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Universitas Indonesia


2020 – 2021 Academic Year

Dr. Agus Brotosusilo, SH., MA.
Antonius Cahyadi, SH., LLM., Ph.D. (Cand.)
Dr. Fernando Manullang, SH., MH.

Session Topic Bibliography

I Nature of Austin,J.: “The Uses of the Study of Jurisprudence”;

Twinning W.L..: ”Some Jobs for Jurisprudence”;
Jurisprudence Shklar J.: “Legalism;.
Eagleton T.: “Ideology”;
Hume D.: “A Treatise of Human Nature”;
Popper K..: “The Poverty of Historicism”;
Kuhn, T.S.: “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions”;
Campbell T.: “Seven Theories of Human Society”;
Lloyd, D. and Freeman: Introduction to Jurisprudence, pp.1-19.

II Natural Law Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics;

Cicero: De Re Publica;
Justinian: Institutes;
Aquinas, T.: Summa Theologia;
Hobbes, T.: Leviathan;
Locke, J.: Two Treaties of Government;
Rousseau, J.J.: The Social Contract;
Maritain, J.: Man and the State;
MacDonald, M.: Natural Rights;
Fuller, L.L.: The Morality of Law;
Finnis, J.M.: Natural Law and Natural Rights;
Mead, M.: Some Anthropological Considerations Concerning
Natural Law;
Gewirth, A.: The Epistemology of Human Rights;
Lloyd, D. and Freeman: Introduction to Jurisprudence, pp.79-
Alexander, Frank, S.:”Three Fallacies of Contemporary
Jurisprudence”; Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review,
vol. 19, Nov. 1985, pp. 1-36.

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III Classical Bentham, J.: A Fragment on Government;

Bentham, J.: An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and
Positivism and Legislation;
Pure Theory of Bentham, J.: Of Laws in General;
Law Austin, J.: The Province of Jurisprudence Determined;
Rees, W.J.: The Theory of Sovereignty Re-stated;
Modern Kelsen, H.: The Pure Theory of Law;
Kelsen, H.: General Theory of Law and State;
Analytical and Kelsen, H.: Causality and Imputation;
Normative Kelsen, H.: Professor Stone and the Pure Theory of Law;
Jurisprudence Kelsen, H.: The Function of a Constitution;
Raz, J.: The Purity of the Pure Theory;
Lloyd, D. and Freeman: Introduction to Jurisprudence, pp.205-
Hart, H.L.A.: Positivism and the Separation of Law and Moral;
Fuller, L.L.: Positivism and Fidelity to Law;
Hart, H.L.A.: Definition and Theory in Jurisprudence;
MacCormick, N.: Contemporary Legal Philosophy: the
Rediscovery of Practical Reason;
Raz, J.: The Problem about the Nature of Law;
Raz, J.: Practical Reason and Norms;
Dworkin, R.: Is Wealth a Value?;
Posner, R.A.: Dworkin’s Critique of Wealth Maximisation;
Markovits, R.S.: Second-Best Theory and the Standard
Analysis of Monopoly Rent Seeking;
Rawls, J.: A Theory of Justice;
Rawls, J.: Political Liberalism;
Rawls, J.: The Law of Peoples;
Nozick, R.: Anarchy, State and Utopia;
Hohfeld, W.N.: Fundamental Legal Conception as Applied in
Judicial Reasoning;
MacCormick, N.: The Ethics of Legalism;
Lloyd, D. & Freeman: Introduction to Jurisprudence, pp.339-

IV Historical and Von Savigny, F.K.: System of Modern Roman Law;

Maine, Sir Henry: Ancient Law;
Anthropological Hoebel E.A.: The Law of Primitive Man;
Jurisprudence Gluckman, M.: Judicial Process among the Barotse;
Fuller, L.L.: Human Interaction and the Law;
Bohannan, P.: The Differing Realms of the Law;
Diamond, S.: The Rule of Law versus the Order of Custom;
Lloyd, D. and Freeman: Ibid., 731-749.

