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STUDIES Thesis Proposal of MSc Program of Structural Engineering Experimental
Investigation of the Effect and Remedies of Salt-Water on Concrete and Reinforcement
Concrete Beam Mr. Aboubakar Ibrahim Abdi Adviser: Dr. Tesfaye Alemu Co Adviser:
Bahir Dar, Ethiopia September 2020 ©2020 Eng. Aboubakar I. Abdi II Bahir Dar
University Bahir Dar Institute of Technology School of Research and Graduate Studies
Faculty of Civil and Water Resource Engineering THESIS PROPOSAL Student Mr.

Aboubakar Ibrahim Abdi Name Signature Date The following graduate faculty member
certifies that this student has successfully presented the necessarily written thesis
proposal and oral presentation of this proposal for partial fulfillment of the
thesis-option requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in Structural Engineering.
Approved by: Advisor: Dr. Tesfaye Alemu Name Signature Date Chair Holder: Mr.
Alemayehu G. Name Signature Date Faculty Dean: Temesgen Enku. (PhD) Name
Signature Date III Acknowledgment First of all, I would like to thank Allah who gave me
the health, ability, talent, and opportunity to study and completed the proposal for my

After that, I would express a deep appreciation to my Advisor Dr. Tesfaye to help me his
knowledge and his experience matured, also I thank my stream chair Mr. Alemayehu G.
and the faculty Dean Temesgen Enku (PhD) to give this opportunity and the good
advice to me. Also, I thank the government of Ethiopia gave us this good chance of
scholarship education. I am also grateful to Bit-BDU instructors especially the School of
Civil and Cater Resource Engineering for they give me in my education life and my
classmates for the time we worked well together.
IV Abbreviation SRC Steel-Reinforcement RCC Reinforcement Concrete C cylinder M
cube FST Flexural Strength Test CST Compressive Strength Test FW Fresh water SW Salt
water FRP Fibber Reinforcement Polymer OPC Ordinary Portland Cement PPC Portland
Pozzolana Cement V Table of Contents Acknowledgment
.............................................................................................................. III Abbreviation
..................................................................................................................... IV List of Tables
.................................................................................................................... VI List of Figures

VII Abstract .......................................................................................................................... VIII

Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1 Background
of study ....................................................................................................... 1 Concrete
...................................................................................................................... 1 Water
........................................................................................................................... 2

2 Problem Statement .............................................................................................................. 5

Objectives of the Research .................................................................................................. 6 General
Objective ........................................................................................................... 6 Specific Objectives
......................................................................................................... 6 Significance of the Research
............................................................................................... 7 Scope of the Study

8 Literature Review................................................................................................................ 9
Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 14 Compressive
strength .................................................................................................... 15 Flexural strength
........................................................................................................... 15 Work Plan
......................................................................................................................... 17 Budget Plan

18 References ......................................................................................................................... 19 VI List of

Tables Table 1: Compressive strength (MPa) of concrete cubes cured in fresh water and
seawater ........................................................................................................................................... 10 Table
2: compressive strength of 28 and days in four water proportions. ........................ 12 Table
3: Work plan table................................................................................................... 17 Table 4: the
prediction cost of the study ........................................................................... 18 VII List of Figures
Figure 1: Cube, Cylinder and beam specimen and samples for test. ..................................

2 Figure 2: Some common types of Compressive, Tensile, and Flexural strength test
machines. ............................................................................................................................ 2 Figure 3: the
process and the steps are formed iron-hydroxide or rust (corrosion). .......... 3 Figure 4:
these are ways in rust that can cause spalling and crack on concrete. ............... 3 Figure 5:
Flexural, tensile and compressive strength (in MPa) results on day 28. ........... 10 Figure 6:
the modal process of thesis will be follow. .......................................................

14 VIII Abstract Concrete is the most commonly used in modern buildings, so, water is
important for concrete, but at the moment, there is a scarcity of fresh-water in the
world. Therefore, the use of saltwater or seawater causes side effects such as corrosion
in the steel on RCC, the rust degradants steel and weakens strength both steel and
reinforced concrete. So, this thesis will be a focus on the effect saltwater on concrete
and the prevention of rust in the steel-reinforced concrete.

