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< 48 i


It is clear from the foregoing discussion In the Charter-I I

how much the BO.ha® borrowed from the W. Similarly the
Sarvanukramanl of Katyayana has borrowed much from the BD. *he
Sarvi. borrows the entire portion of the BD. which is dedicated
to the enumeration of the Rgvedie deities, '"here are also some
legends of the 3D. which haw been borrowed by the Sarva. and in
it's Introduction the Sarva. borrows some passages from the BD
regarding different views relating to the vedle deities. Dealing
with the relationship of the BD- with the Sgrva* Prof. Macdonell
concludes that fifteen anustup padas of the BD. are adopted by the

Serve* Without any change, seventyfive other passages are eabeded

in it*s text with slight modifications and ten other passages of
the Sarva are clearly based in each ease on half sleka of the BD.
^he matter which is borrowed by the Sarva* from the BD .can be
classified into the following categories!
1. The definition of a deity.
2. The importance of tie knowledge of vedle Deities.
3* The number of Vadie Deities.
4. Legends concerning the ^gvedic deities.
5. Enumeration of the Deities of the Rgveda.

The ED. defines the deity of a hymn or a verse as the

subjeetmattar of that hymn or the verse. This definition has been
adopted by Katyayana in different words. Both the texts ere cited

I 49 t

BD. I, 6. Sarv, intro, II, ?,4.

yarn v«sya vakyam sa rsih.
yarn Ihayamastvitl pradhSnyena Yatenoeyate si devata.
st u vanbhaktya mantra* taddeva
ova sah.
Though in tho above cited passages the Same idea is
contained, yet the wording is completely changed in the Serve,
In defining a deity both the authors agree with the N.

The author of the ED is of the view that the knowledge of

the deities of the mantras utilised in customary or Tadic
ceremonies is essential for attaining the fruit of those
ceremonies, * similar idea is expressed by Katyiy»na In the
Sarva. regarding the importance of the knowledge of Vedic deities,
which is given below* Without the knowledge of deities Srauta and
smarta rites cannot bs accomplished, Bothrf the texts are cited
BD I, 4* Sarva. Intro. I.
na hi kaseldavijniya yatha Na hi etalJnanamrte srauta-
tathyena dalvatam laukysnam smarta karmapraeidhlh.
vAidikanam va karmanam
rora tha above citations It is clear that the idea is borrowed
by the Sarva, but the wording is completely changed as kascidaviInara
is substituted by etaMnanaarta and lattfeYinaia YalfllKsnag,fcnrBaDaB
• •

has been substituted by sra at smarts karma. Phalamasraite is

replaced by praeidhlh. The Sarva has omitted vat ha tathy ana
dalvatam but has referred to it by etpilnanaft,
The ED.adopted three views regarding the number of Yedle
deities i.e. there are three deities, or thirty deities or only
one deity, mha Sarva, follows the two views i.e. the view of
t 50 t

thr«« deities and that of one deity, ▼he H). says that there
are only three deltlee viz, Agnl on this earth , Indra or Vjjiyu
In the middle and Surya In the heaven. Following the ED,
Katyayana says that there are only three deities In the three
spheres vis. Agnifr Vayu and 9urya respectively on the earth,
antarlksa and heaven. Both the texts are ci ted belotrs
H), I. 65| Serve. Intro. II, 8*
Agnlrasmlnnathendrasto nsra eva devatah ksltyantarlbsa
oadhyato fayurevaea eurya dyusthana agnl vayuh surya ltl.
dlvltl vljneyas tlsra eveha
Though the •arvannkra-anl borrows the Idea yet changes the
wording of the passage a* it substitutes a sain and wdhvatp by
kiltyentarl Ha and
• •
tor the justification of the statement that there are only three
deities the author of the BD-Says that due to the manifestation
of their power they are designated by different names. In the
Sane context the Sarva. says that other deities belonging to that
sphere are different names of these deities, due to the manifestation
of their powers and accomplishment of divergent functions, •’’he
idea of divergent functions is not adopted by the H)-which the
Sarva. directly borrows from the N. Both the texts arc cited
b slows
BD. I, 71j ^arva. intro, II, 18-13.
t a Sami yam vibhutlrhl tat tat sthana anyadevatas
namanlyadanekaSah. tad vlbhutayah karma prthakt vaddhl
prthagabhidha'stutayo bhavanti.
If both the texts are compared, It is clear that the idea 1*
the same but the wording Is completely changed and the second
Idea is also added by ths Sarva.
* 61 *

