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Three laws of branding:

Neuroscientific foundations
of effective brand building
Received (in revised form): 14 November, 2007

is a partner at THEY, a brand management consulting firm based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Before that,
he was with BBDO. Mr Walvis advises on (creative) brand and communication strategy issues, including brand
positioning, extensions, portfolio management and location branding (eg nations). He has worked with brands in a
broad range of industries, including fashion, fast mover consumer goods, financial services, government, insurance,
media, pharmaceuticals, private banking, postal services, publishing, retail, telecommunications and world expositions.
Clients include Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, DaimlerChrysler, Dorito’s, Mars, McKinsey & Company, Robeco, Sanoma
Publishers and many others. Mr Walvis holds two Master degrees, in economics (MSc) and philosophy (MA), both from
Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is married, with three children, and lives and works in Amsterdam.

Keywords Abstract
branding; memory-based Commercial brands strive to be chosen by customers, and branding as an activity is aimed at
brand choice; increasing the likelihood that they are. Almost all customer choices are at least partially memory-
branding laws; based. This paper begins with the assumption that as neuroscience is a ‘hard’ science studying
neuroscience; memory as a highly regular subject matter, it should be possible to deduce several laws from it for
neuromarketing the ‘soft’ field of branding. Based on primary, empirical research in neuroscience, the author
synthesises three laws that govern the probability that a brand enters our awareness as a positive
candidate for choice. Brands that have been built in accordance with these laws have a higher
probability of being chosen than brands in the same category that have not.
Journal of Brand Management (2008) 16, 176–194. doi:10.1057/;
published online 28 December 2007

INTRODUCTION seem to use the word ‘laws’ for rhetorical,

Marketers around the world spend billions and not scientific reasons.
of dollars a year in the pursuit of building The value of branding laws—if they were
strong brands. Study after study demon- available—is quite evident. For example,
strates that strong brands create higher they would help practitioners make better
amounts of shareholder value, by increasing branding decisions if they could rely on a
revenue and margin growth and decreasing set of solid principles and these could then
the riskiness of a company’s cash flows, provide fruitful hypotheses for academic
more effectively than weak brands (see research. So are there laws in branding? Are
Millward Brown,1 Interbrand2 and there universal, reliable principles marketers
Madden et al.3). According to some can use in their efforts to influence the
authors of popular management books, choice processes of customers and stake-
building such brands requires the applica- holders in their own favour by building
Tjaco H. Walvis tion of simple ‘laws’ of branding (see, eg powerful brands? And if so, what do they
Paul van Vlissingenstraat 6C
Alsop4 and Ries and Ries5). These books, look like? This is the central issue this paper
1096 BK Amsterdam
The Netherlands.
however, often claim to be based on prac- aims to address.
Tel: + 31(0)20 4953200 tical experience instead of on systematic The obvious first remark is an argument
Fax: + 31(0)20 4953210
E-mail: research. Hence, writers of such books against such a claim. Social science—to

176 © 2008 PALGRAVE MACMILLAN 1350-23IX BRAND MANAGEMENT VOL. 16, NO. 3, 176–194 DECEMBER 2008

which the study of branding belongs—is purely stimulus-based, memory became a

not characterised by the presence of rules topic in its own right.8 With Fazio’s9
and principles with the immutability of model of attitude–behaviour relationships,
the laws we find in the exact sciences. the accessibility of brand attitudes became
Within the field of economics, the most an area of interest. Nedungadi and Hutch-
exact of the social sciences, a number of inson10 showed that brand recall is strongly
‘laws’ exist, such as the law of diminishing correlated with brand choice and Holden
returns, the law of supply and demand and and Lutz11 refined such analyses by
the law of one price. Yet, they are law-like showing that brand recall is often set in
regularities more than laws in the classical motion by consumption goals and occa-
scientific sense. As Mark Blaug,6 a prom- sions. Later, the importance of implicit
inent economic methodologists, states, ‘if and unconscious factors in choice received
by a law we mean well-corroborated, attention (see, eg Lee12). This paper
universal relations between events deduced extends this literature with neurobio-
from independently tested initial condi- logical findings on memory formation
tions, few modern economists would and retrieval, based on the literature
claim that economics has so far produced review, and derives consequences for the
more than one or two laws’. practice of branding in the form of three
Nevertheless, based on an extensive branding laws.
study of the neurobiological literature, Two limitations of this study must be
the author believes that it is possible acknowledged at the outset. The first is
to describe several robust, general findings that the branding principles referred to
from the ‘hard’ and exact field of neuro- are already known and have been sepa-
science and deduce implications from rately and adequately documented before.
them for the ‘soft’ field of branding. As such, they do not represent radical new
This paper describes this process, and discoveries in themselves. The author
results in the identification of three contends, however, that, first, by uncov-
branding notions. These notions are ering and recognising these principles as
rooted in highly regular neuroscientific laws and, secondly, by combining them,
phenomena from which they acquire a an interesting foundation arises that can
law-like regularity, justifying the label benefit both practitioners and academics.
‘branding laws’. This paper, then, makes Experience suggests that these laws hold
the claim that as these laws are deduced a number of consequences that are not
from neuroscience, which is an exact being implemented by planners, media
science, they bear a reliability that strategists, marketers and brand managers
could not be attained previously by with the rigour that they deserve.
relying on traditional branding research The second limitation the author would
and literature alone. like to note is the fact that the field of
As such, this study contributes to the neuroscience is in development and that
integration of neurobiological research some deeper aspects of the topics
within the field of brand management. discussed—although they are not wild
This development can be seen as a logical speculations—have not been finally
next step in the tendency to pay more resolved. The author, therefore, presents a
attention to the role of memory in brand ‘branding law theorem’ in this paper that
choice. After Lynch and Srull7 made the he believes is fruitful and that he would
point that consumer choice is seldom like to put forward for further debate and

