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Full Tilt Poker Game #7656619833: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.

25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:08:10 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($25.85)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($27.55)
Seat 3: seepra ($29.35)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.25)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($25)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($25)
Flaraat posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2h 7d]
Grisu_1981 folds
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Flaraat is feeling happy
Flaraat calls $0.15
DanielRose checks
*** FLOP *** [Qd 4c Kd]
Flaraat checks
DanielRose checks
*** TURN *** [Qd 4c Kd] [Qh]
Flaraat checks
DanielRose checks
*** RIVER *** [Qd 4c Kd Qh] [Jc]
Flaraat bets $0.25
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to Flaraat
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Board: [Qd 4c Kd Qh Jc]
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded on the River
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656623728: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:08:44 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($25.85)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($27.55)
Seat 3: seepra ($29.35)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.50)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($24.75)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($25)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Grisu_1981 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6h Jd]
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to Grisu_1981
Grisu_1981 mucks
Grisu_1981 wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656627831: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:09:20 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($25.85)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($27.55)
Seat 3: seepra ($29.35)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.50)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($24.65)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($25.10)
Grisu_1981 posts the small blind of $0.10
fensink posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7h Ts]
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Grisu_1981 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to fensink
fensink mucks
fensink wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656629490: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:09:34 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($25.95)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($27.55)
Seat 3: seepra ($29.35)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.50)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($24.65)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($25)
fensink posts the small blind of $0.10
FlowerGirlxxx posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5h 2c]
seepra folds
Flaraat raises to $0.75
DanielRose folds
Grisu_1981 folds
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to Flaraat
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656631557: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:09:53 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($25.85)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($27.30)
Seat 3: seepra ($29.35)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.85)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($24.65)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($25)
FlowerGirlxxx posts the small blind of $0.10
seepra posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6h 3c]
Flaraat calls $0.25
DanielRose folds
Grisu_1981 raises to $1.10
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx raises to $3.80
seepra folds
Flaraat has 15 seconds left to act
Flaraat folds
Grisu_1981 calls $2.70
*** FLOP *** [7d 9s 5d]
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx checks
Grisu_1981 bets $4.50
FlowerGirlxxx adds $1.50
FlowerGirlxxx folds
Uncalled bet of $4.50 returned to Grisu_1981
Grisu_1981 mucks
Grisu_1981 wins the pot ($7.70)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $8.10 | Rake $0.40
Board: [7d 9s 5d]
Seat 1: fensink (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: seepra (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 collected ($7.70), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656639058: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:10:58 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($25.85)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25)
Seat 3: seepra ($29.10)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.60)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($24.65)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($28.90)
seepra posts the small blind of $0.10
Flaraat posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Th Qh]
DanielRose folds
Grisu_1981 raises to $0.85
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra calls $0.75
Flaraat calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [6h Ks Jc]
seepra checks
Flaraat has 15 seconds left to act
Flaraat bets $0.50
Grisu_1981 raises to $3
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
Uncalled bet of $2.50 returned to Grisu_1981
Grisu_1981 mucks
Grisu_1981 wins the pot ($3.40)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $3.55 | Rake $0.15
Board: [6h Ks Jc]
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 collected ($3.40), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656645023: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:11:51 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($25.85)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25)
Seat 3: seepra ($28.25)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($9.25)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($24.65)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($30.95)
Flaraat posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3h 7d]
Grisu_1981 folds
fensink has 15 seconds left to act
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra raises to $0.85
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to seepra
seepra mucks
seepra wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: Flaraat (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656647886: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:12:17 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($25.85)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25)
Seat 3: seepra ($28.60)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($9.15)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($24.40)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($30.95)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Grisu_1981 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2d Kd]
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Flaraat has 15 seconds left to act
Flaraat folds
DanielRose calls $0.15
Grisu_1981 checks
*** FLOP *** [8d 7h 5c]
DanielRose checks
Grisu_1981 bets $0.50
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to Grisu_1981
Grisu_1981 mucks
Grisu_1981 wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Board: [8d 7h 5c]
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 (big blind) collected ($0.50), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656653067: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:13:02 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($25.85)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25)
Seat 3: seepra ($28.60)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($9.15)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($24.15)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($31.20)
Grisu_1981 posts the small blind of $0.10
fensink posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ts 6h]
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Flaraat has 15 seconds left to act
Flaraat raises to $0.75
DanielRose folds
Grisu_1981 calls $0.65
fensink folds
*** FLOP *** [7s 5d As]
Grisu_1981 has 15 seconds left to act
Grisu_1981 checks
Flaraat bets $1
Grisu_1981 folds
Uncalled bet of $1 returned to Flaraat
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($1.70)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.75 | Rake $0.05
Board: [7s 5d As]
Seat 1: fensink (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat collected ($1.70), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 (small blind) folded on the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656658815: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:13:53 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($25.60)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25)
Seat 3: seepra ($28.60)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.10)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($24.15)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($30.45)
fensink posts the small blind of $0.10
FlowerGirlxxx posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4d 2s]
seepra folds
Flaraat calls $0.25
DanielRose folds
Grisu_1981 has 15 seconds left to act
Grisu_1981 folds
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx checks
*** FLOP *** [8c Ac 9h]
FlowerGirlxxx checks
Flaraat bets $0.50
FlowerGirlxxx adds $0.25
FlowerGirlxxx folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to Flaraat
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Board: [8c Ac 9h]
Seat 1: fensink (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656663402: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:14:33 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($25.50)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25)
Seat 3: seepra ($28.60)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.45)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($24.15)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($30.45)
FlowerGirlxxx posts the small blind of $0.10
seepra posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9d 6s]
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Grisu_1981 folds
fensink raises to $1
FlowerGirlxxx calls $0.90
seepra calls $0.75
*** FLOP *** [As 5h 4d]
FlowerGirlxxx checks
seepra checks
fensink bets $2.50
FlowerGirlxxx adds $1
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Uncalled bet of $2.50 returned to fensink
fensink mucks
fensink wins the pot ($2.85)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $3 | Rake $0.15
Board: [As 5h 4d]
Seat 1: fensink (button) collected ($2.85), mucked
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: seepra (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656667624: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:15:10 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($27.35)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25)
Seat 3: seepra ($27.60)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.45)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($24.15)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($30.45)
seepra posts the small blind of $0.10
Flaraat posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3c 2s]
DanielRose folds
Grisu_1981 folds
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx raises to $0.85
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to FlowerGirlxxx
FlowerGirlxxx mucks
FlowerGirlxxx wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: seepra (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656669342: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:15:25 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($27.35)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.35)
Seat 3: seepra ($27.50)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.20)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($24.15)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($30.45)
Flaraat posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [As 4c]
Grisu_1981 folds
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Flaraat calls $0.15
DanielRose checks
*** FLOP *** [3s Kh 6s]
Flaraat checks
DanielRose checks
*** TURN *** [3s Kh 6s] [7s]
Flaraat bets $0.25
DanielRose calls $0.25
*** RIVER *** [3s Kh 6s 7s] [Td]
Flaraat bets $0.60
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to Flaraat
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($0.95)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1 | Rake $0.05
Board: [3s Kh 6s 7s Td]
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (small blind) collected ($0.95), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded on the River
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656673263: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:15:59 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($27.35)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.35)
Seat 3: seepra ($27.50)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($23.65)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($30.45)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Grisu_1981 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3d 2s]
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to Grisu_1981
Grisu_1981 mucks
Grisu_1981 wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656674955: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:16:14 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($27.35)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.35)
Seat 3: seepra ($27.50)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($23.55)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($30.55)
Grisu_1981 posts the small blind of $0.10
fensink posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Jh Js]
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
DanielRose raises to $1
Grisu_1981 has 15 seconds left to act
Grisu_1981 raises to $3.25
fensink folds
DanielRose calls $2.25
*** FLOP *** [Qc 8s 7d]
Grisu_1981 checks
DanielRose checks
*** TURN *** [Qc 8s 7d] [3c]
Grisu_1981 bets $4.50
DanielRose calls $4.50
*** RIVER *** [Qc 8s 7d 3c] [2h]
Grisu_1981 has 15 seconds left to act
Grisu_1981 checks
DanielRose checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Grisu_1981 shows [As Ks] Ace King high
DanielRose shows [Jh Js] a pair of Jacks
DanielRose wins the pot ($15) with a pair of Jacks
Grisu_1981 adds $2.20
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $15.75 | Rake $0.75
Board: [Qc 8s 7d 3c 2h]
Seat 1: fensink (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) showed [Jh Js] and won ($15) with a pair of Jacks
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 (small blind) showed [As Ks] and lost with Ace King high

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656683766: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:17:32 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($27.10)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.35)
Seat 3: seepra ($27.50)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($30.80)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($25)
fensink posts the small blind of $0.10
FlowerGirlxxx posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8s Jc]
seepra has 15 seconds left to act
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Grisu_1981 folds
fensink folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to FlowerGirlxxx
FlowerGirlxxx mucks
FlowerGirlxxx wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656685956: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:17:51 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($27)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.45)
Seat 3: seepra ($27.50)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($30.80)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($25)
FlowerGirlxxx posts the small blind of $0.10
seepra posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7s 3c]
Flaraat has 15 seconds left to act
Flaraat calls $0.25
DanielRose folds
Grisu_1981 folds
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra checks
*** FLOP *** [Qc Ks 4h]
seepra checks
Flaraat has 15 seconds left to act
Flaraat bets $0.25
seepra folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to Flaraat
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Board: [Qc Ks 4h]
Seat 1: fensink (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: seepra (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656690538: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:18:32 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($27)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.35)
Seat 3: seepra ($27.25)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($30.80)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($25)
seepra posts the small blind of $0.10
Flaraat posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8h Tc]
DanielRose folds
Grisu_1981 folds
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to Flaraat
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656692719: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:18:51 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($27)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.35)
