How To Maintain EMS in Sharepoint: Click Here To Enter Text

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How to maintain EMS in Sharepoint

Main process:
Sub process: Click here to enter text.

This document explains how to maintain global and local quality management systems in
 outlines the structure and content
 explains how to design pages
 explains how to handle document
 information flow and responsibilities related to changes to processes or procedures
are described in section 4 of the document
 how to create process flow maps and add to SharePoint pages is explained in
HOWTO_072 How to Create Process Flow Maps and Add to SharePoint Pages.

For additional support, the Corporate QA team can be of assistance.



1.1 One global portal page with subpages......................................................................2
1.2 Several local portal pages with subpages.................................................................2
1.3 One Global documents library...................................................................................2
1.4 One document library for each country.....................................................................2
1.5 Contact information of process owner and administrator..........................................2
2 DESIGNING AN EMS PAGE...........................................................................................2
2.1 Description................................................................................................................2
2.2 Page Specifications..................................................................................................3
2.3 How to create a new portal page..............................................................................4
2.4 How to design a page...............................................................................................4
2.5 How to add the navigation bar..................................................................................5
3 DOCUMENT HANDLING................................................................................................6
3.1 How to create a document........................................................................................6
3.2 Where to save a document.......................................................................................6
3.3 How to upload a new document................................................................................6
3.4 How to revise and change a document.....................................................................7
3.4.1 Versioning.......................................................................................................... 7
3.4.2 Version numbering.............................................................................................7
3.4.3 Approval and versioning....................................................................................8
3.5 How to remove or delete a document / make a document obsolete..........................9
3.6 Notification of changes..............................................................................................9
4 REFERENCES................................................................................................................ 9 HOWTO_073
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How to maintain EMS in Sharepoint
Main process:
Sub process: Click here to enter text.

1 Content and structure of the Eltek Management system on ELVIS

1.1 One global portal page with subpages

- contains global process flows and documents.

1.2 Several local portal pages with subpages

- contain country-specific process flows and documents.
- located under each individual country portal page and can be accessed from the EMS
menu point (see Fig. 1 below).

Figure 1

1.3 One Global documents library.

- all Global documents are located in this library.

- the documents are displayed on different portal pages utilizing ’document library viewers’
(web parts) which filter to show the relevant documents from this library.
- Due to the need for extra properties/metadata, ‘Standards’ and ‘Certificates’ are kept in a
separate library. The ‘Standards’ library is located on the actual ‘Standards’ page, and the
‘Certificates’ library on the ‘Certificates’ page (also within the EMS pages).
- Due to the need for how to documents to be easier to update for owners these too are
located in a separate library.

1.4 One document library for each country

- the local document libraries should be set up with the same metadata as the global library
- this to ensure the ability to use the library viewer web parts to show relevant documents
from both global and local document libraries

1.5 Contact information of process owner and administrator

- this information is located on the top right of each page.

2 Designing aN EMS page

2.1 Description
- The EMS pages are created using SharePoint.
- Each page is created from a parent page and inherits its properties and permissions. HOWTO_073
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How to maintain EMS in Sharepoint
Main process:
Sub process: Click here to enter text.

- An example (simplified) of the global page and a local page is attached overleaf. In some
cases, the local processes follow the global processes, and the boxes in the local flow
charts are simply linked to the global page (see red arrow in Fig. 2).



Main Main
Global Norway
QA page QA page

Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process


A1 A2 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 D1 D2 A1 A2 C1 C2 D1 D2

Figure 2

2.2 Page Specifications

Except the ‘Policies’, ‘KPIs’, ‘Standards’ and ‘Certificates’ pages, there are three main types:
1) each country’s main page with the main process flow and all documents
2) pages with process area flows and all documents belonging to this process area
3) pages with process flows and documents

1) Each country’s main page should contain:

1. Main process flow
2. Introduction text to EMS
3. That country’s documents (all) and a link to the global documents
4. Contact details
5. Links to relevant presentations (learning purpose)
6. Link to the Certificates page
2) Pages just below the main page:
1. Process area flow with links to subpages
2. Process owner and administrator
3. Documents belonging to the process area
4. Policies (if applicable)
3) All other pages:
1. Process flow (with links to subpages, if applicable)
2. Process owner and administrator
3. Documents (global and local) in this order:
i. Procedures, Forms, Instructions, Role Description, Training Material, Links HOWTO_073
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How to maintain EMS in Sharepoint
Main process:
Sub process: Click here to enter text.

