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Philosophy 101 QUIZ- JULY 15, 2019

NAME: ____________________________________ SCORE: _______

_____________1. Two of the main ideas of ______________ about the human person are
participation and community.
_____________2. This term is more or less the same as having a share or role in something.
_____________3. _____________ is experienced when one participates for acts together with others.
This is experienced through acting together for a common purpose.
_____________4. ______________ is composed of a plurality of subjects or members and it is the
common good that provides the basis for the group’s dynamic unity.
_____________5. It is the goal of the common action performed by a community or group such as the
welfare and well-being of the family as well as peace and order in society.
_____________6. It is more fundamental than a society because a particular social group may be
considered a society by virtue of its members. It is then the foundation of society.
_____________7. The interpersonal or inter human dimension involves participation in the
humanness or humanity of the other person and is signified by the relationship______________. This
is exemplified by the relationship between husband and wife and between parents and children.
_____________8. What is the opposite of the I- Thou relationship which primarily signifies a
GROUP which may be called different names like society or association.
_____________9. T or F. A crowd maybe doing a common activity like shopping in a mall or market
but such crowd cannot be called a social community.
____________10. Which is more useful for the common good? Individual or social dimension of

___1. Contains the essence of Buddhist
teaching. A. Atheism
___2. A religion that expresses the relation of B. HAJI
the human person with the ultimate reality C. Cosmos
through the notions of Brahman and Atman D. Doubt
___3. Situation where the mind SUSPENDS its
E. Ego
judgement or assertion on the truth.
___4. An orderly harmonious systematic F. Four Noble Truths
universe. G. Golden Rule
___5. The aspect of one self that emphasizes H. Hinduism
its difference from others. I. The Devil
___6. Belief that there is no Supreme Being of J. Dialects
any form. K. The Constitution
___7. Name of God for Muslims.
L. Allah
___8. A critical discussion about certain
things. M. The Lord’s Prayer
___9. “Do to others what you want others to
do to you”
___10. Pilgrimage to Mecca done during The
Islamic month of Dhu al Hijjah.

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