"An Equal-Opportunitytragedy": Texto.

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"An Equal-OpportunityTragedy"
"TEENAGED girls justaren'tgettingthemessage,
reports The Toronto Star. WhatIllessage? That smoking is
a deadlyhabit. A 1991 studyrevealedthat 25
percentofCanadian girls betweenthe ages Q/ 15 and 19
weresmokers, compared )fith 19 percentof boys in thesame
age group. Evenamongadults, femalesmokers outnumbertheir
male counterparts. "
opportunitytragedy, " notedPhysiciansfor a Smoke-Free
Why do teenage girls begintosmoke? Curiosity,
peerpressure, andrebellion play a role. Nottobeoverlooked,
however, istheadvertisingindusüy,
whichportraysfemalesmokers as beingslbn. Yes,
andtheyfearputtingonpoundsifthey stop. Tragically,
thesewomenmaybe more
cerRobert Coambs,
anassistantprofessorattheUniversityof Toronto,
summarizedtheirattitude: "Lungcanceris 20 yearsaway.

Thetobaccoindustryalso targets
womenbylinkingcigarette smoking withindependence. Yet,
Jean Kilbourne, formeradvisertotwo U.S. surgeons general,
M'iselystated: "Onecanonlyconsidercigarette smoking
liberating i/ oneconsiders death theultimatefredom.
(Awake! Aliqust 8, 1995 1)31)

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