Seat 3: seepra ($27.15)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11.10)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($30.80)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($25)
Flaraat posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9h Qc]
Grisu_1981 folds
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra raises to $0.85
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to seepra
seepra mucks
seepra wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: Flaraat (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656695462: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:19:15 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($27)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.35)
Seat 3: seepra ($27.50)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($30.55)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($25)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Grisu_1981 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kh 5s]
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra raises to $0.85
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Grisu_1981 adds $0.25
Grisu_1981 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to seepra
seepra mucks
seepra wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: Flaraat (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Full Tilt Poker Game #7656699222: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:19:48 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($27)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.35)
Seat 3: seepra ($27.85)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($30.45)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($25)
Grisu_1981 posts the small blind of $0.10
fensink posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ah Qs]
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra raises to $0.85
Flaraat folds
DanielRose calls $0.85
Grisu_1981 raises to $3.65
fensink folds
seepra folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $2.80 returned to Grisu_1981
Grisu_1981 mucks
Grisu_1981 wins the pot ($2.80)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.80 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 (small blind) collected ($2.80), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656701647: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:20:10 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($26.75)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.35)
Seat 3: seepra ($27)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($29.60)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($26.95)
fensink posts the small blind of $0.10
FlowerGirlxxx posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Tc 4s]
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Grisu_1981 folds
fensink folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to FlowerGirlxxx
FlowerGirlxxx mucks
FlowerGirlxxx wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656703862: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:20:30 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($26.65)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.45)
Seat 3: seepra ($27)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($29.60)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($26.95)
FlowerGirlxxx posts the small blind of $0.10
seepra posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9c Kd]
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Grisu_1981 has 15 seconds left to act
Grisu_1981 folds
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to seepra
seepra mucks
seepra wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: seepra (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656706667: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:20:55 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($26.65)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.35)
Seat 3: seepra ($27.10)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($29.60)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($26.95)
seepra posts the small blind of $0.10
Flaraat posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2d 3c]
DanielRose folds
Grisu_1981 folds
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to Flaraat
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656709050: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:21:15 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($26.65)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.35)
Seat 3: seepra ($27)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11.10)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($29.60)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($26.95)
Flaraat posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8h Ac]
Grisu_1981 raises to $0.85
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to Grisu_1981
Grisu_1981 mucks
Grisu_1981 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 collected ($0.60), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656711242: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:21:34 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($26.65)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.35)
Seat 3: seepra ($27)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($29.35)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($27.30)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Grisu_1981 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qc 3c]
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Flaraat has 15 seconds left to act
Flaraat calls $0.25
DanielRose folds
Grisu_1981 checks
*** FLOP *** [3s Ac 8s]
Grisu_1981 checks
Flaraat bets $0.50
Grisu_1981 has 15 seconds left to act
Grisu_1981 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to Flaraat
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Board: [3s Ac 8s]
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 (big blind) folded on the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656717417: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:22:28 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($26.65)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.35)
Seat 3: seepra ($27)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11.35)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($29.25)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($27.05)
Grisu_1981 posts the small blind of $0.10
fensink posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qh 4h]
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
DanielRose raises to $0.85
Grisu_1981 folds
fensink folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656720586: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:22:56 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($26.40)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.35)
Seat 3: seepra ($27)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11.35)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($29.60)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($26.95)
fensink posts the small blind of $0.10
FlowerGirlxxx posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ah 3s]
seepra raises to $0.85
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Grisu_1981 calls $0.85
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx folds
*** FLOP *** [2s Js 9c]
seepra bets $1.75
Grisu_1981 has 15 seconds left to act
Grisu_1981 raises to $5.50
seepra has 15 seconds left to act
seepra calls $3.75
*** TURN *** [2s Js 9c] [7d]
seepra checks
Grisu_1981 has 15 seconds left to act
Grisu_1981 bets $8
seepra has 15 seconds left to act
seepra has requested TIME
seepra: take good care of my money
seepra raises to $20.65, and is all in
Grisu_1981 has 15 seconds left to act
Grisu_1981 has requested TIME
Grisu_1981 calls $12.60, and is all in
seepra shows [Qs Qc]
Grisu_1981 shows [2d 2h]
Uncalled bet of $0.05 returned to seepra
*** RIVER *** [2s Js 9c 7d] [5s]
seepra shows a pair of Queens
Grisu_1981 shows three of a kind, Twos
Grisu_1981 wins the pot ($51.55) with three of a kind, Twos
seepra is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $54.25 | Rake $2.70
Board: [2s Js 9c 7d 5s]
Seat 1: fensink (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: seepra showed [Qs Qc] and lost with a pair of Queens
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 (button) showed [2d 2h] and won ($51.55) with three of a kind,

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656734927: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:24:59 ET - 2008/08/15
seepra: nh
Seat 1: fensink ($26.30)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.10)
Seat 3: seepra ($0.05), is sitting out
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11.35)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($29.60)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($51.55)
FlowerGirlxxx posts the small blind of $0.10
Flaraat posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9s 9h]
DanielRose raises to $0.85
Grisu_1981 folds
fensink folds
seepra: should of folded
Grisu_1981: u 2 - your speech almost made me fold
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx folds
Flaraat folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: seepra is sitting out
Seat 4: Flaraat (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656738170: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:25:27 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($26.30)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25)
Seat 3: seepra ($0.05), is sitting out
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11.10)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($29.95)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($51.55)
Flaraat posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kh 6c]
Grisu_1981 folds
fensink folds
seepra: no i figured i was beat
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx folds
Flaraat calls $0.15
DanielRose checks
seepra: just couldnt make the fold
*** FLOP *** [8s 2c Th]
Flaraat bets $0.25
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to Flaraat
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Board: [8s 2c Th]
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra is sitting out
Seat 4: Flaraat (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656742041: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:26:00 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($26.30)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25)
Seat 3: seepra ($0.05), is sitting out
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11.35)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($29.70)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($51.55)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Grisu_1981 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2h 6s]
seepra adds $24.95
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx folds
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to Grisu_1981
Grisu_1981 mucks
Grisu_1981 wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra is sitting out
Seat 4: Flaraat (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656743196: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:26:11 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($26.30)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25)
Seat 3: seepra ($25), is sitting out
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11.35)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($29.60)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($51.65)
Grisu_1981 posts the small blind of $0.10
fensink posts the big blind of $0.25
seepra has returned
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7h Kc]
FlowerGirlxxx folds
Flaraat calls $0.25
DanielRose folds
Grisu_1981 raises to $1
fensink folds
Flaraat folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to Grisu_1981
Grisu_1981 mucks
Grisu_1981 wins the pot ($0.75)
Grisu_1981 is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.75 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra is sitting out
Seat 4: Flaraat folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 (small blind) collected ($0.75), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656746267: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:26:37 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($26.05)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25)
Seat 3: seepra ($25)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11.10)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($29.60)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
fensink posts the small blind of $0.10
FlowerGirlxxx posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9h 7s]
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
fensink folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to FlowerGirlxxx
FlowerGirlxxx mucks
FlowerGirlxxx wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 3: seepra is sitting out
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 (button) is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656747731: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:26:50 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($25.95)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.10)
Seat 3: seepra ($25)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11.10)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($29.60)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
FlowerGirlxxx posts the small blind of $0.10
seepra posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8s 7c]
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
fensink raises to $1
seepra: if we had a little deeper stacks i would have folded
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to fensink
fensink mucks
fensink wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: seepra (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656749841: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:27:08 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($26.30)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25)
Seat 3: seepra ($24.75)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11.10)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($29.60)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
seepra posts the small blind of $0.10
Flaraat posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9h 3d]
DanielRose folds
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx raises to $0.85
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to FlowerGirlxxx
FlowerGirlxxx mucks
FlowerGirlxxx wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: seepra (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656751841: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:27:25 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($26.30)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.35)
Seat 3: seepra ($24.65)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.85)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($29.60)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
Flaraat posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kh Qd]
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Flaraat calls $0.15
DanielRose raises to $1
Flaraat folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656755467: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:27:56 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($26.30)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.35)
Seat 3: seepra ($24.65)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.60)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($29.85)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
fensink posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Jc Td]
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra raises to $0.85
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
fensink folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to seepra
seepra mucks
seepra wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: Flaraat (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656758244: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:28:20 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($26.05)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25.35)
Seat 3: seepra ($25)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.60)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($29.75)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
fensink posts the small blind of $0.10
FlowerGirlxxx posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kh Ac]
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
DanielRose raises to $1
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx calls $0.75
*** FLOP *** [Ks 7s Qc]
FlowerGirlxxx checks
DanielRose bets $1.50
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx adds $0.65
FlowerGirlxxx folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($2)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.10 | Rake $0.10
Board: [Ks 7s Qc]
Seat 1: fensink (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) collected ($2), mucked
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out
Full Tilt Poker Game #7656765188: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:29:19 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($25.95)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25)