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research—given the current state of its opment, and modified by experience,

neurological foundation. especially seen through the study of simple
In presenting its thesis, this paper first animals. The second approach is the
looks at several current developments at holistic strategy, which studies the mental
the boundary between marketing and functions in vivo, in human beings and
neuroscience to create a context. Next, it animals, in a top-down fashion—often
clarifies the definitions of brands and using neuroimaging techniques—seeking
branding that it takes as a starting point. to relate these behaviours to the higher-
It then looks at the process of brand order features of large systems of neurons.
choice, more specifically the consideration Both avenues have had considerable
set model and neurobiological concepts successes.13
that support it. From there, it identifies The interest in neurobiological findings
three propositions, supported by neuro- is growing rapidly, far beyond the bound-
science research, from which it deduces aries of the field. For instance, there is a
three branding laws. Finally, it briefly growing range of studies that apply neuro-
discusses these findings and draws several scientific knowledge and techniques to
conclusions. marketing issues, with sometimes inter-
esting results. For example, a study by
Samanez Larkin et al.14 showed that the
THE CROSS-OVER BETWEEN brain of older adults over 65 shows less
BRANDING AND NEUROSCIENCE activation as a result of the anticipation of
The aim of neuroscience is to understand losing money than youngsters between 19
the biological mechanisms that underlie and 27. This may be caused by a reduced
mental activity.13 It seeks to comprehend experience of negative emotions with age,
how the neural circuits in our brain allow an insight that might be relevant for finan-
us to perceive the world around us (eg cial advisors.
brand communication), recall that percep- Knutson et al.15 presented respondents
tion from memory and act on the memory with cash and then recorded their brain
of that perception. Neuroscience also activity using functional magnetic reso-
studies the biological foundations of our nance imaging (fMRI) when confronting
emotional life. For instance, it seeks to them with different combinations of
determine how emotions influence our products and prices—some of good value,
thinking and how the regulation of others of unfair value. One finding was
emotion, thought and action goes astray that the price of a product or service
in diseases such as depression, mania, almost literally produces a pain response
schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease.13 in the brain. The researchers inferred by
The complexity of these issues are these findings that credit cards may ‘anaes-
enormous and historically, neuroscientists thetise’ consumers against the pain of
have adopted one of two approaches to paying. A credit card alleviates this pain
tackle them. The first is the reductionist by postponing the physical payment—thus
strategy, which focuses on analysing the decoupling the pain from the purchase
elementary units of the nervous system: a moment. This explains the microeco-
molecule, a cell or a circuit. This bottom- nomic anomaly that consumers tend to
up approach examines how neurons overspend and undersave when using
communicate with one another and how credit cards instead of cash.
interconnections are created during devel-

178 © 2008 PALGRAVE MACMILLAN 1350-23IX BRAND MANAGEMENT VOL. 16, NO. 3, 176–194 DECEMBER 2008

Moll et al.16 found that altruistic in an enormous leap in our knowledge

behaviour, such as making a charitable of how learning takes place and how
donation, generates the same brain memory works. So much so that in 2000,
response as obtaining a financial reward three neuroscientists—Arvid Carlsson,
and that altruism tied to abstract Paul Greengard and Eric Kandel—won
moral beliefs relies on parts of the brain the Nobel Prize for Medicine and
that are uniquely developed in humans Physiology for their work within the
(ie the anterior prefrontal cortex). Such reductionist ‘paradigm’, especially on the
studies explain why we perform such acts, signal transmission at the cellular level of
even though they provide no direct the nervous system.19 Some writers,
personal benefit and sometimes bear a notably Bickle,20 even go so far as to state
personal cost. Findings like these can be that all phenomena addressed by
of interest to fundraisers at NGOs and psychology and cognitive science will
charities. It is easy to extend the list of in the end be explained at the molecular
examples. level, eliminating more holistic explana-
Although the contributions of such tions (see also Looren de Jong and
studies are sometimes debated (see Schouten21). As many brand decisions
Rubenstein17), internationally accredited are memory-based,7,22 the marketing
newspapers such as the Financial Times, literature and practice could potentially
The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal benefit from the reductionist body of
and Time have all featured articles on the knowledge. As Kandel23 writes, elemen-
results of such studies over the last few tary forms of learning are common to
years, indicating public interest. Interest- all animals with an evolved nervous
ingly, though, these studies share the fact system. Hence, learning at the cell and
that they rely on the holistic route of molecular level can be studied effectively
investigation. Invariably, they make use of even in simple invertebrate animals.There-
neuroimaging techniques to obtain data fore, this paper aims to integrate reduc-
for their conclusions. It is fair to say that tionistic findings where appropriate and
research in the reductionistic tradition, on obtain from them implications for
the other hand, is underrepresented in the branding, by deduction—which is the
growing body of ‘neuromarketing’ litera- only valid option as the empirical route
ture, if not absent from it.18 This should is unavailable. As neurobiology—both
be of little surprise. Human beings can be holistic and reductionstic—is an exact
shown advertising campaigns or perform science, the insight into the principles of
other tasks in experiments, but we cannot memory storage and retrieval it has estab-
put their brain in a Petri dish under a lished so far could help us to identify laws
microscope to study changes at the cellular in branding.
and synaptic level caused by it without
inflicting serious risks to their health.
Given our current technical possibilities,
it is difficult to obtain empirical neuro- WHAT IS A BRAND AND WHAT IS
biological results on marketing issues BRANDING?
from human subjects using reductionistic In order to speak clearly about branding
research designs. laws, however, we must first define what
At the same time, however, reduction- we mean when we talk about a ‘brand’
istic research in neuroscience has resulted and about ‘branding’.

