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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the human resource frame
2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

My situation is from a meeting that occurred in a recruiting office for the Air Force. Due
to Covid-19 restrictions the Air Force has had a very hard time recruiting. The interest is
there however the ability to send applicants to take qualifiying test and physicals is not.
The manager of the office was talking to his team about moving forward with new ideas
to make things better for the team and think outside of the box when the state
superintendent butted in and told the team that in her day there were struggles but they
got through it with little complications and we should to and that it was our jobs afterall
and we were still being paid. I was the most senior recruiter with more time in recruiting
even more than the manager. I spoke up and reenforeced to the team that no one in
recruiting service has ever had to deal with the struggles that they were experiencing and
communications was key to getting through this. I was quickly cut off and told that
different struggles have happened for years in recruiting and making excuses was not
going to be an otption.

2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.

There are many elements of the human resources that are in play in this scenario. One
instance of the human resource realm is the type of workers that are in play. We have a
team that has a leader that in a sense should have resumed responsibilities for the teams
proformance and let the superintendent know that he would develop and action plan to be
sent up so that the superintendent would understand the way forward. This also shows the
chain of command that we see in the HR world as well. It is rare that a senior level
official would speak direct to a team in a meeting such as this.

Another HR piece in this is the mention of being paid to do a job and it needing to be
done. In this instance doing your job is considered compleating all of the actions that are
required to generate interest in joining the Air Force. Air Force Instructions state that is is

unlawful to fire and or threaten ones pay due to missing target numbers. We as Air Force
Recruiters do not have quotas, we have goals. The main difference here is that the
numbers assigned to each recruiter are numbers of people that should be acchivable
through the correct recruiting actions.

3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

One area that I think I could use HR to create a different course of action is by asking for
source documents for where I could find this information to ensure the team is meeting
all aspects of the guidance. I think that if done in a professional maner this would not be
an issue and it would encourage others to ensure they read what is required of them to
stay compliant. Every company has standards of conduct that should ensure that all
aspects of the workers position is outlined.

Another way I would include HR is by reporting the instance that occoured. HR is not
only a place for hiring and firing. It is a place to report workplace issues that need to be
elevated. No one should ever feel as though their position is being threatened without
actual concreat evidence that they are not in line what the code of conduct states. This
report is typicaly confidential and will ensure that no one in the company is threaten by a
higher ranking individual for false charges again.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

I think that overall I handeled this situation the way that I wanted it to be handeled. I
think that my words and actions showed support for the team instead of division. I was
proud that I was able to rally the team in a way that acknowledged an issues yet invited
ideas for the way forward. I feel that had I not spoken up it would have left the team to
feel lost with no support just calls for action.

Reference or References

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