestead Bernard Costolo, 20, of Stone-
house Rd., Coventry, charged
LIrtitiog. wbioh was un % to
42%, a fte r sale of a block of
219 000 a t 42%.
After its nearest approach to
Venus, Mlarlner flew on into o r­
The group at Afrtoan and preserve for itself th e righto and
Aslan countries, led by leftist th e scope t o negotUte a oompro-
Tonaanla, wMrii now dominates mise.
ing. The tem perature was in the tors. A spokesman for the sta­ Contracts have b e« i signed with breaking and entering w ith
b it around the sun. Britain’s form er empire, want
mid-ao*s. tion said the tradition began with Linder Carlson to remodel crim inal in ten t and larceny un­
On Ctoand Oentral Pathway, with Olenn’s parade. ihe kitchen and bathroom of the der $250, Jan . 16.
United F ruit took th e second
spot on ih e most-aotive M t with The 4%-month tandem flight
through space oiri into to« a t­
Wilson to go further than that.
A m ajority of them already
10A.M .-9P.M
traffic stopped to aBow the mo­ Rockefeller term ed the occa­ caretaker’s apartm ent to the Raymond C. DuBois, 22, of 288100 shares changing hands
Ineluding a Node of 128,000. It mosphere of Venus wUl make It iufve coiled on Wilson to aban­ 58 Inspectionfl
torcade to pass. sion a ’’day of special obeerv- Cheney Homestead on Hartford Southington, arrested to Man­ posrible to study the dimensions don BrHalris plan for a settle­
The astronauts kept looking ance.” In a telegram to the chester, c h u g e d w ith breaking sained to 86%.
of the atmosphere “In different ment offered to Smith last fall Made in M onth
out iha oar wlndowa, apparently spacemen, cHspatdied minutes Rd., and the Hartford Saectric and entering w ith crim inal in­ Am erican Power A LishUng
areas of the ‘idanM of rid­ aboard the w arsH p Fearleas oft
eyeing New T o rt landmarks. Co. to floodlight toe bouse from te n t and larceny under 5260, w as next with 210.500 shares The Manchestor bouringrode
after they splashed down in the dusk to dawn. sold. The price was 86%, un­ dles,’ ” Toss said. GH>raItar. This included term s
eJUtaaes Ja n 10 pleaded not g u ilty ' to the
Pacific, Dec. 27, the governor
Flans callcU tor them to trav ­ saiU r The announcement was made charges and wUl have a prob­ changed. Venus 6 was described as already rejected by Rhodesia: Inspector m ade 66 intyeottoiio
“S ' today by H erbert W. Swanson,' able cause heating on Jan . 80. Loew’s T heaters w as off frac- weighing 2,401 pounds, Mightly That disputes with racial ov r- last month, all of aingle-hunlly
el by motorcade from the air­ heavier than Hs companion
port to Whitehall Street in lower ”In order to dem onstrate the ohalnnen of the Mianchester Robert F . Nicolai, 28, of Weth­ Uonalty, and Memorex w as off tones in Rhodesia be rM erred to dwellings, and found e verything
craft, which weighs 2,469 Britain’s Privy Council; a legis­ In good order, according to a
Manhattan, where they transfer extent of our feelings, I woidd Htatorlcal Soolety's Cheney ersfield, charged w ith conspir­ 1% a t 75%. pounds.
to open care and start up Broad­ Uke, on behalf of the 18 mllUcn Homestead Conunittee, follow­ acy, Feb. 20. lative veto for black Africans; report by the town health ds-
The announoement reported formaUan of a commission on
way to the CUy Hall. This is the residents of New Tork, to invite ing the com mittee’s meeting Raymond Sahadi, 18, 67
you to come here tor a day of Wednesday night. that toe first of the two craft is racial discrimination; speeding parim ent.
‘<JanyoA of Heroes.” Oakland SL, charged w ith ao- Soviets Launch 863,700 miles from earth. This up education of Black Rhode- During November, he had
Three of their predecessors in special observance whkdi would H s said the bommlttse is cdso oeeory to breaking and en ter­ was the first progress report on
space t r a v e l e d this route, culminate In a state dinner In studying suitable draperies and ing without permission, Jan. 80. aiana and taking blaoks into a made 96 inspeotlona, also all of
Venus 6 Probe Venus 6 since the in itial. an­ brood-based Interim govern­ Mngle-famUy dwellings, and had
cheered by mlBtons of New your honor.” Ughfing fixtures for the Home- nouncement Sunday.
T orters. They were Lt. Ocd. President Johnson awarded atead. A voluntesr group is be­ (Conttnned from P age One) ment while other provisions inrdered only one correefion.
Tass said Venus 6 w as on the were being implemented.
John Olenn Jr., the first Ameri­ medals to the three moon trav­ ing recruited to trim toe trees R a p i P ro p o sal The report atatoe th a t, (or the
can sent into orbit, in 1902, and elers Thursday and saluted surrounding toe house to make The two new craft a re expect­ correct trajectory, and equip­ The oentral objeotton to the six ntonUis ainde Jtdy 1, the be­
the late Virgil I. arlsaom and them as “history’s boldest ex­ it visible from the n o d . T o C ut NHRR S ervice ed to make toe 186 milUon-mlle ment aboard both craft was “Feariess plan” was exproased ginning of the o u rrm t flsoal
trip by mid-May. functioning normally. this w ay by PrsMdent Julius year, the inspaetoe obeoked 471
John W. Toung, the Oemlni as­ plorers.” They then appeared
tronauts, in UM5. before a Joint session of Con­ Mead
Other m em bers of th e Home- WAfanNOTON (AP) —The Tass said Venus 6 is designed Nyerere of Tonaanda; “Power untto and ordered 19 oorreo- f1 • • •
Oommtttee a re Miss Penn Central Railroad’s pro­
Obol bw clear, sunny weather gress. I t w as their first public Frances Hoxie, who Is also as­ posal to reduce train service to m ake a “smooth descent in would be transferred to a ml- tione — nine (or eleotrieal
was forecast. appearance alnce tbey'oom plet- sociated w ith toe Ootmectlcut between New T ork cuxl Boston the Venus atmosphere.” T o d a y in H isto ry MMity governnoient”-m e a n in g (auUs, two each for lavatory
The equipment aboard 'wUl Smith’s regime elected essen­ and maintenance problema, and

Oity and state govemmet& of- dd thMr miasion. HlMorial Society, Mrs. F red has brought sharp criticism
Bllab m , Robert Boyce, and from a New T ork Congressman. carry out “Scientific explora­ By TTfE ASSOCIATED PRESS tially by Rhodesia’s 260,000 one each for refuse, roof and
tions together with Venus 6,” Today is Friday, Jan. 10^ toe whites.
\ Matthew Morlarty. eaves, broken windows, oelUng
Film to B e S h o t a t M in n eapolis Rep. Richard L. Otttoger de- Tass said. A , lOto day of 1960. There a re 866 Once such a die hod been repair, haH Ughting, and mtoe-
The Homestead, buUt by soribed as “deploraU e” toe' Venus 6, os aU previous erkft days left in the year.
Timothy Cheney to the 1780’s, railroad’s plans to eliminate cast, Nyerere argued, the deed tng screens.
in the Venus series, carries a Today's Highlight In History
was deeded to the society by numerous trato s running be­
George Seaton to ^Pilot’ the Cheney Historical Foimda- tween toe two cities.
pennant with an embossed im ­ On this date in 1948, toe first
age of Vladiinlr Lm in, foimder General Assembly of toe United I . I IP'S and 45's
Uon last falL The gift also in­ Otttoger said “I see no Justi­ of the Soviet state, and a ooeit of ncHions oonveneU in London.
Movie Version of ^Airport’ cluded about three acres of fication for massive OUcon-
land, contems of toe house, end tinuance of train service be­
arm s of the Soviet Union. On This Date
In 1776, the American revolu­
' f* ^ ' . j
By BOB TQOBIAS fly out of Minneapolis,’’ said an endowment that will accrue tween New Tork and Boston,
T ass gave no details <« toe tionist, Thomas Paine, pub­
exact misBlon of Venus 6, Ear- lished his pamptdet “Oommon
I • ! 8 and 4 TRACK
Associated P ress WHter Seaton. from toe appropriation of some nor can I understand the need Uer am ouncem ents of Venus 6 Sensed”
“The airport is stfll called of the Homestead land tor Rt. for total restructuring of serv­

H O L L T W O O D CAP) — Lincoln Air Terminal, though to 6. ice before plans for bdgh-^>eed also w ere phraakd to gwierall- to 1861, Florida seoeded from
tles. toe Uhion.
Oeoige SeaUm, who confesses to reality it repreeanta O’H are to The society will use the service can be made.’’ Venus 6 was launriied “to ex­
havtng once bewi “a wbHe- Chicago. O’H are la so busy tt HomeMead as a museum, head­ The Congressman addressed In 1870, John D. Rockefeller l , * i i . t d i k I i.i I S m i n d
plore more fully toe planet Ven­ incorporated the Standaid Qil I , t i’ ili, UM< ‘ i ’ r I O ' ! '< )
knudde. s ir passenger,” has would have been impossible to quarters, a repository for his protests to Paul J. 'nem ey us and to receive a g rea t 'vol- Company in d ev e la ad , Ohio.
taken charge a s pilot of the Wg- shoot there.” historto memorabilia, and a chairm an of the Interstate Com­ lune of scientific information
problem meeting place for small study m erce CommisBlon. Otttoger has to 1916, the Mexican bandit
gest fbght movie in recent Hol­ One production about it,” Tass said. and revohitionaTy leader. Pon­
hasn’t been solved. The compa­ group:;. requested to undertake a full
lywood years, “Airport." investigation into the Penn Cen­ Of th e tour known Venus cho Villa, took 18 American
Universal is going all-out with ny needs a Boeing 707 to use for shots, only one, Venus 4, suc­ mining engineers off a train at
six weeks. tr a l’s proposals;
the A rthur Haley best - selling ceeded in transm ltttog data Tsabel, Mexico and killed them.
txnnel and the film may well Said Seaton; “No airiine cMUld Japan Approves Plan FLAHmCM) BINGO from the planet's atmosphere. In 1920, toe League of Nations
cost $10 milliion before it makes afford to let us have one to r To Produce Phantoms NEW YORK (AP) —The fla­
Venus 1 and Venus 2 sailed paM cam e Into being a s the Treaty of
'</ more than three days, and it the planet, and ground control­ Versailles went into effect.


a landing.
Producer Roes Hunter h as as­ would take a day and a half to TOKYO (AP) — 'ilie Jap a­ mingo becam e the symbol of lers lost contaot 'with Venus 8 to 1928 one of the chief archi­
Baham as Airways when the air­
sembled a cast that to date in- paint new insignia and another nese government today ap­ line recently cam e under, new before It was to have M t the pda- tects of the Soviet Union, Leon
dudes B u rt Lancaster, Dean day and a half to remove It. We proved a nine year plan to pro­ managiement. A stylized, Jet-age net. Trotsky, w as ordered into exile.
Martin, Jean Seberg, Helen could le n t a 707 for 5517,000 a duce 3i F4E Phantom Jet fight­ image of this vermillion-colored Venus 6 is equipped with a r a ­ Five T ears Ago
Hayes, Van Heflin. FUmlng be- day, but even <xi our budget we- e r planes to fiscal 1909 and build bird, toe national bird of the Ba- dio transm itter designed to P anam a suspended relations
g ^ in Minneapolis late this can’t afford it.” a fleet of 104 Phantoms by 1977. operate throughout the mission. with toe United States alter riot­
month. The defense agency decided hamias, appears on the outside
late last year to m ake toe of to e company’s brand-new
Tass gave the transm ission fre­ ing th at BtenuneU from attem pts OPEN REEL end CARTRIDGE
Fihn veteran Seaton—“Mtra- Assistance to Aged quency a s 922:763 megacycles. to fly the Panam anian flag in
American twin-engine superson­ Jefs. Stewardesses on toe flights The United Saates sent an un­ toe Canal Zone.'
d e on 34th Street,” “Oountiy

WASHINGTON— The propor­ ic Jet its m ainstay fighter. Cost between Florida and toe Baha­
Girl"—^wrote the script for “Air­ tion of aged Americans re ­ per. plane will be about $5.8 mil­ mas, known as Flamingo
port” and will be directing It. ceiving pulBlc assistance has lion. BTig^ts, serve island snacks and
He admitted he has not always Uropped since 1960 from 22 per The planes will be built 'under a fruit pumto, called a flamingo
been a fan of air tra v rt cent to about 10. This is licence from toe U.S. producer, sling. The airline bostesees’ uni­
“Y ears ago I yfa» to a ^rack- largely because of higher levels McDonnell Douglw Corp. kfit forms are patterned a f t ^ toe
UP of a plane 6» we were taking of Social Security support to subishi Heavy Industries Ltd. Is famous Royal Baham as con­
off at Oolumbus, Ohio,” he re­ effect. the m ain contractor. stabulary.
coiled. “Fortunately we were
only 10 feet off the ground, so
there was Uttle damage.
NEW 1 9 6 9
"But that was enough to make
me a white-knuckle passenger
after that. Until I m ade a pic­
ture about the Berlin airlift,
"Ihe Big Lift’, with Montgomery & DODGES the profirram source”—High Fidelity Magazine. X
CUft and Paul Douglas, 1950.
“Then I rode In th e cockpit
with the pilots and I decided:
W67. The ^ r a n tz Model 15 solid-state stereo power amplifier delivers a tremendous 120 watts of
power to pve you the cl^rest, cleanest sound at the critical high and low frequencies. Distortion
‘these people know what they’re w is virtually non-existent. Marantz Safety Circuit protects against signal overload’.
doing.’ I ’ve been a pretty good
passenger atoce then.” SNOW FIGHTERS supples enable both channels to,operate simultaneously with no power loss.
Marantz imaginative engineering has unequivocally created the finest stereo amplifier i n ^ e worid
Seaton recently traveled to To the People of Manchester for their patronage and W a Hava 2 1969 DodgA
the flight deck of a transconti­ Snow Fighttr Tracks
nental Jetliner and was im ­ for making our fi^st Christmas such a happy and reward­ P rfe s a T o M q v B
pressed anew with the'oompe-"
ing one for us. i®* — W«^***'’
tence of today's filers. The
flight was made with the per­ W-100 Vi ton W .20 ton
mission of the Federal Aviation 6Vt b«x with V-8 Inglna
Administration, which is cooper­ To our neighboring merchants on Main St. whose Y - l I n jin a 4-Spood Trans, v
ating with “A irport,” apparent­ S Spggd T ra iit. • Foot Sox 750x16
ly in hopes that the picture will acts of kindness made us feel welcome. 700x16 Mud tr Snow Mud And Snow Tint
carry the message of such TiN(-Lock Out Hubs Lack Out Hubs
competence. O Snow Flow —O Snow Flow
To the wirprise of many, the
For being privileged to joili the Manchester Business In
^ ^ a s* “ “
Air Transport Association,
which tockxtos the m ajor alr-
Mnes, is also cooperating with
the film. Reason for the sur­
Community as one of its newer members.
M O H ’RaER *2iW 67 OLDS.
'..ODr. HinMe, V-« MelM, vhnri
M l iMrane i b w HirMw,
prise; Th^ plot concerns the ' nW, vtnyl •iilm ia trim., newer
eWMT lawlef.
To Anthony Gorman of 74 Lakewood Circle for draw­ .......—
(■ewnwiic. pewer Meriiie, raeia ---— w w ,. Pl4a MS nWOT,
bombing of a passenger Jet.
“The vice presidents of the
vvtkHMnlb, aw Riiaeit, ranwln.
' let fieanr wirraiily w srrj fMary air cMKIiaeae. "WITHOUT QUALIFICATION... WORLD’S MOST ADVANCED
companies came out here and ing the ticket on the television set won by Mrs. Leora 6T0RRYS. •2896
they seemed to approve the
Steinmeyer, 38 Maple St., Manchester. reSMORAOO *8198
' aoeer Weiva e, wamenc, ewnr
H.Y. Mr. Haiww,' vlinri___
•a caismSiaif.
n , » , taflery SOLID-STATE PREAM P —
script,” said Seaton. “They
iJTOught up some points, not ta-
-■enea.iawir knk«, r«ea 6
_ ..Jlav elf w anaeka wire aw
aocuraoies but m atters of proce­
dure, wMch I Incoiporated.” 66CRRYS. •1898 B S s r i a X - 'e i s
wwiiaeag. m u a a e m ow GUIDE, MARCH 1967 The Model 7T solid-state stereo console is unrivaled in per­

Lift the Latch

Seaton made two changes MV" ■UBW ii«ri
^ • w r t w f w irvyi rav rs formance and dependability. Unequalled flexibility of control
from the novel vriiich should
please the airlines. He eHmtoat- ^SrSoDOE" •1088 67D0D0E
The Merantc Modal 15 solid-itata stereo power aihplifier
wHh 120-«!atto
wnn :0-«!atto o
ofi power oeiivers
delivers m e clearest, cleanest sound
across tho full froquoncy spoctrum. Marantz has fwo seper
accommodates two phonographs, microphones,. FM-AM Tuner,
FM Multiplex, Tape Head. TV and Auxiliary inputs. A Phono
Equalizer fakes the hiss and rumble out of old 78's and IP's.
ed the character of the airport SraTn*^! ****** TENDANTS AND MOTH- SOME LUCKY MIDE-TO- ate power supplies plua a apecial Safety CircuH that protects And you can connect an extra tape recorder in front to copy
manager’s brother to flight con­ ER-OF-THE-IRIDE.
M a n y O th a r i -k L o w l a n k Ratos IE WILL WIN AN against short-circuiting with instant overload recovery. With tapes. “ Our tests proved every Marantz claim conservative”
trol “ because anyone that emo- CORRECT FORMAL AT-
EXQUISITE WEDDING the Model 15, Marantz sets a new standard of technical ez- — Audio Magazine, June 1966.
UonsUy unstable would never be TIRE FOR M IN WILL IE
GO W N ..F L U S M A N Y cellence In etereo power am pllflert. >

permitted to the tow er.” And, SHOWN.
tor condenseition reasons, Sea­ LATCST INNOVATIONS IN OTHER F R U DOOR
ton removed the mlU-to of local FLORAL lOUQUETS. FRIZES.
residents protesting Jet noise.
“We have received pertols-
Mon to shoot a t IfinnaapolU Air­
1 0 O eklM i Sl„ H tM few kr 945-1791
g * rllM flliro B
port and wUl construot added
Opan Iv69. Ixcapt Thundoy O Saturday Weloeme Hera Ww
oountars insi4e the term inal to
houw those alrllnas th a t don’t 60 F R A H ST. HARTFORD

P A cn N H fi

which de Gaulle ftnoUy brought M s own

Bolton Manchester Area Vernon oontelners o v e r to to e TMIaad
JUmrl^FRter poatttoi and tats ow n alm a around to
County Chapter to help rehoMH-
tato the ofalidren atrtoken with
sofn etN iig com pletaty oppoalto t o what
woa ouppoMd to faafv* bean Ma ralorion,
In c in e ra to r to T ro m b o n e C ru ise r, C a r C h ild ren : birth defeota and to oonttnua aid
In helping poUo paftente .
have alread y begun to Code fro m our
xt O n School B o a rd A g e n d a In C o llisio n 10,343 N o w
a?n fc oen iol m em ory. I t w ill be tor Mstoriana
to tlx each m aneuvar in its place and in
2 G O P Senatora Ask
Ms impoctanee, and m oke pooribie,
T h e B oard o f Education w ill to ey decided, ^ * * e g n * sold,
hold its regu lar m onthly m eeting toot If ootadittobs won b a d
A South Windsor police cruia- T h e school enum enUon has Slate W e lfa re Pnrfie stm m
soma day, a tM a lle d study o f Just bow e r cn its w a y to investigate an been com pleted and the cUU- H A R T F O R D , Conn. ( A P ) —
Monday a t 8 p.m. in Room s 87- **x »8 h to w arrant ehalns and dren enumerated, from Infancy
V t a a l j r M S S r 1. u n the Im posribie Jiappenod. accident becam e involved ih an­ The state’s RepUbUoan sanators
38 a f to e Mgta eofaool to work the ■weatoor w as going t o * g e t through 30 years old, total 10,-
W e do know, however, that It did hap­ other a e d d en t yastorday. hava oftUed fo r a M-pasrissn kr

Till UflMy of Cmmctlciit

w oree anyway, they m igh t as MS an Incream o f 1,176 over
. «T h . 0 *M pen, and 'might, therefore, happen again. through a routine agenda. veoUgation Into the Conneetlota
OMHLt 6UI O#ooni1 M rU w ell can o ff sohool fo r the day. O fficer A lim H. DUPont,-88, lost year.
Dr. RiObeit B utterfield is As everyone knotra, the
scheduled to apeak about an In- weather Im m ediately g o t bet­
o f W oodtide Bt., Manchester, 1 & ’ T h e number o f children at­
w elfara system.
Sen. O oorge Gunther o f Strat­
BATBS w as on his w a y t o investigate tending pdMlc schools totals,
tk Advaao* cinarator a t the high echool. ter, and to e salt began working
6,638, last y ek r the figu re was ford propoaod a MH caUfatg fo r N O N -CItID IT IX TIN SIO N
Wronflr D ay F or Persuasion T h e board !• oticed to g iv e its on the roods —but who e o n etn aed d en t cn Pleasant VeU- toe leaders o f both partlea to
6,701. L e s t y oar there w ere 460 GOURSIS O PIN TO T H I P U ILIO IN
approval o f a statem ent o f predict fro m one wdnter le y Rd. in South Wliuttor. He m ake a unified tnveaUgatlon
We a re not sure w e h a ve an y desire chUdren attending p r i v a t e
phlloaophy In to e high stiw ol ™to**te to toe next, especially had M e light and siren on when kite toe W elfa re Department
to have the uncertaSMy about our Un­
handbotic and on tha purchase In the Bolton MgMandiT suddenly a oa r driven b y M i­
schools and this ybar toe fig ­ M AM CH BSm t
identified F lyin g Objects resolved by ure Is 468. whkto is expected to have a $78
PRBSB o f s v a lv e trombone. chael ' K . T e p le y o f H artford m illion d e f l ^ b y June SO.
______ itad f r e n is axclutlTely entitled scientific inquiry and pronouncement. - A t Nature Center Th is y e a r 18 ■tiitidren ore in­
BM repubUontlon of all newe dU- Under new butineoa, the cam e out c f a d rivew a y and BegkH Fso
^ M ra M ftijorte Anderson’s stitutionalised as opposed to Just Th e GOP senators 'voted
We thtok we prefer, Just fo r the seat of board wlB be asked to consid­
_______ I oradltad to it or not otiMi-wise credlt-
I Bi Ifala paper and also the local newa pub- O iad e 6 tiaas.spent port o f the w as struck by the cruiser.
fou r last year. There o re 860 Thursday to endorse Ctunther’s I □ B eal Estate Prinotolea A PnMdloea Fob. f W a i. 868 .
1 here. Ufe, t o keep our optiotis open, so that we e r a request to add a half- T h e accident Is still under in­ I CMOS size win be ltodted. BnraD nowl starta a6 7iM I
ilaMs of repoMleatlon of apeoial die- won’t be too surprised b y anything '» q » credit course next y e a r fo r sen­
day at toe Oak G r ^ Nature
vestigation. O ffic e r DuPont ivaa Engaged tiiUdren attending post seooad- proposals.
«a BsrelB are also reaerred.
m agriflcesMly m ysterious and wonderful > '. - i :
Center today, under P ro ject
iors only, on. Introduction to Outdoon. treated to r le g and o rin in­
The engagem ent of
axy schools this y ea r And there
w ere 388 lost year. Children not
' The departm ent has requested
$451 m illion fo r the next two
I - — - . , 1
ns BataM PrIntlaK Oompanjr Inc., as- pqrobology, and t o oonaider ex­ juries a t M asidieeter M em or­ P lease en tail m e in to e okava ckecked ooutsa(e),
> finannial reaponsinOltir for typo-
^____ srron appeailns in advertisements
in our future hnowledgw o f our universe.
In any case, however, it has to be
tending B lue Cross and CMS
Mra, Slyvia P atrick 's d e ss
w as sohodulad t o g o yesterday, ia l HoopUol fuid dlschoigod. R ob erta M a ry Sm ith o f R ock­
ville to M ark H alp em Olaiher
otterUing otiioal, nor receiving
special Inatruction, total 3,874.
years, m ore than double Ms
preoeot appropriation. Gunther’s
I Is m y eheok o r m oney order lo r 9 ............ .
otbST reading matter In The JfanctMster coverage fo r part-tim e wnploy- but because o f no school. It Other area poUoe ac tiv ity : MAEL T O : The C ertific a te P rogram , U-08, T h e C a l varsit y
-----Harald. said that authorities picked the w orst o f es on a pro rata basts. o f C oventr y h w baso omtoww A y e a r ago the numher 'was 2,- bin woMd em pow e r the Investi­ I o l Osonaottoat, Storrs, C o m . t m $ . T e L 4 18-n u . m a t N f
dhhi’t. HEBRON 830. gating com m ittee to utilise the
aH days fo r the release o f the study TTm board ■will also be asked ed b y her parents, Mk. and Mbs.
experience o f e:q>erts In toe I
B i^rW us to Los Anceles Ttones-Washlnf- School Menu S& te poUoe o re Investigating M em bers o f toe Vernon Junior
=« tsa Phot Newa Serrlce. the University o f Oblorado m ade fo r to approve the deolghation of AntM xiy T . Sm ith o f 10 N y « St.
PhU sarvlos client of N. B. A, Service, Inc. Monday, sloahbuiger cn roll, a Mt-«nd-run a e d d en t on M eet­ W om en’s d u b have placed coin
PaHWiefS Representatives — The Julhu
Mathews Special Axsner — New York. Chi-
the A ir Force, on th e subject o f U .P .O .’s,
and the accom panying release o f the
the high school and elem entary
school buHdings a s tem porary
potato chips, w ax beam, choco- in g House Rd., Thursday. A oar
H e r fiance Is th e son c f U n ,
M a x C U a ^ o f 43 Starieweother containers fo r the M arch o f
area o f w elfare.
“ The only practical ap­I
«aso, Dalihtt and Boatoa late pudding; Tussday, o d d heading ■west, driven by D avid
verdict o f the special panel o f the N a ­ shelters ' to be used during
em ergenciea due to floods, tor-
gflazed sweet potatoes, W. M oe, 17, o f Rfeles Rd., A n ­
S t and the la te M a x Olaiber.
M ias'fim ltb la a juafor a t the
Dim es, fat all buskiess estab-
lUbm ents in Vernon.
proach,” Gunther said, " is to
engage a group o f eiqierts to
I eoesooeooseoso

nO N R tional A cadem y o f Sciences, which is oorn, ging erbread; Wednesday, d over w as struck by another
one backing the Oolorado flndtog.
natoee, hurricanes and so forth
under the R od Cross Disaster
thicken and g ra v y on hot bte- oar com ing in an eaaCeriy di­
U M vertity o f Coraiecttcut where
she Is m ajoring In efem entery
The Club, in cooperaUen wMh
the N ational Foundation, wUl
devote their entire efforts to
the comprehensiv e study that
EMday, January 10 The Am erican pUbUc was, by thts tim ­ ouM, oarrot and celery sticks, rection.
Operatlan. A pproval wdll also be education. M r. G lalber receiv­ turn the oontrlbutions from the m ust be undertaken.”
ing, asked to beHeve there is no real cranberry sauce, ooddea; P olice said the d river c f the
sought fo r a polhiy on reduced ed Ms B .A . degree from the UM-
posslbiUty o f YlsUors from outer space Thursday, ahspherd’s pie, cab­ seooinid c a r has not been iden­
lunches foUowIng a d irective verstty o f Conneotiout in 1088.
bage salad, apples; Friday, tified. The d riv e r stopped to see
WflUam M. Anderson cn the v a ry sam e d a y the nation’s top from the state. 4, H e is an a d mi nistr a tiv e analyst
vegetable soup, tuna soled sand­ i f anyone had^been injured and
cerem onial machinery, in White House ’The board ■wIB disouas a sum­ In toe buftgat and research
The dentil o f some o f us seem s to wich, peadtes. then le ft the scene, poUoe said.
m er school program . division fo r the C ity o f H art­

and Oongress, w as turned to the busi­ Ooiqiles' M eeliiig
m altsr m ore than that o f others, even Herald Atbum Of Schools, Photo By A B. Booeivlolus BtMJTON ford.
ness o f hooorlng and acclaim tog the fact W A D D E L L SCHOOL Sand Yea, Bidioal N o Bomarco, Bolton M arried
though it is a change which renders us k b s. E rik a P U ver o f Echo A n ea rly sum m er' wedding Is
that three Am erican Astronauts, travel- T h e tow n highw ay d^iort- Oouplea d u b , w ill m eet fo r a
a > squaL ' M i., Vernon^ w a s d ia rg e d with planned.
tog in a most outlandish looktog vehicle ment took offense alt a stsile- haiA supper a t the Oommunity
Btot m ind the gotag m oot o f those who follow ing too d o a t iy after be­
ment In yestorday's H arald — Han tom orrow a t 7:80. There
which g a v e o ff all kinds o f strange, ing lnv«Uved In a two-car acci­
seem to have roost to g iv e to Ufe, who that stiioo l hod been called ott w a i be a tiiort busineoa m eet­
bring cheerful wanntfa to all their occu-
weird V gh ts and glows, and which chew­
Inside Report because the rw u k w eren 't sand­ ing.
dent W ednesday on Notch Rd.
The PU ver c a r struck t h e
Y em on

ed itself capable o f unbeUevable naviga­
and encounters, who seem to
much of thefar tim e thlnidng o f the
tional maneuvers, had just been out hov­ Yesterdays ed, espeatoUy alnoe the fjnen Hbeteoeea are Mrs.
hod been out since w t il befora Toner, Mra. G eorge RTHiams
Jam es re a r <a one d riven iby K aren
Soldier Killed
Lane o f Tw in HBls Dr., C ov­
ering ov e r the su rfaM of the moon. by dawn idcw lng and sanding and M rs. Hugh Gftlis.
w elfare and beqipiiieeB o f others, and
25 Yean Ago entry. There w ere no Injuries
In Vietnam Cited

R o w la n d E van s Jr. an d R o b e rt D . N o va k them. and both c a n received m inor
who, by such qualities, entwine ihem-
T h e reason, accord ing t o Su- Manchester E venliig Herald
selres alm ost indlasolubly Into the world
o f everyhody around them. Green H ills O f Earth WASHING’rON —Tjo one could south of the continental U.S.A.
M rs; Clarence Wood o f Wood-
bridge St. is Installed as royal Which Florence NlghUngaleT gains can be m ade in Um Inter-” perintondant o f Sohoola Joseph Bolton oorreqiondent, Oleme-
damage. M rs. P U ver is sched­
uled to appear fat Manchester Posthumously
matron of Chapman Court, Or­ To ‘ "Ih e Nurse A t The Hopper,” eats o f im proved patl^Mt c a r e - Castsgnoj, that schoot was weU Young, tel. 648-8881. Circuit Court 12 Jan. 27.
Ih eae w ere the qualities o f W illiam have been m ore surprised than cam e Just after the election called o ff w as two-fold; B e­ Several posthumous awards

, How pirecious are "th e green hills of der o f Amaranth. Y ou ’re absolutely right. I t ’s and nursing m orale and satis-’' ELU N O TO N
I L Anderaoit, a m em ber o f this Herald when he took a vacation at D or­ fo r b ra very In action h a ve been
earth” ! O alo Pl'Oza, the stoew d secre­ tim e to la y the cards on the faction. W e have no Intentions- cause th e highw ay departm ent
F re d Ford, 41, o f Mountain
fam ily since 1922. The list o f Herald I t took the voyage o f Apollo 8, out tary-general of the O rganiza­
ado B ay in Puerto Rico. Asked St. John’s Polish N ft 1 1o it- ta b le and call a spade a spade. o f assuming the responsibUtty'’ suggested that som e buses Seeks Divorce St., Ellington, w as charged vdth
presented the parents o f
employes Increased m any fold during on a rriv a l tor his opinion about a1 Church burns m ortgage note A rm y P fo. R andall Scott F letch ­
there to cur gray and lifeless aatelUte, You seem to b e so eulamant tor decision m aking that so-i tiimdd use chains because, hi N E W Y O R K ( A P ) — Joe m aking an im proper turn a lte r
tion of Am erican States (OA8), statehood tor Puerto Rico, A g ­ fo r $800. er, who died fai Vietnem .
the 46 years o f Ills own presence on that to remind- us poignantly o f this. F o r w e about upholding the "o ld e r rightfully belongs to the adm in-. sptta o f sand and scraping, the Louts, form er w orld heavy­ he struok a c a r operated by
when V ice President-elect Spiro new spoke right up: H e was M r. end Mra. V ic to r F letch er
Uri, but his own warming, cheerful, all, wHh the astronauts, looked back on view point’ ’ that your vision is Istrators. H ow ever, w e do wish ’ roods tended to be oHppery, and weight champion, is seeking a Stanley L u n es U , 28, o f Somers
h ien dly e ffect kept pace with all planet Elarth described by Archibald -Agnew telephoned him to ask fo r it, he said. 10 Years Ago obscured and you can’t see the to oom m ixiioate wrlth them to an.' beceiuM w eather reports ImU- divorce ITom Ms IM rd wife, on R t 88 yesterday.
o f U W arren A've. w e re pre­
’This response flew in the face sented w ith the Pu rple H eart,
gHnrih. And he w as id eal as circulation M acLeish as "th at tiny r a ft in the enor­ fo r a lon g interview on Latin forest through the trees. So organized way, so that o u r« coted th at the storm would con- Martha. A spokeeman said F ord is scheduled to appear
Manchester Lodge o f Elks col­ Stiver Star fo r G allantry,
mous, em pty n ig h t. . . sm all end blue o f the traditional attitude by here are the tacts behind t h e concerns and frustratlona w dll,
lects $238 In its annual cam ­ ttoue a ll d a y w ith worsening Louis asked M s w ife, a Los A n ­ In R ockville d r o u it Court 13,
manager, the final poeiticn he held, be­ Am erican affairs. Bronze Star Medal, Good Con­
and beautiful in thslt eternal silence mainland A m erican politicians 'is s u e a t Mamtoester M em orial be heard in a m ore positive w a y - oondittons. geles attorney, to seek the di­ Jian. 27. /* "
cause, wlUi him, a ll K anchester seem ­ ’Ih e date was Just before A g ­ paign fo r crippled children. duct M edal and the Com bat In ­
Where tt floalts,’ ’ and m any things cam e to keep hands o ff the most dis­ Hospital —one at a tim e so you than m erely through the ” gr^>e- A ooordbig ,to D r. Caafagna, vorce because he finds tt “ in­ COVENTRY
ed to be nothing m ore than a somewhat fantryman Badge.
clear: new and P laza made a joint ruptive Issue to Puerto Rl'co. don’t g et confused. vlne.” T Flzat Selectm an Richard Mbr- creasingly dUficult to provide G regory Begin, 68, o f Case
la ig e r fam ily. . The S ilver Star is the na­ Look out belowl
W e realized again the com mon interest Dec. 9 appeaxan'ce at the N ew Although newly-elected Gov.' First, the " fe w dissident I t ’s about tim e you stopped,, ra called the bus contractor, the kind o f home life his w ife re­ HUl Rd., Coventry, w as dicuged tion’s third M gheot honor.
When B ill Anderson retired last Sep­ o f all who voyage together, the need, Luts F erre favors ultimate A Thought fo r Today nurses" who a r e dissatisfied surmisiing. Y o u a r e the only one-., Jam es Rufinl, to ad vlM Mm quired.” w ith recklesB drivin g yesterday.
Orleans m eeting o f the National P fc. B le td ie r died last Au- Prepared to pay a Ford-Chevy-Plymouth price? Then pre­
tember, a fte r so m any years o f faithful as evoked by B ritain’s Queen Elizabeth statehood fo r the Caribbean Sponsored by the Manchester wrlth the current situation at who seem s to be dw elling on,, that chains m ight be used cn H e Is stiieduled to appear in
League o f Cities. A gn ew ’s pro­ Th ey have been m arried 11 guflt as the result o f wounds
service, a fte r so m any years o f being in her Christmas m essage to the Com- / island, the defeated Populares Council o f Churches M .M .H . are a total ot 8S per strikes and picketing. In it ’s en-.^ som e o f th e routes. Ruflnt then years. Both o f Louis’ previous Manchester Circuit Court 12 received in base cam p a t T a y
pare to own one of our betyjtiful cars. Prices plummet
monwealth, to remiember that " w e all / posal: W ould P la za ride back are adamantly against U. ’Ihus, cent o f the professional nurs­ tir e history the Connecticut- colled Oastsgna, and, togetoer m arrlagea ended in dlvoioe. downward as trade allowances soar higher day after day in
kind and thoughtful to others, it was Jan. 27. Minh In Vietnam.
belong to the great brOthethood o f m an.” Agnew managed to alienate at ing staff. These nurses m e t Nurses’ Association h u n ever
pleasant to look forward to hoped for to Washington In A gn ew ’s plane . . . as ypurself. M tt 22:39 our beautiful world. See all the other dealers and then get
The Quean rem arked that the "broth er­ least half the Island—and, er- and elected officers to lead and i»sed "a trik e” as a weapon.
years o f Indian Summ er In Ms life. Then so they could talk about Latin represent th em a t sdieduled T hey d o use "ctHlective our beautiful d e ^ . . . in black and white or any other
hood o f m an” has a splendid ring to it, roneousrty, put the Nixon admin­ H ow are you aw are o f your­
cam e the firs t cruel warning blow at but that it means Uttle in this hard and Am erica? m eetings to which e v e ry s taff gaining” however. A law passed* beautiful car color.
istration on record fo r state­ self? As part o f humanity —
his heart, and now there has com e the bustling ere: unless it can reconcile rival ’That w as the first word that hood.
nurse a t M .M .H . is invited. by our legislature on Oct. 1st '
986 M A IN ST. I N D O W N TO W N M A N C H E S T E R - 'T E L . 648-6171 - OPBIN 9 A .M . TO 6:80
(Choose From D em onstrators and Used C ars)
end. loss is not m erely his, but the crowd, the club, the church, Through these meetings w e cure 1967 g a v e nurses the legal righ t*
communities, conflicting religions, dif­ P la za or anybody else had P.M . - CLO SED M O N D A Y - O P E N TH U R S. AN D F R I. U N T IL 9 P M . - M U SIC STO R E S:
But A gnew ’s lack o f ex­ the fam ily, the union, the gang, endeavoring to expend our body to do this. C ollective bargain-
that of aH who would have shared those fering races and prejudiced nations. heard that President-elect Nixon 17 O A K ST., MANC3HB8TBR - T E L . 6484*171 - 241 A S Y L U M ST., H A R T F O R D - T E L .
perience Isn’t the only reason' o f knowledge and to upgrade Ing means th at nurses h a ve the w
riris and frien dly retirem eiit years. T o Then w e sensed the reqtHrement, pow has ■assigned important resipon- the rem em bered o r the forgot­ 632-7201 - W A T K IN S -W E S T F U N E R A L S E R V IC E - 142 E A S T C E N T E R ST. - T B U 648-7186
fo r unease am ong Latin diplo­ the standards o f our profession, right to sit down with m a n a g e -'
the gracious wom an who was his beautl- so v e ry urgent, to keep earth bright sibilitles to Latin Ameri'can pol­ ten? Or, as a person — unique­
mats. What bothers 'them more with the help o f the Ooimectleut ment to collectively figure ou t*
f u ly matched Ufe companion, our a f­ and beautifid and not allow it to become icy, long a stepchild o f U.S, pol­ profoundly Is the lack o f any ly human — an individual wrlth Nurses’ Assocsiaitlon, our profes­ th eir problem s ftnd to work ou t* 1
polluted and sm ogged and cement- icy-m akers, to Wb V ic e P resi­
fection and a sym pathy beyond words. sign o f a Nixon plan fo r that sional organizatloa. agreeab le solutions. Isn’t this >
ridden. M any o f us have suddenly realiz­ dent. But that is p recisely what particular as w ell as general
v ita l arena. Y ou claim that you a r e too the dem ocratic w ay ? I,
ed that nowhere else In the solar system M r. N ixon now Intends. character? Can you reach out
can one encounter these m ajestic forests, N o top State Department ap­ and em brace the person you are busy "nursing’ ’ to maintain the Y es, le t’s l e v ^ w ith our '
The two-and-a-half hour air­
these locg sw ells o f m igh ty ocean, these pointee, starting with Secretary becoming? O r do you try to be rights and p reserve the dignity tlents and the public,
Im possible Solutions Do A rriv e plane ride back to Washington Mercury Cougar XR-7 2-Door Hardtop Mercury Montego MX ComrsrtiUs
snow-clad slopes and m oving rivers, of Stalte-deslgrjate W illiam P. someone else? o f your profeeslim? I f this is nurses a t M .M .H . are dissatis­
that day was A gn ew ’s first .<ieri- what you m ean you’d better fied and frustrated w ltii the
Tfaia poor world, and Its poor oom- these flocks of fow l and Shoals of fish. Rogers, has m ore than a m ea­ Increasingly, our experience
ous exposure e v e r to what is go­ clean that window you’re look­ status quo. H ow ever, they a r e *
mentators, deserve the ocoesianal M ars harbors neither the monsters g er speaking acquaintance with Brand N«w M ercury Cougar 2-Dr. Hordfop
in g on south of the border. The
Latin Am erica. E ven at this late
demonstrates that the m ore one
ing out o f — because If you don’t, dealing with the sttuation in a . Brand Now iMurci
v i v r c u r y u n o n i v ^ v MX
p rivilege o f bringing up the m e m o ^ of ■pictured by H. G. W ells nor yet the Is able to accept himself, the
fabulous Princess D ejah Thoris» heroine
second exposure, also with P la ­
date, there has been nothing but m ore he Is able to accept and
you’ll find yourself without a proteasional and dem ocratic ^ V-8, white, blue leather Interior, autom atic, wfattewallo, C o n v tttbto
past Imposstbilitles resolved-to reinforce za, cam e last w eek when A g ­ way. * V-8, burgundy red all-vlnyl interior, white top, automatlo,

of the E d gar R ice Burroughs tiilee. P ro ­ gossip about the Identity o f the profession —fo r no discipline
th eir energy and patience for dealing new returned with m ore ques­ helo others. sports console, power disc brakes, power , steering, radio,
new Assistant Secretary of can survive wrlthout status and Sec you a t the round ta b le —’* courtesy lights, whltewails, poorer steering, pooror dioc
bably it is largely a windswept desert. R eca ll a tim e when you w ere tinted windshield. L is t P ric e 8860.
with thoee impossibilities next in line. tions. State tor Latin A ffairs. dignity. So isn’t It about tim e It worked tor K in g A rth u r,, brakea, radio, tinted wlndsWaUl, deluxe wbool oovors.
Venus is a hoithouse and the great outer especially negative and critical List Price $8660.
Fhr it is true, when cmd If w e rem em ­ Intim ates o f P la za report that why not us? ■»
ber, that w e have managed to em erge,
planets a re utterly inhospitable.
Sometimes, then, there echoes the lone­
the secretary-s'eneral, a veter­
A t one po'nt e arly ini the
transition period Mr. N ixon was
o f someone else and see If this
was not also a tim e when you
you assume som e o f your re­
sponsibility to the public and R .N i. B.S.^ SALE PRICE 63153 SALE PRICE 92993 n
in the past, from some difficulties wdiich, an Ecuadorean diplomat and become a little concerned about
ly rem ark o f a famous physicist who considered likely to name his
a t the tim e, seem ed just about as hope­
lessly dead-end to nature as some o f the
predicaments the w orld faces today.
aOked, "W here is everybod y?” He knew
thalt other suns must have other habit­
able planets, by the hundreds perhaps.
politician, was impressed both
with A gnew ’s qualities as a lis­
tener and flie caliber o f his
questions. Also Im pressive to
old friend, R obert C. Hill, as
an Undersecretary of State.
E ven though HIU wras somewhat
w ere unhappy wrlth yourself —
a fearful or anxious tim e — a
tim e o f threat.
I f I fear w a ter I m ay not
m atters affectin g your profes­
sional perform ance? T h e F lo ­
rence N ightingale I knew en­
couraged nurses to keep pace
Gifts Appreciated
Tb the Editor,
On behalf o f ■the patients and *
- W atkins January Clearance
The w D ild looks, today, at an impasse And som e life undoubtedly has through controversial diuing tours as B taff I f tile N orwich Hospital,*'
P la za was Asmew’s repeated in­ swim to the rescue no m atter with progress-She stated "N urs-
aeons o f developm ent reached that sliver Ambassadlor t o Mexico, Costa I wdsh to extend to y o u r *
, ov e r Vietnam, and at a chilling, sistence that M r. Nixon Intends how much I wrlsh I could. tog is a progressive art in which

Sale is still in progress!