Seat 3: seepra ($25)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.60)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($30.75)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
FlowerGirlxxx posts the small blind of $0.10
seepra posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kc 5d]
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
fensink raises to $1
FlowerGirlxxx adds $0.10
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra calls $0.75
*** FLOP *** [7d 9s 3s]
seepra checks
fensink bets $1.50
seepra folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to fensink
fensink mucks
fensink wins the pot ($2)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.10 | Rake $0.10
Board: [7d 9s 3s]
Seat 1: fensink (button) collected ($2), mucked
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: seepra (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656768687: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:29:49 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($26.95)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25)
Seat 3: seepra ($24)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.60)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($30.75)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
seepra posts the small blind of $0.10
Flaraat posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [As Jd]
DanielRose raises to $0.85
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656770465: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:30:04 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($26.95)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25)
Seat 3: seepra ($23.90)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.35)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($31.10)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
Flaraat posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Tc Ts]
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx raises to $0.85
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
DanielRose raises to $2.90
FlowerGirlxxx calls $2.05
*** FLOP *** [Jd Jh 9h]
DanielRose checks
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx checks
*** TURN *** [Jd Jh 9h] [3s]
DanielRose checks
FlowerGirlxxx checks
*** RIVER *** [Jd Jh 9h 3s] [8h]
DanielRose checks
FlowerGirlxxx checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
DanielRose shows [Tc Ts] two pair, Jacks and Tens
FlowerGirlxxx mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($5.65) with two pair, Jacks and Tens
FlowerGirlxxx adds $2.90
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $5.90 | Rake $0.25
Board: [Jd Jh 9h 3s 8h]
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx mucked [Kd Ah] - a pair of Jacks
Seat 3: seepra (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) showed [Tc Ts] and won ($5.65) with two pair, Jacks
and Tens
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656779133: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:31:17 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($26.95)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25)
Seat 3: seepra ($23.90)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.25)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.85)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
fensink posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ks 4s]
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to fensink
fensink mucks
fensink wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656781076: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:31:33 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($27.05)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25)
Seat 3: seepra ($23.90)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.25)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.75)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
fensink posts the small blind of $0.10
FlowerGirlxxx posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6h Kc]
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
fensink raises to $1
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx adds $0.25
FlowerGirlxxx folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to fensink
fensink mucks
fensink wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656784868: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:32:06 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($27.30)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25)
Seat 3: seepra ($23.90)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.25)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.75)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
FlowerGirlxxx posts the small blind of $0.10
seepra posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qs 3c]
Flaraat calls $0.25
DanielRose folds
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx raises to $1.25
seepra folds
Flaraat calls $1
*** FLOP *** [3h 8h 4c]
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx bets $2.50
Flaraat folds
Uncalled bet of $2.50 returned to FlowerGirlxxx
FlowerGirlxxx mucks
FlowerGirlxxx wins the pot ($2.65)
seepra adds $1.35
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.75 | Rake $0.10
Board: [3h 8h 4c]
Seat 1: fensink (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (small blind) collected ($2.65), mucked
Seat 3: seepra (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat folded on the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656789558: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:32:46 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($27.30)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($26.40)
Seat 3: seepra ($25)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($9)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.75)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
seepra posts the small blind of $0.10
Flaraat posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3h 8d]
DanielRose folds
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to Flaraat
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656792525: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:33:11 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($27.30)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($26.40)
Seat 3: seepra ($24.90)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($9.10)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.75)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
Flaraat posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3s Qc]
fensink folds
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Flaraat has 15 seconds left to act
Flaraat raises to $0.75
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to Flaraat
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out
Full Tilt Poker Game #7656796398: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:33:46 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($27.30)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($26.40)
Seat 3: seepra ($24.90)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($9.35)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.50)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
fensink is sitting out
FlowerGirlxxx posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7s 4d]
seepra folds
Flaraat raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to Flaraat
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink is sitting out
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656799264: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:34:10 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($27.30), is sitting out
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($26.15)
Seat 3: seepra ($24.90)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($9.70)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.40)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
FlowerGirlxxx posts the small blind of $0.10
seepra posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qh Ts]
Flaraat folds
DanielRose raises to $0.85
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [3c Qd 5d]
seepra checks
DanielRose bets $1.25
seepra calls $1.25
*** TURN *** [3c Qd 5d] [2d]
seepra checks
DanielRose checks
*** RIVER *** [3c Qd 5d 2d] [Td]
seepra checks
DanielRose checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
DanielRose shows [Qh Ts] two pair, Queens and Tens
seepra shows [Qc Th] two pair, Queens and Tens
seepra ties for the pot ($2.05) with two pair, Queens and Tens
DanielRose ties for the pot ($2.05) with two pair, Queens and Tens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $4.30 | Rake $0.20
Board: [3c Qd 5d 2d Td]
Seat 1: fensink is sitting out
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: seepra (big blind) showed [Qc Th] and won ($2.05) with two pair, Queens
and Tens
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) showed [Qh Ts] and won ($2.05) with two pair, Queens
and Tens
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656803246: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:34:43 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($27.30), is sitting out
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($26.05)
Seat 3: seepra ($24.85)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($9.70)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.35)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
seepra posts the small blind of $0.10
Flaraat posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Th 5d]
DanielRose folds
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to Flaraat
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink is sitting out
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656804595: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:34:55 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($27.30), is sitting out
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($26.05)
Seat 3: seepra ($24.75)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($9.80)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.35)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
Flaraat posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Js Qd]
FlowerGirlxxx raises to $0.85
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to FlowerGirlxxx
FlowerGirlxxx mucks
FlowerGirlxxx wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink is sitting out
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: seepra (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656805834: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:35:06 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($27.30), is sitting out
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($26.40)
Seat 3: seepra ($24.75)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($9.70)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.10)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
FlowerGirlxxx posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7c Ts]
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to FlowerGirlxxx
FlowerGirlxxx mucks
FlowerGirlxxx wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink is sitting out
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656807125: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:35:17 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: fensink ($27.30), is sitting out
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($26.50)
Seat 3: seepra ($24.75)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($9.70)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
FlowerGirlxxx posts the small blind of $0.10
seepra posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5c 8s]
Flaraat raises to $0.75
DanielRose folds
fensink stands up
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to Flaraat
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: fensink is sitting out
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: seepra (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656810657: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:35:47 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($26.40)
Seat 3: seepra ($24.50)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.05)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
seepra posts the small blind of $0.10
Flaraat posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kh 9s]
DanielRose folds
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra raises to $0.75
Flaraat folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to seepra
seepra mucks
seepra wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 4: Flaraat (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out
Full Tilt Poker Game #7656812585: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:36:04 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($26.40)
Seat 3: seepra ($24.75)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($9.80)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
Flaraat posts the small blind of $0.10
SWATT 706 sits down
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
SWATT 706 adds $10
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ts Qs]
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra raises to $0.85
Flaraat has 15 seconds left to act
Flaraat raises to $1.90
DanielRose folds
seepra folds
Uncalled bet of $1.05 returned to Flaraat
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($1.95)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.95 | Rake $0
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat (small blind) collected ($1.95), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656816962: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:36:42 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($10)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($26.40)
Seat 3: seepra ($23.90)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.90)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.75)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
SWATT 706 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5s 8d]
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to SWATT 706
SWATT 706 mucks
SWATT 706 wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: SWATT 706 (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656818510: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:36:55 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($10.10)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($26.40)
Seat 3: seepra ($23.90)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.90)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.65)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
SWATT 706 posts the small blind of $0.10
FlowerGirlxxx posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9c 2d]
seepra folds
Flaraat calls $0.25
DanielRose folds
SWATT 706 calls $0.15
FlowerGirlxxx checks
*** FLOP *** [3c Kc Kd]
SWATT 706 checks
FlowerGirlxxx checks
Flaraat bets $0.45
SWATT 706 folds
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx folds
Uncalled bet of $0.45 returned to Flaraat
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($0.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.75 | Rake $0
Board: [3c Kc Kd]
Seat 1: SWATT 706 (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat collected ($0.75), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656823487: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:37:39 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($9.85)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($26.15)
Seat 3: seepra ($23.90)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11.40)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.65)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
FlowerGirlxxx posts the small blind of $0.10
seepra posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3d Jh]
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
SWATT 706 folds
FlowerGirlxxx raises to $1
seepra folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to FlowerGirlxxx
FlowerGirlxxx mucks
FlowerGirlxxx wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Seat 1: SWATT 706 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 3: seepra (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656825771: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:37:58 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($9.85)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($26.40)
Seat 3: seepra ($23.65)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11.40)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.65)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
seepra posts the small blind of $0.10
Flaraat posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2d 9c]
DanielRose folds
SWATT 706 folds
FlowerGirlxxx folds
seepra folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to Flaraat
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: SWATT 706 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656827625: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:38:14 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($9.85)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($26.40)
