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28 Anapéueare (infinitive) ovouderat To pfjia om Bao TOU uopOA, Yndpxouv 500 Tuno! anapeypatou: Q) to-infinitive (cnapgu@ato pe to). She wants to become an engineer. ) bare infinitive (anapéuparo xwp% to). Shre't! study mathematics. (0 rinog ing efvat 0 tnog Tou pfwatog He THY KaTéANEN i talking, reading Tenses of the infinitive hope to see You appear to be f you again suffering from To anapgupato éxei téodepig xPdvoug oT EvepyATTIKA Pave} Kat soon. ear infection. do ony naGnTUh. (Co) paint (to) be painting ss (to) have painted (to) have been painted (to) have been painting (to) be painted Active You seem to have sprained your ankle. © To present infinitive avapéperat oto napév ii to péNAov. | expect fo see you early tomorrow moming. © To present continuous infinitive exepdzet uta Tipdgn nov eehioverat Tpa. The baby appears to be suffering from the fl © To perfect infinitive SnAcivet du n npdén tou anapeupdrou gyve now and my TIpdén tou pfuatos, Xpnowonousitat us prata Grw¢: seem, appear, believe, know, claim, expect Kat modal verbs. She claims to have met the famous celebrity © To perfect continuous infinitive Sivet Eupacn om Sidpxeia ME Meng Tou arapeNedrou, n onoia éywe Now ‘and my mpdén Tov Kiptou pryuatog, She seems to have been cleaning ail day; the house looks terrific! Passive ‘present infritve: (to) be + past participle Mr Tuylor topes to be elected as mayor © perfect infinitive: (to) have been + past participle Jim appears to have been seen breaking the window. ‘present simple/future simple = present infinitive he plays/he will play = (to) ploy © present continuous/future continuous = present continuous infinitive he is playing/he will be playing = (to) be playing © past simple/present perfectipast perfect/future perfect = perfect infinitive he played/he has played/he had played/he will have played = (to) have played ‘© past cont/present perfect cont/past perfect cont/future perfect cont. » perfect cont. infinitive he was playing/he has been playing/he had been playing/he will have been playing = (to) have been playing Tenses of the -ing form painting being painted al Windsurfing is an exciting water sport. having painted having been painted © 0 present -ing form avapéperat oto napsv f to wéNov. Skiing is « popular winter sport © 0 perfect -ing form dnhaiver Ott n riedén Tou TUnau -ing éywve pv and my npdéNn TOU pfuaToS. He admitted having seen the test answers. ‘© mn 66on tou perfect -ing form uropodue va xpnowonotfgoUKe To present -ing form xwoig Sia@opd oro VENA. She denied having taken/taking the money. Infinitive To to-infinitive xpnowororetrat * yla va exopdoouue axons. They went fo the market to buy some fresh fruit “* erd and piyara érw¢ agree, appear, decide, expect, hope, plan, promise, refuse «in. He expects to have an answer by tomorrow. * etd and ta would like, would prefer Kat would love yia va exppdcoune ouyKexpiuévn npotiunon. I would prefer to stay in tonight. © std ané en(Gera rou nepypdgouy ouvaro8iuara (happy, sad, glad, pleased xAn), ex@pécouv Tipo8upia/anpoduyia (willing, eager, reluctant Kan), avagépovra oto xapaKtfipa Karo.ou (Clever, kind KAn) Kay, ueré and ta enideva lucky xat fortunate. ‘We were pleased to hear from you. He's eager to help any way he can. She's fortunate to have such great | frends Note: Me eni@era nov avapépovrat oro xapakriioa moposue enfong va xonowonorjooune ariedowrn atirtaEn, It was very kind of you to let us stay here. * etd ané ra too/enough. {twas too windy to go for a swim. He's not tall enough to reach the top shel. © via va avagepBouye oe éva anpdouevo yeyovds, ‘ouviGwe Ue to only. Mary arrived at school only to find that she had let her assignment at home. * etd and ro it + be + adjective/noun. It was sad to see her go. © etd and to be + the first/second/next/last xn. He was the first person to hear jil’s exciting news. © ord ané pruata Kat exgodoeig énwe ask, learn, explain, decide, find out, want to know KAn, étav axohovBodvrai and epwruating ACEN, Mark learnt how to change a tyre. Note:To why cuvtdoverat pe subject + verb, OX! ue anapéuparo. ! wonder why he didn’t say goodbye. * ov exopdoers to tell you the truth, to be honest, to sum up, to begin with xAn. To tell you the truth, 1 was unable to answer any of the questions. bare infinitive (anapguparo xp to) xonowonoiefrat uerd ané ta modal verbs. Jason can run very fast. herd ané ta pfiuara let, make, see, hear, watch kat feel. They made him clean his room. AMAA, omny naOntiKh gov} Ta phuara be made, be seen Kat be heard cxohouSolvtat até to-infinitive. The boys were made to apologise. Note: Orav ta see, hear, watch kat feel axohousoutat ‘and -ing form, omy naGntuh pwvr Se yiverat kayla ‘adayh. The teacher heard us whispering during the test. We were heard whispering during the test. ‘uetd and Ta had better kat would rather. J would rather not leave you here alone. 