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent it such as galvanizing, coating by painting or

organic materials (oils), stainless steel, etc. The scope of this thesis is experimental
investigation of effect of saltwater using a compression strength test for cubes and also
using one type of prevention methods of rust on reinforcement concrete by flexural
strength test machine for a beam. So, this proposal identifies the process to prevent rust
problem in reinforcement concrete that causes seawater (salt-water).

So, this research will give us the recommendations of prevention corrosion problem and
saltwater effect on reinforcement concrete then a fresh water in capacity and the
available solution, also it shall check the amount of strength increase or decrease when
using saltwater. 1 Introduction Background of study Concrete Concrete at buildings,
structural material consisting of a coarse and fine aggregate joined together with liquid
cement, Concrete is one of the most often used building construction, it is made up of
almost three basic components, which are, aggregate, cement (e.g. Portland Cement,
White Cement, Rapid Hardening Cement, etc.) and water (with or without salt).

Water is a must at both a mixing time and the time of hardening, in aggregate, there are
two types of aggregate which are fine (e.g. sand) and course (e.g. crushed stone).
Cement is the best commonly used the bonded of material consists of concrete,
Portland cement is the most general type of usage in normal temperature areas. In
concrete proportion its difference called ratio, the concrete is consists of cement,
aggregate, and crusher stone which are written in ratio as respectively.

In the compressive and tensile strength test, there are two types of a concrete specimen
which are cube (each side are the same measurement) the unit is M (e.g. M10, M20) and
cylinder (diameter is half of the height) the unit C (e.g. C8, C20). But flexural and shear is
used like beam shape. 2 Figure 1: Cube, Cylinder and beam specimen and samples for
test. Figure 2: Some common types of Compressive, Tensile, and Flexural strength test
machines. Water In concrete, water is more important for concrete, there are pure water
(Portable water) and those are not pure (with minerals e.g. salt), the several billion tons
of water (mostly freshwater) is annually used as curing and mixing around world.

So, the portable water is water which is free form suspended particles and chemical
substance, in current time, It is the most used both mixing and the time hardening on
concrete or mortar. In cement, there is the relationship between cement and water
known water cement ratio. Saltwater or seawater is water from an ocean, in world, the
ocean water have more 80% in world, on average, seawater has a salinity about 3.5%
(35g/liter). Corrosion Corrosion is a natural reaction between metal (e.g.
steel-reinforcement) and external elements, such as oxygen, water, and salt, also it is
electrochemical oxidation of metal except some metals (e.g.

aluminum) in reaction with an oxidant, the formation of rust for iron oxide or iron
hydroxide its good example of electrochemical corrosion, the rust changes the original
properties including a color that makes different orange color. 3 Process of formed rust
steel: In general, corrosion is an electro-chemical process linking the flow of charges
such as electrons and atom ions. There are two sites which are the anode site and
cathode site. ? First, the iron atom lost electrons and its move into the neighboring
concrete as ions commonly know the oxidation reaction.

The oxidation reaction is: 2Fe ? 2 2+ + 4e- ? Afterward, the remain electrons as ions
combine with water and oxygen in the concrete, it is called a reduction reaction. 2H2O +
O2 + 4e- ? 4OH - ? Then, both of iron and hydroxide it's going to the cathodes site and
combined, it is forming iron-hydroxide or known rust: 2Fe2+ + 4OH- ? 2Fe(O 2 Figure 3:
the process and the steps are formed iron-hydroxide or rust (corrosion). Source: ? As
rust forms (build-up) and increases volume in between the steel-reinforcement and the
concrete, it caused the cracking and spalling on the concrete cover, the strength of
reinforcement concrete (steel and concrete) is decreased or reduced.