After dividing these deities In to three regions, the

^athor of the HB cooes to monotheism* in lt*e monotheistic
approach the ID - follows the N.® on account of the aupremlnenee
of the deities a single soul is praised in various ways. The
Sane idea is reproduced by the BD. in the following wayi
BD. I. 70t etaSam mahatmyan namanyatvam vldhiyate l.e.
Owing to their majesty different names are applied to them* The
and the H>* do not directly state that there is only one
deity but in the Sarva., we find directly stated that there is
only one deltyi
Sarva* Intro. II. U.
ekalva mahanatma devate*
So according to the ^arva.there is only one great deity* *row
the problem is* who is that great deity? The of the view
that great deity le Surya which should be known as the only

cause or origin and dissolution of this word* But this is not

the original view of the BD* because it ascribes this view to
some unnamed authorities as only the word ek£ is found in the
text and it indicates that this idea is sponsored by sore than
one person* The same Idea is also adopted by the Sgrva* which
says that (great) rod is iurya and he is soul of all the beings
Both the texts are quoted below*
H>* I* €U _ Sarva* intro. II* 15-16t
asyalke suryam ekam sa surys ityaeaksate sa hi
prabhavam pralayam viduh.wr sarvahhiatatma*
in both the above cited texts, the idea is the same but
the wording is completely different* only the word surya is
common in both the texts* But we can say that the Sarva* directly
states that there is only one cod, which is purely a monotheistic
t 52 t

<4> Tht-L»gend_. Concerning the nrl eln of Certain

The BD. hat narrated fortyfive legend! concerning tha
origin of certain pgvedie hyrane. mhese legend* are meant for
ringing forth the clr cun stances prevailing when the seers aaw
those hymns, •"he Sarva. ha* also narrate! so many legends. Tt
s"^ clarifying the supposed circumstances
also narrates thase
when certain hymns of the iflT. were seen. The Sarva ha* borrowed
a* many a* eighteen legends from the BD. The following legends
are narrated by the Sarva.
1. mhe idea of the legend of Sunasaepa*
The legend of Savya. 7
2. The legend of Agastya, Indr a and the M a ruts.

4. Tin legend of the birth of Agastya and Vatistha. 0

5. The legend of Agastya and Lopamudra.
3. The legend of the birth of Vlsvamitra.
7. The legend of Visvasdtra and the hivers
The legend of 7rsa Jana.X3
Ths legend of Tryaruna and Trya*a4a*ytt
The legend of Sakti.1®
10. The legend of Pragatha. 1g
11. The legend of Nahusa.1^
12 . mhe legend of Tgca and Tajd.*®
3A. The legend of Indr a and Vatukra.
16. The legend of Vsiknntha.
16. The legend of Subandhn.
17. The legend of Pururava* and nrvasi
_ 23
18. T he legend of SerciMi.

All these legends mentioned above can not be studied here

****** 11 |

, acnoArativelv dlscuiSng four legends found in both

the weeks.
t t

?h« H>. narrates tha lagend of Sarama in conn#etIon with

the deities and seers of the figveda X.108. In the sarva. this
legend is narrated in the sane context. The HD. relates this
legend in detail but the s*rvi relates it wary briefly. Both
texts are cited belowt
BD. VIII. 26 ?«rva. On the RV. X. 108
kialtyatrayujabhis ta* kinicehantl panibhirasuralh
papracehu panayo*surah nlrulfcs ga anvegtam
kutah kasyasi kaly*ni Sararaast dsvasunlm
kin vfi karyaraihasti. indrsna prahltim
athabravlttansarama ayugbhlh panayo
dutyaindrl visa rani yaham fflitrlyantah procuh
yus»anvra3am canvlsyanil si tan yugmantyibhlr
gascaivendrasya ppchatah anicchanti pratyacaste.
vldltvendrasya dutlm tan
asurah papaeetaSah
ucurna s#rame gasteam
lhasagkan svaSa bhaVa.
vlbhajimo gavam bhagam
nahita ha tatah punah
•iktasya&aantyayl carca
yugmabhlstveva s®rvaSah.
Sab r aw innahaw i chlpal
sva srtvaw ▼« dhananl vi
pi be yam payastasan ,
gavhm y£*ta nlguhetndVe

The narration of tha legend is slnilar in both ths works,

but the version of ths legend found In ths K). is store detailed
and the version contained in the Sarva. is very brief. Wording
of both the versions is also different. Thle legend is studlsd
in detail In the Chapter VII below.