9 form To ~ing form xonowonoretra: © We ouoiaaTixd. Swimming is the best form of exercise. © usta and piiara drug: admit, appreciate, avoid, continue, deny, fancy, go (ya Spaompdmntec), imagine, mind, miss, quit, save, suggest, practise, ‘consider, prevent. He considered moving to Argentina, * uerd and ra love, lke, enjoy, prefer, dislike, hate, yia va exgodoouue yen} nipotiunon. Gwen enjoys sunbathing. AANA, via ouykexpuiéyn npotiunon (would like/would prefer/would love) xonayionoiogue to-infnitive. She'd love to take a fong holiday. © werd and exopdoeig drug be busy, it's no use, it's (n0) good, its (not) worth, what's the use of, can't help, there's no point in, can't stand, have difficulty (in), have trouble KAn. I's no use trying to persuade him to stay when he's already packed his bags. © etd and ta spend, waste xat lose (time, money Ar). iy sister spends ail her free time chatting with fiends. © etd and ty npd8eon to He pfycra Kat exppdaeiG rw look forward to, be/get used to, in addition to, object to, prefer (doing sth to doing sth else). "Ve prefer going out to staying at home. © etd and dAreg npodéosic. He was thinking of travelling cross-country. herd ané ta pryata listen to, notice, see, hear, watch kat feel yia va exopdcoure jn odoKAnpauévn pan, | saw them performing on stage. (E{Ga yévo Kéno1o wépog the Tapdotaans, 6x din) AANA, xpnciHonioiodue bare ‘infinitive werd and aura Ta pruata yia va exppdooupe oAoKAnpw@pévn edn, {saw them perform on stage. (EiSa okékAnpn, ‘rv napéoraon) © To pfua help axokoudefrat efte and to-infnitive sire an bare infinitive, They helped me (to) move te turiture. + Ay Blo Lorinfinitives cuv5coveai ue 10 and f\ 10 or, Téte To to Tou Sevtepou anapeuodtou propel va rapahnose. I'd prefer to stay in and order takeaway. © Av va pfu aKodoudettar and npdéean, 1 ned8eon unatver oto téhoc te npdtaanc, { used a new shampoo to wash my hair with, © Mnopodue va xpnowororooue to ya va anopsyous thy ertavéAngn oAéxAnong arapeupatutie nostaone, We've never seen the Eiffel Tower, but we'd love to. (ewoeftat see the Eiffel Tower) They went to the bank to ask for a loan. They are looking forward to buying a new house. Mooue 29 To unoxesevo tou amapeuérou: * mopaheinerat étav efvat to Bio ys To uNOKe(lievo Tou KUpioU praTos. He wants to buy a new flat. 7 [To unoke(jievo Tou KUpiou pruatog (wants) Kat Tou anapeugarou (buy) e{vai To ‘10 (he).) © Bev napadeineta dtav sivar StapopetiKd and to umoxeiievo Tou KUpioU pfiatog. To unoKelluevo Tou anapeyodrou pnatvet pw and to anapgu@ato Kat ’Nopes va eivat object pronoun (me, you, them KATT), KUpIO. 6vopa (John) rf} ouciacTiKé (the woman). She wants him to try harder. [To uToKeluevo Tou KUpiou prmatoc (wants) eivat she, eve) to uniokeiuevo Tou anapeupdrou (try) e(var him] “Otav to umokeljievo Tou -ing form efvar SapoperKd and to uNoKe(uevo Tou pruatog, Téte uNopel va efvat object pronoun, possessive adjective, KUpio évoua possessive case. | remember him/his/lohn/John’s winning the gold medal. © forget + to-infinitive = Eexvib va/not remember ~ Tom forgot to invite Wendy to the party. forget + -ing form = Eexvid én xd Eytvesnot recall - They’! never forget touring the south of France. ‘© remember + to-infinitive = Oyuduat vainot forget - Could you remember to pick up the dry cleaning on your woy home? remember + -ing form = @ove om uvfun Houjtecall - I remember putting my iPod in my rucksack. ‘¢ mean + tosinfinitive = oxoretwo vasintend to — Please forgive me; | never meant to hurt your feelings. mean +-ing form = onuaivevinvole - Moving to a foreign country means learning a new language. ‘regret + to-infinitive = hurduct roulbe sony to (ouvfBuxe xonawiortoie tat oToV present simple je oferta Sriace say, tel, inform) — We regret to inform you that you have not been accepted by our university regret + -ing form = uetavidve/feel sony about - | regret having asked them to travel with us. ive = ripoomiatis/do one's best — He tried to answer all the exam questions. try + -ing form = Soxy.d~w/do something as an experiment ~ Why don’t we try reusing these glass jars? © stop + to-infinitive = oToyatis npoowpwé ya va xévw Kétt GAAO /stop briefly to do something else - The travellers stopped to ask for directions. stop + -ing form = otauarés kért nou éxavaifinish, give up — Jane stopped using chemical cleansers in her home. = = eee z = ee 1 Choose the correct item. 2 Complete the exchanges using the correct infinitive or -ing form. Mind the tenses. 