Figure 4: these are ways in rust that can cause spalling and crack on concrete. Source: 4
There are two different iron (Iron II and Iron III) but the above process is an iron II
procedure, also there are other processes formed rust e.g. iron oxide and sulfate
oxidant. Fortunately, there some methods that prevented rust (Dimri, Varshney, Verma,
& Gupta, 2015) (Olutoge & Amusan, The Effect of Sea Water on Compressive Strength
of Concrete, 2014) (Technical knowlage, n.d.) (Britannica's Editors , n.d.) (Britannica's
editors, n.d.) (wiki, 2020)such as paint coating, galvanization, sacrificial Coatings
(cathodic prevention and anodic prevention), and so on.
The paint coating is the cheapest way that prevents rust, this method makes a small
layer to resist or intervenes iron metal (steel) and oxidants (oxygen and moisture),
alternatively, corrosion can be prevented using thermoplastic and thermoset polymer
powder coating on the surface of the steel. The Galvanization method is a common
method to prevent rust, it is an industrial process of applying a protective zinc coating
to steel, there are types of galvanizing include hot- dip galvanizing, it is a commonly
used galvanize method in the world than other, developed countries have several
galvanizing factories. There are various items of steel manufacture for protections
include steel furniture, building frameworks, staircases, steel bridge materials, etc.

5 Problem Statement At present, concrete is the most commonly used extensively in

modern buildings, water is one of the most important components in concrete
constructions. So, the quality and amount of water has an effect on the strength
concrete at mixing and hardening time. Often, we used drink water (freshwater or
portable water) for mix and cure, unfortunately, scary f er high the That’s y we need
other alternatives of water.

As we know, more than 95% of the world water is in the ocean (seawater), the seawater
consists different elements (minerals) including salt and other elements. In horn of
Africa, there are areas that have more than 4000km coastline but the Somali people
have the majority of that, even so, Ethiopia have places that take off salt and have salt
water such as Tigtay and Afar regions. So, the salt has a different effect in steel and
concrete, it is caused rust problem in steel provided in RCC, and also Salinity increased
pore water carbon concentrations.

So, the steel corrosion problem will affect the capacity strength of the concrete or beam.
This research will check the amount of strength increase or decrease and the available
solution, also the study will knowns further information related to the saltwater effect
and benefits than a freshwater. To solve that problem we have to use the prevention
method for corrosion, so, this research will give us the recommendation of corrosion
problem use the prevent ways.

6 Objectives of the Research General Objective The research will identify the effect of
saltwater on concrete and prevent rust of reinforcement concrete using saltwater at mix
and cure by a method of flexural and compressive strength tests of RCC in beam and
cube respectively. Specific Objectives ? This study will identify the effects of saltwater on
concrete ? To study the effect of Flexural or bending strength, Compression strength on
reinforcement concrete. ? To reduce the environmental impact of corrosion on steel bars
in reinforcement concrete beams and determine the period time of rust problem
? Develop the strength of concrete for mixing and curing seawater and prevention
methods for rust on steel bars. ? To the ergeosaltitappliable use the highest strength of
concrete. ? To perform compressive and flexural tests on hardened concrete at the age
of 7, 28, and 60 days. ? This study will get the relationship between stress and strain in
this problem. ? To compere reinforcement concrete beams with and without prevention
of the corrosion. ? To identify the variation of weight of reinforced concrete beams for
seawater and freshwater.

Significance of the Research Upon completion and full implementation, the research will
contribute a lot to the scientific world especially ocean country. The following are the
aforementioned benefits of the research. ? Enable to receive full information about the
seawater (saltwater) on concrete or steel-reinforced concrete. ? Enable to get using
seawater at the position of portable water for a scarcity of water. ? Upon completion,
the contractors will win a solution to the corrosion (rust) problems which caused salt in
seawater. ? They will get information about the best percentage use seawater which less
steel corrosion or rust.

? When it has done, you can know how to reduce the effect of corrosion which makes
happen salt on concrete. ? Also, they will obtain brief information about some ways to
prevention for rust on steel. Scope of the Study The scope of this thesis is the effect of
saltwater on the strength capacity of a concrete and experimental investigation on the
one of the methods to prevent corrosion of the steel-reinforced concrete, in this study,
it will use flexural and compressive strength test machine. So, the limitations of
parameters on this study are the following points: ? It will use a compressive and flexural
method of strength testing in cube and beam respectively.