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Defining a brand McClure and colleagues gave respond-

For our purpose, we will adopt a defini- ents no information about the Coke and
tion in line with Franzen and Bouwman,24 Pepsi brands before or during the exper-
and state that a brand is a network of asso- iment. This means that their differing
ciations with a (brand) name in the brain of a brain responses must have been entirely
person. Brands, according to this view, are the result of information stored in their
pieces of information, meanings, experi- long-term memory, evoked at the moment
ences, emotions, images, intentions, etc of decision-making.
interconnected by neural links of varying The experiment thus illustrates the
strength. power of brand associations: functional
The benefit of this definition is that it preferences (taste) can be overridden by
builds a bridge between branding and brand preferences, retrieved from long-
neuroscience, which is needed for our term memory at the moment of choice,
purpose. Brand associations are long influencing the final decision in favour of
known to influence consumer preference one brand at the cost of another. This is
and behaviour. In the case of supermar- of course exactly what marketers who are
kets, for example, research has shown a building brands aim for: creating consistent
strong correlation between supermarket brand preference. The question is, then,
associations and supermarket choice. whether delving deeper into the neuro-
Woodside and Trappey25 have shown that scientific underpinnings of brand associa-
the choice for a certain supermarket tions can reveal reliable principles or laws
by consumers can be predicted on that marketers can follow for creating this
the basis of the associations people kind of brand preference.
have in their minds about these places.
Castleberry and Ehrenberg26 have pointed
out that associations can show strong Defining branding
correlations with the market share of a Our definition of branding will have to
brand. Also, numerous studies indicate take note of associations as well.Therefore,
that products from countries with certain we will define ‘branding’ as the activity
associations are preferred above those by brand owners of associating the brand
produced in other nations—an observa- name with those pieces of information,
tion known as the country-of-origin meanings, emotions, images, intentions,
effect (see Verlegh27 and Peterson and etc that are of key importance in the deci-
Jolibert28). In a neuroimaging study using sion-making process of customers and of
fMRI, McClure et al.29 found that around stakeholders in general.30 More specifi-
half of their respondents selected Pepsi cally, we define branding as establishing
over Coke in a blind tasting test. Yet efficient, choice-shaping associations with the
when given the choice, around three brand name (in the minds of members of
quarters of the respondents preferred a target group). This definition flows from
Coke—despite similar or even slightly the axiom that brands strive to be chosen
less liked taste. This latter preference and that branding as an activity, therefore,
correlated with strong activity, absent is aimed at increasing the likelihood that
during the blind test, in the prefrontal they are.
cortex and the hippocampus—brain areas We must note that branding laws—in
where our higher cognitive and memory the sense discussed here—would only be
functions reside. applicable in situations wherein the brand