o f tim e in which it has become highly Rica, and E i Salvador, some readers our thanks tor th eir '
desfienate rise in the enmities and the to g ive Latin Ameri'can affairs In our unique experience.s we to stand still Is to have g o n e
civilized and able to send signals across Latin diplom ats w ere ecstatic continued support of our an-C
dhtances between the neighbors o f the a high bi'Utog to his Adm inis­ discover our limits and our po- back.”
the void o f space. So w e are probably at the prospect that o re top o f­ nual Christmas g ift program . *
N ea r East. not alone; " I n m y father’s house are tration. fic ia l in the State Department tentlaHtles. The love of God Unless w e begto' to Im prove O ver tha years, the citizen s* Mercury Montcisir 2-Door Hardtop Comet Sports Coupe
T here seems, to any casual glance, to many mansions," said one who should Nevertheless, Latin Am erican at least would know how many seeks to work through us. You and update the policies which o f Connecticut t e v e been e x -*
be nothing better than a blank waU to know. diplomats here are shocked by countries 'there are to Latin are, for the better, loved by regulate our w orking environ­ tre m e ly generous to our patients* Brand Now M ercury M ontclair 2-Dr. Hardtop Oonwf Sports Coupo f D o nioiislivto f)
either aituatioin. But mankind finds no hospitable alter- — M r. N ixon’ s private designation Am erica. But H ill ruled him self another, not for being anybody, ment, w e wdll fall hopelessly at holiday tim e; and I k n ow * That's right! The Watkins January Clearance Sf^le is stiH underway. Once a' year a
of Aenew as one of his Latin but for being yourself — some­ behind In our m odem tech­ W hite, red all-vlnyl Interior, automatic, whitewalls, pow er Choice ot 7. B ig 6-cyUnd«r engine, autom atic, daltace
A g a in * iheae tw o situations, however, native to earth nearby, and so w e look out o f a State Department job.
body. nological ■age o f com plex nurs­
that to a patient writhout fa m ily * Watkins holds this remarkable sale, and each year it's a success. Every department steering, radio, stereo-sonic tape system , rem ote coa-
homeward with renewed appreciation Am erican specialists and are M oreover, M r. Nixon has not o r close friends deceiving a g ift „ wheel covers, w hitewalls, backup Hghte, padded dash,
there is one recent problem the world
and approve the sentiment of Robiinson skeptical on two counts—wheth­ Submitted b y: ing. F o r it is impossible to per­ Is a most heartW)armtog event.
has sharply reduced prices on almost all of its stock. Listed below are only a few of trol m irror, deluxe wheel covers. L is t P ric e $4073. radio, p ow er steering, plus rem ainder o f fa c to r y w a r­
m ight find some hope. and cheer to re­ yet accepted advice that ho pay
Jeffers who declared: " I t is only a little er the V ice President rea lly will a courtesy call on Secretary- R ev. Ernest S. H arris form highly specialized tasks, I b i s year, as In the pturt,* many items'available. But hurry! All items are subject to prior sale. ranty. L la t P r ic e $3888.
membering. „ Second Congregational or to use independent judgment
p la n e t. . . but how beautiful it is .” And numerous organizations and to -*
It is now over six years since A lg e ria w e ask ourselves whether our m astery
devote all that tim e and effort
to hem ispheric a ffa irs and
General Plaza. His only action
so far has been a p rivate tele­ Church or tor that m atter sim ply to do
one’s best w ork under the yolk,
dividuals contributed m any *
has been existing as an independent na­ o f our environment today is become too whether he really is capable of gram to the chairm an o f the hundreds o f gifts; and to them *
tion, with French force and French devastating. handling the Job. This skepti­
o f autocracy. all, w e w ltii a happy, prosper­ 2 cushion Lawson sofa w ith kick pleats and Famous D rexel W allace N utting. Collection.
Inter-Am erican Com m ittee of
You are correct to stating "A s ous, and sucessful N ew Y e a r. Invader Gold textured cover.
sovereignty rem oved. There was a tim e when mankind a c­ cism stems partly from Agnew ’s the AlUanoe fo r Progress, Dr. Bookcase Or D ining Roinn China. Finished in
cepted H om er’s Greek gods and every ca and the fact that there have an individual you can and M organ Martin,, M.D. REG . $269.00 N O W $165.
F o r seven years before that, there extraordinarily bad public rela­ Carlos Sanz de Santa M aria on been six Assistant Secretaries should make helpful, construc­
Pickled Pine.
had been an interm inable and increas­ tree, spring and hill had its g;uardian tions during and since the P res­ Nov. 7 promising to "strengthen Superintendent Contem porary Loveseat w ith walnut legrs. REG . $859.60 N O W $229.
spirit — a centaur, a faun, a dryad. of State fo r Inter-Am erican A f­ tive suggestions to the hospital
ingly brutal' deadlock between an oc­ idential campaiop.. and partly relationships and build stronger Loose pillow back. Royal blue antiqued satin Solid C herry G overnor W inthrop Drop Lid '64 M ureury
Christianity destroyed these pagan pro­ from the fact P ’a t he Is an utter bonds" between th e U.S. and
fairs In the last six years, that administration on im proved pa­
* “ Abrupt Change” cover.
'66 Lincoln '66 Com ot '65 M ustang
cupying French A n fty of 500,000 troops one telegram Is no more tient c a re.” W ell, this Is exactly Desk. H eavy brass pulls and block front. Committor
and the A lgerian guerrillas who seem ­
tectors of hills and forests, but it should novice to both Latin politics and Latin Am erica.
reassuring than M r. N ixon’s de­ what w e ore attem pting to d o . . T o the Editor, REG . $889.00 . N O W $289. 4-Door Sudan 2-Doer Sedan 2 plus 2
have wrought a new brotherhood, not U.S. foreign policy.
REG . $179.00 N O W $109. Sforion WagoU Burgundy, black vinyl
ed equally at home in the hiUa and to only am ong men but tor the protection
In v ie w o f Washington’s tra­ signation o f Agnew as one of B y w orking tWth administration, I would like to ask Dr. Don­ Colonial H epplewhite sin gle cushion loveseat. V-8, Wue, autom atic
A gnew ’s only known visit ■ ditional neglect o f La)tln Am eri- ald Hennlgan and Ronald Scott: Solid C herry Kneehoi!e Desk w ith 7 drawers roof, leather interior, air 6 - cylinder, autom atic,
the cltlee. hds top Latin advisers. w e believe that constructive Antique satin blue stria cover. M ahogaiiy ex­ Turquoise. V-8 ajitomatlc,
Seldom has 'the "honor” and the
of all lesser ideas. M an’s dominion over
the earth is not a license tor ruthlees
What has h a i^ n e d t o the Idea posed fram e. and 2 file drawers. Brass pulls. power steering. n 0 9 S
conditioning, power win­
dows, pow er seats, speed
white- w ith red
^99 9 power steering. $1195
"p res tig e " o f any great nation been so exploitation. This last year to Am erica,
of the neighborhood schools REG . $870.00 N O W $289. REG. $149.00 N O W $109.
control, .power S /n S C
which you gentlemen supported Small Drop L id Desk in solid oak. Storage
several m ore parks and unravaged areas Contem porary 8 cushion sofa w ith walnut legs. door locks.
directly Involved as it seem ed the honor
and prestige o f France w ere involved in
Ms e ffo rt to hold and control A lgeria,
at least to the degree o f being able to
have been locked away from the des­
There is a larger awareness that per­
Fischetti so enthualastioelly at the Octo­
ber m eeting o f the Lincoln
School p .T .A .? A t this .meet- •
ling it w as stated that the an-
Turquoise tweed cover.
REG . $229.00
Traditional, loose pillow back sofa w ith kick
drawers in base. H eavily antiqued.
N O W $149. REG . $248.00 N O W $169.
Small Ladies’ D rop Lid Desk w ith 2 drawers V-8,
*66 M ercury
white, automatic,
'67 Uncoln
4-Door Sedan
'66 Com ot
Station W ogon
'66 C ad iflae
White, red leath er Interi­
haps one cause of mankind’s x>resent un- © 1969 Chicaxo Daily News Dark green, full Continen­ e^yU nder good economi­
I ul.ll,hrr.;||,n,,,.. swrer to our problem wras not pleats. Red antiqued satin cover. and locking top. Mahogany. pow er steering. or, w hite top full power,
maintain privilege and consideration for e a ^ e s s Is that people have been pulling ■> tal equipment, r a d i o , cal transportation! Bur­
the eUnUnation o f U nooln REG . $489.00 ' N O W $849.'R E G . $222.00 N O W $109. plus air
aU the French people who had settled
there during A lg e ria ’s history as A
away too sharply from the natural forces
whlcto have shaped th eir environment. School but Instead a new school Tuxedo s ty le ’ loose pillow back sofa w ith arm M ahogany G overnor W inthrop D rop Lid Desk,
pow er windows, pow er
seat, new white- T g O A g
gundy w ith o ff m g e
w hite hiterior. Only'’’O O w
conditioning. SAVE
■ tor this district that would serve ■ '” vs. Blue and red document print o f beige.
PVench colony. Seldom has there been
an independence m ovement more fierce
M any are pleading tor m ore preserva-
ition of wilderness areiLS, for np more
dam m ing o f w ild rivers, tor a halt to
both a s an elem entary school
and a towm .rscreatlchal taoUtty
K . $489.00
H eavy brass pulls and block fron t.
N O W $849. REG. $498.00 N O W $819.
'65 M orcury Porli '
Lone 4-Dr. Hardtop
w all tires.

'65 Com et CoHonto

W 09w

'64 Ford Goloxio

'67 Dodge M onaco
in tone, m ore uncompromising in aim,
the lum berinjf-of prim eval redwoods, fo r and would tiill rwtaln the neigh­ Turquolae, m atching v i­ Convorriblo 4-Door Hardtop
than ttm t o f the native Algerians. m ore careful husbanding of earth’s pure borhood schooli concept. We BEDROOM DIN IN G ROOM nyl interior, y-8, auto­ Green, w h ite convertible
2-Door Hcffdtop
Tan, Mack vin y l roof,
W e know now. o f course, that the streams and unsmogged skies. ’This is w are led to believe that It the Contem porary Lane Cedar Chest w ith W alnut Famous Beals Round Extension Table that m atic, pdwer steering, top, V-8, automaiUc, pow­ Blue, black vinyl roof, V-8, pow er steering, fac­
terrible deadtock w as broken, that the
battle to the death becam e a liberation
no sim ple objective, given mankind’s
swift burning of the fossil fuels, the rush
referendum wras lost ■Ihe o n ly '
true solution wrould be 'to la-
REG . $79.95 N O W $49.
extends to a' large 72-inch. Maple. 6-way power M295 er steering. $1095 V-8, radio,
w hltewalU.
S D iC
''W d
to ry installed M gM I
REG. $149.00 N O W $99. a ir conditioning.
o f both parties to Ufe, that A lg e ria now to the cities, and the p o p u ^ io n explo­ vise the plans In order to bring E arly Am erican C herry Lane Cedar Chest.
the cost down and to resubmit Cushman M ates Chairs w ith antioue finish.
pooMsaes both the blessings and the
troubles o f freedom, that France stands
Y e t Professor Rene EhiboSt to his book them to the v o te r o f Manches­
REG . $89.95
M odem W alnut Bedroom Group.
N O W $55.
20% o ff
REG. $58.50 N O W $84.50 "Safe-Buy" Used Cars Can Be Beautiful, Too—
"S o Human an Andmai” (Scribners) ex­ ter. This project was t o reoeive Cushman 42-inch round table w ith antique
Open Stock group o f E arly Am erican Maple
liberated firom its enslavement to its old
cokmiaJ, Im perialistic ties to Algeria.
presses a faith "th at western culture,
and especially western, science, can be
p rio rity with the School B ooid.
The ab ove tiatem ents a r e B ^ ro o m including Chests, Beds, W all Cabi­ finish. This Is A Sample Listing—W e Have Many, Mqny More!
Although we know this is the condi­ nets, and Desks. 20% o ff REG. $176.00 N O W $99.
rededicated to values more lasting and prom pted by your aottons at
tion, w e m ight find ouradves confused if more significant than those heretofore the recent ’Sown Building Cbm- Tw in Bed Canopy Fram es. Cushman Oval D ining Table w ith antiqued
ITO tried to outline by Just what steps
and policies the Algerian solution was
Identified with technological and econo­
m ic grow th." This Is the challenge put
m lttee m eeting a t w iilch y o u
stated; " a cost appraiser m iglit
REG . $29.95
Full Size M odem W alnut Headboard.
N O W $10. finish.
REG. $206.60 N O W $129.50
arrived at. to us all, as we view the earth from help with future plans, adding ' REG . $89.60 N O W $19. 6-foot long Cushman T restle Table w ith an-

200,000 miles away. that a study o f Bentley, Nathan ^ M odem W alnut Bookcase Tops fo r 80-inch
W a can remember, however, that the tiaued finish.
’The Sierra club, in one o f Its beautiful Hale, and M anchestw G reen *
final chain of events had 'the m ost un- Chests. REG . $221.60 N O W $149.
Bulletins, reminds us that the late Adlai Schools m ight possibly result In «
Itta ty o f aH btginninga. I t was the re- Stevenson once w rote: " W e travel to­
BEG . $79.60 N O W $29. D rexel Esperanto D ining Roimi. Spanish.
the eUminaUen o f U n ccln .”
oaU fro m retirem ent and the return to gether, passengers on a Uttle space ship, This is an abrupt change fo r
Open Stock o f W h ite French Provincial ] ^ - . 20% o ff
oCttoe 0* head o f the French state of dependent on Its vulnerable reserves of someone who ardently siq>port- room Group including Chests, Desks, Dress- 48-inch Contem porary server. Pecky Pecan.
O harlM d e OauUe, a m aneuver which,, air find soU; oil com mitted for our safe­ ed the nelghbmhood stiiool oon- eiu, etc. 20% o ff REG. $170.00 N O W $99. “ Connecticut’s Oldest U n ed n -M eron ry, Cougar and M ontega D e a le r"
an 4( occurred, seemed to be the work t y to its security and peace; preserved oept iMft fa ll and I ask you, 1s
of F ren ch m ilitary end the hold-
from annihiiatlon only by the care, the ellminatton o f a sohool (H striot^ Open 9 A.M. to SiSO P.M.— Closed Mon.-r-Open Thurs. & Fri. until 9 P.M, OPEN EVEN IN GS — Thursday Eirtnings tM 6:00
work, and, I w ill say, the love we g ive the most probable answer?
A^MflA-ftt-All-oosbi faction to French
our fragile c ra ft." — W IL L IA M H. Helen OaU 315 CEN TER STREET, M A N CH ESIER PH O N E 643-5135
poitUoe.' T h e in vo lved and oompUooted
lu tm «t ■ te t». < le ti«e by degree, by
IN TH E C H R IS T IA N ^moLuw M m tm , use m ms£ to m m m/m i bast ^ Secretary
lin o o ln BotMOl P . T A .
Wi ilA N C H E S T E R E V E N I N Q H E k A L D , M A N C H E S T E R , O O N N ^ F R ID A Y , J A N U A R Y 10. 1 9 6 9
PAG E n n v i i t
South W indsor B o y C o a stin g nsenrof the hospitality commit-
toe. B o o k s D o n ate d A genciles T o ld
fiaifum Hale Day Panel Cub Scouts Anin
mAH. 11
Voor Daily AcHvHy Guida
" " ■ " /T l
A t P a r k H u rt
An elght-y«ar-old boy warn ad-
The guest speaker has served
a s an nseistant probation offleer
to r th e State Juvenile Court. In
B y B \u t i B V it li
Charter Oak Lodge of B’noi
M e e tin g D a t e s
D u e b y Jan. 3J
TV-Radio Tonight N o t n a lljr L a n y l A t
H o d m o f P ly w o o d
you ean b o y aa
Looks to Profit in ^69 Get Awards
According la lha S io n .
To develop m e tso g e for S o tu rd o y ,
read words corresponding to num bers
OCT. i t s
. A.lA-2i/r> mittcU to M anchester Memorial
Hospital yesterday with a frac­
his present poet is responsible
for school^iollce liaison, and B’rith has donated 160 copies
U o y d l Is p rttfin is liG d
lo w a a t-.i
NMhaa B ala D ay Oora- fo r th e flra t add fourth term
The following aw ards were ^TA U R U S of your Z odiac birth sign. ~
tured rtndl sustained in a sled- identification and aaelatanoe to
youth In conflict wMh the com­
of the B’nal B’rith AnU-Dafema- T elevision p a n f tl in g M p G iis iv * ?
t m at laat night, w ith honor roO aft H artford S tate AM. W ipg accident in Oeitter Springs Uon League publication, " Polios P erry M a an n par panel

ayer s
presented a t f te December 1 You 31 Check ^ICouse ocr. munity, famSy, o r school.
of th a Rotary Chib ThobBtoal Oonaga^ ^ MAT M 2HoM 32 Keep 62Monm P ark. He also received a Uuree- in Orlato,’' to Manchester CMn- Jfarr O rU ^
pNM nt, to dtooMi tlM oom- “1110 Wbtriawmya Square meeting of the Wapping Cub 3Pnp<o 33 Be 83 Your * wor.; Inch gash on the forehead, po­ He also serves as advisbr to huKHrae end oommMtoM that
^ 3-12-20-29 4A the MBC Youth Council, and as munKy College.
nMbufm flM iirtrt ■ttnaUm. and Dancers will danoa tomoiTOw Scout Pack 186; Three-year ser­ /49-52-82-87 34 With 64 Grosp 38^-40-434 lice say. He ie in satisfactory Jdn. 91 te tha deadtete to r fllk ^ Truth or Ooueequenow
5 Forgflt 35 Slow 65 Give 66-78B8B9< Manchester’s reproeentative to ’ The gift was m ade in response NalittKU--
dadtoad to y a a i t tta easa to m g h t a t th e O ap t Natbam Hale vice pin, Steven Andross, Rob­ U M IN I 6 36 Repoir 66 And condition today. wUh ib a tram elerk a aobedtfte uwe. -a-------
tba f lf a and Dram Ball Cma- School R egular caller Eld ert Reeves, Jeff Small, John 7 Rtsentmtnf 37 Someone 67 Tactful SAGITTARIUS the G reater Hartford Narootioe to a request to Malcolm O. Web­
8 Don't WOK. 22 A The boy, Jam es L eid of 68 Steering Committee. at r a ta la r maettege for the
n flto a, in Iiofiaa tk a t It might BiatM will ba on band and Waitt and Dale Wassenor; Two- 38 Less 68 Thon
Strickland St., w as s l i d i n g ber, regional dlreetor of t h e 2:W
y r r J UHt M 9W is« 39 Household 69 Feelings Antl-Defamatloii League in 1666 dalendar yepr.

ba « benaficiary c t the ball, rounds will b e cued by . Lillian service pin, Scott Beecher, t0B« ' 40 Items OfC. 21 g
rWl'-i3-59dO II Bt
70 Deols with his brother Mark, accord­ Ita addltton, he h as reihhMled roah Cbamaral
aU o h win probably bo h d d in And Paul Zepke. Soft-soled Michael Bentley, M ark Brown, :fe*4-71-79-90 41 Come 71 Attfoctive 19-22-23-50/< ing to police, on a hU Just east Divorced 2 nd Time New Haven, by Thom as . P . Opeimtton Bntertaai-
l2Contocted 42 Plons 72 A ^ t 5861-74 Oormore, head of MOCfs two- lha Board a t Kdaeatton, Uie Re-
th a a p aboea are required and hours David Dutton, Tony Bnes, Kev- CANCIR 13 Peevish 43 Clothir>g 73 Hot of the m ain eliding are a a n 'd MIAMI (AP) — A o tn ss C»o- devatepnent OoenmlaBkm, the (6) tJBjA.
a re 8-11 p.m. in French, Bruce Oeselman, UBe 44 Words 74 Trouble CAPRICORN
went down a path between some year law enforcement ourriou- Aftamoan Reinit „ Mart ariffln (O
H w oommtttoo’a altiiatioa la jm S J U H t l l
15 Should 45 To 75 AnsVfers DfC. 22 rtat DeHaven an d R ld iaid kim. The books are being used Houateg 'Auliiortty and the nnUi
—-— or <—
— Canseqiwacea 8:00 (04) W aohlactaa; Weak la Re-
I) What • N mt T TlDT"

anwiitliiiig o( a paradox, slnoe I h e M otheta Club will hold Ingersoll, Daniel Johnson, 16 Invitotion 46 Who's 76 Cleon trees there. FlndM r have divorced for a seo- BiRMing Oommtttaa that they
JAW. 19 in a couree taught by Oonnora.
Nafimn Bala Waakand, bald in bustneas meeting Monday Alex Jones, Scott Kenyon, Mi- 8-10-13-34 17 Dellberote 47 And 77 To He ran into the re a r of a ood t(me. roust file alao wiih the Secre­ . . W eatlier 8:80 I S ^ WOo m
Oomer Pjrle
18 Content 48 Diplomotic 78 You 14-17-21-35 bench a t the bottom of the hill Chairman of the com mittee 80) V oH ale's Navy
Saptonbar, was wUMy oonald- night a t 8 p.m; in th a Booth chael Nadeau and Clifford Oll- ■>'3
JV-Ab-S! 19 Arguments 49 Be ^ Opporttmities 48-85-75 Their second m arriage ended ta ry at the Btete’a ottlce, akioe OMOMD) ----- M enu of Om
20 Now that is cemented in the ground. siqqdying the books w as Atty. M) Who la . . Oeme
Dimock Libnaiy baaement, velra and One-year service pin, Thursday when Fincher, a FTor-
arad a tiwoaendoiM aueoeas, but
It loot moBoy, about 91,000. I t MemtaMa are uigad to atten d Oerald Fergtison.
JULY 23 21 Be
22 Or
50 Emotions
51 Heed
'52 Criticoi
80 Out
81 Expensivt
82 And
JAN. 70 A cruiser patrolm an brought
Wm to th e em ergency room.^
Ida state representattve end RoUarld Oostlemon. lhay axJrt aa a raaidt of atate \v the
V ^^ Botinn of
_______tho _____
tim e ____
town action on bylaws will ta k e Also, Denners, David Joensuu, AUG, 22 23 Keyed-up ni. II. auto dealer, won a divorce on a (X» Show
had iiudnttHken such a thing, ***^ fu rth er plana for th e Scott Kenyon and Donald Tay- 5-25A4-47 24 Moy
53 Your
54 Under
83 Or
84 Of
M-1S28-384 oounter- clahn of extrem e cruel­ Tha 1667 siato LeglalBture G uest Ccdler a:06 (40;
News (O
55 Hard 85 Pott L o w -in c o m e U n its panaad a UB wMch provUea for
aad the weekend included a
parade with o re r 90 vUltbig
F ath er’s N g h t Dance
wUl be diacuaaed.
lor; A ssistant denners, William
CoUlna, Bruce Kilgore and Cllf-
'35.49-64S5 26 In
27 To
28 With
56 Through
57 III
86 C hongtt
87 Gtntrofy
PISCIS D ig a n to Sp e ak
ty. He said Mtas DeHaven told
him she was going on th e road G e t F e d e r a l F k in d s
the ffibig by local and state
Max F o n q « ie of InUampoHii.
IixL, will ba guest caller a t a
6:15 CSO) Lodnip
6:16 ( 8) Wbndorfol WoiU of
------ ) J M d For the .
88 Itomt with a musical, "Golden Boy,’’
fU b and Dram Oorpa, a mock ___.__ _______ _ _ __ ford Oliveira;
----------- citlsen, William 29 ^ ^ y _,-S) 6 k l R ep o rts 04040) Star Trdk
89 C louts
O f D r u g P ro b le m an d would not return to Miami. BRIDGEPORT (AP) — The ooiiedule of meettnga w tt special dance aponaored by the 6:80 (M) Whet’s NewT U:00 lO -l^ M j^ ) News, Ideal for urn in 1
Raaohitlonary — , War.— -------
battle,, _ _ Collins, Tony Enes, Steven Per- 30 Benefit 90 Todoy MAS. 7 0 ^ ^
ally-sponsored low-lnoome hods-' be oo file tor InepeoUon In the Mancheater Square Daiwe Ohib ^ll^iWSJtra C ra^te_(C ) W orkrtups, etc.
baB, and the dedication of th e werdo, Alan Oough, Alex Jopea, ^ N c u tn l 2- 7-26-31J Mlee DeHaven, who Uvea in ^ ---- --- Reynoida 1(3)”
Oapt. Nathan —
Hale SehooL Oantoer, t e l 749-8785. 33^7 lio b ert J . Digan, coordinator New Totl^ did irot appear in ing here is getting 93>(i>4,980 for town oterit’s ottine. Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. a t Whd- (1O4M0) HunUey’-Brinldey , . ____BpeotaciSar
M atthew Leavitt, Donald Tay­ mbdernlaaitlon from the D epart­ deB School. * (UMOOMA Tonlsht (O
of Youth Servloes for ’The c o u rt Fkadier agreed to pay P iM o Act 728 afatea thait no J
6:45 (S) ) News 1/8” — 4x8 S H E E T
R alao included a lamb bar-
nsKh^m^y,*’‘tbe^l!^ D A R A n u o u n ce s
lor and Paul 2!danls.
Also, aquanaut, Tony Enes,
Chester Board of Education, wlM
q>eak about "Teen-agera and
$400 a month attmony end 9400 a
month support for their two
ment of Housing and U rban De­
regular meeUng of any offlotal
body may be heM sooner dian
Mr. and M ra R u a ^ White 7:00 ( 8) Death VaHey Days (C)
will cue the round daitoSs. Thtt-
JmU kovle
-w T Sot “
Daniel Johnson end Paul Zda-
nis; craftsm an, Steven F ^ -
P u b lic R e co rd s the D rag ProU em s,’’ at a m eet­ diUdren, Horry, 0, aiMl FaJth, 6, HUD Indicated ThunMay that 80 days attar the iRing of a eta m ay be obtained from any
w hat_________
amounted t o , 8
C o n te st R u le s W arrantee Deeds Ian . 11, S t Bridget Church. ing of the Ladies of St. Jam es an d give Mlaa DeHaven a new the funds will be administered schedule.. committee m em ber o r id the 8/16x4x7 1/4” — 4x8 S H E E T
Fife and Drum Oofp» m usiw , w erda and Matthew Leavitt;
gold arbow, Howard Kahn; sil­ F red ’Tedford to Rudiriph V. ’Thomas Ja m es Harvey, 28 Monday at 8 p.m. In S t Jam ea’ ca r Manually. through the Bridgeport Housfiig NoMoe of a apeotal meeilng door. R adio
provldea the meals for the
vhdtlng corps, and Uds was one
of tha tachnipalltldb th a t was
piagnlng the com m ittee: How
‘Tbe D aughten of the -Ameri­
can Revolution have chosen
"Heroines of th e American Rev-
ver arrow, Scott \lTsneskl;
wolf badge, M atthew GonUck,
Howard Kahn and ’Theodore
arvl May Lou Plerro, property FM^> Rd., ‘and LUUan Daley
on Dartmouth Rd., oomneyanoe W anier, 96 Broad S t, Jan. 18,
912-66. North UMted Methodist Church.
School HaS.
Mrs. Donald Briggs is in
charge of the program, and
They were divorced first In
1968 after seven years of m ar­
riage, then rem arried Jan. 19,
Atdhorlty to upgrade F ath er
Panlk Village, PMneas T. Bar-
num Apartmenta and tha
muet be given not leas than 24
houre pater to ih e. time of the
meeUng, by porting a notice of
The gucMb caller has operated
hie own square dance hail since
1950 where he com pote claaees
( lU s Usttng Inchidee only those newa broadossta of 16 o r 16
minute length. Some et attone c a n y oflier short newsoaste.) * 2.88
Far F un I

to feed about 600 visiting corps-

man and their families. Then
oluticn’’ a s the topic for its an­
nual Ameiioan history essay
Rankin; bear badge, Michael
Bentley and G ary Hammlck;
Lloyd A. and Betty L. Lum bra Richard Albert Roy, Thloott-
to Sehastlan and Conoetta A. vtHe, and Doima Lee Randall,
Mrs. George Dickson is chalr- 1908. Charles F. Greene Homes. 4he tone and place with the
town clerk.
and has a fuB program of
square dance chibs raid pUbHc 7:00
5:00 Hartford HI(ldlchU
8:96 StrkXly Sports
6:86 Afternoon Bdltlon
6 :« BU RHpoit (< 0 ON-THC-iOB nNISHINQ
, Vinyl Panels
contest. dances. He has been callbig for 8:00 OesUaht 7:00 Aooent 09

tha Rotary Club offered to hold
Students in Grades 5 through
showman, Michael Nadeau; Greco, property a t 28-80 Cooper 162 Loomis St., Jan. 11. S t Hrawver, an emergency pro- 26 years and travels thioughout 12:00 Quiet Houm 7:15 Now AUTUM N (Comi^tely Watriudble)
the barbecue, with the com­ sportsman, M ark Brown; out- a t , conveyance tax 941.80. B ridget, Church. virton for apeotal meeUnga per- w ro r u - iu t 7:90 Osvtd Brinkley
8 in public, private o r parochial (tooraman, Steven Ferw erda; th e United States and OStiada 5:00 Denny CUytoo News of the WoiM 4 x 8 H A R V EST
m ittee footing th e bill for the Neva E. Laine to Carlo F. Building Perm its mtta a mertteg wttfaout the fU- 81 . _ Pop Ooooert
schools are eligible to partici­ artist, Donald ’Taytar; scholar, and EUa QuagMa, property on George F. Burke Oo. for B er­ tag of the tkne and place, pro­
to fulflU hia caU ng engage­ 6:00 Dick Heatherton
9:00 Steve Iforsan 9:06 N Atbent PLANKED ROSEW OOD 96M
pate. The nam e of the school Paul Corooran; arrow of Bght, ments. 1:00 Oery O lrsrd U:00 News, W eather W A LN U T $!
The w eather held, the bar^ OolumtMa St., conveyance tax nard Pesao, aHerationa to dwell­ vided that the mtautea of eueh 11:15 (" ^ rirt#
t s Pinal
grade and home address of Scott Ingersoll, Clifford Oliveira, 9M.20. ing a t 97 Osshman Dr., $1,000. w m r—1996 U:80 Side of tha Day
beeue was outdoors, and $400 th s oontestant miwt be fur- Robert Reeves, Jeff Small end B. Heuoci ft Sons for State
a special meettiig, seMhig foeth 6:00 News
6:15 8 ^ UP 4 x 8 SIENNA W A LN U T
worth of free meals were given nirtied trtth the essay. Wilbur M arkham to the RAW the nature of the emergency TE A K
to th e vlaltors. TUs Is a p a rt The length cf the essay is
John Waitt. Co., property a t 829 E. Center Connecticut, dem ohsh indus- 2 5 4 B R O A D ST. T E L 6 4 3 -9 4 7 9 and the proceedlnga at toe E ig h t T a k e O a lii 6:16 Speak V o B aitfoid
1,200 WeUs in Mideatt TO N E $4.79
All boys a re asked to turn In S l, conveyance tax 930.80. tria l building a t 1273 Tolland 6:45 Lowril ■nio
____ LONDON — There a r e only I PECAN
of the committee’s ladebted- meeting, are flled with toe town
determined by th e grade of the
oontertant. Grades S and 6 will
their registration money for Quitclaim Deed Tpke., $2,000. oletk wMMn 73 houra. O f G itize n sb ip 6:66 Phi] Riszuto
7:00 The World Tcnlsbt 1,200 w e lls producing In toe I M ISSION
1969, which is 91, os soon as B erttia Relnke WetheroU to Robert Peck, alterationB to 7:90 Frank Oiftord
The re st of the money is owed be 800 to 600 words; Grades possible. The n ex t committee Eight cu«a people becam e nat- 7:80 ^>eak Up Sports RQdtSe Esaft, com pared wtthi| 4 x 8 JAD E ELM CHERRY $4.79
to 'th e Fife and Dram Corps,
who tootad biUa for the com­
7 and 8 are 800 to 1,000 words.
Typewtltten copies a re not re­
meeting Is today.
Young OOP M eeting
Jam es E. and Ehnma Taggart, dwelling a t 73 Milford Rd., $1,-
property on We»s 8L, convey­ 000.
J ft J Sign Co. for Frank
January Carpet Sale ViWit C h a n ge d
ui'allzed U.S. citizens this morn- 8:10 S p e ^ Up Bporis
8:80 Speak Up Hartford
iTig In U.S. D istrict Court -In 11:30
TSdOOO in th e United States.
Deqftte tU s, the Middle E ast
4 x 8 {UMBER
mittee, since it had no funds quired. However, if one is sub- TT*e Young _________
ance tax 918.20.
William G. M arkham and Wymen, sign at 484 E. Middle
B arry PVuber
Hsutford in ceremonies w i t h 19:15 Sion Off
oonUnues the top producer with I BLONDE
to work with. W A L U T O -W A U 406.6 million tone of oil ex-1
In lerrlewlng
ewiiaa these ftusts
facts last
mKted, it roust be accompanied
by ona in tfae studant's o w n
will m eet tmiight a t 8:16 a t the
Podunk Mill p/>>w»rf Roxana M. H arper to
H arper to W lb u r W.
w itbur W. ^ $160.
^ ’ VI
B y B lb od ln io b ile w
Judge T. Em m ett Ctarte pre­ 6:00 Afternoon Bdttlonn o— iaaa
traotod In 1667, com pared with I . W A LN U T UUAN $6011
siding. 8:00 New*
O c S d tte e Chairman hL dw ritlng. T h r c ^ m L ” Markham, property a t 829 E. Ot»«y«rs i ^ n ^ t t o n for '464J1 mUUon toaie In the United |

LUXURY They are : Mra. Claudta Mon­ 8:15

The location tor the monthly M arket Report
W srtey Lewis
>wt8 emphasised
emphasised that ber of words and a bibliography Campaign' and a social hour
a Camnaiem’’ 6:90 W eather Statae.
S t Jam ee’ C hurdi to Catholic ^ Hartford Rd., $260. Jted Cross Bloodmoblle visit to aco of 848 Main S t, Mra. Eleo­
th e committee, in setting ito th e
WBSkend, had abeolutely nooting
in th e way of precedents to
m ust be included. Overlength
essays a re disqualified.
Ea<m grade wlU be Judged
will follow.
___ Cemeteriea Association of the ™*>Uc Sign Service for B urr
Archdiocese of Hartford Inc., Nurseries, sign at 402 N. Main
Mianehester has ^ e n changed
nora Noryk of 8 O resem t CSr-
de, Rockville, h&a. R ita H. Shop-at-hom fl 64t-28S6
from the Salvation Arm y (Cita­ Newton of Phoenix St., Vernon,

worfe with. M istak e were separately. ’Ih e wlnnerB of the •Forced Landing 27.B6 acres of cemetery land off 91®®- W h G n T h tt O e e A i i o i i C o Bb f o r F to w ttn ,
the westerly side of Broad St. del to the Concordia Lutheran Mra. Ping Wang C hra a n d
made, Lewis asldl but if the local chapter contest will be Church, Pitkin St. Wen Helen Chen cf 484 W. Mid­ S to w H o o n : M n L -S A t 9 A J i . to 9 P J L
weekend is ever run egaiiK a eligible for ihe state DAR LA PAZ, BoUvla (AP) — St. Bridget Church to Catho­ Drug Addiction Up T h in k ^ T h tt
President Rene Barrientos and lic Cemeteriee Association of LONDON—The BriiUch Home The visit will be Wednesday, dle Tpke., Robert E. Lavoie of It s so to chooee the right psneliag in yam own
oommittoe woifld certainly know American history essay ccty-
what to do dlffererttly.
dne of these things would be
33 other persm s were in a plane the Archdiocese of Hartford Office says th e number
that made a farced landing 90 I"c., 15 acres of cem eterv land of known d r^ .a d d ic ts In Britain C R C S IJA N A C R Y L I C
Jan. 15 from 1:45 to 6:80 p.m.
Persons who made appoint­
19 Somerset Dr., Renato Bon-
etU of 63 Homestead St. a n d ParkhiU-Joyce hom a w here you can eee how it blends with your
I present furnlshfaigs. Our paneling expert will arrange
ments for the Salvation Army SahoUno F . DlOregorlo of 66 a co n v e n i^ t appointnuent, bring samples, mestnira and O o m a r e t H flH ard S t r o a t — M m e h e a te r
the sole of m uster buttons.
<hro(«b ahleh the committee A P la n t
miles south of La Paz. One pro- to the w est of Oakland St. and increased from 1,849 in 1966 to
■ the north of N. School 3t.
Pe>l«r of th e a ir force C47 came to 1,729 to 1967, In the meantime are asked to keep the sam e ap­
pointment for. the new locatlmi.
Elizabeth Dr. Flower Shop give your oast rigita there. S o nwigaH...
could have rnade about 91,500. Z h .l O I H l C I T l o l l l off in fHght and the pitot m ade a Attachmeata 102 addicts were considered Choose from Celeste tipped sheared or Frank Oskelsr,
But only about $600 worth were P l a n U f M l I n on eerg in e landing, WHe Motors Ihc. against Ctor- cured and there w ere 274 con- " T h e Red Cross ' says blood 061 MAIN 8T„
aold, and this in itseU would ^ lU O ia ie a w as tho worst Oitoig wMch ence J. Tedford, property off viotions tor iUegal' poeseaslon of Sylvan Plush in 12 colors. Installed with supplies a re far from being re ­ F u n d s’ L ac k F o rc e s (Next to Hartiord Nsttonal
have m ade the difference. The nesw LONDON C o n n ^ h a p p e n e d to m e In all my Birch Mt. Rd., $500. heroin. Registered addicts can Sq. Y d. plenished, end all healthy don­ .C f tth o lic S c h o o l M e r g e r Bank)
M arriage licensee 32-oz. padding. ors a re being urged to help re ­ a Y B S -W li D1_________
llX IV liB a
obtain drugs legally in Britain Rcff. 111.95 Fhoaeat OIMWI—a u .i4 4 i
Charles Robert SturwoM, while uTtder treatm ent. lieve the situation. HARTFORD (AP)—State Bank
handled diffeirantly the next
t i m ^ committee m em bers
atomic power plant In Oonnec-
Ucut and It may be built at Red Cross offlctals say it will y ear experiment in the Stam ­ R e a d H e ra ld A dvertisem ents
be several weeks before even ford diocesan school system wlU
®****^- • Millstone Point here, the com- end when Presentation High
The boll broke even, although pany said Thursday, a m inim al'supply of blood can
School is rejoined with Stam­
some profit w as expected. Other if buUt here, it would be be stored on the shelves of the ford O a t t x ^ n g h .
eoqjenses Were covered some- Millstone’s third such plant. The Blood Center.
The Rev. M artin B. Httchoock,
vdiat by tfag sale of beer and first is about 70 p er cent com- Volunteer workers are now

U & n u a r y V trM t& S & t& l

chooesan superinfendettt of
" . 5 Is already contacting past donors, making schods, said ’Ihuraday the m er­
The oommittiee, with a bal- projeOteU ton la tw construction, appointments for the January ger hod become neoessary be­
once now of a little more than 'The first unit, ejcpeoted to be visit. Mra. Myron Bogllsch, cause of personiKl aitd financial
9100, agreed to pay ott one-sixth completed late this year or chairm an of the M anchester problems.
of its debt to the Rotary Chib, early in 1970, will be capable Bed Cross Blood Program , As concelveU three y ears ago.
Dry Cleaning Discount Sale
then w ait and see w hat the Fife of producing 600,000 w atts. ’The urges peraomi who have never Presentation High w as opened
and Drum Ball committee de- second plant is engineered for given blood to phone for an ap­ as the counterpart for girls of
d sio^ would be. ’Ihls year 800,000 watts, pointment o r just walk Into the Stamford (JatboUc, w hldi was
woiid be the fourth Fife ^and William D. Victe J r., North- church on Jan. 15. to become eTcolusively for boys.
Drum Bell, and it is now tfadi- east’s public information super-
tianally a benefit afliair. Last visor, said the third plant would
year, each of three groups re- be comparable in size to the
ceived about $600 from th e iirst two.
event Viets said a number of sites OFMANOBESTEB
Bniw fo Board have been mentiemed for the
Donald W. Perkins of Cov- "®'w plant and Millstone Point
entry bas achieved high henors among them. 54 M f e K R s n o r
K x p iic s F ri>. 2 8 , 19«9 Is the tim e to bring Is ; ' eeMese to he repaired.
ExipiiCB F e b . 2 8, 1969 Storm wlndaiw i
M E N ^ L A D I E S ’, P L A I N , 1 P I E C E

M E ir S , L A D IE S ’ P L A IN
$1 65
op ■ a V w AUTO euss IHSTALLED
C kaned end F k d s h ^
( l i m i t 8 t o a (jo n p im )
C k a n e d a n d P re o a e d JL OUSS FURNiTIHIE TOPS
mRRORS (FliiphMt M Dtotr)
Reg. 91.65 ( F o r T r im E x t m ) Beg. 6 S 0 6 j
PIQTimE FRAilllie (all typM)
HomsTwim Coupon M ust Be rraaw ited W ith Item s L eft FVir i

A lj g E N 'S ;
I an d C arry Only OoupoB Moot Be Fraarated WUh Ifama L eft F e r ----------g ' Peek s a d G erry Only

WINDOW and PUTT SUSS B y ^ tE A N A U N " L29 S
49 »
T u b E n d e a n r s a fn em 980 to 946 ^ o a Inatallatfam
area rugs "M O N T C L A IR "
COUPON [1I M 3 I D . D . E IS E N H O W E R , D E C A N T E R AIIHmo fashion grant.

FIVE 1969 E x p ir e s F e b . 2 8 ,1 9 8 9
E x ^ r e s F e b . 2 8 ,1 9 6 9
M. L . K IN G

R . F . K E N N E D Y ...................................
.W K W aSV eV
i l l * RA xfiS
^Ciyilal Poloco* towel
oneambloe hovo Ihexlng
of toxiura p l^ a d
against the richneee of
eellde. In a sweep of
morveleue colore. Can­
72x90 blankets
$ 1 .2 5
im 2 l
non-tow eti ora pucksr

MUSTANGS 5 1968 C A M P A IG N B O T T L E S . . . s e t Our m etl M pular rug a t o grant law free.

SKiiiTs or m ouses M E N ’S B U S IN E S S ■
1967 BAG X M A S P L A T E S
1968 BAG X M A S P L A T E S
pries. KhT% ylicoea rmravon n c c .- ..
plla with rubberised sIcliLraelelani A grant blanket value from Chatham. Made of 63%
P k a ts E x tra
r Om T mm backing. 12 dacornlor wlore. ro)^on aratoto and 33% ocryllc — for warmth without
L a n n d e r e d to P e r f e c tio n ’ll
C lea n ed a n d F in is h e d Reg. 60c ( M u s t B e I n G ro o p s o f 5 ) weight. 6" nylon binding. Groan, roro, blue, turduoira,
K Beg. Slo ex. gold, pink. If first quality, 3.98 each. •___________ ■ ■
Coupon M ust Be Presented W ith Item s L eft F o r i I and C a n y Only Ooopon Mnot Be Freoanted WUh Item s L eft F o r Oleoning^-Oeah and G arry Only

5 proud performers B A U C H 'S !

Yarn! ,& ( x f k r p j U c e d ] IfDKP e M e e t


**In A n E le g a n t
B lo d c m D e d g n ”

Gat A Set of ThcM BeaulHul Olatset While They LatH i*>XVaVCVe*>C
Home Of worsted FAMOUS

D O IT A LL— 4 es., 4 ply knlttlnn th o c e n i f e d p illo w th a t g i v e t
Qualify woretM yarn. Over 60 y o u a g o o d n ig h t's s le e p
SEN D YOUR coJore to chooee from.
Pull ekaln. 88*
DRY Cleaning . 4
mattress pads
MUSTANG MACH I ' — ‘000 DN. • 4 O Z ., 4 PLY O R L O N
CLEANING --P lu $ ^ SALE 21x31 A m fco r B tm d F ltta d i
W IT H Y O U R Prompt n g e ta r fy i . i f
21x37 10.93 89x16 89x16 838
SHIRTS! — r^im ndsUtsusL.
4,.Wh# 4 ply ^ o n eoy- Pilled with l ^ r a l 7 tm.-the poly
GET WITH THE GOIHG THIHGAT % Service! olla w ontod walghl 14x16 64x16 K (96

Machine washable
yarn. O iolca of 40- w thout moning. ^Aochlne dryoble

muon f o r d
617 Moiii Street (Comer pf Pearl) Across From Mary Cheney library
H* Retolne ih eoftr
end buoyancy. Nan-allerganle.
^n«ti Firmly quiltod, strongly bound. Anchor bands or flltod
Btylee. Famous quality, liaoe for twin or full bode.

