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The lost heart

The pain was just feeling

Now became real at the time

Playing Memory Like a movie

Became part of the soul of me

Feels like their feeling is my feeling

Quiet night speak to the moon

Stay in line as lamp in the noon
Hearing story like belows the wind
Save melody in hearts and it will be fine

Woke up in the darkness

My heart beat up faster
Light of life has dimmed lost
The heart that gets cold
tears flow down Like waterfall

My heart has disappeared, gone with him

I was silent rigidly Like a statue
To go with the wind all these spirits
Quiet body and mind no longer contain
Regrets start doens’t mean

The heart is only able to whimper

Wriggle soul in empty space
Weep heart to the death of existence
Thundering sky accompany the your death
The earth weeping wet your grave
The dance deserted haunt my life
There is no saids touching softly
At last you to get away me in this life
Prayers always says like melody

By karimatun nisak

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