Von Jhering, R.: Law as Means to an End;

V Sociological Weber, M.; Economy and Society;
Durkheim, E.; The Division of Labour in Society;
Jurisprudence, Ehrlich; Principles of the Sociology of Law;
Socio-Legal Pound, R.: Philosophy of Law;
Studies, Pound, R.: Outlines of Jurisprudence;
and Pound, R.: Contemporary Juristic Theory
Sociology of Pound, R.: Social Control Through Law;

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Bredemeier, H.C.: Law as an Integrative Mechanism;

Banakar, Reza and Max Travers: Theory and Method in
Socio-Legal Research. Hart Publishing, Oxford and
Portland, 2005.
Selznick, P.; The Sociology of Law;
Unger, R.M.: Law in Modern Society;
Hunt, A.: Dichotomy and Contradiction in the Sociology of Law;
Cotterell, R.: The Sociological Concept of Law;
Trubek, D.M.: Back to the Future: The Short Happy Life of the
Law and Society Movement;
Silbey, S. & Sarat, A.: Critical Traditions in Law and Society
Luhmann, N.; Operational Closure and Structural Coupling:
The Differentiation of the Legal System;
Teubner, G.: How the Law Thinks;
Lloyd, D. & Freeman: Introduction to Jurisprudence, pp.509-
Moshe, Hirsch. Invitation to the Sociology of International Law.
Oxford University Press, 2015. Pp. 17-45.

Holmes, O.W.: The Path of the Law;

(American and Twining, W.: The Bad Man Revisited;
Scandinavian) Dewey, J.: Logical Method and Law;
Legal Realism Frank, J.: Law and Modern Mind;
Frank, J.: Court on Trial;
Llewellyn, K.: Some Realism about Realism;
Llewellyn, K.: Using the New Jurisprudence;
Llewellyn, K.: The Common Law Tradition;
Llewellyn, K.: My Philosophy of Law;
Llewellyn, K.: The Normative, The Legal and the Law Jobs: the
Problems of Juristic Method;
Twining, W.: The Significance of Realism;
Hagerstrom, A.: Inquiries into the Nature of Law and Morals;
Olivecrona, K.: Law as Fact;
Olivecrona: Legal Language and Reality;
Lundstedt, A.V.: Legal Thinking Revisited;
Ross, A.: On Law and Justice;
Ross, A.: Directives and Norms;
Ross, A.: Tu-tu;
Castberg, F.: Problems of Legal Philosophy:
Lloyd, D. and Freeman: Ibid., pp.(655-669), (731-749).

VI Theories of Plato: The Republic.

Justice Aristotle: The Nichomacean Ethics. Translated by David Ross,
Revised by J.C. Ackrill and J.O. Urmson, Oxford
University Press, Oxford: first published, 1925;
Reprinted 1980, pp. 106-136 (1129a23-1138b14).
Rawls, John: A Theory of Justice
Rawls, John: Political Liberalism
Rawls, John: The Law of People
Nozick, R: Anarchy, State and Utopia
Dworkin, Ronald: A Triump over Utility
Dworkin, Ronald: What is Equality? Part 2: Equality of

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Young, I.M.: Defining Injustice as Domination and Oppression;
Young, I.M.: The Faces of Opression;;
Okin, S.M.: Justice as Fairness
Walzer M.: Three Distributive Principles
Posner, R.: The Ethical and Political Basis of Wealth
Lloyd, D. and Freeman: Ibid., pp.523-565 .
Pauwelyn, Joost: “Just Trade”. Book Review on Frank J.
Garcia: Trade, Inequality, and Justice: Toward a
Liberal Theory of Just Trade, Transnational Publisher,
New York, 2003. George Washington International
Law Review, Vol. 37, 2005.
Sandel, Michael J.: Justice : what’s the right thing to do? 1st Ed.,
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 2009.
Bix Brian H.: Radbruch's formula, conceptual analysis, and the
rule of law, 18 IUS Gentium 65, 2013.
VII Mid Semester