H O U S E & .H A LE
ir ir ic "T O L L A N D C O U N T Y 'S F IR S T A K D O L D G S T D R Y C
m ee B S I lA M J S H M G N T r ' ir i dow ntow n m a in s t r e e t , M A N CH ESTER
O p o n 6 D a y a — Tlnuna. ti l l 9 P J L • 648-4128
T R I-C IT Y P L A Z A — V E R N O N , C O N N .
Section Two FRIDAY, JANUABY 10, 1909
W eiss Plans to Go Ahead Leads B n ^ life , dlanrl)fatfr SvEttitto IfEroUi FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1909 PagBM IS
Wedding Sweeney Cites Rom e Role
Police A id Compact
Robert B. the dlraentlng dbaotor s a id .
i'p M L at B a lm « Weiss araimmed today be la Tha dlraeiitar said be did not
Akxander - Mlnney
Mtos M ary BUaabalh MInnay
Boy, 15, to'Wrfle
Ift Confession Disclosure ;: Visit Rule
Still Same
Signs o f Zodiac Fight Inllatifni
Campaign Begins
400 Mata S t
iSl S tem of going abaad with plfpe to Jote
Omreb the MBtual Fcitoe AM( Oanpaot
U rta i wiU IM in wttfa ttie 01^ of Raittord a n d
area toams “ ia vtow o f the sop-
m tj aaU at Sm fo- port vetoed by the Board of
want to pUbUoly voioe bis ob-
Jectlona to tha compact wttbout
Some poUoemen reportetSy
have objected to the plan.
The oompaot is aimilar to a
and Thomas Robait Alaxandar,
both o f Manobaator, wars tBdt-
ed In maiTiaga flstarday mom-
Ing at tho Church o f tb e , As­
Tbe bride la «ha daughter ot
(A P ) — Arthur B^yaa OOopart A kn g noon recess yesterday
who has lad « busy Ufa, bra de­ foUowad tha surprise disolosure
cided it is Mgh time he wrote that Tolland County HQh Sher­
ids autobiotnphy. So what? So iff Paul Sweeney had obtalnad
Arthur is otdy 10 yedra oWL
Tbs Ugh point o f Arthur's ea- a private admiaalen of guilt
raCftod maniar. Tba Mgli riiar-
Mt of Tolland OooBtjr slnos 1164,
he to knows for quist, unapso-
tamdar wotk.
Until tost July 1, be had also
been the bead of tbe ToUond
* a

At Hospital
* WUh tha flu aspactad to ba at «
Fashion Trend
. tiara Page OnS) opal fouadsttan tor a sallow
B y M otf8 Chain
Tbe tivstve otoiea of the
Matt’s Shop-Rite Super Market
chain ta Oonneeticut and MOs m -
J u n i o r M i» %
T o € ^ e Award
M ite Tnairaa V fls fl at IH b p
mutual^|dd compact tor f i r e ^ otrongaot tfarougb llita
SUBday teon 1 to DIreetors,” RTlltam T. Mbmey o f 2B0 W. rser to <aztis came 'When a paper from Roy Darwin five yearn Stale Jafi. K was In bla oMtoe akin and a fereen foundation fer cfausetta wIB tounch an all-out
fighting which tbe town lifes saontti, Manchaater Mrtnarial a totally dUforrat astroiogar Junfor Mtos” w K appear e g gw
« SM V to t pan. WeiSB aakad for a eleaad ses­ Center fit The bridegroom is be wrote was one of 80 cho— i, ago. The oourtroom bagaa to at the JaS, tbat DanHn, Saras P ptattal la sUn tnelitaeWittiy a ruddy sHn. campaign to ’ ’Eight taflation”
«h a awCTiata Ibat sion with the diractora Tuesday Joined. A member town can the son of M f. and M fs. Robert out of 1,800 submlttod, to be be filled with qwetatora tor wrote tha otbar day. Scoapto is "tatud Davte aw w ” CB i r m
ney testiBad, made bta sdmls-. rastitatlans announced Aa for tlM sinuous, clingy look by tawertag prices wherever
taMMas. to do ao malH night, wMtta lasted about an requeat a police officer or of­ M; Alexander o f fff Thomas Dr. read a t llia.rsoeiit U tb General the first time sinoe the trial tits sign of mysbary wMoh p ^ b le and holdtag the Une on BahirdBy at 640 pm . to paatt
rtoo. Sweeney gava'lq> tbs Job ?0ac/l8. forecast because iof Scorpio, al­
oataMMtonB to tba hour, to dtsouM the compact.. ficers fully eqtdpped fnmi an­ The Rev. Bmeat J. Coppa of Asoambly of the Inteniational began. The news hod spread o f Jail administrator, aftar ttM means rttoging, olmioas d r ^ most every designer brought all others. ant fha Mareb ot Dtaara A raw t
other town to help that town * Tba nafartotians lim it vlattora
fXiBd ct OHter Oon- Along with PoHoe Chief Jamea the Church of tbs Assumption Gecgpaphlcal Unton In New Del- that obviously Atty. John Shea, raocgantaatlon of tbs' state Jail (to tbose mambecs of tha ww. ary, and aU tantaltoing tbiiiga. forth some graceful garment By stresttng that a shopping on behalf o f the Hartford OOraa-
Ctezrcfa or to tba M. Reardon and the managar'a hawSe an incident Requests performed the double-ring cere­ M. ty Ohapfor.
can he rafuaed. The requeatlng Darwin’s oounoel, would further zyatem. tfMdtots famSy wbo ara oom- Oomktoring all tbnt to bafaq Uke a Grecian tunic. Tbe lady dollar always did and always
S ibM uH a tba aselatewt, John B. Haridns, mony and waa celebrant at tbe Tbkddng It over on tba ratum queotion S lM tff Sweeney. SherUfo ware given a obotoa Ptotely fttae o f angr flu or flu- reoponslble for the Grecian will go further at Mott’s Shop Mira o n o B . B asaflss^ te
Weisa explained toe compact, town murt pay for any beto. mqptlal Mass. Paul Chetelat was Cfght from bMHa th4 lanky high exposed Utose days (even whan
Reapoodlng oCfioets will be un- SwesiMy had told a stunned of ztaylng on as coivactlon dl- ^ aymptems. No cMldtan ara theme in modern clothes, laa- Rite, Ihe company hopes to con- Boat CathoUc H lgh ^ M a tt! to
a dlreotor later aald. organlat and aolotat Potnsettlaa soboal Junfor decMed that he a designer puts a HMiig m a vtaoe oonsumera that riwppiiq'
reetor or rsmslntag riiertir. sJkmsA ta tba hoapttal, altiSar dora Duncan, received credit a ttndaitt at tba U M ran W t t
AMMUgb toa toarn manager te r tbe authority of the oom- were on tba altar. should prodiXM Ms' life story opurtroom that Darwin had Since die state aras pUnMng to laoe drsra, tbe'ltaSng to of or­ In Warner’s coUection of Isa­ at a Mott’s Shop Rite super­ Oorawcticu t Appaartng with bsr
manding officer of the town ,to vU4t pattente or to watt In
does not need the dlrechw’s per­ Tbe bride waa given in mar^ wMle the facte are fraeb fci privately oonfsosad to blm abandon tbe ToUond JaS, SWaa ganza wUob to Just M tn as- dora nightgowns and robes, market Is a logical place to wlB ba Mira Fafrteta m oat at
“ that he had not as yet told ti*a loltay while thair psranta
Obituary mission to have the town Join
the conopact he asluftl the di­
rectors’ support and got tt from
eeekbig the help-
Fun legal and insurance pro­
tection wiB be given the town
riage by bar Isltaer. fibe wore
a fuil-lmgth gown of ivm y peau
"H e told me,” eald tbe boy’s Ms U w yen that be hod kUled
nay’s oboica was assy.
Under Ms admtntatratioa zinoe
Bldward K . Ksmay, sdiubi-
parant) a foOMon w riter must
think twloa before tito daoldas
Mgb-waisted and knife-irieatod,
and soma even with the long
start to fight inflation.
Beginning on Sunday an ik-
^ Bast HortfovA ------ iiiiBiua
Jtnfor Mira for 166T’ to praarad
de sole accented with te-em- telther, Louis, a butinessman, Fem Rotliwril.” Sweeney said vrhen tba myataty to. tanslve 18-week adverttetng the award.
six of the seven directors there. and Us offioers, Weiss said. 1964, tbe Jail, alttiouib anti­ >torator, sold today that some scarf that was the dancer’s
broMered iaoa, fatalonad wttta “ that be will atari the story that Darwin hadn’t made up his WMI, one thbig that to bahM oampalgn wIB be Initiated
quated in many ways, was oon- HUiacuIttos with vtaiton who dto- trademark and that led to her
BdMtm'Woman -bal Slesvea and detachable
train. Her eHxrW'length veil of
when be waa 12 years old and mind that he was going to tell
became a member of tba Na­ them because he never would oidered one of tbe beet kept oovwad Is the femlnliie head.
iteBard ths rssli'lfilluita ara be- death. streratog the new “ Fight tafto-
BnMra for this yraito pagaaat
d tea Friday, Jan. 64. Batry,
AU weak Helene Curtis bra bean Uon” program. Emphasised wUl
Fo u n d Dead; South Viets Claim r ik IBurion waa arranged from
a matridng headptefe, and she
tional Geographic Society. admit puUloIy
"Tbat yaar he attended tbe the girl and shame my family.”
•<! uusd JaSs in tha state.
As high sbertilf he Is peM |U,-
)MW rapnrtsd by nurses and
ptbar iMMpital smptoyw.
; Ktoutay said maiiy Mm—
cutting and atyUng wlga made
of a new ayntbatlo that dora
Tho underneath pkrt of fash­
ion as presented by Warner’s
be tbe promise that the re­
duction of the purchasing pow­
farms o n ovaBaMe ad a ll Chav-
rofot Dootara loge-AltoB aad
Onnsunwr la lw BtorsB tba
Operated Shop carried a prayer 'book with society’s annual convention in After some preliminary ques­ 800 a year and baa 17 deputy
obeiitfo under him who arark in taanaa antar a room aad find not oMne aad actually does rs-
was designed to make beUeve er of the doBar due to tafla­ Bout Aawrioa, and at flw
B b u n m — Mrs. HUdur J.
Baoba, Ot araa tound daad In
191,307 Foe Killed white roaea.
Idas Efitambeth Van Horn of
Boca Raton BMl , waa maid of
WasHtagton by Mmself, tinaMwy tioning by Shea It came to light
Ms own travel and hotel ar- that State PoUoe M ajor Sam­
raagamaate and spending teno uel Rome had been the pMson
various areas of tbe IStown
county. The mein function of tbe
!»va or she vttitora where there
shouU only be two. When toM
aembto human bolr, belag of the
same danlsr as hair, addota is
it isn’t there, belng.nude In col­
or and contoured to forestaU
any chance of intrusion on the
tion can ‘be more than offset
by tbe Increaaed purdiasing
value of ttta doBar at MbCt’e “ Raagtag out the shtagle” at Ilioir offioM St 188 Mata S t are the four ptteelpato of the now
Morob of DtaMs Beadquartera,
216 Fatmtagten Ara., Hartford.
(Gantinned from Page One) sherifTs otSce is dell'very of f t tba two-vtottocs-par-patlant88. Sinoe such s wig seUs tor Prooasds from tha pograadiriB
honor, fibs wore a ^ -le n g th 'weeks alone in the capital.” who sparked Sweeney’s mem­ view. One 'exception waa a 8B»p-Rtte Super Markets. advertlring agency. Maroom, tao. (from laft) Kant Lewis, John Moreton, Ray BUweU and
Im t bona on Shoddy MMl Rd. DeMa and houses the biggest court orders and other legal Futo, nunas are uwaQy ignorad, about $80, It to sate to read tat go to ttw M art* c f Dtaara.
moea green gown w ifii a matdi- Arthur, a b e qwetaded ory of the dlsoloeure. Major vdilte lace bra wMch will glim­ Thomas MeParUand.
yaaterday nom fair tqr bar brotit- •imuana of South Vlet- concentration of ataaidt beHcop- documents. jKannay aald. the stara that more aad more The campaign w ill include ad­ The prtttantaaury Jodglrar tor
Ing beadbow and carried a white rtraight-A student with an I.Q. Rome headed the long inveetl- mer through sheer shirts; an­
ar, X o^ Netoon, o i Kaor Havoi. nameM,” it claimed, “ tost year ten used for operaUons in the Sareeney 'amt re-eleotton ss J Kenney urged prospeetlve vis- women w ill be covering up their vertising in tbe Hartford TImea, the 1966 Oorawetfout Junfor Mtos
muff wttb boUy. of 176, to basically a geography gatlon in tbe case and waa a other waa a 'b ra and culotte
inablUty to get td the beauty Hartford Oourant, New Brit­
Bar death ama apparently the rose iq> to break tbe puppet ad- rlce-rtrii area.
Sfaoiily after Binh Thuy waa
Jamea a ! One Jr. of Penn-
cauken, N.J., served as beat
buff, but has other wide ranging key and omttroveraial vrltness Police M s j. Samuel Rome
iatereats. during the first trial.
riierift in 1966 by only 'ei 29-
vote margin in a race with for­
'ttcra to ramsmber tba reason
to r tba restriction -^tba patlant’s comMnattan that can be under­ ain Herald, Mlddletiown Press, Marcom Ad Agency Forms in Town finals WlB be Bnday, Jsa. 26,
cdthe Hottt America, Hartfoad.
naidt €t an ewckleid. She waa mlnistratlan by trig rinmfcs, lib­ .'wrtfare —and to cooperate wltii wear or can appear In public, Manchester Herald, Holyoke
hit, a 20-round mortar barrage man. He plays soccer, bedcetbal] mer Sheritt Nicholas Bawluk. StyUste from the leading New A new adverttotag •. agency, manager for the Alton Maxm- Sixteen dnoUato wBl ba choa-
OoOBd at tba bottom o< a fUgtat erated over 1,000 more hamlets fea Cn tbe dtetrlct town of It ■was Rome who was respon­ right to remain sUent. Sweeney The hospital by observing t b e York eatone were working on thereby eraaing'finally the Una Transcript - Telegram, S i^ g - He and his wife, Marge, and ao to oompato on Jon. 61, Fstt X
Mrs. Alexander wore an e^pm and tennis, swims expertly and sible for hriding Darwin bt cus­ His term is iq> In 1970. Maroom, Inc., has .been form­ footurtag Cb. Ha then served as
o ( ataba laadiiis to tba second and set up revtUutionaiy power Phong Dien, about eight milee said, “ No I did not.” .reatrictloa. the wigs, and one of these waa between seen and unseen. Tbat field Union, Springfield Dally their five children Uve ta Wtad- and 6 at Om tial Oorawctleut
dress and coat with matebing has been an Elagle Soout since Sarerttey, « bald portly man executive vice president of a
float, where bar badroonT waa in many vast areas.” away. tody the wetaend of Dec. 6-8, “ Did you warn Mm that any In fate 60’s, commented on tbe tbe pretty blonde known aa Miss astrologer said Soorplo would News, Meriitlen Record Journal, ed with offices at-a88 Mata St. State Ooltofc, New Britain, dor
accessories and a ooraage of be waa 14. major Hartford salra promotion
tooatad. The year end reperte o f Sal- Helicopter gunahlpa end twin- 1968, from which came several statements he might make 1961 roM rilortly after Ms nonip . Ita 1666, tliera were only M Kelly at Monrieiur Marc’s, bring to the tore what Ilea un­ WUlimantlc Cfttvnkde and Brls- Principals of tbe new firm are tha tttic of “ ODanaotioBth
white cametlona “ He also oorrasponds with a derneath. She waa right, wasn’t tol Press. agency before becoming a part­
might be used against him. Did
. RaaMent ItaMper Robert Pat- goo and Hanot ware iaaued amid euginad ‘*%)ooky” alneraft wUh A reception for members of cDupis of girts, although he oonfeasiona. AU have been bar­ lnatlon.'He knear it would be s .marrlagaahto men for every 100 where she works, and at Ken­ Ray W. BldweU and Thomas Q Juifor Mbw for 1166.” BTad Oor
acaon, aaaiatad by C|)l. John Ma- a general hiU in the grotmd war, quick- firing machine guns the Immediate famtMes was held doesn’t tell us much about red from the new trial. Darwin’s you advise him of his right to tough race. •woman in tba United Statra. In neth, where she used to work. she? ta addition, use of hea'vy di­
MoPaztisnd, partners ta the
ner to MePortland-Bldwrtl.
He and bis wife, Betty, have
Dof^cate Bridge vto 'wffl be ttw maotor o f rara-
hoaey ot Gohdieater Troop, In- airiMugh military headquaiters raked tbe enemy firing attea conviction waa overturned be­ have his counsel present?” “ Your Republican eberiff,” be |1666 tbtrs ware 96. rect mall throughout the Mott’s metdra toe the evrad.
at W illie’s Steak House. For a tbat,” said Ms fattier. But Vernon, Connecticut, knows former McParttarti-BidWeB three ddldren. They Mve in An­ ResuKs Wednesday night ta a
asked Shea. Sweeney again an­ Shop-Rite tradtag area • la
.VeaMfated. Dr. Fianota Burke, rqwrted enenw haraaring at­ fixed by the airfield radar de- plane trip to New Toric City, The paper Arthur submitted cause of the weekend in cus­ said, "has never Uked a per­ her oa Joyce Prumbaum. She planned along with in-store pro­ agency; Kent T. Lewis and John dover. dupUcate bridge game at the The wliawr wBl rapraotott
madloal examiner, aald death tacks today, tnchullng the pre­ fenaes. U.S. and VMnamese Mrs. Alexander wore a gray suit to the International Geographi­ tody without access- to coun­
swered, “ No I did n ot” sonal, smutty, a dirty or nasty neglected to nay adiat sign of Mason Repoits motions, window banners, point D. Aforeton. MePartiond, a fanner «m1- ItaUan-Amerlcan Club ore; Rob­ aorawotient ad ttw nolfonal
waa due to a fraoture of the dawn abetting of the Mekong ground forces went out at dawn with Uach petent leather ac- cal Union was a treatise on the sel. Shea then asked the court to political campaign. But it looks the sodiac she was born under. of sale cards and bag stutfen. The four principals announc­ veitistag manager for Oolt’s ert Bldman and (taarlea Vlnsoa- finals c f America's Junior Mbw
oarvloal aplne. Delta’s biggest U. S. alrfirid but found no enemy casualties. ceaaorlea. After Jan. 18, the cootrlbutionsi early religious Sweeney teritfied that Rome strike Sweeney's testimony from as though tbat la what is to be
Chules of the Hits invited the Fires Increase ed that BldweU will serve as Manufacturing Oo., organtaad halar, first; Ifinoent Giambaluo Pegrant in Mobile, Ala., IgM ay.
Petaraon aald that liba.
Baoba may bave tripped on the
and faelioopter base.
Viet O o ^ gumiera seroed in
The Vietnamese Command re­
ported Thursday the auecesaful
couple wlH live a t 24 Goalee Dr.
MDra. Alexaixtor, a graduate of
travelers made to Western called him last July and asked the records. The Judges refused
knowledge about Asia. Tbe oth­ tor an appointment. Sweeney without conference, end Shea
served up by the opporition, and
'WO w ill not stand idly by "apitb- ia r editors to step Into his parlor, Acoordtag to a report submit­
chief executive officer and as­
sume responsibility for tha
the MbPartlaad Oo. and laundi-
ed a new career ta aganoy butt-
and WUUam Radewlcs, second;
and Mrs. W.L. HoUand and Mra.
top atolr and teilen Dr. Burke
MlliiMUtod M n. ^*^»*''**f‘ i>aH
on the airfield outatde dan Tho,
in the drila, a delta airfield at
conclusion of a drive through Wiud Secretarial School, Hart­ er scholars were astonished said that Rome “ wanted to asked that an exception be out retaltatton.”
wdilch had the misty atmos­
phere of on underwater grotto. ted by town Fire CWef W. Caif- Area Unitarians agency’s - administrative and neoB. He to a speotoUst ta food Raymond JanhMn, third.
the U Mtah Forest, a 280- ford, is employed aa a secretary wben a* 18-year-old Ud dtxiod iq> know U any of the guards, or made to the ruling for pos­ Then, Me tnuUttonol c a l m production operations. MePart- martnttag aad has done eocten-
bean daad about m, day and a Soo. Trang; an Amwican artU- aquare-mlle area of swamp am) at Putnam, Ooffin and Burr, to reqd it. anyone at the Jail had any con­ sible later appeaL rutflei^ added, “ There’s a tat F R '^ T It was a shock to see someone fora Mlason, town flreflghtors
Meet on Sunday Tha game, aponirored by tha
half wben her body waa found.
Mra. Bacbe lived alone. Her
hnahand, Brlk S. Baoba, died
le iy baae near the Cambodian
border northwest of Saigon, end
a South 'ITetnamese regimental
timber in the MiekoBg Delia, long
oonaidered a Viet Cong strong­
Hartford. Mir. Alexander, a
graduate of Bisoayne O o B ^ ,
“ There weren’t too many versations with Darwin at the Sweeney gave Ms stixiMcig
questiona afterwards,” Arthur time he waa there.” Darwin testimony on Darwin’s oontes-
of Irish in my bockgrcMXtd, and
ru fight to prove It if neoee- tf opm
lift a flap in a moasy'sea rock
and answer the telephone.
There the editors saw two pret­
battled more fires In 1968
1967. Area Unitarians wlU hold the
land wUl serve as director ot
the agencye public rrtations
servlcee, Lewia as maatkettag
ttve 'woric in campaigns fbr
financial instttutioiw and Ufa in-
Manobestor Brtdge O h*, to
playad each Wednsoday of 7tt0
p.m. and each Friday at 8 p.m.
hold. Miami, ETa., ta employed as a told a reporter, “ which means w u held at the JaU foUowiiq aion in Ms usual oalm and un- sary.” A total of its fire were last meettak this Sunday at 8 aervices director, and Mdraton MdPartiand. the fottwr of
two yaara ago. Natshbora, Mr.
and Xra. William SUay, notlc-
headquarteia at Quang Ngai
airfield to the far northern war
’Hie arm y aald it killed 460
Viet Oong; captured 96c plua IM
Junior high acboot teariier in that no one took objection to Ms atrest In December 1968. ta n ig h t 1 « 9 ! ty young models, <»ie of whom
hod a rhinestone in her navel,
received in 1968 compared to 180 p.m. in the Buckley School on
Vernon S t before their ''Decis­
as creative' oervloes director. four children, end his wife,
ttt the o h *, 168 BkMdge Bt
Flay to open to tba pubHo.
Meriden. ' ■what I said, so I guess I was Rome asked Sweeney, “ Do the prevloua year. Of tboee 168 Msircom wlU continue to Khrtoq Uve ta Manohaster. M6 ttoL Mia. CUUL

Darwin on Stand;
tos no bfhta the night before, S0tl6« individual and 68 crew-served right.” serve as living exMMta of cov­ ion Night” Jon. 19 at the school
you have any taformation of alarms, 18 wars false. serve the cUeefts snquired dur­ Lewis began his oaraer with Oaa Hay Bettes for
and trying the door to no avail, None of the attacks did much weapons; aetaed 12 telephone Ib e trip to New DaBd cost your own?” Sweeney tesUiled ering Up one’s skin tone, with ftrhein they vote to otflcladly
Mason reported no * ^ uh— ing the 12 yean of operation of General'EUectric Oo. and receiv­ Pattrari
tolaphoned Nelaon. damage or caused aerioua caa-
dbe waa bom in Skovde, ualtiaa.
switchboards, 10 mctorcyclee,
64 radloB and 48 casM of medi­ NASA Picks about $2^800. Arthur’s younger yesterday, “ I honestly reported
brother and Ids older brother that I did.” Sweeney then said
W aleoffls Hare oauaad by fire altbar yeor, and
form a Unltarlan-UnlversaUst
aocloty on this side of the Con-
the MePartland-BklareU agen- ed auocesrive pcDmoUcni with
tiiat Ann until be Joined Oom- lE Tt DRIMI
Denies Confession
Sweden, and had Sved in Bol­ mortar toid haaoiSm atnUs cine; and destroyed an Infonnn- only two tnjufles were recorded «y- Arauai Ih a Otoek
and sister contributed from 'he told Rome of Ms oonveiaat- necticut River. hustion Eigtaeertng In Windsor PARKAM
ton for M yaata. She owned aoid
operated the Charla Oonast Shop
raked tbe a q ta lt tarmac and
the frame ddmtatatratlon bulld-
tlon center, a 100-bed military
hoeplital, a training center, 11 Crewmen for their savings, Arthur used att of tion 'With Darwin.
Ms own savtags, i-clud'ng his
Shea asked Sweeney if he had
In 1968 aad two ta 1967.
Residanttal flrra totaled 87
for 1968, while 1967 saw' 44 real-
A throe-member panel Sunday
wUl argue about why they are
BidwsU, ta a statement on the
agency’s formation, said, “ We
as sdverUttng aad sotos pro-
motion manager. AStss H mh
on dMyn S t, Htotfoad; from 1B29 inga of Binh n n iy airfield. Just prisons, a theater, threU medt- bar mltzvah money, and hU (Gontinned from Page One) S0 S a gn w lag need for an agen­ OODaBvertral
until aha retired tout summer.
She waa • nMmbw of Bolton
outaide tbe main delta etty of
Can Tho, before dawn. One
oel dtapensarice, 16 plants
where weapcxns end ammunl-
Apollo 11 father borrowed the re et
“ It oort a lot of money but ft
observed Darwin “ on a daily
basis,” and. if he recalled Dar- ride in the car In August of oUeotlon after on objeotion by
denttol Urea.
Acoordtag to Meson’s figures,
Unitarians. The pubUc la invit­
The panelists are Donald
cy with the talent and tbe flex­
ibility to provide a oompleta
He and his wife, Beth, aad
their three children Uve , to
ISAe par Oai.
Atty. Sbaa.
'Oangregattanal Church. South Vietnameae soldier was tkna were made or repaired (Oonttnned from Page One) may get him a college scholar- win’B general nervous condition. 1968. State’s Atty. -Robert P ig­ November sp^>ean to be the
Watt Jr. of Ripley HUI, Coven­
range ot marketing oommuidca- Moreton began with General
Survlvora, bealdea bar broth- kUled and a few American and and 180 barracks. Sweeney: 'T d eay he was eon tried to show this / week Letarer said that Darwin bi- month for brush fires, wfaUe tton aervlom at both the oora
ahtpi” said the seidar Cooper. try; Curtis Mellen of 88 Falk- Eaeotric Oo. aad Joined a Hart­
(Uoated tbat “ ha fait remoras December Is the raontti reserved
ea; bndude a eon, EMc A. Bsche government wotmdeil were re­ MUttary officlets said the Feb. 28, 'Will be an earth orU t of “ A lot of the geographers at the worried, yes he appeared nerv­ tbat dog hairs found In the oar nor Dr., Monohester; and Mra.
eumer and industrial levrt. An ford agency as a oraotive ac­ About Oar 8-Di9
of Miarietth, Oa., and ttwae ported, but otficera said the impressive results of the sweep the limar module of the type in meeting who were affiliated ous. or was sorry for Miss Rothwell. tet veMcle fires, ta November, agency must have the abllUy to count executive serving indus­
Shea; Was there anyone else matched dog hairs on Miss I f the oonaequeaoes as they oo- nine brutti fires were recorded Janet Batt of Hayes Ave., Rook- tategrate ensative programs ta Dtoeeeat Payrarat Ilrai
grandaona.' eheUa failed to hit any planes or indicated the army had come whlrti Armstrong and Aldrin with colleges and universities mata at. and east trial, banking and public util­
present? RothweH’8 dress. currad had bean thought about and two veMole fires; ta De­ viUe. David Sherman of 178 sU areas o f advertising, artes
Holmes Funeral Home, 400 heHooptera in sandbag aheUera. acroee. the main supply center are to land on the moon. have offered to help Mm.” ity accounts. As vh e president
Mata S t, Mhnohaatar, is la he never would'have gotten In­ uHldle tumpthe cember three brush flies were Ptae Tree Lane, South Wmdsor, IHtmiotion acid pubUc retattons.”
Sweeney; No one.
charge of arrangements which
Biidi Thuy, about 80 miles
southwest of Saigon, is the air
tor the Viet Gong in the forest.
Government forces suffered
It w ill be the first manned tost
flight of the capeide, and If aU
With the testimony by Dar-
Shea: How did Darwin come 'WlLn's daughter, Shea opught to volved.” Waldi Ihe CUSSIfKDS found, . and 10 vefaicla biases WlU be moderator.
MdPortland added, “ W e see
of McParUand-BldweU, he was
reqxxtalble for the agency’s
Unitartans have been meeting
taoonipMA. logistics hub tor tbe Mekong 24 killed and 18 wounded. goes perfectly, NASA officlala to be there? show tbat even if tbe halra Darwin appeared to beoome were foustat i the growing need for fuU-serv- creative eerrioes. t o 1 laMraJ2 ^ £
Mrs. W . Jtaoobs ney Division o f United Airoraft
says there w ill be no need for
ApoHo IQ,. TMs test, now sched­ People in Sweeney: Word had been left were the same, a contended
that I see Mr. Darwin. It was point, they oould have been-left
very iqwet during Lttanar’s
testimony and all of tbe time MA.
since Sept 28 to slse up pros-
p ectea^ a atontg aooia^ horir.
A census shows at least 80
.ioe \Bgeoeles provlffing iaa exOrt-
lent dnvlw nmieiit for the growth
Mrs. Bertha Whiten Jacobs, Qorp., Bast Hartford. He was Four Bound Over uled for lilay 17, #ould be a:
moon orbit of the lunar modtde.
at ' hta requert that be was In August. Lehrer was on the stand Dar­
famiUes would Join the society
ot Masxwm, whicii M ^ga th 4
talents of a team o f prnfweslnn-
90, ot WUlimantlc, sister c f a member o f the Holy N a m e brought to me. Other 'vritnesses tq^ay were win stared Intently at Mm or
In Morals Cases If it is skipped, the Apollo 11
The News end enough money would be

m u sE
lb s . Fhank Hoode c f ManrhfS- Society of St. James’ Church. Sweeney said that Darwin had three persons who attended the wrote rapidly in a notebook. al apeoialtota to dtont maxket-
fligM may be moved tq> to mid- pledged to pay tbe bills. tag communfoation pcoUems.”
tor, dtad yesterday a t a WUH- Survivors, besides Ms wife, led o ff the conversation, “ I 4-H meeting In Rockville that Lehrer, a sUgtat dark penon, Plans for a church school and
mantlc oonvaleedent home. EVnir of six men have been June. never at anytime asked Mm Darwin and Miss Rothwell at­ steadily a'vMded Darwin’s gaze. EUdweU, a Pbt Kappa
include a sister, Mrs. Chariee ministerial aid wlU be presrat-
Survtvois also Indude a Lucas of Middlesex, N.J., bound over to Superior Court a t . Armstrong, tbe first civlUan Legal Signature what he 'was there tor.” tended the night of the murder. Atty. Shea brought out the ed Jan. 19 along with a consti­
graduate « t Werteyan Ihilver-
atty, began Ms career as ad-
daughter and senreml ntec^ and
The funeral w ill be held Mon­ Hartford on morals charges to fly in space, was the' com­ LOS ANGELES (A P ) — His­ Shea asked If Sweeney had AU testified as to what time fact during a orosz examination tution and a slate of officers.
nepbetwa mander of tbe perilous Gemini torian WiU Durant’s v ^ e of 68 questioned Darwin. Sweeney Darwin and the girl left the that Lehrer bad been oonvtotad vertlttng and salw promotion
day at 8:10 a.m. from the John brought against them several 8 flight in 1966. After he^success-
Funeral servtoea w ill be held years, authoress Ariel, finally said that the talk waa “ pretty meetlr-g. of obtaining money under false
F. ‘Tierney E\meral Home, 219 months ago. fully linked Ma capsule with a
tomorrow at 1 p.m. at Patter can sign her name legally. pretenses, ambeazlament, and
EVsicral Home, 466 Jackson St.,
W. Center St., with a Mass of
In tbe other two cases, rocket in orMt, the capsUle spun
much on a voluntary basis.” *' Mrs. Helen Taylor testified
Until a court prooeedlitg Sweeney later testified that the that Miss Rothwell left In a hur­ forgery. He was sentanoed In
g u y i n g • s e l l in g . le a s h ^ S *
requiem at 8^ James' Church
charges were dropped ag<Binet out of control, but Armstrong

WUMmantic. Burial w ill be In Thursday she bad been Ida for conversation was eU volunteer. ry when the meeting ended at November 1968 to seven to 18
at 9. Buiiai w ill be in S t James’
'(Md WiUlmantic Cemetery,
ejemetery. one, and the other hod Uls case guided It to a safe aplaahdown all her 70 years, at least when Asked how long the conversa­ about 10:60 p.m. The girl re­ years In prison and Is presently N O TIC E !
There wU be no naiiitig. hours. continued to Jem. SO. in the Pacific. she signed contjacts end legal tion lasted Sweeney said, “ Five marked that her parents woiild on parole and Uving In^artford.
Friends may call at fiK fu­
• They are: Last year a hmar landing papers. Tbe two have co-au­ minutes give or take a minute A fter this teetUnony the Notice ia hereby gtvee that the Annual Meeting of the
M n. Nany E. Sandberg neral home tomorrow from 7 be furious she was so late.
Artimr U. Davleau, 22, of training craft Armstrong was thored several books. or two.” Sweeney repeated that state rested its ease and the Stookholden of Ihe Odd FeDowa' ^
to 9 p.m; and Sunday from 2 Once her husband was her he had oriced no questions The woman Insisted that Dar­ Maaoheator, Inc. wtU be held at the Odd Fellows’ HiCMh.g,
t:»V B N T R Y — Mrs. Nany to 4 and 7 to. 9 p.m. HartfM9R**mae count of Inde­ testing at Ellington A ir Elorce defense Indicated It intanded
Em labetb Anderson Sandberg, cent assault;'he waived bearing Base, Tex., lost power and fell. teacher and ” I was Ids most "none whatsoever.” win did not leave the room im­ Wedneeday, Jamwiy U , 1666 at 6 pan. for the ebotoeot
to present new motions In the 1 9 L K three Diieotora, eO'A to h M office far flw term of three
88, of West Hartford, mother of and his case was bound over. Armsrong ejected and parachut­ itroublesome mischlefmaker, so Asked when he ttrat divulged mediately after the meeting, case aftar yesterday’s develq>- yeacB, to hear the leporta at Oflleera aad Obreotors and
M fs . Hans Hansen of Coventry, Fnnerals Richard Erimeo, 21, of 69 ed to earth. He waa slightly in­ ha called me Ariel,” she said, the information to the state's but that she did not know exact­ ments. the tranaaeflen at any other knatanra proper to ee«v» he-
died yesterday at a Hartford Pearl St., one count of bide- jured when his parachute explaining that ffiiaikespeare, in attorney Sweeney replied, “ I ly when he left. fore sold meeting.
Dr. Abraham Stolman, m
area ocnvaleeoent home.
Sui T lvon also Include a son, 2
Mrs. Myri A. Moyer
othw daughters, 10 grandchil­ E^meral services for M r s .
dren, and IS great-grandchil­ Myri A. Moyer of 64 Wedge-
dren. wood Dr., widow of WilUam C.
oent assault; Ms case was d ragg^ him across the ground.
bound over. Armstrong, a native of Wapa-
Paul F. Gorman, 88, of 67 komsta, OMo, is the father of
Peari St., five counts of inde­ two sons, aged 11 and 6.
Aldrin set a record for “ space
Ms play “ The Tempest” named would say a week or ten days
a sprite “ Ariel.” ago.”
Albert Gray, county 4-H
agent, said Darwin talked to
It was at this point that Shea him after the meeting, but said
Modem Art Museum asked If prior to tMs Sweeney It was “ hard to Judge the
state toxloologist, oontiiuiad
testimony he began during the
momlng oonoetnlng lab reports
on dog hairs. He said be found
If you want to SELL- Mancheetor, Gona.
Seeretory A

Gets Part of Collection had talked about it to any law time.”

go where the ACTION is!
cent assault and one count of matching characteristics in dog
Ehnenal services will be held Moyer, were held yesterday af­ walking” on the Gemini 12 shot Two clmracter witnesses who
sodomy; Ms case was bound NEW YORK (A P ) — Btve officer and Rome's part in the hairs taken from tbe ear Oar-''
homorrtvw at 11 am . at Rose ternoon ait the W.P. Qtiish Fu­ in 1966 by spending more than
over., persons who recently acquired matter came to light. S h e a worked 'with Darwin at Pratt win bad been driving Sept. U,;
H<il Mtunorial Home, S80 Blm neral Home, 228 Main St. The five hours outaide Ms spacecraft
St.,. Rodky Hill. Burial will be Rev. Norman E. Swensen, pas­ Darid A. LefMore, 28, of 67H on a tour-day flight. Gertrude Stein's famous art col­ continued to question Swec.iey and Whitney Aircraft in East- 1968, and In dog hair taken
E^arl S t, two counts of ind^ lection ore going to give part of and established that .Sweeney Hartford said they noticed ho from Miss Rotbweil’s draos.
in Rose ion Memorial Park, tor of Trinity Covenant Church A native of Montclair, N.J.,
Roctky H U . officiated. Burial waa in Etadt cent assault and one count of and graduate of the U.S. EQU- it to the Museum of Modem Art. had taken^no notes and had no change In Ms manner after “ I can only state a prob-
Th>vre wiB be no calling Cemetery. sodomy; Ms case was bound tary Academy at West Point, The gift w ill be from David one else present. Stiea com­ Sept. 18. ablUty that tha hairs cams
houra. Bearers were Richard Hink- over. Aldrin won Ms doctor's degree Rockefeller, president of the menting that aU of tMs had Yesterday’s second surprise from the same source,” Dr.
ley, John Walrath, Paul Ber­ Robert K. Saundee, 27, of 69 at the Massachusetts Institute Chase Manhaittan Bank end taken place four and one-half witness for the state was a Stolman aald. But ha comment­
■Tack Cramer nard, Stephen Gouchoe, James Pearl St., two counts of inde­ of Technology. chairman of the muaeum''8 years before be related It to former atate prison inmate who' ed thait the aoience Is not tbat
cent assault; Ms coise was c<m-^ Collins also was an early board of trustees; >publlriier Rome said, “ Yet you purport­ recalled "a conversation with
Mack Cramer, 73, of Ports­ WUliamson.Jr., and G e o r g e John Hay Vfldtney, a vice chalr- ed to quote Ms exact words Darwin at the prison.
tinued to Jan. 80.
mouth, ^^a./ father of Mrs. Doris KeUey. space walker. On Gemini 10 in
mian; William S. Paley, trua- tMs morning.” I. Albert Lriirer, who was aa
George Quackenfbush, 23, of 1906 he walked In space for 39
Silveratel'n c f 27 Lexington Dr., tees' president and chairman of Shea Mtterly referred to attorney before tils own con­
67^ Pearl St, one count Cf in­ minutes and stood in the hatch Two Recommendations W O I V E R T O N
died yesierttay morning in a the board of the Columbia Sweeney’s withholding of the In­ viction, said tbat he had a legal
hospital in v i rginla. Mrs. Hitt First Woman decent assault; that charge was for another 49.
Broadcasting System; New formation and said, “ yet you tnterert In the caae and had Put to Legidature

dropped by Judge Nicholas Ar- OOUlna, a West Point gradu­
Survivors' include his wife, a Named to Nixon Post mentano when probsible cause ate, was originally scheduled to York banker Andre Meyer, a still hold the position of Sher­ dlBcusaed It with Darwin on HARTFORD, Oemn. (A P ) _
son. anotfaeir d'aughtor, and sev­ patron. iff of Tolland County.” two or three oocasloiis.
WASHINGTON (A P ) — The oould not be found. fly the Apollo 8 mission, but was ’Two of the recommendaiione by
eral grandcl lilt Iren. Mias Stein’s collection, which Shea asked If Sweeney at .any He 'was allowed by tba three
The Manchester Detective temporarily sidelined because Rutgers University’s Eagleton
FVneral stin dees were held first woman appointed to a sub- rile kcquired early in the cen­ time Interrupted Darwin to Judges to restate Darwin’s
oabinet post in Richard M. Nix­ Bureau made the arrest after of a spinal operation. Lovell Institute in its' study qrt the
this morning In Virginia. tury, was composed of 38 works warn him of Ms constitutional words to the beet of Ms reo-
on’s exhiulnlstratton is jPatricia receiving complaints about acU- went instead. Connecticut Legislature tMk fir
Mrs. Fran cl's Barrows
VERNON — ktrs.
Reilly Hitt, kxig a dose poUtioal
Caroline ally of the President-elect.
Elisabeth Turner Barrows, 71, Mrs. Hitt was nominated
'vltles involving several youths. OoUins has two daughters,
EHve Junior Mgh school students aged 9 and 7, and a S-year-old
were in court yesterday,and son. Aldrin also has three <dill-
by Pabto Picasso end rine by
Juan Oils.
The museum aald Thursday
Narcotics Ccise Suspect
steps toward posslMe fruMon
Thursday In the State Senate.
Sen. Charles Alfono, Demo­
- (n[aflclie(ia . .

two of them testified. dren, eons 18 and 10 and a 'that details of how many paint­ cratic Senator from Suffleld
of Etaat Hartford,, mother of Thursday to be an aasiatant sec­ daughter 11. ings would be glvm to the and president pro tempore,' |s
WdUam A. Tum e)’ of Vemoh, retary of health, education and
died yesterday at NH. Sinai Hos­ welfare. Nixon ordered that her
pital, Hartford. 9 ve was the appointment be announced be­
AU three Uve near tiie
Schooner Bluenose II Manned Spacecraft Center at
museum and when had not beta
'worked out ' , Caught in New Hampshire sponsoring both bUla.
Following the Eagleton reo-
fore that of any other woman Houston, They were purchased from ommendotions, Alfano colled
wife of Francto^ar. n>ws. Sets Bermuda Course tbe heirs of Miss Stein who died Barry Gaffney, 28, formerly picked up In August on various
for commuting Senate terms
Survivors also incilude 2 oth­ appointee, said' an aide, "be­ In 1946. of Manchester was picked up charges in connection with the
er sens, 2 brothers, 12 grand­ cause of her long association HALIFAX, N. 8. (A P ) — The from two to four years and
schooner Bluenose H set course Officialg Suspend by authorlttes In Nashua, N.H., sale of narcotic and controlled the Mring of a professtonal
children, and 2 great -grandchU- with Nixon and the Nixon organ­ For Duane Hodges drugs. Bsury Gaffney’s cnarges
ization.” for Bermuda today, miiwis one_^ UofB Instructor about 4 a.m. yesterday and held team of researchers to assist
From 1960 to 1964, Mra. Hitt crewman who was lost over­ CRESWBULi, Ore. (A P ) — stem from the same Investiga­ the leglalatura In fornudatlng *i!?f important bu$in«$f trantoetiont in «ny
Funeral services wU 1 be held
board during an Atlantic storm BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (A P )— The crew of the USS Pueblo has until detecU'vaa from the Man- tion that led to the arrest of the Its budget. farnily $ liftitimo 1$ the tolling of their homo. Dootn't It
tomorrow at i l a.m . at the was national Republican com­

sent H,600 to OesweU High cheeiber Police Department ar­ six youths.
Benjamin J. Callahan Funeral mittee woman from OaHfomla. that battered the vessel for A 23-year-old H i^ r y in^itnictor
Staool to buy library books in rived to serve Mm with w ar­ Police report the Gaffneys
In other action’ Thwaday, the make good tonto, ther^foro, to go to people who know'
three days. at the University of Bridgeport
Home, 1602 Mein St., Elast Hart­ She was oo-ohatrraan of the 1968
Oapt. EUswwth Coggins re­ who was arrested late Weebves- memory o f Duane Hodges, their rants charging Mm with the sale were observed by a Manchester
Senate granted the oommlttee
studying a Long Itaond fa r t^
whoro the buyprt aro? Call the Wblvorton Agency .4k8 ponttk $4.95
ford. The Rev. John l.l. Duff, NixesvAgnew campaign. riiipmate who waa the only fa­ of a narcotic drug, and nonHSup- patrolman when they allegedly firtti Get fietlon fatti
pastor of St. .lohn's Episcopal At HEW, she wlU' head the Of­ ported Thiuaday night the day night for allegedly selling
tality when North Kotaans cap­ port.
proposal more time to make Its ★ lt'$ an Ovarcoat
Church, Blast I-Jarttord, vdll of­ fice of Consumer Servloea and schooner’s sails are tatiered narcotics, was suspended by tbe
tured the ship a year ago.
sold 10 envelopes containing a
His arrest on the narcotic plant-like substance, Identified report. The committee was to CttdcB Clowt Uniiig SO* bdL $11.M
and her power steering is out of university Thursday.

ficiate. 'Burial will be in Rose the Center for Community Plan­ have Its report competed by
service, but otherwise “ every- Tbe vtce-president In charge Cnulr. L fo ^ Bucher of tbe charge stems from an investiga­ 'as marijuana by the State Lab­ Jan. 10 ,but the senate has From a well-known maker. Save
Hill Memorial Park, Rocky HiU. ning. " I am very proud to have Pueblo telephoned Thursday to tion in August of last year after oratory in Hartford, to an agent Folclihig fteif t ..................7Bc 8.90 ever regular price. Superb­
Friends may caU at. the' fu­ Pat Hitt, the first woman tMng Is under contitd.” She is of academic affairs, Dr. Robert given an extension to March 1.
exi>ected to reach Bermuda Sat­ A. thriatie, acting for the ab­ tell of the gift end aoid the crew which his brother, William Gaff­ of the Bureau of Drug Abuse ly designed and tallared aU-weo-
neral home tonight from 7 to 9. named to the administiation, on specified that the gift shoqld be ney, 17, of 24 Hawthorne St., Control at the Parkade Bowl­ iher coat! that give you Ideal
urday or Sunday. sent president, announced the WHIPS FOOUNO WHOM?
my team at HEW,” sold. Secre-
Bluenose n, an exterior repli­ suspension of Steven Llebowitz. bought for t^e school where was charged with- the sale of ing Lanes last summer. . . . 4x8 $1.74 foul weather prolecliqn. Tradi-
Michael Yaroma tary-dealgnate Robert H. Finch Hodges graduated in 196S. Each a narcotid drug- ALWAYS D f STOCK tlenal split shoulder ttyllng and
ca of the famous N<ova Scotia PMloe sold they confiscated According to the Manchester w o n / e n o n hocking pockelt. Zip-euI Orion
MIohaet Yaroma, 88, of 271 in announcing the appointment. volumC'^rUl have an InacrtpUon TTie charge tor non-support Date ctlve Bureau, Barry Gaff­ NEW YORK (A P ) -O n e ot
fitiiing-racing vessel Bluenose, large amounts of marijuana and pile, oc^lic liners. C h o ^ from
Oak St., wian dead on airtval Mrs., Hitt is the wife of Robert
this m omiiig at Mianchester Jf. Hilt, a Los Angeles manage­
Msmorlal Hospital after suffer- ment consultant, and the moth­
log a baart tittaric at his home. er of two sons, John, 27, and Pa-
em»untered rough weather 860 LSD in making tiie arresto. Six
miles south of Nova Scotia men including Liebowttz were
Tuesday. On Wednesday a giant apprehended in throe' separate
as a memorial to Hodges, who stems from the allegation that
was burled J^re. ney has been a fugitive stoce
Gaffney left Ms w ife here in August, having traveled around
Manchester when- he fled. She the United States elnce titan.
Uvea on W. Middle Tpke.
the reasons you usuUly find the
grocery product you’re taMdng
for on the ouparmarkst ahalf Is
T I-IE A C T IO IM Cosh and Cony
charcoal, olive, natural, block,
olive plaid. Regulars 34 to 44;
jhortt 34 to 44; longs 36 to 46.
Remembor on* day enly-ThIt
wave crashed across ^ InformalUan received by the that oomputen maks oartain Saturdayl
Capltal Quote
Ha was tbs husband of M r s .
Sophia Oroot Yaroma. ” We got a few gae-whizzes
schooner's deck, washing two
crewmen overboard.
Police stated that Llebowitz
admitted selling aa much as About Town He will appear for strralgn- bureau led them to beUeve Gaft-
ment on the charges la Man­ noy was In New HampsMre aad
that the product to th m .
flPBHHtata, Iho., a oomputer-
E— T C T
lb . Taromai was bom E'eb. Irom the geologists, but that’a One of them cUrtibed back $8,000 worth, of narcotica. The meeting of Orford Parish chester on Jsqi. 27.