? The specimens of the cube are 150 mm each side. ? The beam specimen sizes are 150
mm wide, 150 mm thickness, and 700 mm for span. ? The age of curing will be 7 days,
28 days, and 60 days, each period has three trails. ? The specimen will be more than 54
pieces both beams and cubes. ? The specimen cubes will be the following: o Using
saltwater mixing only. o Using saltwater curing only. o Using saltwater both mixing and
curing. o Without saltwater both mixing and curing. ? The beam specimens are with and
without prevention method (paint coating method) by using saltwater both mixing and
curing. 9 Literature Review Younis et al.

(2018), these researchers compared the freshwater and seawater, they took two
specimens mixed are Mix A and Mix B made with freshwater and seawater respectively.
They used non-corrosion reinforcements such as fibber reinforcement polymer (FRP)
etc. The samples were tested to investigate the effect of three variables: mixing water
(seawater or freshwater), testing age (3, 7, 28, and 56 days) and curing condition
(stander curing /sea-water curing). Consequently, they got a using sea-water in concrete
had practically no effect on the density, yield, and air content parameters measurement
of the fresh concrete, an important reduction in the workability and initial setting time
measurements was observed when using sea-water in concrete, because, the initial
slump flow and the initial setting time measured of Mix B was 20% & 30% lower than
that of Mix A respectively.

Likewise, they acquired the compressive and tensile strength of a concrete initial small
increase up to Day 7. Then, a decrease of around 7 – 10% a Mix B as compared to those
of Mix A after 28 days. Also, the concrete shrinkage of Mix B was slightly greater than
that of Mix A, The difference between the two mixtures was near 5% as of day 56 after
mixing. Tijani et al. (2015), the Tijani and his friends investigated the potential influence
of sea-water on the compressive strength and durability of concrete, they prepared 96
concrete cubes of different w/c ratio and mixed ratio (1:2:4 and 1:1.5:3 referred Mix 1
and Mix 2 respectively) as standard rectangular cubes parameters is 3375000 mm3. As a
result, the researcher showed an increase in the w/c ratio decrease the concrete
strength. Table1. When the concrete cured in freshwater at 0.4

water-cement ratios, the compressive strength increases with an increase in curing time,
but, the cured in seawater at w/c o,thedidndepend the in tiThe recommended the
higher cement ration can reduce impacts durability of coastal concrete structures, also,
they suggested in future, considerations of the impact of chloride on corrosion of
reinforcement concrete. 10 Table 1: Compressive strength (MPa) of concrete cubes
cured in fresh water and seawater Curing time (days) FW w/c = 0.4 SW w/c 0.4 SW w/c =
0.45 SW w/c = 0.5 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 1 Mix 2 14 17.29 21.60 13.51
25.24 13.10 21.18 12.92 20.62 21 19.11 24.44 12.31 20.28 11.66 10000005.85 11.91 15.85
28 20.76 25.10 14.74 21.67 13.39 18.15 12.86 17.41 90 23.67 29.56 31.85 38.96 30.67
36.37 30.22 33.33 FW= Freshwater; SW= Seawater Gawande and friends researched the
experimental effect of saltwater and freshwater on flexure, tensile and compression
strengths, they used cubes, cylinders, and general beams at 7 days and 28 days.

They prepared four alternative conditions on different water for a mixed and hardened
time. As a result table 2. Shows the rate of strength gained in seawater in curing and
mixing greater than freshwater on all test methods, also the mixed saltwater higher
strength in fresh mixed. (Gawande, et al., 2017) Figure 5: Flexural, tensile and
compressive strength (in MPa) results on day 28. Flexural strength Split Tensile Strength
Compressive strength FF 5.61 3.4 34.46 SF 5.64 3.37 34.96 FS 5.56 3.34 34.52 SS 5.83
3.55 37.04 5.83 3.55 37.04 11 Maniyal and Patil investigated the use of seawater as
mixed and cured of concrete, the mixed ratios used are 1.1777:2.8626 and 1.432:2.472
by weights at 0.47 and 0.414 water-cement ratios in M-20 and M30 respectively.