VIII Marxist Theory Hegel, F.: Philosophy of Right;

of Law Marx, K.: Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right;
Marx, K.: Preface to Contribution to Critique of Political
Marx, K. and Engels, F.: The German Ideology;
Engels, F.: The Housing Question;
Cohen, G.A.: Karl Marx’s Theory of History;
Lukes, S.: Can the Base be Distinguished from the
Foucault, M.: Two Lectures;
Marx, K.: Capital;
Thompson, E.P.: Whigs and Hunters;
Marx, K.: The Civil War in France;
Marx, K.: Critique of the Gotha Programme;
Engels, F.: Anti-Duhring;
Lenin, V.: State and Revolution;
Renner, K.: The Institutions of Private Law and Their Social
Pashukanis, E.: Law and Marxism;
Lloyd, D. & Freeman: Introduction to Jurisprudence, pp.837-
Murphy, John F.: “John W. Head, Great Legal Traditions: Civil
Law, Common Law, and Chinese Law in Historical and
Operational Perspective”, Book Review, Carolina
academic press, American Journal of Comparative
Law, Summer 2012.
Gordon, R.W.: Law and Ideology;
IX Critical Legal Gordon, R.W.: New Developments in Legal Theory;
Kennedy, D.: The Structure of Blackstone’s Commentaries;
Studies. Gabel, P.: Reification in Legal Reasoning;
Kelman, M.: Interpretive Construction in the Substantive
The Search for a Criminal Law;
Modern Theory Dalton, C.: An Essay in the Deconstruction of Contract
of Law Doctrine;
Peller, G.: The Methaphysics of American Law;

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Kennedy, D.: The Ideological Content of Legal Education;

Lloyd, D. and Freeman: Introduction to Jurisprudence, pp.935-
Gjerdingen, D.H.: ”The Future of Legal Scholarship and the
Search for a Modern Theory of Law”, Buffalo Law
Review No.2 Vol.35, 1986, pp381-477;

X Feminist Rhode, Deborah L.: Feminist Critical Theories, Stanford Law

Jurisprudence Review, Vol. 42, 1990;
Scales, A.C.: The Emergence of Feminist Jurisprudence: An
Essay, Yale Law Journal, vol. 95, 1986;
West, Robin.: Jurisprudence and Gender, university of Chicago
Postmodernist Law Review, vol. 55, 1988;
Jurisprudence MacKinnon, Catherine A.: Difference and Dominance: On Sex
Discrimination, from Feminism Unmodified; Discourses
on Life and Law, Harvard University Press, 1987;
Littleton, Chistine.A.: Reconstructing Sexual Equality,
California Law Review, Vol. 75, 1987;
Cain, Patricia A.: Feminism and the Limits of Equality, Georgia
Law Review, Vol. 24, 1990;
Bartlett, Katherine.T.: Feminist Legal Methods, Harvard Law
Review, Vol.103, 1990;
Finley, Lucinda M. : Breaking Women’s Silence in Law: The
Dilemma of the Gendered Nature of Legal Reasoning,
Notre Dame Law Review, Vol. 64, 1986;
Lloyd, D. and Freeman: Introduction to Jurisprudence,
Hursh, John: Advancing Women's Rights through Islamic Law:
the Example of Morocco, Berkeley Journal of Gender,
Law & Justice, Summer 2012.

Lyotard, J,.F.: Answering the Question: What is

Wicke, J.: Postmodern Identity and the Legal Subject;
Schlag, P.: Normativity and the Politics of Form;
Balkin, J.M.: Understanding Legal Understanding: The Legal
Subject and the Problem of Legal Coherence;
De Sousa Santos, B.: The Postmodern Transition: Law and
Frug, J.M.: Rescuing Impossibility Doctrine: A Postmodern
Feminist Analysis of Contract Law;
Crenshaw,K.:Race,Reform, and Retrenchment: Transformation
and Legitimation in Anti-Discrimination Law;
Douzinas, C. and Warrington, R.: “A Well-Founded Fear of
Justice”: Law and Ethics in Postmodernity;
Jackson, B.: On Scholarly Developments in Legal Semiotics;
Lloyd,D.&Freeman: Introduction to Jurisprudence, pp.1147-

XI Theories of Austin, J.: Lectures on Jurisprudence;

