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1/C Vinculado, John Carlou M.

S3 Alpha MT


I. About the Group:

The Group that to report the topic emotions use powerpoint to help them to discuss the
topic clearly and effectively they did their best to report and discuss the topic and study
the given report.The reporter did a great job to report the topic properly.

II. Learnings:

In psychology, emotion is often defined as a complex state of feeling that results in

physical and psychological changes that influence thought and behavior. Emotionality is
associated with a range of psychological phenomena, including
temperament, personality, mood, and motivation. Physiological theories suggest that
responses within the body are responsible for emotions.Neurological theories propose
that activity within the brain leads to emotional responses.Cognitive theories argue that
thoughts and other mental activity play an essential role in forming emotions. Emotions
seem to rule our daily lives. We make decisions based on whether we are happy, angry,
sad, bored, or frustrated. We choose activities and hobbies based on the emotions they
incite. While we have broad labels for emotions such as "angry," "sad," or "happy," your
own experience of these emotions may be much more multi-dimensional, hence
subjective.Consider anger, for example. Is all anger the same? Your own experience
might range from mild annoyance to blinding rage. As we move through our daily lives,
we experience a variety of emotions. An emotion is a subjective state of being that we
often describe as our feelings. The words emotion and mood are sometimes used
interchangeably.Emotion is a mental state associated with the nervous system brought
on by chemical changes variously associated with thoughts, feelings, behavioural
responses, and a degree of pleasure or displeasure. There is currently no
scientific consensus on a definition. Emotion is
often intertwined with mood, temperament, personality, disposition, and motivation.

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