Seat 3: seepra ($23.55)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11.50)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.65)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
Flaraat posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5h 4d]
SWATT 706 calls $0.25
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx raises to $1.10
seepra calls $1.10
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
SWATT 706 folds
*** FLOP *** [Js 5d 3s]
FlowerGirlxxx bets $2.20
seepra calls $2.20
*** TURN *** [Js 5d 3s] [Ad]
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx bets $5.20
seepra calls $5.20
*** RIVER *** [Js 5d 3s Ad] [Jd]
FlowerGirlxxx has 15 seconds left to act
FlowerGirlxxx checks
seepra has 15 seconds left to act
seepra checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
FlowerGirlxxx shows [Tc Qh] a pair of Jacks
seepra shows [Qc Ah] two pair, Aces and Jacks
seepra wins the pot ($16.75) with two pair, Aces and Jacks
Flaraat: 10
FlowerGirlxxx adds $7.10
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $17.60 | Rake $0.85
Board: [Js 5d 3s Ad Jd]
Seat 1: SWATT 706 folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx showed [Tc Qh] and lost with a pair of Jacks
Seat 3: seepra (button) showed [Qc Ah] and won ($16.75) with two pair, Aces and
Seat 4: Flaraat (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656837986: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:39:42 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($9.60)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($25)
Seat 3: seepra ($31.80)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11.40)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.40)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
SWATT 706 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4h Ad]
FlowerGirlxxx raises to $0.85
seepra has 15 seconds left to act
seepra raises to $2.90
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
SWATT 706 folds
FlowerGirlxxx raises to $8.30
seepra folds
Uncalled bet of $5.40 returned to FlowerGirlxxx
FlowerGirlxxx mucks
FlowerGirlxxx wins the pot ($6.15)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $6.15 | Rake $0
Seat 1: SWATT 706 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx collected ($6.15), mucked
Seat 3: seepra folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656842269: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:40:19 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($9.35)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($28.25)
Seat 3: seepra ($28.90)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11.40)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.30)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
SWATT 706 posts the small blind of $0.10
FlowerGirlxxx is sitting out
seepra posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2h 4s]
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
SWATT 706 calls $0.15
seepra checks
*** FLOP *** [8s Qh Kh]
SWATT 706 bets $0.25
seepra folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to SWATT 706
SWATT 706 mucks
SWATT 706 wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Board: [8s Qh Kh]
Seat 1: SWATT 706 (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx is sitting out
Seat 3: seepra (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out
Full Tilt Poker Game #7656844556: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:40:38 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($9.60)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx ($28.25), is sitting out
Seat 3: seepra ($28.65)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11.40)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.30)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
seepra posts the small blind of $0.10
Flaraat posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Jc Qs]
FlowerGirlxxx stands up
DanielRose folds
SWATT 706 folds
seepra has 15 seconds left to act
seepra folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to Flaraat
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: SWATT 706 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: FlowerGirlxxx is sitting out
Seat 3: seepra (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656846730: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:40:57 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($9.60)
Seat 3: seepra ($28.55)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($11.50)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.30)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
Blacksox53 adds $10
Flaraat posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5h Tc]
SWATT 706 calls $0.25
seepra folds
Flaraat calls $0.15
DanielRose checks
*** FLOP *** [7c 2d Ad]
Flaraat bets $0.45
DanielRose folds
SWATT 706 calls $0.45
*** TURN *** [7c 2d Ad] [2h]
Flaraat checks
SWATT 706 bets $1
Flaraat folds
Uncalled bet of $1 returned to SWATT 706
SWATT 706 mucks
SWATT 706 wins the pot ($1.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.65 | Rake $0.05
Board: [7c 2d Ad 2h]
Seat 1: SWATT 706 collected ($1.60), mucked
Seat 3: seepra (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (small blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656851061: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:41:31 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($10.50)
Seat 2: Blacksox53 ($10)
Seat 3: seepra ($28.55)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.80)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.05)
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 ($52.15), is sitting out
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
SWATT 706 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
Grisu_1981 stands up
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qd 8s]
seepra has 15 seconds left to act
seepra raises to $0.85
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
SWATT 706 calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [Jd 9d Kc]
SWATT 706 checks
seepra bets $1.50
SWATT 706 raises to $9.65, and is all in
seepra has 15 seconds left to act
seepra has requested TIME
Rob324 sits down
Rob324 adds $25
seepra folds
Uncalled bet of $8.15 returned to SWATT 706
SWATT 706 mucks
SWATT 706 wins the pot ($4.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $4.80 | Rake $0.20
Board: [Jd 9d Kc]
Seat 1: SWATT 706 (big blind) collected ($4.60), mucked
Seat 2: Blacksox53 is sitting out
Seat 3: seepra folded on the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Grisu_1981 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656857835: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:42:28 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($12.75)
Seat 2: Blacksox53 ($10)
Seat 3: seepra ($26.20)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.80)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($31.95)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
SWATT 706 posts the small blind of $0.10
Blacksox53 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9c Ts]
seepra folds
Flaraat has 15 seconds left to act
Flaraat folds
DanielRose raises to $1
SWATT 706 folds
Blacksox53 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: SWATT 706 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: Blacksox53 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 6: Rob324 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656862141: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:43:03 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($12.65)
Seat 2: Blacksox53 ($9.75)
Seat 3: seepra ($26.20)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.80)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.30)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
Blacksox53 posts the small blind of $0.10
seepra posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7d 7h]
Flaraat has 15 seconds left to act
Flaraat raises to $0.75
DanielRose calls $0.75
SWATT 706 folds
Blacksox53 folds
seepra folds
*** FLOP *** [Ts 6c 5s]
Flaraat checks
DanielRose bets $1
Flaraat folds
Uncalled bet of $1 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($1.80)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.85 | Rake $0.05
Board: [Ts 6c 5s]
Seat 1: SWATT 706 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: Blacksox53 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: seepra (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat folded on the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose collected ($1.80), mucked
Seat 6: Rob324 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656868032: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:43:51 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($12.65)
Seat 2: Blacksox53 ($9.65)
Seat 3: seepra ($25.95)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.05)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.35)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
seepra posts the small blind of $0.10
Flaraat posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8s Qc]
DanielRose folds
SWATT 706 folds
Blacksox53 folds
seepra raises to $0.75
Flaraat folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to seepra
seepra mucks
seepra wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Seat 1: SWATT 706 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: Blacksox53 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 4: Flaraat (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656870264: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:44:09 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($12.65)
Seat 2: Blacksox53 ($9.65)
Seat 3: seepra ($26.20)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($9.80)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.35)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
Flaraat posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qh 8s]
SWATT 706 folds
Blacksox53 folds
seepra folds
Flaraat calls $0.15
DanielRose checks
*** FLOP *** [6s 6c 5d]
Flaraat has 15 seconds left to act
Flaraat bets $0.25
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to Flaraat
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Board: [6s 6c 5d]
Seat 1: SWATT 706 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: Blacksox53 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 6: Rob324 is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656873341: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:44:34 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($12.65)
Seat 2: Blacksox53 ($9.65)
Seat 3: seepra ($26.20)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.05)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.10)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Rob324 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ts 3c]
SWATT 706 folds
Blacksox53 folds
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to Rob324
Rob324 mucks
Rob324 wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: SWATT 706 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: Blacksox53 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Rob324 (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656875200: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:44:50 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($12.65)
Seat 2: Blacksox53 ($9.65)
Seat 3: seepra ($26.20)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($10.05)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25.10)
Rob324 posts the small blind of $0.10
SWATT 706 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ad 2c]
Blacksox53 calls $0.25
seepra folds
Flaraat calls $0.25
DanielRose folds
Rob324 calls $0.15
SWATT 706 checks
*** FLOP *** [2s 4s 9c]
Rob324 checks
SWATT 706 checks
Blacksox53 bets $1
Flaraat folds
Rob324 adds $0.15
Rob324 folds
SWATT 706 folds
Uncalled bet of $1 returned to Blacksox53
Blacksox53 mucks
Blacksox53 wins the pot ($0.95)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1 | Rake $0.05
Board: [2s 4s 9c]
Seat 1: SWATT 706 (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: Blacksox53 collected ($0.95), mucked
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat folded on the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (small blind) folded on the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656879338: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:45:23 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($12.40)
Seat 2: Blacksox53 ($10.35)
Seat 3: seepra ($26.20)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($9.80)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
SWATT 706 posts the small blind of $0.10
Blacksox53 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5d 2s]
seepra folds
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
SWATT 706 calls $0.15
Blacksox53 checks
*** FLOP *** [2c 5h 4s]
SWATT 706 checks
Blacksox53 bets $0.50
SWATT 706 calls $0.50
*** TURN *** [2c 5h 4s] [6d]
SWATT 706 checks
Blacksox53 bets $1.50
SWATT 706 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to Blacksox53
Blacksox53 mucks
Blacksox53 wins the pot ($1.45)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.50 | Rake $0.05
Board: [2c 5h 4s 6d]
Seat 1: SWATT 706 (small blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 2: Blacksox53 (big blind) collected ($1.45), mucked
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656883978: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:46:01 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($11.65)
Seat 2: Blacksox53 ($11.05)
Seat 3: seepra ($26.20)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($9.80)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
Blacksox53 posts the small blind of $0.10
seepra posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [As Js]
Flaraat calls $0.25
DanielRose raises to $1.25
Rob324 calls $1.25
SWATT 706 folds
Blacksox53 folds
seepra folds
Flaraat calls $1
*** FLOP *** [2d 5d Kd]
Flaraat checks
DanielRose checks
Rob324 bets $2.25
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $2.25 returned to Rob324
Rob324 mucks
Rob324 wins the pot ($3.90)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $4.10 | Rake $0.20
Board: [2d 5d Kd]
Seat 1: SWATT 706 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: Blacksox53 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: seepra (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Flaraat folded on the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose folded on the Flop
Seat 6: Rob324 collected ($3.90), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656890351: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:46:52 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($11.65)
Seat 2: Blacksox53 ($10.95)
Seat 3: seepra ($25.95)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($8.55)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($31.75)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($27.65)
seepra posts the small blind of $0.10
Flaraat posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ac 2h]
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
SWATT 706 folds
Blacksox53 calls $0.25
seepra calls $0.15
Flaraat checks
*** FLOP *** [8s Jd 4c]
seepra bets $0.75
Flaraat folds
Blacksox53 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to seepra
seepra mucks
seepra wins the pot ($0.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.75 | Rake $0
Board: [8s Jd 4c]
Seat 1: SWATT 706 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: Blacksox53 (button) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: seepra (small blind) collected ($0.75), mucked
Seat 4: Flaraat (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656894068: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:47:22 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($11.65)
Seat 2: Blacksox53 ($10.70)
Seat 3: seepra ($26.45)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($8.30)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($31.75)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($27.65)
Flaraat posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ah Qd]
Rob324 folds
SWATT 706 calls $0.25
Blacksox53 calls $0.25
seepra folds
Flaraat calls $0.15
DanielRose raises to $1.50
SWATT 706 folds
Blacksox53 folds
Flaraat folds
Uncalled bet of $1.25 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($1)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1 | Rake $0
Seat 1: SWATT 706 folded before the Flop
Seat 2: Blacksox53 folded before the Flop
Seat 3: seepra (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) collected ($1), mucked
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656897321: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:47:48 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($11.40)
Seat 2: Blacksox53 ($10.45)
Seat 3: seepra ($26.45)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($8.05)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.50)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($27.65)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Rob324 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ad Th]
SWATT 706 calls $0.25
Blacksox53 folds
seepra folds
Blacksox53 stands up
Flaraat has 15 seconds left to act
Flaraat raises to $1.25
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