2.3 How to create a new portal page

- From the parent page (e.g. the global EMS page or the local EMS page), select ’Site
Actions’ and ’Create site/page’.
- Give the page a name (normally the name of the actual process). Your new page will
appear and you can start designing it.
- The page will only be visible to other SharePoint Administrators after you have clicked
’Check in’ and visible to regular users after you have clicked ’Publish’.

2.4 How to design a page

Each portal page consists of a number of web parts. These can display many types of
information. On a regular EMS page only the following information will be displayed: 1)
country flag and title of the page, 2) navigation, 3) process owner and process administrator,
4) process flow, 5) documents and links to relevant pages, workspaces etc., see Fig. 3.

Figure 3

 To edit the page, select ‘edit page’.

 How to add the process flow is described in the document “How to create process flows in
Visio and add to SP which is found on Elvis.
 The document library viewers (web parts) used to display the documents is added
automatically when you create a new page. If these web parts are not there, click ‘Add a
web part’ and select the Lightning Conductor 2010 web part: HOWTO_073
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How to maintain EMS in Sharepoint
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Figure 4

 Click ‘Edit web part’ and change the ‘Title’ of the web part to the appropriate category (for
example ‘Procedures’).
 How to configure the Lightning Conductor web part is described in the document “How to
configure Lightning Conductor” which is found on Elvis.
 Links are inserted utilizing the ’Links’ web part (click arrow to get the edit view).

2.5 How to add the navigation bar

Names of the value chains are created automatically when creating a page, lightning
conductor web part must however be added manually (see instructions above).

 To be able to add pages to the lightning conductor all pages has to be created, and
properties (metadata) has to be added in advance.
 Follow the “How to configure Lightning Conductor”, but choose the pages library
instead of document library.
o You can use both global and local pages, then you have to choose both global
and local pages library

Figure 5 HOWTO_073
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How to maintain EMS in Sharepoint
Main process:
Sub process: Click here to enter text.


3.1 How to create a document

- QA documents are created by using the templates (which are also in the ‘Global QA
documents’ library) and named according to the syntax described in document GPRO_001.
- The following formats are acceptable; Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft
Powerpoint, Microsoft Visio and PDF.
- Process map files are created in Microsoft Visio (described in the document “How to create
process flows in Visio and add to SP“ which is found on Elvis).

3.2 Where to save a document

All documents are to be saved to the relevant local document library. EMS administrators
should have access to their own document library.

Additionally, for obsolete documents create a ‘Obsolete documents’ library which has
restricted access this way the documents should do not appear in search results. When
documents in the documents library are obsolete, they are moved to this library so that they
are hidden from regular users.

3.3 How to upload a new document

 Select ‘Add document’ below the library (see Fig. 6). If you do not have this option, you
need to request a different permission level from a Sharepoint administrator.

Figure 6

 Sharepoint will prompt a number of different properties to be filled out, such as revision
date, process area and document class. As much information as possible should be filled
out (though it is not mandatory and can be added and changed at a later stage). These
properties enable the data views to display the right documents on the different pages
AND the library view to be organized in the most practical way. Examples of properties
are highlighted in Fig. 7.
 Each country’s main page is level 1, the next level is Process area, next level is process
and then sub process. Most areas only have three or four levels. When a document need
to be tagged to different processes, use ; to separate.
 One can also upload multiple documents by selecting ‘Upload Multiple Documents’,
however, this method does not prompt filling out properties. The properties must then be
filled in afterwards. HOWTO_073
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How to maintain EMS in Sharepoint
Main process:
Sub process: Click here to enter text.

 New documents need approval before they are available to regular users. Read more
about approval in the next section.