The legend of Kainva, Pragetha and Playogi is narrated by

ths BD. in connection with the HV. VIII. 1.
The Sarva. ha# alto
related this legend in the same context. Bftth the texts are
cited belowt

* 54 i

BD. VI. 35-41 Sarva. VIII. 1

kanva s'ea! va pragathasea dvlpragathadl dvitristu-
ghopaputrau babhuvatuh bantamadyara dvr cam
guruna tavanujnatav pragatho'paiyatsa ghaurah
usatiih »ahitau vane, •anbhratuh kanvasya putra-
vasatostu tayostatra kanva- ‘tawagit playogls'eatahgo
patnyah blrah avapat yah stribhutva pumanbhutea
krtva kanlyankanvaSya medhyatlthaye diinaffl dattva
utsangc nanvabudhyata. •tuhl stuhlti eataarbhlrntmfinam
saptukamastu tan kemvah tustava patnfcasyahgirasl
kruddhah pa pabhlsanka yS »a*VatI punstvamupalabhyalnam
bodhyanasa padena prltantyaya tustava.
dldhakSannlva tejaSa.
viditva tasya taw bhavara
pragathah pranjall sthltah
varayamaSa tivubhau.
■a ghauro vatha kahvo va
vawtajai bahubhlh sahc*
dadarianyai*' ca sahlta
micidaindrini catvari
an vasya sthuramltypci
tustavangirasf narl
▼a san11 sas'vatl patlis.
strlyara santam pumansam
taw aSangsm krtdvanrflh
svasya dsnan stuhltyygbM s'
caturbhih pari klrti taw.
Translation - Translation -
Kanva and Pragatha war# pragatha who was the son of
two 8ons of ch ora• Whan Ghoya and brother of Kanva,
thay wara relieved by thair became the son of Ksp&v^sav
teacher they lived together two rks. ASango who had been
in the foreat. (onoe it a woman became a man, after
happened that) Kanwa** bestowing (some things) upon
younger brother placed hi8 Me dh atit hi praised himself
head on the lap erf Kanva*8 by the four gks (HV.VIII. I.
wife and did not awake. 30-33) and hie wife Sasvatl,
*8 Kanva was enraged by who was daughter of Anglras
suspicion of a sin so he bee&me happy at his (husband*s>
wished to curse him and attaining manhood, praised
awakened him with his foot, him by the last mantra
when Pragatha be cam aware (HV. VIII. 1. 34) of this
of his intention, he stood sQkta.
with folded hands and chose
the couple for his mother
i«d father. The seer, being
either the son of Ghora or
of Kanva, Saw the eighth
Mahdala with many other
members of his family. First
four hymns of this book are
addressed to Indra. , By the
W. VIII. I. 34. Sasvatl,
daughter of Anglras (who was)
living with her husband
praisad him.
I 55 t

ASanga, who had bean a woman,

the aaer turned him into a man*
So by the four rk» (nV.VIII.l.
30-33) A*anga praised his own
gifts which he mads to the seer*

On comparing both the above cited versions of this legend

it is clear that the HD-ha* narrated it in detail, whereas, the
§arva. eimply refers to it* *he wording in both the texts is
completely different from that of each others.

(<*) £i»-J*Jtend of Valkuntha;

’"he BO. narrates the legend of Vaikuntha in connection
with the Wf* X. 47-50. fhe Sarva- al*o narrates this legend in
the same context* Both the versions of this legend are cited
BD. 711. 47-56! S*rva. on the RV. X. 47i
prSJapatyisurl tvisid jagrbhmastau Saptagur
vikuntha ngma nhmatali vaikunthamlndram tustava
sechant IndraSaaam put ram vikunth& namasurindrstulyam
tape1 at ha sumahattapah ' putramicchantf mahattapastepe
sa prajapatitah klmanl- ta«yah svayam evendrah
■’lebbe' tha vivldhan varan* putro jaMe sa saptsguetutisamhrsta
tasyara eendrah svayam jaj^)e atraanamuttaraistribhistustava.
ekadd danavalh Sardham
samare samasa,1yata
jaghan tesam n^vatlr n«va
sapta ea saptakan bhittVa
svabahuvlryena haimaraupyayaslh
purlh hatva sarva^yathasthdnam*
prt hivyadivyavasthitan
prthlvyai» kalakeytjisca
pauloraans'caiva dhanvinah
tansca vyutsadyamaSa
ra$yam prapya ss daltyesu
svena viryena darpltah
devaw bad hi tumlrebhC! ’mahltoi- - -' ■
s.^resthan tatprobodhaya saptagum," - ~
psistusaptagurnama tasyasltsuprtyah sakhg •.
Jagrbhmetl kare se prs'an .
w •
t 56 t