SWATT 706 folds
Uncalled bet of $1 returned to Flaraat
p_mnemonic sits down
Flaraat mucks
Flaraat wins the pot ($0.85)
p_mnemonic adds $10
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.85 | Rake $0
Seat 1: SWATT 706 folded before the Flop
Seat 2: Blacksox53 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (button) collected ($0.85), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Rob324 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Full Tilt Poker Game #7656900373: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:48:13 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($11.15)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($10)
Seat 3: seepra ($26.45)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($8.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.40)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($27.40)
Rob324 posts the small blind of $0.10
SWATT 706 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4s 2c]
seepra folds
Flaraat has 15 seconds left to act
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to SWATT 706
SWATT 706 mucks
SWATT 706 wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: SWATT 706 (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 2: p_mnemonic is sitting out
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656903534: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:48:38 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($11.25)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($10)
Seat 3: seepra ($26.45)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($8.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.40)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($27.30)
SWATT 706 posts the small blind of $0.10
p_mnemonic posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kh Js]
seepra raises to $0.85
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
SWATT 706 folds
p_mnemonic folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to seepra
seepra mucks
seepra wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: SWATT 706 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: p_mnemonic (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: seepra collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656905884: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:48:57 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($11.15)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($9.75)
Seat 3: seepra ($26.80)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($8.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.40)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($27.30)
p_mnemonic posts the small blind of $0.10
seepra posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Jd 8h]
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
SWATT 706 calls $0.25
p_mnemonic raises to $0.50
seepra calls $0.25
SWATT 706 calls $0.25
*** FLOP *** [Ac Ad Qs]
p_mnemonic checks
seepra checks
SWATT 706 checks
*** TURN *** [Ac Ad Qs] [9s]
p_mnemonic bets $0.75
seepra folds
SWATT 706 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to p_mnemonic
p_mnemonic mucks
p_mnemonic wins the pot ($1.45)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.50 | Rake $0.05
Board: [Ac Ad Qs 9s]
Seat 1: SWATT 706 (button) folded on the Turn
Seat 2: p_mnemonic (small blind) collected ($1.45), mucked
Seat 3: seepra (big blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656911170: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:49:39 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($10.65)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($10.70)
Seat 3: seepra ($26.30)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($8.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.40)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($27.30)
seepra posts the small blind of $0.10
Flaraat posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3d 5d]
DanielRose folds
Rob324 has 15 seconds left to act
Rob324 folds
SWATT 706 calls $0.25
p_mnemonic folds
seepra calls $0.15
Flaraat checks
*** FLOP *** [Th 5c 6h]
seepra checks
Flaraat checks
SWATT 706 checks
*** TURN *** [Th 5c 6h] [Ts]
seepra checks
Flaraat checks
SWATT 706 checks
*** RIVER *** [Th 5c 6h Ts] [7h]
seepra checks
Flaraat checks
SWATT 706 checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
seepra shows [Qs Jd] a pair of Tens
Flaraat mucks
SWATT 706 mucks
seepra wins the pot ($0.75) with a pair of Tens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.75 | Rake $0
Board: [Th 5c 6h Ts 7h]
Seat 1: SWATT 706 mucked [9c Qd] - a pair of Tens
Seat 2: p_mnemonic (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra (small blind) showed [Qs Jd] and won ($0.75) with a pair of Tens
Seat 4: Flaraat (big blind) mucked [4s 9d] - a pair of Tens
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656916394: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:50:21 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($10.40)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($10.70)
Seat 3: seepra ($26.80)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($8.40)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.40)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($27.30)
Flaraat posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Jd Qs]
Rob324 raises to $0.85
SWATT 706 folds
p_mnemonic folds
seepra folds
Flaraat calls $0.75
DanielRose folds
*** FLOP *** [As Kh 8h]
Flaraat bets $0.60
Rob324 calls $0.60
*** TURN *** [As Kh 8h] [9d]
Flaraat bets $2
Rob324 calls $2
*** RIVER *** [As Kh 8h 9d] [Kd]
Flaraat checks
Rob324 checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Flaraat shows [9h 8s] two pair, Kings and Nines
Rob324 shows [Ac Tc] two pair, Aces and Kings
Rob324 wins the pot ($6.80) with two pair, Aces and Kings
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $7.15 | Rake $0.35
Board: [As Kh 8h 9d Kd]
Seat 1: SWATT 706 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Flaraat (small blind) showed [9h 8s] and lost with two pair, Kings and
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Rob324 showed [Ac Tc] and won ($6.80) with two pair, Aces and Kings

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656922585: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:51:12 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($10.40)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($10.70)
Seat 3: seepra ($26.80)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($4.95)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.15)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($30.65)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Rob324 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7c 8c]
SWATT 706 calls $0.25
p_mnemonic folds
Flaraat: nice river
seepra raises to $1.10
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Rob324 has 15 seconds left to act
Rob324 folds
SWATT 706 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.85 returned to seepra
seepra mucks
seepra wins the pot ($0.85)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.85 | Rake $0
Seat 1: SWATT 706 folded before the Flop
Seat 2: p_mnemonic didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra collected ($0.85), mucked
Seat 4: Flaraat (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Rob324 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656927051: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:51:48 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($10.15)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($10.70)
Seat 3: seepra ($27.40)
Seat 4: Flaraat ($4.95)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.05)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($30.40)
Rob324 posts the small blind of $0.10
SWATT 706 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ks Td]
p_mnemonic folds
seepra raises to $0.85
Flaraat folds
DanielRose folds
Rob324 has 15 seconds left to act
Flaraat is sitting out
Flaraat stands up
Rob324 folds
SWATT 706 calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [4s 7d Ts]
vc-bo sits down
SWATT 706 checks
vc-bo adds $11.95
seepra checks
*** TURN *** [4s 7d Ts] [Qs]
SWATT 706 checks
seepra bets $1.50
SWATT 706 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to seepra
seepra mucks
seepra wins the pot ($1.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.80 | Rake $0.05
Board: [4s 7d Ts Qs]
Seat 1: SWATT 706 (big blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 2: p_mnemonic didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: seepra collected ($1.75), mucked
Seat 4: Flaraat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656933507: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:52:40 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($9.30)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($10.70)
Seat 3: seepra ($28.30)
Seat 4: vc-bo ($11.95)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.05)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($30.30)
SWATT 706 posts the small blind of $0.10
p_mnemonic posts the big blind of $0.25
vc-bo posts $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ts Qd]
seepra folds
vc-bo checks
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
SWATT 706 calls $0.15
p_mnemonic checks
*** FLOP *** [Ad 5s 9d]
SWATT 706 checks
p_mnemonic checks
vc-bo checks
*** TURN *** [Ad 5s 9d] [4d]
SWATT 706 checks
p_mnemonic bets $0.25
vc-bo folds
SWATT 706 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to p_mnemonic
p_mnemonic mucks
p_mnemonic wins the pot ($0.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.75 | Rake $0
Board: [Ad 5s 9d 4d]
Seat 1: SWATT 706 (small blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 2: p_mnemonic (big blind) collected ($0.75), mucked
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: vc-bo folded on the Turn
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656938621: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:53:21 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($9.05)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($11.20)
Seat 3: seepra ($28.30)
Seat 4: vc-bo ($11.70)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.05)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($30.30)
p_mnemonic posts the small blind of $0.10
seepra posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5c 4d]
vc-bo folds
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
SWATT 706 calls $0.25
p_mnemonic calls $0.15
seepra checks
*** FLOP *** [Qd 4s 6d]
p_mnemonic checks
seepra checks
SWATT 706 bets $0.75
p_mnemonic folds
seepra folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to SWATT 706
SWATT 706 mucks
SWATT 706 wins the pot ($0.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.75 | Rake $0
Board: [Qd 4s 6d]
Seat 1: SWATT 706 (button) collected ($0.75), mucked
Seat 2: p_mnemonic (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: seepra (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: vc-bo didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656943224: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:53:58 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($9.55)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($10.95)
Seat 3: seepra ($28.05)
Seat 4: vc-bo ($11.70)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.05)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($30.30)
seepra posts the small blind of $0.10
vc-bo posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kc 3s]
DanielRose folds
Rob324 has 15 seconds left to act
Rob324 folds
SWATT 706 folds
p_mnemonic calls $0.25
seepra calls $0.15
vc-bo has 15 seconds left to act
vc-bo checks
*** FLOP *** [Jd 3c Ks]
seepra checks
vc-bo checks
p_mnemonic checks
*** TURN *** [Jd 3c Ks] [8s]
seepra bets $0.75
vc-bo folds
p_mnemonic calls $0.75
*** RIVER *** [Jd 3c Ks 8s] [Qh]
seepra checks
p_mnemonic bets $1
seepra calls $1
*** SHOW DOWN ***
p_mnemonic shows [9h Qd] a pair of Queens
seepra mucks
p_mnemonic wins the pot ($4.05) with a pair of Queens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $4.25 | Rake $0.20
Board: [Jd 3c Ks 8s Qh]
Seat 1: SWATT 706 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic (button) showed [9h Qd] and won ($4.05) with a pair of Queens
Seat 3: seepra (small blind) mucked [Js 9s] - a pair of Jacks
Seat 4: vc-bo (big blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656953409: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:55:21 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($9.55)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($13)
Seat 3: seepra ($26.05)
Seat 4: vc-bo ($11.45)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.05)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($30.30)
vc-bo posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5d 7c]
Rob324 folds
SWATT 706 calls $0.25
p_mnemonic calls $0.25
seepra folds
seepra: nh
vc-bo calls $0.15
DanielRose checks
*** FLOP *** [As 3h 4h]
p_mnemonic: thanks
vc-bo checks
DanielRose checks
SWATT 706 bets $1
p_mnemonic folds
vc-bo calls $1
DanielRose folds
*** TURN *** [As 3h 4h] [Kc]
vc-bo has 15 seconds left to act
vc-bo bets $1.50
SWATT 706 raises to $8.30, and is all in
vc-bo calls $6.80
SWATT 706 shows [Ad 3c]
vc-bo shows [Qh Th]
*** RIVER *** [As 3h 4h Kc] [5h]
SWATT 706 shows two pair, Aces and Threes
vc-bo shows a flush, Queen high
vc-bo wins the pot ($18.65) with a flush, Queen high
SWATT 706 is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $19.60 | Rake $0.95
Board: [As 3h 4h Kc 5h]
Seat 1: SWATT 706 showed [Ad 3c] and lost with two pair, Aces and Threes
Seat 2: p_mnemonic folded on the Flop
Seat 3: seepra (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: vc-bo (small blind) showed [Qh Th] and won ($18.65) with a flush, Queen
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656961263: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:56:23 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: SWATT 706 ($0), is sitting out
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($12.75)
Seat 3: seepra ($26.05)
Seat 4: vc-bo ($20.55)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($31.80)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($30.30)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
SWATT 706 stands up
Rob324 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kh Ac]
p_mnemonic calls $0.25
seepra folds
vc-bo folds
DanielRose raises to $1.50
Rob324 folds
p_mnemonic folds
Uncalled bet of $1.25 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.75 | Rake $0
Seat 1: SWATT 706 is sitting out
Seat 2: p_mnemonic folded before the Flop
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: vc-bo (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) collected ($0.75), mucked
Seat 6: Rob324 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656963300: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:56:39 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($12.50)
Seat 3: seepra ($26.05)
Seat 4: vc-bo ($20.55)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.30)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($30.05)
Rob324 posts the small blind of $0.10
p_mnemonic posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9s Td]
seepra folds
vc-bo calls $0.25
DanielRose folds
Rob324 has 15 seconds left to act
war_eagle03 sits down
war_eagle03 adds $25
Rob324 calls $0.15
p_mnemonic checks
*** FLOP *** [6s Ac 2s]
Rob324 checks
p_mnemonic checks
vc-bo has 15 seconds left to act
vc-bo bets $0.50
Rob324 folds
p_mnemonic folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to vc-bo
vc-bo mucks
vc-bo wins the pot ($0.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.75 | Rake $0
Board: [6s Ac 2s]
Seat 2: p_mnemonic (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: seepra didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: vc-bo collected ($0.75), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (small blind) folded on the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656970040: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:57:33 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: war_eagle03 ($25)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($12.25)
Seat 3: seepra ($26.05)
Seat 4: vc-bo ($21.05)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.30)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($29.80)
p_mnemonic posts the small blind of $0.10
seepra posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4d Tc]
vc-bo calls $0.25
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
p_mnemonic folds
seepra checks
*** FLOP *** [Ad 4h 2d]
seepra checks
vc-bo checks
*** TURN *** [Ad 4h 2d] [2h]
seepra has 15 seconds left to act
seepra has timed out
seepra checks
vc-bo checks
*** RIVER *** [Ad 4h 2d 2h] [6h]
seepra checks
vc-bo checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
seepra shows [7h 3s] a pair of Twos
vc-bo shows [Kh 3c] a pair of Twos
vc-bo wins the pot ($0.60) with a pair of Twos
seepra stands up
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Board: [Ad 4h 2d 2h 6h]
Seat 1: war_eagle03 is sitting out
Seat 2: p_mnemonic (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: seepra (big blind) showed [7h 3s] and lost with a pair of Twos
Seat 4: vc-bo showed [Kh 3c] and won ($0.60) with a pair of Twos
