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AGENDA : Economic & Social

Repercussion put on conflict zones.

a) Norway is located northern Europe , bodering the
north Atlantic ocean & west of Sweden. The total
land boundaries is 2,566 km. The neighbouring
countries are Finland , Sewden & Russia. Most
Norweigans live in the south where the climate is
milder. The total population of Norway is 5 million.
The population of Norwegians is 83.2% , other
Europeans is 8.3% , other 8.5%.
b)Norway has a stable economy with a vibrant private
sector, a large state sector & an extensive social
safety net. The country is richly endowed with
natural resources such as oil & gas , fish forest &
minerals. Norway is a leading producer and the
world second largest export of sea food after china.
The petroleum sector provides 9 % of the jobs , 12%
of GDP , 13% of the state revenue according to
official national estimates.
c) GDP – composition , by sector of origin :
Household consumption : 44.8%

Government consumtion: 24%

Investment in fixed
Capital : 24.1%

Exports of good & sevices: 33.2%

The permanent mission of Norway to the UN is made up
of experts in fields such as humanitarian & development
issues , the environment , peacekeeping , international
law and human right. For eg :
*The Norwegians government will provide a further NOK
60 million to the EU emergency trust fund for Africa.
*Minster of foreign affair Ine Erikesen Soreide is hosting
the annual osolo forum bringing together experts from
all over the world for discussion on current peacemaking
trends and challenges.
*Norway is today hosting the first ever thematic
humanitarian conference to combat sexual and gender
based violence in humanitarian crises.
*Norway announces that it has had preliminary contacts
with repsentatives of the main political actors of
*Norwegian government increases effort to combat child
Marriage , female genitial mutilation and gender
selective abortion.

Every big city in the United States & Europe including in
Norway , Sewden & Denmark where mental illness occur
Just like it does among the rest of the poor barbarians
had homes for the insane. Most of those got closed
down. My question is why ? that’s because we don’t
basically imprision them like what we used to do. There
are homeless americans who just don’t want to be
helped. They don’t want to live in a shelter. Its no
different in Norway.

There are some problems faced by people of Pakistan in
In language most Norwegians know English , but proper
communication may be a bit lacking talking in English ,
one might even feel excluded because of not learning the
In culture Norway is a western country , so Pakistani
may feel that there are a lot of differences here from
Pakistani culture and region.
Difficult social circle even if we are here as an exchange
student , one of the largest group here in Norway
consists of Pakistanis , and image isn’t all that pretty.

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