Translation - Translation -
There was an Asurl daughter Saptagu praised Indra
of prajapstl, She perfearned the son of VI kuptha by
very severe austerities for the eight rks of the
begetting a son like Indra, HV. X. 47. There wee
Then she obtained^her an Asurl who performed
desires from pra J(patl In severe austerities with
for® of various boons. With the desire of begetting
a wish to slay the Paltyas e son like Indra, Indra
and the Dansvas Tndra himself himself was born of hmr•
was engaged In battle with Pleased by the praise of
the Panavas. Of them, he Saptagu, he (Indra)
slew nine nineties and seven landed himself by the
groups of seven having J?V. X, 4P-60,
shattered with the might of
his arms their citadels of
gold, silver, and Iron, and
having slain all of them in
their respective spheres,as
arrayed on earth and in the
other two worlds. On the
earth he exterminated both
the Kalikeya» and the race
of Pul one, the arehers, and
In heaven the notorious
offspring of prahlada* By
attaining sovereignty among
the ^aityas and being puffed
up with pride by reason of
his might, he began to harass
ths gods beoauss he was
Infatuated by the eraft of
the asuras, when they were
being harassed by that Asura,
they fled for succour to
Saptagu, who was ths most
excellent of the seers so
that ths lattsr should
admonish him (Indra), Tha
se«r Saptagu was a dear friend
of his (Indra*s) so he praised
him with the hymn X-47, Then
on cowing to himself and
rejoiced at the praise of
Saptagu, praised himself with
the three hymns (HV. X, 48-50).

on comparing both the versions of this legend It can be

seen that the Sarva, ha» simply referred to this legend whereas
the BD, ha» narrated it In detail* From the above diecusaed
three legends one can conclude that the sarva* refers to the
legends connected with certain hyans and mantras of tha Rgveda,
* 67 i

b«t the ED. narrate* theee legend* in detail.

Both the BD. and the Parva. have specified the deities
of all the auktas and mantras of the $gved«. As tie BD. 1*
anterior to the Sarva. so the passage* dealing with the enumeration
of the t^vedic deltie* are borrowed by the Pnrva. from tie BD.
and the o*rva. are similar yet there are about ~ne hundred and
eight eases where the latter differs from the former. All these
eases are given belovt

SuktaS and Mantra* Deities specified Deities specified

of the neve da. by the ED.r byJtha Sarva. .
j| 84
I. 6. Y Marutah Indra and Marutah %

I. 13. I26 Idhma Idhma Samldho vagnih

I. 13. 826 praeetasau are added.
Daivyati hotarau
I. 33. 9^7 ?i sr od evyah Sarasvatf ilabheratyah
u *

I. 18. Narasamsa

Sadaspatl is added here

i. n.29 Agni Port hiva and

Agnl and the warut*

X. 23. 13-1530 Pusan %hrni only Pus«n

* ••
I. 28. 1-431 Indr a and TTluVhala Indra
I. 43t 1-632 f«adra Mitra Vanina Visvedevas are not
ViS'vedevah mentioned here.

X fiL© #
• Or Jataveda *gnl
I. 94. 34 .Tatavedns Agni
I. 96. 35 Agnl AuSa* Agnl
I. 113.36 In le“ natryusasau
in the rest uses only.
I. 121.37 Indra or Visvedevas Indra or VisVeda* no
In the svarsamans mention of Pvarsftman*.
« 58 i

Suktas and Mantras Daitiss specified

Deities specified

I. 140-14438 JatavedaS Agni

I. 16439 In 1-41 Vbs'yedevas $o m*ny other deities
are praised,!* are mentioned as
praised in this hymn,
in 16-18 ksetrajnana, *mt they are assigned
to specific mantras
in 26 dhemi, as is done by the BD.
in 41 GaurT,
in 46 Vak,
in 49 Sarasvatf,
in 50 troops of gods
the sadhyas and
dharmini prathamini,

in 61 Parjanyp and *gni,

in 62 Viva»vat,SaraSVat
and Prana are praised.

I. 16640 Dialogue of the Maruts Dialogue of Agastya,

and Indra. Indra and the Maruts
mbs Maruts are the Indra and the Maruts
deities of 1,2,4 ,6,8, are the deities of
30-16 and Indra is this hymn, "‘he last
t^e deity of 3,6,7,9. triplet is spoken by

90- 2 41 JatavedaS Agnl

The Adltyas - The Adltyas.
Mitra, Vaeuna, Dak*a*
AfflSa, Tuvlj4ta,Bhaga Individual names are
and /p-yaman. not mentioned.
II. 3043 Indra, Indra«Soma®, Vak madhyama is
yak Madhygma1* replaced by Sgrasvatl.
the MarutsAA.
1 57 i

Sukta* and Mantras Deities spa el fled Deities specified

ly-.StM.JP>_______ fty„ Xht
II 32** In 1 Dyavaprthl vf LlngoktadevatSh.
In 2-3 Tndra or Tvastr,
In 4-6 Hakat
in 6-7 SlnTvalf,
In 8 six f odd asses*
II • 4146 In 1-2 V«yu, Third pada of 17 to
In 3 indra-Vayu*
In 17-21 Dyavaprthivl
In 4-18 the Prauga or TJavlrdh«ne,
In 17 Havirdhana,
Agnl Incidental*
in 20 Dyavaprthlvau,
In 21 wvirdhane.

Ill, 6-646 Agnl, Dysvaprthivyan, Agnl.