.... n r ^
he was plekod -up there as a based market research firm, ra-
10, 1010 lit Pimnaylvania, .Mn aU so far.” —Aatrom ^ WiUiam aboard,, asststed by shipmates, The others arrested were Chapter, DAR, scheduled for According to a detective In fug'tive from Just'oe' and serv­ pcfta to manuf acturers on wbat
. of Paul and Bhui Taromn, an ] A. Anders when asked what the but NeU Rcbitaille, 22. of Yaiv Bruoe Golden, 18; David Kani- yesterday but portponed will be the Manchester Police Bureau, ed with tbe warrants from, the prodtMts ooHsumera are buyiiq. J79 EAST CENTER 8T. • MANCHESTER. CONN. 06040 • 649-2S13 ^
had Uvad In Mkiwhester for the reaction had been to pictures of mouth, N.6., was lost when a plUo, 20; Richard Rauch, 26; held next Thursday at 1:80 p.m. Barry Gaffney left Manch 'Ster 12th Clrc\|lt Court here 'w W c'' Nlfhte ms
0 * the oomprehenalvs iw
pant » yaata. H'« waa emjptoyed craters within craters on the rescue rope brohe aM the crew Robert Olson, 18; and Anthony in the Conference Room at several days before the arrests have been outstandbig aliice last port acts to prevent say ahort- 'M o n c lie r te k i- n M S B h i
aa a wahlar at Itoatt and Whlt- moon, yms puffing Mm up. -Monao, 19. Shady Glen on El. Mlddle Tpke. of six local youths who were summer. age of Hams on oountor obatvas. ■ ^ 1 ' .


•lO O W H I E N
PAGE f i n m r
Sets Police Log Despite McCarthy's Stepdown fto W I Me.~ 72 H ijack Victims Debate Set D em ocrats and l l RepubUcans, Republioan coUeagues aUgned
w ere Urted o s sponsors o f tiM with M m. M ost Souttieni D ehio-
ue their tradlUonal, and sne-
cessCul, fight onv

resolution Introduced Thursday cra ts Also have vow ed to oonUn- dtanga.
Recognition On Senate by Sen. F r a i* ChurCh, D-Idaho.
Peace Faction W ill Dominiate A rrive in Nassau
O f North Viet A wtNiUn w arning fo r faU-
ure to grant righ t o f w ay waa
Foreign Relations Conunittee
l e t s face it * O A m (A P )—A fter a olds- w e’re n ot,’ But h e se ld : ‘Oh y«e, Cloture Rule
th u rrii asked fo r Im m ediate
conaideratton but Sen. Spessard
L. HoUand, D -H a., objected and
" **:

toniad to O regg B Olbba; IS, Jrip to CUba, 72 hoUday4wunl w « o re .’ and pttUed out tiiaf U g
forced poetponem ent.
(A P W h * o f U S Bprry Rd. yeaterday fo l­ knife.” WASHINGTON (A P )—M ajori- M anefieU m ode it plain tiiat
D am oon t ftrr- low ing a ooUM on on Cihurch B y ROBERT T . O R A T said, " I donrt know th e answer, Vietnam , but now la am ong its
EARNING your good will is a fu ll time teurirts flaw or to Nassau to-
The MJaekar took over tiie ty Leader ID ke M ansfirid hopes the only w ay debate could be
tiay, leaving briiind in H avana a
c t n w n la r T a ft Kr-
W M W oaJ tw iay K iMU
I tha RaimbUa o f North
S t 'h f L au rd S t Aooordingi to
poSoe, Oihha w as eastbound on
Laurel S t , m ade a le ft turn
Into CSnirch S t, and struck a
A asdated P ress WNSr
W AfimNOTON (A P ) —MSn
eppoeed to pursuing a m ilitary
aMi MEoOarthy."
"A n a c t o f magnanim ity and
In addition to Fidbright and
beiilgiAty,” aald M cOarthy when Javits, the com m ittee doves are
endeavor. Our VALUES will convince knUswIeldIng m an w ho said he
1 )^ Just com pleted a Oimunu-
n irt mfsBloR and waa flealng the
Boeing 727 Jet ritorily a fter it
depoitod M lainl fo r th e Baha­
m as. The flight to Cuba waa
to w ind up the fight over the
Senate’s filibuster rule with a
tert vote by 'Ihesday o r Wednes-
cut o ff would be under the
Present ctoture rule, and “ either
hAve the votes to Im pose clo-
ture o r we don’t ." H e said
V M b m a itl propoaad aatalri- a reporter put the question to M ansfield, A lbert G ore, J>- FBI. brief. ’The craw and tw o passen­
oar traveling north driven by solution in Vietnam w ill contin­
him . H ow ever, in a statem ent ’Tenn., Frank Church, D-Idaho, you we are THE place to do business! gers—M)r. and M rs. K ritii " I don’t see any eense In de- prolonged battle tyin g up the
i i t e r d lp h iiiatlo rd atioM with H argoret J. Skelley o f 52 Iron-
wood D r., Vernon, on the left
ue to dom inale the Senate F or­
eign Relatkm s OommMtee de­
the senator said he tovm ed a C laibom e PsH, D -R .I., G eorge
sm aller com m ittee becau ie he Aiken, R -V t., C lifford Case, R -
An Ekutiem Alrtines spiAes-
man said (he oiSy passenger
Thrash o f U ttle Rook, A i* .—
returned to M iam i about 4 ^
bating this questkm too lon g ,"
M ansfield told newsmen.
Sehoto should not be perm itted
on the issue w hich has erupted
Get Our Special Specials at
m aMttaiaalacrBni a n } a lattar
side. Both cars w ere operable,
l^ on ica llln ia ta rT on ta a N U a -
n o Injuries w ere reported and no
spite Sen. Eugene I. M cC arthy's
decision to hand over his seat to
thcngdit if could be m ore e ffe c­ N .J., and John Sherm an Cooper,
SAVE HUNDREDS ON Vho foiled to return from Cuba
was listed on the manifost as
hours later. D ebate begins today on « roe-
ohHlon that would am end Sen-
At tiie start o f each new Con-
greoe fo r the last 16 years,
to U a North VlatnaiM aa oppoa-
Ite, H pu nn D ay lyin h , aaylin
fnrthar poUoe action w as taken. a atsuindi defender o f the w ar,
fien. O ale M oOee.
tive In influencing adm inistra- R4Cy.
fk xi poHcy, and said he gave up The rem aining m em ber. Sen.
hto s e o f so feUow D em ocrats Stuart Sym ington, D -M a, has
“Mr. R. Bohle." Ha gava no
iKunetown when he boi^bt a
Thrash, a retired A ir F orce
m ajor, aald h e w as perm itted to
com e back aboard the hijacked
ate nUes to perm it debate to be
cut <rit b y a three-fifths m ajority
M ansfield supports the Uwee-
fifths proposal, but KOnorlty Winter Check-up Go - Go Prices
that bec aaaa the n o fo tla tlo u in A v e iy aUght dent w as all Any m ove to resum e the
Parla •*wHl be aedatva fo r the Ote dam age cesulttng from a bom bing o f North Vietnam o r
paaoe In V M nam , It would ap- oaOiaioo in K in g's P ariiing lot otherw ise escalate the w ar
"cou ld honra: their oom m ltm ent supported halting the bom bihg
to 'S e n . M icOee" that he would o f North Vietnam , but wanted it
be reassigned to the com m ittee. done on condition that enem y
NEW 1968 Ford PickpUps th^et, but ttdd a atewaideas he
wss from Indlanap(^ Ind.,
and had attended Purdue Unl-
plane because o f a heart condi­
tion. He w as en route to Nassau
fo r a life, insurance oom iiany
o f senattwa voting Instead o f b y
a tw o-thirds vote.
‘Thirty seven senators, 26
Leader E verett M. Dirksen is
opposed to any change, and re-
portodly has a m ajority o f his
Ten Days Only
paar that the tim e haa com e to o f f Broad S t yeaterday be- wotdd be sure to encounter the vectlty. convention. Im pala. V 'b, auto.,
M cCarthy, w ho had vow ed fiiHure to Join in peace efforts
artablM t d^iloinatic relation (.” tw een ca rs driven b y Dennis som e heavy opposition from
^^oocnition o f a country con T. O lrard, 20, o f D ost H artford com m ittee m em bers that haa
after loaiiig the presidential would lead to resum ption o f bos-
nom ination to V ice Presidenf tUities on U B . teim a. He has de­
Only 4 For Immediate Delivery UtewardesB Joyce Jexnigan
Nitd the MJacker told her Ma
The other passengers re­
turned an different planes early W INTERIZE
8N*UVa P .8, low mllaaga,
balance o< factory warranty.
h ^ d a cld e d h y the foaen u nen t and M ary a Dunn o f Lee, Miaw. plagiied President Johnson. Hubert H. Humphrey to uae his clined to say whether this name waa Roixile and he hated tod ay.' Another Eastern plane A I C utla— F-86, balance
wM ioat the oonoent o f ParUa-
mant, hut op ea in f an emboaay
The key to relations between place on the com m ittee a s a fo ­ m eans that h e would give the
rum to continue opposition to enem y a choice only between . NEW *68 PICKUP NEW ^ ncEur the united States.
"He said he was ninning from
, then whisked tiiem on to Nas­
P AC K W H EEL BEARt G S W w l S f c o f factory w arranty.
Pollca report that O eorge S. the com m ittee’s dom inant peace
in Hanoi would require paxlia- Ois FBI and tiiot he was a Oom-
C H E C K BRAKES 68 f M L balance •?••**>
Hansen, S7, o f 10 A sh S t was faction and Presldent-eleot' Nix­ the Vietnam w ar, told reporters negotiations and all-out w ar. Stylsside F-100. 240 cu. in. engine, lI.D . Ilareeide F-100. 240 cu. in. engtaie, 8- H eco Boyd, the m ayor o f U tt of factory
m antocy aiiftfoval.
w ert bound on B . M iddle Tpke., on would be w hat course Nixon he believed h e ooidd be nam ed vinyl trim , fo il foam cusMons, bright speed, H.D. v in ^ trim , full foam curii- munlst who hod Just completed Ue R ock, Ark., sa id : “ They A D JU S T BRAKES w arranty.
A oommuniqtM from the to any other com m ittee he grifle and headlam p doors, pointed rear a mlsolon," the 21-year-Old gave us the blue piato special
yeeterday, notioed a ca r driven takes K the P aris negotiations bum per, gauges, hom ring, body side
lon, painted rear bum per, ,gaugea, radio, C H E C K MUFFLER & PIPES
Ogpedlah lO re ifn Iflnlatry aald: bioade from Miami sold. "He treatm ent."
b y HUaabeth A . O ’Brien, o f fall to end the fighting in South w ished. "J a g re e ," com m ented W healon IngKallation pushbutton, 2 IOC lights, ciga r lighter,
Everybody need$
'*m oom ectlon with the plana m ohhngs, radio manual, tinted glass, dkhi’t say what the mloaion was C LE A N B A H E R Y TERMINALS
208, Autum n S t pulling ou t o f Vietnam. M ansfield. 1175 ft. spring, 1600 lb. rear q iriiig 6 H e aald the trip w as "o n e x ­
R7 A*---------4-speed. Bal-
tor nwnih ih poatwar aaalatance
Vernon S t in fron t o f him «w i On the w ar issue, the new ’Die decision to cut the com ­ Slated fo r M arch 19 2 ICC UgMs, TIMimp battery, 1175 U>. ft. 8.16x16 8 pr. r a w tlrea. about perience,” but “ under the d r - a second car now­ Uf l l O r W n B o f fa ctory w ar­
to Vietnam, d>eae oontaoUr (be- Foreign ReiatiooB Com m ittee m ittee w as m ade by the D em o­ ^iringB, 1660 Id. rear qxin ga , 5 8 ^16xl0 "He held a seven-inch knife in cum etanoes,. I didn’t Uke it. I
w as unable to sh ^ . H e Mid 18 HARTFORD (A P )—The Cbth- ranty.
haaan Sweden and North Viet­ shapes up with nine m em bers, cratic Steering Com m ittee, 4 p t ttres. { Federal L ist P rice $2749.86 mgr aide the whole way" to Hor diHi’t Uke one individual to be adays, but it's
nam ) have now becom e m ore fe e t Into the le ft edde o f her cer. including Chairm en J. W. Ful-
concrete , thus Inereaainy the N o in ju ries w ere repotted, dam ­
h r ig ^ D -Ark., w ho- have <p-
which also voted to reduce the
Appropriations Com m ittee from
oUc Transcript, a publloaUon o f
the B brtford archdiocese, has
F eden d L ist P rice $2729.24
NOW S 2 1 9 S
vona. Miss Jetnlgan said. The
sky pirate sat beside hw end
able to do somiettilng Uke this.
The governm ent ought to do
always hard to Rffg. $22i0 Val.1 17 P d l i S t T p ? " '
need o f oataMlBhliig officia l re- a g e w as m inor and n o poUce poeed escalation, five who have 26 to 24.
announced that the M ost R ev. NOW 9XS4S ‘h e would give me a Uttle Jab EJomething about it ." find clean, eco­ ffft D f t f t t ClAtallna 2.D oor H.T.
latiam ."
action w as fa k ett
supported increasing m ilitary In both cases, M ansfield and
John F . Vfliealon, Blriiop o f • Stock No. T104 stock No. T ie
every time somebody came . Boyd said the h ijack er w as “ a
OUK FALL SPGCIAL' •• r U B f c v -8. auto. P ,g.
fiwodlab oontaeta with Hanoi preosure end one w hose position his new whip. Sen. Edw ard M.
E rie, P a., w ill be installed as near." rather decent looking person, nomical cars in (P lo i P arte) RE P f k a t Catalina 4-D oor H.T.
now a re handled by the Swedish COMPLAINTS Archblebop o f H artford on SO r r a i i v -8, auto. P.S.
A break and entry w as re­ is not easily catalogued. Kennedy, D -M ass., opposed the
M arch 1.9 ml* Jeinlgan sold she was in except fo r his nose atid Ms the compact and
amhaeaaMoi to Red CUna, Len­
' M cCarthy, w ho becam e a m a­ cuts, but Miansfield toU report­ NEW *68 PICKUP NEW *68 PICKUP the rear of the plane when the mouth w hich w ere a little YOU SAVE $4.25 EE f i b * * Im pala 2-D oor H.T.
nart Petri. Ih e Swedish newspa­ ported by Anthony Sherlock of ers, "W e w ere voted dow n.’.’ The cerem ony w ill take place Idjacker, pretending lUness, w eak.” i n t e r m e d i a te llU S W e V-8, auto., p .g .
jo r contender fo r the D em ocrat­
per D acens N ybeter reported in 166 M cK ee St. yesterday. He .in St. Joseph Cathedral with Styleslde F-100. 240 cu. hi. engine, H.D. Flareside F-100. 240 cu. in. engine 8-
jarioed if he oouM eit beetde her. ‘ "They treated ua Uke k in gs," sizes. Well, here's
tts mom inir edtUon that Petri told police the house h s/j been ic preeidenUal nom ination on
idao w in b e accredited In Hanoi. entered when he and his w ife
(he strength o f his oppoaltion to
the w ar, decided to ^ v e up his
The new Republican Whip,
Sen. Hugh Scott, o f Pennsylva­
nia, also opposed ^ reductions,
Archbishop Luigi Raim ondi, Ap-
ostoUc D elegate to the United
vinyl trim , full foam cushions, bright
grille and headlam p doors, painted rear
bum per, gauges horn ring, convenient
speed, H.D. vinyl trim , fuU foam cush­
ion, painted rear bum per, gaugea, ror
“After he sat down^ he aald:
“1 hate to teU - you th ^ but
Ron Ownbey o f RuseellviUe,
A rk., reported. “ They really a group’ of just Bring In This Coupon For A FREE Liriw Job M Fr Vo ItHr i Country gqulre Wogan
SaredlSi diplom atic relations w ere away between 1 and 8
with South tfietnam lapsed a p.m . About |o in change w as
bership w as cut from 19 to 15.
arid said h e’ll make a flo o r fight
seat a ft ^ the com m ittee m em ­
on the decision, w hich m eans
States, officiatin g. ^
Bishop W healon is expected to
lighting pA., radio manual, tinted glass,
2 IOC IlgfaU, 1175 lb. ft. spring, 1660 Ib.
dio, 1200 lb. rear spring and aux. spring,
6 8.10x16 8 pt. tiras.
we’re going to Culic^*" Mias
Jendgan related after ohe re­
layed it on. They w ined and din­
ed us and tried to show ua the
s u c h c fy; s. So
With o n Cfiongn and FiHor. n filM IV Oonv. guper
l i m V e Sport. v :g , auto.
year ago when the Swedish am- mining from a ceram ic bank present his papal docum ent of rear springs, 6 8.15x10 8 p t tiras. turned to Miami. “ I said, ‘No, better parts of H avana.” don't wait. Visit Name ...................................... ,« ,
The cutback, w hich had the few er seats fo r Republicans. Federal List P rice $2727.86 i l f M i Grand P rix
basnador m oved to Bangkok. No in tha bedrom n. P olice deter­ appointm ent to A rchbishop Hen­ Federal L ist P rice $27S7A6
But 'MansAeld said the Senate’s our s h o w r o o m
Buooeam r has been accredited m ined that entry w as m ade support o f Fulbrigbt, left flie ry J. O’Brien when he arrives NOW i s i t s
through the garage door, and D em ocrats with no vaoanclee, D em ocratic m ajority w oilld NOW St. AddreM
to Saigon.
there was som e evidence of and apparently barred M oOee, stand behind the steering com ­ here M arch 18. O’Brien is re­
tirin g fo r reasons o f health. 9bodc Stock No. T6 Tolland now! Many more bargain cqiedBlg to chooae from, ate-
ransacking.. Nothing else is an outspoken hawk, from re­ m ittee. ' Geoise De Cormier
The addition o f M oOee to the
City gtato thm wagons, compacts A wide sriection of g o ^
m issing. turning to the oominM tee. He
Nader’s Study. New First Baptist Church aeeond 'car tranqwrtation.

TOatribe’, Says
had been bum ped a fter Republi­ Foreign R elations Com m ittee
A break yesterday w as re­ can gains in the 1966 election win be offset by the expected
ported by Claudio Scaipona ot gave them an additional place appointm ent o f Sen. Ja cob Jav-
its o f New Y ork to the vacancy
When you tU nk e f
T Y P c v M in m
FITZGERALD FORD, INC. Seeks Land for Building
1967 PONTIAC “LEMANS" 4-Door Hardtop.
Fully equipped includinir 326 V-8 e n ^ e , auto­
Come bi Soonl
87 Niles D r. H e told police that *on the com m ittee. rX T L **lV>Ibnd Oionty’s OMiBst Ford Dealer* U M RI
Head of FTC som etim e between 6:46 and 7 There w as talk in the Capitol available to the Repiriillcans. Thinli of Y IA U matic trails., radio, heatw, luxury decor interior,
p.m . som eone entered the south corridors that Fulbrlght planned Javtts initially supported John­ Windsor Avenue^ Rockville—Open EveninKB The recen tly form ed F irst operative N ursery School next black' padded 'top, tool See this local one owner
WlASHINCnON (A P )—Paid side d6or, w hich waa locked but it th is w ay, but it w as at this son adm inistration p olicy in TeL 643-2485 875-3369 Baptist Church o f Tolland will w eek are, M onday, M rs. Harold beauty today.
Rond Dixon aoys be has no in­ ajar. M im ing are two gold Bul- point that M cCarthy cam e to I fib. Adam s S t, begin Icmklng fo r land on which Jensen, M rs. M ichael G oldstein; Blue mist/matchinsr interior. SrWwO


tention o f resigning the chair­ ova watches, a diam ond en­ the rescue o f M cG ee D-W yo. to construct a new church. The W ednesday, M rs. Paul Low ery
IS E ^ IC I^ ^ H TH A T SAVES congregation has grow n consid­
Fellow senators w ere am ased. and M rs. Edward Jesanis; F ri­
m anship o f the Federal Trade gagem ent r l^ , fou r silver dol­ FOR IffiNT erably during the six months
lars and fou r Kennedy halt Asked if he w as surprised by day, M rs. John M oAlm ont and 1967 REBEL 770 Model -2-Door Hardtop. 232 cu.
OjTTrtniielon aa urged by law doilars, a g lri’s w atdi, a $5 bill hfoCarthy’s m ove. Senate I b r 8 and 18 nun. M ovie P ro- the clnirch group has >been hold­ M rs. G eorge M etahas.
students who dU a crltioal atut^ and tw o singles, som e change, Jorlty Leader M ike M ansfield o f
Jectors aoo nd o r s lk n t also
88 nun. oUde projeetora. CHAROE YOUR r ^ if^ 'k ^ 'k 'k ^ 'k 'k '^ ^ -k 'k 'k 'k ir k 'k k ir ir ir k ir ir iirkiK ^
ing its servioes at the Hicks Boys Basketiiall Begins
in. 6 cyl. engine, column shift automatic trans.,
AM-FM radio, power steering, all f fO A O C

mm. CARS at
o f the agency under the direc- and a change bonk. The item s M ontana replied, " I sure a s hell M em orial School.
tlon o f Ralph Nader. w ere taken out o f the bedroom s w as.” WELDON DRUG C O . PRESCRIPTION A CensUtution S ervice is
H ie B oa rd ' o f Recreatton-
sponsored B o y s Basketball vinyl seat upholstery. Red/white top. A U # 9 YOUR 9UALTTY OLOSMOBILE DEALER
A t a news conference Thurs­ and the rest o f the house showed scheduled tor Jan. 18 a t 2:30
day, D ixon said the report call­ no signs o f ransacking.
ing fo r his resignation Is " a hys-
Asked to eiqdain, M ansfield 767 M ain S t - J M . 648-8821
s, p.m . in the Hlofca School gym .
The R ev. P . 3i B edford, as­
League begins scheduled gam es
tom orrow at 1 p jn . in the high
school gym . 1966 FORD GALAXIE 600 4-Door Sedan. Regu­
tarioal, antlbustnees diatribe sociate secretary tor the De­ K rechko Brothers w ill face lar gas V-8 engine, automatic transmission, ra­
and a eow rllous, untruthful at­ Five Day Forecast partm ent o f P ioneer M issions
THINK SHALL $1884.90 Sport M art at 1:30, w ith Tol­ dio, heater, deluxe wheel trim phis all standard
ta ck ."
The report w as Issued Sunday Tem peratures in Connecticut
after a stmtmer-k>ng Investiga­ during tile 6-day period Satur­
. . D dlvered in M anchester
Equipped with laatharatte interior, W elcom e H ere
UP TO o f the' H om e M ission Board in
Atlanta, G eorgia, w ill serve as
guest speaker.
land Savings Bank opposing
Llpm an Chorches R ealty at
2 :S0. Clinton Presa w ill face
FoM features. A locally owned car in
excellent condition. AOC
tion o f file FTC. The students day tbroilgli W ednesday are ex­ windahleld waaher, 2-^>aad elec­ Invitatkxis to the special serv­ W anat’a a t 8.80. Burgundy finish/buff interior. IO # 9
w ere organised b y Nader, a pected to average m uch below tric w ipen heater, dafaggar, 4- 45 NEW 1969b TO PICK FROM ic e havb been sent to a il o f the
eirtlc o f the auto industry and norm al. D ally M g ^ w ill aver­ way safety flasben , back-up affiliated churches in the Con­

M anchester Evening Herald
governm ent agencies. age 25 to 80 and dally low s lights, front and rear oeat baits, SAMPLE BUYS
N ader cm dd not be reached from 10 to 18. ()ulte cold through is a t h a r ^ headresU, s t e s r 1n g
wheel look and rear window de^
PINE PHARMACY necticut, Rhode Island and
M assachusetts area.
Tolland oorrespondent B ette
Quatrale, tel.- 875-2845.
1965 RAMBLER CLASSIC 770 2-Door Hardtop.
Loaded with extras, like: 287<<iu. in. regular gas
fo r com m ent on D ixon’s iwbut- the period w ith srnaU day-to-day I- Bloodnnoblle Visit
tal. change. 664 CENTER ST.
' ' In the m idst o f pteas fo r the V-8 engine, dual range automatic, reclining
Am ong the accusations o f the Precipitation m ay total up to TED TRUDON MANCHESTER, CONN. D elivered to R ock ville donation o f blood to replace de­
9-14% Increase
bucket seats, power steering, radio, tilt-a-way
stvUents w as one that Dixon K in d i w ater, equivalent. A pleted supplies, the B ed Cross steering column, deluxe decor trim.
personally suppressed a report chance o f anew Sunday and VOLKSWAGEN TEL. 6 4 9 ^ 4 *3145.00 B loodm oblle is scheduled to visit Cocoa brown finish/
criticising auto m anufacturers enow lik riy around ’Tueaday. St. M atthew’s Church Parish Asked fo r Mass. matching vinyl in’terior. •1595
fo r their w arranty practices.
D ixon called this a "blatant
lie.” 'N
Center W ednesday from 1 to 6:30
p.m .
D onors between the ages of
State Em plbyes '68 PONTIAC ‘68 OLDS '68 OLDS
BOSTION (A P ) —Gov. John 1965 RAMBLER CLASSIC 660 4-Door Station Grand Prix 2-Dr. Hardtop. V-8,
The students claim ed Dixon 18 and 60 are eligible to give
A. Volpe has asked the legisla­ Wagon. This is the model everybody wants and Cutlass 2-Dr. Hardtop. V-8, au­ P-85 Ckmpe. 6 cyl., automatic,
w ppressed the report “ until aft­ Uo<^, w ith tSioee between the automatic, power steering, pow­
e r d ie election to avoid alienat­ ages o f 18 and 21 required to ture to give pay raises totaling is this one ever sharp! Low original mileage. er brakes, factory air. No. tomatic, power steering, power
ing Henry Ford n and other provide parental consent. som e $41 m illion to state em ­ 232 6 cyl. engine, 3-speed column shift, radio, power steering. No. 7178A.
ployes. ‘The hikes would range 7151A. brakes. No. 7169A.
buainess interests w ho were A nursery w ill be provided
from 9 p er cent to 14 per cent
washabSe vinyl in-terior, luggage rack plus all
contributing heavily to Hubert fo r pre-school children and standard Rambler features. 9 1 0 0 C
H um phrey's cam paign." transportatiocni m ay be arranged fo r the m ore than. 50,000 men
and wom en em ployed by the Buff finish/matching interior. IA # 9

*3095 *2295 *2050

D b m contended his agency In if needed.
recent years has played m ajor A person m ay gi'ra blood five com m onwealth.
1969 Dodge Polara
redes in the enactment o f legls- tim es a year at eight-week inter­ The recom m enUatlon cam e
lation requiring health warnings vals, according to bloodm oblle ‘Thursday in a special m essage 1964 RAMBLER “CLASSIC 770” 4-Door Cus­
on cigarette packages, and laws 1969 Dodcfe Polara 2-Door Hardtop. 318 cu. in. V-8 engine, torque- chairm an M rs. Edward G ris­ to the lawm akers. tom Sedan, A truly beautiful family sedan.
requiring truth in lending, w old. Befreahm ents w ill be Union officials have Said they Equipped perfectly for your wife with features
flam m able fabrics, truth in flite transmission, vinyl trim, light group, power steering, power perved to donors. w ill accept nothing less than a like automatic 'trans.,'OHV 6 cyl. engine, radio,
packaging and other consum er brakes, AM radio, remote control mirror, undercoat, whitewalls, wheel I Club V isits University 20 per cent across the board
heater. Absolutely spotless throughout.
protection le g i^ tk m .
He said the report of the stu­
dents "em anates from a group
covers, 3 speed wipers. List Price $3752.20. I 'The Tolland High School Art
Club recently visited the H art­
Volpe, w ho will be replaced
by Lt. G ov. Francis W. Sargent
Burgundy finish/
matching interior.
fflO O C
IA # 9
'67 OLDS '67 Plymouth '67 PONTIAC
ford A rt School and the Univer­
with self- granted license to crit­ sity o f H artford A rt G allery. later this month, proposed that Delta 88 2-Dr. Hardtop. V-8, au­ Fury 2-Dr. Sedan. V-8, auto­ Bonneville 4-Dr. Hardtop. V-8,
icize a respected governm ent the raise by m ade retroactive to
■ A t the gallery they viewed the tomatic, power steering, power
agency by the use o f a type of Jan. 1. 1964 FORD FALCON-DELUXE 4-Door Station matic. No. 6128A. automatic, power steering, pow­
D elivered to RockvUIo present show w hich consists of Jbm es M . A. D dan, president Wagon. A real handy little wagon. 6 cvL. auto­
invective and sm ear technique
that newspapermen inform ed
me is unusual even for Washing­
Smart *29174)0
sculpture showing all m ethods
from traditional m edia o f stone
o f the M assachusetts State Em ­
ployes, said any proposal under
mate trans., radio, heavy duty in- S V V Q C
terior, Black/red leatherette interior. I I #9
brakes. No. 8017A. er brakes. No, 7080A.
ton.” and w ood through the m ost cur­ 20 percent to legislators and a
Use'd Car
^2295 *1095 *2095
rent m edia of neon. sm aller increase to state em ­
The students had the oppor­ ployes is “ absolutely unaccepta­
1964 RAMBLER “AMERICAN” 4-Door Station
‘^Pot’ Sales King th e b e s t tunity ot view ing the current b le .’ ’
WAGON, 6 cyl. standard shift. An economy
Hit in Boston; Shoppers student work at the art school
consisting of paintings, draw­
John J. K eefe, international
representative of the Service champ, ready to run
your errands.
14 Arrested BUY OF THE WEEK ings end collages. v
Students m aking the trip were
Em ployes International Union,
AiFLrOIO, another union of state
Make Our 'D ian e Bouchard, Linda Lem ek, workers, said state em ployes
BOSTON (A P) — Fourteen
1969 Dodge Coronet
Cathy Sm all, V icky DeM avo,
F lorrle Tantlllo, ‘Tony Tantlllo,
“ are determ ined .they will not
be put o ff another year, nor pa­
1964 OLDS F-86 4-Door Sedan. V-8 engine, au­
tomatic transmission, radio, heater. A real fine
persons, including three young
MTomen, w ere arrested by Bos­ @ Lot YOU W ILL FIND ALL OF THESE UNITS IN OUR OK LOT 1969 Dodge Coronet “440” 2-Door Hardtop. 318 c^. in., V-8 engine,
Sue Field, D ebbie Smith, Ernest
H olm es, Eileen Zabilansky,
cified with token increases that
leave them In an Inferior com ­
petitive position with private
value in the family sedan style.
Maroon/black interior. •1295 98 Luxury Sedan. V-8, auto-' 2-Dr. Hardtop. V-8, automatic, New Yorker 4-Dr. Hardtop. V-8,
ton and state police ’Ihursday in PRICED AND READ Y ’TO GO - - - TOP SEILIBCTION OF USED CARS Boxanne W arren, V icky G ray
AM radio, power steering, torque-flite transmission, 3 speed wipers,' matic, power steering, ‘power
a series o f lightning raids which
invesUgatora claim broke up the
largest m arijuana distrlbutli^
Their 66 CHEVROLET $1595 remote control mirrors, rear window defogger, undercoat and hood in­
and M ichelle Cerrlgione.
M rs. Judith H olm es, art
D olan said his union “ filed
legislation for a 20 per pent sa­ 1964 FORD FAIRLANE 4-Door Sedan. 6 cylin­ brakes. No. 7131A.
power steering, power brakes,
factory air. No. 7164Ai.
autfMnatic, power steering, pow­
er brakes. No. 7169A.
Im pala 4-D oor. .V-8, auto., teacher and club advisor, a c­
/ ring in New Ekiglaivi). sulator, bumper guards front and rear, 7.75x14 whitewall tires, deluxe lary increase for career state' der, automatic transmission, radio, heater. An­
The law enforcem ent officers First and radio, heater, whitewalls.
wheel covers, air foam front seat, vinyl trim.
com panied th e club m em bers.
School Lunobea
em ployes. We m ean 20 per other o f our fine second car values.

*1695 *2195 *1895

conducted six raids in Boston cent.”
U st P rice $8802.00 School lunches in all three
A private consulting firm con­
Maroon/gold in t^ or.
and tw o in adjacent Cam bridge
in capping a six-m onth investi­
gation headed by Suffolk County
Only Stop 68 CHEVROLET $2815
Im pala Sport Coupe. V-8,
H ydram atlc, pow er steer­
88 CHEVY H $2095
Nova 4-D oor. 6-cyl., aiitn.,
Bohoola next w eek are, M onday,
b r e a d ^ ^ v e a j cuUeit, m ashed
potaitot^U ttered spinach, broad
tracted by the Volpe adm lnls-
tratton has recom m en d^ a pay
1963 OLDS F-85 2-Door Sport Coupe. V-8, en­
Dist. Atty. G arrett H. Byrne. ing, radio heater, vinyl Posltractlon radio, heat­ Increase o f 14 per cent fo r the
For the finest service roof, whitewalls. er, whitewalls. ..and butter, banana; ‘Tuoa- gine, automatic, trans, radio, heater.
The raiders claim ed m ore state workers.
than a half-m illion dollars worth ask our sales repre­ is t o r r i" * " * * day, ham burger on roH, potato Gold finish/matching interior. /T 9
salad, potato chips, gingerbread
of m arijuana w as seized. sentatives to help you: 66 OHEVELLE $1795
P olice said the ring brought
m arijuana from M exco to Bos­
ton end distributed it to college
George Hubbard
Alfred Steele
65 OLDS $1376
Deluxe F-86 4-D oor. V-8,
auto., pow er steering, ra­
M alibu Sport Coupe. V-8,
auto., pow er steering, ra­
dio, heater, whitew alls.
with applesauce; Wednesday,
hot turkey sandwich, cranberry
aauoe, buttered peas,- cak e;
Peimanent Wave
Special! 1963 MERCURY COMET 2-Door Sedan. 6 cyl. '65 OLDS ‘65 OLDS '65 OLDS
dio, heater, whitewcUls. T lnm day, plssa, cheese stick, Hair Cut Included automatic transmission, radio, heater.
cutd high ' school students Robert Giorgetti Dynamic 88 Convertible. V-8, F-85 Wagon. V-8, automatic, Delta 88 4-Dr. Sedan. V-8, au-
throughout New Elngland. Robert Sloan buttered green beans, Iriilt 18.60.810.00 - 812.60 Just the second car you’ve ^ 7 9 5
T-BIRD 81895 65 RAM BLER 81826 been looking for. automatic, power steering, pow­
P olice said the pereiHis arrest­ Del Reynolds n l^ S T A N O $2145 Sport Coupe. V-8, auto., C lassic 660 Station W ag-
cup; Friday, soup, tuna salad power steering, power brakes. tfxnatic, power steering, power
aondwloh, peanut butter and Hair

O dell
ed included Edward J. Doherty, Donald Nielsen Fastback (^ u p e.V-8, au- pow er steering-brakes- on. 6-cyl. ‘ auto., pow er
29, o f Boston, who was taken to., pow er steering radio, windows, radio, heater, steering and brakes, ra- Jelly sandwich (M eadow brook) er brakes. No. 7107B. No. 7191A. As is special. brakes. No. 6226B.
heater,' w hitew alls. whitewalls. dio^ heates', w hitew alls. cheese cube, apple crisp. Coloring 1966 VOLKS BUG.
into custody with his secretary,
Ptillotta C lifford, a t his con ­
F or Your Convenience
We Are Open UU
Aseleting M othere
With 4 cyl., radio, heater. •295
struction buslnees office. Doher­ A ssistants o f th e ToUand Co-
ty w as described aa a ringlead­
er. He and his secretary were
ohaiged with conspiracy to vio­
late th e n arcotics law.
Ttie arrested persons were
0 D II
w ■ sR Ii
Ih iirs.

“A Good Place To Buy A Oar” Lloyd Oden

Wigs Geened
Style Set
SHOP T O M T E T lU 9:00 PjM. al *950 *1295
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held in total ball o f $22,000 for x m f MOIOMOORMUnON FUEL OIL and Styled 87.00 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM
appearance in Court Friday.
D oherty was held in $60,000
'boil and M iss C llffonI in $6,000.
CHEVROLET Rout* 83, RockvillG
Just I'Va MBm From Yurnon Cirelu Off l>84
G ASO LIN E No Appointm ent N eoeseary
on ’Tuesday A W ednesday
B oil o f $80,000 also w as set fmr
Kan J. Sm ltb, 28, o f Boston, Jo­
seph K . Thompson, 28, o f FhUa-
deiphla, and.D nvid A. Berenaon,
18, o f Randolph, They w ere hrid
on the sanM oohsplraoy charge
Chevy Phone 64|.8tM 1229 MAIN STREET
CO.. Inc.
^M o n clm tw 646^2333 Rockvllk 872-3666.{^

ir k ir ir ir ir ir ir ir ir ir ir ir k k ir k ir ir ir k ic k ir k ir k k k k k iC k k
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R ead H erald Advertisemento

. f'"
UConn Radical Leader Htoed by the Oxford P r e s A
toas "very much Invetved In
tha flee speech movement," ha
owneone who to obvioualy of the
New I,eft, but otherwise appar­
him a term paper, saying, "IWQ
you accept tUsT" "It was due
than the UCkU sltuatfon. But
the "Storrs oocftcntottoii," he
PAGE S E V ^ r iE N
and another. "Ctaao, Raoe and said. ently quite Uke anyone e l s e , ThaUnglvlng." Leggett s a i d , asserted, to the Uggoot SSm
Po>Hlca” to ready to ba pub- milling and taking it lb s stii- of Ito Mnd on lha ooM eoM t David Okrant
Savage Fighting Suspension Uehed.
BVom B erkley ha went to a
now ooUoge in Vancouver, B.O.,
and very wUDag to talk, iHiat
do you oUi? dent showed Mm an artlde in Bditor Janlca Obucbowald

T he H igh S chool W
A native of Detroit, be le- "Ramparts,” * well-known rad­ Marqr Juran Senior Bditor

tor a year before oomlig' to If you ooMider sooialogy a
r o a im oeived Us advanced education UOonn, with Us wife and two scleneo (he did), can you be ical magaslne. Leggett had Feature Bditor Robert BleUer
oUpper. Of the three, only 'Bro- toad Sports Bditor
var hoe a mustache. Leggett ex- at the University of IBeUgaiv daughters, as a full professor objective when you are por- read it.
lokMNI UBivw- receiving his Ph.D in 1N3. this fall. He said be would Uke Uolpoting, more or less; dfawet- Asked MS' oflnlan cn t h e
piaJned that he teaohee ooufMs

I t OsHNOdwt MBior m * In poUtioal sociology, s o c i a l From there, be went to t h e to return to the weet coast, and ly In a aitaatlcnT (He could, Utuatlon at San 'B ^ ctsoo
Unlvenlty of CUlfomta. at probably woidd. State CoUege, Leggett caBed it VOL, JODH, N g 14
ltd D m . U tar atratlfleatlon, race rotations and he Sold). Com piled by 8tndentm o f M ancluater H igh School M rs. J oyce D on, FaetBlty A dviaM
the Uke. His book, "dasa, Race Berkeley, where he taught and Sitting, face to face with A studenroame up snd slipped "touBher, a bigger ball game,"
t i Ml
By-Line W |
E an abtjmoa
ruMi« m that
The new year arrived to find
'that tha a -* "r |i
Child Development Class Experience
tataf tndmtad into tte A m y.
m u mm rntmOima to anpow Oommittae had oat been idle.
Prepares Senior Girls for Future
lor MauBdcn Jtan. 11. CBam duea of tl-00 ted boen
A oooct 0000, on ohMi — Aaoldad upon and ooBaoteL Bim
di— iwing tRxn onollMr praUat BMttons tor tlw Ctam Motto
wore given and tBamwaed, and “ Bnipa, end mails; and puppy At the end of ths ssmester,
Mov. as, to olao tte cMlds dsvdopmsnt can bs
Am to ooftto up to Oroult OouK a Utt of the moat popular ones dog's tails — that's what Uttle
vara oiroulated to otaoa boys ara made of. Sugar, and traced through tte changes on