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choice is at least partially based on asso- evaluation (in which the final choice is
ciations stored in long-term memory. Of made). The basic premise is that people
course it is possible, at least in theory, that do not make a choice out of all the brands
choice is not influenced at all by brand they are aware of but from a smaller subset
information stored in memory but is called the consideration set, which is often
entirely stimulus-driven—for example in (goal) constructed (see Paulssen and
the case of new, unknown or unfamiliar Bagozzi35). Moreover, it seems that the
brands or through some form of highly consideration set is universal and found
effective point of sale communication. By across national cultures.36
definition, we cannot attribute the choice In order for a brand to be chosen, the
for the brand in such ‘perfect stimulus- consideration set model states that the
driven’ instances to associations in the brand must first be recalled from memory
customer’s brain established by prior and then needs to be evaluated positively.
branding efforts. Such choices may be It is important to note that in the majority
subject to principles of visual perception of choice occasions, the largest part of this
(see Lee12 and Shindler and Berbaum31) process may take place implicitly—
or on-the-spot persuasion (see Cialdini32), proceeding outside of our conscious
but not to branding or branding laws attention (see Coates et al.37 and Shapiro
based on associations as discussed here. In and Krishnan38). Much of human behav-
other situations, decisions are mixed (ie iour in general appears to be shaped by
memory and stimulus-driven) in that they factors beyond our awareness.39 Bargh and
are founded on input from the environ- Chartrand40 estimate that roughly 5 per
ment as well as on information retrieved cent of the time, conscious deliberation
from memory.12 In the end, almost all plays a causal role in guiding our behav-
brand choices are at least partially memory- iour. Persaud et al.41 have elegantly proven
based,7,22 and when long-term memory experimentally that we can make correct
plays a role, branding laws might apply. decisions without knowing why or how
we make them.What is more, unconscious
thought can even lead to better, more
THE PROCESS OF BRAND CHOICE satisfying decisions, especially in the case
The question is, then, whether or not of more complex product choices such as
neuroscience can help to identify regu- deciding between houses or cars.42 Evoca-
larities in the way branding can influence tion, then, takes place largely outside our
the outcome of memory-based choice awareness—a position supported by
situations. Before we can turn to answering neuroscience research, as we will see in a
this question, it is first necessary to look moment. Conscious evaluation, on the
in some more detail at the choice process other hand, does take place of course, but
itself. One broadly accepted and well- especially in the case of high-involvement
researched theory of the brand choice products and services (eg mortgages, cars,
process, and one that draws considerable television sets, photo cameras, etc) and
academic attention, is the consideration always after evocation, so that evocation is
set model based on Howard and Sheth.33 arguably the more fundamental activity.24
It distinguishes between two conceptually Our second axiom is, therefore, that
different phases,34 namely that of evocation whether or not a brand is evoked at the
(in which a set of brands to choose from buying moment is a key determinant of
is recalled from long-term memory) and the ultimate choice. This axiom is not

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random, but stems from a growing body tation as well, and the winner of this
of research and literature that emphasises competition—the most ‘salient brand’—is
‘brand saliency’ as the dominant factor in the most probable candidate for final
final choice.11,24,38,43–48 Nedungadi,48 for choice (cf., Nedungadi48 for example).
example, has studied the phases of consid- This latter finding is further supported by
eration and choice and has shown that the fact that awareness competition is
brands that are more strongly associated resolved, unconsciously, largely on the
with primary choice cues (ie brands that basis of relevance.49,50 This is much in line
are more salient relative to those cues) with the finding of Kahneman et al.52 and
have a higher chance of entering the Kahneman and Ritov53 that automatic
consideration set and of being chosen. affective valuation is the main determi-
Brands that are recalled first are more nant of many judgments and behaviours.
likely to be chosen. Hence, we will state Damasio’s54 somatic marker theory
that branding exerts a crucial influence on proposes a similar automatic evaluation of
choice by intimately connecting the brand choice options, explicitly based on bodily
name with primary choice cues. sensations—although this latter aspect
The finding that saliency—in the sense has been challenged, for instance by
of becoming top-of-mind at the moment Rolls.55 Our view of the brand choice
of choice—is such a dominant factor in process resembles Kahneman’s56 System 1
brand choice and is supported by recent process of intuitive judgment, in that
findings in neuroscience. In an overview brand choice takes place largely outside
article, Duncan49 has shown that there is our consciousness and is rapid, automatic
a very general principle at work in our and effortless.
brain under which stimuli compete for
‘cortical representation’. Visual and audi-
tory signals, for example, vie for our atten- INCREASING A BRAND’S CORTICAL
tion. There is a constant battle going on REPRESENTATION PROBABILITY
in our brain, whereby cues compete for Against this background, we can begin to
entry into our awareness. formulate several propositions that lay the
This principle of competition for foundation for the deduction of branding
awareness not only applies to external laws. So far, we have assumed that brands
cues (eg visual or auditory stimuli coming want to be chosen and that branding is
from the environment) but also to focused on increasing the probability that
thoughts, actions, goals, meanings and they are. More specifically, branding aims
especially memories as well (eg cues to influence choice behaviour by maxim-
emanating from inside the brain). Given ising the probability that the brand wins
the associative nature of memory, retrieving the (unconscious) competition for cortical
a goal-relevant memory (eg a brand name) representation—the battle for awareness.57
often involves selecting it against several Linking the brand to primary choice cues
competing memories—a process some- is paramount in achieving this.11,48
times called ‘mnemonic competition’.50 Rephrased in neurological terms, this
Only if a cue enters our awareness does means that branding seeks to increase
it become available for report.51 the likelihood that the neuron-assembly
Given that brands are networks of asso- or association network that represents
ciations (see Franzen and Bouwman24), the brand is activated and the brand name
they must compete for cortical represen- enters our awareness during the choice