Ufas. Apah, Devah, ' owe other deities
Pltarah, and Mitre are also Incidentally
are also praised praised,
in l-s !\£pa, 'Mapah or visVedevas
III. In the rest "fsanv not assigned to specific
yupas in 8 Visvvdevas stanzas.
.48 Dhisny Purfsyebhyo ’
III. 22, gnibhyah e»

27. l49 Ptavah 3tavya va


5*> Rtvi Jah RteigWiyo va



61 Dialogues of Visvasiitra 4, 6f 8, 10 are

III. 33 snoken by the 71 sere
and the nlvers
in 1—3, 5, 7, 7, in 6-7 Tndra
11-13 the Pivers are is praised.
praised in 4, 6f 8
and 10 vlsVimltra,
In 6-7 Indr a and 9avl1taj
are praised incidentally.
III, 63. 16.1662 Vac Vac Safasparf.
t 60 I

Sukta* and Mantras Deities sped fled Deities specified

SOi&JUSgft* fay,.Sftf g>« SalTa*___
• »

IV. 27. 1^63 Syena Indra car Syena

IV. 28.54 Indra or soma Indra or Indra-Soma,
IV. 40. 566 Agnl, Vayu- °urva Only wya.
IV. 41-42®6 Indra-Varuna self praise by


57 In 8 Usana In 8® Indra or Kutsa

V. 31 * 0

in 9 Indra and KutSa in 8® Indra or Usanfi

V. 40. 5-958 Deeds of Atris are In 5 surya

in 6-9 Deeds of Atri
are landed.
59 farbhartham /intyah panca
V. 78. 5-9
Dpani satstutih.
« .
V. 57. I60 Rudrah Ifo mention of pudrah,
the whole,hymn is
1 ewoted to the Marut*.
61 Madhyama Prthlwi Prthlwi only
V. 84. e

62 The Maruts, with -he Maruts. No mention

V. 87. of Visnu.
Incidental mention
of Visrw. • *

♦ «

Gawamstutlh Gavah or Indra.

VI. 28. »

in 2, 8 Indra.
Soma or Indra Soma only
VI. 47. 1—6
66 in 1-10 Trnampanikam In 11-12 the Maruts,
VI. 48.
in 13-15 the Maruts
in 11-13 Agnl, or lihgoktadevat*
in 34-16 the Maruts or
the Mitya* or the
In 16-19 Pufan,
in 20-21 the Marut*,,
in 22 Dyu-Bhu or prsni• the Marut*
t 61 i

Sdkta* and Mantra* Daitias ipaeiflad Dal tie* specified

&L&ULMm fey tbt Santa.

~ €6
Mandate HI 4

VII. 38. Savltr. ♦

In 1 5 Ahl
i ,

in 6cd Bhaga, No reference to Ahl

and this pad a.
In 7-8 vajinah. a

VII. 44.67 Dadhlkra Lingoktadevat&h •

VII. 59. 1268 Trya^bate 9adra

an Indra Indra and Brha*patl
VII. 98. *

70 The eighth stance 1*

VII. 104. In 3U8 Indra-Sona
by implication meant
In 9 Soma, to be addressed to.
Indra- Sona and 23®*
id 10 Agnl, Is^only atwanaaslh, in
23c® nrthiei m&
In 11 Vls'vederah, Antariksa are praised.

In eight and 15 the seer
In 12-13 Soma# utters a curse.
in 14 Agniy
in 1€ indray
in 17 Oravanahy % *

in 18 the Marut*y
In 19-22 indra,
In 23 atmana aslh
in 24 Indra.

Mandale VIII
71 Pusan 15-18 Indra and posan
VIII. 4, 17-18
VIII. 19. 34-3 5f72 Varuna, Aryaman 3*^ Adit yah
Mltrah «

VIII. 2473 Indra Danastutl of Varu

fanSamna, and no
28-30 txsa* reference to Dsa*. •
l 62 t

Sukta* end Mantra* Deities specified Deities specified

of the Eeveda. by the H). ___ir.TT..
VIII. 26. 74 In 4-9 Mitra-varuna,
in 10-21 vlafved evah, In 10-12 vi svedevah,
in 22-24 D«n«9tuti In 13-24 witra-varana,
of Varu. no reference to dana'etuti
VIII. 46.76 Indra Agni and indra
VIII. 64, 3-476 Bahndalvata Vlsvedevah •

VIII. eg
.77 indra
in 34 Rtavah, in 14-19 Dlnastutl of
pksa and a»Vawedha,
in 36-19 danastuti of vit'hout any mention
Rksa and Asvamadha. of Rtsvah.
• .