1. I'd like to see/seeing Niagara Falls one day. 2 Helen promised to come/to be coming home 1 A: We're thinking of going (go) to Barcelona for early tonight. ‘our honeymoon. 3 She'd better not wear/not to wear jeans to the B: Really? Well, having been (be) there twice, | formal dinner party. can tell you it’s fantastic! 4. Rachel seems to work/to have been working 2 As Mattin isa talented singer, isn't he? very hard today. B: Yes. | heard him — 1g) 5 John hopes to be chosen/to have been in the school concert last week. choosing for class president. i . 7 6 My doctor strongly advises me taking/to take 3. A: I'm starting a fundraiser to help the poor. ica aaron, B: We are willing .. (help) 7 John admitted to lie/lying to his father about fyou Injany\way.ive cari. not taking the family car. 4 A: jill claims (work 8 The traffic warden made me to show/show him on the project all day. my diving licence. B: She should (finish) it by nove. 9 John pretended not to see/seeing me when | lat eden! (ise reece ee 5 B: He must .. (have) somewhere: 10 Itis very rude of him having spoken/to speak insportantito gas like that. 11 Harry appears to have finished/to finish his work. 6 A: The boys appear s.- (have) fun. 12. The basketball team must practise hard to win/ B:_Yes, they just love .. swnnnee (play winning the match. board games. oouie 30 ba Complete the conversation. Use to -infinitive, bare infinitive or -ing. What's the best way 1) to practise e (practise) \ speaking English, Miss Jenkins? Well, Claire, you must 2) (make) use of every opportunity that you have | and avoid 3) .. (speak) in your | mother tongue. To tell you the truth, Miss, I find that very hard 4) (do). I start off the conversation alright, but then | keep 5)... (forget) the English words and | say them in | French instead. Don’t be too hard on yourself, Claire. Everyone at some point or another has trouble 6) . (remember) certain words. That is why you should D v- (learn) to paraphrase, you know, learn how 8) .. . (say) what | ‘you want in two or more different ways. A: That's great advice, miss. Is there any good book you recommend? 8 Ihave a list in my office. I'l give it to you in tomorrow's class. Thank you for your help. Now, I'd better 9) ssusee (gO) to the library and start 10) (study)! } Put'the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive or -ing form. iow are you? Sorry | haven’t written in a while, *ve been very busy 1) studying (study) for finals, ly can’t Wait 2) renee Gfnish) start 3) .... look) for work, ) started her new job last week. : wsvenee (work) as a flight attendant really 1. She [OVES 5) cerrrtesnensenesnes (travel), and looks forward to 6) . (meet) new She tells me that she hopes 7) sams Spanish and 8)... sve (move) to ‘America some day. | wish her luck, but | don’t (ee) her go. ‘about you? Have you found a job yet? Write soon with all your news. wOeNauruna 10 n 12 3 Think of your life. Complete the sentences so they are true for you. | look forward to going abroad this summer. [can't stand have decided .. | feel like U hope [find it easy ... have learnt how .... finished I'm afraid of | always try Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive or -ing form. Why don’t you try calling (call) her on her mobile phone? | really regret an instrument when | was younger. | will always remember (climb) Mont Blanc. The view from the top was breathtaking. Please remember .. oe (turn off) the lights when you leave your room. | have to be at school at 8:30 am, which means (not/learn) ks - (wake up) at 7:00 am, I didn’t mean - . (cause) any trouble. I'm so sorry! Tina forgot .. (take) her keys with her, so she could not get into the house until her mother arrived. She will never forget (visit) the Taj Mahal. It was such an exciting experience. James tried ..... .»- (solve) the maths problem, but it was far too difficult for him, Try (drink) some warm tea with honey for your sore throat. We stopped north of Dover (get) some lunch and refreshments. You should stop .. .. (eat) so much junk food if you want to lose weight. Iregret . (inform) you that you did not qualify for the team. NOAU RL se 7 3]

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