182 © 2008 PALGRAVE MACMILLAN 1350-23IX BRAND MANAGEMENT VOL. 16, NO. 3, 176–194 DECEMBER 2008

process. Thus, we are interested in the (Thus, there appears to be some truth in
neurological rules that determine what we the old advertising adage that ‘sex sells’.)
will call a brand’s cortical representation prob- Montague60 states that brands are relevant
ability. Once established, such rules would to the degree to which they create biolog-
give rise to branding laws that point ical or psychological reward signals in our
towards actions we can take to increase brains that activate the dopamine system
the brand’s cortical representation proba- (which is involved in creating feelings of
bility and hence the chance it is chosen. pleasure and motivation). In an fMRI
study of remembering word pairs, Kuhl
CORTICAL REPRESENTATION et al.50 showed that the brain chooses to
PROPOSITIONS remember elements it thinks are most
Brands with a high cortical representation relevant to certain tasks and suppresses less
probability can be called ‘strong’ brands relevant cues. Bartsch et al.61 have found
because, as we have seen, they are the most that long-term memory formation requires,
salient and hence have the largest influ- among others, the inactivation (or switching-
ence on choice. We will now formulate off) of memory ‘suppressors’ that provide a
three propositions about the brain that threshold for memory formation. These
govern a brand’s cortical representation suppressors ensure that only salient features
probability and hence strength: the rele- are learned and thus allow for emotions
vance, coherence and richness theses. to modulate memory storage.23 In other
words, relevance relieves suppression, thus
Proposition 1: The Relevance Thesis. facilitating long-term memory formation.
The relevance thesis Duncan49 and others have demon-
says that the cortical strated that the competition for cortical
representation prob- representation is ‘biased’ towards elements
ability of an associa- that are relevant for our situation or task.
tion network (brand) The higher the relevance of an element,
depends on the degree the higher the chance it wins the battle
to which it is connected for awareness. Brands that are linked to
with elements that are what is significant for their customers or
of personal importance stakeholders at the moment of decision
in the choice process (ie (their ‘primary, salient choice cues’) have
‘salient choice cues’). a higher chance of being evoked, of
entering our awareness and of being chosen
The degree to which brand information (cf. Holden and Lutz,11 Nedungadi48 and
is of personal relevance to us strongly Wells and Fallon62). Research shows
influences the degree to which this infor- further that elements with identical features
mation is stored in long-term memory engage in a more vigorous mutual compe-
and the ease with which it can be retrieved tition for awareness. That is, they repress
from it. Neurobiological studies show each other forcefully and this reduces
that relevant or emotionally charged their combined inhibitory effect on a
phenomena are better remembered than more distinctive cue. As a result, the
irrelevant and neutral events.58,59 For distinctively relevant brand will be acti-
example, biologically significant informa- vated more strongly, increasing the prob-
tion about food or sex is stored more ability that it will enter our awareness and
durably than insignificant information.58 receive our attention (see Duncan49 and

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Yantis51). The imperative for brands, The coherence thesis is based on a corner-
therefore, is to be distinctively relevant. stone of our current neurobiological
The actual choice cues used by understanding of memory (see Matynia
customers can vary between individuals et al.64). Coherence has two components:
and for the same individual between repetition and specificity. First, it was long
different occasions.11,43 Moreover, as these an important hypothesis in the neuro-
primary choice cues differ per product or science community that when one neuron
service category and per situation, brands A repeatedly or persistently takes part in
only have a high cortical representation firing another B, the efficiency of A in
probability relative to a certain category firing B increases.This is so, it was thought,
or use occasion. Brand strength is there- because repeated firing between A and B
fore category and situation-relative. It is causes a long-term strengthening of the
important to note that it seems plausible synapses between the two neurons.65 Bliss
that choice cues are not necessarily a and Lømo66 were the first to confirm this
given, but that brands may be able to phenomenon, called ‘long-term potentia-
influence them.There is practical evidence tion’ (LTP), through research. They found
for example that Nike was able to trans- that repetition makes the communication
form the sneaker category, by consistently between synapses more efficient and leads
communicating a spirit of ‘irreverence’. to a higher excitability of the cells
Today, such a mentality seems relevant for involved. Kandel23 and others later found
a broad group of consumers whereas in that repetition and the resulting long-
the 1980s all that counted to its narrow term potentiation are the foundation of
client base was the ability to produce a the process of memory. More specifically,
good professional running shoe (see, eg conversion of a transient memory into a
Bedbury and Fenichell63). longer-term memory requires ‘spaced’
repetition of that memory. This is true for
Proposition 2: The Coherence Thesis. primitive life-forms as well as for higher
The coherence thesis vertebrates and humans. As Kandel23
states that the likeli- writes: ‘Practice makes perfect—even in
hood that a neuron or snails’. Repeated activation of one
association network (ie memory also weakens competing memo-
brand) will win the ries, thus facilitating the retrieval of
battle for awareness repeated memories over nonrepeated
is proportional to the memories.50 Phenomena such as ‘flash-
number of times its bulb’ memories, in which very significant
connections with cells one-time personal events seem to etched
or association networks into memory (eg Kristallnacht experience,
that are fired during the witnessing the JFK assassination, our own
choice process (ie choice wedding, etc), and the ‘famous overnight
cues) have been acti- effect’, in which people mistakenly think
vated in the past. The that a presented name they have seen only
most efficient way once before belongs to a famous person,
to externally induce do not contradict this.67-70
these ‘past firings’ is Secondly, empirical studies show that
by repeating a (brand) the more identical the stimulus (eg the
message that is specific. brand’s message or the choice cue) is to