VIII. 69, n**.78 Agni, indra, Viseederah only. e

iVafl •

VIII. 72.7§ H&vlsamstutlb P®yah Havisametutih only.

paaVosadhinan ea.
80 Self praise of the Danastutlh of
VIII. 74, 13.34 sfrutarfam only.
searr also danastutih
of Srutarvara.
,81 vi eWd eveh
VIII. 80, 10. •

VT TI 89 Devah vi s ved «vah e

Y1U* o»2f e

VIII. 93, 34. fij) The Rbhu*

Indra and the Rbhus
VIII. ioi.84 In 1-4 M itravaruna, Ho reference to
in 5abc Aryaman, Aryaman.

in 5^-6 the The Adltyas,

in 7-8 the Asrins,

in 9-30 Vayu,
in 11-12 Surya,
in 13 TJfas or TTSa* or nuryanrabha

"andrasuryayeh prabha e
88 Agni madhyama, with Agni and the M*ruta.
VIII. 303 . 34. the Marat* and FMdra.
t 63 t

Suktat and Mantras

fiC tmmm
fttytdftS— »
Deities spaeifiad
itfaift tmm m iSnI i i hi iii
Hetties specified
^Y.. ttUL^BllYflU

86 Paraaana and Ptisan
IX, 67, 10-12. a Parangna or pusan m

IX. €7, 23-24 Agnl

IX. 67, 26 saritr a
Agnl or "aritr m

IX. 67, 26 Agni and Sgeitr Agni only

IX. 67, 27 Vi seed era a Visvederas or Agni
IX. 67, 29 Agnl Yo reference to this rk 41

.. 87 Yana medhyana Yana only

X. 1A,
In 6 Atharranatj, Linpokt ateratAh , e»
BhygaYah, AngiraSah,
Pitarahl • *

in 7-9 Pretas'lsah, • a
Lingaktaderatah or
Pita rah.
in 10-12 Sranau.
X# 4»Vf
88 Agnl KavyaTahana • Agnl only.
X. 17, 3d 69 Agni Whole of the 3rd rk is
addressed to pufan.
X. 17, 11-13?° Soma A pah or Sana.
X, 18, 10-13?1 Prthirl Pitrnedhah

. 92 ASl sah Pitnsedha or prajapati

X. 18, 14. • a

X. 30." APah -’•he entire sukta i*

addressed to AP®h
Xa 30a 3*4 Agni nadhyama at or AT»n napAt •

Apgn napat
QA In 1, 7, 8, 12, Aksa, AksakrsTpra sansa
X. 34. ’7*31 ca afc saki t arenlnd a Ca
In 13 Xrsi, the rest

96 Ulrrti and in 4®^ Nirrti and Sona

X. 69. 4 %

in 7 Shu, dyu, sona, Ling okt ad erat&h .

Pu?an, Kha, Pathya,

Sfaitif w «
in 8-10 Rodasl and indra. Dyawprthivi or
t 64 t

Suktas and Mantras Deities specified Deities specified

„ 96
X• 62. IB 1-7 mftlrasanstutl, In 1-6 Viswdevah or
In 8-11 Mann S«varnya In 7* i> ^isvedevas,
In 8-11 Savarner
X. 63, 15-16.97 in 15 tha M*ruta In 15-16 Pathya avast!
In 16 Pathya svastl
in 5 Mltra varuna» The hymn la addreaaed
to tha visvedevas.
In 6 Tak Madhyana,
In 12 the hiving.
99 In 1-6 pona
X. 85 in 5 Candrawa*
1000 Dialogues of Vrsakapi,
X. 86. Vrsakapih
Indranl and Indra.
X. 87. Agnl Agni Haksohaa
X. Terrestrial, Middle Surya and Talavan are.
88 . and Celestial Agnl a.
103 Gravati-A Gravanah
X. 94. *

104 Indra Indr a’a steeds.

X. 96.
105 Rtvlkstutlh. \flsWdevah er Btrikatutlh
X. 301 e ^

X. 102 106 Dvkghana or Indra Indra

or visVedevas or Drughana.
X. 107. 8-11.107 Dakslnd, dakstna
X. 117.108 Anna PhanSnnadahaprasamsa.

X. 121.109 prejapatl Ka
X. 125.110 Vak VdganbhrnI
X. 126.Ul Aryaman, Mltra, Viavedevah. e

X. 129.112 ParaJaesthin bhavavrttaa seif praise of
» • •

113 Slraply Yam
X. 335. pyusthaha Yarn
* 66 *

%1Hiktas and Mantra* Del tie a specified fteitlea apeclfled

X,. 114
• Jnl JL# Agnl and viavedevah %
Ylsvedevah «

X. 159.116
Paul am 1 praised her Pauloml, Sr cl
own virtue* and her pralaea heraelf.
116 Prayaa'cltt art ham,
X. 166. Kiapot opahatau
KaPOto. priya sol t tarn.
X. 168. Father of the aeer Vayu
Anlla (Vata)
X. 173-174.118
*»Jne abhlsiktaya Rajhah atutlh
„__ H9
X. 177. SUrya or Mayabhedam Simply Mayabhedam
X 178 SVaatyayanam Tarkaya Simply Tarksyam
i a/L 121
. <un Prayer for offspring, GarbhSrthisfr,
Vlavedevah. Iihgakiadevatl.
X. 185 Adit yah, Surya, vhe aditva*
Varuna and Ultra.
X. 186 The father of the seer, Vayu
^ls 1 .e . Vata.
X. 189, "elf praise of Atmadalvatam
Surya (eke) Vak -auryara vi.

