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6 Physical appearance

1 Look at people A–C. Match these words/phrases to a–i.

wavy hair d   be going bald   a ponytail   a scar   a beard   
a tattoo   a fringe   stubble   blonde hair

A a B C
b g

e i


2 Match people A–C to words 1–6.

1  well-built B   2  slim   3  smart   4  scruffy   5  handsome    6  pretty

3 Look at these two pictures from a dating agency. Choose one and write a short description of the person.

4 Write your answers to these questions.

1 Is it OK for men and women in your country to 3 Who is your perfect man or woman? What does he
have tattoos? or she look like?
2 Which famous person do you think is handsome or 4 Do you have any scars?
really pretty? 5 When did you last wear some smart clothes?
  2A  3A  4C  5B  6A 2   be going bald g;  a ponytail c;  a scar f;  a beard h;  a tattoo i;  a fringe b;  stubble e;  blonde hair a   1

202 face2face Second edition Pre-intermediate Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2012 Instructions p194

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