Figure 7

3.4 How to revise and change a document

3.4.1 Versioning
When you edit a document or the properties of a document, revisions of the documents are
saved as version history. This enables you to see when a file and/or its properties were
changed, who changed it, and the change description (comments). You can view a previous
version without overwriting your current version, and you can also restore a previous version.
Minor versions are created in the following situations:
 When a file is first created or uploaded. (The file must first be checked in, in order to
create its first version.)

 When a file is uploaded that has the same name as an existing file and the ‘Add as a new
version to existing files’ check box is selected.

 When the properties of a file are changed.

 When a file is opened, edited, and saved. A version is created when you first click Save.
This version is updated with the latest changes that you make to the file before closing it.
(A version is not created every time that you click Save, because this would create too
many versions.)

If you delete a file, all of its versions are deleted. By default, when you delete a document,
the version is sent to the Recycle Bin, where it can be recovered until it is permanently
deleted (after 30 days). Point to the file name in the library and select Version History to see
all versions.

3.4.2 Version numbering

Versions are numbered as you create them. Major versions are whole numbers, and the
minor versions are decimals. For example, 0.1 is the first minor version of a file, 1.3 is the
third minor version of a file that was published once, and 2.0 is the second major version of a
published file. Minor versions are only visible to users with extended permissions. The
document must be published as a major version AND approved before it is visible to regular

Note that the version number generated by Sharepoint will not necessarily correspond with
the issue number provided in the header of the document. HOWTO_073
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How to maintain EMS in Sharepoint
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3.4.3 Approval and versioning

Major and minor versioning is connected to approval.
When you have finished editing the document, you need to choose ‘Publish a Major Version’
from the document menu:

Figure 8

You then add a comment which describes the changes and if it is a minor or major change,
for example:

Figure 9

Every document that has been edited must follow a workflow for approval. This is done by
pointing to the file name in the library and select workflow,

Figure 10

and select an Approval workflow. If several people are to approve, the names must be added
in the order it is to be approved. An approver in a workflow must be given ‘Approver’
permission in the library settings.

A file remains in a draft or pending state until it is approved or rejected by someone who has
permission to approve it. If the file is approved, it is assigned an Approved status in the list or
library, and it is visible to anyone with permission to view the library. If the new version is
rejected, it remains in a pending state and is visible only to the people with permission to
view drafts.

A pending file is visible only to its creator and to the people with permission to approve items.
The people who have permission to read content but who do not have permission to see
draft items will see the current published major version of the file. If a major version has not
been published yet, the file will not be visible for the people who do not have permission to
see draft items.

Note that it is possible to bypass the approval routing. This should only be done when there
is no doubt that the document has been approved, and if the approver is unable to access
Elvis to approve the document. From the menu, choose ‘Approve/Reject’, tick off ‘Approved’
and add a comment such as ‘Approved by <name> on <date>’. HOWTO_073
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How to maintain EMS in Sharepoint
Main process:
Sub process: Click here to enter text.

Approval rules for global documents are described in GPRO_100 Control of documents in
Eltek Management System. Local sites may have different rules, described in local

Figure 11

The version history can be accessed from the same menu as ‘Publish a Major Version’ and
‘Workflows’ (called ‘Version History’).

Figure 12

3.5 How to remove or delete a document / make a document obsolete

 If a document has been accidentally uploaded or for other reasons do not require
document control, it can be deleted by hovering over the document and select ‘Delete’. It
will then end up in the recycle bin where it is stored for 30 days (when it is permanently
 When a document is obsolete, it should be moved to the library ‘Obsolete documents’.
The date it was made obsolete should be inserted in the appropriate column, and a
comment as to the reason behind the obsolescence should be added.

3.6 Notification of changes

All implicated parties of changes to processes or documents must be notified. Details for
global documents are described in GPRO_100 Control of documents in Eltek Management
System. Local sites may have different rules, described in local documents.

4 References
 QA page and library instructions are available in this library: HOWTO_073
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How to maintain EMS in Sharepoint
Main process:
Sub process: Click here to enter text. HOWTO_073
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Version: 3 This document is valid on date of print only.
Modified: 2015-08-07 2020-10-06 Page 10 of 10

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