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656977243: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:58:32 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: war_eagle03 ($25)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($12.15)
Seat 4: vc-bo ($21.40)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.30)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($29.80)
vc-bo posts the big blind of $0.25
war_eagle03 posts $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kd 7s]
DanielRose folds
Rob324 has 15 seconds left to act
Rob324 folds
war_eagle03 checks
p_mnemonic folds
vc-bo checks
*** FLOP *** [Qd Ts 4d]
Gautaz sits down
Gautaz adds $25
vc-bo has 15 seconds left to act
vc-bo checks
war_eagle03 bets $0.25
vc-bo folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to war_eagle03
war_eagle03 mucks
war_eagle03 wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Board: [Qd Ts 4d]
Seat 1: war_eagle03 collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 2: p_mnemonic (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: vc-bo (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656982633: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:59:14 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: war_eagle03 ($25.25)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($12.15)
Seat 3: Gautaz ($25)
Seat 4: vc-bo ($21.15)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.30)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($29.80)
vc-bo posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Jh 9c]
Rob324 folds
war_eagle03 calls $0.25
p_mnemonic folds
vc-bo folds
DanielRose checks
vc-bo stands up
*** FLOP *** [Tc Ac 3h]
DanielRose checks
war_eagle03 bets $0.50
TheDaim sits down
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to war_eagle03
TheDaim adds $25
war_eagle03 mucks
war_eagle03 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Board: [Tc Ac 3h]
Seat 1: war_eagle03 collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 2: p_mnemonic didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Gautaz (button) is sitting out
Seat 4: vc-bo (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656986119: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 10:59:42 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: war_eagle03 ($25.60)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($12.15)
Seat 3: Gautaz ($25)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($25)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.05)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($29.80)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Rob324 posts the big blind of $0.25
Gautaz posts $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ac Ks]
war_eagle03 folds
p_mnemonic folds
Gautaz checks
DanielRose raises to $1.75
Rob324 folds
Gautaz folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.75 | Rake $0
Seat 1: war_eagle03 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Gautaz folded before the Flop
Seat 4: TheDaim (button) is sitting out
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) collected ($0.75), mucked
Seat 6: Rob324 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656989169: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 11:00:06 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: war_eagle03 ($25.60)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($12.15)
Seat 3: Gautaz ($24.75)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($25)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.55)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($29.55)
Rob324 posts the small blind of $0.10
war_eagle03 posts the big blind of $0.25
TheDaim posts $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8s 3d]
p_mnemonic folds
Gautaz folds
TheDaim checks
DanielRose folds
Rob324 raises to $1
war_eagle03 folds
TheDaim folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to Rob324
Rob324 mucks
Rob324 wins the pot ($0.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.75 | Rake $0
Seat 1: war_eagle03 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: p_mnemonic didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Gautaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: TheDaim folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (small blind) collected ($0.75), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656992214: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 11:00:30 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: war_eagle03 ($25.35)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($12.15)
Seat 3: Gautaz ($24.75)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($24.75)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.55)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($30.05)
war_eagle03 posts the small blind of $0.10
p_mnemonic posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Jc Jh]
Gautaz calls $0.25
TheDaim folds
DanielRose raises to $1.25
Rob324 folds
war_eagle03 folds
p_mnemonic folds
Gautaz folds
Uncalled bet of $1 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.85)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.85 | Rake $0
Seat 1: war_eagle03 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: p_mnemonic (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: Gautaz folded before the Flop
Seat 4: TheDaim didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose collected ($0.85), mucked
Seat 6: Rob324 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7656996587: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 11:01:04 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: war_eagle03 ($25.25)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($11.90)
Seat 3: Gautaz ($24.50)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($24.75)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.15)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($30.05)
p_mnemonic posts the small blind of $0.10
Gautaz posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qh 3d]
TheDaim folds
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
war_eagle03 calls $0.25
p_mnemonic folds
Gautaz checks
*** FLOP *** [4c 8d 6c]
Gautaz checks
war_eagle03 checks
*** TURN *** [4c 8d 6c] [6d]
Gautaz checks
war_eagle03 bets $0.50
Gautaz folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to war_eagle03
war_eagle03 mucks
war_eagle03 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Board: [4c 8d 6c 6d]
Seat 1: war_eagle03 (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 2: p_mnemonic (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: Gautaz (big blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 4: TheDaim didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)
Full Tilt Poker Game #7657000662: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 11:01:36 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: war_eagle03 ($25.60)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($11.80)
Seat 3: Gautaz ($24.25)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($24.75)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.15)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($30.05)
Gautaz posts the small blind of $0.10
TheDaim posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4h Th]
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
war_eagle03 calls $0.25
p_mnemonic calls $0.25
Gautaz folds
TheDaim checks
*** FLOP *** [6d 4d As]
TheDaim checks
war_eagle03 bets $0.50
p_mnemonic calls $0.50
TheDaim folds
*** TURN *** [6d 4d As] [9d]
war_eagle03 has 15 seconds left to act
war_eagle03 bets $1.25
p_mnemonic folds
Uncalled bet of $1.25 returned to war_eagle03
war_eagle03 mucks
war_eagle03 wins the pot ($1.80)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.85 | Rake $0.05
Board: [6d 4d As 9d]
Seat 1: war_eagle03 collected ($1.80), mucked
Seat 2: p_mnemonic (button) folded on the Turn
Seat 3: Gautaz (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: TheDaim (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657006969: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 11:02:26 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: war_eagle03 ($26.65)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic ($11.05)
Seat 3: Gautaz ($24.15)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($24.50)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.15)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($30.05)
TheDaim posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8s 8d]
Rob324 folds
war_eagle03 folds
p_mnemonic folds
p_mnemonic is sitting out
Gautaz folds
p_mnemonic stands up
TheDaim has 15 seconds left to act
TheDaim raises to $0.75
chunjung sits down
DanielRose calls $0.50
*** FLOP *** [5s Js Td]
chunjung adds $6.80
TheDaim bets $1.25
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $1.25 returned to TheDaim
TheDaim mucks
TheDaim wins the pot ($1.45)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.50 | Rake $0.05
Board: [5s Js Td]
Seat 1: war_eagle03 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: p_mnemonic didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Gautaz (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: TheDaim (small blind) collected ($1.45), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657010985: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 11:02:58 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: war_eagle03 ($26.65)
Seat 2: chunjung ($6.80)
Seat 3: Gautaz ($24.15)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($25.20)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.40)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($30.05)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Rob324 posts the big blind of $0.25
chunjung is sitting out
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3c 8d]
chunjung has returned
war_eagle03 folds
Gautaz calls $0.25
TheDaim folds
DanielRose folds
Rob324 checks
*** FLOP *** [5h Tc Ad]
Rob324 has 15 seconds left to act
Rob324 bets $0.50
Gautaz calls $0.50
*** TURN *** [5h Tc Ad] [4h]
Rob324 has 15 seconds left to act
Rob324 checks
Gautaz bets $1
Rob324 calls $1
*** RIVER *** [5h Tc Ad 4h] [6h]
Rob324 has 15 seconds left to act
Rob324 checks
Gautaz bets $2.75
Rob324 calls $2.75
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Gautaz shows [Ac Th] two pair, Aces and Tens
Rob324 mucks
Gautaz wins the pot ($8.65) with two pair, Aces and Tens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $9.10 | Rake $0.45
Board: [5h Tc Ad 4h 6h]
Seat 1: war_eagle03 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: chunjung is sitting out
Seat 3: Gautaz showed [Ac Th] and won ($8.65) with two pair, Aces and Tens
Seat 4: TheDaim (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Rob324 (big blind) mucked [As 9d] - a pair of Aces

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657018696: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 11:03:59 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: war_eagle03 ($26.65)
Seat 2: chunjung ($6.80)
Seat 3: Gautaz ($28.30)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($25.20)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.30)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25.55)
Rob324 posts the small blind of $0.10
war_eagle03 posts the big blind of $0.25
chunjung is sitting out
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ac 7d]
chunjung has returned
Gautaz folds
TheDaim raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
war_eagle03 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to TheDaim
TheDaim mucks
TheDaim wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: war_eagle03 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: chunjung is sitting out
Seat 3: Gautaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: TheDaim collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657020366: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 11:04:12 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: war_eagle03 ($26.40)
Seat 2: chunjung ($6.80)
Seat 3: Gautaz ($28.30)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($25.55)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.30)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25.45)
war_eagle03 posts the small blind of $0.10
chunjung posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ts 8s]
Gautaz folds
TheDaim folds
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
war_eagle03 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to chunjung
chunjung mucks
chunjung wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: war_eagle03 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: chunjung (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 3: Gautaz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: TheDaim didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657022208: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 11:04:26 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: war_eagle03 ($26.30)
Seat 2: chunjung ($6.90)
Seat 3: Gautaz ($28.30)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($25.55)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.30)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25.45)
chunjung posts the small blind of $0.10
Gautaz posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8d Tc]
TheDaim folds
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
war_eagle03 calls $0.25
chunjung raises to $1
Gautaz folds
war_eagle03 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to chunjung
chunjung mucks
chunjung wins the pot ($0.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.75 | Rake $0
Seat 1: war_eagle03 (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: chunjung (small blind) collected ($0.75), mucked
Seat 3: Gautaz (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: TheDaim didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657025277: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 11:04:50 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: war_eagle03 ($26.05)
Seat 2: chunjung ($7.40)
Seat 3: Gautaz ($28.05)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($25.55)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($32.30)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25.45)
Gautaz posts the small blind of $0.10
TheDaim posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4c Js]
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
war_eagle03 calls $0.25
chunjung folds
Gautaz raises to $1
TheDaim has 15 seconds left to act
TheDaim raises to $2.50
war_eagle03 folds
Gautaz calls $1.50
*** FLOP *** [Kh Ac 4h]
Gautaz bets $2.75
TheDaim folds
Uncalled bet of $2.75 returned to Gautaz
Gautaz mucks
Gautaz wins the pot ($5)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $5.25 | Rake $0.25
Board: [Kh Ac 4h]
Seat 1: war_eagle03 folded before the Flop
Seat 2: chunjung (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Gautaz (small blind) collected ($5), mucked
Seat 4: TheDaim (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657415481: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 11:54:40 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($26.15)
Seat 2: chunjung ($21.50)
Seat 3: charly2008 ($9.70)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($25.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($25)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($26)
TheDaim posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5d 4d]
Rob324 folds
matsman raises to $0.85
chunjung folds
TheDaim raises to $2.80
DanielRose folds
matsman raises to $26.15, and is all in
TheDaim folds
Uncalled bet of $23.35 returned to matsman
matsman mucks
matsman wins the pot ($5.85)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $5.85 | Rake $0
Seat 1: matsman collected ($5.85), mucked
Seat 2: chunjung didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: charly2008 (button) is sitting out
Seat 4: TheDaim (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657418483: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 11:55:02 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($29.20)
Seat 2: chunjung ($21.50)
Seat 3: charly2008 ($9.70)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($22.85)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($24.75)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($26)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Rob324 posts the big blind of $0.25
charly2008 posts a dead small blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9c 3h]
matsman folds
chunjung folds
charly2008 calls $0.25
TheDaim raises to $1.20
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
charly2008 calls $0.95
*** FLOP *** [Qd Qc 7c]
charly2008 checks
TheDaim bets $1.75
charly2008 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.75 returned to TheDaim
TheDaim mucks
TheDaim wins the pot ($2.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.85 | Rake $0.10
Board: [Qd Qc 7c]
Seat 1: matsman didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: chunjung didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: charly2008 folded on the Flop
Seat 4: TheDaim (button) collected ($2.75), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Rob324 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657423404: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 11:55:39 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($29.20)