U, wmiiiiawHo, Jaa. H. Tte observation sbssts.
Army toJuotloB ana poatpcnad bam. sptos, and svscytblng ides —
tm> waoks booanoo bo woo dM A vofa deektad tqiaa “ It is Is Unit what UtUs giris are mode Puppy dogs' talU and sugar
to appear to oomt Ibaoday, not bow long we Uve but how" o f?" and ^ c e ? A world mad-( of
bat tba oom araa poatponed. oa ite Otam Motto for tha Ctana Can a simple nursery rhyme fantasy and new found know!-
Maamddle, Bavaco ia attand- of I960. The Oommenoement really describe tte fast moving, edgs. Child Development can
tof olaaaaa, hopliir to take at
leaat one exam aa tlw aameater
■lebari Savage

enda, and aaatof laaryera. He Wednesday and bsul drafted a

la ttvtad o(f>oampua. reply, in almost iUeglUe long­
It la not dUBodt to locate hand—preeumaMy ready tor
ON THESE PAGES Oommlttee has oBm been dte
eianlng many toiteieatii« a n d
uUqua Ideaa to make 'SB’s the
boot senior year yet.
Attantion Benton: AU aco-
ever changing, exeftting litUe
world of the developing child?
Child Development class lets
senior girls dteoover the truth
tor themselves.
telp in understanding tte eom-
plex creation that is a child.
Catfate ‘69

km who have bem accepted

ttda ooBStravomial flgura. Luadt* typing or mimeographing (the
tone haadqMcteni lor Bavafo, SDS.'Uke all faoeta of educatian- 1967 FORD 1966 CHCVKOLET 1967 VDLKSWADEN to doUegea obould leave a allp
Perhaps your gym ctaaa has
been invaded by round-eyed
Student Cited
and apparaatty for many ,o< the al institutions, "good" or "bad",
laartwa at tlia ffhidanto for a is fond of words, and their
Damoomtlc Soolaty — atudant words are oonttnually clrcUtot-
Galaxie 600 2-Door Hardtop
Auto; V-8, PS., Radio
1965 VDLKSWAGE14 Bal ilir Sedan. 6, auto, trana. Squaraback. White. Radio.
of paper with their name, the
name of tha ooUegaa and tlw
n m o of the state in which the
little girls or boys who (tq|wn
finding caMMhenlce or badmin­ Mindy Mens(tell, a senior,
has been cited as one of the
Sedan. Badio. ton not extremely tntereathy)
and faoulty — apama to be the ing.)
•1895 •1095 •1895 oollega la located in the R l^ noade a hasty retreat; or the outstanding high sdwol atu­
dents of EngUah in tte (xnmtry.
Oampua Raotaian^ a oafe-
taita Joat oft oampiia. In his reply to Babbidge, Sav­ •IIW School WorM oMtoe „tor use in
tha papur in tba near future.
aUsnee of the library was brok­
en by a troop of 8 to 5 year
Tte National OouncU of Teach­
Aasiy wHh BaUldpe age aaid, in part, “ I bdieve the
Tha otBer aoon, Savage paua- president by miaquoting my in­
1969 VOIKSWADEN OatMe '69 olda exploring a strange new
ers of Englteh has named her

od a fear mtoutea to eocpiaiii tention in Ms letter to me has 1963 CHEVY 1962 VDLKSWAGEtt domain. TTiis Is ell part of “ lab''
a 1968 national runner-up in its
annual Achievement Awards
what be waa up to, before luah- shown a lack of human concern Pickup. Veay'oleen. 1967 OLDS Toronado 1600 modd. Radio. YeUow
Sunroof. Blue. Radio JuMon end Benlona: Durti«
neott week, Jan. 18-17, from 8-6
period, where free jday and ex-
pteratton are encouraged.
for my predtoameM." The Ms-
tog off to BaHfoad for a ooo- tory majin- said that he did not 2-Door Hardtop. Full power. •1495 p jn ., the Travelers liiwurance IVee play Is a type of gentle Lost spring, a (XMnmtttee of
ferenoe wltii a lawyer (he didn't
ask that be be relnatated in the
aoy on wtatoh aapaot of hlB oome- univereity. A quesUoti of se- •995 •895 Oompony wiU interview Jtmlora
and sentote for Saturday sMUa
guldanoe which leaves tte chUd
basioaily o unlnhlbUed end uiv
EngUah toachera from MHB
nominated ahneet 8500 students
w totim iM ed attuatioa.)
Baango, aa haa been man- mantlos, perhaps, to the out­
sider, but to the individual con­
•3 1W 1968 PORSCHE training otartlng Feb. 8. The
training end experience will
restrained. Now be can thsootvsr
values cn hds own; what te right
for the NOTE citation. Of that
number, only 800 finalists were
UoiMl before, ia taU — prE>bat>ty cerned, an additional frustm- groom you for fuUttme em­ chosen. They (Wpresent over 60b
MoatFf, haaided. of oounw, but ticn. Mustanir 2-Door Hardtop. 1966 VW SEDAN j 1964 VOLKSWAGEN 912. 5-speed trane.
ployment with the Travetare
to do, end what te wrong. He
can explore, he can create, he schoola from 50 states, Um Dte-
on a ooUege campue one goto As for Us quick mrlnaniflrn
Bidto naod to aU vniletiea of tten from student deferment to
6, auto. tmns.
— Rfkdio. Beige
1 Dehixe Sedan. Radio •4895 after graduation, if you oen
. type and would Uke to leoni
can dteoover tor httnseU what
being a UtUe boy means. And
trlqt of Oohmlbia, and Ameri­
can Preparatory Seteoto abroad.
In announcing tte wlniiera,
htor, weBwqiokan and coopem^ 1-A when Ms suq>en8ian wss an-
ttro when queattoned. He waa nounoed, Sava^ branded that •1095 •1095 1967 VOLKSWACEN
keypunching or tapewriting, go
to the Personnel Department
T .<rv . a ww . ..
Jane 'Post and Bev Miller, both 69, cooperatively play dead for their young
(HepaM pIxNo by BucelvIcRua) bs osa estabHah retationaMps
with people or remain on hte Robert F. Hogan, Executive
eodremely upaet — to a verbaBy "bureaucratlo tenoriam." •1445 and disouaa these opportunities. charges aa Sandy Forbes, '69, observes the children and their reactions. own. But whether in group Se(nwtary of tte National Coun­
cil of Teachers of engUsb, stat­
way — with aa an-
be had received toom Before be hunted off to Itart- 1966 D0D8E Fastiback. Black. Radio. play or individual play, tte ed that tte OouncU recom­
Homer BabbUge in tord, be Introduced this report­
1966 VW Obia Conv. 1986 VOLKSWAGEN •179 5
ohttdreei ore being observed tn mends these students tor <x>I-
reaponae to Ua requedt for an er to another oontioverslal flg-
BbayanoO. ure-^ohn Leggett, professor of
Freaideab Babbldge had aa- sociology and one of the four
Polara 4-Door Hardtop.
A/C, auto, trans. PS., radio.
Red, black top. Radio
Deluxe Sedan. Red Annual Reunion by the course of their devetopment.
Child Development te a se­
mester course. Senior girts ara
legs scholanhlps In 1969. Tte
names of these atudents ara
sent to every o te g e end uni­
torarad that be could not oom faculty members under threat
•1595 •1395 1 1966 VW SEDAN given the opporhaiity to stud^
tte phystcaT and mental ds-
versity cMlmtesions offioer in tte
alder a "retoeletement," whldi of discipline for their part in
Savage claimed completely dio- the Dow interview.
Leggett was about to have
•1695 Red. Very clean NHS Is Successful vriopment of children. The text-
bO(* covers from Urth to six
otxmtry. In prevtous years, 99
per cent of tte Award wiimen
entered tte oeXhega of their
togentod Ua nequeat tor aa
'bdieyaaoe." lunrti, along with two of the
1964 •1395 The Natioeial Honor Society rules about drinking and yean; and “ lab” periods deal (teice. ApproocinMitely 90 per
Savage bad written lequeet- other profeeBora-^aick Roach,
tag an abeyaaoe — actually a also a soolologlat, and Chartes
1961 VUIKSWADEN 1967 VOLKSWAGEN combined a boUday get-together
and an Informal panel discus­
parietal hours. Everyone, every­
where, was absolutely broke!
with both boys and girls foam
3 to 5 jrears of age .In action.
cent of thoee receiving reoog-
nttlon received financial ol(L
■wpeulon of the auapenoICBi — ment. Brover, of the EkgUsh depart­ CutlaaB Conv. PEL, auto., radio.
Sedan.'' Bed. New tires. Deluxe Sedan. Radio. Extina clean
1965 VOlKSW AtEN sion at their anmwl alumni re­
As for semester vs. trlmeeter
On Mondays- and Friteys,
the children have cookies
lOndyis English teactera have
on Monday. In that nequeat be
■aid that “uidvenlty rules as Beport Not Made PUbllo
The fourth profeoBor, David
•1095 •795 •1695 Sedan. White. Very clean. . union, held leoentty.
About 40 past and present
system, those whose sehoMs
(Eariham and Union) are under
the trimester system were de­
milk snd talk cf tte
“ best things of Christmas,"
been Mrs. Sylvia Oarmen, Mr.
Herbert Paganl, Mr. David
Monahan and Mr. Gilbert Hudt.
they mm eland requtaw nse to NHS'era met in the faculty Brenda Mattarelli, ’69, discovers eomething about squinn in chaira, "dsan
OolfBx, also of the sociology de­
nmain auapended wUle I work
partment, was not in evldenoe. ____ ^1195 kneige on the Friday before
finitely In favor of it. The work­
ings of the 8D8 were explain­ the way children learn as a young student in Child bouse," or Join in a game of
Her schedule taududes CoHegs
Level EngUsh and Chsmistry,
the appeala proceaa AU four have been using the
Hoitover, due to forcea beyond press to state their case, os 1683 FORD 1963 VOLKSWAGEN Christmas vacatton. Familiar, ed more thoroughly by Miark Development discovers something about the diffi­ “ Umdon Bridges," students Algebra HI, Art IV, O atts I,
my oonboi, l have been order­ Leggett fke^y admitted, and
ed to report for induction into
Gakude 600 4-Door Sedan. Sunroof. Green. Radio.
1962 VOLKSWAGEN 1965 VW SEDAN loag-lost faces appeared, some
changed by college llto. Home­
Routine questions were asked,
culty of balancing a flat object on a rounded sur­
face. (Herald photo by Buceivicius)
note down new words, aettons of
children, or a noted per-ronali-
ty (tenge on obaervatton ttieets.
and Creative yMUng. Ste is tte
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ber­
the armed forces. TUe L«ggett has said be is rea4y to 241 Deluxe Wagon Blua Radio made oooMea and punch were SB weH. When asked how much nard Menscbttl of 41 MUford
bring mUt against the Oomnolt-
■wai, of oopree, Jeopardiae my toe of Five for what be n a iw •595 . •995 •895 •1250
served by Karen Smith and her
crew. John Briggs demonstrat­
time they tq>ent studying, Uie Rd.

French Club Banquet

abtoly to effewUvely appeal the is blander in their reoommen- panehtts remarked that they Robin. '69
ed hte newly-lnventod game, found themselves viftti «,^lot of
deoteion of the student conduct dattons wMcfa were made Deo. Jejoe Oole
commtttoa” 28.
N O SET D O W N PAYM EN T whtoh a good numiber of the "fritter tinjie” , but recommend­
group tried. A lot of mbigUng ed studying right atong rattier
^he conduct oommUtee Leggett said he eoepeoted that I Legion of Honor went on, and soon the .college than waiting until Just before a Letter to
only Savage, mnong these recammendattonB would
freshmen and MHS seniors had test Oonoeming academic pres­
Captures Paris Flavor
•aviP other atudents “eiqgled be presented to the university
y * unfairly, aa they claim, lor trustees at their meeting Jan. [
Steitoting a Dow OhemUal Oc. 10. The four men have b e e n I
The place: Memorial Field.
The occnalan: A Hanriiester
“ Hey, who's that blond over
begun to talk about ooUege life.
President Jan Obuchow;^
sure, the .panel was divided as
to their findings. However, all
The Editor
High tootbaU game. “ You mean the girl with ttie organised the group to listen to felt sufflciently pr^Mued for A small but lively crowd at­ a student drawn mural cf a ditional Yule hoUiHiv cake —
totervlew Oot. 80. Four tocuRy sent copies, but they have not tended the banquet "A French Paris street added to the at­ the “ Buche de Noel" — were Wednesday, Dec. U, tte Btu-
Manchester has the baU, with big smile, wocltedly t^Ung a the parelista discius their ex- college. The toss-up between
membere were also atogled out been matie pubUc. Leggett HoUday" on Saturday afternoon, mosphere. terved. dent OouncU sponsored their
for dIeciiiHne, but Ibeto caaea said the four faculty men would ® eeoonda to play. The quarier- story?" p^enoes. The panelists in- fratemity-eorority vs. independ­
Jan. 4. The banquet, sponsored first Gripe Day. The purposeT
back fakes a pass, but hands "Yeah, that's her." riiided: Joe Czerwinekl of dark, ence was overwhelmingly won For entertainment, Mrs. The mood at the banquet waa
wars considered by a special not moke the contents public, by an independent group of To allow all tte tuUiappy stu­
ooomdttee, the “Oomndttee of that they were, in effect, wait­
Five." ing tor ttie "other side" to
V 0 L ir « W A a B K i__pPORSCHE
VOLKSWAGEN— n »c r»u off to the hdlbaok. The fuRback
dodges a tackle and dashes In
“ Thai's Joyce CXile, and stop
looking at other glrta, Paul!"
Mark Jeske of UOoim, Nancy
Sodano of Barlham, Wendy
by those in favor of independ­
ence ! , ,.. . Frenxdi students iij (woperatton
with the French Chib, was held
Bourn showed some of her
aUdes taken on a recent trip to
FTonce. Included were many
casual and many impromptu
activities appeared at various dents of MHS to present their
oompialnto to the student coun­
tor a touchdown. Joyce is probably telling about Smith of Vaasar, Ruth ESseaser The NHS reunion succeeded in taMes, including a spontaneous
Preparing Beply the flrtt move, the other side | of Smith, €Uid Dave Colpitis of in the MtHS (Cafeteria. unusual shots of the 1967 Grand. "Jeu des cartes" (card game). cil and to Mr. A. Raymond Rog^
satisfying the queettons of many
Savage received Ms answer being the administration.
President Babbidge
T O LU N D TURNPIKE TA LO O TTV ILLE H9-283S - 87S4S02 The result — a Manriiester
the Ume flhlrley, the receptlon-
lat, flooded the office by clog- Union. seniors, as well as providing an A se(ft'.cR of the room was set Prix auto race and the LeMans In the future, the French dtfb era, their principal.
Leggett Is Meanrshaven and "Hey, who was that Wd who the drain and Jcqrce . Several topics which came up opportunity for the alumni to up to resem'ble a Paris cafe. endurance raoe. is jdannlng a Spring Banquet Tfatitoen people dared to show
brought interesting answers. revisit MHS and meet old Color was the keynote of the The food, served buffet stjde, and a trip to Montreal, Canada. iq>. Of these 18, one was a non-
Bcnred the winning touchdown? had to dry the floor by wiping
I think^ I've seen him around it up with towels and ringing For instance, all of the above friends. de<x>rati(ms. MUUi-coiored taiUe- waa a main attraction. French French Chib menvbera' ara council student, two were MY.
before.' schools have either changed or Martha Russell '69 bloths, candles in smoked glass specifUties —How d'oeuvres, selling stationery to earn funds Rogers and Mr. Arthur Gtaeser,
them out. The scene —Dr. Dan' containers, travel posters, end Hanvtora-BtoiUtet, and tte tra­ tte (xxmeU advisor. To say the
"Sur^ that was Potts. ielson'a (orthodontist) office are in the process of relaxing Robin Neieber, '69 tor this trip.
vHoopsters Have
"W ho?" least, it was a very dtaoppoint-
where Joyce works developing ing turnout.
You know. . . X rays, grinding impreaslona,
too. You probably teve seen TUs reporter did not intcr-
and vacuuming. Besides wlp- prat this email turnout as ateor-
lOOtbwi th» ing a tack of any student oom-
ptainto Rather, it ttunsed Just-

ha's the president of the Boy's
w __ ^ ^ maJee an office nm, to take

a ptaln ttmple lack of interest

Rough Vacation
^ ^ pride In lemming oomethlng new on tte students' part.
Studenft OouncU, a runner on the ^
MDr. Rogers, however, did not
kxUc upon tte sttuatlon to this
HHumer. He excused many, say­
working, Joyce While everyone waa taking it With the Red and White get­ ing that Jobs and Ulness kept
easy over the Christmas Vooa- ting more experience, each the ttudents away. I believe he
Uoit, the MHS Basketball Team week they become a tougher was far too generous.
I d e n c y T ^ Student O a ^ l.
------5*4m 4m cm%n rw# waae WiIKTO inCAUd60 BulgllWl l8» team to play against. They def­ The students of MHS to gen­
waa hard at work. Although

ANYONE TO MATCH OUR PRICES OR 100% GUARANTEE P la^in t I think. What's he tak-
"Weil. Lee's Hkes ate pretty
wMs and varied. His flwt love ^
^ Spanish
^ ^ H,

1“ ®
^ putting out ICO per cent, effort
in each game, experience prov­
ed to be the determining factor
initely have the potential to
knock off any team in t h e
CXilL. The Indians will be out
to prove this against Oonard at
eral have been known for a lack
of partkftpatlon end selxxd
It seems as if it is al­
ways the same ones supporting
during the holiday clatties with 8 tonight in Clarke Arena. How
la sports; he loves all sports. the Indians dropping three of and participating to tte school
about helping by (wming out
ON ALL SELECT USED CARS Les also Ukes an kinds of mu-
bHo, incluthng Bach, Jiig NHS. Isn t that
their four games. " tonight and cheering our team
Surely, out of 2,100 studenU,
C• . The hoopsters iost to Bullceley, to vltstory?
modem, a n T L ctron lc. Lee to toT Joyce. Outalde thwe must be more than U
58-49, Hall, 64-55, and Windham.
also a big movie ten - Ms Buriy '69 interested people. When gtvmi
SAVING TALKS, NOBODY WALKS, LET^ FORGET THE GIMMICKS! COME IN AND TALK! favorites are “Ths Russians ors p»olr at O n ^ r Clturch, 82-53. But the Red and White a clMuxe to do something about
Coming" gnd “The Odd and is a Teen-Oenter Council managed to put it ali together the so qalied “ injustices" piae-
and overcome a strong Bristol
Couple." Les has studied the ^ ed upon them, they
67 PLYMOUTH WAS NOW 63ra n iDusttm W AS NOW
comics carefully, end BC and
Tumbleweeds are his favorttee.
Working with these children, 56.
Eastern team last Friday, 58-
1Guidance Note^ | choose to do nothing.
Bitting and comptalnteg
Lee is ntmcommitel about mind learned how wonderful It The Hartford powerhouse, achieves nothing. Ons must
2-DOOR H A R D T O P , 6 C Y L . 2-Door Hardtop, 889 Engine, 2-Door. 4flpesd on the IToor, sMtts and long hair — he says " ^ reaponstbUity for Bulkeley looked like they would Representatives from the fol­
i DOOR S ED AN , E X C E L L E N T either critlctte oomtructvely
S T D ,. R A D IO , W -S .*,
A IR d O N D ,
$ 1995 1695 C O N D IT IO N
389 Engine with 8 4-bbl.
Ctete. $995 795
"Ho Wouldn't

"Lee seems Uke an all-around

wear *Mtlo people and In return to be too much for the locate as
attain thoh; recognition. In her they Jumped to a 19-2 first
•P*** time (which is difficult period lead. After that the Red
^ imagine) Joyce loves to ski and White gained momentum
lowing colleges wUl be in the
Gtftdanoe Office next week. If
you wkd) to see one of them,
and proceed to make Improve-
nients, or remain seen and not
contact the Guidance O ffice'for a final note'. I fOel that It
"You bet. He’s grateful for the “ Four Tops." until they came within two
67 E 100 VAN HTEMPEST 65 MUSTANG 65 FORD LTD ths many opportuiitties offered
'at MHS, and wM look back “«
Joyce wants to Uve her life points of the Bulldogs in the
own, IndependenUy but fourth canto. .
a pass.
Tuesday, Jan. 14: Aetna
ta my duty to Inform students
that another Gripe Day will be
held soon wftb the Student
2-Door Spmt Coupe. Auto- foundty at his yean ben. If he tn a community with o t h e r s , But Bulkeley'a experience Insurance Company, X period. OouncU and MT. Rogers.
STANDARD S C Y U 2 D O O R H A R D T O P , Y -8 ,
STANDARD hod a s h )^ , dt would be “ have ®**o advises aU people to “ be overcame the locate for the win. Wednesday, Jan. 15: Pln^ ^ urged all stu­
oontidenoe but be humble.” As order to be fair to Steve Rasher came off the Manor Junior College, Chestnut dents wtth grievan<x« to briw
far as advice to underclassmen yourself." You are J o y c e ' s bench and turned in an excellent Hill, Moss., 3rd period; Aca­ theni forth to be heard. He wtB
ho wouM tell them to nuUce hind of person if you are Intel- game under the boards. demy of Aeronautics, La delighted to answer any
frtendo andt most of aU, to hgent, smiling, honest, a n d Against HaU the - battle waa Quardia Airport, Flushing, qtiettions that you may have.
psrtlolpate. ' thoughtful. Joyce herself c a n nip and tuck all the way. But N. Y .; 4th period. P e ih ^ next time, there w4U
2 DOOR H A R D TO P , "What does Lee plan to do in heat be described as Indepen- Hall put the preeaure on 1ft the be a larger turnout
tbe future?” . <teut, happy and determined. last period and moved post the Thursday, Jan. 16: Pennsyl­

64895 4395 f-Door Hardtop. P.S., P.B„

Air Oond., Vinyl Top. $2095 1895
6 C Y L IN D E R ,
2-D O O R H A R D T O P ,
, E X C E L L E N T C O N D IT IO N .
"Well, Lee' is most concerned
with being something useful in
the future, and fulfilling some
No** September Joyce w i l l Red and White. Bob Klernan
he attending coUege, but at had a .good n4ght, tossing in
prasent ttie can be reached 20 points.
vania Military OoUege anVl Penn
Morton CoUege, Chester, Pa.,
2 p.m. ARIDIAN
Betsy Huntw

Students are reminded of the

6 5 .FALCON 66 FORD ■s of his many Intereste. Say, if
you want to nveet him try look-
along with her parents, Mr. and Windham proved to be too
M ». GHlmore Cota, at 58 Ste- much for MHB oa they display­ registration deadline for the
S.A.T. and achievement tests
'The staff of Aridlan, the i r w
fine arts magaxine, ta
COUimiY SEDAN 63 FAIRUNE 560 Ing at 171 Avery Bt. where's phen St. ed thelf winning talent. The
given on March 1. The regis­
for more literary auhmlsaiaas.
2 D R . R A D IO , « C Y L ,
GALAXIE 500 station Wagon, 9-Paaaenger,
Hving w l^ fate peranta Mr. and
Mrs. George Potterton, He's
“ Hey Paul, oome bock here 1 foul-kuten game was Windham
Where are you going?" ^ all the way with Uie Indians, tration forma muat be received
by Princeton on or before Feb.
More original and stlroulatlrw
work, eapecially in prase. Is
A U T O M A T IC , W/S/W
1495 quite a guy." Introduce myself, “ of never getting close as they were needed for this spring's «««■«««»
tlU S Standard «Shlft, 8-Gyl.. Ra­
dio W8W Thaa. $ 179 6
4 D O O R S E D A N , V-8 A U T O ­
Auto., 8-eyL, P.B.
$995 795 "Gee, 1 think I wlU.”
Steve Armstrong, '70
oourae." Nancy Macomber '70 overpowered.
-____________ _ Going against Bristol East­
AU pupils aiw ones attebi ern the Red and White w e r e
Juniors—Register in the Guid­
ance Office for the National
They advise atudents not to
be afraid to submit things as

Sophomores and Juniors: On *witoded about the poHcy of the underdogs. After playii« Merit 8<diolarshlp Qualifying everything wUl -be road and
Sat., Fri). 8, the Hertford Hos- P«»hatton whether it be de- some catch-up ball, the Indiana Teat, to be given on Saturday, ' fairly JudgeU. Studente miw
I NO PAYMENT Till FEB. 1969 I pltal wlU sponsor a Career pay
to acquaint high aohool students
suapenalon, or tru- closed in on Eastern In th e
■“ ’T probation. While ptq)lte fourth stansa. Two last second
Feb. 15. This test ts for college-
bound Juniors and is partic­
remembering however, that two
submit as much is they Uks,
in Grades 10 aitd 11 with the A**y those types of foul shots by Bob Klernan gave ularly recommended for (hose things only from each wrttsr
many ctfreer opportunities probation, they are not per- the Indians the wlmlng edge. in the top quarter of the class. can be printed. *
RT. 6, COLUMBIA RD., WILLIMANTIC, CONN avallable to them in the health
core field. If you wish to attend
niltted to attend any bosket- As usual the whole team played
hall games or otlisr school- an excellent game, but ^ l e
All ptwtry, abort stories and-
personal essays are ekgflila.
thte <^-long program, your epceanrsd activities. PuptU who time they were able to put ail y' - * Students may bring submls-
Students are remlnUed that akms to room 101 or Mina
rsgtetratlon muat be mailed no So attend wSl bs tesued de­ their talents together for a win­ during examlnattona there wUl Diane Papineau 70. Paige Adams 70. and Linda Marchisio’^oT (iS t to SS^L*** Oarman, faculty advisor.
liver than January 27. merits. ning oomblnattan. be make-up every afternoon. sample a selection of traditional French foods at the “French Holiday’’. A1 Rloe ‘69

1 \• y .
■ V ’l

7' '
Not Interested in Namath’s Lip, Jiist An Schoolboys Near Halfway Point,
...... 4

Coll Passer
Only W orry,
Star H andled with Silk Hand, Conard Plays Indians at Arena
Jet Defense
Joe *8 Insults H elped B u ild i^ Bjr DEAN YOST
Scholastic basketball,
Oonferenca Uste a U g gam s be­
tween floulh Windsor (4-0) and
6-1 tor tite yiear) at the d ork e
Arena at 8:18. Cheney Te<h
faces East IITndsor with a rito-
Uer loop record. It is the first
TonlgM’s pttdu: East CMlR-
fie w in ta g by 18 over North-
East Windsor (4H» both fight- (8-4) meets Woodstock (6-1) on meeting this season hetweea the weet; Oonerd ootning ant on top
MIAMI BEACH — The said. "I omy met “ " ^ ''*? *** nearing the halfway point tag tor tb s No. 1 spot. OOC ac­ the latter’s bomeoourt. EUtag- two lop oonferenca teams. Neer- over Mancbeeter, by IS; Wood-
MIAMI (A P ) — Eari •t a Touchdown <31ub banquet league, they get credtt for aU in the season, finds a full tion flnda imdefeoted OTOmwoU ton (2-1 and 2-4) tm vele to Wa­ tagten (6-8 overatt) 'vlalts Rock- atock gets the nod over Oheney,
Baltim ore Ocdts are prob­ ta Columbus, Ohio, and I thoae Aimp passes to the out- 6-0 playing 2-S Bolton. terford (6-1) In a non-confer­ vUle (1-7) in a return meeting by 12; Waterford dunqiliig EL
Momll isn’t intweated in slate o f schools playing to­
ably the fin est football tbought he was a idee guy.” side that anytxidy could com-
night. Three teams stffi re­ East Oattailie, 9-0 on the sea­ ence bottie. Rocky HUl tavadee of the tw o Central Valley Con­ Ungton by 10; Coventry toeing
Joe Namatii’s lii>, Just his But «t that point, Shula’s voice plate." son, ploys a fourth straight Ooiventry lor the first time thia ference achools. CromweU SO ta to Rocky HIU by five; S o u t h
tewn on the land, by far. main unbeaten in their con-
tana. There are strong sugges­
trailed and ho didn't seem to Today, Namath was aaytag road league game against year. The 'visitors bring a 22 league play and 6-1 so for tMs Windsor edging Best W toter
lio m ll, Om Balttm an CMU’ be giving much force to hla nice also teat he wasnt rettaottag fsrenoes with one being Had. NorthwoOl Oathollc (1-2 wid 8-6 record 'with them wMle the Pa­ year, 'veiAures to Bolton. The
tions they are a better by five potato; Itewtagton re­
quutertmck, aaid be had read guy deacrtpUcn of the feUow anything he said about th e Eart OathoUc has sole powes overall) ta Woot Hartfbrd. Man­ triots post a 2-6 season mark. BuUdoge are 2-8 hi the Charter peating over RoettriUe, by 90
Oreen Bay Hacken at cham- who had knocked the Ootts’ own Cotta’ quarterbocktag, and was
Namsth's retewnee to him as • Sion of the HHC raoa with a chester (3-8 and S-4) tokee on In a b ^ conference game South Oak Oontorence and post a 4-8 points, end Onomwett rameto-
ptonsUp fame. The CoKa also quaitertMKk. Earl MbmU. uiq>eiturbed by the Cote’ reec- 8-0. record. North Oedtral Oom.
ahdh Mte quarterback. a n qualifying as the forgotten powerful CksMnd ( 8-1 and Windsor, 4-0 end 6-1 on the year Tmrk overaU. tag unbeaten over Botten by 80.
“ Ha oaa axproBa any opiiSan team o< Sunday^! Super Bowl Namath, right or wrong, has ^
ba waxria^” aaU MocraU. game. been Irrepi^ble and a de- **** tondts
“ I M fs hla buBtaMaa. ^ to SupM* ^ Itorrall on tho kwkMNrooin
Centrat Change
“ I don’t worry about other
quarterbacks. AU rm Interested
tTs thoae pertlferoua New
York Jete with their Joe Na- ^
math v d » a i« providing the
could hava buHetta board.
Z J n without Wm.
ig_Doint soreads
" » what I aay upaeto (ham;
*** *»o proa,” Namath The a p p o i n t m e n t of
Sifford Gomes in Eight Under Ski Notes
In la the other team’s detaise. George Redman to the phy­
eWef oonservatlonddeoe pro-. ordinarily 6 i a ^ “ Putting that stuff iq> on
llia ifs what you hava to beat.
Aothna speak louder ttiaa
wotda Ifa what you do on the
hides to the upoomtag oentest but Namsth has “ “ bulletin board won’t halo
S S ; “ S r i « e ^ m . auve with the^Colto’^
sical education staft at Cen­
tral Coimecticnt State College
was announced today by
To Grab Los Angeles Spotlight
flUd that counts.” lyrovooatlva tai?i»te. as “ ®t breaking WUlIsm Moore, director of
hotel, being taken for granted. ^ F L tato^prtat as much as Namath LOB ANGELES (A P ) — frequent winner fRnn Ever­ played ntost of the m ajor tour­
Wamalh, quarterback o f-th e The Jets, presumably walking "havtag tour or five “ *® But they are athletics. He will Join the de­ There hod been a parade o f green, C!ok>. to tie young Jonea. naments and a lot of little ones.
Amerlean Fbotball Lnaque partment Feb. 1. Abruptly ITOm out on the His one main target Is to be
quert^hacka better than the keeping their cool. T iu ^ ^ He succieeda Bobert Brown stars and less-l^an-stars
champtrnn New Tcric Jets, . / ( ' M iln u . oal team ta Miami. obvloualy, was evident, by contrast, whan HAT TRICK—D oug Favell, Philadelphia Flyers’ goalie in the NEL, produces ’nto the pressroom at the course came a report. Charlie invited to play *n the fSnKd
tapped ICorrall earlier this his ow n hat tn ck during a lull in action. The hat 'belonged to disgruntled Tor­ who has resigned to accept Sifford wee eight ahots undw Masters, an invitatloa be has
Even Don Shula, the BaM- this group *noi.iAwi Namath the Jete announced that they another position. Los Angeles Open. . .
week. Namath aaid th en w en more OoeMh, who haa 40 play- himself. 'frara cracking down on the noc- onto fan who ..booed Maple Leaf goalie Johnny Bower after latter gave up par, with one hole to go. never received, however. By BHX. 8AOHEREK
at least five quattexbacks in the Redman, a native of Bris­ ihere was BlUy Casper to de­ ImpoeaiMe. Everyone agteed.
era o f Ms own to be ootveerned jt was a statement to Invite tu™sf culventurea of their ath- f iy r fa irly easy goals. Rival teams played to a 4-4 deadlock. (A P Phobofax) scribe what he called a "scroun- Slfford’s back nine holes were
ABli better tfann HbrraB. tol, wiU also serve as head Si^ord was only one Stroke un­ emaelng. He ctartod with a Much anew haa fallen in var­
Joe Namath Earl Morrall atMUt, can't escape the Jets- the Cblte’ attention to Namath Any Jet caught vlolattag coach of Central’s freshman gy’’ round of 69. And .^rrtold
The S4-yeei>old Iforrall threw Joe Namath aytMhoime. In the gn Sunday. Hie Cblts, to a maw the 11 p.m. curfew would be der per at the turn of Ranrtio’a birdie deuce on No. .12. On the ious areas staca we left Ver­
football team and as aoslst- Palmer reiettng Ms 72, one over
S8 touchdown paaeea this season Colts' camp, they weren’t ask- have figurafively foUen ta love slugged with a 88,000 fine, regulation 36-35-71. 626-yard 13th he took a wedge mont lost week. In phone oon-
par for the Raiicho Farm OoK

Bruins on Hot Spre^

ant In wrestitag.
in liawlingf the Oolts to the Na-
ttonal BVwthaU League cham-
Game Offers Two Extra Dimensions tag Shula about the Cotta, they ^vith Morrall, who came off the Obviously, the Colts have since 1964, he has been the CMb. HUl was on the Interview plat­
form 'When 48-yeai>old Sifford
and slammed the baM Into the
cup from 40 yaitJs out.
versaUona Thursday, 'srith a few
were aaytag, "I f you were hla h»„r.h when Johimy Unites got been paying more aerlous at- head football and wrestitag Thera •were Jimmy Walker, areas, we learned that up to 14
ptonshtp and Into Sunday’s 8u- oooch, how would you handle hurt ard took them where they tenUon to the buataeaa at hand Jr., from Loe Aqgelee, Terry Strode In. “ CharUa SUford, gen­ A hot driver and wedge pro­
par Bowl game against the Jets. coach at Bristol Central High duced four more euccesslve bir- inches of powder had fallen.
tleman. With an eight-under par
He was voted the NFL’s player
at the year and arcfaiteot at the
Namath and Biggest Point Spread Joe Nam ath?” today, on the briWc of a Sunday, because Shula was not
This come under the heed- |18,000 payday ta the Super oonttrataed to threaten them
tag o f a good question heosuae Bowl after a 810,000 NFT. titto with anything like five Mg onee
School. * DUl from Austin^ Tex., end Bob
“ Watermelon” Muiphy, the ro­
tund cne from Nichols, Fto.,
63.” sold Me escort
But the 63 wae true. Sifford
dlee oa he oem e home ta 28
etrokee tor Ms round ot 86-28-68.
Before starting on your trip

But Unable to Gain

up North, why not give the a n a
Jets' AFL diampionehip drive,
M om U said: “ I haven’t seen
wrAawTMr'TY-kM / at>\
W A S H IN G T O N ( A P )
i.— i ^
the game, Namath has not been panic. The Jets wouldn t be in
favored by 18 points. President-
Shida’s opposite number. Jets’ game. The fellows who said if they deviated from their 11
Coach Weeb BKvbank, has been M «ty things about MorraU will P-m. curfew. "H ave you jUf- UConn Five who 'were tied at ihe tim e at 67.
Then came a refiresMng young
went into today’* second round
of play wtth a lead of three-
SUford eaid he has A o t 64
twice ta toiunaments but never
of your choice a caU and insure
youroelf of the a'vaUable oondi-
*®***.SJ^‘ Super Bowl game at winning any popularity conteets. the Super Bowl. 'Ihey 'wouldn’t elect Nixon Is understandably handling his rogue o f a quar- nbi have their love Sunday. fened the after curfew itaeaT” nuui from Wlch<ta.t Kan., Grier atrokee end another htt of magic a 63, a course record here

S !.
Miami Sunday is already a
fanoinoH ntr n ffo ir oiron Ko.
missed two press have com e from behtad to beat
Conferences, and casually In-* Oakland oji hie passes ta the
hoping for more progress In his
own “ Bring us together” plea,
terbock •with a riUcoi hand en- There have been remarks by the OMt’s command asked.
o a s^ ta a velvet glove. Ew- the Colts, not neceeisarUy snide, ,"N o," was the answer, “ They’ll
N EW YORK (A P ) —
Bkwton’s hard - charging
to hold on ta the closing mta-
utes. EYed Stanfield put the
1:47 of th opening period. After
Henri Richard tied It up three
And Central Jones, a rook’e pro and the 1968
national collegiate champion
had touched a golf tournament.
Sifford has been a profieMdoa-
shared by Palmer end PhU
tlons on hand.
A lot of local people wUl be
32^4 lasciM U ng aitair even ^ qutaed o f newsmen, so-wbat? He AFL championaMp game. Yet the first two Super Bowl bank would aay only that he that NamaUi’s own pasatag rec- get the usual.” What is the Bruins ahead ait 11:19 of the minutes later, Ted Hampson from Oklahoma State. His 66 al more than tw o decades. He ie "It I can play thia good wtth
back last, gets rid of the ban. fopg jg j;gg(j y p fy j. passes at Earl But Namath muat he nreoar- were ix>t as one-sided as '•»<* “appropriate action” o f- ©rd does Tiat stand scrutiny and usual? The Colt’s wouldn't say,
Bruins haven’t been beaten
in their last dozeit games,
opening period. Ted Green then
made It 2-0, where the count re­
gave Oakland tiie lead again at Play H om e looked like it would hold iq>.
But on cam e Dave HIH, an In­
the first Negro to reaUy make a
Mg go ot It ta golf. He has
the flu I hope It don’t leave
m e,” said Siffard.
found at Okemo this weekend,
as this Is where the Bennat
MonrnU said he couldn’t recall ^.jjg onenirar n lavoff It has Morrall of the Cotts by saying, ^ ■„ . i,,,™ S,„rta J scores of 83-14 and 88- ***■ Namath upstaged newsmen that Ms 49.2 oompletlan percent- but they did acknowledge that 6:36. J uMot High School Ski C3ub will
evw putting a rap on aaoiher -D aryle Lamonlca Is S - t Bidlcated. For the first half. «>y ^Bleeping through a proas age is a scandal. On t h a t W between |80 and a have won five in a row— mained until 18:66 of the second But from there on, the almost Oo7me<tticut and Rhode Island,
and still can’t catch those be. It la conatdared a family
period when Ken Hodge scored. p r l c e l e s e Canadiens took onetime Yankee Conference bos- bM area. Here they have elgM
elect N b S ^ ^ L ) r ^ a to d ly quytorback. There aro *- f----
w tion. ’The Colts’ line rush ate IT ^
games, ^h^t the NFL
no matter what New York coach’s manner of
iotk cooen s manner or
and h
has th
Httle reason to put the nm di M
much m 88 000
like $6,000. aound elusive Montreal Canadiens. The three-goal lead began to charge. Jean Britveeu, Y'van ketbaU powers, share a rather lift* and 20 mile* o f trail* end
t o 'i i !S h S ;i t o n t a d ‘ t o ‘d !.^ up BUI Nelaon, Oeveland’s chooses to believe. The Packers Namath has border- mp on MorraU,, a 67.4 peaser. It haa been the Jete, then, Boston scored Ite fifth consec­ melt when Mike Pelyk of Toron­ Ooumoyer and'Dtck Duff eeored unique i^ e when they meet at
T rinn’t iujidv. If •• appoljiiees w en bringing to quarterback, In the NPL play- utive victory with a 8-2 decision acres of open alopea. Okemo
needed the help o f two field ed on a rnwrical appeal o f ” Oh, jn Miami, Namath has not irtio have had the ball during to reglatered with a ehot that in the period end four more Storrs Saturday night. Both
•Tfcm iH » **** cabhie*. The Super Bowl caiculaite to fyti, and In view o f Namath’a over Toronto 'Ibursday night, Is a large but not an overbear­
goals to assert a 13-7 halftime promise m a . .” holding still tor any such the week leading iq> to »ho trickled off the gtove of Boston Montreal scores were recorded have losing records.
^ a > ^ peu ^ as citfera two extra dhnen- pregame stotements they will end etui trails Montreal by ing mountain. The new servloe
lead over Kansas Ctty in 1M7, Shula didn’t answer Incisively slurs <m Ms completion average geune. The Colte will not start goalie Gerry Gheevera half way ta the second period, whUe Oak­ Ooimecticut lost all 10 games,
? s l« » . Jo« Namath and the Wg- spread Im- h^ve a raging appetite for the tiiree pointo ta the Nattcnal before beating Syracuse Wednes­ abould be ta effect now, that to
Euid lost year it was a mere whehn asked betw he 'would and the Mgher percentage of playing catch-up until 8 o’clock through the closing period. land was scoreless.
in the three ^ Hamath ^ t o m y ^ the Super Hookey League’s Elestetn Divt- Norm UUman’s 28rd goal of the day nlgM, wMle a Rhody loss the ano-cate bringing you up to
14-10 game at the half. handle the Namalth-itype o f tom- Morrall. He didn’t say t h a t Sunday aftenxxm, which, ta Pete Stemkowskt jam m ed to
this, in case Namath’s blast at ^ contest. oomplrte insouclaace has a gow l The oontMt amiears
appears to alon. season put Toronto within tying at Holy Cross Tuesday placed the summit, for that 4% mile
In each case, the NFL cham- poramental qucuterbeck. ” I NPL quarterbacks get credit their thinking, adU be soon three goals ta Detroit’s rout of
M m v ^ m ^ t^ p e y ch o k q p ^ ^ been any- * The Canadiens hed a oomper- distance In the cloetag minutes, the Perns’ record at a moet run back to the base.
couldn’t say for certain,” he tor “ garbage” pass completions enou^. Los Angeles — the first time the
S o t h l i i l i e 'i t e i r ^ t « “^ 'w S S T p u y lor^ 'N f^ a ^ ^!it®Sfe“ S “ P®” *" etively easy time of it ta Mont­ but the clock ran out e'ven as Red Wings had beaten the Kings imusual 8-9. At Round Top, a new stunt
iS S . « » NFL, personified by the Bal- reL on he la In U,; Super
Super Bowl real malntalntag their dl-vislon Toronto benched goalie Bruce In Detroit. Both teams ha've fallen be­ to being tried out here thto year,
able is that 83-14 victory of the

the reat of the

morii the nreaiiitinhlv
fartimBte N e T ^ JeU, cham-
im. “ Namath has done with Uttle
L T c a i^ e he Is an accomplish­
ed escape artist despite two
Packers In 1967. That Oreen
Bay team had a defense com-
Sports Viewing
Coach Plans Changes lead with an 8-4 •victory over the
Oakland fieels.
Ptttobuigh punbfied Mtaneeo-
Gamble tor a sixth skater.
Early ta their game with
Montreal the Oakland Seeds
A casual, 90 foot shot by Rod
Selling glanced o ff the toe of
PMladelphia’e Joe Watson and
fore common opponents Ford-
ham, MafWBKimsetto and Holy
Cross; while Rhody ptaned a
anyone who to 66 or over can
get six sU tickets free: Ralph
Macearone Sr. and Jr., were
____ _ . , ^ pions of the AFL. And ttiere has NFL has been pretty " " ^ parable to the BalUmore de- ta 7-2, Deteolit wMpped Los An­ looked worth every bit of the re­ Into the cage for New York’s 117-107 loss on New Hamprtilre, akttag at Otto Ridge.
nearer been a quarterback Uke porky about
Namath In any of the Super complex gained from the first
« « “ ««•
the superiority

^ *»®
called super,
and 11 had in Jim Taylor, Jim
OrabowsW, Donny Anderson
8:00 ( 8) BaaketbaU: Tale
va. Columbia
After Royals’ Defeat geles S-2 and New York stopped
PMladelpMa 8-1 ta the other
ported “ ta excess of $2 milUon’’
a group of Buffalo investors
said they had paid for the West
winning goal.
Keith McCarthy scored twice
and Pittsburgh nished ta four
a team wM<Ut wMpped Con-
mecticut by 97-78.
Not only has each side had
Regular skiers at Stratton
have become aecuetodied to the
«»• Namath is the engaging fel- be annoyed by one of pro soM ^alnst tho NFL to the Sup and Elijah Pltte runners better 1:00 (M ) Bowling Boeton iieM a three goal lead first period goals en route to its difficulty ta wtantag, both also steady development of now
The Cincinnati Royals, an early season threat in the Coast team.
w«* **** »«3,000 con- lootbnU’s facts. lu quarterback. ®^ games. We 11 need than those the Colts can as- 1:30 (SO) Bidler Derby against the Maple Leafs mid­ The Seals Jumped out In front highest score of the season in have Injury problems. Senior trails and increased lift facul­
tract from Uie Jeto four years Earl Morrall, who took the Oolts ‘ “ f®®** “ semble. And it had In Bart Starr 2:00 (M ) Senior Bowl Foot­ National Basketball Association, have coach Ed Jucker way In tile final period, but hpd Oo-Captata Ja-ck Melen of Con­ ties. But thto year they khoUld
c o n c e r n e d . -------------------------------—-------- on a goal by Gerry Etaman ta the 'Victory over Minnesota.
fHme. ball necticut eUU favors an anMe be pleaaantly surprised by the
fttma, ami
and h»
he stnm^Kto*
gfvee his advice *“ ** prc™ioed h» woldd be *he title and won the bouquet ^® N ^ ’ said Soimy Werblin, ^ super quarterback. T et the
The Oinctanatl Royals, an ear­ extent and variety o f the oom-
the best quarterback In the a sjn o et valuable player In the e^ w h lle owner of the Jets Packers actually did not mop ( 8) EOAG BaaketbaU; sprain suffered about a month
ly season threat ta the National Buffalo Group Frustration Years at End jdetely new area on the Bast
‘‘ m S i Si ^ S ^ ’ “ It’s toush on
Nothkig is m ^ tom rtot NFL, nevertheless'rates as .only ago before the first u rK ^ ~ s i^ a ty ‘^ y t ^ 7 y e ^
big than a braggart who makes the second best passing quarter- Super Bowl. What has happen- ago.
LaSaUe vs. Syra­
cuse BasketbaU Association, have
coach Ed Jucker concerned. T o Enter NHL,
---- X--- ------------------- ^ Texas Stars ago at New Hampshire; and
diminutive (6-6) playmaher Ed face of the mountain. Tbe new
o o m f»litO T «A ^ tt* i^ •**»“ **® *" ®^ ®*” ®® ‘*“ *‘ ®®‘ ®® the gap is Those who are Incorrielhle 8:00 (18) .Eastern AU-Star MoUoy of Rhody sprained an Stm Bowl area, aa It to called,

been bothering Wm It’s a great

an instant AFL has the beet one.
Antt-Namiath cult which does Namath throws short and long
greater than ever. odds t a k e ^ a v r n e v e r
In the 1967 Super Bowl, Green many points to play with as the 4:30
OoUege Basketball
( 8) Race of the Week
“ I can teU you tight now there
are going to be some chaises Buy Franchise Long-Time Star W ith South ankle against Fordham about a
week ago and has been shel'ved
to really a s^Mrate area equal
ta atoe to many aU develop­
S:00 (SO) Wonderful World made” Zucker said after the until Feb, 1. ments operating In the Bast.
tribute to Wm the way he has
helpod me. He’s doM every-
” ®* btoi the cleaacut beOter than any of the NFL Bay was a mere 13-point favor- 18 thsy are getting Sunday. For
hoy. Besides, he quarterbacks. In one-on-one Ite over the AFL ohamp, Kan- them, intoxication would be of GoU
( 8) Wide World of
Royals were beaten 119-110 by BUFFALO. N.Y. (A P)— Pour
the Seattle Supersonlcs Friday years of frustration appeared
Bowl Squad Connecticut’s freshmen \0ill be
maktag their final appearance
The new area haa a veiUeal
drop of 1,200 feet, ite own 4,900
tWng be can.’’ champagne and wears coverage vrtiere the hair- sas City. In 1968, the Packers Namath and the Jets getting
MbnaU was a baseball and
football star when he attended
MieWgan State University. He
and d ^ a n d s a prtce breadth accuracy is important, were favored by 14 over Oak- the game’s' first touchdown