prom the above discussed specification of the del tie s of

the Rgveda, It Is clear that the Sarvanukramanl slightly differs

from the H>. in this respect. This difference '"ay be classified

Into four categories. In the first category,the Sferva-ha* added
sohms other deities to those which are specified by the HD. in the
second category It ha* substituted some deities by other deities.
The third category Is of those Instances where It simply mentions
I 66 t

lingoktadevata whereas in the l«st category It ha® omit ted

some deities enumerated by the BO.

This comparative study reveals that the *arvinukramant

is very much indebted to the BD. Excepting the above discussed
cases, the ?*rva. has borrowed the entire portion from the BO.
which deal* with the expositicm of the pgvedic deities.
l 67 i

H0TB8 A3

1, H.0.S. Voi. V. p. XXI.

2. Cf. If. TO. 1.
а. Cf. H. TO. 5.
4# Cf. H. TO. 4.
6# Cf. lHd. TO. 5.
б. The 8iita. on the Rgveda. I. 28.
Ibid, on the ffereda I. 81.

Ibid, on the Rgveda I. 169-70.

8* Ibid, on the Rgveda I. 166.

Ibid, on the Rgveda I. 179.

10. Ibid, on the introduction to the 1X1 Mandala of the
* *

Ibid, on the RV. III. 33.


13. Ibid, on the HV. V. 2.


Ibid, on the HV. V. 27.

34. Ibid, on the RV. TO. 32.

Ibid, on the HV. VIII. 1.

Ibid, on the HV. IX. 101.
18. Ibid, on the HV. X. 10.
Ibid, on the HV. X. 26.
19. Ibid, on the HV. X. 47.
• -

Ibid, on the RKJ.56-60•

21 . Ibid, on the HV. X. 96.
. 4

Ibid, on the HV. X. 108.


24. Ibid, on the HV. I. S.| BD. XX. 139.

BD. II. 147; Sarva. on HV. I. 13.
26 .
i 68 t

26. ED. III. 8-1? .

Sarva. on *57. I. 23.
27. BD. III. 13-24.1 S*rva. on HVJ43.
28. BD. III. 67f Sarva. on *?V. I. 18.

29. BD. III. 75$ Sarva. on RV. I. 19.

30. BD. III. 96$ Sarva. on HV. I. 23.
31. H). III. 300$ Sarva. on HV. I. 28.
32. ED. III. 112$ S»rva. on R7. I. 43.

33. ' BD. III. 209$ Sarva. on HV. I. 58.
34. BD. III. 126-127$ Sarva. on H7J.94.
36. ED. III. 129$ Sarva. on RV. I. 95.
36, H). III. 138$ sarva. on RV. I. 113.
37. ED. III. 141$ sarva. on HV. I. 321.

38. ED. 17. 16$ Sarva. on HV. I. 140-344.

39. BD. 17. 32-42$ Sarva. on HV. I. 164.
40. BD . 17. 44-45$ Sarva. on *7. I. 166.

41. BD. 17. 65$ Sarva. on HV. II. 2.

42. ED. 17. 83$ sarva. on HV. II. 27.
43 . BD. 17. 84-85$ Sarva. on 97. II. 30.
***»• BD. IV. 86-87$ Sarva. on RV. II. 32.
46. BD. IV. 92$ Sarva. on HV. II. 41.
46. BD. IV. 96-99$ Sarva. on RV. III. 5-6.

47. BD. IV. 108$ Sarva. on HV. III. 8.

48. ED. IV. 304$ Sarva. on RV. III. 22.

49. BD. 17. 103$ Sarva. on RV. III. 27.

50. BD. IV. 103$ Sarva. on RV. III. 29.

61. BD. IV. 105-309$ Sarva. on RV. III. 33

52. BD. IV. 115-116$ Sarv5. on RV. III. S3
63. BD. IV. 126$ Sarva. on RV. IV. 27.
i 69 i

64. BD. IV. 136$ <*«rva. on 9V. IV. 2p,

56. BD. V. 1-3; Sarva. on rV. IV. 40.


56. BD. V. 3$ sarv&. on RV. IV. 41-42.

57. BD. V. 27-28$ Sarva. on HV. V. 31.
58. BD. V. 28$ Sarva. on RV. V. 40.
59. BD. V. 85-86$ Sarv&. on RV. V. 78.
60. BD. V. 47$ Sarva. on RV. V. 57.
61. BD. V. 88$ Sarva. on RV. V. 84.
6f. BD. V. 90$ Sarva. on RV. V. 87.
63. HD. V. 1C6$ sarva. on RV. VI. 28.
64. ED. V. 109$ Sarva. on RV. VI. 47.
65. BD. V. 113-114$ Sarva. on RV. VI. 48. 4