Seat 2: chunjung ($21.50)
Seat 3: charly2008 ($8.40)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($24.40)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($24.65)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25.75)
Rob324 posts the small blind of $0.10
matsman posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ad 9h]
chunjung folds
charly2008 calls $0.25
TheDaim folds
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose raises to $1.25
Rob324 calls $1.15
matsman folds
charly2008 calls $1
*** FLOP *** [Ah Qh Kd]
Rob324 checks
charly2008 checks
DanielRose checks
*** TURN *** [Ah Qh Kd] [5h]
Rob324 checks
charly2008 checks
DanielRose bets $2
Rob324 adds $0.50
Rob324 folds
charly2008 folds
Uncalled bet of $2 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($3.80)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $4 | Rake $0.20
Board: [Ah Qh Kd 5h]
Seat 1: matsman (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: chunjung didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: charly2008 folded on the Turn
Seat 4: TheDaim didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) collected ($3.80), mucked
Seat 6: Rob324 (small blind) folded on the Turn

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657429929: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 11:56:29 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($28.95)
Seat 2: chunjung ($21.50)
Seat 3: charly2008 ($7.15)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($24.40)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($27.20)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
matsman posts the small blind of $0.10
chunjung posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4s 3h]
charly2008 folds
TheDaim folds
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
matsman folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to chunjung
chunjung mucks
chunjung wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: matsman (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: chunjung (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 3: charly2008 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: TheDaim didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657432036: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 11:56:45 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($28.85)
Seat 2: chunjung ($21.60)
Seat 3: charly2008 ($7.15)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($24.40)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($27.20)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
chunjung posts the small blind of $0.10
charly2008 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4s 6h]
TheDaim folds
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
matsman folds
chunjung calls $0.15
charly2008 checks
*** FLOP *** [Qh Ac 5h]
chunjung checks
charly2008 bets $0.50
chunjung folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to charly2008
charly2008 mucks
charly2008 wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Board: [Qh Ac 5h]
Seat 1: matsman (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: chunjung (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: charly2008 (big blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 4: TheDaim didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657436795: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 11:57:20 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($28.85)
Seat 2: chunjung ($21.35)
Seat 3: charly2008 ($7.40)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($24.40)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($27.20)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
charly2008 posts the small blind of $0.10
TheDaim posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9h 4c]
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
matsman calls $0.25
chunjung raises to $1
charly2008 folds
TheDaim folds
matsman folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to chunjung
chunjung mucks
chunjung wins the pot ($0.85)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.85 | Rake $0
Seat 1: matsman folded before the Flop
Seat 2: chunjung (button) collected ($0.85), mucked
Seat 3: charly2008 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: TheDaim (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657439881: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 11:57:42 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($28.60)
Seat 2: chunjung ($21.95)
Seat 3: charly2008 ($7.30)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($24.15)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($27.20)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
TheDaim posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kd Qc]
Rob324 folds
matsman calls $0.25
chunjung folds
charly2008 calls $0.25
TheDaim folds
DanielRose checks
*** FLOP *** [Td Jc 7s]
DanielRose checks
matsman checks
charly2008 checks
*** TURN *** [Td Jc 7s] [Ad]
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose bets $0.50
matsman folds
charly2008 raises to $1.50
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose raises to $5.35
charly2008 raises to $7.05, and is all in
DanielRose calls $1.70
charly2008 shows [7c As]
DanielRose shows [Kd Qc]
*** RIVER *** [Td Jc 7s Ad] [6c]
charly2008 shows two pair, Aces and Sevens
DanielRose shows a straight, Ace high
DanielRose wins the pot ($14.25) with a straight, Ace high
charly2008 is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $14.95 | Rake $0.70
Board: [Td Jc 7s Ad 6c]
Seat 1: matsman folded on the Turn
Seat 2: chunjung didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: charly2008 (button) showed [7c As] and lost with two pair, Aces and Sevens
Seat 4: TheDaim (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) showed [Kd Qc] and won ($14.25) with a straight,
Ace high
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657449786: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 11:58:56 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($28.35)
Seat 2: chunjung ($21.95)
Seat 3: charly2008 ($0), is sitting out
Seat 4: TheDaim ($24.05)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($34.15)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Rob324 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Tc Kc]
matsman folds
chunjung folds
TheDaim raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
charly2008 stands up
Rob324 adds $0.25
Rob324 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to TheDaim
TheDaim mucks
TheDaim wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: matsman didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: chunjung didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: charly2008 is sitting out
Seat 4: TheDaim (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Rob324 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657452401: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 11:59:15 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($28.35)
Seat 2: chunjung ($21.95)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($24.40)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($34.05)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
Rob324 posts the small blind of $0.10
matsman posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8h 7d]
chunjung has 15 seconds left to act
chunjung is sitting out
chunjung has timed out
chunjung folds
TheDaim folds
DanielRose folds
Rob324 adds $0.10
Rob324 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to matsman
matsman mucks
matsman wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: matsman (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 2: chunjung didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: TheDaim didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657456373: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 11:59:44 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($28.45)
Seat 2: chunjung ($21.95), is sitting out
Seat 4: TheDaim ($24.40)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($34.05)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
matsman posts the small blind of $0.10
TheDaim posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2d 8h]
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
matsman calls $0.15
TheDaim has 15 seconds left to act
TheDaim checks
*** FLOP *** [Ks 2h 7c]
Erik Prince sits down
Erik Prince adds $25
chunjung stands up
matsman bets $0.50
TheDaim folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to matsman
matsman mucks
matsman wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Board: [Ks 2h 7c]
Seat 1: matsman (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 2: chunjung is sitting out
Seat 4: TheDaim (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657460858: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:00:17 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($28.70)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($25)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($24.15)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($34.05)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
TheDaim posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9h 4h]
Rob324 folds
matsman raises to $0.75
TheDaim folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to matsman
matsman mucks
matsman wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: matsman (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: Erik Prince is sitting out
Seat 4: TheDaim (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657462931: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:00:33 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($29.05)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($25)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($24.05)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.80)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Rob324 posts the big blind of $0.25
5 seconds left to act
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6d 9h]
matsman folds
TheDaim folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to Rob324
Rob324 mucks
Rob324 wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: matsman didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Erik Prince is sitting out
Seat 4: TheDaim (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Rob324 (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657464667: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:00:46 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($29.05)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($25)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($24.05)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.70)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25.10)
Rob324 posts the small blind of $0.10
matsman posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Th Td]
TheDaim has 15 seconds left to act
TheDaim folds
ASUnadroj sits down
DanielRose raises to $1
ASUnadroj adds $25
Rob324 folds
matsman folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: matsman (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: Erik Prince is sitting out
Seat 4: TheDaim didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 6: Rob324 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657467587: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:01:08 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($28.80)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj ($25)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($25)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($24.05)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($34.05)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
matsman posts the small blind of $0.10
ASUnadroj posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3h 4s]
TheDaim folds
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
matsman calls $0.15
ASUnadroj checks
*** FLOP *** [8d Ac 4c]
matsman bets $0.50
ASUnadroj adds $0.25
ASUnadroj folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to matsman
matsman mucks
matsman wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Board: [8d Ac 4c]
Seat 1: matsman (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 2: ASUnadroj (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: Erik Prince is sitting out
Seat 4: TheDaim didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657470994: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:01:33 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($29.05)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj ($25)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($25)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($24.05)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($34.05)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
ASUnadroj posts the small blind of $0.10
Erik Prince posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9d 4d]
TheDaim raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
matsman calls $0.85
ASUnadroj adds $0.10
ASUnadroj folds
Erik Prince adds $0.25
Erik Prince folds
*** FLOP *** [6s 2s Jd]
TheDaim bets $1.50
matsman calls $1.50
*** TURN *** [6s 2s Jd] [Qc]
TheDaim has 15 seconds left to act
TheDaim bets $3
matsman folds
Uncalled bet of $3 returned to TheDaim
TheDaim mucks
TheDaim wins the pot ($4.80)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $5.05 | Rake $0.25
Board: [6s 2s Jd Qc]
Seat 1: matsman (button) folded on the Turn
Seat 2: ASUnadroj (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: Erik Prince (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: TheDaim collected ($4.80), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657476324: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:02:12 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($26.70)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj ($25)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($25)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($26.50)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($34.05)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
Erik Prince posts the small blind of $0.10
TheDaim posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7h 4s]
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
matsman folds
Erik Prince adds $0.10
ASUnadroj folds
Erik Prince folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to TheDaim
TheDaim mucks
TheDaim wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: matsman didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Erik Prince (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: TheDaim (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657477879: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:02:24 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($26.70)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj ($25)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($25)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($26.60)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($34.05)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
TheDaim posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2c 9s]
Rob324 folds
matsman folds
ASUnadroj raises to $0.85
Erik Prince raises to $3
TheDaim folds
DanielRose folds
ASUnadroj has 15 seconds left to act
ASUnadroj adds $0.85
ASUnadroj folds
Uncalled bet of $2.15 returned to Erik Prince
Erik Prince mucks
Erik Prince wins the pot ($2.05)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.05 | Rake $0
Seat 1: matsman didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj folded before the Flop
Seat 3: Erik Prince (button) collected ($2.05), mucked
Seat 4: TheDaim (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657481634: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:02:52 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($26.70)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj ($25)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($26.20)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($26.50)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.80)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($25)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Rob324 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3h 6c]
matsman folds
ASUnadroj folds
Erik Prince folds
TheDaim raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
Rob324 has 15 seconds left to act
Rob324 calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [2d Jd 3c]
Rob324 checks
TheDaim bets $0.75
Rob324 has 15 seconds left to act
Rob324 raises to $1.75
TheDaim folds
Uncalled bet of $1 returned to Rob324
Rob324 mucks
Rob324 wins the pot ($3.15)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $3.30 | Rake $0.15
Board: [2d Jd 3c]
