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Task 2 -Writing Production

presented by: Yeni Alexandra Rojas Molina

presented to: Yordy Fabian Camacho.

Code: 900003_486

national university open and distance

school of social sciences arts and humanities


English B1

October 2020

1. MODULES 1, 2, 3 AND 4

4. Read the following questions and answer them in the forum:


1. What is your job?

I have been a nursing assistant for ten years

2. Where do you work? Describe your place of work.

I work in the home area, in the patient's house, the patient has a large room with a bathroom suitable for him as
well as a hospital bed with good ventilation, the house has a beautiful garden.

3. What responsibilities do you have at work?

My responsibility at work is with my patient who is an elderly person and therefore cannot move his diaper, and
I must perform personal hygiene, dressings, and administration of medications.

4. Describe your activities at work. Do you like your job? Yes, No. Why?

My work activities begin when I get home, I administer breakfast to the patient, medicines, then I bathe him,
dress and lubricate the skin, then I put him to bed, I administer lunch, medicines, I organize him to sleep, and I
leave the home.

I really like my job because I really enjoy helping those bulnerable people

5. Describe your skills and weaknesses for this job.

my skills are respect, tolerance, dedication, love, respect for those little people who are sick.

My devils are that seeing those people in those conditions makes me very sad and at work the heart should not

6. What was your first day at work like?

My first day of work was difficult because I had never changed an adult's diaper.

7. Do you have or know about any superstition in your business/work/office?

I do not have superstition as such but I accept that it causes me fright when a patient is very ill and from one
moment to another improves, normally that happens and they die quickly.


1. What do you study?

I study Psicology

2. Where do you study?

I study at the national university avierta and at a distance

3. What is your favorite subject?

my famous person is my mom

4. What are your responsibilities at University?

My responsibilities at the university are: do my apotes on time, work collaboratively, be responsible and respect
the established time

5. Describe your activities at University. Do you like your career? Yes, No. Why?

my activities are very reading, sometimes I have to do interviews, and activities of the subjects. I really like
psychology because it does a lot of analysis, because I can help people in complex situations.

6. Describe your skills and weaknesses for this job.

my skills in my study is I am very responsible, I like to read

my devilities I have a problem in sight and when I read a lot the headache is too much.

7. What was your first day at University like?

My first day of study was very beautiful because I was full of many expectations, very happy because I do not
have the financial conditions to study, and being a scholarship I can fulfill one of my biggest dreams

8. Do you have or know about any superstition in your school/University?

I don't know any superstitions from my study site


nursing assistant
one million six hundred eighty-five thousand
two hundred seventy-two
RESPONSIBILITIES 1 public health

2 report generation

3 promotion and prevention

4 management of excel, word, power point

• Support the Sub-Directorate of

Communicable Diseases of the Ministry of
Health and Social Protection in the processes
of implementation, monitoring and technical
guidance to local actors on the prevention,
management and control of Acute Respiratory
Infection and COVID-19.


It will be in charge of making the reports
corresponding to the activities defined in the
job description and supporting the territory in
the implementation of the actions of the
institutional, community and intersectoral
strategies as well as the consolidation of
records and reports derived from the
management and monitoring to the actors.
COMPANY INFORMATION At Jobandtalent we employ more than 15,000
professionals throughout Colombia and
constantly offer job opportunities so that you
always have a job at your disposal. At this
moment, we are hiring NURSING ASSISTANT
It is uvicado throughout Colombia


Yeni Alexandra Rojas Molina

Nursing assistant




I am pleased to send you my CV as I am very interested in working in the field of health.

Due to the training received and the experience that supports me, I have the necessary skills to carry out a
position as a nursing assistant.

Reaffirming myself in the foregoing, I ask you to consider not only the suitability of the university degree that
accredits me, but also the specific tasks that I have been developing for a long time in the sector.

The new challenges stimulate me to undertake with enthusiasm the new responsibilities that I could assume,
even knowing that the road that I still have to travel is long.

My availability to assume this job assignment right now is in line with my professional aspirations. I would like to
be able to discuss all this with you and any question that you deem appropriate in a personal interview that I
confidently request.

Professional profile

Nursing assistant with more than 10 years working in private clinics. Experience in caring for patients with
Alzheimer's and psychiatric diseases. Within my career at the Hospital el Tunal I obtained a very good
performance, learning and a high level of patient satisfaction.

• Reception and accompaniment of users at the entrance and exit of the health center.

• Weekly taking vital signs to more than 80 patients.

• Responsible for the hygiene and grooming of patients, thus reducing the risk of infections in my area by 25%.

• Administration of breakfasts, snacks and dinners for each patient according to their dietary restrictions.

I am a graduate of the university foundation of the Andean area in November 2008.

In the meantime, I look forward to your pleasant news.


Yeni AlexandrRojas Molina



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