184 © 2008 PALGRAVE MACMILLAN 1350-23IX BRAND MANAGEMENT VOL. 16, NO. 3, 176–194 DECEMBER 2008

the stimulus stored in memory, the activate cell assemblies (ie cues), the more
more likely the memory can be activated likely B will be activated. We will call this
and retrieved71,72 (see, eg Tulving and degree of synaptic connectedness the
Thomson72 and Vaidya et al.73). This ‘richness’ of the network.
means that the more specific the brand’s In principle, every connection with
message over time, the more likely the orig- the choice cue can potentially activate
inal synaptic connections are reactivated the brand’s network. The more connec-
and hence strengthened—thus improving tions there are, the higher the likelihood
the brand’s cortical representation proba- that the whole network is evoked force-
bility and its chance of being selected. fully. The likelihood that individual
The consequence for branding is that neurons pass on a signal depends on the
brands seeking to be chosen must summation of the signals coming in. Gener-
constantly strengthen their links with ally, more signals make a higher sum.75
customers’ or stakeholders’ choice criteria In case more than one choice cue is
by reactivating them. Even though choice used to evoke brands, which may often
criteria may vary across categories and be the case, the ‘net sum’ of excitatory
situations, coherence in the branding policy signals will be higher in a richer network.
is compulsory from a neurological stand- This effect is further amplified if the
point. In order to reactivate certain elements of the network are also mutually
connections, the triggering stimulus must interconnected, as this facilitates further
be as specific as possible over time and activation cascades in an exponential
across ‘touch points’ (eg ads, campaigns, fashion. This higher ‘net sum’ of excita-
products, personnel, stores, websites, etc). tory signals results in a more forceful acti-
Coherence, in other words, means repeated vation of the brand name—a phenomenon
specificity. sometimes referred to as ‘bottom-up
stimulus strength’(see Dehaene et al.76).
Proposition 3: The Richness Thesis. Stronger activation increases the chance
The richness thesis that the brand wins the competition for
states that the likeli- cortical representation when two or more
hood that a neuron brands are cued simultaneously and engage
or cell assembly (ie in a mutually inhibitory battle for aware-
brand) will be acti- ness (see Duncan,49 Yantis51 and Dahaene
vated is proportional et al.76).
to the number of Research shows that such richer asso-
direct links it has with ciation networks (ie higher numbers of
cells or cell assemblies synaptic links) are formed as a result of
that are activated richer environments.77,78 Virtual reality
during the choice environments are used, for example, to
process (ie cues). rehabilitate the memory performance of
Ebbinghaus74 showed that the chance of (elderly) people.79 Environments are
activation of a neuron B, by a neuron A, richer when they provide higher quanti-
decreases with the number of intervening ties of relevant stimulation, for example
neurons between A and B. This means, more opportunities for play, exercise,
generally stated, that the more incoming learning, social interaction, physical
(dendritic) links a cell or cell assembly, B, activity, etc.80,81 Such environments
has that are directly connected with often present more stimuli and induce more

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elaborate processing by arousing curiosity COROLLARIES: THREE BRANDING

and stimulating exploratory behaviour or LAWS
creating engagement, generally leading From the propositions above, we can now
to rapid increases in synaptic connectivity infer three branding laws as corollaries.
(ie formation of new synapses and They are the laws of distinctive relevance,
increase of synaptic density) and improved coherence and participation. Whereas the
memory performance.78,82,83 There is three theses refer to robust characteristics
much evidence that environmental enrich- of how the brain works, the three laws
ment can delay memory degeneration77 deduced from them stipulate what the
and can sometimes repair memory aims of branding activities must be to act
deficits78,83 even after severe neuronal and in accordance with these brain character-
synaptic loss due to neurodegenerative istics. How these aims are then actually
diseases.84 reached in practice is a topic in itself, and
The branding consequence of the rich- is beyond the scope of this paper.
ness thesis is that brands seeking to be As the three laws are neurologically
chosen must not only create strong links founded, they possess a strong regularity
between their customers’ choice criteria that turns them into branding prerequi-
and the brand and interconnections sites. As stated in the introduction, these
between the other elements of the brand’s laws are no new discoveries.They are used,
association network but also create as many in varying degrees, as rules of thumb. This
of these (inter)connections as possible.They paper argues, however, that their status
must seek to create a rich network of must be raised to a higher level of impor-
internal and external synaptic links.85–87 tance and reliability. Seen from a neuro-
Contacting customers in ‘richer brand logical standpoint, they should be treated
environments’ does this. In practice, this and followed as universal branding laws
means using more engaging and intriguing with a scientific foundation.
communication forms and richer, more
immersive communication media. One Law 1: The higher the distinctive
example of an engaging, participatory relevance of branding efforts,
brand environment is toy manufacturer the more likely the brand
Lego’s experience store in Orlando, Florida, will be chosen.
USA and other places around the world.
The designers created play spaces in the Increasing the probability a brand is
middle of the stores and dozens of cylinders chosen requires associating it more strongly
containing the Lego bricks for grabs, thus and uniquely with elements that are of
encouraging a direct experience of its personal significance to the customer at
products instead of creating a passive display the moment of decision-making (ie
of closed boxes on long shelves. primary choice cues). This is the law of
In sum, the three theses provide a distinctive relevance. An element is relevant
neurological branding maxim: create as to the degree it is used by customers as a
many synaptic connections as possible cue for activating brand names at the
(richness) between the neural representa- moment of choice and for evaluating
tions of primary choice cues and the brand performance.
brand name (relevance), and reactivate Brands may also be able to influence
these connections regularly through a the cues people use. Empirical evidence
specific message (coherence). shows that what is relevant for customers

