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Major Sunil Gupta Memorial Scholarship

Application Form - 2011

This contest is open to students in the 12th grade of High School, who intend to
continue post-secondary education, who have at least one parent who is a descendant of one
of the South Asian countries – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan or Sri
Lanka, who are active volunteers and have interest in South Asian cultures.

The last date to submit the application is Monday the 31st of January, 2011. The
winner will be notified in about two weeks and will be invited to the South Asian Centre’s
annual dinner on Saturday, the 12th of March. The decision of the judges is final.
Parents descendants of (country): _______________

The actual payment of $500 will be made in the Fall upon presentation of proof of
registration at an institute of post-secondary education, after the drop-add period, to the South
Asian Centre.

Complete the following information:

Name: ____________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________

Phone No.: ____________________ Name of the High School: ____________________

Answer the following three questions precisely, on separate sheets of paper. Percentages
below (20% & 80%) indicate the weight for that answer in total evaluation.

1. Briefly and concisely state your link to South Asia.

2. Present in a tabular form your volunteer activities in the last twelve months showing the type
of volunteer activity, the hours spent on each and the level of responsibility in each case.
3. Major Sunil Gupta embraced Western culture, all the while extolling the richness of India’s
diverse cultures. He believed that future generations of South Asians being Canadians first,
could still keep their culture and contribute to Canada’s multicultural mosaic.

The parents and grand-parents of most of today’s South Asian youngsters in high schools, college and university
came to Canada in the last many years. Depending upon their background in their native country, parents would
like to bring up their children in the culture of their own, with varying degrees of strictness. This could create
cultural conflicts for the youngsters in their school and with their mainstream Canadian friends. With this
background and your own experience and knowledge of your South Asian friends, please answer the following
questions in detail: 1. what are your comments about the effects of very strict rules to follow the cultural
traditions of your parents’ native country? 2. What are your comments about how parents should try to avoid
possible cultural conflicts in their children’s lives? 3. What are your comments about how children should try to
understand their parents’ point of view and make appropriate accommodations? Try to limit your answer to
this question to about two pages, printed in double space. (80%)

Please read and sign below. Include this form, answers to the three questions above and mail
them together to the South Asian Centre, 175 Tecumseh Road West, Windsor, Ontario, N8X
1E8, by 31st of January, 2011. If you have any question, please call 519-252-7447. Please
DO NOT write your name on the answer sheets.

I have read the rules and attest that the facts in my answers are true to the best of my

Signature: __________________________________

Date: ______________________________________

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