The grade of cement was OPC 53, OPC 43 and PPC. The cubes were cast and hardening
for 7,14,21,28 days, compressive strength machine and slump test theirs used them. In
last, they founded that strength increases during initial days (by 4-8% and 9-13% at 7
and 14 days respectively) when cubes cured seawater but finally, compressive strength
decreases by around 5% than cubes their cured and cast with potable water. The last,
they concluded there is no remarkable difference in the compressive test if seawater is
using for mixing and curing in concrete.

(Maniyal & Patil, 2015) Chaitanya and Krishna are experimented the flextural strength of
reinforced concrete beam due to corrosion, they took 17 beam are different mix
propotions without and with percentage of corrosion, which are five beams of 0% and
2.5%, 5% and 7.5% of corrosion each one have four trails. The flexural load results
obtanied 92.09 KN of 0% and 87.83 KN, 86.17 KN, 72.14 KN for 2.50% , 5%, 7.50%
respectivly. After that, they concluded when the rate rust increases above 5%, the
ductility of beam goas to rudece.

Also, when the rate of corrosion increase the crach length or width increase conrroded
RC than in normal beam or chantrol beam (Chaitanya & Krishna, 2014). Olutoge and
Amusan (2014), they investigated the the effect of sea water on the compression
strength of concrete, they took 140 cubes are 150 mm each side for freshwater and salt
water in same about for mixed and cured, the mix ratio is 1:2:4 in all and water cement
ratio is 0.6, they used compressive srength test at age 7, 14, 21, 28, 90 days. in reselt,
they got the initial setting time ans final setting of SW ans FW are same, but the slamp
test of concrete mixing with fresh water less then salt water.

In comprensive result of day 28 and 90 only in the table below: 12 Table 2: compressive
strength of 28 and days in four water proportions. Water properties Curing Days
Strength of Concrete (N/mm2) FF 28 19.98 90 21.11 FS 28 18.75 90 20.22 SF 28 20.16 90
21.85 SS 28 21.93 90 23.14 FF = Fresh water both mixig and curing FS = Freshwater
mixing ans saltwater curing SF = Saltwater mixing and fresh wate curing SS = Saltwater
both mixing and curing In conclude, their study says when you are using a saltwatar in
mixing and curing its better than beyoun other water properties e.g. control cast (FF)
and FS , so using saltwatar is oblicable. In last, the researchs recommended the further
study of the prevention of reinforcement from sulphate attack.

(Olutoge & Amusan, 2014) Vishwakarma, Ria and Petel investigated the effect of
seawater on the flexural strength, compressive strength and durability of a concrete and
mortar cast and cured potable water and saltwater, also the grade is M-30 (1:1.84:3.39)
at w/c is 0.45 and 1:3 for concrete and mortal respectively. The researchers got the
flexural and compressive strength increase with the use of saltwater but the durability of
concrete decrease (Vishwakarma, Rai, & Patel, 2020). Abhishek and his friends studied
the saltwater effect on the compression strength of cement mortar its ratio is 1:3, also
they compered saltwater and freshwater with different hardening ages, in the result,
they found the compressive strength of cubed which were mix and cured with saltwater
is slight higher than freshwater cubes e.g. the day 28 got 42N/mm2 and 46N/mm2 for
freshwater and saltwater curing and cast respectively, So, the percentage of increase in
strength ranged from 8% - 8.69%, they concluded there is no reduction in the strength if
we use saltwater in curing and cast the mortar, even there is increase. (Abhishek,
Anubhav, & Vedant, 2019).