Bi Miami, during this week of

Namath can pinpoint his passes land. Now. In the third year Sunday, this is not enUrely fan-
eleganUy. If he were prone to of the rivalry, it is the NPL ciful, you know.
( 8) BasketbaU:
Rhode Island vs.
Playing without Oscar Robert- ,
son. who became lU Just before
ended Thursday when a group
___ __
sportsmen announced
Grantham Patient MOOHjE, Ala; (AP)— An of­
fensive backfield wMch could be
termed a “ Texas Terror” has
ta a month when they meet
Rhode Island ta a 6 p.m .‘ p re-'
Umtaary. 'VarBlty action wlU
foot double chair life and five
mfles o f new tratto, ranging
from novice to expert, faces
TJConn the openit^ toes up, the Royals “ *® purchase of the Oakland FXDRT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (A P )— ^Larry Grantham, been named to start for the start at 6. Tickets will go on the morning sun and I* shelter­
even bad a chance for a profes- came apart after leading by 21 Seals of the National Hockey South squad In Saturday’s na­ sale when the 'box office opens
SUNDAY ‘’one o f the three original members o f the New York tionally televised Senior Bowl ed from the north winds. Now
rional baseball oareer.
“I saw baseball could be
kng struggle,’’ MorraU sold.
Jet Ready for Lesson College Basketball
East Sports Slate
2:30 (30) Super Bow l: Colts
vs. Jets
points at one time in the first League,
half. Jucker told newsmen he
has been talking trade with six P'® ®*“ t P ^ ® ^ P r t« was
ets, sees Sunday’s Super Bowl game against the Balti­ scrap.
m ore Colts fo r pro fottball’s •championship as the cul­
mination o f nine years o f frustration.
South Coach CSiariey Wtaner
of the iSt. Louis Cardinals and
at 6:30.
^' Qulnnipi'ao Is in New Britain
ton'ght to meet Central Con­
skiers can choose their trails
at Stratton to suit the weather
conditions. Warren Heilman
“ In football I would know if 1 Baboon 87, Middlebury 67 baU clubs tho last eight games. *»clooed. but a epokefman necticut, and that can o n l y A
could make It in nine weekss by
the end of the exhibition season.
IMy riiances in football looked a
From Veteran Smith Bowdoin 81, Tufts 71
Boston State 103, Brldge-
Top Seeded
SYDNEY, Australia (AP)
In the only other NBA gome, Niagara Frontier Hock-
the New York Knlckfr beat the ^ Bvc. said the sum was “ weU
phoenix Suns 134-120. Mean- excess of $2 mUllon.”
"The first three years were
years of going no jdaoe, disor­
North Coach AUle Sherman of
“ This is a good solid football the New York Giants put their
ganization and often bouncing club. Our defense wUl be geared c.o 11 e g 1 a t e all-star teams
mean trouble for the Blue Dev­
was recently elected president
of the Stratton Bkl Club and
Herman Goellner will head the
MIAMI BEACH— ^The New York Jets know the only
lot better I could have drtei»d ^ Eas^ Catholic at Northwest The Braves, coached by Burt
Rod Laver ot Aurtralla end BU- while, ta the American Basket- The figure was a reference to pay checks,” said the SO-year- to force the Colts into the mis­ through light, short workouts to­ Strafihm ski racing team. See
Baltimore is to give Joe Nam- “ ’ Lowell CathoUc oid graduate ot Mississippi. In takes, and then It’U be up to our day after annouitclng the start­
Kahn, always are sky-Mgh tor
you on the mountain.
Canard at Manchester lie Jean King of the Loiw Association, Oakland’s amount paid by each of the this one, and tonlgM’s 8 o’dock
Did the native of l ^ g a n o ff the Colts’ 76, North- Beach OaUf ^ v e been seeded wMpped the Denver Rock- owners of the seven expansion those three years the Jets were offense to capitalize on them. ing line-ups. encounter at Kaiser HaU wiU be
ever dream be would have a “ ^ B t fou r and their bKtzers or Sunday’s Super Bowl eastern 72 Ellington at Waterford B 6 ^ , oau i.. nave oeen seeded i 3g .ii 5_ jjew Orleans Bucca- ‘ o“« “ ^ the NHL whan the owned by the late Harry Wls- Namath has made thia dub one In the South offensive back-
Rocky HIU at Coventry field it’s all Texas anid on the no exception as Coach BUI Drt-.
season like the 1968 campaign wUl be as suspenseful as a wres- _____________________ _________ Dickinson 67, Franklin A first to the men’s and women’s neers trimmed Mirsresota 120- league was eoepanded in 1668. m er and were known as the Ti­ to be feared.
Cheney at Woodstock rick and Ms men shoot for tiielr
with Baltimore.? tling match with - - -Bruno Sam- power you. Billy Ray knows Marshall 59 singles tor next week’s New 102, and the Houston Mavericks Buffalo, whlrti had Md for a tans. The other two still 'with the “ I don’t know whether I am line it’s the Southeast with one ninth win In a row end an over­
East Windsor at South Wind­ club are pass catching ace'D on any better player than ta otiier exception.
“ It’s a fantasy,’’ he said. martliio. better. He reads offenses and
Although Weeb Ewbank, theBien he niakes his move. He’s
HolyCross 78, Georgetown 67
Illinois Tech 82, Coast Gu.ard
Newington at RockviUe
South Wales Open Tennis Tour-
nament at White City Stadium.
bested Los Angeles 101-88.
WilUs Reed and Oazzle Rus- Louis.
franchise then, lost out to St.
Maynard and BUI Mathis, a lun- years, but I know that I have At quarterback wlU be Edd all record o f 10-2.
StlU freeh tai the minds of the
Jets’ coach and surprise hu- <iulck, too. And whenhe’s read- 81 ------------------------- sell were the big guns for the The Seails are owned by an'ta- ntag back. better men working •with me on Haigett of Texas AAM, at half­ Blue De'vils is lacit year’s game,
CromweU at Bolton
morist of super week, said that Big he’s delivering a blow. ---------------------- THURSDAY’S FIGHT KiUcka against Phoenix. WlUis vestment group headed by Bar- “ That all changed wltii the defense—men like Biggs (Ver- back Roas Montgomery of Tex­ a typical Quiimlpiac-C e n t r a 1
"Bubba Smith la the best thing “ I’ve seen him onfilm s aiad Veteran pitcher Mel Stottle- WBESTUNO taJIled 34 points and RuseU 29. end vanOerUg of Now York aSdvent of new owners and Blw- lon), Elliott (John), Rochester as ChristiOTi, university, at full­ Connecticut scrap. OF MANCHESTER
slnce peanut butter," the other you can pick up a lot by watch- myre of the New York Yankees FRIDAY, JAN. 10 LOS ANGELES — Oscar Al-
The Oakland Oaks sort of frol- Olty, a form er goalie at Prlnce- bank (coach Weeb Ewbank). (Paul) and FhUbta (G erry), back is Paul Gipson of Houston,
Smith, the venerabie BlUy Ray, Ing the films, but not every- completed 19 games lastseason East Catholic at Glastonbury varado, 147, Uvalde, Tex., Icked 'With the Denver Rockets, ton. We started going places. Inju­ They form a terrific front four.” and ta the flanker spot Is Jerry BUDGET TERMS
Grantham, a 'banker In the off Levdas of Southern Methodist. NATIONWIDE
is playing the best football of thing. You’ve got to get out and while pitching 278Innings. His RIFLE stopped Johnny Doyan, 162H
B I’ Buffato'
ries set us back last year 'when
Operating In front of the Tex­
SPICE—Marian Zamaitis 128, Bis 10-year oareer according to face him. I’ll find out a lot in record was 21-12. FRIDAY, JAN. 10 Miami, 2nd of a scheduled 10. we were close to 'winning. Thlk season In his native town of TAKES LEAD— Charlie S ifford pitches to eighth
year we reached the top ta cur Crystal Springs, Miss., declined as foursome are Ron Sellers of Loeaer Cars Free TowUw
Lorraine Demko 138,Nancy coach, Domi Shula. the first couple of plays.” remained ta control thereafter, president of League to §'tart green. He took a birdie fou r and gained lead.
It was Art Becker’s night os ***® STOup, said Ms league cutd the Colts will know to compare the Jets or the Colts Florida State at split end and ly i. 648-2487
Joyce 128, Vivian Hieldon 129,
PatLappen127 —361,
Tbe fact that the man play-
Jean ing opposite
Observation of Rasmussen
the 33-year-old, ex- and his colleagues up front on
Don Simla’s Secret Houston overpowered tiif Los ®®"^P®"y ^ submitted a trans-. they have been ta a ball game. with such great teams of the Bob Hamlett of lAU at tight A new basketball league has Jockey Tony Garrainone, 20, Mnnrhsrier,
Of that I am confident.” past as the Green Bay Packers end. Jim Barnes of Arkansas been formed ta Manchester for STANDINGS to a iwutive of Naples, Italy. Hto Vernon TVmm lin e
MlUer 126—841. perienced and clever Smith is a the early plays may provide Angeles Stars. HMtljw his first f®*^ ^ GARDEN GROVE — Arlyne ocn.
Game time tor football’s Blue and the Chicago Beara. But he a id BUly Rhodes of -Florida the winter months. Rte. 83,Talc«btvliIe, Ooan.
KACEY —Jim Parr 237 —601,
second-year man suggests the viewers a hint of how the game
serious mismatch of the will unfold. Rasmussen wants to
Stan Zatkowrid 209 —886, Ted S’sinc. The young feliow is right succeed because “ Joe has to be
Coaching Day—Game Day flVA
five fihotii fmm the
shots from t>iA Held, Becker
totaled 81 points for Ids beat sin-
gle game scoring performance
’ ™'“ “ be
“ ® t&keiK tq> at the
* ” ®*^ meeting Jan. 21 In
®*“ ™reel.
Ribbon event in Miami’s Orange took the opportunity to put in a State are the starting tackles,
Bowl is 8 :06 p.m. eastern stand­ few nice wwds for Blwbank.
The Manchester C h u r c h
Charles Rosenfelder of Tennes­ League will com prise the toUow-
see and Guy Dennis of Florida
Noske 166 —666, Fran Crandall
126, D<Mt Outetlana 126, O n a
Carlson 188, Reggie Oburakl
Windham a i 7-1
father to an Astorta, N.Y., dice
Overall repairman.

of the season. If the transfer is approved, ard time. The game, matching “ You can’t compare the Ing four teams, Emamiel Luth­ Conard 6-1 M
Kiejna 201, A1 Bergevin 207, evard Randy Rasmussen. The throwing for us to win. The key 126 —369, Betty Lamoureaux
M I A M I — Don Shula’s necessary to make exijust- the best and fastest tig^it end Cldco Vaughan, was the riMunpions of the National teams with greats of the past,” are the guards and Jim Parkes eran, South United McUiodlst, WiUI 6-8 «-8
A1 Kuzmlckas 208, Mai Dana name may have the ring of to the game is to give him j. • i.u i. u i ments’’ ' in the name So when other — : the
r ‘“ scor- ^® Buffalo
*», group*■ expecte
“ Y T T •to
, of Ole Miss fills the center spot. 126, Betty Aoeto 19 —642, EUea-
Eastern 4-8 4-4
227-200 —894 Mario Frattaroll ereatneas but he admits that, time. Everybody on w r team se cre t 18 th a t h e w ork s on e «In « « 8h»ne- wnen outer mg leader with 83 polnte, but it **ave the move completed In ’ and American Leagues, wUl be he said. “ It Is a different kind of
The North will have a starting .
Trinity Covenant and the Cen­ nor Rtoclo 182, Sophie Burger
nationally televised by NBC. game. Even the shape of the ter Congregational. Platt 8-8 6-8
204-202 —595,' RolUe 204 occasionally, " I ’ve had robgh feels if Joe has time nobody is d a y , OUt o f seven . H is p h i- ^ —Yes, t W ^ nevw «fo the teams s t ^ p r ^ r l ^ “ il ® ^ '^ “ Mlimesota “ me for the 1960-70 season. 128, Kathy C h a fe r 362.
-------- afternoons." going to stop him ." ^ ^ losop h y is, “ O n ly on S u n- ®’^ ’ ? f '" ® T l ”® ^ T h u s the Seals, who are curi The weatherman looks tor ball has been changed to make backfield of Bobby Douglass,' Saturday finds all four teams Manchester 8-8 8-4
perfect weather as a sellout the kicking game more effec­ Bob CampbeU, Bill Enyart and Maloney 8-8 8-6
M ERCH AN TS'-Tony Saiva- “ Rasmussen?” a Colt official Rasmussan also wants to re- d a y turns ^ t ^ g every Ume And The Buca were renUy dn second place in the in action, Emanue? vs. S o u t h PARKADE DUSTY — Ken,
crowd ot 78,384 sits ta on the tive. Gene WasMngton. Central 1-B Id
United Methodist at 1 :30 and
S' r..i.'r'r“ c;"’c rti: e r f ^ a-wjrr,«“S’S proceedli^B between the Colts, “ As for Ewbank, he Is master
who go Into the game with a 1- of small UetaUs. And when you
hero of the
Is the
and Trinity vs. Center Congo at 3.
has shown up weU ta practice. AU games will be played at the
Thomas 202, Dave Thomas 216
—671, Ronnie AUen 200, Mason
Wetfaerafleld •d *-7

u,"srr”rKr,“ j:? ““
and he may be the lart,” an- u__
I ve been beaten a! few
urday, and anybody cah cor- z. "t "T r J 2=^
** —ExncUy how do you go Mackey. Once we have that
•’ect their mistakes Monday, about making changes in a oys- key, the rest falls Into place.
-- --------------------
.■s’"*” “*"»• 8-1 record, and the Jets, who put all of the amall ones togeth­
topped the younger AFL, wdth a er,
they become big and Impor­ Enyart was the Hula Bowl’s Illing Jr. High School.
“ most 'Valuaible”' arid his line
Stone 221, Tbm Alberti 200, Ted
Bldwell 228, Roland Smith 201—
666, Walt Surowlec 200, H e r b Ea*t OothoUc
8d 8d
11-8 performance.
I tim es,"• ne
J umeo, he said, "but
“ but Joe has Coaching oay
i-»acmng day is game oa
y ." ihoi isn’t
tern that i«,>* workimr? ^ „ ______
a._aiin iv«e the other__ _____
chach WhUe on the . subject of the shattering abilities wlU have a Cterke 200-206 —678, Dick Tur- South Oothollo M 6-8
Colemdns^ Father and Son^ "In tMs kind of a game any­
big role In the North’s attack.. SASKETSAlli ootite 201, Jeunes Abert 228 — Northwest Oolhollc 1-8 8d
» .sbefore
r ,r Sa large
n :n s ss,';”L
ji'r Lwhen

not crowd never chewed
’* *he" Plains.
riiewed me out. He never This is a radical postulate, a -T h e mechanics are not s e ^ ^ ir h S ^ o u ’re doing, and

v i,
thing can happen," said Grant­ past, Grantham recalled wrhen
ham, a ItaebMker 'who stands he broke Into pro foctiball.
On the North line ■wlU be Bld-
“ I signed for a salary of die Hinton of Oklahoma at spUt
SCOKESff^ 560. Pidaald •d 6-1

TANKSEmnOG dlence at the JeU’ hotel. Ras- ^® ^ intercepted l)-B a ltlm ore’s IM ^ rtorm -
have everytbody concentrate on
It -m y asristante on the field,
end half?
^ ^ -A s a m atter o f > ^ t one
To Speak to Basehall Club six feet and weighs ta the tvelgh-
borhood o f 210 pounds. “ As I see 810,800 and a 11,000 ^ n u s," the
end and Ted Kwalick of Penn
State at tight end. The tackles
Ped< Lumber edged Com­

T a . 7 4 2 -? 7 7 0
mussen sat alone on the sea
wall gazing at .the Atlantic and
Be’s the No. 1 sports
“ ®® season; 2) —The Im-
ProbaWe four shutouts; 3) -
the assistants upstairs on t h e
phon^, Unltas on the bench and
of the most
trends Team of Coleman and Col^
, , m at most man Joe Sr ens t
It, It bolls down to whether we likeable linebacker 'said. “ The
can get to Morrall (quarterback only hitch was that 81,000 was
are Kansas’ Keith Christensen munity Y last night, 37-66. Ifike
and Penn State’s Dave Bradley Maloney and Charles Fedor
Bert MorraU of the polts) and taken out of my pay check and
dreaming, yes, of BUly Ray Bi America, or he wiU be ^ 8»-I8-l record as pro toot- MorraU in the game. We start mams n o T h a w what amounts ’ ® ^ ^ while Mike Montler ot Colorado were Mgh with 12 talUes each.
keep them away from Joe (Na- It wasn’t a bonus after all. It and John Shlnners of Xavier are For the loeers Bruce Taggart X

RErTAMM Smith. “ You’re only the second “ we win Sunday. If we win, I BaU’s b lg g ^ winner tor six coUeoting and coordinating In- ^ two game D lays-one tor the f™'®® ™ ^ A k e r s table at the
reporter to t5lk to me aU “ *ink he wlU be thrust into a abiUty to win tormaUon on the first play and m st h ^ f and one tor the sec- ^ e r -in e e tln g of the maith. Jets quarterback). Just proved to be an advance.’’ (11) and John WaichowaU (9)
the guards.
Week," be said. position
position of' fam
' e even he can’t conslstenUy
'"*■ with such
‘ Averse we attempt to get a pattern as We antlcloate that they John DIdlon ot Oregon State la were beet.
The 28-year oW Jet realizes waldze. q u a rte t^ u H
AQv»fxwoInpgalpii Vmm U
Tom iTmAdA
Matte, fHt1f*1rlv
q tU cl^ afi
a s uta
we asm * j
c o v e r in g ^ k e y a dlf- ta tile second game The Leo-
his- awesome task. “ BlUy Ray He may miss prees confer- Q i t ’s a q u ^ o n of think- way in the second half. J°® !f “ l® OJ^ Simpson Gets Manager^ the center.
'Both coaches said they 'were oers defeated Noaslff Arms, 60- IV 2 H P . lo 100 H P . / We have a series
does the Job,” he said. “ Bubba ences but he can afiord the fine So w* start In Immediately <n the Washington well pleased with the condition 62. High Bcorers were Mike
geU the credit. of their squads coming Into Sat­ Bensche (9) and BUI Gtorra (18).
“ Most tackles try to over-
It’s worth it to him to pay the
fine and avoid the h a ra ^ e n t.
I ^ew
^ trying to grt better execu- ^ e third quarter gathering
Uon A « « p la4K
j«.,. ttat
1, are* t^
faUlng. tofc*mrtton and
ln g . more Informotton and making
<«ftB ne 178,000
‘>®?^‘ty- Last year he Sogge Signs Basehall Pact urday’s game. Neither has any Best for the Main St. boys were
John Klldlrti and' Barry Oxdi
of fiee skis at
"When I replaced Sam DeLuc- Says Shula: “ Most coaches ■" the human tendency more adjustments. posted a 12-16 won-loes recoid, serioua injuries. \
oa at guard ' l h^~two~weeks S®* “ P ®n the morning of a Is
’ ■ to
J® Just watch the *game
^J!"*’*^**** ^ ® and O—Did _ ^ .^ have anv trouble *!?^P*'®"“J^® *® *'secon d dlvlsloil LOS ANGELES (A P)-^ O. J. contract. Simpson Is expected to Hargett was named offensive playing good offensive ball end
Simpson acquired a manager be the' No. 1 draft choice tMs captain of the South Thursday scoring 16 iaUles each.
Open Daily 7 :30 AJML-5 P.M^Thiq^J|p-8
Sat. to 4 P.M. «
substaatial sav-
of It. I had enough then. When ^ ‘"aP’ ® ^ coS ^ rttog T oS T d e fe i^ to of-
YO W HEADQUARTERS FOR I saw reporters coming, I felt barn. They feel they’ve done
hey can and that It’s up to
wrong, we want our peo-
P^® to <*etach themselves from

____ ^
J®® Sr-, who tolled a dozen
yea™ in the majors with PhUa-
and Stove Sogge acquired a year.
bosdbaU oarow Thursday.
and linebacker Mike HaU of Al­
abama was ehosen defensive
->. r ,. iagi!
m y ^ lS ^ S i l ^ y e 'r o n ^ . ^ t o " SLtr the gume. so to speak; aiid ktop A -N on e at all. It’s like look- delphla’s-'A tifeT cs: " i^ U m Z The two Stan at the Unlveni-
Sogge, Trojan quarterback,.la
PeganI Barbers outaoored tiie

Herald Angela last night os
Raamussw a I 2th ^ m d "'®’’® '*'® t«el the coach’s Job tWnWng about atternaUves and pt a b lon ^ ta a m ^ r . and Detroit, now works with ' ty of Soutiiem CaUforMa’s sec­ less knowrn as J* baseball catch­ they wen 22-18. High for the
KasmusBwi, a l2th-round begins when the olavers Idck adjustments. It’s the same blonde. Offensive youth baseball programs in thA ond-ranked focttieU team ap­ er. But he's a good one and the Henke—Humanie—San Marco Boots
Honors 'Due ^ rb e ra were John BVirrand (9)
^ Q -O ive me an example of the «• «lefenslve, It’a the aame Greater Boston ^ peared together at a news Los Angeles • Dodgers signed BOSTON . (AP) — Harvard artd John Sloan (8). Dee Tedone
IN MANCHESTER / oMgerenoe to talk about the Mm to play 'wiith their farm club football captain and eter half­ scored 10 potato tor the toseis.
JOE COLEMAN at Spokane.
turna ta their destinies.


back V ic Gatto will be honored Herald Angels outahot Nor-
M A N C H ES TER H O N D A the Jets are tMs week. —Certainly, we start wlta A—Well, the big man on the Sunday along ^ t h the offense? named to the AU-Star souad b a s t o r a p p l e r s w in
Shnpeon, whoee spectacular Soggb said he sigTied as a free as tMs year’s recipient of the nmn’s es they hustled to a 48-
ruahlng won Mm the H el^ a n agent to what he called a very John F. Kennedy Memorial Tro­ 29 'Victory. Offense wae the name
Wtantag nine o f 12 bouts, Bast trophy, eold he'a signed a "total fair contract. “Terms were not phy given amaially by the of the gom e oe Ray Lonpano
■a l b s — SERVICE — PARTS
Afcat, Wed., FH. • to S—T tes., Thwa., Sat. • to ■
a a
We l i
game-day adjust- Ueve .that ta footbaU, Oght end
the same.’
at a_ _____
movie Mondfty
to sU
Monday _________
to an ta to re s tta g ^ e ^ ta r’I^S Oathollc High’s wrestling team
P«»^c U tavMed.
management’’ cortract wHh disclosed. Said Dodger player Greeter Itelo-Amerlcan Aaaool- (16) and Jim Hesketh (14) led C A P IT O L EIP U IP M EN T 991 MAIN STREET— MANCHESTER
_ ciowncU Hartford BuUcNey, 3 »«. Sports HeadUnera, Irio., of Indi­ personnel direotor A1 Campan­ the wtoners. Mike Riymsey and
have any a th le^ soholaraMps manta
la the most Important position, and say, dammit, I wish I ’d Current club prexy anapolis.. ia: “ He’s'an outstanding receiv­ „ Ne'U be feted et en awarde Jim McNIckle scored (18) and 88 MAIN ST. — TEL. 648-7958 World’s Fineat Hart SUb
there." Q —Do you a lw t^ find It and we are fortunate to have la Ray The local record stands s i 8-8-
thought of that yesterday! Peck of Manchester. . It will handle all Ms affaira, er wUh a good ahn. For a dinner In Saugue Feb. 8 ea the (It) Dotats reapeotively for the
'Inoludtaf negotiations for a.p ro catcher he can really run well.” sixth wtaner of the award. losers.


CAN YOU , r a s s l e i t ''

T ..B U T T H E S E B O T T L E S G E T A BlTj


CLASSIFIED OORViriTlU BanH op, fits yeara
1008 tfm w ^ 1037, rad. AtMag
•EASONS — Apply on Job ready
to w ork, eee cuperlntendent -at
trailer on Brooklyn Straat,
m arried man, part-
a m b it io u s
tim e evening s. Would |M fa r
twenty hours halp. CUB 3i3>
GIVE AAEA [ON TW COOLER B e - V /P B ! h I w y tc^ d t h e END.O^ $130 o r beat ottor. (faU 640- RockvUle, Conn. 4860, 2 to 7 p.m . onfa.
Aafwar M
h/W dwith ,
■QK OK. SO WHAT'S/a kHCE n e w l \ A CARP
(fTELEPATHY E x o t ic B ir d s a d v e r t is in g 0211.

CLASSlFIifiD i^ V E R T IS IN G DEPT. HOURS ag—u i — s j ------------------ N a D E A N M ACHINE
AC B068 3 Aromatic 8 A M , t o 4 :8 0 P -M .
T o build special mar kin g PRODUCTS
eyg./,________ ,1— - - - ^ / MEi^TioN j a k e n h is IBrazUian 1066 NUIROD R iviera Oamper, noachinerv and tooling. Ex>
macaw 4 Network 102 Oedonfal R oad
HOOPLE TH E (anat) psrien cs m amaU shop pra-
B B Iidof COPY d / S mbw S J i c l a s s i f i e d AD VT. famUy room , drop curtaiiia,
5 Jacob’s son fe m d . G ood w agsa, excel-
ME 9THER OMh tropical „ B B F (« B PD B U O A nO N heater, atove, etc. Call 643- len t om>ortunity fo r the
America (B ib.,var.) PendMne far 8 » t « d a y mm M onday la 4tl0 p.m . JWdny. 0061 after 4 p jn . H oa Bnm adlats Opsniag e ;
6 Scottish cap righ t man -with a grow ing
laH credlty . com pany. Smns overtlm s. T u rret Lathe <3psnttccu
factors 7 Shoulder
(comb, form) Evening o c Saiturday inter- D ays and N ighta
U nrench PLEASE READ YOUR AD visw a arranged. InfliMetdm
8 Proposition . TERRY TR AVEL
0 Of pottery Franks 37 P o e t------ CSiSseWed o r "W ant Ads” are __ F inal In spactica Ear
M G m teel (752-768) Bums
15 Anchored 10 Sandy TRAILERS N . P. H ALLENBECK, Inc. A lrera h P arts
11 Man's 27 Expire 38 Oak nuts AU B enefits
16Eaq>uncera 30 Greek Isttars Bunker HIU Rd., Andover
nickname 28 Peer Oynt’s COX TEN T 'TRAILEaiS 7458061
B Y V . T . HAM LIN ISGirl’a mother 42 Indian beat' Equal O ppoituntty E liiployer
A LLEY OOP nickname 14 Neighbor of
CniUe 20 laluid in the
th en BUT WE CAME I I KNOW ...BUTYajR 19 Proportion 46 AbeFa father
THSCHAWOrs I WEU.,HM4GONlj EXPECTINS} HE ANXIOUSLY TO SEEOUEEN ^ n o w &i mpMTE 20 Hen product 17 Body o f water
West Indies Take advantage o f our pre-
£ »F E ARR1VA1. 31 High (music) (Bib.) ?? advertisem en t wiO n o t b e o o n p to d
--------------- ' o u r jo ur ney WILL PLEASE. US? /AW AITS YOU/ NEFERTml 23 Unruly crowd 21 Pre-eminent 32 Aluminum 47 Be home
season discount prices—or­ l e s io n— Trainee. WUl train
TPIBCES! THE p h ar a o h } 25 Employ 22 Diversion der now fo r Spring delivery. ttiaip high sthooi graduate
IS ALMOST 24 Egyptian god silicate 48 Tatter _______ (B ock ville, TsD F r e e )
CVER... 28 Bird o f------
who averted 33 Despicable 49 Unit of Bank financing available on PART-TIM E with above average alitlltlea
28 Top flyer
30 Fur-lined evil
tippets (eccl.) 26 King of
36 Edge
50 Compass poin- M3-2711 87»136
all faailera.
Open M onday through M ornings 8 a.m . to 11 a.m .
Technical training in drafU iv
and facu lty in m ath deslrabla.
tf*HDllr 31 Misbehaves R are opportunity in fast grow ­
INS 1 r" V V IT W Thursday, 2 to S p.m ., F ri­ o r 11 a m . to 2 p.m. Xhro-
TMBR (2 words) ing fire protection field.
34 Bom day 2 to 8 p .m .,. Saturdny
YEAR- 12 ninga, 7 to 11. H ours fle x - MlHtaty service oM lgatlon
35 Australian 9 to 0 p.m ., Sunday 1 to 5
37 Rodent
14 Troabls Reaching Our AdvsrliNr? p.m . Ibfa. A pply In psraon. ttMuld be satlsfMU. G ood le fo r -
enoes, occasional tra-vel end
agreeable to poaslble future



HA! HA! ^
40 To (S cot)
41 Cuckoo
42 South

fa H-Honr Anrasrlng Ssrvicc
Fns to HtraM Rsafan
Route 66
Portland, Conn.
Contractlnq 14
Bonds— Stocks—
Mortgogos 27
Holp Wontod
Fomoio 35
46 W est Center S treet
transfer. Only serloua career
m inded Individual need apply.
F or appointm ent call M r. M ar­
REMEMBER WHEN YOU FELLERS TH E BULL IS American shall at 646-4400. Autom atic
I HW >r HIA. Ut. JM. »«» BJ. WERE HERE HOW WE /AOVBD LIKE A KIP ahrub 1-342-1212. Sprinkler Corp. o f A m erica. An
43Snoase WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ SECOND M ORTGAGE — Un- CLERK TYPIST to handfa ac-
EVERYTHING WITH CRANES, SHOWING equal opportunity em ptoyer.
45 African stork 32 |H m odeling specialist. Additions, lim ited funds available fo r sec­ ommte payaU e and general of­
D A V Y JONES N EW B I K E ! 48 Stair parts reo room s, dorm ers, porches, ond m ortgagee, paym ents to fice -work. D iversified respon- washing floors, 510 p.m ., five
■r -------------------- iTiK|

L O O K O U T .'
51 Certain
railroad cars
52 Expiates 40
toWAROS Garago— Sorvieo—
Sfaroga 10
cabinate, form ica, buUt - ins, suit your budget. Expedient slbilttles. L ocal distributor of
bathroom s, kitchens. 6453446. service. J. D . Realty, 648-6129. national corporation in new in­
days, call between 6-6 p.m .,
F or boys’ departm ent In local
n e i s o »»
, IT ?
N E X T /> i/ft
54 Refined in
IT ANSWERINfi SERVICE OOM M ERtdAL space available. CERAM IC 'TILE — bathroom s,
counter tops, floors, vanities,
dustrial pork
- in BUust H artford.
Nine paid hoUdays, tw o weeks
___ _
D E U V E R Y MAN, steady w ork,'
bnuKsh o f roUtU childroB's
E xcellent opportunity
55 Convenes
w 64IMIS00 875-2519 Central. 'Two areas,
square feet each. One with
etc. F ree estim ates. AU w ork
guaranteed. 6458430.
Businoss Opportunity 28 paid vacation, a fter first year.
BVw Interview cmvtact W. F.
12 noon to 6 ^.in. Monday fo r am bitious peraon.
through BYlday, fo r w holesale
DOWN 10x10 overtiead door. Call 643- C orcoran at W estinghouse, 285 dietributor in M anchester. C!aU F or A ppointm ent C ontact
M A nSiC O A 8768.
p?tiS?'Vth!IIrt'^JSII5K irS iB "S e S iS S 2 ^ DORMERS — Room -Additions, ATTENTION 7931. An Equal Opportunity 045-2626 after 8 a.m . M r. Srtom cn—633.5178
1 Greek market
places garages, kttchens, rec room s, Em ptoyer.
WANTED parking area tor one WANTED 2 B ridgeport
8 Tell houses, aiding, roofing. Seven MECHANICS
ca r, vieiiUty 128 W est Street. operators, one first class sur­
(Ntwtp»p»r Mttprh* Aun.) Automobllos For $olo 4 Call 6456021. year financing avaU able. Add-
A -Level-D orm er, 2850449. Tired o f W M idng fo r som e­ CXEANINO wom an wanted GENERAL face grinder, one in-prooeee In-
HERALD 1662 W ILLTS Jeep with plow ,
one else? 'Ih e oiHI>ortunlty
to becom e your ow n boss
days a week, 6458686. epeotor. 'These positions s N
now opm at the Eknoo Corp.


hardtop cab, W arren hubs, $1,-
496. See B ob O liver, ■ Paul
B u s in iM S Sarvieos
Offorod 13
R em odeling, repairing, addi­ has cuTived. A Sunoco
fran ch lss -wlU be available
tim e. P lease apiriy in person
ACCOUNTANT located at Scenic Bolton Notch,
behind Fiano’s Restaurant on
CARNIVAL Dodge Pontiac, Main St., Man-
tions, reo room s, garages, In th e M anchester area,
porches and roofing. No Job Gae Light Restaurant, 80 Oak A ccounts receivable, a c- Route 6 k 44A,. Intervi e ws
cheater, 640-2881. CARPEN TER — .experienced, due to tUnesB. F or added St.
Fnr Your too smaU. CaU 6458144. tnform atton, oaU weekdays, oounts payable, payrett, ex­ from 8 a.m . to 6:86 p.m .. Men-
all types o f w ork. Reasonable. perience desired. BV>rty

fe i Information 5653400, o r evenings end day through BYlday.

W AYOUT B Y K EN MUSE 1966 GRAND P rlx hardtop, V-8, OaU anytim e, 6451787. ADDITIONS, rem odeling, ga­ LUNCHEION -waitress fo r Oar- hour w ork week. Com pany
autom atic, pow er steering, weekends, John P erry, 749- riage House Restaurant, 10 E.
rage, reo room s,^ bathroom s 8186. pal4 benefits. W e are an

B E $ 2 5 0 0 .'
THB H B R A U } wUl not
disclose the identity o f
any advertiser using box
pow er brakes, bucket seats, REPAIRS
dark Uue. See B ob OKver,
lA w nm ow ers,
snow blow ers and garden trac­
tors. Free pick up and delivery
tiled, kitchens -remodeled, c e ­
m ent w ork, cella r floors, pa­
Center St.; M anchester, fine
opportunity tor right glri. Ap­
equal opportunity em ploy­
er. W rite B ox "U ” Slan-
letters. R eaders answer­ Paul Dodge Ponttac, M ain St., tios, roofing. CaU Leon Cles- AUTOMOTIVE repair shop (o r ply in person. chester H erald.
M anchester, 6452881. in M anchester and South Wind­ OpenlngB available fo r am bi­
ing blind box ads who synskl, BuUder. 649-4291. sale. G rosses exceed $106,000 E N E R G E T ^
HAND PAINTED sor area. Call 644-0421. HOUSEKBEP- tiou s Individuals to Join on e o f
dealre to protect their annually. SpecialiJdng in one EIR wanted to help m other with
N E C K T IE ? Identity can follow this NEED CART Credit very badT HOMES, GARAGES, porches, th e fastest grow ing retail food
■ y SHORT RIBS BY FRAN K O’NEAL TRE E rem oval-’Trimm lng. R ea­ area o f automoti-ve after- 3 toddlers, 6 houre ■per w$ek. OIL TRUCK driver. Apply
procedure; Bankrupt, repoBsesBlonT Hon- rec room s, room additions,
sonable rates. Covered tor F ogarty Brothers, 819 B n^
Bnolooe your reply to the
est Douglas accepts low est
property dam age. Ckit a tree kitchens, roofing, siding, gen­ m arket. G reat grow th poten- 644-8983.
down, sm allest paym ents, any­ tisd and reputation fo r quaUty Street, M anchester.
box In an envelope — problem ? Call Dana’s Tree eral repair w ork. Financing No Experience Necessary
CHl£/= w a m ts io u where. Not sm all loan finance avaUable. No down payment. servloe. Setting tor personal POSITION open at Case Bros,
a d d reu to the C lassl- Service, 622-8420. division o f Boise Cascade Corp.
to R ) A RAIM PANCE, com pany plan. D ouglas M o­ Econom y Builders, In c., 045 reasons. W rite B ox " Z ," EXPERIENCED Our paid training program win
feld l e a n e r , M anchester
Kvenlng H erald, together tors, 345 Main. YOU AR E A -l, truck is A-1 . 6169. M anchester Herald. in ou r IBM room . Tabulaitlng qualify you to ipost the chal­
with a m em o listing the experience desirable. Should be BRIDGEPORT lenge o f store m aaagstnent
OeUars, attics, yards, drive­
com panlM you do NOT 1962 DODGE Lancer, low m ile­ a good typist. CaU M r. Swan­ OPERATORS G ood startin g salary.
w ays sealed and sm all truck­
w a n t'to see your latter. age, very good condition, radio,
ing done A-1 right. Call T re- Special Servicas 15 Help Wonted son tor interview . 0452861.
OD GRINDERS C om pM y benefits tnetude paid
Tour fatter wUl b e de- heater, whitewalls and snow
mano Trucking Service toll- AAHOO 'Transmissions of M an­ Femoie 35 LADY fo r general o ffice work, TOOL AN D GAGE Blue C/xMs, m ajor m edioal, life
stroy a d rlf the advertiser tires. 640-6788. insurance im d oom poay-pald
is one you’v e m entioned, free, 742-9487. chester, nation-wide, guaran­ part-tim e, hours can be ar­ M AKERS p ro fit ttiarlng retlrenaent piaa.
BUZZ SAW YER B Y ROY CRANE tf not it w ill be handled 1963 SUNBEAM Alpine roadster
TRE E SERVICE (Soucier) — teed service. Budget term s. 3 TO 11 p.m ., nurses aide, full­ ranged, typing and figure apti­
In the bsual manner. with hardtop. Call 646-0764 a f­ tim e arid part-tim e. Laurel tude required^ $2. per hour. BliU o r part-time. F or interview epiS y in person
'Trees cut, building lots clear­ Loaner cars. BYee towing. Call
HP te r 5. M anor, 649-4619. Top w ages, overtim e,
------- ■ ' " ’ jn llS /VIORNING..^
’^ B E T . ' l
Ik 1062 IM PALA, S8 oonverUbfa, problem ?
ed, trees topped. Got a tree
W ell w orth phone
6452467, M anchester - Vernon
town Une, Rt. 83. 'TalcottviUe. WANTED reliable wom an, age 289-6433.
CaU bOtareen 9 a,m . - 4 p.m .,
frin g e benefits.
A pply in person.
9 A M . to 6 PJd. to S to ro ifa ia 5
V *-
60 o r over, as perm anent baby­ OLDER wom an wUDng to com e
Lost and Found 1 827 cu b ic Indi, autom atic caU, 742-8262. READING dlftlcidtles analyzed
sitter in m y hom e. FCur days to m y hom e occasionally to C U M B E R L A ^ FARM S
tranandasion. Asking $650. Gall and diagnosed. CaU 648-0639, ^ & S GAGE CO.
'we euRf [toesNt Do LOST — M bn’a heavy block 6453028. SNOW PLO W nfO , lots .d rive-
5 7 p.m . a week. Own transportation. care for siric chUd, days, 7:80 S'TORE
<1 1H W 0S HALF W'AV.' rim snod glaaaea, vicinity of w ays, apartm ents, stores, etc. 6457026. MltcheU D r., M anchester R oute 44A and R ou te 6
to 6. Tranapoitation provided.
i' BEandieater G reen. Call Satur­ 1068 CAMARO, excellent condi­ also sidewalks. Reasonable
CaU 649-0118 after 6:80 p.m . B olton N otch
t day m orning, 648-6727. tion, autom atic, pow er steer­ rates. OaU 048-4686. COUNTER-WOMEN:
Roofing— Siding 16 person tor part-tim e counter A mature EXPEUUENCEU) o i l burner
ing, vinyl top. G all 648-0774 a f­ TY PIST —With general office servicem an. Bhcorilent position, A n Bfaual O pportunity
L o s t — Oat, yeilow -tan color, ter 6 p.m . SHARPENING Service — Saws, RXX)BTNO, aliuninum siding, sen dee in fast food business. Em ployer
experience needed in D rafting good pay, paid vacation, paid
l-IO ,lo n g haired. V ld n ity Kennedy knives, aces, shears, skates, gutters, carpenter w ork, SO H ousewives who can spare six D ep t o f rapid grow ing pre-cast hoUdayi, good working condi­
land 'Vom on R ds., M andieater. io w GORVETTB Stingray rotary blades. Quick service. years’ experience. Connecticut hours a day are w elcom e to
HO concrete com pany. Hours flex­ tions. W hiting Corporation, 264
‘ SRver, 6458747. coupe, 4-speed, like brand new. Capitol 'E quipm ent Co., 38 VaHey Construction C o., 648- apply. Apply in own handwrit­ ible from part-tim e to fuU-Ume.
c im ^ Ml*, w. m ■.» m r* ew, ^ No m oney down, take over Main St., M anchester. Hours Broad Street, M anchester, CaU PART-TIM E driver w onted tor
7180. BYee estim ate. ing, P.O . B ox 2266, Bishops CaU A llied BuUding Systenu,
L o s t — Passbook No^29-008108-' '' balance. Call 238-8716. dally 7:856, 'Thursday, 7:859, 6451166. autom otive w arriw uee, 13 to 6
"It must be true love, Mom . . . we’ve both been broke Corner Branch, W est H art­ 260 ToUand Tpke., M ancheoter,
6 Savings D epartm m t of the Saturday 7:80-4. 64579(S8. ford, Conn., 06117. An equal op­ 646-0124. p.m ., daily. CaU 289-7966.
for two days without even realizing it!” LINOTYPE operators; openings
OonnecUcut Bank and 'Trust BUICK Skylariii 1965 2-door Roofing and portunity em ployer. for day sh ift M ajor m edical PART-'ITM E help w anted —
hardtop, pow er steering, pow er ELEX7TRICAL w ork —^Imperial
MICKEY FINN LA N K LEONARD Com pany. Application made
brakes, air-conditioning. Showi E lectric, In c. Residential, Chimnoys 16-A DRIVERS fo r sch oci buses 7:80 life Insurance and w eekly sick young m en, preferably majM^
for paym ent. to 8:46 a-m ., 2:16 to 8:46 p.m . beneflts. CaU o r w rite for In­ ing in Buriness Adm inlatratlon
I T H O U G H T PHIL r S 06O 0D T0 Y ALL RIGHT-BUT— room condition. No m oney com m erdal, industrial, 24 ROOFING — Specializing re­
hours day service. F ree esti­ EhcceUent part-tlm ^ for house­ terview , M ono 'Typesetting, 1C6 in loca l ooUege w ho lias m oni-
ACTED UNWISELY, P H iL F I N N ' see YOU, PHIL ) YOU'LL HAVE TO BY MILTON CANIFF TMTPmTNTTHiD — Bloclc and down, assum e balance. Call pairing roots o f aU kinds, new
H o tvve yo u ' excuse m e - i - ah STEVE CANYON m ates, 846-1112, 6452670, 849- w ives cmd m others. Prem ium Ann St., H artford, 527-2186. Ings and ’ Siurly a ftern oon s'free
M IC K E Y — B U T w hite fem ale aetter. C all V er­ 283-8716. roofs, gutter w ork, chim neys
WHEN I TOLD HIM, - D O N T RECALL WHERE 7125. ACCOUNTS w age scale. W o train you. OaU
I'^ E 'R E WASTING ( then UNE 'Em V hEY,k id ! NOTICE^ STEVE HASNYSAID ANYTHING BECAUSE HE non D og W hrden, 87S-7984. c le a i^ and repaired. 30 years’ to r both o ffice and delivery
HEARD THE HMAdCERSAY THAT THE RADIO START new year with 1966 Red 643-2414. *', GAS STATION attendant fuU-
I DON'T THINK HE'S TIME.' LETS UP FOR THE THAT YOUR FLYBOY experience. BYee estim ates. w ork about 6-6 hours per day.
THE SOLD OOTA HERO AINY said OPERATOR INTHE AIRCRAFT HAD BEEN HIT LOST — M ale OoUfa d o g , sable Volkswagen, reasonable m ile­ SNOW PLOWING — R e^ Ume. Ai>ply Sunset Service Should be at least 21 years old
BEEN QUITE HIMSELF CaU H owley 648-6861. 645 PA YA BLE CLERK BABYSITTER wanted, prefer­ Station, 666 E ast M iddle Tpke.,
THESE D A Y S .I ^ A word! m aybe OVER THE HEAD... WHICH WASJTHE START and white, with colla r and age, good condition. 649-0740. identdal, oom m erclal, 24-hour 8888. in good health, and no im m ed­
HE NEEDS SCRIPT OP A CYCLE BACK AT RADIO CONTROL... service, new equipm ent. 645* ably in m y hom e, O t^ rd vU- M anchester.
license. V icinity P orter and iate milHsuy obUgatlons. CaU
W66" VOLKSWAGEN e m n ^ - 0142. lage. OaU 643-1702 a fter 6 p.m .
C enter Streets. R ew ard. Call M ust have aptitude fo r fig ­ CAREER-M INDED individual M anchester, Coim. 6451668 fo r
Ible, $1,100, good condition, 648-
0456221. 6666, 6457296. SNOW PLOWING done reason- Millinory, ures and som e know ledge YOUNG woman, fuU-time. 9 to wanted for managem ent posi­ filTolntm ent 'and Interview.
IMPOUNDED — Brown m ale able. 24 hour service. CaU 645 Drossmoking 19 oinf gaccounts payable. S tart­
salary depending upon
6 dally, M onday through BYi- tion fo r grow ing (H artford baa­
1967 MO M idget, 4-speed, 1860. day. No nights, no Sundays. ed) fast food rervice organiza­
m ongrel puppy. Can Vernon gorgeous au to for sports mind­ DRES8MAKINO and aitera- background, plus oom pleto Apply in person only, Weetown
D og W arden, 876-7934. frin ge benefits. A pply per­ tion, 21 o r over, capable o f as­ MACHINISTS
ed. No m oney down, assume SNOW PI/>W IN Q — D rivew ays, tions, zippers replaced etc. Pharm acy, 466 H artford Rd. sum ing responslbUitles. A per­
sonnel departm ent.
POUND — Collie and Shepherd low balance. Call 288-8716. lots, stores, apartm ents. CaU 6454811. m anent position with fringe BRIDGEPORT
REJCBPnONIST — Secretary,
m ixed fem ale puppy. Black 1949 PLYMOUTH, running con­ Reajsonable. M ter 6 call 845 FOR ALTERA'nON S neaUy and for RockvlUe dental office. M a­ benefits. Shcperience not neces­ and
and tan. C all D og W asden, 648- dition, needs w ork, best offer, 6072. Ask fo r Bob. reasonably done In m y hom e, MOTT’S SUPER M ARKET ture woman, salary open. sary, w e wrlll train. Successful LATHE
BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEW AY $k$l- 6452786 after 6. call 6^8766. applicant m ust have am bition,
MR. ABERNATHY 59 L eggett St., E ast H artford W rite Box HH, M anchester energy and enthusiasm . Apply
IMPOUNDED — Blaok and 1968 CHEVROLET, In exceUent 8NOW PLOWING — 24 hour DRESSMAKING and altera-
WHAT IS MY / I WANT AN ONE BLONDE,..TWO BR UNETTES... service. Call 742-7649. Phone 2851641 In own handwriting, P.O . Box
brow n beagle w ith red collar.
A C CO U N TIN G ASSISN/\AENT? ' ABSOLUTELY ONE RSDHEAD.,,ANOTHER BLONDE.. condition, 4-door hardtop, V -5 tions, evening w ear, suits DENTAL assistant, RockvUle 2266, Bishops C om er Branch, Experienced required.
m it c h e l ! DEPARTMENT C all Vernon D og W arden, 875 pow er steering. Call 649-8486. LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also made to order, 16 yeart experi­
ACCURATE office, m ature wom an. Salary W est H artford, Conn. 66117. An Liberal benefits.
GRAB AN ACCOUNTING B Y DICK C A V A L U 7884. m oving large appliances. Burn­ ence. CaU 648-7042. open. W rite B ox MM, M anches­
WINTHROP 1964 FORD 2-door haidtop in ing barrels deUvered. $4. 645 equal opportunity em ployer. Presently working
adding OF A V E R Y ter Herald.
FOUND — BngUrfi setter type excellent cohdl'Uon. Must sell. 1776. 50-hour week.
TH ie K5ATARE WH6 N I G B T T O orange and white m ale puppy. Call alter 7 p.m ., 6451189.
and needs experienced sales- R-N ’s — openings on second apply in person. Gas Light
R E O a C D IN G I M A D e e e lCIN0 Of= CaR D og W arden, 643-4181. A <^U 8710A L Ceilings — Sales, Moving— ^Tnieking—>
WHEN CHIPS WAS VAP % PONTIAC Grand P rlx, 1966, ladiee to be trained for our and third shift, full-tim e or Restaurant, 36 Oak St.
ME' ^ i x e W O CLO TH A T IMPOUNDED — Brown m ale pow er steering, pow er brakes.
sendee and Installation. R eo Storaga 20 now fab ric store now under part-tim e. F or inform ation con­ E . A . PATTEN CO.
j o e r A nuppy. TARE'LL BBVCXZm room specialty. BYee eeti- tact Uic Personnel Departm ent, PORTER •— cleanup man.
A RXZ7U N E . m ongrel with flea ooRaT and Like new. No m oney down, take maites. C all Ahel A coustics, M A N C H E S'^E DeUvery-Ilght construction on Oakland St. P lease apply in persmi. Gas 303 W etherell St., M anchester
choker. Call Vernon D og W ard­ over paym ents. O d l 233-8716. Apply Mias Colbum, Pilgrim M anchester M em orial Hos­
872-0196. trucking and package delivery. Light Restaurant, 36 Oak St.
pital, 643-1141, E xt. 248.
V /P ,

L0 en, 8757984.
ANYTHING taken to the dump,
BOUND — Sm all brown m ale 1964 GTO in good shape. Must appliances, bulky furniture, at­
R efrigerators, w ashers and MiUe, 177 H artford
stove m oving, specialty. F old­ d\6aier, between 3-9 p.m .
Road, Man-

ing chairs fo r rent. 049-0762.