186 © 2008 PALGRAVE MACMILLAN 1350-23IX BRAND MANAGEMENT VOL. 16, NO. 3, 176–194 DECEMBER 2008

can vary between individuals and, for the and a top position at the choice moment,
same individual, between different occa- it is at a disadvantage versus brands that
sions. Typically, however, primary choice are less or not at all impeded by inhibiting
cues include product category, sub-cate- and memory-repressing inconsistencies
gory, functional and symbolic attributes, (see Duncan49).
use occasion, self and user image and Coherence in branding policy through
combinations of these.11,24,43 The brand’s time and space (ie across physical touch
core message and its propositions must be points such as advertising, point-of-sale
built around and distinguished within the materials, products, new product develop-
range of cues that are important to ment, packaging, websites, etc) is compul-
customers in the specific environment the sory from a neurological standpoint. In
brand operates in. contrast, incoherence is a recipe for dimin-
ishing the brand’s chance of being chosen
Law 2: The higher the coherence of and for destroying its financial value. Inco-
branding efforts across time herence (whether purposefully, uninten-
and space, the more likely the tionally or through the lack of leadership)
brand will be chosen. is a ‘Bonsai’ strategy. It keeps the brand
Ensuring a front position in the consid- small compared to its actual market poten-
eration set requires repetition of a specific, tial (like the Japanese art of tree minia-
relevant core message for the brand. turisation).
This is the law of coherence. Coherence It may seem from this account that
equals repetition multiplied by specificity sticking to one theme is all a brand has
(c = r.s). Repetition is needed to create to do. There is a difference, however,
strong synaptic connections with choice between the laws (branding aims) and the
criteria, which in turn is required for particular way in which one adheres to
increasing cortical representation proba- them in practice (branding activities). For
bility, which in turn is required for example, in practice, repetition must be
becoming top of mind at the moment of combined with the opposite need for
choice. Specificity is necessary because change, to maintain curiosity and prevent
specific messages are much more likely to people from becoming bored by the
repeatedly reactivate the same connec- brand. This is done, for example, through
tions and hence strengthen them—thus creating surprise and presenting the
improving the brand’s cortical representa- same brand message in ever-evolving inter-
tion probability. Moreover, communi- pretations, forms and expressions. This
cating many messages at the same time or then puts a premium on high ‘brand
in subsequent campaigns over the years orientation’ and rich brand concepts
creates confusion at best and contradiction that can act as long-term ‘business hubs’
at worst, resulting in negative emotions (cf. Gromark et al.89). Coherent change
such as aversion and dissonance (cf. and variation around one brand theme
Festinger88). Negative emotions may (which only a rich brand concept allows)
produce a cascade of inhibitory signals provides additional reinforcement of the
across the association network, thus brand’s cortical representation probability,
decreasing the probability that the brand because it draws more attention and
is activated and evaluated positively. Even induces more active processing (‘elabora-
if such a brand is strongly activated, we tion’), both of which increase memory
note that in the competition for awareness performance.23,90,91

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Similarly, specificity must be combined dialogue (within constraints such as brand

with the opposite need for broadness. fit, budget, reach, etc). In practice, brands
After all, strong brands become more must develop a participation strategy that
profitable when they are successfully balances richness with reach (the number
leveraged into other categories.92 Of of people contacted), as richness and reach
course, surprise and broadness must be often form a trade-off (cf. Evans and
created without compromising repetition Wurster96).
and specificity (ie coherence), which is
precisely what Van der Vorst,93,94 Loken
and Roedder95 and others have shown. DISCUSSION
It is beyond the scope of this paper to
Law 3: The more engaging the
discuss all implications of these three
branding environment that
branding laws for the practice of branding.
is created, the more likely
In general, however, it is useful to distin-
the brand will be chosen.
guish between the three theses (describing
To win the battle for awareness, brands brain characteristics), the three laws
must create as many synaptic connections (describing branding aims) and branding
as possible between choice criteria and activities (things done by marketers to act
the brand name and within their own in accordance with the laws). This paper
association network. We call this a rich has focused on the first two. Several final
network of synaptic links. Richer associa- remarks may be made about the laws.
tion networks are formed in the brain as
a result of richer, participatory environ-
ments that induce a more elaborate or a Remarks on the law of
more comprehensive processing of brand distinctive relevance
stimuli. Richer environments are settings Regarding the first law, at least two things
with a higher propensity to arouse curi- can be noted. We have seen that winning
osity and to create engagement and the competition for entry into customers’
participation. awareness is crucial for any brand. This
Brands that induce motivated attention selection process takes place largely outside
by making us curious or by better our consciousness and is rapid, automatic
tempting their customers to try, play, prac- and effortless (see Kahneman56). This
tice, learn, exercise, adapt, interact or means that it is crucial to study how effi-
socialise with them are more likely to win ciently brands are evocated by customers’
the battle for awareness and be chosen. primary choice cues, instead of focusing
This is the law of participation. Again, there exclusively on brand evaluation. More-
are many ways in which brands can create over, if evaluation takes place it is happening
participation in practice. The law of only after evocation. This may require
participation does not stipulate what way changes in standard research designs.
should be chosen; it merely states that Operationalising brand awareness: First, in
brands creating participation (in which- the majority of commercial tracking
ever way) increase their chance of being studies, the focus seems to be on the
chosen. For instance, brands may seek to product category as the only cue for
reach customers with richer media and measuring brand saliency (generally called
more intriguing, engaging forms that ‘top-of-mind awareness’). Empirical
create interaction, involvement and evidence suggests, however, that people