66. BD. V. 167-168$ Sarva. on HV. VII. 38.

67. BD. V. 173$ Sarva. on RV. VII. 44.
W 4

68. BD. VI. 3$ Sarva. on RV. VII. 59.

69. BD. VI. 2g$ Sarva. on RV. VII. 98.
70. BD. VI. 27-32$ S«rva. on HV. VII. 104.
71. BD. VI. 43-44$ Sarva. on RV. VIII. 4.
72. BD. VI. 50$ Sarva. on RV. VIII. 19.
73. BD. VI. 63$ Sarva. on RV. VIII. 24.
74. BD. VI. 65-66$ Sarva. on RV. VIII. 25.
76. BD. VI. 79$ Sarva. on RV. VIII. 46.
76. ED. VI. 84$ Sarva. cm RV. VIII. 54.
77. BD. VI. 91-92$ sarva. on HV. VIII. 68.

78. BD. VI. 92-93$ Sarva. on RV. VIII. 69.

79. BD. VI. 93$ Sarvi. on RV. VIII. 72.
80. BD. VI. 96$ Sarva. on RV. VIII. 74.
81. BD. VI. 97$ Sarva. on RV. VIII. 80.
82. H). VI. 98$ Sarva. on RV. VIII. 83.
* 70 «

83. BD. VI. 108) Sarva. on HV. VIH. 93.

84. BD. VI. 124 f 9ar*a. on 8V. VIII. lol.
85. BD. VI. 128) Sarva. on HV. VIII. 103.

86. BD. VI. 331*1331 Sar?a. on RV.

87. BD. VI* 155-159} ?apta. (Ml f

IX. 67
X. 14.

88. H>. VI. 161} ?airva. on HV, X. 16.



BD. VII. 8} 8ar*a. on HV. •

90. BD. VII. 9} ?arv®. on ”» # X. 17.

91. BD. VII. 17} ?apva. on HV. X. 18.


92. BD. VII. 18-19} Sarwi . on HV . x . 18. #

93. ®. VII. 33} 8arva. on HV. x. :30.


94. BD. VII. 36-37} ?ar*a . on hV . X, 34. w

96. BD. VII. 91-94} Sanra . on hV . X. 59. 0

96. BD. VII. 302} HarTa. on HV. X. 62. **

97. BD. VII. 105} Sarva. on HV. X. 63. 9


BD. VII. 106} ««r*a. on HV. X. 65.

99. BD. VII. 123; ‘sarra. Cm HV. X. 85.

loo. BD. VII. 141} Sanra. cm HV. X. 86.
lo 1. BD. VII. 142; «ar*a. on HV. X. 87. «

102. BD. VII. 142; HarHa. cm HV. X. 88. «


103. BD. VII. 146} «ar¥a. on HV. X. »

104. BD. VII. 154} Sarfii. on HV. X. 96.


105. BD. vin. lo; 3»pva. on HV. X. 101. *

106. BD. VIII. 11} ■'arva. on HV. X. 102. •

107. H>. VIII. 22} Sarva. on HV. X. 107. 0

108. BD. VIII. 40} «aPTSi on hV. X. 117. 0

109. BD. VIII. 41} OUP Vd ^

on HV. X. 121.

lie. BD. VIII. 43; Harri. on HV. X. 325.

111. BD. VIII. 44$ mm
carTO. on RV. A# 126.
112. BD. VIII. 46$ ^arva. on RV. X. 129.
113. HD, VTTT
v X XX # 48$ e«rro. on RV. X. 135.
134. BD. VIII. 53$ *arTO. on RV. X. 141.
115. BD. VIII. 63$ Sarva. on W. x. 159.
116* BD. VIII. 69$ ear to. on RV. X. 165.
117. BD. VIII. 71$ earva. on RV. X. 168.
lie. H>. VIII. 73$ «*arTO. on RV. X. 173-174
119. BD. VIII. 75$ earva. on RV. X. 177.
120. BD . VIII. 77$ 5arva. on t?V. X. 178.
121. ED. VIII. P2$ earro. on RV. X. 184.
122. BD. VIII. 86$ ear to. on RV. x. 186.
123. BD. vi n. 88$ TOTTO. an RV. X. 186.
124. BD. VIII. 89$ earro. on RV. X. 189.

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