A. m ongrel with three legs and seU. Call 742-8288. ATTRACTIVE part-tim e poed- H a lp W a n f o d — M a la 3 6
Z- white on chest. OaH D og W ard­
en. 648-4181. '
on, 1966. Pow er steering, pow­
tics cleaned. Light trucking.
PONTIAC Catalina station w ag­ Cheap. 289-6866.
tion as secretary receptloniSt
Pointing-Vaporing 21 tor doctor in M anchester. MAN WANTED to w ork in lum ­
A bove average salary for ap­ beryard. Must have idrtvers
license. D avis k Bradford Lum­ STORMY WEXTHERT
er brakes. No"itioney down, low HoHsohoM Sorvicos NAME YOUR own price. Paint­ plicant who has godd business
?O R WHAT MADE I GUESS 1 WAS ber Co., 200 TViUand Street,
Y o u FALL IN LOVE IM PRESSED Fonoirais paym ents. Gall 233-8715.
OfforMl T3-A ing, paperhanafag, paper re- background, good typing abUl-
E ast Hartford. I la teres ting Jobs available fo r both men sod wom en sn a l |
pick: . m oval. BYee estim ates and dec- ty and able to m eet the pid>Uc.
WITH M O M ? B Y HER , 1963 RAM BLER, 4-dpor stand­ II sh ifts. Es^perienoe not necessary—eve w ill train jre
e im t, NU, be. m b » UX Nt ON. /■/O ^ orating sen dee. (Quality work- No shorthand re q u lr^ . Hours
INCOME TAX service, call Dan ard in good shape. CaU 742- VBUfBiTIAN blinds — repedred, foanahlp, neat, com petent serv­ M onday, Tuesday, yi^dnesday, A t t ^ t t v e w agee, group insurance and profit sfawh
8233.. retaped and recorded. 646-6278, MECHANICS I benefits. Apply in person a t the
M bsfar, 8458829, or 6258288. 8452671. ice. Call 647-9664. 9 until 6, Saturday 9 until 12.
P lease reply B ox F , M anches­
PEN N T SAVER HogpFM Aux- 1966 VOLKSWAGEN su tifo ^ JOSEPH P. LEWIS, custom ter H erald.
PINB--MUV f i i i i ?
M ary thrift riiop w elcom es do- with 1967 m odified engine and
nolUons. Men’s, w om en’s, tdiU- transm ission, 12 volt electrical
REWBIA'VINO o f burns, moth-
hotes, zippers repaired. Win­ painting and paperhanging. In­
terior and e x te rio r.. D ry waU
M ust be able to read blue­
ALDON SPimiim Mills OORF.
GMUML0 HWWTPOr rWMILMR ABOUT THAT dow shades m ade to m easure, MAID
f THATSmi ‘ MATIVBiPOWBRBl dreh’s d otbes, household system , new frentend, ttiocka, w ork. Fully insured. BYee esti­ prints. First class exper­
brakes, Just passed state In­
aU size Venetian blinds. Keys Full-time
BTART piaoiNei ardefas, w orking appliances, m ade wfaUe you w ait. Tape re­ m ates. 0459668. In no answer ienced men only for qual­
Jewelry, toys, books, sm all fur* spection. BuUt by Volkawagen corders for rent. M arlow’ s 867 648-6862. CONN. MOTOR LODGE ity shop. ^
nitura, sporting gear. A ll do­ m ech an ic,' $676. CaU 6452929 '400 ToUand Tpke.
M ain Bt. 6456221. ^ W A R D R . PRICE—P ainting
nations tax deductible. 616 after 6 p.m . M anchester PRESSURE BLAST MFG.

•fain Street.
1966 CHEVROLET Im pala, 2-
U O H T ’TRUCKINO, bulk dellv-
ery, yards, attics, oeUars clean­
WOULD LIKE ride from Man- door hardtop. Autom atic, pow­ ed and rem oved. A lso odd Joba,
cbeater, 19 Durant Street to er tteering. No m oney down,
exterior and Interior. Paper­
hanging. Ceilings, etc. Insured,
6451003. M r.
in person,
ieson, M anager
6458962. PAINTING — Interior and ex­ WOMAN wanted to ivork tii rest
B Y BOB LUBBERS P ratt k Whltnay A ircraft, Brat take over paym ents. Call 235 Phone M rs. B nm etti, 645248Y.
ee rp A C K io
ifJTs?Rupnow, 0(ir ir was
ttilft, L building. Call
649- 8716. TWO HANDYMEN want a va-
rlety o f jobs by the hour or
day. Reasonable rates. CaU tor
terior, very reasonable,
estim ates. CaU
M artin, 6459286, 649-4411.
tree home. Contact M rs. MUIer, 645
Richard 6986, 648-9388.
WOMEN show latest
MAN WANTED to process cus­
Lisa tom er orders in autom otive
-me pi?EM/eR.
HeS PROMisep
ro LEASE u s .
TUTI,.^„ \
N O T ',
a 1Ml >, NIA. IM. TJJ. ! .» BX M. ON. Aiitomobnot For Solo 4
1966 TEM PEO r Sport coupe, 6
T m c k f— T r a c t o n
1967 W Y L U 8 CJ6, hydraulic
snow plow , all new tires, re ­
5 UiformaUon, 0456366, 648-8292.

INSIDE—outside painting. Spe­ Jbw elry. Elam high com m
cial rates for people over 66. sions. Work with full U t and CaU 2857906.
Call m y com petitors, then call color catalog. No investm ent.
is­ warehouse. E xcellent benefits.
LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON cylinder, autom atic, real m e. E stim ates glvetv 6457868, M anagers needed. W rite: E .A . JOURNEYMAN electrician and
rue BASe r
\ '-,o ,

© V
I / ttiorp, $1,646. Bee B ob O liver,
Paul D odge Pontiac, •fain St.,
built engine. $796. 1947 WyUis
ataion wagon^ 4-vdieel drive.
OARPEINTRT — oonerete
876-8401. BotU, ,P re e ., 666 M ain St., ' helper, paid vacation and bene­
Orange, N .J. or caU collect 201- fits. Wtlaon E lectrical C o., 645 Immediate Opening
W estern hydraulic plow, never 8753377.
Ifancheater, 6452881.. 4817.
UMd, $606 - V-piow, $186. See floors, hatchways, rem odeling, Fioor Finishing 24 APPLY IN PERSON A T TH E
Tim M oriarty, 270 H artford porches, garages, oloM te, oeU- L A r iliM l^ r telephone sales- M U V E R S for school buses,
1966 LB1MAN8 hardtop coupe,
4 on ttw. floor, buckets, radio,
beater, new tires. Bee Bob
R d.,-M anch ester. 648-8217. Ings, attlo^ finished, reo
room s form ica, oeram lo. Oth­
er related w ork. No Job too
FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh- w ork for
ing (specialisin g in
national concern. 7;86-8;45 a.m ., 2:16-8:46 p.m .
<Sder Downtown M ancheetor. M orn­ ElxoeUent part-tim e for third Mattrlfpi^r Entnittg l|pratik
flo o rs). Inside painting. Paper- ing or evening hours avaUable. shift w orkers or retired per­
OMver, Paul D odge Pontiac, CASE tra o tir with bockhoe and sm all. Dan M oran, Builder. 1 9 R I 8 8 E L L STTREBT— M A N C H E S T E R , O O N H .
hanging. No Job too sm all. $2. per hour. OaU 6450726 for sons. Prem ium wage s c a l e .
•fain f it , Ifancheater, 6652881. bucket loader. C all 6456248. Evenings 84581880. John VerfaUIe, 6456750.
CatM *« Onn I f»el»«t Ca>a appointment. Call 6452414.
Homos For Solo 72

FimI and Fnnd 49-A
SEASONED flroplaco wood do*
BERRy’S Wcmtnd To Ront 68 Housos For Solo 72
COUPLE with no children, MANCHESTER —$19,000. takes
TO SETTLE estate. Dalightftd
HooMy For Solo 72 Hoosot For Solo 72 Hoowt For Solo 72 Oo» of Town
Tor Solo 75
Oof of Town Ont of Town ^Strong Support

Uverod. Call 1-228-9BW or MB-

seeks to rent, half of owner oc­ all, House, furniture, 2-car ga­
cupied duidex in quiet Man­ rage, IH batiia. Assumable hideaway Cape In one (K Ib n -
Chester’s very„ very best areas
KDAUTIFUL Bve mom C a p e , TWO FAMILY, large 6 ft e Do-
custom built, fireplace, ga­ I^ax, bath and half on owner’a
MANCHESTER — 0% room
starter home inoludea two bad-
For Solo 75 For Sdn 75
P r e d i c t e d for Current
chester neighborhood, near 6%. per cent mortgage, large rage, exeaUent oouditiaa. Cen­ Ode aaparata fumaeaa, one rooma up, aluminum aiding, IMMEDIATE oem cpeaef, Im- ROCKVnUB — two ft four VERNON-TOUJLND, do your
SEASONED fireplace wood, cut
and delivered, $15 pickup toed.
bus. Would occupy in A p r i l . lot, centrally located, KeHh
Call 646-2022 after 7 p.m. Agency, 646-4126, 649-1922.
Upper mid 20’a Worth oonaid-
eraMy mpre. OaU Carl Zins­ tral looalkm. Gerard Agency. minute from Main St. V e r y
648-0G68, e«»4)0B8. nice cowRUon, Wolverton Agen­
new fum aoe, good oonditien. maculdtto Ranch in popular- famlUea avaiiahle. ftecoodary own daoonaUiig on tbim tra-
Only $10,600. • Wolverton LondoQ Park. Mhnitea f r o m Onaitelng. H. M. FrM hette me-douB seven room Raised
Yearly Sessions Quotes
Kindling, gi.50 a bundle. Call ser for dStaUs. Bdflors Agen­ cy, .Realtors, 640-28U. HARTODRD, Conn. (AP) —
COUPLE with infant son de> CUSTOM BUILT oversize.Cape, cy, 647-1418. Agmcy, Realtora, 640-981$. Manchaatar. Brand new wall Realtors, 647-MOS. Raiseh, only $21,000. Jacque- H r THE A fM O U n D V
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS l-429-6S}8. $90,900 -^Attractive 6%. r o o m to waU cdkipatiiig. Ftteplaoo, Une-Roberte Agency, 646-$8S2. ITie Republlean leader of the
sires 2-bedroom apartment, on oversize lot. 120’ wide, and Ranch, 1% hatha, wall-to-wall MANCHESTER — Attractive $18,000 LAR<)B cuatom three newly painted exterior. K ltdi- COVENTRY —Pilgrim H u T ‘T thhde iha am
8 AJL to 4:S0 P JI. reasonable. Call collect. 1-756- exceptionally well landscaped. BRAND NEW Raised Ranch, state House of Rspresentatlvea
oarpata, acre lot, wooded. flve room Ranbh. Large twin aiae bedroom Ranch, mhv en has buUt-ina. Priced to eell Beautiful 7-room Raised ftaneh. VBRNON-TOLLAND, b r a n d saya he expects alm ost tmanlm- tag maatiaa ww had w f*
Housahokl Goods 51 9661 anytime. 2-car garage, Bowers School, hi prestige Forest HUls for on­ Hutohlna Aganoy Realtora, 040- kitchen, Qreplace, 2-car gar­ utoa from Manchaater, nora, imm edlatriy. In the lew 20’a. Double garage, fireplace, fam­ new, four bedroom Oolatital, w e saw the eanth rtaiit; la tta.'
$28,000. Philbrlck Agency Real­ ly $88,600 ! 2-car garage; airy oua nipport for annual ses-
OOPT CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. PROFESSIONAL man «nd wife, 6SM. age, walkout baaem ent BeAitl- tread lot, buitt-taa, n a t u r n 1 Belflore Agency, 647-141$. Uy room, IH baths. Only $2$,- 2H baths. Can be cratom’sed sUms of the General Assembly dtstancie over the Im A
4<J« P.M. DAT BEFORB PVBUGATION 8 ROOMS tors, 849-6347. .a automatlo kitchen, finUbed bd large wooded lot. Im­ trim. Mayer Agency, Realtora, 900. Immediate occtqwncy. to suit jKour own taste, $27,600. when the issue com es to a vote scap makes us raallBi Oiat'
FURNITURE with one child desire reason­
DeadliM lor Saturday and Monday la 4 :M p.m. Friday. able four of five room house SIX ROOM RANCH, Immediate fireplaced rec room. Priced SEVEN ROOM Older home, ex- mediate occupancy. Low down 648-0000. BOLTON — Immaculate 0% Paaek Realtors, 282-7470, 742- Jacqueline • Roberts Agency, this year. w e an do exist co sn s ti
ONLY $169 or apartment, for February occupancy, two baths, t w o before racent rise in maitertal oellent oondltlon, on bua line. payment. Call owner, 1-87S- room Ranch with three be^ 6021, 742-7092, 647-lUS. e46-S$80. Rep. Stewart B. McKinney is
globe. For from 2l0j)00 mOea
fireplaces, large lot, two car costs. Quality throughout. Bel- Property inoludea 2 extra build. 6831, evenlnga. MANCHESrEU — 2-fatmlly, 6-6 rooms, living room with fire­ away. It m S ) Is a saaQ pla»'
Used But All In Good Shape 1st. 647-9686. in a realdentlal area, g o o d place and paneled wsdl, gix>d COVENTRY — Large oversized OUkSTONBURT “sura’’ of the GOP aide and al­
DIAL 643-2711 — Includes — garage.. Low 30’s. Morrison flore Agency, 647-1413. Ing lote. Marion E. Robarteon.
Realtor. 60-090$ NEW TWO tam ily duplex, five floor plan, with 2 bedrooma, sized . dining "L”,’ a bright Cape. Two full baths. Oarage, new customised 7 room Raised
— Spanking
most wUUng to predict that not
net.”—Astronatit Fratdi Botmmi
Bedroom Suite Agency, 648-1016, 643-0644. dasertUng the m ost laatfcgt^
BRAND NEW end beautiful ' ___________ _____ _ moma each side. Separate living room, dining room, aiul woritatole kitchen, 1% baths, 200’ frontage. Field stone fire­ RazMh, cathedral celUnfa, two one Democratic vote wlU be
Living Room Suite Busiiwss Proporty COLONIAL —centiral entrance, him acea, quiet location, Uve cast against the change. ImprsMlon of hla fllghte around'
5 Pc. Dinette Set For Solo 70 TWO-FAMILY, 6 ft 6 Duplex, four bedroom Colonial, 2H large kttchen, oil hot water .wall io w all carpettegi 16 x 84’ place. Lake privileges. Rent Tennessee marble fireplaces, the moon.
Confinuod Prom^ Preceding Page Lsunps Tables, Rugs, Pictures handy location, $22,600. Phil- baths, 2-car garage, automat­ modem kitchen, dining room, economically, call now. Wol­ heat, aluminum storma a n d In the ground ewinunlng pool, with option considered. Paaek plus many oUmt features. Pres, His coisiterpart In the Senate, "I think Unit praolleany the
and a few other Menu. INDUSTRIAL buUdihg on two brick Agency Realtors, 649- ic kitchen, natural woodwork. large living room, mud room, verton Agency, Realtora, 640- aereana, extra 67 x^l4S’ treed concrete patio, over one acre Realtora, 282-7470, 742-7022, 742- tlge Etiea, $48,900. JacqueUne- Minority Leader WaUaoe atom ic fxxnb cEmnot be naad
PLUS! acres, suitable for heavy manu­ 6347. Prestige location. Quality buUt 4 bedroonu, central alr-condt- 2813. building lot,’ A-aoned. Wolver­ of land with a view. Like new 622a, 647-1188. Ribbeits Agency, 646-$S80. Barnes, says he doesn’t know without dameglng Israel Hsoir’
Heip Wanted— Mole 36 Help Wanted— Refrigerator or Range by S A J Builders. Secondary tkmtng, garage. Philbrlck ton Agency^ Realtmrs, 640-2818. throughout. $29,600. U ft R for certain why a resolution for —Rartdd Harami, pramtot'Ora-
facturing. Complete with of­ $18,900 —V ery'attractive uSee
Male or Female 37 YOURS ONLY AT fice facilities. For further In­ MANCHESTER Green — Com­ financing possible. BeUlore Agency Realtors, 640-6847.
MANCHESTER — $19,900, alx Realty Company Ino., 648-2602
Bolton (Mount Sumner) annual sessions failed to d ear Ignate of Lebanon, on rapoits
EXPERIENCED b u 11 d o I e r, fortable 7-room family home, Agency, 647-1413. bedroom Ranch, cellar, 160’ BRICK AND FRAME the Senate in 1067 after It had
formation, call Mr. Philbrlck room Cape Cod. Fireplace, R.D. Murdock, 043-6472. FOUR BEDROOM that Israri Is capnUe of maldiMr
baoldx>e and arnoMte me n . A-U-B-E-R-T-'-^ at Philbrlck Agency, 649-6347. 3 or 4 bedrooms, '2 baths, form­ lot. Nice treea. Hurry! Hutch- received one-sided passage in a nuclear bomb.
Tout 'round work. Call after CAB DRIVERS Phone; “John” Guida al dining room, living room TEN ROOM older home In the Ina Agency Realtora, 049-6324. completely redecorated inaide. 0% ROOM Ranch, large treed
. COLONIAL SPLIT FOYB3R RANCH the House. "An act of magaantiufty and
6. 743-8190. Tcm Free 1-800-992-8647 BARBER SHOP long estab­ with fireplace, enclosed porch, heart of Manchester, 6 bed-' 166 X 166’ lot. Hutchlna Agency lot, one oar garage, custom 7H room AnaakJl built $H Barnes tmd McKinney a ln d benignity."—Sen. Eugene J.
We have openings In Man­ Albert’s Furniture Co. lished with large clientele, 2-car garage, convenient to rooms, or 3 room apartment Loveable Dolls Realtora, 640-6824. built, immaculate. KeMh Agen­ SH year old Cotonlal, 2H years ago. (Sparkling condi­ their views at an open meeting McOarUiy, Vlatraun w ar ertUo,
chester for drivers to work 266 S. Main St., Waterbury Wolverton Agency Realtors, schools, shopping and Hart­ .and 2 bedrooms, 2-car garage, MANCHEffrEH, Rockledga cus­ cy, 646-4126, 640-1922. baths, >waU to w ell cairpet- tion throughout). 3 bed­ Thursday of the Connecticut when asked why he rritnquhhed
LABORATORY part-time nights. If you Open Mon.-Pri. 9-9—Sat. 9-6 649-2813. ford bus. $28,900. Call Warren plus carport, additional 2 rooms Soft Lines tom built Ranch, fam ily foom.
ing, <tU bullt-lns, formal din­ rooms, 2 baths, aH electric Cattsens Conference on the Gen­ (Ms seat on the Foreign Rela­
have a good record and are B. Howland, Realtor, 848-1108. over garage. Philbrlck Agency TOLLAND ing room and famUy romn kitchen, form al dining room, eral Assembly. tions Oommtttae to Sen. Gale
SEWING MACmNES — singeil MANSFIELD Realtors, 649-6847. 3 bedrooms, walk out baae­ on first floor. AH this end Uving room (Paneled fire­
TECHNICIAN reliable, please stop in to automatic zig-zag, excellcnt\ $17,600 modern five room Ranch, ment, treed lot, large family MOVE RIGHT IN TTie Rep^Ucan senator said McGee, a staundi driimder of
see us. more for only $82,200. place waU)> large paneled he endorses annual sessiona only the war.
. -g. condition. Makes buttonholes,' Business, home and income large treed lot, fireplace, MANCHESTER —large Ranch, size kitchen, ^ y e s Agency, fam ily room (brick flre-
Cballoneing full-time op­ hems, embroiders, etc. Orig­ property. Busy area, fam­ storms, full cellar. Meyer nine rooms, two fireplaces, rec 6464HS1. A fine four bedroom home if certain conditions are m et. "I sure as haU waal"—MUes
portunity for a high school on a nicriy treed lot ready JACQUELINE - ROBERTS Idace Wall), laundry room. He suggested that the firm op­
EAST HARTFORD inally over $300., 6 monthly ily grocery store, possible Agency, Realtors, 648-0606. room, approximately 800
AGENCY Most attractive woodod acre Alarafleld. Senate DemoomUe
graduate preferably with CAB CO. payments of 38.50 each or pay- beer license. Two gas pumps square feet, built-in vacuum MANCHESTER — Seven room for you a t only $24|900. position to them by Gov. John leader, when aaksd It he wne
post graduate study, avail­ ® 1MI by NEA,
Cape, wall to wall carpeting Large Uving room, formal 646-8389 in fineat realdential area. N. Dempsey was responsible for
' 107 Burnside Ave. 301 cash. 622-0931 dealer. and hoist. Three rente plus MANC^IESTER —New 4-bed- cleaner, two full baths, very Far bdow replacement $28,- •urprissd that MoOerthy gave
able in expanding labora­ own living quarters. Outside room Garrison Colonial, good location. Everett Real throughout. Excellent condl- dbilng room, too. CaH Mr. the Senate hold on the resduUon up the seat.
tory. East Hartford "Before you leave for the office, / think you should know 500.
SINGER automatic zig-zag sew­ building with cellar for pos­ heavily treed lot. Move In to­ Estate Agency, 649-8638. Uon, treed kPt. H.M. Frediette Bogdan today for appbint- two years ago.
— you're wearing my Yves St. Laurent pants!" ment. 649-5306 or 876-6611. SOUTH WINDSOR, large cus­ CaU Suaanne Shoits, 646-6288
ing machine, with cabinet, ex­ sible craft or coffee shop, morrow. $29,900. Ray Hol­ Realtors, 647-9098. Dempsey w as against a switch
Thla la truly a ground floor MANCHESTER — Five room tom, L Ranch, 2 hatha, fire­ ornmenldatione Into effect.riiould
Situations Wontod— cellent condition, hems, button­ coin wash, etc. Retiring combe, Realtors, 644-12W. from biennial seaatons, as be
opportunity with a grow- Aportmonts— Flat^— Cape, 2 car garage. Immacu­ PRIVACY — Paridlke 280x286’ place, barbecue, first floor J. WATSON BEACH A CO. be measured in teiMS of what
Fomo!a 38 holes, sews on buttons, em- owner reports $8-12,000 net B (S W l REALTORS is now, Barnes noted. (fonnectiout can afford.
63 Apartments— Flats—
Ing company being a iead- oroiders, Morogranls, cti- yearly. Grab this! Be your THREE incomes. Center Street, late throughout. $21,600. CaU yard, apotless six room Ranch, ftunlly room, fornud tun­ The purpose of the meeting
s r In the meclalty paper- Tonomonts two family, 6-6 plus separate J.D. Real Ehtate Associates ptaatered w alls, sundsek, BARROWS and WALLACE Co. ing room, modem kltoheiv 2- B aines and MoKfamey ■aid
making industry. Position CHAIR SIDE dental assistant Originally over 3300., now only Tenements 63
own boss. Asking $34,600.
garage, trees. Don’t . mlM it.
was to hear two representatives
huuiy leglslatons were realty to
desires position in Manchester 365. or $10. monthly. City Sew- MANCHESTER — One bed Exclusive with Art Lussier, five room house. Selling as Inc., 643-6129. Manchester Parkade car garage, PhUbrick Agency, of the Eagleton Institute of Poli­
Is within Corporate Re- a package. Wolverton Agency HuU^dns Agency Realtors, 640- M anchester 640-6306 Realtors 64041S47. Wawtad R ial Estata 77 agree with ShiiJeton that pay
saaroh and Development area, six years experience. Ing Center, 622-0476. room. Garden
~ t;.type apartment. broker. 742-8520. P.O. Box tics review ihe report on mod­
^ te ly , $145. OAKLAND St. 6 room tene- Realtors, 649-2813. SOUTH MAIN STREET — An 5324. riiould be increased from the
Technical Laboratory. The Call 646-2901. ' available immediately, 201, Bolton, Conn. ernising the (3eneral Assembly
SINGER zig-zag sewing ma­ per month, heat and appli- ment, $100. 646-2426, 9-6. older seven room house that #■ • __________________ GLASTONBURY — Custom VEIRNON — 6H room Ranch, ALL CASH for your property present $8,350 for two y e a n to
primary work activity will MANCHESTER — Immaculate has become too big for pres­ COUNTRY Cape with five big built 4-bedroom Colonial elt- carport, half aore lot, fuU base­ within 34 hours. Avoid red tape. which the organisation complet­ $8,000 for two years in a bien­
be In the area of physical chine, slightly used, does ances Included. Call Paul W. BOLTON —On Route 86. The ed last month.
teaUng end products qual­ former Rosemont Restaurant four bedrooms, living r o o m , ent owner. Three bedrooms, bedrooms In addition to a pic­ uatod high cveriooklng Hart­ ment, bulU-iiu, near school. Instant servloe. B ayes Agency, nial leglslatura or $12,000 for the
WANTED — Babysitting, Bol­ everything without attach­ Dougan Realtor, 649-4536. nic table sized kitchen. Sunny ford In cne of Glastonbury’s Priced to seU, $20,900. Hayes 6464)131. Discussion Centered on the
ity evaluation. ton vicinity. Call 649-9622. ments. Complete price $68.60 Fumishod den, kitchen, laundry room, IH baths, all In excellent con­
is for sale. Approximately ten esU for aianisl sessions azul same period U the General As­
cash, terms available. Dial 246- MANCTIEJSTER — Park Chest- bathroom, garage %-acre lot. dition. Lots of living s p a c e . living room with open stair­ most preeUgious areaa. Assum­ Agency, 646-0181. sem bly went to am iusl seaakms.
Apartments 63-A acres, excellent potential, lib­ Most convenient location- $19,- Priced In low twenties. T.J. way, two full bathrooms, oil, able e% per cent mortgage
SBLLlNa YOUR HOMET For what Elagleton Said about legta-
Send resume and salary 2140. nut Garden Apeutinents, iin- eral financing. T.J. Crockett, NORTH COVENTRY -prom pt courteous lervloa that lative pay.
requirements to, or call Situotions W onted- mediate occupancy, 414 aw m s TWO-ROOM furnished apart- Realtor, 643-1677. 600. Thomas « J. McCusker Crockett Realtor, 643-1677. hot w ater heat, walk-out base­ avaUable. Jacqueline- Rob­ gets results. <3all Louis Dlmock
ment, with a one car garage.. erts Agency, 646-8889. Dr. Alan Roaenthal, author of
Agency, 1-872-0636.
Mole 39 BRAND NEW automatic zig­ at $180; heat, hot'water, oven ment. Private bathroom, stove,
SPLIT LEVEL, all brick con­ 1700 square feet of living area TWENTY-POUR FOOT Realty, 640-9628. the report, aald Ooimectleut’a
ARTHUR TOURNAS zag sewing machines, un­ range, refrigerator, parking refrigerator, heat, hot water,
Investment Property HOME and income combina­ struction, 4 b ^ro o n ^ , formal for $21,600. Wolverton Agency COVENTRY — Route 81. Large Living room in this six SION In an Italian restaurant:
legislature 1 s the weakest of LEGAL
Technical Director BUILDING S u p e r i n t e n - claimed lay-aways. Reduced to and storage, no pets. Call 627- Marlow’s, 867 Main tion with this Cape style two dining room, 2M baths, ' ma­ five room Oaqie with 1 ^ baths, four the Elagleton Institute had
Realtors, 649-2818. room Cape Cod for only "Our pizsa la a m asterpizaal’’ N O T IC E
dent, middle age, familiar with $44.60. Easy terms. Dealer 247- 9238 between 9-6* p.m. After 6 Street. For Sole ale 70-J
family 4-3. Ideal for two young hogany family room, 2 fire­ basement. Oarage. Real big $17,900. Yes, tt’a reaUy a And our aeleetlcn of homes for
studied recently. David Ogle
all phases of maintenance, 8 p.m. 647-1871. families or an In-law situa­ places, 2-car garage, many lo t Terzifle buy at only said the cost of putting his rec-
THREE or four men to share ADMISSION OF
COLONIAL BOARD CO. room apartment with reason­ ZIG-ZAG sewing machine, new NEW ONE and two-bedroom de- furnished apartment. Call 643- MANCHESTER — Immacidate
Four Family. Five garages.tion. Separate utlUtles, country more features. Must be seen. Lots For Solo 73 $18,900. T.J. Crockett; Real­ great find In any real es­
tate market! Better boH Mr.
aide Is a source of pride, too.
Keith R eal Estate, 649-1032, ELECTORS
able wages, reliable. Mr. Rawl­ atmosphere. $21,600. Wolverton Philbrlck Agency ILealtors, 649- tor, 64S-1677.
615 Paricer Street ings 649-8396. 1968’s reduced for close out at luxe garden type apartments 6*3-9876. Central location. Operating MANOBMTER and vicinity Bogdan now for eppoint- 646-4130. Notice 1s hereby given
Manchester, Ocsm. $39. Call Capitol Sewing, 246- avaUable now. Call Paul Agency, Realtors, 649-2813.
Beauty Salon. Possible $6,000. 6347. ment. 64041306 or 870-6611. the Board of AdndselOD of
Triephone 649-4567 W. Dougan; Realtor, 649-4536. gross. Low 40’s. Meyer Agency,
MANCHESTER Is minutes away ’THE ORIGINAL (and proud)
BuUdhig lots available, $2,300. SOUTH WINDSOR, Birch HUl.
and up. H.M. F iecbette R eal­ Large, Jumbo alse 4-bedroom DISSOLUTION Bleotore, of the T owb Of Ifaa-
Dogs— Birds— Pots 41 Business Locations
CLEAN, USED refrigerators, MANCHESTER —Large five For Rent 64
Realtors, 643-0609. from the following properties. owners have outgrown their
Nice five room Ranch, Carport, home in the desirous Rock-
tors. 647-9093. Colon; il, famUy room, form ti
dining room, large living room.
cheater, wlU be In aesatan la
the Municipal fkiilding, Toam
PART-TIME, 83.60 per hour, GROOMING all breeds. Har- with ranges, automatic wasljers room flat, first floor, two b e d - -------
guarantees. See them at
FOUR family and 4 acres, ex­
$13,900 Six room expanlable ledge area and are putting U 5307 BOLTON^ — 28 acres m o r e On a high wooded lot. PhUbrick BARROWS and WALLACE Co. THE SOUTH WINDSOR BANK Nottee is hereby given, pursu­ CaeriE’s OfOes, on Wsdnesday,
four evenings per week and mony Hill. H.C. Chase, Hebron B.D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 rooms, convenient location. RENT or sale-461 Main cellent condition, 4 furnaces,
Califoniis Ranch acre lot, $14,- on the market. House is In. ex­ or less, located ott Route 6. Agency, Realtors, 649-0347. Manobester Parkade AND TOUST COMPANY ant to General Statutes of Qxi- January 15, I960, flram 6K)0 p m .
Saturday. Four fidl-tbne open­ Rd., Bolton, 643-6427. Main St. Call 643-2171.
Adults. Available now. 872-0602. Street. Building and lot next aluminum storms and screens, 600—four room modem Ranch, celled condition, has 6V&
THESE soft and colotful "Tassel Dolls” ExceUemt rood friHitage, Jac- Mtuichester 6425306 ' IfOnOB OF neoUcut, that EDWARD J. io 8:00 p m ., for ilia purposs of
ings avaUable. Call 289-7458. 4 WANTED good home for 7 U) Post Off^e Excellent loca­ fireplace in each apartment, .will delight the youngstersi They’ re so quehne-Robert Agency, 846- COLUMBUr” ANNUAL MEBmNG
LCOKING for anything in, real tion for any use. 646-2426 from stove and refrigerator In eeich, large lot $16,600—Four- bed­ rooms, 1*4 baths, two fire­ VEIRNON —Custom b u i l t HOLL, INC., a CXxBweticut cor­ admliting aU psraoiis who ara
to 8 p.m. I month old female pup. Call 649- estate rentals — apartments, room Dutch CoIonieU, breeze­ places, completely flndshed
easy to make from knitting yarn . . . 1304 3389. “ --------
DREAM HOUSE RANCH Oolonlai Ranch, prime area, OF STOCKHOLDBIRS poration ha'ving Ms principal found to b s qMaUflsd t o . ba
6852 anytime. Machinery and Tools 52 homes, multiple dwelUngs, no 9 to 5 p.m modern baths, 7 miles ; to way and garage, 1 ^ acres, basement, garage choice lot,
the perfect toyl
Pattern No. 5307 has full directions
WE HAV^ choice one acre That has everything—too quality oontnictlon, t h r e e January 27, 1969 ptatoe of bualnsas In Manchester, E teoton of ths Tosm of M to-
Storrs, 4 mUes to WlUim^tlc.
$23,000. Plus over 80 more list­ etc. Sensibly priced In the high The Amuial Meieting of the Oonttsettout, bM been dissolv ed cbsrtOT.
LINCOLN welders, full line fees. Call J. D. Real Estate MANCHESTER — Main St. Good return. Keith Agency 648- for U " dolls. wooded lote near Bolton Cen­ much to Hat here such a s 4 large bedroome, double ga­
THE MATURE woman will like wearing
MACHINISTS Associates, Inc., 643-6129. small store for retail operation ings. Call Mitten Realty, Real­ twenties. T.J. Crockett, Real­ Sim181 leM lei pin 1S 1 fer flnt.sla» this pretty dress with its soft and ter and other locations. For
rage, bant. Only $86,900. Hayea Stockholders of The South Wind­ by a resolution of Mb Board, of The QuaHfteaittona are as ftU-
Articles For Sale 45 from handyman, special 225 18’ frontage, 80’ depth, 3 year 4126, 649-1622. tors, 643-6930. tor, 643-1677. ■
■alill «!■
M m at ptelal
ignM i hanillaarar
iMflfliiiii tar gacn
pattara. bedrooms, 8 fuU baths, gi­
Agency, 046-0181. sor Bank end TVust Company DIrectora and StocMioldera, ef­ lows; Appltoant m utt b s a
amp. priced at $96. Also heavy FOUR ROOM apartment, sec- lease Aim e Oebot. Manoheatar
Msnohi flattering lines. It features a face­ further information, call R.F. gantic recreation room, at­
for machinery building, ALUMINUM SHEETS — Used industrial AC-DC weldCTS. Call required, $376. p e r framing collar and graceful front pleat- Dlmock Oo., 649-5246.
win be held at the main aOlce fective as of December 10, 1968. United S tetss ctUsen, twenty-
heat, hot wate'r,' ap- month. Conn. Bank & Trust VERNON — 700’ frontage on COl^NIAL, eight rooms, large LARGE, clean, attractive 13- Svmnk
U$6 AYB.---- OF
N k w ^ v o w , N.Y.
tached 2 oar garage, 8% ANDOVEIR — No expense bos of the Bank, lOSS John Ey«h All oreditora. If any, are warned
some related experience or as printing plates, .009 thick, 849-8407. cos (21) years of age, have rs-
trade school background. pllances, cellar, parking, $138. Co. Real Estate I>ept. 244-4977. Rt. 30, 16 acres more or less. kitchen with built-in r a n g e , room house Including 4 - r o o m " ^ 0. 1304 with PHOTO-GUIDE is in
acres, etc. Priced to sell at been spared or this million­ Botflevard, South ’Windsor, Con­ to preaent their riahns to La- alded in the Town of Manttias
23x36”, 26 cents each or 5 for IdeaUy situated for potential dishwasher, disposal, etc. large rentel plus excellent barn, 332’ $46,000. Investigate! 649-
Must be able to read blue- 31. Call 648-2711. ___________ _____________ monthly. AdiUts. Available gas station, restaurant or paneled family room with fire­ frontage, $28,500. H u t c h i n s
Priat N m i, Addrtii arith IIP CODE aad
Stria NamSar., sizes 36 to 52, bust 38 to 54. Size 38, Out of Town 6306.
aires manskm on the hlU. Cost necticut, on Monday, January BELLE, ROTHENBERO ft ter for alx (6) mcnOw, be sMe
February 1st. Call after 4 p.m. MAIN Street, offlcies f o r 40 bust, 3V* yards of 45-inch; Vt yard over $98,000 to build. IM s once 27, 1909, at 4:00 PJC., for the
prirAs, mica, and schemat­ Musical instruments 53 649-4864. rent, $40. monithly. Ask f o r motel, $55,000. Owner wfU con­ place, formal dining room, four Agency, Realtors, 649-5324. Just s o t for the niw '68 Fall 1 WIntir
for contrast collar.
For Solo 75 in a Ufotime opportunity is of­ foUowiag purposes:
WOODHOU8B, 848 Main Street, to read in English and take ths
MYERS SNOW plow, 8' with
ics. Good wages, excellent
<q>portunlty for the right pump and cylinder an'd hang­ NEW PLAYER piano, full 88 ----1----.--------- Mr. Frechette, 647-9993.
sider holding mortgage. Jac- bedrooms, 2^^ baths, one off
quellne-Roberts Agency, 646- .iiaster bedroom. 2-car garage. $14,600 —^Two bedroom Ranch,
ALBUM I Many lovely designs I Directions
for knittW stole and patterned vest In
SEND 801 la eslai plat 1S1 fM fln t-clu i VERNON — 6H
null and ipaelil haadllai far aacii pattara.
room 1060 B fered to you a t a fraction of 1. To fix the number of dtrec-
Manoheeter, Connecticut, on or
before June 10, 1968, or there­
oath prascxlbsd by tow.
Dated St M anchester llito lOlh
man with fast growing com­ ers. Cali 643-8939. sizes 36-48; crocheted Pompon hat I Ranch, seven .acres, 977’ front­ BARROWS and WALLACE Co. its value due to the owner mov­ to n to be elected at the Annual
note keybo^d, 42” console, on ^ n ^ ^ r v d t h refrl^m * oWlce" for reirt. 3339. Philbrlck Agency Realtors, porch with wrought Iron rail­ Hue Bomott, ' Ittadioitdir ing out of state. CaU owner, Meeting and'to elect such direc­ after be barred as by statute day of January 1000.
pany. Some overtime avail­ walnut, regular $1400 now $980 ^ range hot water close to °f town, plenty of park- EARLY AMERICAN. Generation to Gen­ Bvenliilt Ho r a MUM ATE. OF age, 20 X 30’ recent outbuild­ Manchester Parkade provided.
IT'S inexpensive to clean rugs save 30 per cent. Keyboard „ wat er, close to , 9.5 647-6347. ing, full cellar, garage, 100 x MEW YOBK. N.Y. ing. d o se to highway. Hutch­ Manchester 649-5306 at 742-8884 for details. MUdrsd M. Sobaftor.
able. Evening or Saturday eration designs fit handsomely Into to­ tors. Dated at Manchester, Coti-
Land For Sole 71 AGNES DRIVE — Up, behind 200’ lot, trees. Hutchins Agen­
and upholstery with Blue Studio. Rti 83. Vemom 872- "<> 2426. 9-_6_^ WUiam C. Jofanaon,
Interviews arranged. Studio, cy Realtors, 649-6324.
day's decor-Trlple Irish Chain, Weath­ Priat Na«a, Addraii wltt ZIP CODE. Stpla ins Agency Realtors, 649-6324. UNIQUE and rare. Lovely 2. To hear reporis <a officers. neoticut, this 27th day of De­
Lustre. Rent electric shampoo- 4622. reasonable. CaU 643-7094, after SMALL STORE near 100 per er Vane and Basket of Tulips! Pattern Numaar ana SIzn. BOLTON — OH room Raised Ostoefanan
Ranch, rec room, sun deck, 8 room home on ezAate-Uke 2H 8. To act upon a reoommendei-
er $1. Olcott Variety Store. * P-*"' cent Main Street location. Ap- COVEN’TRY — Approximate­ Mott's Super Mcirket, six room MANCHESTER — Excellent pieces, directions for 12 quilts. SOt tor THE NEW Fall & Winter '68 Issue of VERNON — Brand new 7 room
cember 1966. MUdrsd M. Scbaltor,
N. P. HALLENBECK INC. LOVELY 3 r o o m l ^ I S ; ^ ^ ply Marlow’s, 867 Main Street. ly 20 acres, secluded, treed
Colonial, with three bedrooms, a eepy-Q109. Basic FASHION is here with many bright Colonial, IH baths, fireplace, IH baths, flreidace, 2 acre lot. acres. Stone and fram e con- Uon of the Board of DIrectora, Edward J. HoH, Inc. Sttsotm aa
Cjar PETS and life too can be long frontage. Only $11,600. baths, aluminum siding. two family In Hne residential wardrobe ideas. Send 504 for your copy. garage, treed lot. Only $26,- Only $23,600. Hayes Agency, atruotion, 2 fuH baths. In-law subject to the approval of the > By: Tharasa M. P arts
Bunker Hil Rd., Andover
beautiful if you use Blue Lus­ Antiques 56 with refrigerator, range, dls- TWO ROOM office, 100 percent Selling for $28,900. T.J. Croc- area, 4-4, fireplace, wall to wall 900. H.M. Frediette, 647-0903. 646-0181. suite. Swimming pod. T w o Bank OommlaaioiMr, to Inorease LaBeUe, Rothenberg Selsotm an
742-8061 ^ H.M. Frechette Realtors, 647- carpet, kitchen built-ins, sun-
tre. Rent electric shampooer TWO spinning wheels. Old sap posal and parking. $140. month­ Main St. location. Inquire Mar­ 9993. ^ keitt Realtor, 643-1677. gueet houses at rear. Low 80’s the autboitsed capital stock to ft Woodbouse, Edwaad TomldsI,
31; W.H. England Hardware, buckets at $2.60 each. Call 644- ly, handy to Main St. Call 844- low’s, 867 Main St. porch, 2-car garage, aluminum and worth m udi more. Mr. 80,000 shares. Its Attomeya - TVnm d ark
Bolton. 0248. 2427. ACRfeAGE In Manchester and 6-6 DUPLEX located in Saint siding. Completely remodeled. Zinsser, Bdfkwe Agetvey, 647- 4. To act upon a recommenda­
MANCHESTER —Three new South Wlndror. Excellent lo­ James Parish, recent heating Only $27,900. R.J. Flagg Co., 1418. tion of the Board of Dtreotora,
Help Wonted^ FOR “A Job well done feeling” COMMODE, milk can, spool MANCHESTER — Center stores for lease. 600x100 square cations. Priced to seU. Keith system, new oak floors, new 643-8832.
clean carpets with Blue Lus­ tables and small items. Laurel Street, four rooms, first floor, feet. Busy location. Reasonable. Agency, 646-4126, 649-1922. ceramic baths, pdsible TOLLAND—^Ideal in-law or ren­ subject to the approval of the
Mole or Female 37 tre. Rent electric shampooer Antiques,. 234 Center Street. closq to schools, bus, shop­ Hayes Agency, 646-0131. mortgage assumption. Call Mr. tal opportunity, 5 room Ranch, Bernk Cknmnlarioner, to declare
PART-TIME clerks wanted to $1. Plnewood Furniture Shop. Open afternoons. ping. Call 668-8^8 evenings. NORTH Coventry — Pour^ acre Zinsser, Belflore Agency, 647- large rooms, full basement a 60% stock dividend. Y O U R O W N T H IN G
lot, 450 road frontage, 3^ 1413. Main St. Location with garage, plus emaH 8 5. To (ranaact such other busi­
work in retail store. Openings SNOW BIRD —Power snow re­ ----— i--- =-— s ------ h a v e customers waiting STORE, 20’ x 70’, 846 M a i n mUes to parkway, two miles to Available Immediately room house. Priced to sell ness as may property come be­ I t’s great to belong!
avaUable evenings and week­ mover, S-225. Best offer. Cali W o n t e d ^ —T o B uy 5 8 tor the rental of your apart- street. CaU 622-3114. $22,900. W olveiton Agettcy, fore the ma sting or any adjourn­
ends. Apply in person, 9 a.m. 649-1158. ment or home. J.D. Real Es- Route 44-A. Price, $10,000. 742-
Realtors, 649-2818. ment thereof. ChUdren who grow up in a parmanaiit
to 6 p.m. Cumberland Farms WANTED — Restaurant equip- tate Associates, Inc., 643-6129. -------
ment, store, tavern and bank- -
NOTICE O FFIC E John T. fCsBoney, B home ara known and respected by their naigh-
Store, Jet. Rt. 44A & Rte. 6, Houses For Rent 65 ^OLTON LAKE, bargain year Secretary “ bora
Bolton Notch. 1968 WORLD book encyclopedia, ruptcy equipment. CaU Fon- MANCHESTER —Deluxe 2-
taine Restaurant Equipment, bedroom duplex apartment, in- BOLTON-Vemon line, four room Houses For Sole 72 A. A. Dion, Incorporated SPACE end close out at $7,900. 6
CaU 643-0162. has been dissolved. room Ranch sununer home Give your children a solid foundation —
473 Windsor Street, Comer dudes .appUances, heat, hot Ranph, treed lot and lake GARRISON Colonial in one of « 1 0 0 Per Month near water. Hayea Agency 646- a home that belongs to yotv famUy. W ell
BLUE LUSTRE not only rids Canton Street, Hartford, 627- water, many features. Call privileges. One child accepted. Manchester’s most desirable AH creditors having claims be glad to help you find i t "
carpets of soU but leaves pile 6771. Superintendant, Mr. Slade, 649- *1®) monthly, 742-6738. om .
Excellent O p^rtunlty soft and lofty. Rent electric ---- -- ■■ ■■ ■ • ---................... .. neighborhoods. Modem Kitch­ should file them on or before Gall Mr. Miatrick BOLTON—BHGRT room Raised
15 T M M Mamber of Manrhaatir
shampooer $1. Manchester WANTED — Antique furniture, '___________________ ANDOVER LAKE Four room en, formal dining room, family April 1, 1969 with Alfred A. AND
Experienced room, large living room with Dion, 299 Autumn Street, Man­ Ranch, IH batha, buUt-lns, and Hartford Board of
glass, pewter, oil paintings or FIVE ROOM duplex, no chll- furnished cottage, avaUable to 649-SS03
Hardware & Supply, 877 Main
other antique items. Any quan- dren, no pete, garage, eleotrlc June 15th, $180. monthly In- fireplace, three large bed­ chester, Connecticut. beauUfuUy finished rec room PliSgMl Sfiwiri RaaltofB aad M .US.
TRAILER Street, 643-4425.
tity. 643-8709, 165 Oakland St. stove, Frigldaire, $105. month- dudes heat and utUltlea. 712- rooms, two car garage. PhU- with bEur and fireplAoe, 3-car
garage. One acre plus lot. $81,- MacblRf Olsaifid
DRIVER GERT’S A gay girl—ready for a
whirl after cleaning carpets steins, furniture, pewter, lead- p.m. antiques,
ly. 62 School St. between 12-6 7607. brick Agency, RSaltora, 649-
5347. 500. J. D. R eel EMate Asso­ Bepito Tanks, D ^ Welto,|
SEVEN room furnished house, ciates, Inc., 648-8770. ^ I Sewer Lines Installed—C el-|
with Blue Lustre. Rent electric V REAL ESTATE
For Short and Long
Haul Delivery. ,
shampooer $1 . Paul’s Paint & ed lamps, art glass, primitives
Wallpaper Supply.
FOR SALE, one 1966 Honda, 65
any quantity.
palred. 644-8962.
Furniture re- NICE
three bathrooms, basement, 3- BLOCK from Parkade. . .cus­
6 room apartment 649- car garage. In Bolton Notch. tom buUt cape with full shed
CaU 649-1868 between 7:30 and dormer. Quality construction.
8:30 a.m. One room to be finished up.
7-room Raised Ranch. Tte- [
mendoua buy alt only $81,900.
Itor ’Wntorproollng' Done.