13 The researcher experimented the effect of saltwater on concrete by compressive test

method, the parameter they took are ratio is 1:1.8:3.31, water cement ratio is 0.45 and
the cure age are 7, 14, 28 days with portable water and saltwater, also the amount of
salt they used in water was 35g/liter. In test resultant, the strength of concrete cube in
freshwater at 7, 14, 28 days were found as 27.12, 32, 39.12N/mm2 respectively, also the
saltwater cured and mixed as 28.45, 34.67, 41.34 N/mm2 respectively, so, they
recommended the saltwater will use cast and cure in the future because there no
decrease, even so, they have increased than (Tiwari, Chandak, & Yadav, 2014).
Methodology Figure 6: the modal process of thesis will be follow.

Compressive strength Compressive strength is key values for the design of a structure,
deinion, ’s ability of structural concrete to withstand loads tending on its surface without
any crack or deflection and resist compression. In the method, the compression strength
test is a mechanical test determining the maximum amount of compression load
structure or material can stand before crack. The test specimen commonly is in from of
either on cube or cylinder. The compression load at the failure divided by specimen area
on the surface (Cube or cylinder) gives the compressive strength of concrete (in MPa or
psi). The compression load should be applied until the specimens make a crack.

The compressive strength of concrete depends on several factors such as cement

strength, water-cement ratio, quality of concrete material, and control during the
making of concrete, etc. Procedure of test ? Preparation of concrete specimen. ? Mirete
pare cub’s surfecomes smoot ? After 24 hours, remove all covers and put the location
have at room temperature. ? Curing cubes. ? Apply the load gradually. ? Record the
maximum load. ? Last, calculate the compression strength. Flexural strength Flexural
strength is the ability to resist an applied force of material on either the compression or
tension side of the specimen, it calculates an amount of the tensile strength of concrete
beams or slabs, it is represented the highest stress experienced within the material at its
moment of rupture. The flexure test measures the mechanical properties of materials
when subjected to a bending load just before it yields in a flexure test.

The flexure test has two different types of loads, first one has two points of reactions at
edges as a simple beam and load is applied at its midpoint called Three-points of the
flexural test (One point of loading), and the second one has two loads and two supports
called Four-points flexural test ( Two-point of loading). 16 The procedure of the flexural
test ? Preparation of specimens ? Store specimens (beams) in the water at room
temperature for 24 hours before removing the frames. ? Cure and hydrate specimens ?
Measure dimensions of specimens (beams) before testing. ? Mark the specimens of
points (axis) of reactions and loads. ? Align the axis of specimens with the axis of the
load device. ? Apply loads a beam.

o There are different types of the specimen with different applying load, one of a kind is
150mm wide, 150mm depth and 700mm of the span, the other is 100mm wide, 150
depth, and 500mm of length (span), the apply load are 400 kg/min and 180 kg/min
respectively. ? Record the maximum load. ? Last, calculate modules of rupture and draw
the strain-stress curve. Work Plan Table 3: Work plan table. Research Parts September
October November December January February 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2
3 4 Literature Part Data Collection Primary Data Secondary Data Data Analysis
Experimental Analysis Progress Documentation Final Thesis Documentation Draft Report
submission Final Report Submission Budget Plan Table 4: the prediction cost of the
study No Budget Items Budget Cost(BIR) 1 Transportation Cost 5580.00 2 Equipment
preparation (specimens) cost 2000.00 3 Stationery cost 1550.00 4 Material of experiment
7500.00 5 Laboratory rent cost 8000.00 6 Communication Cost 2000.00 7 Date
Collection Cost 1500.00 Total (Bir) 26130.00 19 References Abhishek, P., Anubhav, R., &
Vedant, s. (2019).


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<1% - http://www.civilengineeringforum.me/concrete-flexural-strength/
<1% - https://quizlet.com/103488144/2-flash-cards/
<1% - http://www.ce.memphis.edu/4135/PDF/Notes/Chapt_5_3.pdf
<1% - https://ijermce.com/review.php
<1% -
<1% - http://ijesi.org/papers/Vol(3)7/Version-2/E0372023031.pdf
<1% - https://www.journals.elsevier.com/international-journal-of-engineering-science

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