Seat 1: matsman didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Erik Prince didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: TheDaim (button) folded on the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Rob324 (big blind) collected ($3.15), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657489504: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:03:50 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($26.70)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj ($25)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($26.20)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($24.90)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.70)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($26.55)
Rob324 posts the small blind of $0.10
matsman posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ks Ts]
ASUnadroj folds
Erik Prince folds
TheDaim raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
matsman calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [9d Jh Kh]
matsman checks
TheDaim bets $1.50
matsman raises to $3.50
TheDaim folds
Uncalled bet of $2 returned to matsman
matsman mucks
matsman wins the pot ($4.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $4.80 | Rake $0.20
Board: [9d Jh Kh]
Seat 1: matsman (big blind) collected ($4.60), mucked
Seat 2: ASUnadroj didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Erik Prince didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: TheDaim folded on the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657494535: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:04:27 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($28.95)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj ($25)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($26.20)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($22.55)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.70)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($26.45)
matsman posts the small blind of $0.10
ASUnadroj posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3c Jd]
Erik Prince folds
TheDaim raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
matsman calls $0.75
ASUnadroj adds $0.25
ASUnadroj folds
*** FLOP *** [Jh 6d 6c]
matsman checks
TheDaim bets $1.25
matsman folds
Uncalled bet of $1.25 returned to TheDaim
TheDaim mucks
TheDaim wins the pot ($1.90)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.95 | Rake $0.05
Board: [Jh 6d 6c]
Seat 1: matsman (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: ASUnadroj (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: Erik Prince didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: TheDaim collected ($1.90), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657498100: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:04:53 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($28.10)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj ($25)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($26.20)
Seat 4: TheDaim ($23.60)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.70)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($26.45)
ASUnadroj posts the small blind of $0.10
Erik Prince posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5c 3c]
TheDaim folds
TheDaim stands up
DanielRose folds
Rob324 has 15 seconds left to act
72deuce7 sits down
Rob324 folds
ASUnadroj adds $0.10
matsman raises to $0.75
ASUnadroj folds
Erik Prince calls $0.50
*** FLOP *** [9c 5s Tc]
Erik Prince checks
matsman bets $0.75
72deuce7 adds $14
Erik Prince folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to matsman
matsman mucks
matsman wins the pot ($1.55)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.60 | Rake $0.05
Board: [9c 5s Tc]
Seat 1: matsman (button) collected ($1.55), mucked
Seat 2: ASUnadroj (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: Erik Prince (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: TheDaim didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657502902: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:05:28 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($28.90)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj ($25)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($25.45)
Seat 4: 72deuce7 ($14)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.70)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($26.45)
Erik Prince posts the small blind of $0.10
72deuce7 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6d 4c]
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
matsman folds
ASUnadroj folds
Erik Prince has 15 seconds left to act
Erik Prince folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to 72deuce7
72deuce7 mucks
72deuce7 wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: matsman didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Erik Prince (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: 72deuce7 (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657505748: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:05:50 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($28.90)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj ($25)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($25.35)
Seat 4: 72deuce7 ($14.10)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.70)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($26.45)
72deuce7 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2s 9c]
Rob324 folds
72deuce7 is feeling happy
matsman calls $0.25
ASUnadroj folds
Erik Prince raises to $1.25
72deuce7 folds
DanielRose folds
matsman folds
Uncalled bet of $1 returned to Erik Prince
Erik Prince mucks
Erik Prince wins the pot ($0.85)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.85 | Rake $0
Seat 1: matsman folded before the Flop
Seat 2: ASUnadroj didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Erik Prince (button) collected ($0.85), mucked
Seat 4: 72deuce7 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657508582: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:06:10 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($28.65)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj ($25)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($25.95)
Seat 4: 72deuce7 ($14)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.45)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($26.45)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Rob324 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ah 5c]
matsman folds
ASUnadroj folds
Erik Prince folds
72deuce7 raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to 72deuce7
72deuce7 mucks
72deuce7 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: matsman didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Erik Prince didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: 72deuce7 (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Rob324 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Full Tilt Poker Game #7657511936: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:06:35 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($28.65)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj ($25)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($25.95)
Seat 4: 72deuce7 ($14.35)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.35)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($26.20)
Rob324 posts the small blind of $0.10
matsman posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Tc 6d]
ASUnadroj folds
Erik Prince folds
72deuce7 folds
DanielRose folds
Rob324 calls $0.15
matsman checks
*** FLOP *** [6h 3d 4c]
Rob324 bets $0.25
matsman calls $0.25
*** TURN *** [6h 3d 4c] [2h]
Rob324 bets $0.50
matsman calls $0.50
*** RIVER *** [6h 3d 4c 2h] [2s]
Rob324 checks
matsman checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Rob324 shows [8s 5s] a straight, Six high
matsman mucks
Rob324 wins the pot ($1.90) with a straight, Six high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2 | Rake $0.10
Board: [6h 3d 4c 2h 2s]
Seat 1: matsman (big blind) mucked [3c Kc] - two pair, Threes and Twos
Seat 2: ASUnadroj didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Erik Prince didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: 72deuce7 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (small blind) showed [8s 5s] and won ($1.90) with a straight, Six

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657516429: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:07:08 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($27.65)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj ($25)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($25.95)
Seat 4: 72deuce7 ($14.35)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.35)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($27.10)
matsman posts the small blind of $0.10
ASUnadroj posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ks 7h]
Erik Prince folds
72deuce7 raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
matsman calls $0.75
ASUnadroj adds $0.25
ASUnadroj folds
*** FLOP *** [9d 8h As]
matsman bets $0.75
72deuce7 calls $0.75
*** TURN *** [9d 8h As] [4d]
matsman bets $1.25
72deuce7 raises to $7.20
matsman folds
Uncalled bet of $5.95 returned to 72deuce7
72deuce7 mucks
72deuce7 wins the pot ($5.70)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $5.95 | Rake $0.25
Board: [9d 8h As 4d]
Seat 1: matsman (small blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 2: ASUnadroj (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: Erik Prince didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: 72deuce7 collected ($5.70), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657522016: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:07:49 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($24.80)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj ($25)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($25.95)
Seat 4: 72deuce7 ($17.20)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.35)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($27.10)
ASUnadroj posts the small blind of $0.10
Erik Prince posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kc 9d]
72deuce7 calls $0.25
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
ASUnadroj adds $0.10
matsman folds
ASUnadroj folds
Erik Prince checks
*** FLOP *** [Qd 6h Td]
Erik Prince has 15 seconds left to act
Erik Prince checks
72deuce7 bets $0.60
Erik Prince folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to 72deuce7
72deuce7 mucks
72deuce7 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Board: [Qd 6h Td]
Seat 1: matsman (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: Erik Prince (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: 72deuce7 collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657526675: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:08:23 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($24.80)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj ($25)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($25.70)
Seat 4: 72deuce7 ($17.55)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.35)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($27.10)
Erik Prince posts the small blind of $0.10
72deuce7 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9h 4c]
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
matsman folds
ASUnadroj folds
Erik Prince has 15 seconds left to act
Erik Prince folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to 72deuce7
72deuce7 mucks
72deuce7 wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: matsman didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Erik Prince (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: 72deuce7 (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657530047: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:08:48 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($24.80)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj ($25)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($25.60)
Seat 4: 72deuce7 ($17.65)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.35)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($27.10)
72deuce7 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ts Jh]
Rob324 folds
matsman folds
ASUnadroj raises to $0.85
Erik Prince folds
72deuce7 folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to ASUnadroj
ASUnadroj mucks
ASUnadroj wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: matsman didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: Erik Prince (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: 72deuce7 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Rob324 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657532385: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:09:05 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($24.80)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj ($25.35)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($25.60)
Seat 4: 72deuce7 ($17.55)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($33.10)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($27.10)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
Rob324 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Th Td]
matsman folds
ASUnadroj folds
Erik Prince folds
72deuce7 raises to $0.85
DanielRose raises to $2.80
Rob324 folds
72deuce7 calls $1.95
*** FLOP *** [Ts 2s 8h]
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose checks
72deuce7 bets $3.60
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose raises to $7.20
72deuce7 has 15 seconds left to act
72deuce7 raises to $14.75, and is all in
DanielRose calls $7.55
72deuce7 shows [Tc Jd]
DanielRose shows [Th Td]
*** TURN *** [Ts 2s 8h] [Qc]
*** RIVER *** [Ts 2s 8h Qc] [6d]
72deuce7 shows a pair of Tens
DanielRose shows three of a kind, Tens
DanielRose wins the pot ($33.60) with three of a kind, Tens
72deuce7 is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $35.35 | Rake $1.75
Board: [Ts 2s 8h Qc 6d]
Seat 1: matsman didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Erik Prince didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: 72deuce7 (button) showed [Tc Jd] and lost with a pair of Tens
Seat 5: DanielRose (small blind) showed [Th Td] and won ($33.60) with three of a
kind, Tens
Seat 6: Rob324 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657541384: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:10:11 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($24.80)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj ($25.35)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($25.60)
Seat 4: 72deuce7 ($0), is sitting out
Seat 5: DanielRose ($49.15)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($26.85)
Rob324 posts the small blind of $0.10
matsman posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4c 3h]
72deuce7 stands up
ASUnadroj folds
Erik Prince folds
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to matsman
matsman mucks
matsman wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: matsman (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 2: ASUnadroj didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Erik Prince didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: 72deuce7 is sitting out
Seat 5: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657543476: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:10:27 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($24.90)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj ($25.35)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($25.60)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($49.15)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($26.75)
matsman posts the small blind of $0.10
ASUnadroj posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4h 8h]
Erik Prince folds
DanielRose folds
Rob324 folds
matsman calls $0.15
ASUnadroj checks
*** FLOP *** [Jc 2s 9s]
matsman bets $0.50
logira sits down
ASUnadroj folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to matsman
logira adds $5
matsman mucks
matsman wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Board: [Jc 2s 9s]
Seat 1: matsman (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 2: ASUnadroj (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: Erik Prince didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7657546713: Table Lucia (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 12:10:50 ET - 2008/08/15
Seat 1: matsman ($25.15)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj ($25.10)
Seat 3: Erik Prince ($25.60)
Seat 4: logira ($5)
Seat 5: DanielRose ($49.15)
Seat 6: Rob324 ($26.75)
ASUnadroj posts the small blind of $0.10
Erik Prince posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7d 3c]
DanielRose folds
DanielRose is sitting out
Rob324 raises to $0.85
matsman folds
ASUnadroj folds
Erik Prince calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [5s Td Jh]
Erik Prince checks
Rob324 checks
*** TURN *** [5s Td Jh] [4h]
Erik Prince checks
Rob324 checks
*** RIVER *** [5s Td Jh 4h] [Js]
Erik Prince bets $1.50
Rob324 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to Erik Prince
Erik Prince mucks
Erik Prince wins the pot ($1.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.80 | Rake $0.05
Board: [5s Td Jh 4h Js]
Seat 1: matsman (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: ASUnadroj (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: Erik Prince (big blind) collected ($1.75), mucked
Seat 4: logira is sitting out
Seat 5: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Rob324 folded on the River

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