Sufint^ /BhooksL
Guaranteed Minimum HOUSEHOLD lots — Antiques, MANCHESTER — New Garden OaU now and do your o w n l |lU Peart St. —
cc., one Farmette tractor with one car garage. Owners are iew em ae Dtopoenl Oa. FRIEM KiY (JOMPUl’SiKlEBD U R V IC B
40 Hours Per Week. blade and dump body, one bric-a-brac, docks, frames, type two bedroom deluxe apart- anxious to sell. T.J. Crockett, decorating. JacqueHne-Roberts |
utility trailer made from % glassware. We buy estates. Vll- ment. Quiet location, heat and Out of Town Realtor, 843-1677. Agency, 646-3880.
Base Location, lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 appliances furnished. $176 per
ton Ford pick-up. 643-9121. For Rent 66 MANCHESTER — S-.'i^n years
East Hartford Lake St., Bolton, 649-3247. month. Call Paul W. Dougan,
Realtor, 649-4635. FOUR ROOM apartment, Bab­ young, three bedroom Ranch,
PHONE 289-9555 cock Hill Rd., Coventry. H eat,, rec room, two delightful baths,
Boots and Accessories 46 w a n t e d — Piano. 643-eo&8. s u b l e t until June or sign new hot water, el^tnic stove and garage, an enclosed rear patio. O illc u fiL
LUHRS, w-fly bridge’ 28’, 225 lease on beautiful two bedroom refrigerator, $180 per month. Located in Prestige area.
Mr. Gordon or Mr. Hill apartment, only six months old, Call 649-2865 before 6 p.m., $27,600. CaU J. D. Real Estate
HP Gray, only 20 hrs. dnee
complete overhaul, sleeps 6, Rooms Without Board 59 disposal, waU to wall carpet­ 643-0703, evenings.
very large rooms, dishwasher, Assn. Inc. 643-6120, and 649- By Raymond F .Jl Louis C . Damote
head, gallqy, elect, refrig., 2 LARGE comfortable room for ing, $170. Call 647-1553 after 8. BOLTON — Four room apart­ 1638. ■ —- Deluxe Apartments from $145 pwr month
compasses. Fathometer $5500 retired person. Good meals, ment, quiet neighborhood. $135. DUPLEX — Newer 6-6 duplex
Read 'Heralcl -\ds At 6264.
Bayreuther, Nlantlc 739- private bath and shower. Park- FOUR ROOMS and bath, in res- References required. 643-6983. situated among single family
ing. Call 649-0719. identlal area, heat, air-condl- Rentals By
homes. Extremely large, bed­
Upning, garage for one car, WANTED middle aged .women rooms and In excellent con­ PAUL W. DOU&AN. Rodtor
THE THOMPSON House — Cot­ combination washer and dry- or couple to share home,
tage Bt. centrally located, large er furnished, $166. per month. Private bath, garage, dition. Priced at $36,900. Jac- 649^535
pleasantly furnished rooms; Call Warren HoWlandr Realtor necessary. -Call 644-2829 be- quellne-Roberte 3339.
Agency, 648-
VOLKSWAGEN SALESMAN WANTED parking. CaU 649-2358 for over­ 643-1108. tween 6 and 7 p.m.

For smoofii s^le-ing. . .

night and permanent guest ONE year old, 2-famlly, 6-6
rates. HIGHLAND OAK Village — 3 VERNON — Mount Vernon aluminum siding, completely Cornor of Now Stale Rood & HHUard S t n f I'
Ambitious and Hard Working. We will train rooms, heat; hot water, stove, Apartments, Now available carpeted, exceUent area. Mid
ROOM with kitchen privileges, refrigerator, dishwasher. $160. new 3li rooms alt $145. a n d Modds Opm from 2:00 p.m. fffi dork
centrally located. Mrs. Dorsey, AvaUable February 1st. 646- $160. 30’s Jacqueltee- Roberts
you. We offer one of the best compensation rooms at $166 and Agency, 646-3339.
14 Arch Street.

list your home with us!

2744 between 6-7. $170. Three room apartment at
programs in the field. Interested? CaH Ted $180. Heat, hot water, refrig­
MANCHESTER ' erator, oven-range, disposal,
bath parking. Call 643-7760 af- Townhouse. Appliances dishwasher, wall to wall car­
Trudon, Inc.. 649>2838. Ask for Bob Jones. ^___
FURNISHED rooms, gentlemen
preferred. Call 643-5909, 643-
and utilities, parking, patio peting, air conditioning, swim
private cellar. $180. Call 5ng pool and tennis courts,
Real Estate Associates parking and storage all includ-
Inc., 643-8129, 643-8779. ^d. No pets. 527-9238, 876-8721.
SUNDAYS — 2:30 P.M. TO 5:00 P.M.
What could be easier! You don't have to worry about a thing, or do a
Charm and elegance abound in thia new raised ranch built w ith
LARGE NEV^ y "~^decorat- *^IVE ROOM, first floor apart- ELLINGTON — Plnney^Huil thing. From our huge list of qualifiad buyers, we’ll come up with the ideal im peccable ta ite by Stone ft Goldberg. Both the home and its
SECRETARY RECEPTIONISTS—Looking for a change? We
fMl Oils is an eapeclally attractive position in the Mandieater
ed furnished room, private en- njent, $130. Security and rent- Apartments. New 3V4 room gar-
trance, narklne-
parking, gentleman. ^.... agreement. Available t h e tlen apartment,
nnurtmAnf large rooms.
BIRCH MOUNTAIN customer for you — who'll pay your IHE
aatUng are com plete and finished in every detail. Yhe aurrounding
homes in thia beautiful suburban setting include som e of the finest
araa. New, modem oCfloe well equipped and attractive. Doctor 649-7702. ^ 6Hl Everett Agency, 649-8638. heat, hot water, F r i^ a lr e apl BOLTON . MANCHESTER LINE refidencea east of the river. Nearby ara the N eipsic Tennis Q ub,
price. We make all the arrange­

neerta SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST who has a good buai- ATTRACTIVE s i t i n g ' r T ^ , SECOND floor, sunny 4^room f t o r New custom qiuUlty biUIt 3-4 bedroom Colonials, Ranches ft Raised' R anch.. Miimechaug Golf Club and M anchester Country Q ub. 'Truly a
naaa background or egq>erienoe in the medical Held. Applicant irentlfeman nrivAtA entrance *‘®*'^* excellent condition, com- cars, one-acre wooded lots. Desirable new area, low SC’s. ' ****** ments, handle all the financing de­ choice location, yet only 5 mlnutea from Manchester Center.
nuHt be a good typlat, neat, poised and able to meet the Offered now at $30,500, with the very beat financing available.
puhto. Above average aalary for aiqillcant who can qualify. DIRECTIONS: E ast Center St., M anchester, to Porter St to Cnmn m ..* ! '
ply 196 Spruce St ' Wtchen stove, close to Main ^ Carter St., to Volpl EG., to Opin HomT ’ **•” tails.-W ith Hayes at the halm —
H oim ; Mml. Tuea, Wed., Fri. 9:00 AM. to 5:00 P.M. -------------------------------- --- St. business section. Adults, no — ------------------------- _____ Open thia w eekend from 1 to 5 p.m. From M anchester Center,
flat. B:00 A.M. U ntil 12:00 PM .
Aportawnts-^^^Pid^ p.m.^ Wanted To Rent 68 selling your home is really a breeza!| I take South M ain Street to G lastonbury Tow n Line, turn right onto
Send Reaume To Box GO
Tonomonts 63
p.m., 3:30 - 6
WANTED LA W R E N C E F . F IA N O , Developer A G » IC Y , me. Indian H ill Trail, and look for us at the first house on the right.

18 BIB8BL2. STREET, MANCHESTER, CONN. ------------------- -------------- MANCHESTER Garden Corp. floor" good lo6«L rtolJ“'n
FOUR room duplex, stove 18 Forest St., 4% rooms. $138 e ld e r i/^ m a n " no ^fees If Pays To Call Hayesl 55 EAST C B fIH t St. M641131
STONE & GOLDBERG Builders of Excellence
$110. Call 649-9189. water, parking. chette Roaltona, 647-9993, Exclusive Agents: L.C. Qreenough Company 647-9921
iKanrlfpatpr Enntitts ilM br N«t Pmmi Ran
The Weather
H m Rav. aaorfa F. Noatread, Woman'a AuxOiary to Ifan- Army Nuraa O apt IWaabaib to flU Mahoney's uneitoired
T omu reotbr o f S t M ary^ BpCaooral ehaatar ICamortal Hoapttal w ll M. Smith, daughter o f M r s . DireetoTB LiRud term to November. •A TIB M B FOR
Fair and cold toolgkt, tour Are
to 10 ahova. Fair an
M> pi ObfMnun-
Cfauroli, wm eonduot a aaraloa
Sunday at 8:15 a.m . on vadio
bara a board m aaliiy Monday
at 1 p.m . at Chapman Houaa on
laabeBa Smith o f 27 Madlaon
St., complatad tba Nuraa Corps Mahoney Service 15„S6S ooid tomccroar, Mgh.te the
aOPOtl w tt BM#t
IW low adp BtB.
atation WIMF. TIm profrem la
aponaored Jointly by the Kaa-
Haynaa S t Ouaat opaakar wlU
ba Dr. Jolin Brownatoot, dlrae*
Offloar baaio cou n a raeenfly at
Army Medical FM d Sarvlca A pchUc letter of edbunenda- AiixiBaiy Plans « MoHcfcBster— /4 City of ViUogo Chorm par 30p .
i «• «wvMl at «:S0 chaatar OouneQ o f Ctaundiaa and tor o f tba hoapital manlal hoalto B diod, Brooke Arm y Madloal tton for Dem ocratic State Rep.
Novel Food Sale VOL. LXXXVra, NO. 86
X>a*la of Tt«T«len ttta Ifandieater CSorgy Aaoodap dinlo. Center, F t Sam Houaten, Tex. FraaMs Mahoney has been au­ (POURTBIiN. PAGES—TV SECTION—CONNECTICUT LIFE) MANCHESTER, CONN,, SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1969 < pm F n n U ) PRICE TEN CENIE
■visa wfB pppplt on tloa. thorised by the Mancbeatar
starting ilda week, the Man-
A ttm , “ Tba Mebiong” wlU Offloana and mambara o f the Board o f Bireotora. cheater AuxiUary o f Chfld and
Aviation BHaotrenlao Tach- ba riMwn Monday at 5 p.m . at ways and maana oonunlttae of Signed by each member of Pkmlly Services o f Oonnecdicut
L ofia O rola <X KknTa Danch- nician 5 C. Waltar B. Ploreo, ilM board, ft win congratulate
t i n IMD maat Xondajr at 7:45
North TJMtad Mathodlat Cburdi Chapman C ourt Order o f Am- la aponaorlhg a "TYaveUng
Astronauts^ SetOes Internal Debate Israeli JeU Hit

Defense Appears Set

U8CX}, aon o f lire . Oonldlna Ilia abowinr of tba flim la open aranib, will have a potluck at and praise him ter Ms 12 years Food Basket” among its aoUve
pt.«a. la flw F adm ttcn Room C. Pleroa o f 15 Ilo n a Rd., par- to tba public. Tbare wlH ba a of dedloatod service to th e
tbelr maetlng Sunday at 4 p.m. membership. Arab <6Umiiuuido5
air Okatar Oaeiiacatlatad ttdpatad in i “ fly by” at Kitty town.
Ofennh. naataw ii are lire. Hawk, N.C., 4o oowanam onta
dlacuaaton lad by tba Rev. Barla
Cuatar, paator of North Unitad
at tba borne o f Royal Matron
Mrs. AXdon Savaranca, French Mahoney, a town director ter
In tMa novel progreealve'food
sale, members will bake, pemk USID CMlUt State Dinner Nixon Asks Bliss ’TEL AVIV (A P) — InnaU
tMupmop PatarMn aa4 lO re tha hlatorlc fll(h t o f tha TVMgbt Mathodlat Church. R d., Bolton. iKoaa planning to warplaass flashed low acreos
o six ooneecutlve terme and Man­ their faomeanade teod In
DareQQr P atareen. Brothare. the Jordan R iver ceoaa-flre
I ^
attend ate reminded to bring chester mayor for two, was decorated boooee or baskets, and
IWr A E B U M A ^Love~in^ line today to pound A n b
Maneheater araa Ahiranae a food dlab and a place setUng.
Club of 1*1 Bo ta I%1 wUl moot
elected Nov. 5 to represent the
19th AsNm bly District In the
sell them to other . members.
Proceeds wUl benefit the Child I6ARTER CHI I NEW YORK (A P )—A formal T o Remain in Post commando poattiens ftdlow

Rest Darwin Case

Monday at 7 :80 p.m. at tbo Epwnrth CInda, WSCS, of State LegMature. He resigned and Fam ily Ssrvioes of OonMCt- Ing an attack on an Israeli
C O .. INC. army vSMola.

homo of Mre. R ocer Woodbury, South Mathodlat Chureh, wfll from the board as o f ’Tuesday Icu t Mrs, EMmund Gorman and •tptp dianar tunwd into a NEW YORK, (A P) — Preal- al committee. One man who had
26 Nya a t A “Trip to Oetlln- meat Mmiday at 8 p.m. at tha and wae ewom in to Ms new Mrs. Charles Toung, co-dialr- 11I9|M b IA "lovudn" FMday night os New dent-elact Nixon has aetUed ter been under oonaideratian for Obaarvois on toe loraril
the foraaeaUe future on Internal ride of tha border reported
bm v,’’ with aUdea by MarsareC home of Mre. Bdwin BVwter, 868 poet on Wettoesday morning. man of the ways cusd means rYorkatn poured aftectlan on iha that role was Bud VdHdhson, the
Mulkom, wiH ba tba program. Woodbrldge B/L Mrs. Virginia Engaged M re Mary LeDuc, also a Dem­ committee, ere in charge of the hefkmfe moat heroic vuyagera
debate over tha laadarahlp of television sportscaster who has seeing flames and ntiDke
from toe abandoned Arab vU-
M em ben may contact Mra. PtovaH la co-hoataas. ocrat, was elected by the board sale. the RepUbilcan National Com­ been named a speoiol WMte
’The engagement o f Mias HSlza- r-^Aotrenoute Borman, LovaU mittee by aaking Ray C Bllaa to lage o f Ktoa, Jtsd acroaa the After more than two boura of
Woodbury fOr tranaportation or ^and Andare. Houw oonsuMant.
beth F. Smith of M omheater remWn its chairman. But that Idea is now said to border. tasttmony by Roy Dartrtb' jan-
direetlona. Stephan Penny of 80S Burn­

to Dennia L. Sutton o f Ft. ' Saourtty guarda to the WW- H is action took place near
ham SI., a student at Ohio Wea- No spaciflo period was dio- have been dropped. terdoy, tha deCanro appaaiw
Tickefa for “ La Couture In- leyen Untverelty, Dekweare,
Meyers, P lo., has been an­ HI KATHY — IT'S A BOY! tdorf-Astocta grand ballroom Woaed and Blias would not dia- 'BHs8, 81, hoa been Cholnnan Klbbufs Gertwr, six miles
nounced by her parents, Mr. -w an powuriaaa to hold back the south of the Sea o f Galilee In r ^ y to rest Ms caw . ’tba d»-'
tarnationala,” a faaMon ’ abow Ohio, will pertiolpata in the 5IPECIAUS TO fCRK UP YOUR WEEKEND! ■waU o f liundreda of fornully
euss tha questlan o f how long he slhce April 1, 1966. His field is
and Mrs. Harry F. Smith of 24 might continue. But a key pW to- organisation poUtlos—the tech­ toe embattled Jordan valley. tense may end Ms case aban
featuring four Parla modela, WaMtington Semester Program Bigelow St. FRESH SPINACH .................................... lb. 'WfiMd guaato a a W ^ auto- - It was toe firrt time Israel
may ba purchaaad. at Tweed’s tbia spring at tha American Unt^ cal Wda to. the Pieaideot-elect nical side—and he shuns the toe trial neaumea Tueadojr, and
Her fianoe is the aon of Mr. CELLO CARROTS...........................R bchs. graplM from flie men who were says raxon’a raquaat means public speaking, bahquat circuit had oall'ed in i^anes to hit
Dreea Shop or by contacting varsity’s School of Government fln f to Wrola the moon. ' after rebuttal wMiiaaiija are pro-
Mre. Mcegan Porter, 70 Wast- and Itobllc Relations, Wash­
and Mrs. PYed Carrington of FANCY CUCUMBERS.......................2 ft* _ _ Blias will remain in the party approach. Arab attackers sinoe Jan. 2.
Leoma, Tensi. LARGE SUNEIST ORANGES......... « for S B t . For neariy on hour, fiw gueota laraeU sources claim the seated by the state. ’Iha trial
minatar Rd. Tba abow will ba ington, D.C. poet for “ a aubotantUd period" His constituency Is among or­
¥ fn s s o iiitinln a ra cord im d n r sn p a n N K filn bOsa Smitfa is a 1964 grad­ SEALTEST or ROYAL ICE CREAM Vt guL pxlk pioturao, and handed dto- uideaa ha decides to leave. use o f airplanes to Mt guer­ will oome to end, perhaps by
'Riursday at 11 eum. and 7:15 nar nwnua up over the to ganisation R ep t^ ca iu , stade mtd-w«rii. It rtartad ’Tuesday.
uate of Manchester High School •Nixon la known to have con­ amd natornd committeemen, for rillas lying In ambuto Just
p.m. at Oentinal HiU H a l l , Boy Scout Trtx^ 882 o f St. And we have Orchard F r e ^ M acs, BaMarlns, Red 5t ,tlM aotronouta yrho-obligod their across the border has proven The panel o f tliraa Judgas, w te
f o r m k Ii ffa m ly o f o l p r a s e r ip flo iis f f l o d h o i* . and a 1967 graduate of the Jo- sidered roplaicing Bliss with a exaunple, and their suppott is
Hartford. I’roceads wlU go to Bartholomew’s Church wlH aetdi Lawrence School o f Nurs­ Golden DeUolous, Oortlands, BusMt AppbM and Boao Pears. •Mknfrorera aa rapidly oa they are hearing toe second dagroa
chairman more tWented in pub­ believed to have 'been a fantor Mghly successful since Ms in­
the Heart AaaooiatlOR oi Oraat- sponsor a paper drive tom or­ ing, New London. She is a reg­
And Acorn, Butterniit Squash, Brnssells Sprouts, jxxild. Each time ttw guarda auguration aeveral weeks murder case in Tolland County
A n ita m lsed Ustinsr a t nO p r e s c r ip tk a s fille d la st er Hartford. Caullfiower, B roccoli, Egg Plant, Oranberiles, Hot Peppers, lic political aWeanumsMp. in the declaion to have lilm re­
row from 9 cum. to 6 p.m . at istered nurse at Manchester Parsnips, Horaeradlali. •thought all had been aigned, Some men among Iflxmt'a cir­ ago. Sitysrtor Court In RoekvOa, vrifl
main. .
the Popular Mlarket parking lot, Memorial Hospital Mr. Sutton is And Peas, Green Beans, Green and. Yellow Squash, im oro w «ro paaaad over thair cle o f aOviaera had advocated ’The action began at 7:16 than deliver their vardlot life
jm nr is n vn ila b le a t n o ch B ig c u p on 14 D a y s A d - fwada. BUsu spent about two hours
E. Middle Tpke. Papers may serving with the D.S. -Navy in Spinach, WMto Sweet Potatoes, Vine N p e Tomatoes, thto oourae. with Mlxmi FriCkiy. “Ha ex- a.m. when Arab irregulars hnprinonment la tha m orim nn
tn n ea N o tio e. be depoaltod at tha troop’s truck the submarine service. Shalots, B dglaa Endive, Endive B Baoarale. • Gov. Naiaon A. BookWWler A pooatole <oompromtoe also fired bazooka rockets at an puntSfamenL
And Fresh Strawberries, Bed, WMto, Blue Orapea, pleaded with Ma gueota: preoaed' complete satlafocUon
to the parking lot, or those wiab- A March wedding is planned. had been considered, thW of as­ with, toe Job being done by me army veUcIa, toe IsraMia Darwin la being retried W the
Ing to have papers picked up Temple Oranges, Tangerinea, Gallf. Navel Oranges,, Span­ “ Ladlea and gentleman, Uila signing a new party spokesman charged. ’Iliere were no la- Baying of Hope Roffawen o f Bol­
L is t m a st b e ca lled fw la p eraon . N o m alU as', ish Melons, Pink B WMto OnqMhmlt, Nuts, Figs, Dates. as Republican national chair­
may contact George of 80 lalarted out as a atate diimer and to work with BUss pt the nation- raril oasuoltiaa in toe claoh. ton. ’The 17-yearold Bolton gtaf
man,” BlUa said.
Hetadne Dr., James White of o WE CABBY ICE ODBB8 a la andlng iq> a tove-ln. WlH you Shortly' after that toe Is­ dleappeend on Sept. 18, IM t af­
24 Saidtera Rd. or Jeffrey Skating - Coasting We Carry The Bfancheator Evening HeraM piaona take your aeatal” \ In the view of aome Nixon aa-
aoclautea, the retention of BUaa
raeli pianeu struck. ter a 4-H meettng In Venion
FrMfasen, 64 EM e Dr. “ ODB ENLARGED STORE NOW HAS EVEBYTHINOI’' Aatroaout Jamea A LoveB Jr.,
THE NEW 3PAaOUS COafPLBXB LINE OF 8DNDAY PAPERS a Navy captain, latw told toe means that actlvUUes by the Re­ that Bm and Dai win attondadi

Mancbestier Jayrceeo wtU meet

Monday at 8 p.m . at Manches­
gueota ha would leave the din­
gier “ aUgbUy tooapaoitated. Brandeis publican senatorial and congres.
sional campaign committees
P op e Voices
Her car was found abandoned
on Rceervotr Rd. in VemoB and
ber body waa found four days
ter Otreuit Court roomji State
Representative Francis Ma-
Skating h o u r s at Center

lP D A " ^ o r *
p r o d u c e i"
-With m y left hand I will not be
ahla to write. With my right
hand I wUl notbe ahla to Wuike Dissidents
will be upgraded, ’ntere to talk
of their being given research as-
slstance from the White House Darwin, who to 51 and Brea hi

W E S T O w m boney win poesent Ms ideas im

recreational programs using Springs Pond ore until 10 to­
278 OAKLAND ST., MANGHES’TEB a 545-5884
handa.” aa •well aa tha assignment of top
administration officials to cam-
Optim ism for Hebron, waa oonrtotod in 1154
but the oonivictlon wa
The repport to too ballroom
night, and 10 to 10 tomorrow
school facUltlea. ’The film , ‘ "To
and Sunday. The Annex is re­
T ou eb'^ Child,” win be dtown.
The meeting la open to men be-
served for hockey.
.broadeiMd aa the aatronauta an-
awarad quaotioiM ,pooed by the
gueota out the tovKailon o f too
Suspended paign for individual candidates
in tough races. ,
Nixon has fixed the goal of re­
W orld Peace As he did flv « yu an ago,
Darwin took ilie witness stand
Coasting is allowed in the
455 HARIFORO RD. — 643w5230 tw em the ages of 21 and 80.
park dally until dark. governor. WAL/THAM, Mass. (AP) — gaining party control o f the Sen­ VA’nOAN OETY (AP)—Pope
in U s own deteoss yastMday
i “ General Bormoia” lad off, Brandeis Untverelty Preatoent ate in 1970. ’Twenty-five Demo­ sod denied a coiBsssliw he ia
The ski slope at'H ercules p t. ‘Paul VI sounded a cautlouB note
a lle g e to have mads. ThrouiJi
Polish NaMociai Alliance wW will be open tcmlght 6 :S0 to 9 :80. ona fuaat, “ do you believe the M orris B. Abram today sus­ cratic seats will be at stake then of optimism on world peace to­
meet Sunday a t 1 p.m . at 77 Hours tomorrow and Sunday are 'm oon ia worthinveeUng InT" pended the 66 N egro' students and many are regarded as most •of tbe questioning bgr do-
day, saying he saw a glimmar
North St. To ba euro A ir Pbroe Ool. who took over the university vulnerable. For that reason. Re­ tense and toe state, be was
1 to 5 p.m. of hope for the MiddHe East plus
PVank Borman did. "In the oonununleotiona center tour publican leaders hope they can calm and hicM, but at other
hopes for the end of the Viet­
queet for knowledge, ueing the days ago. upset the Democrats’ present moments became confused and
nam and Nigerian wars through tense.
moon an a goW, I feel it is like Abram lifted the emneety he 67-42 majority. negotiations.
life toouranoe— it’a nwndato- had granted the atitdento after Democratic seats up for grabs In <Sract testimony Darwin
’The pontiff spoke in Ms an­ denied having confessed tlM
ry.“ they failed to appear ter a 9 next year Include those now nual meeting to exchange New
On the aubject o f how the as- a jn . meeting, ^ filled by Sens. Edward M. Ken­ murder to TBland Obunty A e r-

Great Reductions plus

Year greetings •with members of Iff Paul B. aweeney wUls tw
nedy, D-Masa., Edmund S. Mua-
tranauts kept from floating ’Ib e jnealdent sWd he would Ute diplomatic corps accredited
around their apaoeoMp like their speU out toe university’s next kle, D*Maine, and Eugene J. was •befog held at the Tolland
te the Vatiean. County Jafl five years ago.
toothbniahea, Air Force Lt. Ool. move at a news conference. McCarthy, D-NOnn. McCarthy In contrast to Ms Oiristanas
WUltom A. Andare told tha Elariler it had appeared fate h u said he won’t run as a Dem­ Sweeney was broityht in to
speech to the world, toe Pape’s tbe caee et TaUand County Su­
crowd how “mem and saro grav­ of the Negro student uprising ocrat again and Vice President words reflected a stixsig tone of
ity aaemad to go weH together. Mnged on an agreem^Mit by the Hubert H. Humphrey could optimism. perior Court to Rockville Tliure-
Hie teammate, Lovell, waa wind up contesting for Ma seat. day os a eutprise wltnees by tbe
faculty to esUbltsh an Atro- Speaking In French, ba tMd
more down to eerih. “ We iniqg Even Republleans are not op­ atate. Sbssiff Sweeney then toe-

l-O W P R IC E S
Am eiican Studies Department. the dtplomats toe battle for
on,” he aaid. timistic about beating Kennedy, ttfled that Darwin "told me hb
Abram had said Friday H was peace must be waged every day
the Senate’s nbw Democratic had not yet told Me lasvyen toot

H ALE LaveU proniaed that "oom e-

how, aomewiwre, aoma way,”
women, too, would aoar into
apeoe—''and. w a're gtdng to
within the province of the facul­
ty to meet the Negro iddmatum
for the dtpaitment.
At Brandeis, in Waitham,
•whip, or Muakle, the 1988 vice
presManttal nquiliiea, B o% jriU
have to -wliLra-elegtlq p . tgi auy^
•without letup “for toe dmnon of
diaoqrd yrUi never 'be completely
exortstaadi” ;: - ■ ”r'-\ r
But he added: « Is il toe ep--
he bad killed Fern RotUsan.”
Sweeney o o a t l n u e t L “ He
hadBf mad# tty Me mind iMtatb.
ON iHJL YOlffl WlirreR O jOTHING needs DlffllNB OUR 8- 1-8 Mara fo r more than 440 d a ^ ."
n w women who welted on
Maaa., die faculty voted 168 to
47 to grant a Negro demand for
vlve at contenders ter tha 1972
presidential nomination.
ttmirtir to Judge toot toe
hotbeds of war are now, thanks
er be wa# gottg to tan tham
that T kflled tba giri or not* be­
earth for their men aa they or­ Repitolloans h^w also to cause be aakl he never would
the establishment of an Afro- to God, <m the way to extlhc-
bited the moon on Qulatmaa make gains in the House. But admtt pubUcty that T kffled tbe
American studies department. ' UonT" girt and shame m y fam ity.' “
Eve aooroely took ttieir eyea off However, 66 students tor the thete experience in last Novem- The pontiff, addressing the

Yeatorday Derwfo team ed he
them during the evening. fourth day continued to occupy 'ber’s election does not encour­ dtplomate in unusually direct
For thete “ oourage, determi­ (HemM photo for, reafly aaid that if 'T bad IdUed
a building containing the cam ­ age them to believe they can term s, left the distinct impres­
nation, and love . . . an inspira­ Roy Darwin leaving Rockville court yesterday after two hours on witness Hope Rotowell that I would tell
pus telephone swltdiboard and wrest House control from the sion that he thought this was my lawyer tMa ao tint my tem-
tion to all of lie," Igov. Rocke­ a $200,000 computer. ’Iheir lead­ Democrats stert of some politi­ not, in f8M9t, too opUmlstio. stand. With him is his wife. Behind them is daughter, Mrs. Kathy Ghilcoat.
feller had a little surprise. cal upheaval ^favoring them. Uy wouldn’t go fiiraugh the tor­
ers ware invited to a m eetli« He mentioned Vietnam and
Suoan Bormon’d eyes grew Nixon’s Oahinet appointees ture and shame c f a crim e—c f a
with the faculty during the aft­ Nigeria by name and said gen­ trial.’’
large and her hand rone to her ernoon. continue today a round of eral oonoern about the latoK de­
mouth aa the govu nor preoent- oonterencea with task foroes Atty. John Shea, Ms counsel,
ITte Brandeis black rebels had velopments in toe Middle East
ed her, Marilyn Levell and Val­
erie Anders eaobiwtth a stun-
Mng Steuben o iy iM semiolrou-
ignored a court order to restorb
the building to school admlnis-
wMoh have studied problems
facing the new admlnlstrotlon.
- Cabinet m em ben were re­
show bow deep toe oonoern for
peace is. Cong W ipe Out Entire GI Squad then asked Mm, 'D id you at
any time tell Mr. Sweeney w «i
you hadn’t made up your mind
He spoke of Ms. own feeUpgs whether or not to toll your law^
■a lor dteo, depiotbW toe heavens At Swauthmore College neau* ceiving reports cn transporta­ as ’’senttments mingling hope SAJGON (A P)—An American that toe enemy command had roundfog marshes. Outside M y
and eaito as oCen flo p the zquad sent out to ambush toe ordered mdttary preeeure in­ ’Iha^ the delta's second Uggest y e n that you had kHlod Hope
PhilaMelpMa 16 members of the tion, fiscal poUcy, housing and and fear.” . RothwBl?”
' moon’s surface. Afro- Americam Student Society urban renewal, ihflatian and The Pope told the representa­ Viet Gong in the Mekong Delta creased to emphctouze Hanot’s
EXCITING VALUES ’ ”m at to oo beautifUll" toa
(See,Page Foortoen)
declared they would retain pos-
(Bee Page Fourteen)
other issues.
(See Page Fourteen)
tives of about 80 nations that was overrun early today and all
(See Page Fourteen)
11 men were klUed or wounded.
’The squad numbered nine GIs
dbtyleesure with the deadlock in
the Peris peace 'talks.
American - South Vietnamese
city, a barrage wounded about
80 Vleitnameee recruits at a
training cam p and mortar shells
"N o slr,“ was Darwin’s ans­
It was then toot Shea threw
the queetioa at Darwin: "Did
and two ’Tiger Scouts, form er headquarters said over-all cas­ caused some civilian casualties you kill Httye Rotlnvell?’’
ON MEN'S • YOUNG MEN'S Viet Qm g 'Who had Vlefected. A
spokesman said six Americans
ualties were light. More than
100 South Vietnamese and a
in the city. “ I did not UB Hope RoHk^,
Only five of the ahellfogs well,’’ Darwin anoarered. Shea’s
and one of the scouts were leeser number o f- Americans struck U.S. camps. In m esi of next question was, “ Did you

CAR COATS • JACKETS Body Jewelry Complements Nude Look killed, and toe others were
’The squad, o f toe Srd Brigade,
were reported wounded and 10
helicopters were damaged.
’Ihe attacks were cimcentrat-
these, toe U.S. Command —id,
there were no faioMtiee and
ever see Hope RotoweU agafo
after toe time she left that
meeting?” Darwin’s aiwwer
9to Infantry Division, managed very few men wounded.
By RHEA STEWART ed on outposts and towns in the waa "N o Sir.”
Herald FbsMon Writer to radio a distress call from the thickly populated Mekong Delta’ Tbs 10 hBiooptora reported
damaged were at the big UB. Assistant State’s Atty. Etalo
NEW YORpe — ’’BxMbltlon- area 80 miles southwest of Sai­ south of Saigon and on Ameri­
9to Infantry Otvlston boss of Gnutti croes examined Darwin
Ism is last year’s news,” ' said gon, but reinforcements arrived can and South Vietnamese after he denied the alleged con­
dress designer Chester Wein­ too late to catch the enemy . oamps guarding the northwes­ Dong Tam along the Mekong
River 40 miles southwest of Sai­ fession to Sheriff Sweeney.
Special berg, and that itself was news
to toe fosMon writers who have
been watching a parade of
It was one of numerous small
skirmishes across the country.
MlUtary authorities also report­
tern .approarhes to the capital.
Most were Mt by only a few
light mortar rounds, but a few
gon. It suftered a mortar asid
bazooka barrage that also
Gnutti referreti to Darwin’s
saying he told Sweeney that ,)f
wounded some men and dam­ he had killed Miss RotoweU be '

Purchase BENCH
spring Costumes, the wearing of
Which would have indicated lost
month (maybe last week) a
ed enemy gunner shelled 28
airfields, army camps and dis­
trict towns In the heairiest wave
installations suffered sustained
barrages. One camp of toe U.S.
26th Infantry Division northwest
aged several frame buildings.
The Mt-and-run eheHfogs be­
would rather teU than shame
his family.
"What you say Is different
of overnight attacks since the gan at about 10 p.m. Friday and
Would Sdl for $25 strong streak of exMbitlonlam.' of Saigon was hit by big 120 mm from what he said,” Gnutti stat­

WARMERS But then. Designer Weinberg
apoke o f the woman who'
Nov. 1 bombing halt of North
TTie Blnh ’Thuy airflrid outside
continued until Just before dawn
today. In most of the attacks
ed and asked, "Would It briity
more shame or leas shame” to
AND It was the second consecutive flarertiipe were ordered up and
dresses, "not for the moment, the d ata’s W g^st city of Can admit the crime.

Choose from corduroys or wools, smartly styled

JACKETS but ter the seoond." ’That shows day of unusually heavy rocket
and mortar assaults, and
’Tho, which was shelled Thuro-
day night, caught another 40 ba­
aHled artiUery blasted sdqieot-
ed firing sites, but there' were
Darwin, who appeared con­
fused during much <rf the testl-
Values to $15—NOW how fast things move these »
days. Some things, that la. An­ osused immediate speculation zooka rounds fired from sur- (See Page Two) (See Page Fourteen)
with or without fur collars. A terrific buy from a fa­ other designer, Anthony Muto
of Jobere, commented that, al-
mous manufacturer of men's outerwear. Sizes 36-46. toough we oan^ctrole the moon.
. > We can’t get any places on the
Plenty of cold weather ahead. subway. Charge Conspiracy on AfUi-PoUntion Devices
MEN'S—main floor See these for style and value. ' Tbs scene was Drimontoo's,
’Assorted styles and cMors. where the American Designer
Sizes 8 to 18.
BOY'S—mAin floor
Series shows are befog held,
and Helene Curtis .jras present-
fog a panB of deelgnen and
U.S. Suing ‘Big 4 ’ Automakers
See More Values In Our Big: FUR TRIM
'i^rdreesere. One genUeman in
'tlw audience was asked twloe
to stand pm ExMbM A, becauM
Jurtice Department sued the
Big Four automakers Friday,
—To eliminate competition
amoqg themselves in toe devB-
device on cars sold in Califor­

January AND
he waa wearing a pole green
'Checked ^ t that would have
charging they conspired to stifle
development of devices to con­
<q>ment and fostoUaUon of pollu-
tlon control equipment.
The suit charged that In early
1984 the companies agreed to

UNTR1MMED bean thought peculiar five years trol air polution by automo­ —To eliminate competition in teH California pollution authori­


’bgo. ’Two of the panel mention­ biles. buying patents and patent rights ties a device to control exhaust
ed in front o f Mm that it would ter such equipmert. poUution could not be Installed
The MvU suit was fUed in Los
have been thought peculiar Angeles against General Motors —^To agree on a date for In- unttl 1987, when In tact it could
then, so obviously they did not Oorp., Ford Motor Co., CZuysler stalMng poUution control equip­ have been used on 1988 models.
think It psouUar now. Oorp., American Motors Oorp. ment and install it utatermly. It said the four ffoally In-
Young Mr. Wafobarg seamed and the Automobile Manufactur­ —^To delay the Installation of B ^Ied toe devices an 1988 mod­
Uks a fuddy-duddy to tola ers Association, a trade organl- certain equipment which waa els because of pressure from

CORSET SAIE DRASTIGALLY “ with • it" ganUaman, who ' satlcn. workable. manufacturers outside the auto
painted out that e v e ry t^ g is It charged that afooe 1968 they —And to restrict publicity industry.
youth today, and ha was had engaged in unlawful agree­ about research and develop­
obviouBy going along with the Thomas C. Mann, form er un­
ments to restrain trade and ment of pollution control de­ dersecretary of state who is
idea. eliminate oompeUUon, in viola-, vices.
But wait. , . one dlaturbing president of the Automobile

Now Going O n ...! SAVE! n ^ « in ■toaoe oollectlana waa

ton c f the Sherman Antitrust'
The suit said the defendants
could have installed positive
Manufacturers Assoclatton, said
the suit “ is based on a profound
the appearance several Umes of
Downtown Main S tioot, M anchoster . FANTASTIC a type o f dross always describ­
TTie componiea and the asso­
ciation Issued statements deny­
crankcase ventilation devices cn
oars soid outside California in
mlsunderstandfog o f the cooper­
ative program " of toe autatnak-
o p e n 6 DAYS — THUR5. THJ. 9 P.M. VALUES! ed the commentator as the
dross of the future. ’This had a
ing they had restrained trade,
fostead, they said, they have
1982, but agreed not to do it un
tU 1983.
ers to control poUuticti.

"Charge Accounts Invited"’ COATS, seoond floor droopy btoueon top and a sklri
of flat ptaata etltBied down to
The leaves may not “fa ir where they'may, for Cadoro’s gilt metal halter bra cooperated to speed develop­
ment of anttpoUuUon devices.
In early 1982 and 1968, It said
"W e greatly regret the suddm
decision of tob Department of
is suspended from chains that are adjustable at the back and the neck. The the four companies agreed to Justice to attaBi the Industiry's
The Justice Department delay toe use of an Improved
(Use Page Fourteen) cutwork leaf design is from the 1969 Spring collection of body, jewelry.. Bwrged they agreed: positive crankcase ventilation (See Page F sor)


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