Adjudication Hart, H.L.A.: Problems of the Philosophy of Law;
Dworkin, R.: Taking Rights Seriously;
Dworkin, R.: Law as Interpretation;
Dworkin, R.: Law’s Empire;
Cardozo: Nature of the Judicial Process;

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Williams, G.: Language and the Law;

Wisdom, J.: Gods;
MacCormick,D.N.: Formal Justice and the Form of Legal
Lloyd,D.&Freeman: Introduction to Jurisprudence, pp.1255-

XII Law and Bilder, Richard and Brian Z. Tamanaha: Book Review and
Development Note on:
1) Carty, Anthony ed.: Law and Development. Aldershot:
Theory; Darmouth Publishing Co., Ltd., Gower House, Distrib. New
York University Press, 1992; and
Law and 2) Adelman, Sammy and Abdul Paliwala: Law and Crisis in the
Dependency Third World. London, New York: Hans Zell, 1993.
Theory American Journal of International Law, Vol. 89, April, 1995, pp.

XIII Globalization of Agus Brotosusilo: “International Trade Law Indicators, 2003:

Law, Indonesia.” Indonesian Journal of International Law, Vol.1.,
No. 2, January, 2004, pp. 295-321.
Pancasila, and
Legal Agus Brotosusilo, ” WTO, Regional and Bilateral Trade
Transplantation Liberalization and Its Implication for Indonesia”, ASEAN Law
Association/ALA Conference, Bangkok, 2005.

Agus Brotosusilo : “Legal Culture and Free Trade”, a paper for

the International Conference on Law and Culture in South East
Asia, in cooperation between Hankuk University of Foreign
Studies – Faculty of Law University of Indonesia, Jakarta, July
13, 2011.

Agus Brotosusilo: “A Strategy of I nter-State Institutional

Cooperation for Conflict R esolution and M aritime S ecurity
in Indonesia” in Adi & Achwan (Eds.) Competition and
Cooperation in Social and Political Sciences, Roudledge:
Taylor & Francis Group Publisher, London, 2018.

Charles Himawan: The Foreign Investment Process in

Indonesia, Gunung Agung - Singapore, 1980.
Donald E. Weatherbee:’’Indonesia in 1984: Pancasila, Politics
and Power”. Asian Survey, Vol. 25, No. 2 , Aug.1985, pp. 187 –

Michael Morfit: “The Indonesian State Ideology According to

the New Order Government”. Asian Survey, Vol. 21, No. 8 ,
Aug.1981, pp. 838 – 851.

Peter McCawley, the Economics of Ekonomi Pancasila, in

Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 18:1, 102 – 109.

Purnadi Purbacaraka dan Soerjono Soekanto, Renungan

Tentang Filsafat Hukum, Penerbit Rajawali, Jakarta, 1984.

R. William Liddle: “The Politics of Ekonomi Pancasila: Some

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Reflections on a Recent Debate”, Bulletin of Indonesian

Economic Studies, 18:1, pp. 96 – 101, 2006.

XIV Final Semester

and/or Scientific
Research Paper

Attendance + Weekly Review 10 %
Activities in Seminar/Discussion 10%
Final Semester Examination/Scientific Research Paper 80 %.

Evaluation Rubric:

Level of Level of Achievment Level of Level of

Achievment Score: 4 Achievment Achievment
Score: 2 Score: 6 Score: 8
Criteria Able to Understanding of the Understanding of Understanding of
distinguish various existences of law various ideas of Legal Disciplines
among with each perspective of legal thought in the more deeply
Legal Philosophy, its method of study Legal Philosophy through an
Legal Theory, through interdisciplinary, in various interdisciplinary,
Legal Science (in multidisciplinary, and/or communities of multidisciplinary,
the narrow and transdisciplinary studies, various regions and/or
broad sense), by looking at the ideal and from various transdisciplinary
Legal Practice real elements of the Legal periods of time, approach, and
and Discipline as a whole and especially the legal be able to apply
Positive Law complete, not fragmented; thoughts of Legal them to scientific
so that it is able to Discipline which legal writing.
critically and were originally-
constructively understand born, grew and
its position and perform developed in
Philosophical reflection Indonesia
when dealing with the (formerly
legal indications and Nusantara).
realities that exist in

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