188 © 2008 PALGRAVE MACMILLAN 1350-23IX BRAND MANAGEMENT VOL. 16, NO. 3, 176–194 DECEMBER 2008

use many more cues for recalling brands. Remarks on the law of participation
It is important that the operationalisation Participation is often neglected: Regarding the
of brand awareness is broadened, by not third law, we can observe in practice that
only measuring it relative to the product richness and participation are often not a
category but also against other primary focal point in media policy.The traditional
choice cues.43 focus of most media agencies and adver-
Measuring relevance: Secondly, when tisers is on Gross Rating Points (a common
measuring brand relevance the focus is measure of the average percentage of
generally on brand image. That is, the target group members contacted in a
brand to attribute connection is often certain period) and hence on reach. As
measured, which is important in the eval- more reach means lower richness (cf.
uation phase. What is often neglected is Evans and Wurster96), conventional media
the attribute to brand connection, which selection unwittingly sacrifices brand sali-
is crucial for evocation and the likelihood ency and hence long-term brand sales.
of entering customer’s consideration sets The third branding law creates the imper-
(cf. Holden and Lutz11). Research designs ative of optimising the richness-reach
should start to incorporate this.43 trade-off. Within the set of feasible media,
richness and reach must be mutually
served (of course given constraints such
Remarks on the law of coherence as medium fit with the brand concept,
Maintaining coherence: Regarding the budget, media prices, etc).
second law one can observe that in prac-
tice, coherence is often sacrificed due to
short-term economic pressures (see, eg CONCLUSIONS
Lodish and Mela97). It seems that marketers Brands seek to be chosen by customers,
often fail to understand or nurture the and branding as an activity is aimed at
brand’s deeper identity. Following the increasing the probability that they are. In
craze of the day, sending conflicting order to reach this goal, brands must win
‘interim’ messages for sales purposes or the unconscious battle for awareness
extending the brand with non-fitting new during the process of consideration set
products and services are common causes formation and choice. Brands that win the
that kill repetition and specificity. Thus, battle for awareness (ie the most salient
the major setbacks in a brand’s long-term brands) are more likely to be chosen.
quest of being chosen are often self- Based on neuroscientific insights, brands
inflicted handicaps created by disconti- following the three branding laws discussed
nuity, brand dilution and wavering in this paper have a higher chance of
leadership. While we may increase quar- winning the competition for cortical
terly sales, ‘short-termism’ can foster a representation and hence choice than a
tendency for the brand to grow weaker, brand that does not. They are the laws of
thus amplifying short-term sales pressures distinctive relevance, coherence and
in the future and creating a vicious circle. participation. In one sentence, the motto
The second law invokes the repeat- of these laws is: creating and repeating
surprise and the specificity-broadness relevant specificity (over time and across touch
trade-offs, and the need to combine these points) around one central brand theme, using
opposing goals (cf. Walvis98 and Collins the richest and most engaging forms and media
and Porras99). possible. This then is a general requirement

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for an effective allocation of marketing It may also mean that in the future,
investments. Stated slightly more prag- marketing directors are not only judged
matically in the form of key questions, the by the results they deliver but also by the
three laws of branding require that one degree to which they have followed the
asks of every branding act: laws of their profession in the process.
These laws hint at the results one could
— Is it distinctively relevant? and therefore should have obtained, thus
— Is it a specific expression of the brand providing a new type of benchmarks.
theme? This may improve the effectiveness of
— Is it delivered in the most engaging marketing investments and may prove to
form possible? be a leap forward for the professionalism
of our field.
The above account and the deduction of
the three laws is an attempt to add to and
elaborate upon existing work, to establish The article is the inspiration for the book ‘Three Laws
a stronger foundation for the field and to of Branding’ by the same author, forthcoming in the
translate insights from neuroscience into fall of 2008.
empirical consequences for the activity of
branding. It adds to a synthesis of disci-
plines in which branding provides a References
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