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The reading paragraph explains towards the advantages of working in a group while the professor

disagrees and explain it may have some disadvantages too.

Typically, working in a group may lead to various progress of the group as a whole. Each of the member
in the group can express their opinion and a project that would have been hard to complete individually
can progress easily while working in a group. And, no individual names will come up after they complete
their work and everyone can progress easily.

However, while working in a group may be advantageous for the person with less skill and might be able
to learn new thing, some might become a deadweight whom a leader have drag towards the
completion. And, only a few top members will be presenting their ideas and some of the good ideas may
be unvoiced. Also, during failure all of the member of the group have to take the responsibility.

Therefore, working in a group has both it’s advantage and disadvantages and one might need to take
the consideration of both to succeed.

The reading paragraph explain towards the advantages of working in a group while the professor gives
the lecture about the disadvantages of working in the group.

Typically, while working in a group every individual can express the ideas to brainstorm and come up
with a solid idea. Also, the work is divided among different individuals so, a large project can be easily
undertaken which would have been impossible to complete by an individual. Similarly, every success
and blame of the project is taken by number of individuals, so no one is under serious pressure of work
by themselves.

However, while working in the large group the voice of some may be lost and only a couple of individual
ideas may be used. Also, to make a decision a consensus may not be easily reached which might make
the project late. Some of the individual may not contribute towards the work and might be deadweight
for the project. And the individual who works relentlessly will not get the praise they deserve and in case
of failure, even it’s due to one individual it will cause the blame to be taken by all.

Therefore, working in a group has both advantages and disadvantages so, there are points of doubts
towards both of the aspects.

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